Chris Latham OAM – Kaddish: The War Memorial's gift to the Jewish Community of Australia

Published Oct 23, 2024, 11:52 AM

Morry Frenkel speaks with Chris Latham OAM, Director and Curator of the world premiere performance of “Kaddish: A Holocaust Memorial”, about the reasons behind staging this commemorative concert, the process of choosing the pieces to be performed and details of some of the featured artists. The “Kaddish: A Holocaust Memorial” concert will be performed at Hamer Hall on Thursday 31st October and will be preceded by a “Kaddish Panel Discussion and Open Rehearsal of Leonard Bernstein’s Symphony No. 3 Kaddish” – also at Hamer Hall – on Tuesday 29th October. For further information and ticket booking, go to, click on What’s On and then click on the appropriate panel. The interview concludes with the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Leonard Bernstein performing Bernstein: Symphony No. 3 "Kaddish", narrated by Michael Wager.

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