I Am all in again.
Oh it's you.
I Am all in Town meeting with Suzanne French and Tara suit An iHeartRadio podcast. Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of I'm All in Town meeting with myself, Tara and Susanne.
Hello, it is a gloomy day here it is. We're both bundled in our sweaters.
Right before I got on the on the zoom, I texted my family says, looking at the weather on my phone, and I noticed, like, the high temperature and the low temperature are only three degrees apart. God, it was It's like love of forty seven and a high of fifty.
I went back to go watch one of the scenes from this episode, which, by the way, we're going to be talking about season onepisode eighteen, the third Lurli, which aired on March twenty second, two thousand and one. But I went back to go watch the scene and I was like, you know, this is Gilmour weather. So I feel like, once we're done later, I'm going to just watch the next episode tonight, even though I usually I usually like to watch it the night before we talk, so it's like fresh whatever, I'll just watch it tonight.
Yeah, it's definitely like, you know, cozy up with you know, a mug of some sort of hot beverage and yeah or for sure.
Yeah, well let's jump into this one. I there are parts I really liked about this episode and the parts I did it.
Yeah. I first of all, Marion Ross, I just I loved her so much in this. Probably a lot of people who are maybe older than thirty or forty remember her from Happy Days. She pleaded a completely different kind of character, so to see her in this kind of role, I just I really enjoyed seeing Marian Ross in this.
Which is funny because even though I enjoyed her like acting in this and the role she played like she played it so well, the character bugs me. Like I was just there was one part. There was one line she said, and I was like, it goes back to the whole Why doesn't Christopher's family know Lourlai? But when she says to Rory, my son has told me about you, and I'm like, what, Like it's it's not like she's like a random person on the street, like it's your great granddaughter.
Yeah. I I caught onto that too, And I mean they tried, they did try to explain it away, Like there was a scene in the car where Laurel I said something about, how you know, Richard and Emily go to visit her every year and they never took Lorelai when she was a kid, and that's why Laurel I haven't seen her since she was twelve. But I mean, but I agree, like you would think that at some point they would have connected. I don't know, it's I mean, I guess if she wasn't, if Lorlay wasn't in contact with her parents, she wouldn't. She didn't have the money herself to take Rory to London as a child, and so if Graham never came to visit, I guess they wouldn't have met. But still it doesn't seem It seems kind of weird for family to not know each other, and it does kind of mirror the same thing with Christopher's parents. It's like, do these people like not? Are the family bonds just not as important to them?
I don't know, Yeah, it does seem weird. But the one part I did like about this episode, and I feel like this is a hot take, but I really like Tristan in this episode. I think it's because I like Chad Michael Murray. Like, one of my favorite movies of all time that I can quote top to bottom is a Cinderella Story, Like it's one of my favorite movies ever. And so this kind of I think he a little bit of that, Like Austin Ames came out. I feel like the way he was speaking, because he's been a jerk up until this moment. Yeah, we saw a little bit. I mean, he was still a jerk in this episode, but you saw a glimpse of Yeah, that's true.
There wasn't a little glimmer of a decent person in there. I generally don't like Tristan at all, but I do see your point. Like I did notice the scene where they were I think they were at school.
It was he was on the bench outside. Yeah that's the exact scene. Yeah.
Yeah, they had like a few little moments where he wasn't like just being that weird aggressive jerk. He was actually like being kind of like they had more of a banter and kind of a conversation. So yeah, there was a glimmer.
There was a glimmer. Again, I think it's more of the Chad thing for me than than testing. Yeah, like when you like the actors so much. You're like, well, I see the hope. I see hope. Yeah, you know. I texted you and actually our group text when I was watching this, like a couple of nights ago, at like eleven PM. When I was watching it, there is one scene that I felt like I was getting motion sickness, and it is when they are leaving the Gilmour's house when they find out that Gran is coming. Is it Grand? Did I mess up? No, it's Grand right, Yeah, when Gran is coming and they're in the car and the camera is so shaky. I was getting like motion sickness watching it. And maybe that's exaggerating, but I didn't need, like I understand if the car is shaking, but it looked like the camera itself was shaking.
