New designs for Festival Plaza 'skyscraper' - Minister for Urban Development Nick Champion

Published Mar 21, 2025, 12:48 AM

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A very learned person once told me you can tell the health of a city by the number of cranes on the skyline, and I'm pleased to say that looking at the Adelaide's skyline, that looks pretty healthy at the moment. And we've taken a giant step towards the sky with the latest designs for Adelaide's first skyscraper. I don't know if you've seen the pictures, the images potential look of the building. I saw it in the advertiser this morning, looks pretty impressive. It's a one hundred and sixty meter second tower at the Festival Plaza. To tell us all about it is a housing Minister, Nick Champion, Minister, good morning, Good morning Row. It's an impressive looking building. Yeah.

Look, they've really done a great job. A Walker Corporation, in conjunction with the government architect Firstine Mackay, have been through a whole design review process and the results of that process are very impressive, not just a sort of visual look from flying in on a plane or if we're standing on a hill somewhere around Adelaide. At the ground level as well, it is a very very impressive building and very sympathetic to some of the heritage around Parliament House as well, So we're preserving many of the sitelines and ability to see the heritage features of what is the great civic building the Parliament.

What impact do you think it'll have on Festival Plaza and the surrounds.

Well, it will be a very positive feedback. First of all, we're getting turning a what would have been a forty million dollar project into a six hundred million dollar project, so it's a huge uplift thirteen hundred workers working in construction, but the end result will also be very impressive. Five thousand workers in that precinct and retail offerings, hospitality offerings and activated plaza with very clear pedestrian walkways between that and the railway station and King Widim Road, and a lot of from a lot of open civic space as well additional civic space onto the plaza. So you can imagine with that many workers and that many sort of commercial entities in such close proximity to it, that will really power what will come a very vibrant square.

What sort of feel do you reckon? What does this say for Adelaide at the moment regarding you know, we're pretty anxious economic times. This is a major commitment, isn't it.

Look it really is. And Walker Corporation we're talking about why they picked Adelaide, and you know they like investing in here in South Australia because they see it's an optimistic state with a really positive future. And I think, Graham, you know, I'm sort of turning fifty three, just term fifty three, and you know, I think about my working lifetime. You know, Adelaide was hemorrhaging jobs and hemorrhaging people for a long time, going through a very difficult economic transition, and we really didn't see much upside of the rest of the nation. Did you know West Australia and Queensland really saw a lot of upside. We're now starting to see that upside. Very low unemployment, high levels of economic sophistication, lots of investment. And that means projects like this, you know, get off the ground and start to impress people. And I think every CEO who flies into Adelaide and sees this building, will it should inspire them to invest in South Australia, or if they live here, to go a bit harder on the buildings they're building and the businesses they're building as well.

The new building will be home to five thousand or so workers. What sort of retail outlets and restaurants and cafes can we expect Well.

Down the bottom there's a between the tower too and the Parliament. There is going to be an activated lame way, and along that lame way on the tower to side there will be a number of cafes and the bar, and then there'll be a sort of lifted podium area where people can congregate open space and public realm. And then there'll be two levels at the podium to elevated levels of sort of bars and cafes and public realm, and then above that civic realm as well. So we've really managed to activate that lower level with things other than office workers. Office workers will spend time in the bars and restaurants, but there'll be a lot of activity there. And you know, Monday to Friday will be office workers, and then on the weekend it will be theater goers and people going to the casino and people going to gather around and all those other events in the city. So I think it will be a very vibrant festival plaza, very well located for public transport after showdowns and the light, no doubt Crows and power fans will have a drink together and either celebrate or commiserate about the night.

With a night come celebrate or commiserrate. There's a good way of putting it, and it's an exciting concept, Minister. When can we expect to see the first sod turned?

Look, they're already, they're already bashing away at it. If you were to go to Parliament House today and stand on that little balcony, you'll see that they've already busted through the top level of the car park. They're about to go all the way down to put in a very you know, the core of the building, and then you'll see a very large crane arrive on site very shortly. And then twenty twenty seven is the completion date. So you know, Walker Corporation have already you know, they're not waiting for politicians to turn the sod. They're just getting on and building and of course doing all that preparatory the preparatory work that you need to do before they obviously get this one ll approval and get on with the building itself.

And when can we look to see it being completed?

Twenty twenty seven.

Yeah, twenty time seven. It's exciting times.

It takes time to build a big building, but it'll be up before we know it.

Brilliant Colin you minister. Thanks Ryan Nick Champion, Housing Minister. It is an exciting development to talk about twenty twenty seven. Have building techniques and methods improved all that much? I was reading something recently, the Empire State Building for many years the tallest building in the world, not so any longer. What is it? One hundred and twelve stories or something was built in thirteen months? Thirteen months I'm putting up a floor a floor every week or something like that. Quite remarkable. But anyway, this will be our first skyscraper. You have to be one hundred and fifty meters in height and that will be It'll be the tallest building in Adelaide, thirty eight stories and if it comes out the way the drawings suggest, it will be a very attractive building. Five Double A Mornings with Graham Goodings