As spring unfolds across Wisconsin, mushroom enthusiasts and farmers alike are buzzing with excitement over what promises to be an exceptional season for morel mushrooms. The combination of timely rainfall and late spring snowfalls has set the stage for a bountiful harvest. That’s according to morel mushroom buyer Tom Nondorf.
"With the rainfall and weather we've been having, it's really helped keep the mushroom crop going,” Nondorf says. "But the late snowfalls in spring are especially beneficial. Over the years, I've noticed that the more snow we get in late spring, the better off the mushroom crop is for the year."
Nondorf has been closely monitoring this season's progress and is optimistic about the outlook. "I've been buying mushrooms for over 14 years, and I can confidently say that this year is shaping up to be one of the best in recent years.”