
"From Womankind, Thank You" (w/ Eva Victor)

Published Aug 7, 2019, 10:00 AM

Eva Victor joins Matt and Bowen to discuss the cultural implications of Fergie, bravery in relationships, Eva's work at Reductress, and more!



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Forever. Look man, oh, I see you? Why why and look over there? How is that nulture? Yes? Goodness, let ding dong, let's culture. ESA's calling I love you, I love you. We have to set a tone of everyone telling each other that they love each other. And for what reason? What's the function? There's a lot of hate in the world, yes, and we have to drive that out with a love. Come on, Maryanne, come on Mary. And this is kind of a cultural news right mean at the time, at the time of recording, uh, do you see Lissen Milan. I was going to Marianne's fundraiser. Yeah, it was actually recently and a friend of the pod, Ira Madison the Third, was there, so I got some of the team from her. Can we can we know about the team? You can hear some of the guests? What did miss Ira? Oh? Please across? It was to stop. So I was hosted by Laura dr Are you kidding? M not kidding? You, said Marcia Cross and I was like, I mean, there's nowhere to go from there. Famously, Lord, I know, I know, but yeah, but we're roommates for people that don't know at home. For what there was there was a little brief period of a couple of weeks where we were people were like it could have been a contentious thing, where like they were roommates and it was a bad situation. And now they no longer spelled to each other due to the fact that she due to the fact that she be hosting fundraisers for Ms Marian Williamson author, They're on great terms, they must be, and I could find it, but those are okay. Where are you at now with Mary Anston? Because truly, I mean at the time, I mean, we we recorded, we recorded an episode like the day after those debates, and we were all like, oh my god, l O L isn't she so fun? Well, Shane in last place that she's certainly in sixteen posted Evan Gillian meme and that was when I was like a fucking Evon Gelli meme. This anime with some wild wacky, wacky wacky woo woo um thing about late capitalism and how it should be it should lead to love or whatever or whatever some wild thing, and I was like, this is too much and I'm out. Sorry, No, I mean, I mean, yeah, we're out, but like we're not mad. We're not mad. I'm saying I was in and engaged as far as far as like um, as far as like we're entertained by it, yes, and then now you were scary, Sudy. I talked to Sudy about it, and she was like, I think this makes us look stupid. I was like, I do, I do get that, and of course, like it is funny like that she said, and all that. I mean, it's a funny thing. How far I could go is a question I ask, which is a scary question that maybe with a scary answer, which she won't be the nominee, but come on, um, but I will say um. Elissa Milano did tweet about it. She's like, I'm going, I'm going to my first fundraiser of this season and it's Maryanne Williamson. I know, I know, she literally said, I know, I know, but she's the only one talking about like how the soul of America is hurting. And I was like, I don't know what that means, honey. I guess just fluttered her hands in like a panic. And I feel that. I feel that other guests, other other guests at the fact I couldn't rattle them off, but just suffice it to say, then what you're getting, you're getting the Marcia Cross of it all. Williamson Fundraise. I think, how do you feel? But I feel like Marcia Cross had done been wronged by this industry. I mean, yes, actually do you know Marcia Cross. The last I saw her, she was on morning news shows talking about she actually had rector and she she was out of commission for a little while to deal with the rectoral cancer. She very bravely. I think it was like speaking out about the recto cancer because you know, that's uncomfortable to talk about and obviously there's gonna be a ton of stigma or something like that. But I would, well, okay, I'll just say right now, I have been dealing in my family with someone who's recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. Please get checked, you know what I mean? This is something that and and just be going to the doctor um and just know that this is you don't have to feel ashamed about that kind of thing. Like it's what's shameful is if you end up getting really sick or going because you didn't say anything or didn't do anything, because it's a pride thing. Like I get it, it's your it's your fucking butthole or it's your you know, they're your breasts or whatever, but you got you have to take care of yourself. Um yeah, that has to do with like whatever stigmatizing ananomy, which is like so it just makes no sense just saying like, you know, the fact, the fact that I faint even was a discussion with this Martial Cross thing of like so brave of you the stigma, Yes it is. It's also like deeply, deeply deeply like your health and you you have to put your health first. And honestly, I was actually really really um moved that she was so forward about this, like and and and you know, went out there and Speakause, when do you hear about people in the public eye discussing the kind of cancer like that, you know what I mean? Like it does raise awareness in the house people. So who know, we get here from Mary Ann Williams Now, I sure now I know you. I don't know if we've had this discussion, but um, we've talked about Desperate House. I have so much, so much, and I know you're a longoria ahead, but I think my favorite character out of the four is Brie. And I think I think Marsha Cross did such good work. They did Marcia Cross by not giving her the Emmy that year that Felicity won the Emmy. That was Marsha Cross as Emmy. God. You know what scene I think about constantly and I've brought I've I've quoted it on the podcast before. But when it's it's remember the whole Andrew coming out plotline in season two. The only good plotline from season two was Andrew and it's a fund up. Remember when Andrew fux her boyfriend, Yes, and then oh, I know what you're gonna do, but that but that what she throws the wine where like we're um, like she is not allowing Andrew to be immansa hated or whatever. Um. And she's like dumping out bottles of wine because she's about to go to a A and she's like being very proud of like I'm going to go to a A and it's going to be fun and whatever. I'm making this work. Um. She's dumping up bottles. Then Andrew at one point again into some fighting, and Andrew calls says, your stone called bitch, you know that, and then I've done this before in the past, I need to do it again. Um. She throws a bottle of wine from across the room and it hits the frigent shatters, and and this is the whole the opposite of Levison and hate. It's in difference and different. She's I mean, Marcia was stunning that whole first season, and that character I actually a friend of mine. Jordan Ardino wrote on Desperate House, Oh my god, Jordan riverdsk and I was for Desperaged because and he knows for smash and so like he, I was got he You know, I love talking to him about Desper House because truly, like that was like V show. And what I'm working obsessed with is that our guest is nodding her head off when we talk about this, which means it also was a formative piece of culture for her. And that's something I'm excited to talk to her, very excited to talk to our guest. And who is our guests? Pray tell God, I gotta say, like our guest, I I heard, I saw our guests perform. I heard her on a podcast. Truly, do you hear that? Do you hear what? I hear? Sounds of chaos outside of your It's like that's our fan club. That is how intense. The fans of our guest, our guests are um I heard her, I heard our guest on a podcast and it was her and Michel win Itzki like just talking playing a game, and she was she was just cracking me up by doing and this is just the highest compliment by doing so little. She was cracking the funk up where she would like like Rachel would play this game with her, like like is this is this said this year or that thing anyway, and then she would just be like she would get answers wrong and she'd be like, God, I'm so stupid. I'm I'm such a stupid bit, like just like off hand things and then she and then I mean not to mention, like just fucking an amazing comedian, an amazing writer. And then like you know, you gotta see that the videos at Ava and her and her Twitter one of the most iconic handles, I mean one of the most iconic candles and Twitter that's taking like the world by story story rightfully. So not to like I hate to bring up the numbers in the metrics followers, what come on, I know, I never I hate bringing this up, but it's like like sucking, sucking, like something's something's happened, something's happening, and the people are talking. Here's the thing, here's the thing. A retweet is huge, actually real culture number twelve retweets huge. It means that not only did the person appreciate what they've seen, but they want to share with their community. I want to champion this work. And the Instagram handle is Victory Eva's secret um and no, I love that so much. I'm so excited. I'm so excited to welcome into your ears our guest a Victor. Okay, thank you for having me. This is ridiculous. A couple of things to say. Okay, Marcia Cross and Laura Dern are both very tall. Yeah's incredibly don't forget that. How tall are they? Do you know? I imagine Laura during his six feet Yeah, Marcia Cross probably five alive. I would in five eleven. And it's fine, Well all those things, where do you find that? Were you always tall? Always? Seventh grade? It was this dancing with Gregory Horrible, Like Gregory he had to be what he was so small, you know, Gregory? I feel like, honestly do know Gregory? Yeah, Gregory was that guy. Yeah, he was sort of like all dance with you. Fine, yeah, right, and so he should be so lucky and we know what he's doing now we don't, and we could look it up and maybe I will in a second. Alright, So Marcia cross, it goes like this, you and Marcia cross five eleven, Laura during six. I think it goes like that. And I don't know if a Mary and she might be tall too, but it doesn't feel like I don't think she's she's not going to be telling So the Jill Stein