It’s our inaugural Town Meeting episode!
We start with the pilot and we vote Yay to Dan Palladino making an appearance.
We vote Nay to how different Luke’s Diner looks to the one we know and love.
We pass a 2/3 majority vote to keeping the fall fashion looking quintessentially cozy... loved Rory’s sweater.
And, we propose a notion to always be on the lookout for everything you may have missed in the episode.
I am all in.
Oh, that's just you.
I am all in with Scott Patterson an iHeartRadio podcast.
Hey guys, it's Tara and Susanne and this is exciting Suzanne, It's just me and you.
I know, it's kind of it's nerve wrecking and fun and exciting it all at the same time.
Yeah. I mean it's funny because when we finished Filmore Girls the revival, like the Revival a year in the life, I was like, what do we do now? Like it was kind of it kind of was sad, you know, just I mean it's sad because it ended with like the show, but also it was sad because this podcast, we're like, well, where do we go from here? And I have to admit, when I finished Fall, I immediately started the pilot.
Yes, I think we'll do that because I did the same thing.
Yeah. Yeah. And so what Suzanne I are going to do is you know, obviously Scott is recapping the show again, but we're going to dive in and I mean, we have super fans Suzanne, who's going to give us us all the tidbits. And we learned recently that Suzanne keeps notes in her phone. Was it wizard of Oz. You were keeping track of how many times they mentioned that?
Was? Yeah, I just when I see something that I think, oh, that was a repeat of when they said blah blah blah, I just noted, I have a spreadsheet and so I'll just like write it down. And so Wizard of Oz. I forget how many I said. There's like at least eight or nine references that I've found so far.
When did you start the list?
I don't know, probably a couple of years.
Ago, Like it's on your phone, right, So did it start like in a notebook like.
It's no, it's in Google sheets.
So I just I just started it there. It was probably during the pandemic, like when I was watching it during the pandemic. Was probably when I suddenly realized, oh, they mentioned you know, they mentioned I love Lucy all the time, They mentioned Wizard of Alls all the time. And then I just started noticing other things that they repeat, Like they use the adjective nutty a lot, and I just started like noticing these things and I just started writing them down because that's.
Just y I do. I love it. Well, this is going to be I am all in town meeting with myself and Suzanne, and it's funny. I rewatched the pilot again last night because I needed a refresher, and I think someone called me out in the comments on Instagram, like a long time ago, because I've watched this series many times, but I'm not the watcher who sits. And I learned this about myself. I don't sit and analyze the background actors usually. I think this podcast has made me, but I'm the person who it makes me feel good. So it's it's on while I'm folding laundry, I'm cleaning my room, I'm playing games on my phone, and it kind of like you know what I mean, Like I do other things, but like I know everything that's coming up context wise, but I didn't notice, like you know, it's the little things. And so I'm excited to do this town meeting with you because I don't have that side of my Gilmour brain up and running. So you're gonna help me get there.
Yeah, And and there's like there's a lot of people that know more than I do, like I don't. I don't ever claim to notice everything or to know everything about the show. So hopefully, like as we go through this, you know, people can throw their own things on Instagram or you know, in the comments or whatever that oh, you know, you guys missed X y Z, and then you know, we can, yeah, we'll.
Bring it up. Like I'm someone I don't know about you, Suzanne, but like I usually read all the comments that we get because there's a lot that I learn as well, Like someone will drop a link or you know, say, hey, did you guys notice this part? And I'm like, I actually did not, So little things like that. So it's nice to have that community around us. But also, as we do this, we're not going to fully recap the episode, so we're gonna jump around. So just the heads up to all the listeners. But I do think we have to start with the fact that the opening scene with there she goes playing is not luke S diner, right, Like, it's not what the Lukes diner that we know, right.
So most of the pilot, not all of it, but most of it was filmed in Ontario, Canada, in Unionville, which I think Scott talked about on the first run the first watch through his experiences was shooting the pilot when they all met in Ontario. There are a few scenes that are the lot at Warner Brothers.
Yeah, like the school I remember with Walker might Dean, Yeah.
Yeah, Like most people may or may not know that the original pilot had a different Dean and a different Suki.
I knew Suki I didn't know Dean.
Yeah, Dean was a different actor initially, and so when they replaced those two, they had to reshoot all those scenes, and so some of the some of it was shot on on the Warner Brothers lot, so you can see like the like you were saying, the Dean scenes. That's all you know, the stars Hollow High that we know and love. And there's one scene where Lane and Rory. I'm not sure why they had to reshoot this if there was some problem with the original scene, but they're they're walking towards Kim's antiques, and that's on the back.
Lot in La Yes, I noticed that.
