Now this is a game changer, man, something that will change your life forever. It's the blokes.
Yes, now, Mike joins us, tell us the story. Yeah.
Well, look, Mike's a friend of mine and he does many things. He's he does TV shows and all sorts of Yeah, and anyway, he's come up with a brand new product and he's just launched it and he joins us. Now, gooday, buddy, how are you?
What's going on? Now, let's just get this out of the way for his cambo does this still ever? Be quiet? Honestly, Sometimes we're heading on the phone, I put the phone down and I go for a shell come back. It's like it's like Days of our Lives wake ten years. It's the same story.
He's been with me for ten years. So yeah, you two can discuss that off the air. I'm helping you because you've got a new product out and tell us all about it. It's for the blokes and it's about the going to.
Change your lives. Yeah, gave it this. This is crack out right. So I'll give you a little bit of story. So I'm making this new TV show at the moment called Tanked, and the principle is kind of like in Practical Jokers with a dating work life theme to it. And it originally started when I was writing this comedy show Out and one of the segments that we did it is called the Salesman, where we bring on guests, we put a airpiece in the air and then we've got to get them to sell a product. Right, and I'm thinking to myself, what's the product? That's real awkward to talk about? That how a useful? So five years ago, I was sitting in my kitchen bench in New Zealand and my bro was over right. I was rubbing my nuts and he goes, bro, what are you doing? And I go, oh, cousin, I nicked myself with the trimmer. I can't even imagine doing that.
Yeah, my son's done it.
Yeah yeah yeah. He starts laughing at me and he goes, oh, cousin, both just just you's hear. We will creep for five minutes boom baby bulls. And I'm like, wait, well is that a thing? And he goes, well, you didn't know, and I'm like.
No, man knows.
We don't go to the pub and talk about our ball care. It's just like a common things. They're like a meeting that I need to go to the phone out because I don't know. Well, I'm interested.
Where's the meeting exactly? So that's where it came from, and you went, I obviously, where do I go? What section is the chemist do I go to?
What's the green call?
It's called baby balls, like baby ball.
So we look for this for the show. I was easily looking for a company to partner with us, and I hated all their marketing and then all their product was funny, like it either stinks or it doesn't. You got to touch it on your hand, and I hate it all that.
So what does it feel like?
What does it feel like on your balls? Like anything?
You just chuck it on.
This is what I do, right, loan beer. I whip it on. I'm watching tiktoks for ten minutes and I go have a shower. Baby balls stop done right. And I don't even mean to start this product. It just started from one thing that eventuated to the other and then I started. I handed it. I handed out them to my my bro and they are so funny. So my my camera guy, we're making this video and I baby balls them from the neck down. Oh here he goes and I go, I go to my go, bro, your missus is going to love this, and he goes, no, she won't even care. And this is the stigma, is that men think that women don't care about your hair. Trust me, bro, they do. All right, we're gonna have to leave there, Mike, but listen, it has changed my life already.
Yes, you can.
I'll be looking for it on the shelves. Where can't people get it? Yeah, it's online website. I just a baby Bulls dot store and you'll find it. It's pretty funny. It's a good product, man, get amongst it.
It's there on sale for twenty dollars. At the moment there you go like beat where your hair disappears. That's yeah, yeah heels Nicks, no be helse. The Knicks is not putting the shaver there.
Oh yeah yeah.
Congratulations, Bud, You're amazing change. You can imagine our conversations