You *Need* To Hear Billy Ray Cyrus' Performance At Trump's Inauguration

Published Jan 22, 2025, 2:33 AM

Plus! We've figured out the real reason Justin Bieber unfollowed his wife, Hailey, on Instagram! And no, it's not PR.

We melon many for breakfast, we'll get a Welcome to the Melamodey Podcast. Mel Trossina, how are you traveling? Oh?

I'm feeling So what's the word? Just entertained?

I guess by one of Billy ray Ciris and his performance or lack thereof at the Donald Trump inauguration concert.

And I cannot wait to play.

You the full minute and a half audio because it just gets better.

It gets as in, it gets worse, but better, worse, better.

For us, worse for him because oh gosh, like.

You can't turn away, you can't turn it off. It's so good.

You'll catch that in a sec. Something that you won't hear that we touched on on the show today, because you know the way that the podcast works. It is a full show done, but we don't really put in the bits that we do at the top of the hour, so like the seven o'clock top of era and that sort of stuff. And we learned today at that time, meaning to reemale.

I reckon, there's a reason we're not in the it's not in the podcast, just leave it.

Featured in Maximum Magazine's Hottest one hundred list of some sort.

Now we don't know what I can't remember.

Like, what era are we talking about, like twenty twenty twenty nine? When when was this? Do you recond? Don't pretend you don't know it was.

No, I do know. It was twenty twenty three, twenty twenty.

Three, so it's very recent. Okay.


And now where okay, where do you come in the hottest one hundred?

So it was it was the hottest one hundred.

I think it was females in media or TV like that kind of world.

Okay, So Margot Robbie came in at number one.

Okay, that really sets a scene of how.

On earth I even made this list? Okay, Margot Robbie's number one?

And then kind of past your eighties, little old Multrosina comes in and I was sandwiched between the real Housewives of Sydney.

What do you made? All of them?



Collective? Sure, and this is my favorite new sports.

Presenters again, a collective, just.

A collective, not no one that was individually listed that was a sports reader, just all of them together.

I was sandwiched between a group of them.

I'm trying to find.

You probably won't. I've taken it enough is now, what.

Have I got? Meltrosena's GCS Hot one hundred feature reactions. Would that be what's that? Oh?

That might be my TikTok?

That's oh yeah.

From the Cheap Seats Channel ten represent.

At number one.

Then you scroll through the tens and the twenties and the thirties and the forties.

And then you've got it into the fifties, the sixties and the seventies.

And a number eighty three.

Milchros O.

Listen to that applause.

Look the photos of me, I said, so many news and.

That's what they went.

Good line there from your mel Oh gosh, I'm so glad.

I'll count on that.

I don't think we can top anymore for these podcast intro. Let's let's leave it there with Melts Rosina in the eighties on mex Maxim's Hottest one hundred of Something. List enjoy the full show dump and we'll catch you tomorrow from six ells.

Click click Mel's click Hoole click Hole.

Gather around, friends, let's all jump on in the ClickHole and have a look at what's been trending in the last twenty four hours.

You're at work, Matt Baisley, I'm at work.

I can see our producer Ali producer Danny here, which means none of us have won the fifty million.

I was Lotto. I had a ticket in it as well, and that the first thing I did and I woke up this morning was like, I had a quick little peak to my lot app and zero absolutely nothing.

Okay, So here's the question. If you had have won, would you be here right now?


Yeah, you know what? What have we got? We've got today, Thursday and Friday. I reckon, I'd do three more days work and then show. Yeah what about you? Would you have turned up? Yeah?

I would have because I'm a professional and I love my job.

I heard that at six o'clock this morning. They are professional, you are.


So now it's it's jackpottered to seventy.

Mil next week seventy million. Yeah. What's the first thing you would do if you, like you found out you won seventy million dollars? The first thing you would spend that money on?

I saw this meme and I reckon, that's me.

It says if I was a millionaire, I wouldn't tell anyone, but there'd be signs. And the signs were just hundreds of puppy dogs.

Different breeds or they all be bulldogs.

No, oh my gosh, I'll never get one bulldog is enough, They're so messy.

One is enough.

I would have all different breeds and I would be like Corola Deville, but a good one, and I'd walk around with them everywhere.