But then when they're standing in the doorway and it's looking like out from Kim's antiques behind them, that's not the back lot. So for one whatever reason, they had to replace that one shot of them walking up to missus Kims. But when they're standing on the porch, there's there's a sign behind them that says that says Glass Chimney, like that was really it someplace in Unionville that they were filming to use as Missus Kim's antiques. So it's kind of a little movie magic how they you know, splad those two scenes together.
It's funny because I I I've obviously like watched this show so many times, and I the song there she Goes just is so like ingrained in my brain, like that's the opening of the show, and then with please Louke, Please Please please, like you just know that. But going back and being like, oh, like this really was not the backlot. And recently I saw on Instagram there's someone who went and took pictures of the original or like the scenes from the episode, and they held it up to the original filming locations. And that's when I was like, WHOA, Like they really I guess in my head, I was like, they really did create that stars hollow feel on the backlot for us, Like as we analyze it now, I'm like, well, it's the back lot because I've also been there and so have you. But they really gave it that like you know back East like Connecticut feel.
Yeah, they really did, And I know, like people make fun of you know how there's always leaves on the trees even though it's winter. But like you know, other than things like that that you can't really control, it really does give the effect that they're Connecticut, which is it's pretty cool. Like that's always been interesting to me, just that behind the scenes kind of TV production aspect. And one other thing I wanted to throw in on that very first scene, if you watch it closely, Dan Palladino is in that scene. He's the guy that is walking out the door when Rory is walking in, okay and she then they start talking about makeup or whatever. But the guy that's walking out was Dan Palladino.
Oh, how funny. I'll have to go back.
Yeah, so let's see one other thing I noticed, Uh, not really like a behind the scenes kind of thing, but I really liked Rory's leather backpack in this episode, Like they I never I don't think they saw that we had it in any other episode, but she really cute like leather.
But I also just really liked her sweaters, and I know it was so like I think you I think as a pilot episode, it really gave it that feel of like it's cold out and you want to be cozy and you know, like I can also in La. Right now, we're finally getting cold weather, Like we're both wearing sweaters and so it's like the perfect time to restart this because I'm like, oh, it feels like stars hollow.
Yeah, it's finally fall in La. But yeah, I was making fun of that that white cablenet sweater and calling it a momo that. I'm like, I that looks so comfy. I would totally wear it.
I feel like that's also such It's so funny. Have you have you ever been scrolling? Do you use TikTok I can't remember. I am not a TikTok okay, So when you scroll, there are a lot of like TikTok shop like so people can like sell their product. There's a lot of Rory's white sweat, Like that sweater. I've seen people try to remake it and sell on TikTok. So it's like a thing.
Yeah, it's it's like the quintessential fall wardrobe. Let's see what else did it? So, kind of going with the concept that the pilot was filmed in Ontario, lorelized Jeep was different too. I am not a jeep connoisseur. But I did notice that it was a hard top versus a soft hop.
So where was where was the Gilmour's Home.
Was that it was somewhere back there also I don't know, but it was also in Canada, and I've seen people have tracked it down.
I will say I feel like that one. I was like, this could be the backlot or this could be somewhere else. But I thought it was really well done. The way they showed the front of the Gilmour House.
Yeah, it looked really pretty, I thought, and it was like with all the stone and the windows and everything. I think the the one that they used for the rest of the show was clearly a sound stage. Like they didn't really make an effort to make the Gilmour's house look as authentic as like chill you mean the inside, No, like the outside where they like the front.
Door like that front door, yeah, yeah, and the inside, but I feel like the inside was all a sound stage. It had to be.
I had to laugh at the comment when they were standing at the front door about to go into Emily's house and Lorela makes that comment about the Menendez brothers. Oh my god, finally giving everything that's going.
Which is so funny because it's on my list to watch that on Netflix this weekend, the documentary that came out a couple of weeks ago. I'm just I'm just getting to it. But also I in that same scene at their house watching that right after watching Fall, I never really realized that the way Emily said so you need money was an exact way that Richard said it in episode one, and I got emotional even though it was just like, so you need money, Like, I got some emotional from that because I was like, oh my god, I didn't realize like they made it exactly the same.
Yeah, yeah, I love that they did that in the revival. And then other comments like when Luke in the pilot, when Luke says that he had an appointment with the bank and they like callers and that's why he was wearing the nice shirt. He made that same comment in the revival as well. One I didn't care after Yeah, after he had gone real estate hunting with Emily and the real estate agent and he made some comment about they like calls.
Yeah, those were It's it's funny to figure out those callbacks once you're coming back around.
Right, you know, yeah, like originally they were so far apart, but then when you see that when you watch the last episode and then the first episode, they're like right next to each other. Yeah, and then let's see. I think probably most people realized that Crazy Carrie was the teacher in the episode where she's giving the assignment and the girls are painting their nails.