of this year, do you think she'll cross over to a Green Party ticket? That feels, oh my god, can kill me, like fucking try to be honorable one time? Walking over Like the ego in all of it, I'm like, drop out, bitch, that's the strongest. That's the most presidential thing you can do. To Feld, It's crazy. The most altruistic thing is if you're doing bad, drop out. The thing is I think that she here's the thing though, if she was doing how she was doing and now she's doing better because she she's going to keep going. She has the direction because she's like that. If you're the kind of person who like is going to move up because you're dumb, drop out. Well, does that make sense? Yes? Yes, but I mean but I I don't think she's aware of that. I was reading the other day. It's like five of them are doing very well and the rest of them are doing either fine or bad. And at that point it's just like, Okay, if you're doing fine or bad, thank you so much, and dropped out quietly. Yeah, thank you for playing. No worries, Yeah, no worries. Would you do you think about you? You're you're on the swallow kick? You thought Eric did a good job? You keep bringing him up because I would fuck him so that so you're on most of them? I would would, Okay, remind me, Oh my god, Yeah, I would honestly fun anyone with the ego to do this. Yes, yeah, which is the which is I? Regardless of gender? I don't. I don't know any of the candidates who I didn't know before the debate, Like I watched and I was like, Okay, who's that? No big deal? Who's that? No big deal? It just was too much information and I'm sort of like here to destroy betto. Yeah, and that's it. I mean, but you would, oh my god, I basically sucked up. It'll look like, but I can't get into it because I'm very sad. No. See, that's the kind of guy who ruin your fucking life. I know. I think I would have sex. I think so confident probably comes and then it's like, sorry, I gotta go. I think I think the Veneers. I think the veneerest cracking on him in a way that for me, I'm just like, oh, I see you sweat and bitch, that's not hot. I totally gone for me. I would suck Amy. I would. I was gonna say I would. I would put a baby in Amy. Yeah. That that's that's stuff about bottoming for Hillary. I would fully bottom for Amy. And also, here's the thing about Amy. You want me to do my job. If you throw a binder at me, I'm ten times that's how you run. I was talking about Betto's wife Amy, I talk fuck Amy. Yeah. But the thing about Betto and now that his confidence is knocked a little bit, it's like, now that I know he has like a self esteem issue, I can't change it as fast enough. That's interesting. I mean, if you tell me you have a self esteem is I can't you're as fast enough? Oh my god. Really that's awesome, dude, kind huge for you because I'm like, oh, it's he's going to be easy for me. And I would like to because confident as you because I'm also up. Let's go. Is it horrible? All of it? Like vulnerability and stuff. I mean, honestly, I love vulnerability. Now, I love vulnerability. I haven't felt the payoff of vulnerability in a couple of days, you know, like sometimes that feels like a long I don't know. I'm I'm coming off of like you're going through something. I brought Seltzer, Like what am I up? You know you brought you brought four Seltzers and it's like, obviously the prices. Do you want the Seltzer? That's for you? She has one because here's the thing, because now the Seltzer is just gonna sit here and it's going to be this reminder of this person. Now, well are you do you want to talk about it? I'll give you the lowdown, give us sort of like the lowdown. Um. I was like I basically was in like two serious relationships and it was sort of like boom uh boom, and now we're on the of the second one. And I was like, I want to say two years. I know, right, isn't that such a long time. It's a full relationship. I mean, I mean it was Hue. It was like the first time I was in love. It was like I and I'm still like, okay, this person means the world to me, like this is a person. And then I was kind of taken off guard by another person and right after, I mean there was there was some time, but it was overwhelming, and now I'm sort of like, okay, so I don't plan on sort of going down like romantic vulnerability like road for like probably a decade or so. That's where I remember when when my first So how it was the first relationship was two years and then pretty soon after after you've met this other person, and how long were you with them or was that a thing? Yeah, maybe like almost a year? Yeah, so but the intensity felt almost the same. Well, they were so different and without getting into it too much, like I I just there was no real time when I felt like alone and now here I am, and it's sort of like, well you have some crazy thoughts now and like you are what's going on up here? Because you're kind of alone in there now. It's interesting and it's really funny and like I know because like the realty is like when my relationship ended, Um, there was a time where I was like, why would I ever do that again? Why would I ever go through that again? And I was like, no, I'm getting a relationship is And then like with time you realize, like you will realize like how you've grown, and like you'll be thankful for it. But it's just like yeah, but but but but to be honest, like Brown Call to Current watched three times in a row the day after my last breakup, and it helped. But also that I was like, Okay, Burnet is sort of it for me now, So then you be can't fix it on Burnet? Who do I get? Yeah? Who can I lock down? Yeah? I've been quoting Burnet too much. I keep being like vulnerability is showing up and not knowing what the outcome is, Like I keep saying, I mean that is bravery. That is it is if you know what's going to happen, You're not putting anything on the line, You're not being any it's just not bravery. Okay, So then where you're at now is this thing of like I don't want to put anything on the line I think I put like I honestly and not to choot my own horn. Here was very brave. Yeah, thank you so much, and I yeah, and I was, And I feel like, okay, I'm I don't want to be brave for another person right now, I'm going to be brave all by my some bring my Seltzers wherever I go, you know, fucking yeah, wait, I'm sorry. Can we just say the Seltzers are not to me? Did not read as a cry for anything. It does not, It does not indicate anything. The Seltzers are a huge, huge the Celtics deal. The Seltzers are. They're a huge metaphor. It's generous, and it means that you you are like willing to offer something. Yes, thank you, thank you, and I'll remember that and like this thing of like okay, does you go back to your and I'll remember that to go back to your thing of like oh you're alone up here? What are the you have crazy thoughts? It's like, well, I there's I I have never I've never been served by rating my own thoughts or in her like you know, ruminations of like oh god, I must I suck for thinking that Like that doesn't help I don't know, there doesn't no judgment, no judgment the outer layer. Just take away the judgment, then deal with with the next lay sure, and then and then what's the thing that she that Bernet ends on in a cauldy courage and she's like, um uh, something that gets joy or like gratitude, it gets joy, right, So it's about being grateful for what you have in it is this it can I think I'm dealing with you. Two are different from me where I think. But that's also this is also because I have not been in a long term relationship ever for longer than like six months, so it's a long time. I think, oh, thank you. Well, I just I haven't I even felt this thing of like I completely gave myself over to somebody. But I find it so fascinating when people like I don't want to do that again. I because my instinct is maybe I'm maybe I'm just a serial serial data serial monogamist. I'm in love with being in love. I want to jump to the next thing immediately. I think that's just bad, which is I'm not tuting that bad at this point, Like we have to forgive ourselves. Yeah, I mean the reason I say that, and I'll remember that. The reason I say that is because and I've talked about him so much on the use his name, Like the relationship I had with Henry was so beautiful. But also it's like the periods of despair, such periods of true despair where I was like physically ill, and like just just the tragedy that comes to being able to work it out with someone that you love so much. It's like grieving a loss, and it's like it's like someone dying. And and um, that's why I think, I think you have yet to experience that, because once you do experience that, and you will well, honestly, I I hope, I know. I hope for you that the first person that you have like a real relationship with, I hope that's it. Or not that I don't wish for you all the experiences in the world, but like I don't, I wouldn't wish on anyone despair. And when you and you can attest to this, like when you are in a relationship and all you want to do is make it work but it just can't, it's a it's a devastating it's a realization. It's like, oh my god, oh my god, my fantasy of what this could be has to go down the drain. Yeah, and then you have reminding yourself the fantasy isn't real, or that like what you could, what you imagined isn't You're not on track for it. Maybe you're not getting what you want, and you're like I spent a lot of time worrying about what other people need, and like a lot of time I was like, wait, I guess like I need to think about what I want because I never prioritize that. And that's sort of like Bernet's whole thing. Literally, I think we are the same because something I've had to deal with over the past couple of years is like, you gotta you gotta say how you feel, because trying to make other people happy is making you sick, like and right, yeah, and not not not allowing people the truth about what you are and who you are. Like so now it's like now it's like, uh, there's something new kind of bubbling up in my life, and I'm kind of like, oh God, at what point am I like fully completely honest about like that I want and like and like what you know? But it's also one of my lessons from the relationship too, is also like you have to make people