That is hilarious. So I'd just be starting to post of me on souper yachts in the south of France. Oh wow, what's what's Matt doing? When was he over there?

Oh my gosh, I love that. I would want an invite, by the way, Yeah.

Yeah, no, we can organize that.


Novak Djokovic, well let's just talk.

I was open.

I was open. He's trending for a range of reasons.

Novak Djokovic has secured his Australian Open quarter final victory over Carlos Alcarez.

Apparently it was an incredible match.

I can't believe. I actually thought our Koraz would get up here because Joker was I think he was seated like a lot lower than our Karaz was. Akraaz is one of the favorites to win it, and god, I just wonder if all of this stuff that's happened in the last few days the last week is just really you know, yeah.

Put a fire in his belly.

Yeah yeah, probably also a little moment for a little boy John who met al Karaz and was so excited that video at the Australian Open where he did the coin toss. Oh, he must be devastated that his hero is out of the game. But that's okay next year.

My Also, just quickly, while we're talking tennis, Saberlenka or in Saberlenka is potentially going to become one of the goats of the Australian Open. She's made her way through to the semifinal, she's won who passed nineteen matches in a row at Melbourne Park, which is phenomenal. So if she goes through, she wins the semifinal and into the final, that'll be three time champ at the Australian Open. So there all eyes on.

Didn't she win the women's last year year and the year before, gotcha. There's also been a footage of demon 's mum crying in the stands when Demonor made it through to the next round. I think that was on what was it Monday night or Tuesday night, which was so beautiful and he plays tonight.

So this is the furthest he's ever got in the AO as well. So he plays tonight busy, what kind of mess the mum's going to be court? So he makes it through to the.

Semi Yeah, I suspect there'll be a camera on her the entire match.

The other thing that's.

Trending, which is quite interesting justin Bieber, he's unfollowed his wife Haley on Instagram. Oh, and he's saying that it was a hack. I'm sorry, but who's hacking Weber's account? All the power in the world you've gotten in there. What's the thing you're going to do?

Unfollow his wife? Please? Please?

He's probably just sick of going to bed or his wife Haley going to bed. Tang, I'm going to bed early, and then he has to sit on the lounge and then just received a whole bunch of dms of reels from Instagram when she said He's like, you know, I don't need this in my life anymore. I'm out. I'm out, you know what.

That's so relatable and know we should come out and say.

Much right now.

Helle melon manis Will James.

Okay, Mel Trasina. Yesterday on the show, there was a little bit of controversy about the outcome of our game three.

Of a a talking about I have.

Been chatting with Ali, who is our producer this week and our cheap Will spinner, and she's in the studio. Ali, have you got the email that we received? I do, indeed, can you please share a little bit of that with us?

All right, let's start off soft.

Hey, Melan Maddie love the show.

Oh, your voice sounds like you can't read it.

I put yourself together. I know it's a big thing.

Love the show.

Longtime listener, first time emailer.

Oh, Alie's really getting raspy. Do you want to I'll put your mic down, go give us a cough.

This is amazing.

Okay, I'm so sorry.

Oh it feels like we can't do a lot of shame. Quick one.

I was listening to the podcast yesterday and you might want to go back and listen to the last question in the Wheel of Games and how it played out on it.

Okay, so I've got that audio here. Let's have a little bit of a listen to how it went down.

Espresso, I think I got I think that was Mela Breena Parpenter songs.


You'll be a sore loser because I finally won a game of a wheel of games yesterday, and now you're going to the referee.

I knew that I buzzed in early, and we've even got a slow mo replay just to drive home that point.

But I said it with more conviction, more passion. That's why I really thought.

It was me.

And it's not about me. It was about George, who I was playing for. George missed out on his KFC voucher. And we know how much George really wanted that chicken. This is how much George wanted it.

You are winning yourself a twenty five dollars out of the spender case.



Was that George.


He wants the chicken too. So George, you are back, my friend. Good morning, o moning guys, you are.

You're back your chance with some chicken?

Yes, chicken?

Did you spend the whole day yesterday George just going? I knew I deserved some KFC?

Oh yes, of course, love.

It, George.

Well, hopefully you'll have a chance to win. So Matt's going to play for you today. Okay, we'll do a rematch.

For you, all right, Matt, you got this this time.

