Matty's Not Sure About Mel's Latest Game

Published Jan 12, 2025, 11:36 PM

Might be a one-off...

Listen live on the Nova Player

We Melan Maney for breakfast.

Well we are back in the chair on the air. Hello, it is Melon Money.

Did you mean that?

Oh the clock on the wall says we're having a ball.

Okay, I didn't mean to encourage it. I'm so sorry.

We're on the run number one coast to coast. What else we got you? Nun till I've been doing radio for a while. Hello, nor for Sena.

Hello Matt Baisley.

What a treat it is to be spending my January with you.

Oh my gosh, what a what a treat we've had all week. We're hooking you up with our tickets to head to the AO with Marriott bond Boy. So make sure that you tune in, register nover player or NOVERFM, get involved with the show. We could be sending you there. And what a show it's been today, Matt. I know what your personal.

Favorite was when you asked a caller how their day was going and they said they're off to a funeral.

That was That was my highlight? Is that what you were talking about?

No? No, I was referencing a game that I that I made you play, which I know you loved.

Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, Well in.

Fact I'm working on around two.

Did anyone ask for that or are you just doing it yourself?

I reckon, I think you need it. I know you loved it.

Okay, Yeah, well we'll unpack a lot of that in the potty as well as the AO. Can we just clear that up just for people listening who might not be like down with the lingo, we're talking the Australian open, like that's what the.

AO doesn't know what AO is.

When I was growing up, AO was a classification on VHSS like it was G and then PGR guidance to recommend and AO was adults only. That was where the good stuff used to happen on SBS after ten third get up and what sea boozy or two on the telly.

You're really revealing too much about yourself, Matt.

Yeah, true, like the how I learned. That's how I learned Spanish and Italian little.

Words, bits and pieces from getting up and watching worlds.

What lingo is?

That language is actually from French. It's levels the exact way of saying it.

Yeah, correct, Well, for everyone that wasn't born in the eighties, we all know what AO is.

Australian open and also what else are we going to do. We're gonna talk about the old school tech. We're going to do old school tech.

On the show.

Yeah, let's talk about old school tech because I got bagged for a piece of equipment that I still rock in my day to day and I didn't think it was old but I got proper bagged for it. And I'm proud of the old school tech that I own. And so we opened up thirteen twenty four to ten to see what tech you have that you're proud of that's old school. Yeah.

We'll get into the potty now though, because clearly we have run out of steam of talking. We were done talking into the microphonics. We'll be back tomorrow from six o'clock. Like Mel said, with those tickets to the AO and Nova's Cash or the.

Carls Mels Clickole Click.

Let's take a cheeky little look at what's been trending in the last twenty four hours. Thank you Google, not sponsored. Um, there's so much sports stuff, like every every morning sport, lots of soccer, and you know what I thought, rather than tell you about it, I'll let you catch up because it's always at random hours of the morning and if you want to watch the highlights. I don't want to give away the scores, you know, that is the reason. That's what we're going with. Let's talk about rate cuts. That's that's trending because two of them so sexy. Have you got any saucy music for us?

Do you want a little bit of rate cut music?

I thought you got. Oh, okay. Two big banks are predicting a February rate cuts, yeah, whereas some of the other ones are saying no, not until May, making.

Your weight, just playing hard to get.

Okay. I think we're good with the sexy music. Yeah, thanks, that's all.

I've got a rate cut morning, No, thank you.

Kia Knightley's trending, you know, thinking. I was literally talking about her the other day in the car. What's happened to Kia Knightley. She's doing a film with Lily Rose Death and it actually I think it's out on Netflix at the moment, called Silent Night. Apparently it's like a Christmas film.

Yeah, na, but not right? Is it creepy?

Is that?

Why is it a creepy film?

Question? You answer, No, It's meant to be like a doomsday story, so I think it might be a bit creepy. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Samsung Galaxy is trending. I think they've got like a new phone coming out. Let's be honest, who's getting the samsungs where iPhone users?

Isn't it a where? And you're trying to do a group chat?

Yeah's a message and then it just sends the message to everyone.

Stepary, like, all right, who has the Android? Seriously?

I know anyway, they're doing some event and you know what, I don't know worthy of any I'm so sorry. What a horrible piece of information that I've not given us.

Holidays? We still on holidays at the moment. Is that?