feel special and loved and wanted. So it's it's it's a you can't top thing, and these relationships are they're never going to be perfect, but you can try. Yeah, And it's about so it's about a choice. It's about making a choice. God, here we go about making a choice where you both are like, I want to choose to make this work. And if you're not choosing that together or at the same time, you're dead. And I don't think that's like logic. It's like we can just this is a decision. It's not like, oh, one day I wake up and like love and the next day I'm confused. It's like, no, I'm committed to this, like growth and you're Pisces. Yes, sorry to bring it up, Aquarius. Did you read Normal People? Oh my god, I read the first twenty pages in Nicole Silverberg's house and I couldn't put it down. Then she made this amazing dessert, so I had to was made shorts what she made And you know what, it's not what you think it is. It is biscuits between the business. Yes, it's not. My mom makes a version of this ye, yes, okay, it's not It's not the thing that I thought it was, which was like fruit in the cake. It's like, it's very British. Yes, it looked stunned and you ate that that. I saw you eat that. Yes, about eating that is social media right now in a sentence, I saw you eat that. That's actually real culture number twelve social media is I saw you eat that is very That is true, George. You have to read it to finish it. I read it in like what two three days? Oh my god? That she said she got home and just sat down and finished it. Yeah the second I turned me on that book. So far, it's a horny fucking book. It's like like what people are thinking and switching places every chapter, right yeah, and and so you get their perfective and she's raw. Yeah, it's really it's a raw bug, no condoms anywhere anywhere. Um and truly like me, I've been in this very queer reading material space for a while and I was like, some it had better be good if it's going to pull me out of orbit. Did you read less? Literally? He Okay, So this is like a joke now at this point, because he has told me to read less no less than a million times. And so it is at my apartment now and here I'm going to say this on the pod tonight. I'm gonna go home and read or will you really? Yes? I hope you will. I hope you will too. But you need it. It doesn't need you. I get it. I know, I know I need to read it. Can we talk about it? Yeah? And in very vague terms. Oh my god, I was surprised. I was kind of surprised. I was surprised because I was like, we're really going to stay big. It's just exactly what I wanted but didn't know I could want exactly. And my god, the the build up to it, I mean, I had yes, I was. I stopped breathing. I know exactly. I know. It was so shocking. I've been with something like this. This was it. This was It was like a movie. It's like a movie. I was on the train and then I stepped out of the train and I was like on the last a few pages, and I was like, I'm just gonna stay on the ce stop. A good stop, A good stop just stood there on the platform after I'd gotten off my train that I need to get off and I got get off that and I I just read those last pages and the I need to sit down, and I was like, Jesus Christ, that is a very romantic way to read the end of Yes. I also remember being like, after you read this book, don't look at your phone for ten minutes after you finished. I was like, you could look at your phone, but you need to sit in that because there was come on, hope, hope. There's hope in the book. And that's crazy because hope isn't everywhere, by the way, hard to find hope. It's hard to hope is so churned out in this manufactured way now that it's hard to find the real now. Well, I mean, I love hope. You're gonna love. It's so funny. It's really funny, and it's like the sad but beautiful gone. How old is the main character he's like and he's he's like middle aged, which is so he's in like late forties, early fifties, and it's it's it's really good for us, see you an amount to read it because it is like this this fun glimpse into like this fucking tail spin that we all go on, and it's like it pales in comparison to what like sucking women go through. You know, it's like, well can I it's very like like these things that we don't talk about. And I was reading it, I was like, I've never thought about that. That's I think that like, okay, so when you know how those face app thing with it's I was happy with I was really happy with mine. But I I still looked at that man's face and I was like, oh my god, what are you gonna be? I was like, I was like, how are people gonna Are people still gonna think? Like what are people gonna still gonna think? This is like cute? Like are people still gonna tolerate you? Like like are you gonna always be like goofy and crazy? Like what are you gonna be? Like? What what happened to you? Like? I don't know what? Looking at looking at a real version of my old face, I was like, I hope that they treated you okay. I was because gay man, as they age, I'm just like I just I haven't really seen okay, I haven't really seen like someone who's like I guess you have, like you're Ian McKellen or whatever, like, but just like a gay man who's always been gay, always was like got what he deserved, what I mean, sure, but it just was like to see yourself older, like that is going to happen to me? Yeah? That felt that felt true about it. It's like fate inevitable. It's like the inevitability of looking different. Yeah. And I was like live yeah, And I was just like I was looking at that man's face who was me, And I was like, I hope it went well. I hope because you know, I hope we're still smiling like that you will be. I really think I hope. So I just like, you know what I mean, like seeing yourself old, Like I know, it was like a fun bit we were all doing, but it was just like very crazy, you intense. We shouldn't be able to do that. No, it's not natural. I feel like in looking at your photo, I saw my photo and thought mine looks like so much older, Like it looks like they did a different age than you're one, Like the age are they supposed to make you? Because today Ricky Gervais was on the View and it was like they showed his old photo and I'm like, this is three years what age is supposed to be make? I think it's like octo or septagenarian, like seventies eighties? Is that how you say it? Is that I'm a septagenarian? Exactly right. Um, I thought you were gonna I thought you were gonna read me for my um you know romance language pronunciation, my Latin rich Can we talk about I'm gonna say something and please reject it if you if you reject it, I think a picture is the female Timothy shallow may up. I was like nervous and I'm like completely found, like go on and go on, just like explain just this aloof the female Timothy shall this alout dark haired French speaking and you're just like, who is that? I want to know more? Breakout start? Come on? What do you think? I acceptccept hugely and you know what else I except I except when people say I look like Cole Sprouse to people are like you look like cold Sprouce and I'm like, that is huge we have and ultimately energy, yes you did not. Yeah, it went so bad even part I want to be on it so bad that I auditioned for the cheerleaders, the cheer leader sister of Betty God I had. I was blond and I was like, I'm completely even more depressed than I am now. Can you even imagine? So hair curler was different back then. Oh I was like blond, that's it, that's it. Yeah, I was, and my hair was long. And I went into the audition and the part the lines were like Mom, it's I'm like reaching, I'm reaching for a yogurt in the fridge and I opened my mom standing there, um, and she's like, what are you doing? And I'm like, Mom, it's non fat And I just did back thence and flips for four hours at cheer practice. And she's like, whoever the guy is, it's a bad influence. And I'm like, I love him. I should the right so much. I'm a really, really, really good cheerleader. Um, is that like the most cuckoo thing audition for? Like You're like, I can't believe I'm holding these pages in my hands now. I for Quantico. That was my first audition. Here, my god, we've talked about. That's how we like. I'm Rachel Networks Traumas. Rachel loves Quantico. She also loves Gray's Anatomy. Yeah she does, she Rachel, could, I mean, Rachel can do any of those exactly right. Yeah, Oh, Rachel is like and this is she's been on the good fight. She's this is like the highest complement I can pay someone, especially an actor. She is she is network television procedural. She can do any of those shows. She can deliver any line in the world. She's so good. She's such a good actor. And she has like a passion for like poop stuff, and I love like writing about poop. And I'm like, hemorrhoids, do you I had? I had, I had a hemorrhoid od it goes and comes, and I know that about preparation. H is. I don't know how I feel about it. I mean, I wiped with it and that's good. It's so slippery. It's it's like it's like a lubricant. It's elite, but it stays and it doesn't dry out. It stays there and stays in there. It stays slippery. You know, Um okay, when hold on, Rachel never had like a dry but I have never had especially in this year. It's bad. But the thing is like my butt, it's it's I've never I've only had one hand roid before in my life years ago, but I did through about three or four. This is insane. I've been three four years ago. I had to have I had a little tiny cist like right under my butt hole, and I had to get it lanced and drained. And they took and they took a needle and they they they gave me a shot in my butt and when I tell you the pain that was a cookoom mother, it was crazy. It was so bad when they stuck a needle in my bottle and gave with the shot. Hey, it was like, so you were the best thing in there's no shut up um. When they and they go to me, this is where they go. They say, if you need to hold our hands or scream, you can do that. I was like, and I literally the joke that almost came out of my mouth was it won't be the worst pain I've felt there. Did you say that's a good joke? Because I didn't think. I didn't think that Brooklyn Doctor's office was ready for my anal sex humor. They're fucking this is the thing stigma on anatomy. My god, you're right, I