No cheating Meal, Oh, I didn't cheat technically, Ali got the call wrong. Umpire's calvo and I respect it. Sharon, good morning. I'll be playing for you today.

Okay, you've got this.

Now you got this?

Yes, Sharon, thank you, my friend. I want you to have this chicken too.

Thank you.

All right, let's do it. No more mucking around. We don't need to spin the wheel. We know what we're doing. We're doing a rematch of yesterday's Three of a kind. It's a best of three first or two. Ali, you will say some things that are in a category. Mel and I just got to work out what they all have in common, buzzing with our names with some fair adjudication. Go Alie, if you can manage to pull yourself together after be out until three o'clock this morning, by the sounds.

Of it, alright, don't do all right? Oxford Standford?

Now damn that was University is singing.

Chicken, smelling good? Moving on?

I need it's just staying it.

God, all right, are you guys ready to ready?




Oh gosh ah.

There's no hammer cocktail, So I'm gonna go. I'm going to go with tools.

Please have the third optionality, pink lady, I'm going to lock in the cocktail.

I won fair and square. There is no replay required.

George, I like I promised so much you could probably almost taste the zinger box Mate. I am so sorry. Congratulations, Sharon. You know what, George, you were robbed yesterday, So I'm going to throw you twenty five bucks to spend at CAFC.

Anyway, Oh, music, celebs and TV.

Now we've had Donald Trump's inauguration, which was dominating the headlines yesterday for a range of reasons. Millennia Trump's outfit, Mark Zuckerberg.

Taking a cheeky little geeze it.

I don't know her name, unfortunately, but the fiance to Amazon, Yeah, Amazon finder, Jeff Bezos. But there was a concert that happened last night which was at the U DC Capitals, Washington, DC's Capital One Arena. Trump's inauguration DJ Snoop Dogg was on the decks look alike, what.

Did you say?

Looking like a wedding DJ? There was something about it is that everybody, I'm not going to do accidents or anything like that, so I just do it as myself. But I was like, does anyone know this song? And then he's had playing his and I was like, oh, it's just giving, you know, flashing colored lights in a surf club conference hall some where and snoops just up the front on the decks. It was a little tragic, to be honest.

Oh bless him, well he was on the decks. Kid Rock and Nlly performed at the concert, but.

It was Billy ray Cyrus famously Molly Cyrus's mum, sorry daughter, son, oh father, Oh my goodness, thank you there we got there. Now you might remember the song that he did with Little Nase, absolute banger. So Billy ray Cyrus performed this song last night and there was some technical dramas to say the least, where his equipment didn't work. So let's all sit back, relax and enjoy this performance.

Take my host down road A.

Sounds like producer al.

Take my holes to the old town road.

I'm going out, sing, Billy.

I'm gonna take my halls to the old town. I can't no moment.

Yeah you can't.

Don't put your hands together now like that. If you encourage about keep going. They told me to kill as much time as possible, So does anybody know the words that he breaking home?


I try a little bit. Let's see that.

I feel like he asked because he doesn't the words.

What's happening now?

I think he's trying.

To My guitar is still on. I think they cut me off guard. I don't hear him my guitar anymore.

You can still hear your voice, though, check.

Is anybody away?

Are you alive? Really right?

I don't hear it? Do you hear this?

Goes cracked it?

There's a whole of eight people in the crowd.

Billy, is anyone back there? Can somebody turned my guitar back on? We'll go to the sign a little bit more.

I don't know what happened, but what I would have done to be there?

Oh man?

Are some of my personal favorites? Is him teaching us how to clasp put your hands together?

Now? Like that? If you encourage about.

It, you've gone, thank you, thanks to be like I'm watching the Wiggles, Thank you, appreciate it. And when he asked this, and it wasn't to get the crowd interacted, it felt more like a lifeline.

You may know the words to break me on?

I love a list There's nothing I love more than jumping online and seeing a brand new list that has been released, and this one is a crack up. There's been a poll and a survey and a research study done. I don't know if it's from the Ponds Institute and their white lab coats or something, but there's been some official research done on the funniest street names in Australia.

Oh my, could you imagine if that was your job? Like they're like, okay, we're diving up the research team. You're going to research cancer. You guys are going to research funny street names.

