Lest We Drift – Jared Wilson
How do we keep from drifting away from what makes us who we are as followers of Jesus? How do we even know we're drifting? Our good friend, pastor and author Jared Wilson, stopped by and shared five departure dangers from the one true Gospel! https://www.amazon.com/Lest-We-Drift-Departure-Dangers…
Are You a "Knitwit?"
Knits at the Flicks. A trend of craft cinema nights across Europe got us thinking about a topic we've never discussed before on the show. The time honored crafts of knitting and crocheting continue to grow in popularity in movie theaters across Austria, Finland, Denmark, Germany and also here in th…
Making Marriage Easier – Arlene Pellicane
It’s National Marriage Week! We’re celebrating all things marriage. Our good friend Arlene Pellicane joined us. She’s not only a spokesperson for National Marriage Week. She’s got a new book out from Moody Publishers: Making Marriage Easier : How to Love (and Like) Your Spouse for Life . It’s good …
Pizza.... In the Trunk of Your Car ?
After a long day of work or planned activities, few things sound as good as a hot pizza pie from your favorite local pizza joint. When you carry out, you have two things on your mind: keeping the box of pizza intact.....and keeping it HOT. Kurt confessed he does both...by keeping his pizza box...in…
What Is Your Starfish Story ?
Have you ever heard of "The Starfish Story?" It's one of our favorites! It reminds us of a vital truth: Doing what you can, with what you have, where you are, MATTERS to people. And to God!
Talk to God In His Own Language – Don Whitney
Let’s talk about prayer. If we’re honest, and we should be, as believers we can find ourselves in a pickle. My mind wanders. I keep saying the same things over and over again. My prayers seem to bounce off the ceiling. I pray and look for answers and nothing happens. All of this leads us to pack ou…
The Ministry of Small Things – Reuben Bredenhof
It’s become a Christian motto: “Attempt great things for God.” Some people are even surprised that this saying isn’t found in the Bible! As disciples of Christ, we’ve been encouraged to aim high: go on a mission trip, give away your fortune, or become a street evangelist. Wanting to rise above the …
Kurt and Kate's Poets Corner
You're a poet and don't know it....or at least the Kurt and Kate Mornings team tries their best in composing original poetic material! Our segment began with a whimsical writing and reading of poetry. A joyful heart is good medicine (Proverbs 17:22). And then God used the creative hearts of our lis…
The Essential D.L. Moody Collection – Dr. James Spencer
So, we’re Moody Radio. A part of Moody Bible Institute. Moody and Bible go together nicely! Evangelist D.L. Moody was an amazing man. He lived in the 19th century. It’s estimated that Moody traveled more than a million miles and addressed more than 100 million people during his evangelistic ministr…
Nothing To Do But Pray – Marissa Henley
Marissa Henley writes this: “It was around 4:45 a.m. when I gave up on sleep, got out of bed, and reached for my phone. I saw a notification from our family’s tracking app—my oldest son’s phone was out of battery as of 3 a.m., and I knew what that meant. I could picture my sleep-deprived college st…