should be baddish. Get out, get it out, get it out. If if fucking Marcia Crossed can go on TV and talk about a rectal cancer. You can make that joke to a Brooklyn doctor. Nobody, Well, Mary and Williams and fundraiser, anyone can do anything. It's actually a really culture number forty. If Marcia Cross can go to Mary and Williamson fundraiser, anyone could do anything. It is true. We put a man on the moon. Marsha went to the Mary and Williamson and ready we did that. We did that. We should be allowed to do anything. Honestly, I can't explain. And then also the pain was bad, but it wasn't like bananas. That sounds horrible. But then I had to like walk around with like like what essentially was like a pad on my butt, and like it was like draining all the time. And I was like people feel like it's always. There were some people out there who constantly un dripped, and they're called women and they have a period, And I was like, I have a whole new respect for just for discharge, for discharge, um, thank you, and thank you from womankind, thank you from what must understand the title of that, I think is from womankind. Thank you, And as we all know, I do represent all women being Timothy the female I never heard anything so specific as I think if we stood next to each other, you would, you would actually only see our differences because I think from far away we are brothers sister. From up close we are simply incompatible. I think you would you will absolutely play siblings one day. Oh my god, I think I think that's in the car. I think he'll be the lead, and I think I'll be I'll be on the side. Speak French. You both like are like these, like these very textured people. I don't know some of these stars. I bet he's nice. Some of these stars are a lot nicer than you think they're going to be or they have to be. But when he brought us, I think, so he brought his mom to that award. I don't remember the Oscar, and I think that that is, I guess cool. But also it's like if you bring your mom to an award show, you know what you're doing, Like that's a move, that's like, look what I'm doing. I don't. I don't I bring my mom because my mom. I owe everything to my mom. And that display, I mean, I think he should have brought his mom. That's really nice, Okay, but what is it? What is it? What is it. What's the messaging. I guess it's sort of like I love my mom and you have to watch and the plaud me take it back. No, no, because that's a really good I don't think Sonny, I don't think so, honey. People whould bring their moms because it is this thing of like give me that straight give me that straight boy, pat on the back, right exactly. It's like, look, I actually love my mom and I'm and congrats to me. Yeah, if I ever get nominated for an award show like I'm sorry, I am bringing my yah got in the bathroom. Yeah, but we've gottau in the bathroom. And I have to be able to if I'm ever nominated for anything, I'm going to be truly a wreck. And I have to be able to hold someone's hands so tight. And the only person that would let me do that is it would be your boy or doctor. It should be my doctor. I should go back to that Brooklyn doctor and he remember that time I got an oscar. I have a question, what if it's a cultural thing where it's like, um, I'm just gonna bring up like oh, go out French. I'm like not to bring her up like Sandra bring her parents to stuff, Like is that a move where you're like, oh god, this is everyone, this is engineered. I'm not backing into a corner with this, I promise now. I don't think so, because when that happened, I was like, hell fucking yeah. But also I will say went to Sorry, there's I just can't say it. American brought his mom. I was not mad at the moment in retrospective, and I can't explain it. No, I think that's I think that's very interesting, and I think I'm inclined to when Sandra thank her parents, that was she brought them both. She brought them both, and the mom is singling out the mother. Unless his father is not no longer involved, very much could be true. There you go. I'm not I'm not France. Wait, these French dads, these French dads. Did you did you grew up there? Okay, so let me explain. I was born in Parish, we lived there for a year, moved to see if Disco, which is where I was raised, and then I went to college and was there. I went to like a French immersion school, which was insane and not worth it. Never do it umnity. If given the opportunity, don't go to French immersion school, you know, really, I like him always like fuck that, why why I learned all like of this science in French? Why I mean wilder science at all, but like learning all of it in French was like insane and I then at all sorry rude um. And then after like two years in high school, I was like, I should be going to like the American part of this high school, which was just next door, and so I just transferred over to the American part of the high school and they were like, why don't you know any science in English? I was like, oh, fucking kill me. I can't succeed. And so I actually, you know what I was. I was I wanted to be premed only because of Grey's Anatomy. And then yes, it's crazy, and then I and then I realized I wanted to be an actor on Gray's Anatomy, and then that never happened either, But I mean, come on, it was just crazy because I remember when Christina had her heart like chalkboard. She had like a huge diagram of a heart, like all the different parts of it, and I remember being like, I need to get one of those in my house, which doesn't make I just it's it's it's such a weird like, um, you see it's being presented to you like TV doctors and you're like, I'm responding to this, yes, I don't know which part and it is actually wanting to have sex probably, And the matter is when you're a real doctor, your life isn't scored that beautifully. And also not everyone looks like that, and it's not this thing where um, it's over in forty minutes. It's like a full lifetime. And being that tired is not glamorous. And when they're up all yeah, when they're up all night, they're up actually all night. Yeah, you don't have like the ability to look like Katherine Heigel when you work eighteen hour day shifts um. And also, to be honest with you, I think we're probably all around the same age and with the grades anatomy thing that can you want to be doctors And then you realized it was a bad acting. That was me with Lost and I would fantasize about being in a plane crash. Literally I want to be a professional. No, But I remember like when I was watching Lost, I was like it would be so cool to be in it, like in that kind of disaster survived. I don't know, because I was fourteen, and also like I was like I wonder what, I wonder how long I would live on the island, like it was some sort of game. Which character were you responding to? This? To um, well, actually, here's a here's an even more interesting thing. I actually did most to Kate Slash Evangeline Lily because she was like pretty in a cipher and you never could get a finger on her, and also she she like had the Jack and Sawyer love triangle of it. At the time, I was like, obviously it's Jack. Obviously it's Jack. And now something deep within me, which I realized like last year as I was like, actually, what I would like is to have my color bone broken by Sawyer And even more, who would be the most intense sex I think? And I think the one I'm really sucking sexually attracted to is Charlie. And let me say I've only seen the Pilot because there's a part where I think somebody gets skinned the pilot of the plane. And by the way, I did think that episode was called pilot because they were looking for the pilot. It took me a long time to realize pilot was pilot, right, the pilot gets his face tripped off by the monster. That is that what I'm talking about? And then they yes, and then you and you don't know up there you see him up there in the tree and he has no face, and oh my god. And eventually Lily has that amazing moment of acting where she UM's hiding in the trees from the monster and she counts down from five because that's what Jack told her to do. I'm almost like, oh my god. Eventel and the lea star is born is born. Yeah, Evangeline evangel She She's one of the most gorgeous people ever. And I've also heard really nice and what I appreciate Lily is she only does blockbusters. She I've had two experiences. This is the most obnoxious thing. No what where she was sitting like dagon Only for me, it's little cycle. Let me say this sometimes to Yeah, I love Claire, But Claire refused to talk to us at Multu Fest anyway. Um, yeah, we tried to do in your she was just busy and she's like, I want to go home. That wasn't clear. That was Maggie Gillan Hall, but also Claire did not want to of course, Claire Danes and Maggie Jellan Hall goddesses of the small screen. Sorry girls udn't talk to us. Oh my god. I believe Evangeline is always so into it and she's always like she's just you can you can tell she's like cool, She's like she's like she like coops and Halls whenever you know, the instructors like how are you feeling, and she's like, you have to respond because I'll say this in public right now. Lost was It had its moment of being the best show in the world, and then there were truly some things about it that were so fucking bad, Like the character of Kate was so bad, and the fact that we even tolerated her is just Evangeline's star quality because the character was so bad. Wait, kay was the blonde one? No, that was Claire Claire. Sorry, um, Emily de Ravant, Emily de Ravant. Oh, Emily who was in that movie of Eyes, Eyes, which was rape. She's pregnant that movie and she gets sucking raped. She gets raped by an alien mutin alien. Literally, it was like the last couple of years where torture porn was like fully acceptable in mainstream. But it's like, if you watch it again, you're like, oh boy, is this is this something that absolutely poisoned the minds of Americe that's sucking everything. Though. There is this movie that I don't know what it is, and I remember seeing it too young, where this like prairie woman sucks this cowboy guy in like a basement as at a friend's house and we watched this movie because her dad put it on, and I remember what they were sucking and making like sex sounds, and I was