If you go back, yeah, okay, I didn't notice that. I watched the episode twice and I didn't notice that either time. But now I'm gonna have to go back and look because there are there are some episodes or some scenes where you can definitely tell.
It's a handheld Yeah, it's.
Like a steady cam, but it like takes a second to right itself. There's a scene that well, I'll point it out when we get there. It's in another episode or two. It's a it's a Rachel scene and the camera's like like the horizon is shifting, and so yeah, I don't know how that. I don't know enough about it to know how that happens.
Yeah, I one thing I noticed I wanted to call out was we saw Emily in two different green.
Sweaters in this episode. Yes, yeah, very often. She looked great. There was one that was like a more like a Kelly green no no pun intended on coming, but there was like a Kelly green, and then one was like a darker green, and I thought it was a good color on her.
Yeah. And also at the very very end at the tee, the Navy outfit she was wearing was very cute. Emily looked Kelly Bishop looked really great in this episode, and I think that it was definitely an episode for her to shine a little more than usual. And I feel like acting wise, the look, the outfits like it was just perfect. And I really, I really like it's the first time in the series up to now where I think you really see like she wants Friday night dinner every night, even though she gives Lorelei a lot of crap every week. Yeah, she likes it.
She depends on it. Yeah, Like she even admits to Richard that she's afraid the Laurela is not going to come back.
And when Tricks first proposed the idea of the trust fund, like Emily panicked, Oh yeah, it wasn't just like, oh, I don't think that's such a good idea. I mean, she was freaking out and you could really see that it was there was something else going on there more than just the money. So I thought the episode, the layers of complexity with all the all the female relationships like you know, the mother, the mother, daughter, mother in law, was just so interesting to me. And you know, laurrel I thought the whole thing was hilarious. Like she couldn't get she couldn't wait to get there and watch a grand rip Emily apart because she knew that was what was going to happen. Yeah, and then Rory was like trying to be the peacemaker, like no, no, mom, don't like, you know, don't revel in this. And so I don't know, I just really enjoyed this episode just because there was.
It was good. It was a good one. I mean I think for me, it's just I like Emily's character so much that when it comes down to like affecting her a bit, and I'm like, oh, but like I see the good, you know.
Yeah, I kind of liked seeing Emily get a taste of her own medicine, Like she was finally on the receiving end of somebody who was being really mean and sniff be and yeah, I didn't hate it.
Yeah, well that's true. It was taste of her own medicine.
Yeah, exactly exactly. I also liked the we had a little progression in the Rory Paris relationship, which I like too, I mean, until it all fell apart after the date, after she found out that that Rory had suggested the setup.
Yeah, but like, what do you why would she go to Lorelei's closet, like without asking her mom to give Paris an outfit?
Well, I don't know. I think that.
I'd be pissed.
I probably would be too, I'd be like, you gave my clothes to who? But it was just it was kind of nice to see Paris like trusting Rory h more than she usually.
The friendship is growing there, especially between the Tristan stuff. And you know, I have you seen that? You've seen Wicked?
Right? No? I haven't. Actually, I'm probably the last planet that has not seen it.
I'm giving you an assignment to go watch Wicked. Okay, it is honestly.
It's on maps, right or is it on what is it on HBO? I can't remember. It's on something.
I think so, yeah, I think so one of them. It's there, Peacock, there we go.
Oh, okay.
There was a scene that kind of reminded me so in Wicked. I'm not spoiling anything, but because it's everywhere and Wicked is not a new story, but basically there's a scene where Ariana Grande's character tells the guy to go out on a date with someone, okay, And it reminded me of that because I had just rewatched Wicked like a week ago, and I was like, oh, it's like a Wicked. I don't It had nothing to do. It wasn't a reference, but it was like one of those things where well, Glinda is technically the good Witch, but she's like kind of means so it was like not Rory's genuine self in that scene. But anyway, Yeah, just reminded me of that like sending over that person to like, oh, go go off and you know, go on a date with that person, to like get them away from them, right right. But I think with Rory, she genuinely like is She's like, Paris really likes this guy, and she's never been given a chance, so let me like help out. And yeah, I kind of backfired in the end, but yeah, it was funny with the callback to like you won't get your skirt back or whatever she's.