Is that?

What's training?

Is there anything else that you can give us information on that might be of use today?

No? For so no, no, I reckon that's good, okay, great Melon mannis Wheel of Games and bringing the wheel in this morning is producer Jazz. I know we asked for it to be big.

I mean I heard about it. I really didn't believe the size the magnitude of this thing. You weren't messing around.

No, no, it's been the whispers of the Nover office. Just how big this wheel is?

I mean, do we get to keep it? Like do we have to.

I don't know.

I don't know where we would put it. It's that big.

I think it deserves its own coipoke, right, they're hard enough to get it for your own.

Yeah, you're not wrong. We should put this wheel on wheels and take it to the streets. That's what we should do, all right.

The way this works is we have got their.

Giant wheel and a whole bunch of different games on it. We will give it a spin whatever it lands on, Mel, and I will play on the behalf of two fabulous listeners who we will say hello to right now, Melissa, Hi, Mel.

Good morning guys.

How are we fabulous? What are you up to this morning?


Well, I've just dropped Hubby to work and had a very late night picking up my son from the airport. So probably relaxing one today to be honest.

Nice, Okay, good on if you doing the airport run as well?

Yes, my friend's plane was delayed. He was supposed to come back yesterday morning and was delayed to like nine o'clock at nine. Yes, anyway, Oh, home home safe and fund now.

But just on this where is he stuck?


He was actual he went to visit a mate over in Melbourne for all week as his Christmas present. Yeah he's only fifteen, God love him. His first flight ever as well. So we got there okay. But then yeah, got to the airport yesterday morning and it's like it's canceled. So it all worked out well. But yeah he had to get the late night shift home and yeah, it was all a bit of a late night run.

But anyway, all good, up nice and early, trying to win yourself one hundred dollars milk run. The person standing in your way of winning that one hundred dollars is James.

Morning, James.

Good want of guys.

How are we good?



What are you up to you this morning?

I'm on the receiving end of my wife driving me to work.

So are you married to Melissa?


Quiet, okay, So the way this is going to work is we're going to play on your behalf, Melissa. You had the fastest fingers. Who would you like to play for you? Would you like to be on team mel Would you like to be on team me?


Oh the hard one, but no, I gotta go with mell mate, good name mel.

It is a great meal.

Yeah, and I'm a Melissa as well. But also I'm really bad at these games, so I'm so sorry.

Come on, come on for the girl.

All right, I'll do my best for you.

James, you got chop liver, mate, I'll do my best for you.

Okay, I would have picked you anyway.

Thanks mate, that's true. Anyway, all right, let's spin the world.

That doesn't that does not sound help me.

We need to get some w D forty.

The wheel's eaten too much over Christmas.

I think he spawned the chain saw well, it's landed on three of the corn. Okay.

The way this works, I guess is we're going to be told three things.

We just got to work out exactly what.

Those three things have in common. Let's say best of three to two.

Great, Yeah, let's do that. I just got hard. I took my jacket off. I'm ready.


Okay, do you guys want an example or are you gonna raw doc?

It goes straight in?

Oh no, give us an example.

Okay, so three of a kind.

Like you said, Maddie, I'm gonna name three things and you both have to tell me the corresponding category. So, for example, I say eyes, ears, and no face. Yeah, face things on face on face.

Okay, great, Unfortunately that one didn't count for shame.

But I'm warm, dark, good, good. All right?

Are you ready for number one? First one Mahido, sex on the beach.

This big cocktails, thank you very much?

Yes, one from Melky right, sorry, James, scoreboard pressure now I need this to stay in it.

Okay, yeah, I know, I know? Is that right?

If you get the next one?

All right?

Number two?


Nokia Sam so oh.

Are they telephone brands?


Correct, gosh, panic for a second there, okay.

Tiebreaker, tiebreaker, couldn't have script it better?

All right?

Here we go for the wind.

Love ace do you mel in.

Tennis? Now I did.

It for you.

You have one of sound one hundred dollars to spend on Milk Run, where you get groceries and alcohol delivered in minutes with milk Run.

Thank you so much.

Milk go to bell. James, really sorry, buddy, like I was trying.

But Meles come back twenty twenty five and she's in good form.

She's coming strong, mate. No drama, look, oh god, now there is I can tell in your voices. Drama, so much drama, madam.