like, probably, I don't know. I was like old enough to where that shouldn't I guess be is uncomfortable, but it was insane, and I just remember being like, I feel like I'm going to throw up because this is too early. And also this the girl whose houses that made me watch Two Girls, One Cup. I'm sorry. We don't need to talk. The thing is that's culture, and we all talked about it because unfortunately particles. She said, if you don't she grabbed like this, she grabbed my face show and she said, if you don't watch it, you're boring. And to be called boring, I mean she's like probably I think she's doing okay, she's still in the bad shout out. I never got to I never made it through that because I would always throw it. I would always wretch. It was too much for me. It's disgusting, there's no point, it's horrible. I'm so mad. Still, her house was hard to be at something. This is the thing. Cake farts is acceptable. I mean, cake farts to me is one of the funniest things of all that's not breadface. Cake farts is the famous iconic video where a girl sits on a cake and yes, yes, yes, yes, yeah, oh they're yeah. There's a lot of them, Like there's original farts, like there's like pancake farts. It's like crazy. She farted on so many different things, and the best was her dialogue around the event, which was, you know what I like the most cake farts. Let's get this done. Hmm, how am I gonna do this? I know, okay, believe me when I say I thought that would end after one line, and you know, for years this is actually cakewarts my culture. This is did I ever tell you this? The person who showed me cake farts, the person who like sent a link around the cake farts was Donald Glover sent Nick Packer to link to cake farts my freshman year of college, and then we were like, we're going to watch this and I was like, so you were exposed to cakewarts by Donal Glover, childish can be? I was already like a Donald Glover fan from like Derek Comedy Days, and I was like, yeah. I was like, well, whatever Donald thinks it's cool. I think it's cool. That's really embarrassing for him, right, that's Donald embarrassing, like fucking perfect, like like propagated cake farts to like the reason everyone knows the reason this happened is because he was like he was like the O G Comedy at ny US, and so he knew some of our peers that are a little bit older, and that's how this video. But he was like, if you watch anything today or this year, you watch cake farts. You watch cake farts. Start of the Lion King truly simpopagated Simba propagated cake farts to the young, impressionable mind of Bowen Yang. If Beyonce knew he had done that, she would not have done them. No, no, I'll tell you what what had happened. He wouldn't have done the movie. She would have said, he is sending people cake flats. I can't do this film with him. Some else and somehow, I'm gonna say, not problematic. It's a non problematic Beyonce impression from day. We need to find someone else for the film. Let me say, I am getting all of the eye contact in this moment, and it's a very powerful had something troubling about Donald and I would not like to even I know we have scheduled it said that I don't have to see anyone while I filmed, but I don't even want to be on the same screen as him. I would prefer it if we cast another actor. Also concerned about this is an email I've concerts about this screaming and gay. If you look up videos, you know that I'm actually, in my past actually quite homophobic. I'm just kidding. She had her a couple of rough moments years ago. She wasn't gonna compromise her Christianity. That the the the my favorite slightly homophobic adjacent Beyonce moment is after Britney Spears and Madonna kissed at the Viennames and Christina, she went out in public record and said that she was discussed is of course a gay icon, and she supports us, and she posts a lot of one of the greatest performers of all time and a legend, and we love and I've given her much of my something though them kissing was discussed, like and if right, thank you for saying that. I've been saying that for years. But you know what I mean. It's she is southern Houston, where there's a soul cycle, and I'll say, I'll say I saw Lucy Lou and Soul cycle all the time, and she's fast. I mean, would you think Lucy Lou wasn't going to be good on the bike? You're right? What the hell? I guess. I was just surprised because um it was hot yea. And sometimes I used to work there, used to work their front ask I worked at corporate for a second, worked at the reception. People treated me okay, now it's okay. Whenever your reception is people are like you suck, but also have to look. I got told a lot that I shouldn't come to work in pajamas, and I was like, well, I have to be her nine, so water you ask you had to be here at nine? The crack done. No one else goes to work at nine, I would go to I mean, I hope no one's listening, but I would go there and there and at nine that's when the snack guy would get there, to the corporate snack guy, and I wouldn't meet him and take as many cliff bars as I possibly just to stash him. And I would eat them throughout that Remember, have eat don throughout the day and get violently ill, and I go home and start the day over the next day because you're just eating the densest food ever made. When you when you eat a cliff bar and then eat another cliff bar, that's not okay. Why would you do that because it was there and that's it. I mean the amount of things I'll eat because they're there, shocking, shocking. I'll try. I'll try almonds every day and throw the pack away once I have one, but I will open it up. Yeah, I mean, almonds are like something they say that you should eat, but they're fucking bad momonsucking mad salted good good eats. Well you should have. How do not know that? Oh I knew this, No, I didn't know that you had an almond allergy and that's so it's specific almonds, peanuts, cashews, anything else. I can eat any other note, I can eat almonds, And what will happen to you if I fucking close up? I feel like my throat, my my throat. It's yeah, it's it's it's a weird anomalous thing. But can you be in the room with am just I can be in the room with almonds. It's just about like them touching my trick, yeah, or not trick yet, but like my esophaga. But milk has fully moved in an almond direction. That's what I'm saying. Like it truly is humiliating for me to be like I can't have almond milk. Do you like? Oh, oh I had. I've tried a couple of times, and I'm like, oh, it's funny for the story, you know. It's like, my god, that's so rude but true. I'm sorry, but it's true, and like I respect to Oh, yeah, I think I get the right. I'll say that. Yeah. I mean I a couple of times had like interesting milks in my coffee when I was because they have a lot of interesting MILKSLD milk. One time I was Greta and I had breakfast and I got oat milk, and I was like, see, there's I've never tasted something that really tastes exactly like milk taste like, yeah, it does taste like oatmeal, watery, but water. What's your favorite milk? It's out milk, but it's totally oat milk. I like, totally. I don't have anger about dairy, but I do not like the idea that it's plus from a cow. I'm sorry, my god, how could you do that? I know? But when I think about it, I get really upset. And you know what, it's not even that. It's like sometimes there's hormones in it. Yeah, have you ever milt a cow? You know what? I don't think so I think that would probably completely funk it up for me to be like, no, I'm never eating this again. I don't think I have melt a cow. But I also feel like i've felt the cow outer before, so I don't know where that. You know, it's like soft, that was a latex glove and you and everyone's like, can you stop, you're at the doctor. Yeah, I don't know. I've been around like goats, does that Hell? Yes, that's sorry. I up milk for you. No, No, it's it's it's okay. It's just that I'm still that kind of person that will like drink milk like I'll drink like two milk, like I'll drink a large glass of it, because you remember, it's a huge part of culture, those gotten milk as. Yeah, that's cool. I love I love I love a celebrity with with a funny picture. Um, but do you remember the culture that was anti osteoporosis culture, which was like you lost drink yes, the kid, I drink milk every single meal, every day, and wow, yeah, you're right the moment, okay, not to be like Okay, France is there and I'm going to talk about it. But in France, if you drink the milk, it tastes really fucking different, and that freaks me out. It tastes more like it's like, yeah, because the cows are more healthy there. I just think the idea for sure. I gotta know, favorite Grison anatomy. What did you when you went on the Clothes podcast? What did you What was your topic would you talk? I've been twice one time, Oh my god, I'm forgetting. I think I talked about relationships. L o O. Yeah, I think I talked a lot about all I can think of the idea that I have for the next one. Oh wait, what's your idea? The next one? I wanted. I want to talk about the child actors and where they are now. I'm looking it up right now, I think, can you please? I'm so sorry actors who are the prominent child actors of Grace Oh the tramp. Okay, I'm already mad because the most recent episode was Addison Forbes Montgomery Shepherd, which was going to be my that's the thing. It's like, now people are stealing all the good things that she was. Literally she asked me to be on it a couple weeks ago, and I was like, good because I'll talk about Adison and now I see but you know what, you can go back and you can flesh out the things you need to. It feels like that it's a deep die you talked about in Hotties, and you talked about and and you talked about need to cut. Yeah, I talked about Danny Duet was my first one because I when I was okay, this is the same as just basically me talking about the episode. Sorry, but basically huge for us. Okay, that's amazing. I was actually in this room. Can you actually believe that? Yeah? Yeah, I talked about Danny Duquette because I remember that storyline being very romantic for me. Then I went when I went back and rewatched, I was like, this is hugely like there's so much pressure here. There's this weird like emasculating ship