The teacher was the.
Same actress that played Crazy Carrie. It's not the same character because they had different names.
Wait, crazy Carrie, why am I blanking?
Crazy Carrie was Liz's friend that was always hitting.
Oh oh, I did not know.
That, And there was always that the you know, did they or didn't they between.
Right right right? I was like, what am I missaying? Crazy?
That actress also played the teacher in the pilot episode and the same scene one of the girls painting her nails was she shows up later as a student at Chilton. She was Tristan's girlfriends summer.
So oh okay.
Amy and Dan were kind of notorious for you know they I guess they have their people that they like to work with, then they'll put them in, you know, over and over again. So it's kind of fun to point out and to identify it. Yeah, that's the same person that did blah blah blah.
It's so funny because there's also a work on the Boy Meets World rewatch podcasts, and we notice that there is a lot of reoccurring actors and they always have a three character arc, but all three characters are different. Oh funny, like they've played three different people sometimes. So it's funny the way that some creators they like you said, they just really stick with the actors they like and they want to keep bringing them back, but they find something new for them all the time, right.
Right, exactly, Like we were talking about how Suki originally she was played by Alex Borstein, who you know, she couldn't get out of her contract. I think she was on Mad TV at the time and couldn't do she was Drella, but they got her in Isdrella and as Miss Selene later on, and then she's also in masl So yeah, clearly she and Amy are clothes and she's yeah, she's a great actress.
Like, oh my gosh, i I'm a little I'm like a season or two behind on Mazel because I'm someone who just likes to sit and binge all of it. So it's going to be my holiday binge. And she's amazing in that show.
I need to I need to give that another try. I watched the first season and maybe four or five episodes of the second season.
Oh keep going.
I just like lost interest, Like I just forgot to keep watching it. So I need to try it again.
You need to try it again. And I would say, don't pick up where you left off, start from the beginning and just get like I always love a good holiday binge, like you know, we're all like at home for Thanksgiving and this and that, and just go through it. I paused kind of there was a huge gap in the pandemic that we didn't get the show back, so that's kind of where my lull came. But that's my plan this time. But it's such a Gilmore feel like it just I don't know, it feels homey.
I'm gonna definitely have to try it again because everybody raves about it and it's one a ton of a war. I don't know what's wrong with me, but I will.
I think something that that really caught my eye is the way Luke's Diner is set on the inside, but also like that final zoom out shot. I was like, why is he not on the corner Like you know what I mean, he's not on a corner store, Like it was smack in the middle and you see the the hardware sign above it. But it just felt like I loved it. And how long how early on was the pilot shot compared to episode two? Do you do you know has Scott mentioned that?
You know?
I don't know. Actually I didn't go to episode two yet because I really wanted to stick to my week by week. Yeah, we're doing this, but I was like, they all look so young. And I can say this because Scott's not on it. Scott looked like he was the heart throb of Like I was like, I get it, like from episode one. I'm like, they hired Scott to be the heart throb of that show. Yeah yeah, but they all just look so young. And maybe it's I'm just thinking that way because we're off the revival and we're starting back up again and so we kind of watched everyone grow up. But I was just like, oh my god, they're babies, especially yeah Rory, Like I was just like, she looks so young. But but back to Luke Steiner, like did it throw you off seeing it so like, because it kind of threw me off, at least the outside and the inside not as much, but the outside threw me off.
Yeah, the outside because it's it's kind of in a standalone building. It's not like on the corner like we're used to seeing it. But one thing I did notice, and again this is just my weird attention to detail, is the windows. There's there's like the big plate glass windows, but then above it there's like these diamond shaped windows, and those are those we are on the back lot also. So I don't know if they just happened to find a diner in Ontario that looked like the what was the back lot, or if they made the back lot to look I.
Was gonna say, because it's.
Still there, like you could still see it, and so I just thought that was an interesting detail that the windows kind of looked the same.
I bet you. I bet you they like the way the design was of the actual diner they shot at, and they brought that over to Warner Brothers. It's just my guess because like you said, what are the odds they have the same thing, right. The one thing I have noticed watching gil Mark Girls is you do you see the boom mic a lot? I think in season one and so I was looking for that, but I didn't see any. But I know it comes up where like there's some specific like oh it's boom mics real low.
Yeah, there there are especially like scenes one in seasons one and two one and two did that a lot. There's like probably four or five times I can think of that.
It like, yeah, yeah, it's so funny. But no, I was. I was looking for that, like in this episode. I'm like, is there any boom mics or some like random camera wasn't there Isn't there a shot? I can't remember if it's this show where I saw something else where you really see the camera operator sitting on the side.
Yes, that was. It was the sound guy, and that is coming up. It was the episode where they put the stop light in and the whole town is like gathered around for the stop light.
