Exploring "No-melt ice cream"- Dr. Cameron Wicks

Published Jul 17, 2024, 5:43 PM

Imagine if you could indulge in your favorite ice cream on a hot summer day, and not have to worry about it melting and making a mess. Well this could be true thanks to “No-melt ice cream”.

Dr. Cameron Wicks is originally from Dallas Texas and started her ice cream journey at Purdue University. Where she earned her Bachelor’s degree in food science. While there Wicks and others came up with a new ice cream recipe for the Purdue University Creamery. This was a part of her Capstone course, and would be a catalyst for her continuation in ice cream. 

After extensive research at UW-Madison and going for her PHD, she found that using polyphenols allowed ice cream to hold it's shape over time. Even creating a product that held its shape for 4 hours.