Said to them.
But but yeah, I really like that scene because it's developing. I like the scene of her telling Tristan to go on a date with Paris because I feel like it Rory cares about Paris, and you're starting to see it more and more as the episodes go on.
Yeah, yeah, agreed. So finally the moment that we've been waiting for arrived in this episode, we finally see the piano was gone, yes, and that wall is now open to the front door.
Except the whole time, I'm my eagle eyes are now just looking for the clown pillow.
I didn't see it.
I didn't see it either, but but I was so distracted trying to find the clown pillow I did not realize that the piano was gone until you had textaus saying the piano is gone. And I was like, but there were a lot of clown stuff in Rory's room on the shelves behind Lorelai.
Yes, I noticed that too. I noticed that in.
Maybe the last episode or.
The episode before, I can't remember, but yeah, when she walks in and Rory's asleep, you can see all the stuff on the shelf behind her.
Yeah, just trustes me out.
It's a lot of childhood stuff too.
Yeah, which I understand, Like I still have some child like I still, but they're in my closet. They're not like out in the open on display, like it was like an old stuffed animal that like my grandpa gave me and it's still on the shelf in the closet, you know.
But I mean, I guess she is sixteen and I'm thirty, so I.
Mean that's true. I mean I think about like my kid's rooms, and they have a few like I mean, because well we moved when they were in fifth grade and ninth grade, so they don't have like little kid stuff out anymore. But yeah, I guess they do still have like.
A couple things but it seems like the entire shelf from when she was seven is still like standing.
You know, you'd think she would put books there or something.
Yeah, as someone who reads a lot, Yeah, we're you know what, why don't they have a bookshelf with how many books she read? There's not one bookshelf in that house.
That's true, that's true. She we see she's got them under her bed. There's some there's an episode where she pulls out like a b or a drawer or something out from under the bed that's full of books. But you're right, like you'd think that they would just be.
Unless she's like just a library loaner and she just reads. But no, no, because she reads like five books at a time, Like I feel like we've seen her with different books or she always has one in her purse. Yea, So I don't and you can't how many I don't remember. It was a long time ago. How many could you rent from a library, like five at a time.
Well, I don't even remember. Probably yeah, something.
I think like five sounds about right. It depends on your membership, I think.
Right, Yeah, maybe I don't I care.
Library card actually checked out a physical book. I remember at school, it was always one. I remember that, but I feel like at the public library it was like I want to say, like.
Five, yeah, you could do more.
Yeah, But again as some as a family that has a daughter who reads like crazy, and she even wanted that encyclopedia set from Christopher, Like, there's no bookshelf in that house. Yeah, you know, I feel like I just discovered something I met you someone's totally already realized this, and then feel like I'm genius. But maybe they.
Had like a secret library room that they I don't know in the closet or baby, there's like a secret basement that we never.
Actually I'd love to know. I'd love for people to comment telling us like, is there we're gonna get? If there is, we're gonna get some hate. Is there a bookshelf in this house anywhere? And maybe it comes up later on, but at least in season one do we see a bookshelf. I feel like.
There was one in the living room by the fireplace, like to the right of the fireplace at some point. I don't maybe not.
The living room is always a mess. All I'm looking for is a clown pillow, I know.
And that one corner changes a lot too, like where the stairs are they like.
I'll never forget. There was the one episode I think it was Rory's party and there's like a chair just like in front of the stairs, and you never see that, and then you see the chair again when uh, Emily comes the night that they all the Rory fell asleep with Dean and she's like sleeping on that chair, and that chair is like not over there anymore.
One line that made me laugh was in this. It was in the scene where they were at Richard and Emily's house. This for the second dinner, So they were there Friday night and they went back on Saturday night and that was the episode. There's a scene where Graham offered the trust fund and I can't remember now what Richard said, but Grant answered him with you talk about me like I'm dead.
Oh yeah, he laughed because it was like that first episode where he was referring to her in the past tense. He said, oh, like my mother something something something, which by the way, is true, she's right there.
