If you’re looking for something to watch, read or listen to during the holiday period, we’ve got you covered. We checked our list of Special Shares from 2024 and picked out our fave movies, TV shows, books & podcasts from the past year, plus we brought in something new for the holidays. Enjoy!
On Purpose with Jay Shetty - 3 Tools To Build Self Confidence in a World where People Make You Feel Insecure https://podcasts.apple.com/gh/podcast/3-tools-to-build-self-confidence-in-a-world-where/id1450994021?i=1000678607995
The Imperfects - Dr Emily - Truth vs Harmony https://open.spotify.com/episode/7iXjJ8EO9jsDk17biWHV5m
Wicked https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1262426/
Take My Hand https://tv.apple.com/au/movie/take-my-hand/umc.cmc.g1a50b5ew76chyz4v6ig71dp
TV Show
A Million Little Things https://www.stan.com.au/watch/a-million-little-things
Lessons In Chemistry https://tv.apple.com/au/episode/little-miss-hastings/umc.cmc.42lpm0e9gfpag3m2gnhcqsatt
The Four Agreements: Practical Guide to Personal Freedom - Don Miguel Ruiz https://www.kmart.com.au/product/the-four-agreements:-a-practical-guide-to-personal-freedom-by-don-miguel-ruiz-book-43370436/
The Courage To Be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi & Fumitake Koga https://www.dymocks.com.au/the-courage-to-be-disliked-by-ichiro-kishimi-and-fumitake-koga-9781760630492
All Fours - Miranda July https://www.dymocks.com.au/all-fours-by-miranda-july-9781838853457
Things Will Calm Down Soon - Zoë Foster Blake https://www.allenandunwin.com/browse/book/Zo%C3%AB-Foster-Blake-Things-Will-Calm-Down-Soon-9781922928023
The Magnolia Parks series https://www.dymocks.com.au/magnolia-parks-by-jessa-hastings-9781398717206
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