These conversation's aren't necessarily comfortable, but they're essential if you're going to have your estate pass to the right hands, in a timely way. Susan Brugger and Nicole Steinbach, two Rural Mutual agents in Boscobel have been involved in these discussions for years. While the subject may be difficult to bring up, consequences of not bringing it up at all are really sad.
Pam Jahnke sits down to visit with the two agents about how to start planning. Moving at your own pace is a priority for them, and making sure that ALL of your advisors are around the table for the greatest productivity also matters.
With a background in health care, Steinbach says there's nothing more heartbreaking than when a family has to post a "gofundme" site to try and pay for the expense of a funeral. Also, assuming that your loved one will be able to not only afford assisted living, but also find room in the facility of their choice, is not always correct.
All Rural Mutual offices generally have simple pamphlets that can help you begin organizing your thoughts, and perhaps documents. When you're ready, having a Rural Mutual agent professionally review what's in place and advise on what's still to be taken care of can you give you and your family piece of mind.