Florida's Amendment 4 - Rebecca Klein

Published Sep 26, 2024, 4:14 PM

Our good friend Rebecca Klein is the Executive Director of A Woman's Choice - Lakeland. We love it when she drops by to talk about the fight for life.So many aspects of this! This morning, she stopped by to share the spiritual and biblical ramifications at stake when it comes to Florida's Amendment 4 vote coming up on Election Day, November 5th!

The Facts on (Amendment) Four; Free Educational Event - Lakeland
Oct 8, 2024

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Mornings, not just on the radio.

It's a podcast, too.

One of the things that we will be voting on as Floridians in November is Amendment four. Now, you probably seen some ads for this for those who support this amendment. And it's we've chatted about it several times and we thought, you know what? Why don't we invite Rebecca Klein from a Woman's Choice Pregnancy Care Center in Lakeland, our good friend? Let's invite her back to get a refresher on what this actually is so that we can make a decision as believers. Okay, uh, how am I going to process what this amendment is all about?

What does it really say? Because as usual, there's so convoluted and written in such a way to confuse people. So they'll vote for it because they just want your vote. They don't care if you know what you're doing. And that's unfair. So and that's pretty much what this is all about.

It seems like every time I'm watching something on TV these days, I see an ad pop up about amendment four and the election, and I'm always like, oh my goodness. I know we've talked a lot about it, but I don't think we can talk about.

It to make it so confusing. You don't even know what you're voting for.

Man, they can really.

Twist to know what you're voting.

For. And Rebecca, we've talked about this, right. They can make it. They can twist it. They can bend it to where you're like, oh, maybe this is a good amendment. It's weird. Yeah.

Absolutely true. Yes. Everything you're saying, guys, and I'm seeing the commercials too. And and some of what's really frustrating and I don't mean this in an attack sort of way, but some of the things, the things that are being communicated through commercials are absolute lies. That's what I've been seeing more recently. I had someone call me because they were very concerned about the current law, which is the six week ban, and their concern was about women who may face an ectopic pregnancy or miscarriage and not being able to receive care. So for that reason, their concern about our current law, they were thinking that amendment four might be good. And so I explained to them, no, that is not true. But then the next day I see a commercial with a doctor saying, with this current ban, women will not be able to get treatment in these conditions. That is so untrue. The six week ban in no way compromises care for women facing ectopic pregnancy and miscarriage. There's nothing about the current bill. And so some people are thinking that that's a reason that they should support amendment four because they're concerned about that particular issue. And then the commercial directly says the opposite. But it's absolute untruth. And that's that's very hard for me. Very frustrating. Yeah. Um, you know, when it's confusing, but it's also deceitful. And, um, that that makes it so hard for those who are not informed to know how to vote. Um, you know, with their convictions, with their hearts, if they're not getting accurate, clear and true information. And so that's been my my mission in these months and in the following weeks to make sure people are hearing accurate, clear and truthful information so that they can make the best decision.

As an amendment, it's a permanent change to our state constitution. That's a big deal.

Yes, yes. No, thank you for saying that, Curt, because that's another key point that I want people to understand. And it's interesting. I was at an event yesterday with the governor and his wife and and he made a point that I just loved hearing him say. He said, because he talked about amendment four and amendment three. And he said, here's the bottom line, folks. We should we should always consider the that an amendment is not the best way to get things done. Amendments permanently change the Constitution so that the only way to undo it is by passing another amendment. And that is not an easy process. And it's never happened in all of history. We've never overturned an existing amendment with another amendment. So when these these amendments, whether we're talking about four, three or anything else, if they are voted in, then that that's it. That's the law of the land. And you can't even pass laws to impact them. That's amendments permanently change the state constitution and remain in place. So he said, when we vote for an amendment, we have to think long term, generationally, like all of us are thinking of our here or now, what we want, but the impact lasts, you know, as long as our state lasts. And that's that's serious stuff. So people definitely have to consider that when making their vote as well.

Just to kind of recap things for those who are not well versed on this amendment. It allows abortion at any stage of pregnancy, even up to full term for any reason. And it allows the and I put this in air quotes. Here come the air quotes. Health care providers, not doctors, to make decisions about women having abortions. And but wait, there's more. It also removes parental consent for minors. So, for instance, a 13 year old could legally have an abortion without her parents consent. All of that is, you know, it's kind of a concise way to to look at this, but these are very, very serious issues.

