The Internet Is Roasting Justin Timberlake For A Tiny Reason

Published Dec 18, 2024, 1:43 AM

And when we say tiny, we mean... tiny.

Listen live on the Nova Player.

We smell and maney for breakfast.

John, No, ma it sure is. Thanks for joining us on the podcast. Milt Trossina, how.

Are you feeling great? How are you?

MADDI fight ready just to get stuck into listening to what we've done already on the show today once again. I just it's my favorite thing to do is to jump in the car and listen to us.

It's a bit self centered, isn't it.

Well, Hello, my name is Matt Baisley. Yeah.

One of my favorite things that we spoke about today, which I just never gets old.

First, email addresses.

So good and some of the shares from people on thirteen and twenty four to ten were incredible and then questionable ones from some of our team members as well.

So good.

And you know, I don't know if children these days will ever have email addresses they regret because there's so much more tech savvy than us. You know, the Internet first came out when we were creating our emails and we went rogue. We were naming our emails based on our things that we loved and jobs we wanted to be and people were with.

They might not have email addresses that they regret, but I'm sure there'll be some snapchats that they regret that we didn't have.

To leave find that, which is a great point. What else are we doing on the potty?

We're going to chat about a.

Tars because you know, VCA students across Australia have been receiving their atars over the last week and so we've put the we put the call out to our NOVAL listeners to share what their atar score is and to also explain what they're doing now, because obviously it's that time of year where maybe you've gotten the score you want, maybe you haven't gotten the score that you need, but it's all going to be okay. And so we're bravely sharing our atars, the highs, the lows.

And what we've ended up doing to prove that it's going to be all right. My friend, I'm going to.

Be all right, call it a little bit of a mixed bag, because then we go from a TARS to then what justin Timberlake is packing in his harness at a constant.

Let's just say, definitely not bringing sexy back. I don't think he ever had it.

Not bringing much at all to the party is justin Timberlake.

All I'm going to.

Say, is I want Britney Spears to comment, she might just get up and dance with some knives and you just you have to read it into that.

Subliminally on her.

Is a cheese knife and you'll know what she's meaning.

All right, let's get into it. It's the body.

We'll be back tomorrow from six Live for breakfasts for your summer on Nova, but enjoy mel.

Something that has caught.

My attention this year, and it's what it's worked its way into our house is this world of.

Sort of adult fantasy and the novels, the books.

That are doing the rounds at the moment, like the fantasy fiction sort of.

I'm so glad that you said it was a novel because I was worried that things were about to get too personal.

I didn't know how to manage this situation.

There's a reason why I'm wearing your nurses outfit this morning. The like the way I call them is the Mummy books in our house. It's like corter Thorn and Roses.

Yeah, I've got friends that read.

That and it's all like pixies and romance, and I get a little massive on.

Is it BookTalk? Book talk?

I was like tickbook, Yeah, book talk, and it's BookTalk. It has my wife now has a WhatsApp group where there's other mums that are reading the same series and what book they're up to.

But it's all about sort of like.

Fairies and dragons and picks, and I'm just like, Okay, that's seems a bridge too far from me. Yeah, okay, But there's clearly a market for it, because I think five or six of the best sellers on the New York Times best Sellers list this year have been what I call mummy special time reading in the bedroom.


Yeah, So I've thought I'd take it to a little dubble, sat down and thought I could write my own version, but make it less fantasy, more reality, and turn it into what you know we live every day. And I've themed it up a little bit at mel, using your sultry tones and your wonderful voice. I thought maybe you could narrate my reality fantasy novels and see how they go as an audio book. Oh no, okay, So I've written some stuff I can't.

Believe I'm being subjected to having to read this.

Yeah, and know that it's come from the mind of me as well. Which is just as creepy as anything.

But I've been given I've been given some docs. This is the first time that I'm going to be reading this.

I really hope my grammar and my punctuation is on point, because I was finishing it off at about four point.