I Every morning we play the Wheel of Games. I had to give a moment, and you'll understand why I had to think about that. We play the Wheel of Games, and we played it just moments ago where mal One, thanks to me, now when we.

Did not sound like you were talking in the third person, mel One, thanks to me.

You are mel and mel One, Okayed.

Before we went on break for Christmas in New Years, this moment happened on air in regards to the Wheel of Games. You know what, while we've got Michelle and Bailey on the line, let's do the Game of Wheels. That way they have something to do while they're in the car. What do you reckon? Play along with us?

Melon Maddie's Wheel James.

Love the game of Wheels.

Okay, so I accidentally called it the Game of Wheels, but you know I thought about it and I went, you know what, that's a great idea. So I welcome you Melan Maddie's.

Day of Wheels.

This is a banger that is intense to six forty four on a Monday morning.

Okay, so how this is going to work out? You're playing against yourself. Okay, Yeah, I'm going to play you wheels and you need to guess what these wheels are attached to.

Okay, okay, incredible, Okay.

All right, now if you do get stuck, you can phone a jazz. I'll producer jazz who can come in and play against you.

All right, okay, brilliant, I love it.

Okay, are you ready for your first wheels?

I am ready for my first wheels?

Okay, ooh, where do you think these wheels are attached to?

Those wheels are attached to a BMX bike.

That's so detailed. I would have just taken a bib on. Yay, okay, well done, all.

Right, next one, okay, okay, someone who's spent a lot of time on a Nintendo sixty four playing Tony Hawk Pro Skater.

I'm going to go, but that's a skateboard.

You are nailing this, yeah, oh yeah.

But also could have just said that I used to ride a skater and not played it on a video game.

But anyway, that's fine.

No, but I reckon then, no, you're not a skateboard guy. Everyone we would have all called bs or that I'm not.

Wearing any shoes, that's for sure.

Let's go to the and your chain, your chain pocket and what is that the chains that went from the pocket to the wallet. Yeah, all right, let's go to the next one. Oh, it's not hard.


See I had friends when I was a teenager, so I didn't roll a blade.

But I'm going to go they roller blades. That's not nice.

Yes they did.

Okay, No, I reckon, I've got I've got a couple more that I reckon. It's going to be hard. Okay, you're ready.

Bonus rounds, bonus rounds.

Yes, that's what I thought.

All right, it sounds heavy and it's on wood.

Is it a roller door? Are they the wheels that are on a roller door?

Sorry, that was me trying to find the wrong buzzer. You know, I'm actually really offended that you said it sounds heavy because you want to is it? Okay?

All right?

Two more? Are you ready?

How I can bounce back up?

There are wheels you have to all right, let's go see. Did you like the part bouncing back? You're welcome. Okay, this is two more for you. Okay, you're three for four at the moment. What wheel do you reckon? That is?

This sounds a little too crispy to be a wagon wheel? I will go No, I'm gonna go with wagon wheel. I'll go wagon wheel.

Wagon wheels, the wagon wheels. Maybe I've just got goodbye technique. I'm not what that means. Truth is, we didn'tet wagon wheels. I'm just a normal biscuit. Okay, this is your last one, because you're four for five. All right, Okay, let's see if you can guess this one. Do you want it again?

No, it's definitely not smoone Biles, that's for sure.

Is that a cartwheel?

Matt Baisley five? That was a cartwheel and that was the game of wheels.

So daddy is in full swing at the moment.

School holidays, gosh, I don't think we're even halfway yet, We're close to it. I think school goes back first week of feb already sort of running out of ideas. This parenting without a break stuff, now I know that to really that's a privileged sentience, like because I was on holidays and I've got to spend time with my kids.

But without a break is a lot.

There's a lot of planning, a lot of entertaining and event organizing that you have to do, whether it's just getting out of the house. So over the break, I was really done with just doing stuff. So I was like, okay, kid, So I've got three I've got a nine year old, seven year old and a five year old, and I was like, okay, guys, today's task for you trying to just kill some time, was come up with a mind blowing fact. So go away, do some work together, and then come and present your mind blowing facts.

And whoever has the most.

Mind blowing fact will get themselves the first pick of the zooper duper flavors.

Right, So that's I'm mad.


