Right now. I'm a great pleasure to say joining him in the studio from say poul South Australian Police when you have Superintendent Change Johnson and senior sergeants is an O'Connor. Good morning to you both.
Good morning.
How do you like our brand new studio. It's lovely, scared we're still learning to fly it, so to bear with us. What brings you into the studio today is the challenges that older drivers face. And this is an issue that is pretty complex because, as I've been talking about on the show on earlier times, when you first get your license, it's a panacea. All of a sudden you have that wonderful freedom and for forty to fifty years you keep driving and you really enjoy it and so forth. And then as you get older, your ability to drive might be in decline and there are things that you might need to do and consider giving up your license and so forth. So I believe you've got sessions for older drivers that will I guess acquaint them with all aspects of being an older driver on the road.
Yeah, we do.
We've opened up our Older Road User session to a public session. We offered this for the first time in December, and we had a huge uptake and sold out our bookings within a couple of hours, and we had seventy people turn up. And I guess it's just an opportunity for older road users to come in and refresh their knowledge in relation to the road rules. As you said, most people haven't had to look at those rules since they taught their child how to drive a car. And when we're talking about older road users, there's quite a big difference between that and every year we get new road rules in, we get new legislation. Mobile phones are our thing. There's a lot of things that have changed on the road from when that age demographic learned how to drive. So we think it's a really invaluable way for them to come in and learn about road safety.
It's good that people are turning up because I think you ask anybody, oh, are you a good driver? And most of us say, are you, I'm a good driver, and that may or may not be the case, and a lot of particularly older drivers and I'm not saying over seventy, but you know, someone who's been driving for ten to fifteen years thinks they know all there is to know about the road rules, and so forth never ends, really does it.
That's a really good point, Graham, because older road users are good road users. When we talk about the fatal five contributors to serious injury collisions, we talk about wearing seatbelts, speeding, not being distracted using a mobile, not using a mobile phone when you're driving, and not undertaking any risky, dangerous road behaviors. And that's typically not what older road us that are about. They don't take risks on the road. Yet, what we've found last year, we lost ninety lives on our roads, which is truly tragic and has a shattering impact on all involved, on family, friends, communities. And yet of those ninety lives, twenty nine where our older road category over seventy, which is thirty two percent, which is a massive overrepresentation. And already this year, of the twenty two lives lost, six have been in that older age category. So it is a concern. It's a concern for everyone, itern for police, and we do have a focus on improving road safety for that older age group.
Yeah, I think when we think of road deaths and the road toll, we usually go to young people, you know, inexperienced drivers and so forth. But when you say thirty two percent are older drivers, that really is food for thought.
Yeah, older road users are also more susceptible to injuries that they sustain in a serious injury crush. So we find that with the serious injuries, they're more likely to die from a road crash incident. So that also impacts the numbers in their age demographic.
So what do people learn when they come along to these sessions. What sort of areas do you target?
Yeah, so the first time we sort of look at is the Australian road rules. As I said, that's a new bit of legislation. It's been around for a few years now, but for older road users they may not have gone into it in great depth. We talk about sharing the rope of cyclists, trucks, heavy vehicles, a big focus on pedestrian safety. A lot of older road users are also pedestrians and they may be crossing the road with the aid of a mobility device and that makes them slow when crossing the road. So again about judging the times and making sure that they're allowing enough time to cross the road. We cover EA scooters, We talk about the fatal five electric mobility device safety and also there's a good opportunity for a Q and a sort of workshopping session at the end, so we can answer any of their questions that they have. But we also do talk about fitness to drive and other options other than driving if they are feeling like it's time to not be driving. It's certainly not a test for them to come in and do. It's literally just an information session, an education session so they can make informed decisions about their driving.
Yeah, and that is reassuring because if they thought, if I go along to the sessions, I've got to pass a test and I might fail, I'm off the road. So it's not anything like that.
No, it's an education session or chance to have a conversation and as I said, provide them with information to help them make decisions if they might need to have a conversation with family members about what driving looks like in the future, if they're at all concerned, we've got resources that they can take away. So it's just a free afternoon or morning session that is delivered over two hours them to come in and learn some road safety information.
For those of us who are on the road sort of every other day, you know, we drive by a roads. It's sort of we've been doing it for years. It sort of comes automatically. Although the road rules change, we sort of think we know them all. But I mean, road rules are changing or being modified all the time, aren't they.
Absolutely. Regulations come in and mobile phone use was I suppose are typical with the cameras that that have come in recently, and let new legislations come in all the time. So this is a great opportunity through the road safety older Road to US sessions that can highlight those changes that may impact older road uses that they may not be aware of.
And I guess older drivers, those that are around my age perhaps can well remember time before bike lanes and so forth, And there are special rules that we need to know about bike lanes, aren't there?
Yeah, there are, And that's all that sort of information is covered in the session. So all the distances between vehicles and cyclists about overtaking trucks safely. We've still got a lot of old, old or road users that toe with caravans and things like that also, so it's again making them as safe as we possibly can whilst they're using the road system.
Have you ever been I mean, obviously they asked questions of you have you been stumped? And older drivers come out and said, what do we do in this situation? Or what about sal and day?
We're not experts in everything and can we be with all the legislation that we do need to sort of be across, But like we can always find the answer, So if we ever don't know the answer, we certainly will find the answer for them and get back to them. But we tend to be able to give them a fair bit of information.
Where do you conduct these sessions?
So at the moment, these publicly offered sessions are at their Road Safety Center, the new facility that opened at Westpeech in October last year, So we're very pleased to be there as part of the West Beach Parks area and they're conducted there. But we did have a lot of commentary on our socials in relation to would we bring them out to the regions. And we deliver road safety education across the state all the time. So if you've got a lot council that wants to host this session, get onto your local groups in your area. We're more than willing to come out and present in an area.
And exactly when is this current session? When's it take place.
So the next one is the twenty seventh of March, which is currently booked out. We had two sessions that day and as I said, it booked ow in a couple of hours, but we will have cancelations between them and then, so keep an eye on those bookings. And after that there'll be one on the thirtieth of May, and then two others on the twenty seventh of August and the twenty fifth and November. And you can just jump on event bright and search South Australia Police Road Safety Center and it will list all of our public events. But if you want to book a normal road safety session, you can just jump on our website and all the booking details are there.
Fantastic, it's as easy.
As that, easy as that.
Yeah, thank you both for coming in today. And if you're a driver over seventy and you want to a refresher or find out where you're at, this is the thing to do. Go along to the sessions on Thursday March twenty seventh their book. Sorry book, sorry, you can't go to that one, but keep checking and you will find a session suitable for you. Shane Johnson, Senior Sergeant Susan O'Connor, thanks for coming today.
Thank you.
Five Double A Mornings with Graham Goodings