Thirty this morning, and I hope my reading is good.

Okay, So this is from I have it's a working title at the moment.

This is the chapter and you can take it away.

It's called Tangled Lights of Love. Claire leaned against the door, sipping her third copy of the day, watching Brett face his greatest foe, the box of Christmas lights.

Well, is Claren? Is Claire and Brett a thing? Like they're dating?


Okay, I think that'll establish it further into the story.

Okay, great, I was like, I need a backstory.

Well, this is chapter of the book, so okay.


He stood in the middle of the living room, brow furrowed, jaw set like Jason Statham, about to dismantle a ticking time bomb.

Are you doing your own sound effects?


He couldn't just get one off the internet artist.

Yeah, only this bomb wasn't a deadly device. It was twenty meters of inexplicably nodded wise and tiny globes that hadn't seen daylight since last December.

Who even packs these things?

He grunted, yanking at the tangle with all the determination of a man who refused to read instruction manuals. You did, Claire replied, taking another sip.

Looks disgusting last year? Oh wait, is that her last year? You said? Don't worry, babe, I've got a system, he.

Paused, rowing his eyes at the mess as though it had personally betrayed him.

The system failed.

Claire tried to suppress a grin. It was also ridiculous Brett, her perfectly capable six foot two husband, brought low by a ball of red and green alieds. But then, oh he did the thing, that small, stupid thing that made her chest flutter and her brain short circuit every single time.

What's the thing, and we're gonna find out?

We're about to find out.

He raked his hand through his hair in frustration, leaving it deliciously tussled.

Like the male leader, Like the male lead in a Lindsay Lohan Christmas movie.

The messy strands were just begging, begging to be tugged purely to fix the chaos, of course. And suddenly she was swooning, not because he was shirt Hey, I just realized you have a bit of a tug of hair. Are you talking about you like you think that you do this in your hair? And your wife loses her mind.

They say, rite what you know?

Calm down. I'm going to text her afterwards and find out.

And suddenly await, oh yeah, And suddenly she was swooning.

Not because he was shirtless. Hang on, where did you take your shirt off?

It must have been before i'd started doing the lights. I mean Brett started doing the lights.

I missing some moments.

Yeah, okay, Suddenly she was swooning, not because he was shirtless or brooding. Oh no, he was in his oldest gray tracksuit pants with a harness. The ones the mysterious are the ones with the mysterious stains and mumbling something about it conspiracy against duds. Yeah, there was something about him standing there, untangling their domestic.

Chaos with all their grips.

And focus of a man destined for suburban greatness.

A little longer than I thought it was.

This is really long. This is longer than JT. That was a callback.

Maybe we should skip the tree and just leave the light light's tangled, she said, her voice laced with mischief.

I didn't give that, did I.

Maybe maybe we should just skip the tree and just leave the lights tangled. Jake shot her a bemused.

Look, shit, why should we Why should we do that?

She grinned, stepping closer until she could rest her hands on his chest, the tangle of lights still dangling between them.

Not the only thing, because I've got something else that can help me untangle.

First, is this pegu.

For a moment, he just blinked. Do you have a blink soud effect?

Oh no, I've actually just blinked into the microphone. It didn't quite work.

Then his lips curved into that slow, devastating smile that always sent her heart racing. You're right, let's set up the inflatable Santah, grab some gyg and watch the cricket.

To be continued.

What do you reckon? Mells? Your saying?


Have I got a future in reality fantasy erotic novels?


One of the things that's been trending today is ATAR results. So I believe some parts of Australia have gotten their ATAR results today. Some parts of Australia got it last week. And it's always this time of year where it's really stressful for Year twelve students because they're either receiving really great news it's going to help them get into the course that they want, or they're getting the news that they weren't really hoping for, and maybe it's challenging them in terms of whether or not they're going to be accepted into their courses or what their careers and future looks like.

