Marketing School - Digital Marketing and Online Marketing TipsMarketing School - Digital Marketing and Online Marketing Tips

Here's the Very First Email that You Should Send to Customers | Ep. #587

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In episode #587, Eric and Neil tell you what to put in the very first email you send to customers. Tune in to hear why on-boarding is so vital to your success.


  • [00:27] Today’s Topic: Here's the Very First Email that You Should Send to Customers
  • [00:35] Send an email that helps them throughout their journey and experience.
  • [00:47] Setting them up properly will give customers a positive experience and makes them more likely to remain satisfied customers.
  • [01:24] Getting people on-boarded the right way is key.
  • [02:10] On-boarding is one of the most important levers you can pull and can translate to long-term growth.
  • [02:30] Intercom’s initial email explains how everything works and how you can get started.
  • [02:49] Pat Flynn will send an email introducing himself and uses the tags in Convert Kit.
  • [03:20] Neil’s Co-Founder did a test with and he was able to get their revenue to increase 40 or 50%, just by creating a nice “getting started flow”.
  • [03:52] Make sure to include a checklist or steps, so that people have a path to follow.
  • [04:15] Intercom has a chat or email on-boarding feature that allows you to choose a path that works for you.
  • [04:43] That’s all for today!
  • [04:48] Go to for a special marketing tool giveaway!

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