GC Community Page: Stupid People

Published Nov 20, 2024, 6:20 AM

Every week the admins of the GC Community Page send us the posts they can't post, but Moyra and Big Trev can certainly read them on the air!

The gold Cost community page are font of interesting stories, shocking revelations and mainly a lot.

Of stupid people.

These people are send in anonymous posts to the go cost community page. The admins and we were filmed by one of the admins on Friday afternoon down at Palm Beach. One of the admins snuck into the bushes filmed us whilst we were down there at the beautiful dream home. But we have had a number of different people who were quite silly, quite interesting, as in the partner who was eating the baby bowed cheese but eating the wax on the outside. Ah, and didn't realize that you could actually take that off. There's a post today about I'm worried about my mother. We were sitting outside the other afternoon other evening, and we were looking up at the moon.

She said, God, that's beautiful, isn't it that we're sitting here staring at the moon. I wonder how many people are staring back at us from the moon. Oh? Did she would she have meant that other people? No, No, she met the people living on the moon. Hmmm, well that's also made out of baby bell cheese exactly.

Could be the same person there.

You go and the cheese factory.

All right, we want to know about the stupid people, the people who eat the baby bell cheese with red stuff on the outside, or the people who think that people actually live on the moon.

We want to know the dumbest person. You know, I think the Martians are on Mars. Mate, Why because it's Martians. Well maybe it's holiday holiday spot. Some people go to Kings Cliffs, some people go to the moon casty from Main Beach. He's the dumb person.

Okay, Well the dumb person is myself. Okay, we're at a five star restaurant, you know, eating some sea food. I see a ball and I thought it was soup, so I thought to drink, no, drink it. So that was one dumb dumb move. Yeah, I thought it was nice, you know, soup. And the other one is the paper around some solami. You love that?

Oh go, mummy, you have a kid, Mummy.


Good on you. Kirsty. Did anybody stop you from drinking the water or not?


I started out eye, Oh god, oh you can't spit in there.

That's disgusting.

Where you brought up Chris even Ashmore, do you know someone stupid?

It was many years ago. There probably still are, but I was a paramedic, got up to brucetone, dropped the patient off. I sat back in the car said to my partner, oh my god, not not partner, partner and part Oh my god, look how fast those clouds are moving. And she looked at me like I was the biggest idiot in the world and said, well, I guess it would be if it wasn't actually the earth that was spinning and not the clouds that are moving.

Oh my god. She was helping people who were injured.

Yeah, yes, yes, did she hurt herself?

Like growing up? Like you know, I get a bump to the head.

I really don't know. I think I didn't really need too much to do with her after.

That, you get out of walk White, because I want to do this ship by myself.

Absolutely, I'll carry everyone on my arm.

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