So they've done it all right, and this is an opportunity for you to get on air with us as well on thirteen twenty four to ten. Remembering everyone that gets on air with this also goes on the standby list Fornova's Cash of the Car. Some of the street names, like they're ranked so South Australia. They've got nowhere Else Road. Okay, that's cool, that's funny.

That's pretty funny.

Live on nowhere Else Road right in you.

They say it's called pronounced differently, like oh, it's actually neurals. You know, you know when people try and make it sound different to how it's actually spelt.

Well, I'm on Neural's Road.

Neuross Road, I'm on Nerros Road. Just now, what about said this one? I'm not sure about it, Like I don't see any fun in this one. New South Wales Bucket's Way, that's all right. In New South Wales again, Mockeridge Road, Yeah, okay, all right, no, yeah, wa, We've got this is a not bad useless loop road.

Do you reckon? It's based off the truth? Does what it says on the tin?

Just absolutely useless. Maybe it doesn't even make a loop and that's why it's useless. It's a dead end and as you're driving down useless loop road. But then it does get a little bit better. In New South Wales, we've got come by Chance Road.

Very good.

In Queensland there's a bald Knob road.

Of course Queensland's going to deliver.

Of course, where else would there be a bald nob bro of course it would be in Queensland. So if you're listening to this right now and you go, hang on a minute, my street is so much better than that. I live on a street that has a funny name. It might just be very odd. We will take anything at the moment on thirteen twenty four to ten. Seriously, we'll take anything.

Don't make us sound so desperate.

We just want to talk to about people who live on a road street avenue close crescent called funny name with a funny name thirteen twenty four ten. Give us a call, well after your funny a straight name Lisa's on thirteen twenty four ten. Hig Lisa, Hi, how you doing great?

Thank you? Lisa. Do you live on or know a funny street name?


Yeah, When I lived in the UK, I lived near a street called white Knob's Way.

That was very good, I think.

Anymore from Lisa, let's say hi to Adam. Get I Adam, how are you going? Really good?


Now hit us? What do you got?

More of a hill.

Name and a place it's called tumbledown Dick Hill.

Where is tumbledown Dick Hill?

Well, when I was young, twenty years ago, there was a sign on motobile road that always went missing Terry Hills.

But out near Orange is actually the place right original New South Wales and northern Beaches of Sydney. There's a couple of tumbledown Dicks.

Ye, no further question, Love Adam.

You are also on the cinema list. Sit over this castle. The Gaverne who gets on air with us is let's do one more? Who we got?

Mel Janet, good morning.

Good morning guys.

How are you very well? Please divulge your funny street name.

So it's actually something my grandfather story. My grandfather used to tell me he had a friend called George Hunger and he was arrested for being drunken and disorderly. And when the judge asked him, what is your name, he said George Hunger And then the judge said where do you live? And he said Starvation Creek and the judge find him for being smart. But there is actually a road called Starvation Creek in mcmom Victoria.


I would have done been that court case.

Love it. Joanna, you are on the stand by list for Cash of the Car as well, My friend.


Thank you.

It's Bell and Maddie hanging out with you here for summer Breakfast on nov If you have missed it, there's been a whole bunch of news doing the rounds. Yeah, what do you got? Where you got?


I was just thinking of Old Town Road and tumble Dick down, tumble down, Dick, I gonna take my.

Horse to the tumble dun Dick.


That didn't work in my head. It was brilliant, not worth stopping down.

I'm so sorry.

No, there's the promo right there. Let's cut that up and get that across the day.

Can we just quickly check in on Billy Rayceiris to see.

Does he may know the words you break your heart?

I think he still wants to know.

He's waiting, he's still going. All right, topic tennis time, Let's say hi to our carryover chair here, Maddie. Good morning, Maddie, good morning.

How are we?

Oh, very well, how are you feeling this morning?

Have you been because we know that you're a midwife, have you been working any doing like overnight hours or anything.


I'm on my way to do some clinics today, so it should be a nice day.

How many babies are we expecting to bring into the world today?


I think our average last year was seven and a half thousand babies, so it could be anywhere from ten to fifteen babies today.


Wow, that's a lot.

It's a lot. It's a lot. For where I work, it's just one job. It's just one hospital, one hospital, it's a one hospital. Yeah.