Yes, yes, yes, absolutely. And then the problem is oh, sorry. Go ahead.

No, no. That's right, I mean. And then the parents don't know. They can't help her if she's sick. They don't know what's going on. They're not going to take her to the appropriate medical exam if she has a problem.

Yes. And it would be the only medical procedure that a minor can have without consent of a parent would be abortion. That it doesn't even make sense from a protecting women, young women, um, and medical care. It doesn't make sense. We don't allow minors to make decisions. A minor can't get a tattoo, a minor can't take, um, Tylenol in school, but she can go and have an abortion. So, yeah, those are just serious, serious outcomes. And as we've talked about and you guys have talked about in other contexts, um, not all of this is clear in the amendment. So people hear that and then they read the amendment and they say, oh gosh, that's not what it says, but it's all about what it doesn't say and the specific language it uses. So all of those things you said, Kurt, are absolutely outcomes of this amendment if it passes.

You know, it's easy to not do your homework and just say, well, I'm just voting for president during the the election, and you don't really look into all these other little things because you're like, that's too it's too tedious or whatever. And then you show up to vote. And then maybe some of those commercials, for instance, that I was referring to earlier, they pop into your mind when you're voting on this amendment and you're like, yeah, okay. And then you just cast your vote and you haven't really thought about it. It's dangerous to.


Absolutely. And again, that's where my drive and passion right now to educate, to educate voters in our state about the facts about this amendment so that they don't just make a careless decision in the voting booth or an easily influenced, you know, commercials, commercials are not necessarily there to educate us. Commercials are there to influence us.

To persuade.

Us. Right? Yes, yes. And so it's so critical for any amendment for us to take time to understand its implications, what it actually accomplishes before we pull, pull a lever in a voter box. And we do that anymore.

But we get it.

Exactly. Watch out for the hanging chads. You remember the hanging chads?

Yes. Oh my word. Yes. Yes.

So everything we do as followers of Jesus, it's filtered through the Word of God. And our walk with Jesus is primary in our lives. You know, if we're disciples of his, that means that we follow him. He is leading us. And the Bible is is our firm foundation. So we have truth from God's Word. It's not up for negotiation. It is what it is. How can we view this amendment? Amendment four through a biblical lens. Could you take us there?

Yes, yes, I absolutely want to, because you're right. You know, those who are in our listening audience, who are believers in Jesus Christ, that that's our lens for all of life. It's a biblical worldview that we need to carry. So everything we do and think and say and vote on should be filtered through the Word of God. And so when we're looking specifically at this amendment, this amendment is about abortion. And we've just talked about what it will allow for, for abortion. So we have to remove all of our, you know, influences from the culture and even personal experience and say, what does God say about this? To help inform how we're going to vote? And the Word of God is so clear, some people will say, well, the word of God never says the word abortion. Of course it doesn't. Because, excuse me, it was not the issue in biblical times that it is now. But God's Word says things about unborn life and about the taking of innocent life that we can't ignore. And it all starts right in the beginning, in Genesis. In Genesis 127, again not mentioning abortion, but what it does say is that God created man in his own image, in the image of God. He created him, male and female. He created them. And that's where it starts. Because when we talk about the value of life, that's what abortion is, an issue of the sanctity and value of life we have to look at, well, how does God view life? Well, God created life and he created human beings in his image. He created everything. Everything around us was created in him, for him and by him. But human beings were the only part of his creation. That state that we're made in his image being image bearers of God gives intrinsic value to every human being. There is nothing that changes that. There's not circumstances of conception. There's not, um, their value as a living human being on this earth. God values every life, and every life is ordained by him. And we see that in further scriptures. So as image bearers of God, every life has value. And right away that contrasts completely what abortion does. Abortion destroys the image of God. And when we think of it in that context, we we can again push away all those things that convolute our view of abortion. But when we think about it, that it destroys the image of God. And that's what makes it such an evil act that's birthed in the enemy of our souls by Satan, because it's a victory every time he destroys a life because it's the image of God. Yeah. And so that's where it begins. That lays our foundation. And sometimes I've shared this message, you know, in churches. And I'll say we could stop there, but the Bible doesn't stop there. But that alone tells us that abortion is wrong.

