Mindset ChangeMindset Change

Master Your Mindset for 2023 - Dr John Demartini

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Dr. John Demartini, known as the "Godfather Of Personal Development", is a world-renowned human behaviour expert, with a four-decade body of work and studies into the human condition. He is also the author of several books designed to accelerate our thought potential, including his world-renowned system known as "The DeMartini Method", which the world's great thinkers have adopted in order to "create new perspectives and paradigms in thinking and feeling".

Dr DeMartini joins Paul to discuss the value of mindset, and how gaining mastery over it can help you to create the life of your dreams, how values and gratitude are the best starting points, and why pain is a pathway to success.


  • Every human being has a set of priorities and values by which they live their life, and they are all specific and unique to each person.
  • Be very clear about what matters to you the most and make sure that all our goals are aligned with our achieving these things first. If we're not, then we are devaluing what matters most to us.
  • Living by priority is crucial. If we start with the basics and focus our mind, then our wellbeing increases. From this our physical health increases, then our productivity and so on. It's a chain reaction of positivity that starts with the mind.
  • Pain and pleasure principles are controlled entirely by our perspective. We can find lessons in trauma, see negatives in gains. Gaining mastery over life is about using the right perspective at the right time in order to make positive impact more pronounced.


'Identifying what's highest on our individual list of values is an important place to start'

'Living by priority is very important for those who really want to master their life'

'Don't waste your time on a goal that isn't deeply meaningful'

'I'm trained to master from within. Don't let outside circumstances interfere with your mission'


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Dr John Demartini - https://drdemartini.com


Paul Sheppard

Paul is well known for his holistic therapy and coaching approach  when working with anxiety, stress, confidence, and motivation, understanding, and treating the root causes and surrounding issues

He has a passion for understanding how the mind works and has been trained in many therapies. He is an Integrative Hypnotherapist, Life Coach, NLP Practitioner, IEMT and has also had training in CBT, ACT and Mindfulness

His mission is to share with others the strategies, techniques and perspectives that can have the most positive impact on changing anxiety, stress, low confidence, depression, and motivation.

Working with your mind to become calmer, focused, motivated, confident, and resilient are skills everyone can develop and Paul offers a realistic, direct, and no-nonsense approach that is about creating the change you want to live the life you deserve


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