Do you have a do you have a record that you've delivered in one day? Yourself? Personally?

Myself, No, I can't remember the last time I worked in the birthing sweet So my beautiful colleagues do that and I look after them during the antenatal period and on the Personade award.

Right, okay, yeah, nice. Oh that's incredible Maddie. Well today you have checking back in with you because you've made it through. You started on Monday carry Over Champ you won yesterday. You are hoping to win a caravan slash Winter Bago so you can travel around Australia.


Yeah, we've we've sent out some emails, we've asked the questions. We're going to see how we go with getting that prize for you, Maddie.

Fingers cross.

You know, we haven't had any replies, but fingers crossed. There is someone standing in your way though this morning, and that's Brendan morning. Brenda. Hey here you going goodbye mate?


Now you know, Mattie's told us that she wants to win a caravan and we.

Haven't yet locked in this major prize that we're going to give away to the carryover champ on Friday.

What would you love to win.

Let's say, let's go for an electric Mustang, one of those new electric Mustang.

Like it?


Okay, what what color?




Green, it's not.

I just got to put it in an email to the head of sales, So grant green automatical manual. Do you have any preference?

Well with it being electric, I'm not sure they're going to come.

Of course, to say.

That, Matt.

I just really exposed myself as not being a car guy. Then I I don't.

Know mustangs came as EV's either.

They do, they do.

It's disappointing, but it will save a lot of money on your Yeah.

Right, well, let's see if we can win that for you.

How often do you have to change the hub caps on that thing? No, No, don't worry. I clearly know nothing about cards. Thanks Brandon, Thanks for the laugh, Matte. Okay, let's get into it. Topic Tennis. We're going to give you a topic and you're just going to go back and forth until someone what gets it wrong, doesn't answer in time or repeat something we've already heard. That's kind of about Roles topic today email. What do you reckon we should do?

I reckon we should do? Oh, this is in your wheelhouse, this is in this is your current life at the moment.

Oh yeah, okay, have you got three kids? Things you need to go back to school?


Oh my gosh. The list is huge and it's super extensive as well. Okay, So Maddie Brendan, you ready. Yeah, Maddie, you are our carryover champ. So I reckon you have the honors of going first. I'm gonna put some tension music on and we'll get the tennis sound effects going back and forth. Topic tennis. Things you need for back to school, go, Maddie, a.

Book, open.

Backpack, lunchbox.

Erases, drink bottle, blue sticks, ruler, highlighters, calculator, pencil case.

That's good, Brenda. Unfortunately, Mate, out of time there, which means, Maddie, oh my gosh, thank you so much.


No the dmon aor of our game.

You are through to the quarterfinals tomorrow, which means you only have two more chances really of losing. So I don't really want to say it that way, but that is it. You could be our carry over champ on Friday and yeah, caravan could be on the way, so.

That's a big asteris and and Brendan, sorry mate that you didn't win, but for what it's worth, you did get on the air and you could be winning an electric kiir sportage.

Oh that would that would help as well.

Yeah, no vous cash your car.

You're on the stad bar list for that, bad boy. But thanks for playing, Brendan, Thank you so much. Mela, Maddy, no.

Hurries mate, and Maddie, we will speak to you tomorrow. Have a fantastic day, bringing life in this world amazing.

Have a lovely day, guys.

Shout you tomorrow. Get involved in the show on thirteen twenty four to ten. Remember and everyone also that gets on air goes in in and on the standby list for Nova's cash or the car. We're gonna ask the question what lives rent free? In your head? Now, this comes from the other day. Mel We're at home. It was sort of I think it must have been sort of like dinner was being cooked. Bell, it was in the kitchen. I was on the lounge with the kids and we're just doing a bit of a flick around. There was the tennis on like nine and nine, Gem and we're just looking through the free to air channels, and then it landed on I think it must have been nine go and the timing, the timing of the flick was just impeccable because as it landed, you heard this right, okay ah, and so good without any like pre prep oration or conversation about it. My wife and I now we haven't heard this probably they probably haven't even thought of this show for maybe fifteen years, right, but without missing a beat, the two of us just saying every single word to the theme of that side. The kids are looking at us and they were like, what is wrong with mum and dad? But we because they wouldn't know the show, absolutely not. And then we were just doing a bit of She was working in a brighter, sharp and flashing Queen's till the boy forgeted.

