Donald Trump is found guilty in hush money trial : Special Counsel Jerry Goldfeder

Published May 31, 2024, 4:32 PM

05/31/24: Joel Heitkamp is joined by Jerry Goldfeder, current Special Counsel at Cozen O'Connor in New York. He and Joel have a conversation about Donald Trump's guilty verdict in New York on his hush-money trial. 

Jerry currently serves as director of Fordham Law School's Voting Rights and Democracy Project, chairs the New York State Bar Association's Voting Rights and Democracy Task Force, and acts as a special adviser to the American Bar Association's Election Law Committee.

His extensive practice involves representing various high-profile candidates and elected officials, including mayors, governors, and several candidates for president of the United States. He has also provided legal counsel to members of the U.S. Congress, the New York State Legislature, New York's City Council, judiciary members, unions, not-for-profits, and various groups on local, state, and federal campaign finance law, lobbying compliance, and governmental procedures.