going on. Character is a man, Yeah, crazye. She needs a lot of help. That character. Really. I don't mean to be a dick, but she couldn't have been a doctor. That character could not have been a doctor. Jeffrey Kingrgan though really good. Also, you wouldn't have her back as a doctor if she had that kind of and then quit. It's like, okay, cool. Actually the next thing that happens is a lot of paperwork, babe, and probably go to prison. Yeah, how did they get out of that? She they kick her out of the program, right, how does she come back? You know? She came back because her teacher from her childhood needed surgery and she and she was like I owned this clinic. It lest you forget, I don't need two million dollars for that. You don't like the whole remember the whole clinic. Storyline was detting left her money and right the money. So that was anyway really ringing a bell, ringing a bell. What were you going to say about Danny or that storyline. I fucking I'm obsessed with that fucking storyline is the best. But I also am like this doesn't looking back, I'm like, this doesn't age well. But the chemistry that they had I thought was really hard. I mean then it's not done many scenes by the way, I feel like, actually go through a build and then she she idealizes him. I'll say that. And nowadays, if you're watching that, you could probably see it coming from a mile away. But it felt surprising. It was surprising, truly, Like the Superstition episode where it was like seven deaths. Remember that one, a phenomenal episode the end. Yeah, wasn't that many scenes, but that scene is so powerful at the end of that episode where it's like, um as, he's so worried that he's gonna die, he's gonna be one of the seven, and then he lives and then she's crying, she's we sobbing in his in his um fucking room because she's relieved that he's alive. He wakes up um, and then she just goes, I cannot fall in love with a patient. I'm just gonna act it. Please, I cannot fall in love with a patient. Danny goes, Okay, good luck with that. And then that's when they first kiss, and it's such a well done scene. Oh my god, I try it. Go the scene. What is it again? I cannot fall in love with a patient. Okay, good luck with that. And then she's last week and right now, so you guys do the scene and I will be the audience. Okay, who do you want to be? It seems like you want to be Catherine. I kind of okay, I'll be Can you be both? Yeah? Because I just did both? Yeah, okay, I no more. That's not how scenes work. Yeah, I think, I think. I think that. Okay, i'll try. I'll try. No, no, no, no, I'll dony. I cannot fall in love with the patient. Okay, good luck with that. Really good contact. Here's the difference if eye contact with you almost act. Don't think your dad. I completely averted and I'm I'm the audience. So to do that is crazy. Are you the cameras that are you thinking? Watching that? Right? So it's even more egregious. Somehow can I say, I think honestly, I wanted to go on and talk about easy but I and the Catherine Hygel love it all. But I feel like that's been done. You should talk about the TR night um fucking Isaiah Washington. Yeah, I guess like that being the that just depresses me because Isaiah Washington getting invited back on the show later to wrap up to Sandra Still go out to me is like insane. Maybe I will talk about that. We're talking about the I just find that to be completely crazy. Yeah, you got to come back to that show and get a check. But he truly was chaos demon on that set and used a homophobic slur and also did a lot of fun up things. But also remember that she hit the carpet and the red carpet at the Golden Globes and she was like, some people should not speak in public. I'll ride or die for t R a night. That's my best friend, and I will stick up for him. And she was out there sticking up for him and like was an ally and nobody talks about that. And yes, she funked up numerous times when it comes to like her public statements about that. But I think it really sucks that the narrative around her still to this day is stuff that happened fifteen years ago. It's just like, really fucked up to me. And also the fact that Isaiah Washington called tr Night a faggot, and multiple accounts say this happened, and then he was welcomed back again the cat and then he said it again in the press room. It's like, this is a person that real problem. It's like and if if like we're forgiving people, then we not. We don't have to do anything. Shame doesn't have to do anything. Do whatever you want to do. But it's just like, don't try out this narrative of like, well, we had to do it for Sandro's character. It made sense. Like one of the founding fathers of that show was like to so to speak, was Izzy and like, I'm sorry, but if if there's no invitation for her to come back and wrap up the Alex storyline whenever it ends, then this isn't tracking to me. Also, whenever she refers to assholes now quote unquote she calls them high goals. It's just like at a certain point it's like I get maybe maybe your maybe your experience with her was that bad, but it does it doesn't read a maturity for me. You can't just choose what you're mad at and this and when things don't act like you can't just say this person is a devil and this person is like forgiven. You have to like contextualize it and understand why people are wrong. I can't wait for the Ladies Who Punch Esque book about because even Meredith, even Ellen Pompeo, is out there saying like we had serious behavior problems about the first ten years of Gray's Anatomy, Like she's going out there and like I just fucking truly stand Ellen Pompeo and want to hear everything she has to say. Ellen Ellen Pompeo is truly phenomenal, especially just the moment that, like truly I was like, yes I will, I will follow you to the ends of the earth. Was that fucking panel with Gabriel Union where she was like, I don't see it. I don't see a lot of color. I'm not seeing color, and I'm a Robert was liked a big smile, but weird, weird out and she I've seen her do that on like Red carpets. I've literally there was Ellen. I've seen there was another video of her and she was like talking to this woman on the carpet and she was like being interviewed, and she was like, you know, like when you look at the photographers here, there's not a lot of people of color, and there's not enough women. And that's a that's a gaze. So when we're photographed, you have to understand it's by all these white men. And she's literally on the carpet saying and I'm like, I never think about the power everyone that's on that line taking photos of them is allegedly like white men, Like we can't see it because the cameras aren't on them, but we can feel it. That is exactly because exactly again, and that is a that's an issue. Fuck. It really makes you realize how many people aren't saying things When Ellen says things, you know, and it's like this time stops moments. And also you could see it in the faces of Gina Rodruguez and Gabrielle Union when she did say something, they were like, WHOA, we didn't think we were going to go here. We didn't know we were allowed to do that, And they said, like we would have texted each other after about it. But um, I think it's time to ask the question. I think it's time. So here's the thing AVA. On all of our episodes, we ask the question of what was the culture that made you say culture was for you? This is the defining pop culture in your life that pointed you in a cultural direction? You know, just take that and run with it. Okay. I feel like the memory that stands out I was, oh gosh, maybe I don't remember. It was two thousand, maybe four or five. I was eating a hogin does I scream because I was my coping mechanism. It's no big deal. And I remember are like, we had this office. Okay, there are two things we had this, Like, we have this little office in my family's house. And because of like construction in the office construction, just like, we had to move the computer out to the living room. So I was sitting in the living room with this big computer, not like any parents, probably wandering. I was sitting eating my hoggin does, and I was watching Fergie's London Bridge video and being like, I'll never be a woman that feels like so like and also like I think I like I am queer, but also like um help and I I when I think about that moment, I don't think of myself is in it. I watched myself like hunched over eating this like ice cream that's dripping and probably like honestly my third of the night and watching this video where she's like running her finger nails through this on this bald head, and I just remember being like, you're supposed to do that, Like that's how sex is, Like you just do that. You just sit someone down and then do hot stuff on them, Like I remember being so upset. And then also she's on the bridge and she does them crazy ship. She's on the table and does and does like bridge shit. It's one of the most bizarre songs anyone has ever released. Makes it's pure nonsense, and I think it's one of the most important songs. It truly woke something up and there and the fact that you bring that up is very crucial. Thank you so much. Thank you for like the the true like invitation into that moment. How now, okay, like what did that moment do? I mean? I actually love Fergy and she has had a moment recently. We all know what when she's sang the national anthem and completely nailed it. And I think that that moment I was upset by because then everybody was kind of tuned into this space that I thought I had found on my own naively, so, which was Fergie is insane in every social phase. Yes, and she there is this video that I don't know if he let's play some basket ball? Really powerful? I mean? Also, can I say Fergie has had so many cultural moments. We forget that she's performed the Super Bowl with Black Eyed Peas and she's the only reason any of us care about the Black Eyed Peas. Sorry, well I am we forget. Uh, I'm sorry. But the moment that was Big Girls Don't Cry, her ballad that took over the radio for a delicious definition m fourth the July you and I put up the milth Money song is the most fucking good. The video is whoa insane? Yeah, but it's great. Also, I have a side by side taking actually at Soulecycle that's me doing the Fergie