Cool, So as soon as there's a bit of competition in the family, it's on, right. So the nine year old, she goes away. She comes back with cows and horses can sleep while standing, and I was like, cool, great fact.

That is a really good fact.

Right, Yeah, I didn't know that about horse, says I need that about cows.

Hey, look, welcome to my ted because.

New sleep standing up.

It's utterly ridiculous.

The seven year old comes in and he goes that slugs have four noses, and I was.

Like, I didn't know that. That blew my mind. I was like, so what are they?

What are they sniffing? They're so close to the ground. That's gross, isn't it? Like imagine lots of dog poof four of them.

He doubled down with you can't lick your own elbow, and then obviously I tried, and he went that was just to try and make you lick your own.

Elbow, dad, And then the five year old.

The five year old steps up and she's like, okay, did you know that when you you blow out of your mouth, if your lips are like you're about to whistle, the air is cold. But if you do it and your mouth is really wide open and you're saying like ha, the air is hot.

And I was like, hang on a minute, so oh yeah cold, yeah, And I was like that blew my mind. I was like, steep, Stevie, you you can, you will? You get first pick of the Zuba dou But she goes, yeah, thanks. You can also use that on the radio with Mel if you like.

I love Stevie.

I was like, well, I don't know if it's that strong to use on air and like dedicate a whole break too. But then this morning we're like we needed a break at six fifty five, perfect Stevie.


Have you you ever jumped up on stage with her, you know, at a gear.

Have you been on stage dancing around with anyone?

Have you met me?


That's it hard, yes, well, you know, not in the sense of being invited up, more so just taking it upon myself. Does karaoke count well no, not really school Extravagan's account.

Absolutely okay, great then yes, absolutely, Well this just happened in the Dominican Republic where, gosh, it didn't quite go the way A woman planned.

Now, her favorite artist. She was there ice and close at the front near the stage seeing Romeo Santos.

Now do you know, yes, the great freshets and throwbacks of Romeo Santos. You're on over.

I got a little bit of Romeo Santos here.

Prospita in the k.

Is this what the song's called?

Yeah, that's the name of the song. ID you want to do it again? Prosperta in the in the Kent? Is that how you would say it? How would you say it?

I reckon, that's good, okay, Prospesta in this is a vibe we should added to our playlist.

So I just got lost in the music everywhere.

I'm having like a visceral reaction to this.


The concert was on December twenty eight, and in footage taken on the night, the woman in.

Question you'll be seeing getting up close and.

Personal with the singer from your sentas and the video that's gone viral online shows her kissing Romeo when she gets up on stage.

Here's a little bit of that. You can hear all going, oh my.

God, I just googled him.

I get it all right. Yeah, it's the name of the song.

And so she's got up there and you thought, you know, gosh, you get down. Tell your husband did you see me on the big screen? Did he see you on the big screen?


He did, And now.

He's filed for divorce because you passed another man on stage. She passed him, passed him in a very public display of.

Effection, a proper passion or just like a no no.

I think it was like a bit of lip and probably a little bit of you know, tongue into mouth.

Ay. That's very good, because the song's in Decanta.

The news that has been dominating the headlines over the last week or so has been the Los Angeles wildfires.

Good afternoon, as we come on air, A state of emergency has been declared across Los Angeles and this is why massive wildfires sweeping across southern California, destroying homes and threatening lives. Right now, up to thirty thousand people are under evacuation orders, with the blaze growing to almost five hundred hectares in size, the battle becoming increasingly desperate as darkness falls, with the worst winds still to come.

And joining us online this morning in La is Fox Entertainment reporter Christina Cavalier.

Good morning, Christina, Morning, Maddie, Morning Mail.

How are you guys?

Yeah, we're good now. Obviously you're down in LA and it's been everywhere for us. Ozzie's dominating the news headlines, and I guess we just wanted to get a bit of an idea of exactly what it's like, because if you've never been to La, or if you like me and it's been so long, you don't really quite grasp well, I don't anyway, how big these fires are.

Yeah, it's I'm not going to lie now. I think we use the words like devastating and horrific a lot in everyday life, but if you really look at the definition these fires are that they're devastating, they're horrific, their apocalyptic is what VP Kamala Harris described them as. And the sky was just filled with smoke. I'm in Venice Beach right now. I'm just a company called Blue Nutrition and we're doing a donation drive and just here tonight, and the sky like it's a lot clearer, which is really good, but the smoke in the air quality is still really really bad.

