Tania De Jong AM on Driftwood – The Musical re-telling of her grandparent’s holocaust survival

Published Apr 28, 2022, 12:29 AM

NEVER FORGET NEVER AGAIN “L’Chaim – To Life” Yom HaShoah Commemoration Program.
We close our program, with the Hatikvah sung by liberated Bergen Belsen survivors at a Shabbat service held five days after Bergen Belsen was liberated.

Morry Frenkel speaks with Tania De Jong AM, soprano, social entrepreneur, motivational speaker and lyricist, about Driftwood – The Musical telling her remarkable grandparents, Karl Duldig and Slawa Horowith-Duldig, and inspired by her mother’s memoir of their lives, including their escape from Vienna as the holocaust began. The Melbourne season runs 13-14 May at the Alexander Theatre, Monash University, and then 18-28 May at Chapel off Chapel, in Prahran. Tickets can be purchased by going to https://driftwoodthemusical.com.au/

Go to https://omny.fm/shows/lchaim-to-life where you will find a full library of past programs and past podcasts.

If you would like to contact us here at L'Chaim our email is lchaim3zzz@gmail.com

For only $16 Please consider becoming a member of the Jewish Group here at 3ZZZ for Seniors only $11 click on 3ZZZ.com.au Please ensure that you put "Jewish Group" clearly on your application form.

L'Chaim  Am Yisrael Chai   PEACE