Yeah, I know.
Had some great one like this.
I can't remember what he said. It was something like my mother is very intelligent or something like.
That, and yeah, yeah, I didn't say it was because there was.
That episode where he was referring to her in the past tense, and so it was like a callback to that.
Hmmm, I have to oh, yeah, you're right. Okay, I can't remember.
It was maybe episode I can't remember four or five, maybe later than that, but he was talking about my mother, was you were named at whatever? Anyways, he was referring to her in the past tense, and so that always gets called out, like they talk about her life, she's dead, and then she shows up in this episode, and so I just thought it was funny that she actually vocalized that you talk about me like I'm dead.
Yeah. I Also the one thing that I that she said that stood out to me that I actually didn't agree with is Okay, let me take it back. I don't agree with it if it's with friends, but I think with family members it's different. When she said like alone is like a dirty act or something like that, I disagreed with that because it's her, it's her their grandchild, do you know what I mean. It's not like it was a friend that you have. I think it's different, right, Like I think not that I think it's a dirty act. I think if you're doing someone a favor and they're helping you out, that's different, and that's to everyone has their own way of saying it. But specifically for this situation, it's their granddaughter. It wasn't like a stranger. And I mean, obviously we know down the line that like they don't ask Lurli for anything in return, Like we obviously know that, but in this moment, we don't. But if you think about it, they're just helping out their granddaughter. I didn't think it was a dirty act, but I also understand that, like it's very old timey, you know, like yeah, they're very print and proper. I get it.
Yeah, I can see that. Like I guess she was thinking like yeah, because she was talking about Shakespeare and never what is the line, never a barrow er, Nora a lender b. But it's different when it's your family, Like ye, anything for your kids, and it's not like you're necessarily keeping track of every single thing that you do for your kil expect that to be reciprocated. So I just like, you know, my kids asked me, oh, you know, can I have twenty bucks to go get coffee? Or something on here. You know, it's not like.
I'm keeping tab bucks back.
You know, I guess maybe it's for time old tuition and it's you know, five figures, but.
That's a little different. But you know what I mean, it was like for Richard and Emily, this isn't like like for them to pay the tuition is not like putting a dens in their wallet right exactly, and they wanted to. It was not even like well, they could have said no or they could have made an agreement, but they're so proud of it, Like they're proud to be putting their their granddaughter through a grade school.
So it makes them look good because how many times do we hear them saying, oh, she goes to children.
Oh, it's like the number one subject any friend. They love it, especially eventually when she goes to Yale. They're like, oh, she goes to Yale, or you know, right now she's applying to Harvard. She wants to go to Harvard. Yeah. But yeah, it was just I mean, the grand was still funny with some of those lines, but at the very end, I did really like when, uh it was when the Laurel and Rory were walking and she goes, oh, like, you may never see your skirt you know again, And then she goes, oh, well, you just lost out a quarter million dollars. I was like what, But you know, I could you imagine if she did get that money, Like, I feel like things would change a little bit.
Yeah, I mean maybe in some ways. I don't think that Emily was necessarily correct about the extent of the changes. Like, I don't think that Rory would have completely abandoned Laurel I if she got all this money. I mean they I think they still would have gone backpacking together, yeah and all that, but I think it definitely would have given her some more freedom. I mean maybe want to they take their backpacking trip, and then maybe she'd want to take some other trips yeah yeah, yeah with her friends or something. So yeah, it probably would have changed things somewhat. But in other ways, I mean, it probably would have taken some of the pressure off too.
That's true. That's true, phone hanging. I just think that it would have changed with Loral I in the sense of, like, even though Emily said it and Laura I was like, oh, it's not true. I don't think Lorrea I would show up to Friday night every.
Night probably not Yeah, maybe like occasionally, but not every week for sure.
Yeah. I didn't really have, by the way, any other callouts, like specifically, like any things that I saw. I feel like this is a pretty clean, clean episode.
Yeah, you know, I didn't have a ton of stuff.
Oh wait, I did have one. I just remembered. Yeah, sorry, I just remembered because I looked at my laptop. So the computer that she was using at the inn was a Mac. Yes, And then if you turn the front of the screen, it was like totally PC. Oh yeah, like it was totally PC screens. It was not Apple.