How would you describe it in Australian terms? I guess of what that equivalent would be in.

Testing my geography here now, sorry, is it kind of just like is it?

Would it be like an inner city suburb or various inner city suburbs that have been affected like that? Kind of?


Yeah, definitely.

So basically, the if you look at the Palisades fire, for in since that's been burning now so this is we're now on our sixth day, and that's burnt over twenty three thousand acres, And if you look at like maybe the city of Manhattan, I feel like everyone knows what Manhattan looks like. That whole island itself is only fourteen thousand acres, So we're talking about one and a half sizes of Manhattan, Like that whole city plus another half has just burnt to the ground for that one fire, and that we're talking like homes, schools, parks, playgrounds, communities like you wake up and you get up, you go to work, you go get a coffee. These are all things that you know are going to be there every single day, whereas these people, their whole community has been completely leveled and burnt into ash. I think the big difference is that we're seeing so many suburbs just beinging burnt down to the ground. And I know a lot of the headlines we have, you know, these nig name celebrities that have lost their homes because the one fire, Palastate fire. It is a very great suburb. It's very like a lot of wealthy celebrities who live there. But you know that's only of recent years. We've got Angelina sort of been living in these suburbs for decades.

But these are.

Homes that that they've worked so hard for, Like it's the American dream to own, to own a home. And you know, it's not just these big name celebrities who can probably easily rebuild Christina.

Does there look like that they're under control at any point or do they look they're saying that we could be seeing the end of the fires in a couple of days.

Is there any word on that?

So the way they're kind of talking about it is is containing the fires, and I think a lot of the time when you see that as the headline. So for instance, the Kenneth fire today has burned through a thousand acres and that's at one hundred percent containment, but that doesn't mean that it's completely out. It means that the firefighters have it fully surrounded and it could still burn for days, weeks, even longer. For instance, so the Palisades fire, which is the biggest one that's you know, burnt through a bit of like the Malibu and almost down to Brentwood. That's that's eleven percent containment and that's been burning for this another six days. So they're definitely they're definitely made some massive headway.

But we also still.

Have Santa Ana winds returning earlier this week, so the threat is still remaining very high.

Those winds are the hot winds that come off the desert, so that's fueling the fire.

Yes, definitely, So that's basically we got this warning. I think it was the Monday or Tuesday. I've lost count of my days. But we were getting these winds that night and everyone was preparing for a fire, and that's basically what they're saying, really kind of push the fire to extend over the thousands of acres that we've seen. And you know, we've got I think there's now over like five three hundred structures burnt in the Palisades fire alone, and that's we've got four fires burning right now. We've got over one hundreds and five thousand residents but are still under evacuation orders. Animals have been displaced forces different every animals in an evacuation center or trying to find fresh food, fresh water. So it's it's really, it's really devastating, guys. It's I can't really put it very lightly. It's and after COVID, after the strike, now the fires, this city is really really But I think on a positive note, the city is filled with dreamers and doers and hustlers, Like the city isn't for the week when it's not like this, So yeah, I think everyone's banning together is it's really emotional. It's really exciting to see everyone banding together and volunteering and donating and making sure everyone's safe and evacuated. It's truly incredible watching everyone band together.

Well, you yourself said that you're at the moment volunteering. What is there anything that our soulsi's can do because it's so heartbreaking watching everything happen overseas and you feel thousands of kilometers away. Is there anything that can do to help with with people that are that don't have homes or the animals, anything like that.

Yeah, oh my gosh, of course. Like it's just a quick google, you'll find some certified charities. There's things like the La Fire Department Foundation, and that's supporting these heroic firefighters responding in real time to protect lives and homes and communities. As the Baby to Baby which is provide essential supplies like diapers and clothing, hygiene products emergency kids. There's the World's Central Kitchen, which is supporting the first responders and families impacted by these fires with warm mills and home cooked meals and just like general food, which is always a good time, always a good hug in times like this.

Well, thank you so much Christina for your time today and explaining this for us and keep safe all right.

Of course, of course, thanks so much for having me and I'll talk to you guys soon. You guys be safe too.

Melon Mattie are sending you to the Australian Open.

