L’Chaim - To LifeL’Chaim - To Life

Ronit Chrapot – Israel at war. WIZO on the ground building a brighter future together

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Maurice Klein speaks with Ronit Chrapot, president of WIZO Victoria. From October 8 WIZO got straight to work getting funds to the communities in Israel, desperately in need of assistance as a consequence of the October 7 devastation and destruction. The WIZO fundraising and support from the community has continued through 2024 with next week's Annual WIZO Gala on August 22, with their three excellent guests. World WIZO President Anat Vidor, Australian actor and passionate advocate for Israel  Nathaniel Buzolic and leading Israeli investigative journalist Dr Ilana Dayan. It is a sellout!  But you can still join the waitlist here: https://wizovic.secure.force.com/U/waitlist. And of course you can still support WIZO Victoria  by donating at www.wizovictoria.org.au.

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