Ye scene, that's okay, it was.
It was in that episode. It was the same episode where Laurel I has her bachelorette party before she's supposed to marry Max.
Okay, so it's probably is that season one, season two. They all blend together.
I think it's early season two.
Yeah, I recall see I guess. I guess I do notice things, but I've noticed the really random things like the boom mic, not like yeah, not the details at you're showing me like windows then we have.
I'm looking forward to seeing the clown pillow again because you know, the clown pillow disappeared after like season five.
Okay, I thought about that because so I joined the podcast I believe middle of season three, so I didn't do the rewatch of season one and two with everyone, and I remember jumping on them being like the clown pill and I'm like, what in the world are they talking about? And then I started noticing and then last night I was like, did I miss a clown pillow? Like I started like quickly going through Netflix. I'm like, I don't think I saw one, And then I realized when did it go away?
Yeah? I remember there was like it made like one or two appearances in season five and then we just never saw.
Because I was thinking maybe it wasn't in season seven because maybe it was an amy and damn thing, but oh, Jackie just said that the clown pillows coming back in the next episode, so it wasn't in the pilot, So I wonder, you know, I'd love to know the history of the clown pillow, Like was it a random prop in the prop room at Warner Brothers? And they were just like, this is funny, and then just kept going, we need to.
There's got to be a way that we can exploit our connections at Warner Brothers and find out, like you got to find somebody that can take us to the proper room.
I've been Have you ever been on the tour?
I've never been on the official tour.
Oh, okay, I'm a bit of a I'm a bit of a behind the scenes nerd. So I did the tour for the first time when I was in high school, and then I did it like three times in college, and I did it again last year. And every time you get a different part of and if someone's in town who's never been to LA I'm like, oh, I'll go on the tour with you. Yeah, And every tour you get something different because there are things that are shooting some days and places you can't go. So it's kind of nice because when you do the tour multiple times, you get different you see different things. Like the last time I went, we actually got to get out of the car and walk on the set of All American, which I love that show. O. The set was still set up, but they just weren't shooting that day. But with that said, there's a space where you drive through the prop department, and one time on the tour we got to get out and walk and you just see like things are organized, like you have to be like a mastermind organizer to like understand that place. Like it's beyond impressive. But there's like tables and there's like ten thousand tables of like different table stands and this, and then it's like specific and then if they want it, like apparently the prop and I could be I'm sorry if there's a prop person listening to this and I'm totally butchering this, but I think they like stick a tag on it, like they'll put like a like a little tag like Gilmore Girls being used on these dates. Oh yeah, and so that was really cool to see one time I did the tour. So yes, going back to it, I feel like we can we could. I wonder if we could find someone that that could explain to us, like one, where the clown pillow come from? But two, how does it work with getting the same props over and over again, Like right, did they did Gilmore Girls claim it?
I mean because if they if they had it on the set, like the set is just kind of ready to go to shoot the next time, so it probably like once they pulled it out of inventory and it was just sitting there to be used.
Yeah, but I don't know.
I think I mean, we should find it and we should bring it on the podcast as a guest.
If you and I are doing this together, Susan, we're going to figure it out.
We're going to make this happen.
Also, if anyone is listening that could actually help out, like please message us on Instagram or some thing, or reach out to us because I would love to talk to you.
Yeah, that would be cool. And now I need to do the formal tour like every time I've gone I should and you know kind of the stuff with Scott. So yeah, I haven't done the actual tour, which I would love to do.
I you should do it. It's it's a great like go on a weekend, the one part of the tour that uh, they'll be like does anyone know you'll you'll turn the corner and they'll be like, does anyone know what show that someone pushed someone in the lake, And I'm like, Bill Moore, girls pushes chess, Like there are these lads. Do you like trivia? And you and I like it's trivia that I know you would be like rolling your eyes over there.
That sounds fun, though, I'm gonna have to. I'm gonna have to.
Yeah, this is fun. This is fun. Yeah, it's a different way of seeing the show. Like it's it's kind of fun at least for me to now see the show in a different viewpoint. I might to start my own Google spreadsheet after this.
I have this vision in my head that someday I'm gonna like pull all these clips and make a video of all the repeated things that I found. But I don't have the technological capacity to do that.
But I mean, do you know, as a big Disney fan, everyone knows it's about me. There. I have a book that's hidden Mickeys and it tells you around the park where they're hidden mickeys. I feel like you could do something with a book.
Yeah, that's a good idea, right, I'll think about that.
Yeah, all right, guys, Well, thanks so much for listening and uh, we'll be back next week and we'll be seeing what we can find in season one episode to Lorelize first day.
At Chilton YEP.
Thanks everyone, Bye.
Everybody'll forget.
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