Around in one of those crushing scenes.

What was she to do? Where was she to get on HER's long with the British and flashing the shep fields dus. She was there to sound make up the father so much.

She had stopped.

She had there, she was there, she began.

Then if you think it's stopped there.

You're right.

Did you stand the girl?

We described was just exactly the doctor prescribed sect. She's a lady in red where everybody detective named friend them and we just looked at each other and we're like, where did that come from?

That is so were you guys harmonizing and everything?

We were on fire, like you know what, Like we would have given Billy ray Cyris a run for his money at the inauguration. Now, can I ask you the question, yes, is there something that lives rent free quite obscure in your mind? Military Sena, Oh my gosh.

Absolutely, Now this might be very niche for people that live I think it was Melbourne, maybe Victoria. It was a commercial that used to play in the nineties and it was for a place called pick Apart. Okay, I'm going to I think you'll figure out what it is when I do the jingle. Okay, I don't have it recorded, so I'm going to do it. Archipella like carry Underwood at the inauguration.

Radios up Australia.

Enjoy these pick apart, pick apart, pick apart, pick apart, pick apart, pick apart, pick apart.

Don't leave your car just sitting in a heap. Come to pick apart where everything's cheap.

Secondhand cars to secondhand parts, from a door to a wheel or a bumper bar. Now at pick apart, there's nothing on the shelf. You just bring your tools and do it all yourself. Check out the cars for the part that's right. You're sure to find that there's hundreds on site. Then you strip the car for the part you need. Pick apart, pick apart, pick apart, pick apart, but do it carefully because there's no warranty. Pick apart at.


I was so proud of myself when I learned that as a child, and all these years later in my timestables.

But that is locked in there, living rent free. Okay, now it is over to you. We have shared. It is your turn. Thirteen twenty four ten. Give us a call and let us know what lives rent free in your mind. Get on air, get in the drawer for Nova's cash to the car.

Good morning Eric.

Here you guys, how are we doing very well?

Thank you?

I'm so excited. What what is it to lose rent free in your mind?

Is the scene where Patrick explains why he's angry and SpongeBob.

It's a scene. Oh my gosh, I love this. Are you are you gonna do it for us? Please?


Patrick Patrick, I'm angry.

It's a clever angry too.

SpongeBob Patrick, Why are you angry?

I can't see my forehead?

Oh, Eric.

It was the accent as well, like the voices.

Like we were watching SpongeBob right there. That is incredible.

Quote it all the time.

Yeah, my wife gets really mad.

I would love if she's listening right now. Just huming.


Right now.

Let's go to Aaron mel.

Hey, Aaron, what loves rent free in your mind?

What lives rent free in my mind? Hey guys, Ludemobile the actual jingle for Loopmobile, ah wait, had for some reason, and it's this Loue law Bill will come to you thirteen thirty, So that thirty thirty thirty two because it gets me the way he says thirteen instead of thirty. It's and it's always that way, never any other.

Way, exactly right. That's the part that I always remember as well as the kid.

I think they changed the jingle recently and it just didn't have the same ring to it.

Do you remember that the ring is a little bit different now, That's why I think, Yeah, it sort of hasn't stuck.

Yeah, yeah, more just I'll.

Stick with the original. I'm going to go.

Also, what happened to the Luba bill kid? I'd love to do a check in? Has it have your teeth grown?



Do you have fame off the back of that?

You know?


Do you have that.

Lifelong servicing for his car for a hearing in the You know? The changing thing is weird when you get so used to one of them and then they change. I remember growing up like Pizza Hut where I live was for it one double wonder, one for right won, double wonder, one for right, one double wonder? Please are hard to deliver it now I'm showing my age because then they had to put a nine in front of it, and then it just didn't quite have the same ring.

Do it?


And for right won double wonder? Woman this shoe warning that nine in there. Let's say hardy Kate, ohikay hi, how are you going?

Very well? Thank you? Kate? What is it that's living rent free in your mind?

Oh my god, this isn't Oldie. It's the missus McGregor Margarine from the eighties.

I think, oh wow, Okay, I don't know if I know this one, but I'm looking forward to learning.