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I want to hop over to Proverbs six. There are six things that the Lord hates seven that are an abomination to him. This is he lists them out, haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood. There it is. Right?

Yeah, I know, I know. And and truly. I mean, this, of course, applies in many any situation where innocent blood is shed. But when we think about the unborn child in the womb, you know, a safe, protective place for life to grow. And how? What more innocent life could be taken? One who has no defenses, one who has no ability to speak for itself and to defend itself. That is an innocent life that someone is taking. And so it's the shedding of innocent blood. That's what abortion is. And that's a hard reality to look at it that way. But it's truth. And that Scripture is then, you know, confirmed in many other scriptures, but one we all know so well in Exodus 2013 when we go through the Ten Commandments, you know, the Lord laid out the first time he laid out his law. It was these ten commandments and one of them. So you figure the top, you know, the Big Ten, you know, and one of them is you shall not murder, and murder is taking of innocent life, shedding of innocent blood. So the Bible is clear that this is. To hear that God hates something is oh gosh, that just grips my heart, you know, to to know that it affects the Lord in that way. And so yes, that just when we look at it that way, it's as a believer in Christ. How how do we feel okay with abortion. And then it goes on. Kurt, if I could share other verses with you as well that help us see this, because we kind of walk through it. We know that, you know, we're made in the image of God. We know that God hates the shedding of innocent blood and doesn't and commands us not to murder. But then, as believers, we are also called to rescue those who are at risk of this. You know, so we know in this world life is taken and it shouldn't be. Then in Proverbs 2412, I think one of the most convicting verses in my heart, when the Lord was bringing me to this pro-life life work was this one. It says rescue those who are being led away to death. Hold back those who are stumbling to slaughter. So it's telling us if you know somebody is being led away to death, those who are being stumbling toward slaughter, rescue them. And then this is the convicting part. It says, if you say, behold, we did not know this, does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Does not he who keeps watch over your soul know it? And will he not repay man according to his work? So once we know what God's Word says, we're held accountable to it. And again, if you look at the tide of abortion, this isn't just this is about one life, but it's also about 65 million lives in our country in the past 50 years. It's and it's about what's still happening. Now, if you think of the tide of abortion with in our state, 70 to 80,000 lives being lost to abortion every year in our country. A million and more lives being lost to abortion in our country, that is, those being led away to death. Those who are stumbling towards slaughter with no way to defend themselves. We're being told to rescue them. We're being told to rescue them. So, you know, in doing that, we should be doing everything we can to stop abortion. Yes. And then. Yeah.

Yeah. Keep going. I love.

It. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Because then the one scripture many hear and know related to the pro-life work, but it speaks such volumes is in Psalms one 3913 to 16. And here's what it says to me is God's deep love for life. We hear God's commands. We see his, uh, what he's telling us to do. But then he speaks. If you just picture his heart when when David writes about you formed my inward parts. You knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I'm am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works. My soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance. And in your book were written every one of them. The days that were formed for me, when yet there was none of them. I love the words, um, uh, knitted and intricately woven. There's an art, there's a craft, there's a beauty and there's a love. You know those people who do crafts and make things with their hands. You know, they make it with love and passion and intricate detail. That's how our Heavenly Father creates us in the womb. Isn't that amazing? You know, to think of him knitting us together and then every single one he makes his perfect, perfect in his eyes, made exactly the way he wanted and wants him or her. And then every day of that life is already planned.

Isn't that something just to go to God's Word? This is so good. What does God have to say about all of this? Uh, Rebecca, we need to let you go. The clock is ticking here, but the facts on for. This is a it's an event hosted by you guys at A Woman's Choice. It's happening in Lakeland on October the 8th. Right?

Eighth? Yes. October the 8th. Absolutely. And, um, we. It's a free event. It's an educational event. It's not a fundraising event. Our goal here is to dig in deep, give all the information so somebody can walk away with clear understanding before they vote on November 5th.

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