So we thought this.

Morning what we could do is, because let's be honest, when you're in year twelve, when you're you know, you've just finished, atar is like the biggest thing and then no one ever talks about it again.

I've never had to show any qualifications for any job that I've gone for in the last twenty one years, which probably people listening to that go oh that real, yeah, by that it is such a big deal. But you know what, also for those people listening who are probably stressing about their results, I know thirty year olds and forty year olds have only just figured out exactly what they're doing with their life now, So don't stress about numbers. And because you've still got plenty of time to figure out what you're going to do with your life exactly.

So I thought what we should do today is I'm thirteen twenty four to ten. We're going to open the phones, share your ATA. What result did you get and what are you doing now?

Are you going to go first?

Melt, because it could be you know that? Well, okay, I'll go first.


I got eighty four point six. Wow, Yeah, which means I bloody could have been a doctor.

And yeah, here I am imagine.

Rocking into the doctor's surgery and it's Melt.

I can know.

We've brought some of the team in as well. Is everyone here happy to share? You want to get around it?

This is the first time I've been asked since I finished school, So yeah, sure, see what I mean first time.

No one apart from as we're saying before, apart from that summer after year twelve when everyone wants to know after that forgotten about.

But I saw to one.

Up your mel I got eighty five you serious? Yeah? Four points you dog, Maddie.

I'm going to half one right off you again. I got eighty nine point two. Devastated I missed out on ninety.

I was like, oh, I could have crash.

Yeah, you're not wrong. Actually i'd be upset to that. I almost missed out money Leno.

Leno is backing away from the microphone, jumping on Leno.

Well, similar to Maddie. I was disappointed. I didn't get round up, but I got seventy nine of gos. You guys are all so smart.

Yeah, you didn't finish school, did you. Maney no.

An apprenticeship as a vager pastry chef. So look not smart. But she's I can make a mean crocking bush. Over to you Australia, I reckon, now it's your turn. Let mell know what your atar was. She's going to be the only person, probably in the last ten years maybe to ask you what.

It is, you know, because I was gonna say, I just asked our music director what's your atar? And he's like, I've never told anyone. We're talking a man that's older. I don't I don't know what his ages. I don't want to age him yet, never told anyone what his atar is. Maybe this is the first time that you're actually going to reveal it.

And it's so freeing.

And this is for the students in twenty twenty four that are finally going to say, you know what, I didn't do as well as I wanted to, and it doesn't matter because I can steal something achieve something great with my career.

So, Kimberly, I'm thirteen twenty four to ten.

Thank you for getting on the blower and sharing with us this morning.

My pleasure.

What was your ATA?

I got fifty nine, fifty nine, fifty nine?

And what do you do now?

I know work as a MacGrath breastkinner.

Oh wow, amazing. How did you feel? How did you feel?

Was that a result that you were like, you know what, that makes sense to me when you got the fifty.

Nine or were you like, ah, I was really disappointed. I thought I was going to do a lot better and I was one of those people that truly believed that my atar was going to define the rest of my life. But it really doesn't. So anyone who's listening, it's just a number. I'm thirty one and I've never been asked what my atar is? So right, and today, yeah, there you go.

Thank you, Kim Believe that's a really great story. Liz. How about you? How did you go with your atar?


Like Maddie.

I dropped out at the endew ten and I barely scraped through, and I'm now a national operations manager. So it absolutely does not define you. It is just a number, and if you get there, like if you drop out at the end of ten, you can still be just as successful.

That's amazing, that's great.

Thirty twenty fourteen is our number.

Who we got, mel Angela?

Hi, I got seventy four point two. I wanted to be a lawyer when I did my ETAR and I fell am a lawyer. Now I just had to take that every year, and I still ended up being what I wanted to be.

Oh amazing.

See that's what we call them pathways. Is that what they still call them these days? Pathways?


Yeah, I think so.