Yeah, it's a bit Scottish. You canna buy better than missus MacGregor. You find it's such a smooth spreader. You canna buy better than this is McGregor. It's a wonderful margarine. It's got vitamin E and vitamin C, which is good for your eyes. Just get in your seat. You kinda buy better than this is McGregor. It's a wonderful margarine.

Oh my word, hang on, so good.

You did not see all of us losing it with laughter? That was so good? Kay? Can we please give her a prize for that way?

What do you watch that?

I think we should give you a gold Grass double pass to Moonlight Cinema this summer you can experience luxury under the stars with Singapore Airlines gold Grass at Moonlight Cinema.

Book at Moonlight dot com.

Do the U kate. Oh thank you guys, No, you know what, thank you you have may my morning. And you know what, can we do it one more time? Take us out to the break. Can you give it to us one more time?


Kinda by better than missus MacGregor. You're fighting this such mules. Rather, you're kind of by better than missus MacGregor. It's a wonderful Marjorie.

I am going to pass the bat Nova to Melissa Trassina as she has got some incredible audio and a chance for you to get involved in the show.


Thirteen twenty four ten.

Do you know the words to Billy Ray Cyrus Achy break your Heart? Just the chorus, that's all we need. Thirteen twenty four ten. Get on the air with us. We'll get you on the standby list for Nova's Casual Car. Other reason I'm asking is because Billy Ray Sarus performed at the inauguration concept overnight for Donald Trump and it was an.

Absolute train wreck. This is him his song a Little Naz.

He had no instruments that were working. He also it got worse because he taught us how to clap in case we didn't know.

Put your hands together now like that. If you encourage about keep gone?

Okay? I like that?

Yeah, ok thanks. He weren't sure what.

I did like if you encourage me, okay go. No one encouraged him.

He even had to check if he even had an audience. Oh hang on, sorry, I pressed the wrong thing.

Let's do that again. He had to check if he even had an audience.

Check is anybody awaiting?

But my absolute favorite moment was when most people do this. Most artists do this at a concept as a call to action to get everyone involved. For him, I think it was just to see because he doesn't remember the lyrics, does he.

May know the words?

So this brings us to you? On thirteen twenty fourteen, who are we saying hi to?

Let's go to Kate. Good morning, Kate, good morning. Okay, we're going to play some Billy Ray Cyris. Do you do you hang on? Let me ask let me get Billy Ray to ask you the question.

Does he may know the words that breaking your heart?

Do you know them?

I know the words?

All right, let's have a little sing out sash as we get ready for the Nova Naughties at nine, and we'll get you on the standby list for nervous casual car Give me go K five, six, seven, eight, don't.

Mapa E great, just stop?

Thank you, just s.

And if you, Sir MafA may keep breaking. I don't do any of.

The other words neither, just Billy Amy On thirteen twenty four ten, Hi, Hi, take you away?

Yeah, give us some volume.

Don't sell my heart, my keep breaking heart. I just don't think you understand. And if you tell my heart my achy breaking heart, it might blow I think e liest man.

I didn't know that.

He I.

It's so good your turn. Don't break your hearts do it for us.

I might break your heart. I can tug you. Don't break my heart.

Oh gosh, let's go. Let's keep going, Collie, Hi, come on, what.

Do you okay, don't break my heart, my breaking heart.

I just don't think you'd understand.

And if you break my heart by breaking heart, we'll last go.

I'm just gone off.

Everyone knows it.

Okay, Zena, you have got the last word on this one. Does Billie Ray want to ask the question one more time?

Yeah? Come on, Billy?

Does he may know the words? You break your heart?

Zena? Do you go? Let's go?

So break my heart ache breaks your heart. I just don't think you understand. And if you tell my heart break your heart, he might Oh. Well, thank you this man.

It started shaking, But you're brought at home, my.

Bael lup and kill this man. That must be the lyric. No one knows.

And everyone everyone who gave us a bit of a Break your Heart is now on the stand by list for Nova's Cash on the Car. It is time for us to get out of here and there is only one way to end the show today, and that is with the Man himself. We will catch you tomorrow from six o'clock.

Does he may know the words you break your heart?

Sure do you do.

Don't tell my heart my head, You break your heart, just the old thing you don't understand.

Yeah, and if you don't care my heart, break your heart

It might blow up in Cuba's Man

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