cover art sometime Duchess for Milk Money Money. Yeah, I will say, there's this video of her doing backflips. Have you seen a video on the Today Show? Is it like six am. Yeah, she's singing Arracuda and she does she's doing a cover of Veracuda on the Today Show of doing backflips. It is absolutely insane that she does so many and then takes a singing break and then does another set down and also just like not not full out singing. But I have to say the moment for me of Furgie be Oh my God, should have beated. She should have been nominated with the highlight of the movie thrilling. What are the films had she been in that? It was nine the only one she was poside an Adventure remake. You know what makes me mad is I feel like her relationship was bad. Probably yeah, And I think it's unfair. Are they not together anymore? Over? I feel upset because I feel like the truth of it is that probably deeply he is dicky, you think so? Yeah, I mean it came from soap operas, and that's a narcissism. It's a narcissism. But it's like where it's like, you should it should be a humility. He should feel like humble, thank you for this. Yeah. Famously played Leo and All my Children. I remember watching him when he was a sprout and then he became such a thing. And I remember they got married and I thought, oh, that's such a fun relationship. I bet. And then now looking back, I'm like, I deeply agree with you, right, yeah, right, because it's about like, okay, whenever like a couple gets older together and then he and then they break up. I'm like, you're mad about so like a woman aging. But it's always like not fair to just say that. But I'm like, that is You're like, it's just toxic. There's something wrong there. That's why Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew Roderick, though they are not okay, they've made it. They've made it well, yeah, what's what's your thing that that doesn't sit well with you? With them, I don't think either of them have ever said anything that I'm like, oh, that's a human being. See. I totally disagree with Sarah Jessica Parker. I actually everything anymore now. I'm gon even watch her fry eggs on Instagram. I I live for it. And also, can I tell you something. I watched Divorce and I'm a fan of divorce and I've recently came upon I actually think Sarajenessica Parker is an underrated icon and and acting acting legend. I think that's like wide Carrie Bradshaw. It should not work, but it works so much. True And I'm sorry, but one of the great television monologues, because it really it was the character and discovering what she really wanted was when she's with Brishnikov in the in the suite at the end, and and he says, I thought, I thought you knew what this was and who I was, And she says, I'm going to do the whole thing. Well, maybe it's time to be more clear about who I am. I am someone who is looking for love, ridiculous, inconvenient consuming can't live without each other love. And I don't think that that love is here in this expensive apartment, in this beautiful hotel in Paris. It's not your fault, it's my fault. I shouldn't have come here. Then she leaves phenomenal. That was so good. She yeah, you actually have. And I do think she is a really good actress. And I think that she convinces me of a lot of things I shouldn't be convinced of. That's true, But but you find her public yes, like like, look at my closet of shoes, like what, But then I'm like, she needs it. That's not her, that's that's that's Carriou May. But she convinces me that that's an okay character, that that's believable that someone would be like that. I will say, No, Torodrect doesn't exude um happiness and positivity to me. But that's just a vibe thing. I mean, I I think he's also an icon. I saw that an opening of a play and that felt true. Yeah, he just doesn't he doesn't. He doesn't carry the light. But I think she does. I think Sarahdessica Parker has done one of the few, and it was the first one of the few acceptable about seventy three questions she did the first one. She put that on the map and like I am like and like she like is very Sarah s JP about it, where she's like describing New York in three words um or something tiny and real. Something she goes um orchestral or something symphonic, tiny and real and just like s JP. I mean, but this is also her and like she is like and she like she like she like guides the camera up to her collection of globes, and it's like, yeah, like you are this cool fucking lady who lives in the West Village, like thank you. She to me is an icon forever. I love her. I love her completely on board. Yeah, I mean that's the thing. But here's the thing. When you say, when you mentioned s JP and Matthew Roderick, I don't think your problem is with s JP. It's with Matthew because he doesn't carry the light. I and he doesn't. But the thing is in his performances, he so often has carried the light like Ferris Bueller. That's she's a fucking start right where it? Where did it? Like? Oh and the Producers? He carried the light in that like so many things. It's just like, I don't know. I think maybe he's just an older man now and just doesn't really give a funk. He's just settled into not caring, which I love. I think the reason I have pain there is because I really sighed with Kim Control. Really okay, So I think Kim ConTroll was the person on that show who had to like literally perform naked and funny. I'm not so vulnerable. She was delivering, she was selling every part like one never worked without her, and whenever there's three against one, I never believe the three because it's so unfair, like the idea that like those three girls were hanging out and then Kim Control feeling excluded and honestly that maybe the tallest of the groups had to go then and had to go then perform like naked sex scenes for the show where I imagine Sara Jessica Parker was making much more that sits badly with me, and the thing of like when her brother died, Sarah Jessica Parker like comments or posted something and she was like, bitch, this, you're not my friend. I'm like that's yeah, like you can do that, like that's and if there's so much pain there, I like, I believe her. I don't know. I think that Kim Control. I My assessment of this is she she had to play a part on that show that, um, I don't it can have felt good every single day, you know what I mean? And also you watch that show now and some elements are like some episodes are like shockingly out of touch, and I mean and like really really really really crazy, and I I don't think if you watch the whole thing now, Like you'd watch every storyline that she was in and feel good or happy for her character as confident and as like sex positive as she was, Like I had to feel and she's doing that every day, had to feel a little weird. So I one hundred percent this woman who's in her sixties. Her saying no, I'm not going to do Sex in the City three after Sex in the City too was what it was just because y'all want to do it and just because like you have my script and you want the money. I am at an age now where not only have I been doing it for for two decades, but it's just like not what I want to do anymore, like because my my function here is different than yours. Like I'm like essentially the sexual joke here. And they did give her some good storylines towards the end of the show, but like you know, those were few and far between, and so her being a woman in her sixties, if she says she doesn't want to do it, that's fucking yeah totally. There shouldn't be people shouldn't know that she said no, that she's the only one that shouldn't be that, And it's like to guilt her, like for there to be a like literal international conversation about whether or not she's grateful or acting like she said, no, y'all, that's it. Also, they're, like she said at times, like playing that role like was the reason for her marriage not working. I mean that's also sort of probably a deeply like I'm sure there's something and like also the whoever her husband was was probably like your me, girl, you know it's not honestly, here we go go uh And I feel like, uh, that's unfair to to like, uh does I can imagine mean, like this is something I want to leave behind. My naked bodies been literally everywhere for like so long. Let me be also like doing saying something, saying yes to something. Years ago she might not even say yes to that, And now nowadays she's just like fucking loving doing like British TV and like plays and ship like she is in a good place and she knows where she should be at this age. And also not for nothing but to be synonymous with the character of Samantha, like because she is synonymous with that character, like people wouldn't even be able to tell you the difference between her and that character because she's so iconic. That's just like she has every right to say. Guys know she and she was on I remember she went on Pierce Morgan's talk show right after the whole fallout and like you just Pierce Morgan's whatever. But she she is like, um, you do you watch that interview and she's just like yeah, like it was just really hurt like just doing that show with I guess the clickiness of it, like was really hurtful. And you you just you watched that and you're like, she's you believe you believe it. I So I also say, I don't believe that s JP, Cynthia Nixon and Chris and Davis are like bad people. I just think that some people get along on some people don't. Like your colleagues, they were extremely good at what they did. You believe that the four of them were best friends, writer dies. But that is what that is. You have to remember, like the relationships that you see on screen are not the relationships off screen. That is their job. They're really talented and good at what they do, but like they don't owe us anything and they don't owe each other anything like that's that's and that's like that And also after that second movie. It's like, what was what the funk was the storyline for Samantha in this movie? Like she gets split in half because she gets sucked so hard, Like seriously, what was she going to have? That that would have been really good? She's like ouch, I say split honey, someone called it doctor. All right, well I'm eating eggs. And of course that s JP would have like the punch line like