Well thanks to Marriott Bonboi, the official hotel partner of the Australian Open.

This is so exciting. The OS Open is one of the best times to be in Melbourne, Nay, Australia. And we're so excited because we're sending you here. Regardless of where you live, We're gonna fly you over. You will get two tickets to the Women's semi final at Rod Laver Arena and inclusive access to the Marriot to Bonvoy Lounge. It's got Canna pays and drinks and you'll also get a night stay at a Marriott Bon Boy hotel. It's so easy. You just got to register on the overplayer or NOFM dot com dot a.

You just like Tarny did. Good morning, Tarni, good morning. How are you?



Thank you?

How are you?

Mate? Real good?

But not as good as you because you have got a fifty to fifty chance at the moment to get into that finalist list to be there at the Women's semi final at the Australian Open. Which would be unreal. But there is someone standing in your way, Tarani.

That is Elise. Good morning, Elise, Good morning Elise.

How are you with words? No, no, I don't care about how you're feeling.

I just want you. I'm leading you into how you're.

Going to potentially how you're feeling, Elise.

Okay, tell me how you're feeling, Elise.

Now, I am very good, Thank you, and I feel like I'm good with my words.

Okay, when it comes to pressure, that can change.

Okay, all right, aren't you a paramedic?

I am, yes, here's your word if you need to use your hand.

What a great save? See a last You're good, You're good.

What we're going to do is old school word tennis. So for example, we're going to give you a category, and you are going to go back and forward between each other, giving us something in that category, like a game of tennis.

Bank bank, bank, bank.

Back and forth until someone doesn't have an answer, or takes too long to give us an answer, or says something wrong.

Does that make sense?

Would you like Melani to give you a bit of an example and how that could work.

I'm happy with an example.


I think everyone listening was because I think that explanation was as clear as much.

Even I was like, I don't know how to play this.

You stopped listening as soon as I told Alasa, we don't care how she feel.

Okay, like for example, fruit, banana, apple, pineapple, pear, peach, strawberries, grapes, chocolate.

Chiella, I said the wrong thing, Melowy.

Didn't listen a fruit idiot.

Listening to you as well. All right, this is going so.

Well, Tarani, Elisa is up to you. We will be listening, we will be paying attention. So your topic today is sports that involve a ball, Tani, You're going to go first thing as we spoke to you first.

Okay, No moros, cricket, soccer, tennis, football, NFL, golf, NRL, croquet, handball, netball, basketball, water, polo, pool, badminton.

No, that was a shuttlecock. There's no balls.

Who was that?

You guys have such a good job.

Thank you.

So that means Elise you're on the finals list. Congratulations mate. This is going to be like the events of all events, the Australia is the premiere sporting event on the calendar and to do it in style, the Marriot Bond boy, sweet Canna pays the whole lot.

I'm going to be going to morrow, so I'll tell you all about it so you can be prepared of which cannipays to go for first.

I like that.

Are you in the suite? Are you going in?


Sorry, I'll just look.

Thank you big thanks to the Marria bond Boy, the official hotel partner of this and open hooking us up with this great prize and for inviting me.

Thank you checking my emails she missed it.

Maybe just check the junk or something. I want to know. I'm thirteen twenty four ten. What tech can't you get rid of? Just you know, there's the technology that might be a bit outdated now, but you just can't you still use it maybe or you just can't throw it out for whatever reason. It is thirteen twenty four ten. Walk you up with the prize as well for the best tech because personally, I was bagged by my PT at the gym.

Oh you've got a personal trainer?

Yeah, like it doesn't everyone. It's not like, don't make me seem like I'm an elitist?


How good am I I have a pet? It's because I'm lazy and I need someone to whip my bum in shape?

Is you fresh? Is that? Is it a new thing or have you been working out for a while.

Well, I'm going to assume that it must be new if you don't know. Anyway, my pet started bagging me because I had my headphones in right and instead of having those what are they wireless, the earbuds, earbuds, air pods whatever, whatever the cool kids call them, I was rocking these, hey, which is the corded headphones? Can you hear that?

You brought in props?

Brought in props and as you can see, true to them, they're tangled. They're so tangled.

They're the old school Apple white headphones that as soon as you put down somehow end up in a tangled mess straight away.