It was like emerging, like an emerging year.

I honestly can't remember.

It was every ten years ago.

Now, but yeah, pretty much.

Still can't do what you want, doesn't matter.

It's just a number.

Yeah, and it's just another workaround.

So instead of getting into that one particular course, you might have to, like you said, do an extra year, but you.

Still got to that spot. Exactly amazing, how about you? Sam? On thirteen twenty four to ten. What was your etar and what are you doing now?

So I was an acre of thirty two and I'm about to be a veterinarian, and I wanted to be a veterinarian. So I actually just passedwayed my way into it. So I started off at tape and then I worked my way up. So for all the students out there, there's always a pathway to do it. Don't worry about the number. You can always get to where you want to be, just might take a bit longer, and you might learn a lot more than what you're going to learn from starting off at the court.

Yeah, what a great point, because when you do take it's a little bit more hands on then UNI as well.

Yep, so you learn more practical practical skills.

That's so interesting and sometimes like school's not for everyone, Yeah, and you learn classes and subjects, it's just not your vibe.

That was my thing.

Like I was doing alright at school, but I just knew I couldn't study. I wasn't a study so it was going to do me more damage sticking around for another couple of years and having like that, those next two years is all about studying and I just wanted to go up the park and kick the footy. So I was like, I just couldn't get my head around it. Doing the work at school was good, but then getting home and doing it, I just couldn't get my head around. So I was like, I had this opportunity to go and learn a trade, become a baker, pastry cor because I loved cooking.

And I was like, you know what, I'm going to do that.

And then that made perfect sense, going from you know, making vanilla slice to coming in and backing announcing you know, Taylor.

Vanilla Ice Shelby on thirteen twenty four to ten. Let's finish up with you, my friend. What was your atar?

Mine was sixty four point four five?

And what did you want to do? And what are you doing now?

I at the time wanted to do teaching, which wasn't high enough to get into anything at university, so I was very disappointed at the time. And now I'm a lecturer at university. Some full serpent.

You wan after it? You went teacher lecturer.

Yeah, I'm electric at university and I'm also registered nurse, so I teach nurses how to be nurses. Oh no way, Yeah, I came I did it the hard way. Well, I actually don't think it's the hard way. I agree with a lot of the other callers saying sometimes you just find your way. You might do pathways, or you.

Might need to go do something else in life.

For a bit and find who you are as a person, or go to taste. Do you think hands on? And that's how I did it. I did and nursing at Taste and then I got that those hands on kind of learning and I'm like, oh, this is for me. I get this, and then suddenly blossomed at university because.

It was just my kid.

That's amazing.

See my thing. That's such a great phrase, Like my thing. It's about finding your thing and sticking to it. I'm feeling so pumped up, and really, are you feeling the same way, Maddie.

I absolutely And the sharing I like a big thing you to everyone on twenty fourteen as well, leaning into this and sharing with this, And I think if anyone's listening, that might have been a bit you know, down in the dumpster tho the last couple of weeks or so listening to that just going you know what, it doesn't mean me, it doesn't define me. I can just be whatever I want, chase it, go hard enough and you can get it. I loved at melwod. That's so good.

Oh thanks, I'm feeling so motivated.

I'm thanking everyone that we didn't get a chat, that I didn't get a chance to share with. But let's make the conversation normal. What's the ats are that this should be opening?

Asl Apa Meltrosina yesterday on the show, we took a little tangent and we were talking about first emails, and this is kind of how that conversation played out.

Do you remember your first email address?

Movie Underscore Star eighty nine at hotmail dot com Because I was going to be a movie star and I was born in eighty nine.

What was yours?

Surfer guy eighty three? Now the irony is never served. I got a y seven account as well, and I was like cricket tragic, you know that? So I think it was like Warning Rocks twenty.

Three, but it was single.

Great sledge great And the answer is yes, of course it was.

Also he'snt sledge of cricket term?

