Rabbi Menachem Aron - Hooray for RARA!

Published Nov 23, 2022, 10:26 PM

Maurice Klein speaks with Rabbi Menachem Aron, Director Chabad of RARA (Rural And Regional Australia), who has spent over 20 years serving the needs of Jewish people living in the rural and regional parts of Australia. We heard about the most recent Jewish Funeral of Dr. Aron Moffson-Avraham Ben Lazar Moffson, which took place in the Kalgoorlie goldfields of Western Australia. The Goldfields Funeral home posted on a local Facebook group if anyone knew what to do for a deceased Jew. A call was put out on various social media channels for any Jewish people in the area to attend the funeral and within a short time the posts had been viewed and shared by thousands. A handful of Absolute Menschen led by Rabbi Shalom White of Chabad Western Australia together with Mike Groner, President of the Perth Chevra Kadisha, jumped into a car and made the 14 hour round trip to Kalgoorlie to conduct the funeral service for the late Dr Moffson. Many locals attended to pay their last respects to their long-time Kalgoorlie physician. Baruch Dayan Haemet. To support Chabad of RARA go to  https://www.chabadofrara.org.

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