Yesterday we jumped on a call. It was a FaceTime and you saw me. I had one earbud in it as I was trying to untangle the remainder of it. But I will not get air pods. I love my corded headphones.

And I'm with you, and I'm with your here, mel like I have got mine here as well, and I rock mine.

Because I have tried.

I have tried their hoods and I've put one through a washing machine, I've lost one, and these ones have been around since gosh twenty fifteen, never lost them, still work, and I'm just like, oh faithful, I can't go hundred percent.

A bit manky from use. They've got character. So I want to know. I'm thirteen, twenty four ten. What tech can't you get rid of? And maybe, like me, you get bagged for it as well, But we're going to stand up together and be proud of our old tech.

I'd love I don't know if there is anyone, but I'd love to hear from someone who still has a fax machine and why you have a fax machine?

Good morning, Sammy, Good morning guys.

Now, yes, my tech is a Nintendo back from the eighties.

Donkey Kong.

Oh my gosh, stop it like the proper console yet.

No, it's a double screen.

Yeah yeah, yeah, slip it open.

And it is just the most brilliant game.

I've got about ten of them, and I just cannot let go of them.


I could be riffing here, but I think they will call like a Nintendo game and watch.

No, that's even that's even later.

This is earlier.

This is in the early eighties. They were like a flip flip game with little button batteries that you had to.

Donkey Kong throwing barrels and you've got to jump up and jump over the barrels and get.

To the top.

Yes, do you have Mario Kart on there?

Yes, I've got Mario cart I've got Green House, I've got Popeye, I've got so many by Sammy.

I want to Can I come over and play? It's so funny the kids today would recognize them. Is it really grainy as well? Like you know when you play old tech and it's it's not that HD stuff that they have now. It's like proper grainy. You really got a squint to see it. No color, No, it is color.

They came out in color screens as well, probably RGB, but it's brilliant screen.

And whenever any of my nieces and nephews come over, I get it out.

And they love them. They still play them to this day.

Oh, Sonny, if it's not so much trouble, would you can you take a photo of it at some point today and get in touch with our producers and so we can see it and put it up on our socials because I would love to say that because that sounds like a whole lot of fun and something you could probably flog for a lot of money on ebays.

Yeah, I reckon, they're worth it and they're in mint condition too, already selling it.

Thirty twenty four to ten? What tech can't you get rid of?

Are you a milit rosina and you're just living in the past not letting go of your corded headphones?

Or is it something right out of it? Let's say hi to Terry.

Hi, Terry, good morning guys. Here are we going very well?

Thank you? Terry? What tech can't you get rid of?

Guys? I'm still using Microsoft Office twenty ten?

Hang on to you, okay, because people still use Microsoft Office. What makes the twenty ten to one so so old school?

The one that I love about it is if you ever need any help or anything, you're typing in help and you get these animated paper creps come gone to your screen clippy clip. There was also it was also the coffee mug as well.

What was the coffee man?

Yeah? And wasn't there.

I've been animated as well. I tried to help you out your answers. I love it and I just don't want to get rid of it.

So do you if you're like doing like work, do you have to reform at it somehow?

Some other people can read it who are like living in twenty twenty five. Yeh, and you don't care, Terry.

I don't care. I love it.

I love it.

I love it.

I love it.

That's so funny. And also if you're having trouble, you could just ask the clippy, good morning, Laura, what tech can't you get rid of anod?

No now? And they've got like a metallic color.

Yeah, they were really small than is right?

Yeah, definitely like the size of the thought of you know, your finger or something. But the music is I'm sorry, the software is that out of day it plays like three quarters of every song on there. You get like a teaser of a song. It's a not every song.

It's like your own personal DJ.

It's just because of everything's like right at your hands. It's much easier to do then, you know, hook it up through Bluetooth and white you know Wi Fi?

Can I ask you with a nano? Is it? Is it songs that you used to play back when you first purchased it?

Exactly like old R and B. You know, Bobby Brown everything on there.

So the Nanos came out in what two thousand and five, So it's just like a so fresh Hotest Hits of Summer two thousand and five and Bobby Brown.

Yeah, you get a teazer of the song. You don't get every song the love that did you get into and you start dancing the song complain.

One, good morning, Darren, here you go on good thank you? Can you please tell us what old school tech you haven't let go of?