Yea, it is look learning No, I am so impressed.

Thanks maybe tomorrow just quickly before we got on another tang and maybe tomorrow you could do like a cricket wrap up of that test in Brisbane for.

Us, that sounds horrible to watch all the days.

No, no, just you know, just maybe just read an article and do a summary.


I don't want to be rude, but I feel like, you know, when you can watch cricket, you can watch anything on top speed.

I feel like I could.

Watch cricket at the fastest speed and it would feel like a normal speed.

It would still bore you. I reckon, even if at top speed. But that's the first emails. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah. Now it wasn't just us. We went in.

We went into the planning room, our little office after the show yesterday and gosh, everyone loves sharing, don't they?


Oh I loved it, and everyone started sharing what their first email addresses were.

Now your chance as well, Australia to get involved in this thirteen twenty four to ten. It might have been hot mail, It could have been AOL if you were that way inclined. Maybe it was a Y seven male account. What was your first email? Because they were never cool? Maddie, who you speak to you on the phones? Here on thirteen, twenty four. Ten's in the studio, Maddie, do you want to.

Hit us with yours?

Mine was Maddie six thousand at hotmail dot com.

Why Maddie's six thousand? Obviously, Maddie's your name, Maddie's my name.

My best friend was at least five thousand at hotmail dot com, and I wanted to be just like her but also a little bit better, So hence the six thousand, and.

Was that inspired by Andre three thousand at hotmail dot com?

Did shake it like apolo? Bitch? Matdi?

Actually, you know what, you better jump out because the phones are a ring and do you want to go grab some of those?


Ollie is here, Hi, Olli Hello. I had two pretty tragic ones, to be fair. My first one, I think I was eight on first made my email address and it was Oli dude one oh five at yahoo dot com dot AU.

Okay, why one O five?

I don't know.

I actually don't know, And there's I just random numbers. I think I like the numbers two and five. So then I think, after a couple of months, have maybe copied a bit of flak for that one. I then made Ollie overcharged overcharged only twenty five at Yahoo dot comma Au just a rid of alliteration.

No one gave you slack for that one.

I think I got more for that one, but very embarrassing.

Do you know why? Do you know why, Mel why?

I think there was Oli dude one oh five? Surely there wasn't one hundred and.

Four people before that had OI dude?

Did you have an olidude that was that was your friend that was one hundred and four and you had to one up?


I'm just like Maddie, just trying to wine up everybody.

Jay, what about you? Mate? Mine?

I don't even know where mine came from, to be honest, Whoople's twenty two?

What is a whooples? What does twenty two I have to do with anything? I have no clue.

And I got my first radio gig with that email address, and they hired you.

They did, good.

Old come to the meeting and they were like hello, mister Wopples.

They did ask me about my email address.

And after I got the gig, the program director did say, you might want to change that. It's not very professional.

I love that. Well, it's over to you right now.

Australia, Maria is called please share with us what your first email address is.

Well, my cousins made me my first email address because I was too young, but it was cut dot Maria with four A at hotmail dot com.

So I was like, Kitty Maria, Yeah.

Now Kitty, yeah, kuty like c ut I E.

Because that's why.

Exactly exactly.

So being the young one, that's what I got. Oh my gosh, that's up until I reckon the end of primary school, early high school.

You used it longer than that, Maria. I reckon, you'll just there. I reckon you used it well after high school.


I think it's still connected to my Facebook.

To be honest.

Yeah, makes sense. Good morning, Sandy. What was your first email address?

My first email address, which I'm embarrassed to say, at age fifty four, I still have it was Crowbags at hotmail dot com. I said the hotmail as well, oh barely. I'm hanging in there.

Hey, I've got a hotmail too. I'm hanging in there with you. Can you Crowbags?

So my surname used to be crow And you know what kids are like with nicknames, and I just my nickname was Crowbags. I can't even tell you why, but it's yeah, it's stuck.

