Inside Active by Bloomberg IntelligenceInside Active by Bloomberg Intelligence

Mitch Zacks on Upward Earnings-Estimate Revisions

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Profitable companies tend to perform well among small caps, as evidenced by the Bloomberg MVP small-cap portfolio, which returned 11.9% annualized in a backtest run from 1999 to September 2024. On this episode of Inside Active, host David Cohne, mutual fund and active management analyst with Bloomberg Intelligence, along with co-host Michael Casper, sector and small-cap strategist, spoke with Mitch Zacks, CEO and principal portfolio manager of Zacks Investment Management about the significance of upwards earnings-estimate revisions and why they could be crucial for predicting stock performance. They also discussed the evolving landscape of small-cap stocks and why valuation metrics are more relevant for larger companies.

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Inside Active by Bloomberg Intelligence

Reports of active management's demise have been greatly exaggerated. Active continues to grow and ev 
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