okay, well, okay, well I'm getting eggs. I am why Yeah, Kristin Davis Christian, I love her and I am attracted to her, are you? I think she was fucking phenomenal in the first movie. No, so good, so good. Um, I think it's time. I think it might be time. I think it's time for the moment. I mean, I think Eva is a true veteran of the form. I mean, who could forget Vanessa Carlton. She fucking tore apart Enessa Carlton the housand Mine, Thank you? Wait? And then the first the first show, what did you do? Chris Chrissie t get Oh. I love that one. That was a good one. I have those ones I did ultimately prepare and this one sort of just going to be currently do not have. I had one a moment ago, and I'm letting it come back to me. Um no lost, Okay, got it, I'm ready. Okay, this is Matt Rogers. I don't think so many as time starts now. I don't think so honey. Um uh, newsboy hats, I don't think these worked when Brittany was doing it. And when Brittany was doing it, that was like the moment for newsboy hats. And I actually don't think, so honey that they ever even worked on her, And they certainly don't work on you, reader listener, Um, I do not think so honor you in the year of our Lord twenty nine. So the thing about the newsboy um cap is that that is also a ridiculous name. Um there, let's tell them newspeople. Hello. There's a lot of different people that delivered the news. So the thing is like, those little bills are too small and not functional. I don't think so honey, if you think that's getting the sun out of your eyes. There purely for style. And here's the thing about fashion. It shouldn't I shouldn't look at it and say, oh, that's a stylistic choice. I should be sneak attack I should think it's functional. So I don't think so, honey, newsboy caps um yea burn that was amazing. You know what, I don't think so true. If your fashion does not pretend to be something else, that's embarrassing. But here's the thing. It's like, it's like there's a reason why people are like, oh my god, and it has pockets because pockets are functional. Like whenever it's whenever you're watching almost a top shot, whenever you're watching Project Runway, and like Nina Garcia will be like an out of those pockets. They'll be like they are pockets, and the model will go in and it'll be like, oh my god, I love it. It's editorial. It has pockets. It's like it's it's it's it's important because it's functional newsboy caps like those little business it's nothing and doesn't look good and so what's up right exactly? And so what are we doing here? A rule hat that keeps you warm, a but baseball cap that keeps the sun out of your out of your eyes, Like, sorry, but the newsboy caps is nothing I should we should point out out for people not familiar with Project one, right, it is the top chef of fashion. It is the top chef of fashion. Imagine exactly top chef but on a runway. Yes, yes, is Nina Garcia is still on protect that is she is. So I'll say it. I mean she's she's one of the meanest people in America. And also she is an icon, and she's gorgeous and she doesn't age like I hate it. It's not an it soral. You can't where where is she going? And there's no pockets. I don't want to see it. I mean, this is disgusting. Turn around, what's the back? How the models is insane? She's like, turn around. First of all, this girl is too tall and she looks enormous. Your model looks enormous. She's just like you just watched the model like a little lightly of our eyes. Fun my god, damn. Yeah. I don't think so many he will do it starting now. I don't think so many. Skincare toner, What the fuck is your problem? What do you do? And look? People say it's fancy water, it's supposed to be even at your skin tone. Oh what what? What is in the water the toner that's actually gonna give benefit my skin tone? And and the community is divided on whether or not you put a few droplets onto a cotton pan and wipe wipe white, or if you spray. Because now this new, this new trend is happening where you're supposed to it's you spray, but it doesn't. If you're not wiping away the impurities, then where does it go? What does it do? It's there's no there's no um you know thing, there's no resistance for you to pull down the impurity to explain, thank you so much. I don't think so many Toner. The community doesn't agree on what you are and what you're supposed to be doing, the job you're supposed to be doing and be I think it's a scam. I think it's a scam for skincare lines companies to put water in a bottle and sell it to you. So I don't think somebody's skincare toner. I'm I will just stick to my seat of filth things. And that's what I'm at a complete loss with what to put on my face and what not to me too. Okay, I don't know, and I have the worst I'll say it's skin in the world. Don't look now, I you, but it's but when somebody is bad skin, that's a sign that they know about skincare, just so you know, because I have bad sin, so I've had to learn. And if you've had perfect skin, the thing is, it's sad for you because you're never going to actually learn. So that's something I think you're supposed to. I don't know what toner is either, and I don't understand when like, it doesn't make sense that a product could either be wiped away or not that you're supposed to wash your face, thank you, and then you're supposed to honestly maybe put on the serum, which isn't the same as toner isn't the same as there's also the disagreement on conventions with serum, whether you put it before or after your moisturizer. Yes, I always pocket it with and then I put moisturizer. I put moisturizer on last, I think, and that's the correct way. Do you know the podcast? So she has been a guest on our show. She did a really good episode with us, and I was on her show in l A. She has a great podcast where if if you guys listening, I have any questions about skincare, I'm sure that she can. Like, actually, our episode was was a lot about skincare um and it was really great. So if you want to become as knowledgeable as a victor, should you should make a competing match Jackie Johnson, I should say, Jackie Johnson, So moving on, Okay, here we go, Okay, Okay, I do don't We'll see where we go. Okay. I don't think so, honey, her time starts now. I don't think so, honey. When you need gatorade and are under the weather and don't have someone you're dating, what the fuck is up with you being single and not having someone to fetch your gatorade for If you need gatorade, you need to be in bed. But if you're in bed, you need gatorade. And if you don't have a significant other or even a close friend if she's out of town, Natalie, then you need gatorade and you can't get it. That's not fair. If you need gatorade, you're insane because the way that tastes, if you're not saying so fucking bed, it tastes like like like salty dirt. And you know why, if you need you need you basically need to go to the hospital. So if so, if so, if you are my eggs, if you don't have to give it another and you get sick, that's a problem and you should call nine one one, probably to have them come pick you up because it's more likely. Okay, well let's look at our list. Oh yeah. The only thing a relationship is good for is when you're sick, and you know what, that's it. I don't think Johnny, whatever I said that, I would I would say that that is such a beautiful thing when you have someone to take care of you when you're sick. And that is another thing that gets lost in the tragedy of the breakup, is that losing how getting that person and knowing what that feels like and then losing that is like tragedy, tregedy, tregedy. You're literally the best singer in the go for you to say, I think it's true. Have you ever heard of undrellable chili? Fucking self self burned? That was huge. I would say gatorade tastes absolutely bad. But if you had to do at what flavor is and you know which one is yellow, it's it's a light blue. It's it's okay, it's actually light blue. But what's your what's your being with dark blue? Okay, grape, it's great, it's disgusting. Grape sucks, dark blue stains. Hello. Light blue is newer and it comes in in a curvy bottle. Get with it. And I'm yellow as a classic. I used to have a soccer practice. That's a bra. Also wait, red honey, red, Yes, get like an icy three red No one time. Red Gatorade spilled in my lunch box and there is a little and it just and it clung onto me and fruit punch clung onto the punch punch and I loved that. I have never been able to like really remove myself from the trauma of that moment. You've never yelled at a girl like this. I've never yelled at their like this. Wow. I mean, I think we really covered the whole fucking gam at this episode. We started off really vulnerable and like raw, We started really from a place of vulnerability, which was a topic, and then we cracked that open and let everyone know who exactly we were. And when they got to know who we were, that is when we went into the messages of culture. And that's actually exactly what happened. That's exactly what happened? If you with us to you even want to say to people, not to them, to you, thank you as fucking hell, thank you to fucking hell. Amazing. It's wonderful. We we are obsessed. I I have high key, just fucking you know. I standing a nice standing turn in turn, I stand in turn and holy ship, good night. Actually, um, there is a song that we're going to sing right now, because we do end every episode with a song. Tragedy, tragedy, tragedy. It's a tragedy with It's a tragedy where somebody cries. It's a tragedy where holy things. O. God, God, Oh God, God, God, God. Yeah, God, You're real, God, you exist, God, God, God, Who God. Forever Dog. This has been a Forever Dog production executive produced by Brett Ballum, Joe Silio, and Alex Ramsey. For more original podcasts, please visit Forever Dog Podcasts dot com and subscribe to our shows on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts. Keep up with the latest Forever Dog news by following us on Twitter and Instagram at Forever Dog Team, and liking our page on Facebook.

Las Culturistas with Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang

Ding dong! Join your culture consultants, Matt Rogers and Bowen Yang, on an unforgettable journey in 
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