Do you people still call you crowbags as well?

Yes, yes, particularly the guys I went to high school wheels By catch up with him.

Hey, Crowbags, Good morning Billy. What was your first email?

Morning guys?

How are you really good? Mate?

Thank you?

That's good.

It was Billy to freak Q.

The yes, so Billy to the number two, then the number three, then the letter.

Q to freak Q.

Two three, Q is in to freak you, to freak you.

That's exactly.

The news.

I'll definitely not.

Definitely wasn't freaking the gowns. Sharon Away, Hello, tell us your first email.

At Dolphin Dreaming seventy three at hotmail dot com and I.

Still use it.


What's the connection with you and dolphins, Sharon?

Oh, They're just my favorite animal and I've loved them ever since I was little. So I thought I'll have it in the email, and people sort of look at me a bit weird because your.

Main email, Yeah it is yep, so you apply for jobs with Dolphin Dreamer.

Dolphin Dreaming, Yeah.

Right now, I would think I was getting an email from like a crystal shop or something like that. What are they trying to sell me? In the Black Friday sales. Here from dolphins?

Is it Shamu? Is that the famous dolphin or whatever?

That's all? Flipper is the famous flipper?

Good morning Steve.

Hey guys, they doing very well.

Can you please share your email address?

My first one was ky, but I can't give you the rest of it because it was a government email on my teacher and it was it was go's hot dot and it's the government government rest of it. So I had to change. I'm got in a bit of trouble for it had changed it very quickly.

What did you ed? Sheeran is awesome?

All right, let's do a little quick round the ground with some exciting music and TV news. We've had a carpool Karaoke Christmas edition. You may have seen this come up on your feet a little bit. It's going to be dropping or now no sorry, it's now streaming on Apple TV. So it's Lady Gaga, Dual, Lebert Chapel Roan doing a carpool Karaoke Christmas version.

So good, and this one.

Is hosted by Zane Low instead of James Corden, which is even better.

It's a really good clip that I saw on the Socials with Chapel Roane in the front seat doing Pink Pony Club singing about her parents, and her parents are in the back seat listening to her sing along, and they're just like.

That's super proud parent moment where they're like, oh my god, this is amazing.

Oh that's so sweet.

But but you're singing about her parents.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, so like you know, I'm going to make mum proud, and then Mum looks at dad and it's just like, oh my god at it.

As a parent, of my heart just melted watching that.

You see hearing that, I'm like, that sounds too cheesy, but it's on Apple TV if you want to watch it.

Now, let's that aside.

Let's talk about what will You and I have been laughing about all morning.

We haven't been able to stop watching the footage for all the wrong reasons.

And footage is probably not the right unit of measurement either.

Say Inchinge, justin Timberlake has had a well they're calling it a wardrobe malfunction. Right, So he was on stage and for some reason he was wearing a harness. Now you know those harnesses that strap around your waist and your inner thighs. And they just put everything in the middle on display.

Like when you go in school camp and you have to go ab sailing and you rock one of those things on There is nothing less attractive than anyone in a harness, Like it does nothing for your body.

If you want an instant, I put on a harness.

So JT has been wearing a harness on stage and there's a video and photos that have been circulating of.

How would your word it.

Matt, he's sexy front, not he's sexy back?

Yeah, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

He's justin timber lak.

Yeah, very good.

Well how would you how would you sum it up?

They so it's the manhood, and they're they're defining it as micro, a micro, a micro, so you know, yeah, a micro. Remember when he did that song with with what they called Long Island Lonely Island.

Yeah, it's my micro.

It doesn't look like there is much going on in the box.

And the funniest part of all of this, right is that he's wearing his harness. For whatever reason, he was suspended in the air. Now he's landed on the stage and he's proudly dancing around with the harness. Strapped in.

He kept it on.

He kept it on.

If you already thought JT was a

Turns out he's a micro one.

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