An old no over boy which is only two gigabyte, there's no Wi Fi, no blue tooth, and it actually still powers up. And I've still got playlists on the computer which i'd have to plug into the subway to playlist onto it.

Wow, do you remember getting this, Darren? Did you win it?

What was it?

How did you get your hands on a Nova Nano?

I did win it? And I don't know if you guys remember Lizzie Love It when she used to be on Nova in the Breakfast Show not Breakfast sorry. In the nine o'clock time.

Period, daytime, day.

Time, I actually rang up for traffic report because I'd gone past an accident and I was bringing up to report it sort of thing.

And I was up in Mountain.

Victoria, up in the Blue Mountains and happened to turn onto the Dunning Causeway and they answered the phone. And I just happened to be the first at the right time.

But one I thought, that is amazing.

I suspect you may have been the only person that called to win it.

Possibly And are you still still I still need corded headphones to listen to it. I still have and the original USB eighteen big power lead for it to work as well. Are there any songs on it at the moment, No, but I do have play this on the computer, which I haven't turned on for about five or six years. So I was looking just before Christmas and actually giving it to my grandson, but it needs Wi Fi from my daughter to use it, so my grandson misses out, and so it looks like I still get.

To keep it.

Everyone wins.

On your dad's love that thanks your sharing mate. It's mell the matter here with you for summer breakfast.

If you've got any old nover merch lying around, feel free give us a call tell us that you've got thirteen twenty four ten would love to hear it.

For the car An instant twenty five thousand dollars cash for a brand new quis Potage sex hybrid.

Yes, novous cash or the car you choose, whether you're taking twenty five k or a brand new Kiospotage sex Hybrid. Let's get someone in the drawer. Good morning, Claire, Hi, fabulous? What are you up to for a Monday morning?

I actually on my.

Way to a funeral. But not great, but I'm with you.

Thank you?

So sorry.

No one gave me the heads up on that.


Sorry anything about it? No, that's okay. Well, let's try and.

Make if today is such a way with the callers. Like the chemistry between military siner and people is my favorite thing. It's just Claire in a day that's a sad day for you.

Can you just know that you say brought a little bit of light to my my day by that interaction between you and Meil on air. It's probably been my highlight of today's show on Monday.

Oh yeah, thank you so much. Let's side step and talk about some cash or car. What's your vibe? Twenty five k a brand new car? What's what are you think?

And look, I my car got written off so I would go to the car. But you know what, I'd also just go to cash. The cash would be great. That's you know, just one of those things you just like, just thank you the cash would be great. Yeah, anything such thing like you know, haven't haven't had the best.

Year, so I should be great.

Yeah, that should be perfect.

Because yeah, so.

Thank you very much. You're so welcome. We've got you in the drawer. Thanks so so good luck. Hopefully you'll be walking away with one of these.

Thank you very much.

Guys, have a great week.

You good luck today mate, it's gonna be a rough day for you. So good luck.

And if you would like to get yourself on that stand by lista win, keep listening or enter out ya then overplayer or online at nov FM dot com dot au.

We'll be getting you in the draw all across the week. We are also sending you to the Australian Open all thanks to Marriott Bonvoy and if you would love to get to win this so we'll cook you up with flights. If you're not from Melbourne, you'll also get to enjoy the Married bon Boy Lounge as well as the night stay at Marriot bon Boy Hotel. Just go register on the novaplayer or nov fm dot com dot are you and we'll get you on the standby list tomorrow.

Those tickets as well. It's to see the women's semi final at Rod Laver.

That is so good.

That is like sporting bucket list kind of gear and like you're not in the nosebleeds, you are in the marriedt.

Bonvour lounge like unbelievable. Mel You will be there tomorrow, yep. Just isn't it doing signings? Or are you going to watch the tennis?

Get? I get to bring him a plus one? Did you know that I'm bringing you a plus one?

Did you know that I don't have any I've got to go to the shops and get something to wear.

Then, yeah, what a shame? What because my sister's coming with me? Is that you scratch your nose? Then? Was really loud? Yeah, there was a disappointed much the scratch of your nose.

You should probably take Claire, who we just spoke to after your performance before.

But that's all right,

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Mel Tracina and Matty Baseley missed the deadline to get their Christmas leave in - so they’re teami 
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