Yeah, and all the that the off where they were looking at was all gibberish. Like I.
Was like, that was my only coll out. But also it wasn't a big deal. It was just funny.
But in that scene, did you notice I was going to call out that scene too, when Emily when Laura's talking to Emily on the phone. If you look at now, I don't know if this was the character or the actor, but Michelle was in the background totally laughing the whole time.
Oh, I didn't notice.
And Emily were on the phone, and I don't know if that was unique just like kind of breaking in the moment and not being able to you know, not laugh or if Michelle was at you know, if he was intentionally laughing, but.
It was in the back. I didn't notice it. I was so invested in their conversation with the rack.
Just one more call out with the scene in the tea room. That was the That was that dining room at Warner Brothers.
So the one that you went to, yes, Oh, and then what else was there? Wasn't it like the the val renewal.
No, it was. So they used it two other times. So it's well when they when they're showing grand and there's some in the in the shot behind her, there's a doorway. That's the door that goes to the room where Richard and Rory had lunch at the golf club. So that was like that private dining room. Yeah, but the room where they were sitting for the tea that's like the big open dining room, and they used that in Oh, that's the So they'd used it twice that I can think of. They walked through Laurel I and Jason Styles walked through that room on their first date, on their way to that little private room that Laurela.
I didn't like, Oh yeah, the weird date where they were like.
In a that they walked through that was the same room and it was all so much later, like season six or seven, that was the restaurant where Logan brought his friends from work, and that's where Bobby was and that's when like Rory finds out that Bobby is a woman and not that's right.
That was so funny. Wait where is it on the Warner lot? I remember you said it, but I would just like a visual.
It's so I'm trying to remember it's.
Is it near where you like start the tour? No? No, oh no, no, no lot.
Actually it's like right next to the back lot, so if you're on I forget the name of the street, but it's like, well, it's like around the corner from Luke's. So it's like there's like there's a row of houses that are like New York Brownstones, and then it's that row it's next to I think it's next to like just the regular employee commissary.
So like ten years ago. It had to be ten years ago because I started working at I heard in twenty fifteen, so there used to be okay, you you've done the tour, not like oh you haven't. Okay. So for anyone who's done the actual Warner Brothers tour, which is anyone who's like, come to our event where the star, oh no, it's not even there anymore. Across the street used to be and it might still be there, but I don't think so. There used to be a commissary and it was for Warner employees, but us at Ihart across the street were allowed to come and go eat there, and it was like an adult school cafeteria. It was amazing. It was like heaven. And as someone who just started working, and there were times where like, you know, I didn't bring lunch or like I didn't want to like go out and you go and you brought like you're it was like the hot food section and like the salad bar, and I was like, I don't know. It was like it felt like school a little bit. But I don't think that's there anymore. I think they got rid of. You know what, Next time I go to the office, I'm gonna drive by and see if it's there. Okay, but that's what I would the whole time when you're saying, like, like the commissary. I was thinking of that place. I'm like, how do they film it there? But it's a different location that.
You're Yeah, it was like it's in the in.
A lot Okay, yeah, it's got to go past the gate the guards.
Yeah exactly, it's like right off the back lot. So yeah, I think it's cool they use that in several things.
It's so funny because obviously we see Stars Hollow and other shows and movies like obviously Pretty Little Liars at the same set, so like I remember that, but to notice like the dining room in multiple scenes is like so funny to me.
Yeah, it's I think because it's very distinctive. It's like that there's a like a wood paneled wall and then it's got like this metal trim that's got horizontal That's why RIP like, it's very distinctive. So if it was just, you know, more generic, I probably notice it. But I just that one wall.
Is very well, people are going to be bored at the end. Listen, let's talk about commissaries and walls. Let's wrap up this episodes.
Are we.
All right? So you didn't have anything else? Raises in No, that's it, alright, Well, the next episode we're watching is season one, episode nineteen, Emily in Wonderland. And that is all we have for you this week.
Meeting adjourn.
Everybody, and don't forget.
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