A lot is happening at 6am! Suzanne and Tara wonder about the timing of Rory’s early morning.
Is this episode making us like Max for Lorelai?
Plus, it wasn’t just us wondering about the ice cream Rory eats to wallow... find out if a big tub of Jerry’s really does exist!
I Am all in again. Oh that's just you.
I Am All in Town Meeting with Suzanne French and Tara suit An iHeartRadio podcast. Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of I'm All in Town Meeting with myself, Tara and Susanne.
So we're gonna be talking about Season one, episode seventeen, The Breakup, Part two, which aired on March fifteenth, two thousand and one. And before I get into it, Juzane, I don't know about you, but I like to read some of the comments because there are things that like we don't even catch and other people catch and that's kind of the joy of this show is like everyone's involved, you know. But I do want to give a little just a heads up to people listening, because there were a lot of people saying, like, why are you nitpicking? Like the boom mic and this and that, and.
That's the point of town meeting.
So when we did the recap with Scott the first time around, Suzanne was the one who would point all those out and people wanted more. And when we're doing it this time around, obviously Scott is still doing a recap with a guest every week, but Suzanne and I took on be nitpicky for lack of a better word, on the show. And it's not us pulling the show apart. It's us noticing things that fans who watch over.
And over again start to notice.
So just for the people who aren't fully aware of why we do town meeting, that's kind of the gist of it. But yeah, and we have so much fun doing it, and like, I don't know about you, but I watched the show in a different light when we talk about these things, Like, I mean, I still enjoy it, right, but sometimes I'm like, I feel like I need to watch it twice because I'm like there are things I miss and sometimes I'm like, I didn't see anything.
And we jump on and Susanne's like, we there was this, this, this, and this, but that's the beauty of it.
And then we even like see the comments and sorry if we see the comments kind of late. Obviously we record a different day every week, so we might not be able to catch your comments. But just wanted to give that little little heads up as we jump into this episode that I really liked.
Yeah, yeah, I I totally agree with you, and but we do appreciate the feedback like we do, like we're seeing everybody's opinion, and I did see one comment that somebody thought we were too negative all the time, and that kind of made me feel bad because I love this show and I still, you know, I still will put it on and just sit and watch it. Like, so we're not meaning to come across in a negative flight. We really do love the show and that's that's why we're doing this.
So yeah, but also when you talk to your friends about a show, like, you know, there's shows that are airing great example, I love the show Traders that just wrapped up, but my friends I will text about it after every episode each week and we're like, oh my god, I didn't like this person on it, this episode, this, And.
It's just a conversation. So we're not being negative, we're just having a detail. Yeah, yeah, exactly.
Well I'm gonna start that that clown pillow was right there in the opening.
See it was like an actual clown sitting on the couch with them, Like it was right there.
Yeah, they didn't even try to hide. It wasn't even like half minute. It was like almost fully in the shot.
Yeah, and kind of in an alarming way. It's like, I don't want to really look at this clown that much.
Yeah, my eyes kind of went towards the clown more than I was looking at Rory. Oh, but I guess back to just I mean, sorry I jumped right in. But overall, I mean, I really liked this episode for many reasons.
But how did you feel?
I liked this episode. Two. I really enjoyed it. There was it had kind of a lot of things that I like. It had town stuff, it had you know, chilting stuff, It had some Rachel stuff. It was great. I thought it was a great It was Max stuff, had some Max stuff. There was a lot happening in this episode.
Yeah, I mean we even got like Bebet miss Patty the diner, like really like everything it was all.
It was great. And I love how they tied the two stories together, like Rory's wallowing and then that make a r is not wallowing, makes Laura I realize she never really dealt with the Max thing in her own brain, and so I just I liked how they tied the two storylines together. It was great.
Yeah I did too, And we mentioned this before, but I'm a Max Medina fan. I don't remember you not really right, not so much.
It's a little weird to meet the teacher aspect of it.
Yeah, I mean I guess the teacher aspect, yes, but I think as Max, I really like him for Laura la If. We took the teacher student element out of it, and so in this episode I was like, I hate that I like this, like you know what I mean. I was like, mad and myself are really liking that she went over there and now they're having sex? You know?
Yeah, it had it did have kind of a booty call kind of.
Oh what else was she going over there for?
To check exactly exactly? And I mentioned this when I did the recap with Scott, But she clearly went over there kind of with that on her mind, because otherwise she could have just waited until the next day to call him. But she went out of her way to go borrow Suki's car to drive over there, like she clearly, which by.
The way, this is the first time we saw Suki's house so far in the show, right.
Oh maybe, yeah, I didn't even think about that, but you're right, because.
When she walked up them, like who's porch is this?
Like, it took me a second because I'm like, that's not hers, and then yeah, I.
Didn't even think about that, but I think you're right.
Yeah, I mean we've obviously seen it, knowing have watched the show, but I think for this, I think for this season in the series so far. Yeah, yeah, and Suki's hair, well, Melissa McCarthy's hair looked a little bright redder.
It was. It looked like she had she just.
Got her hair done.
Yeah, she had just had it done. I thought it was cute though. Speaking of hair, Wlaane's hair at the party was adorable with the curl.
Good. Also her whole outfit, the whole outfit, the skirt with the tights and the red.
It was you know.
And then the whole time I was thinking of the party, I'm like, what did they say that missus Kim to let her go?
I know we were wondering that because we had just been through this. If they told her the truth, she would have said no. So did they lie to her? Because there was the whole episode with the movies about this is what happens when you lie to missus Kim. How did they how did they pull that off?
I don't know, but well, and a couple episodes ago that whole about Lune.
Yeah. Yeah, so so I don't know how they pulled off, but it was good to see Lane kind of cutting loose and having fun.
Yeah yeah, yeah. And also I guess jumping to the party.
Those background actors were a little older than high schooler. There was like two grown ass adults walking in the background at one point.
Yeah, I was.
I was wondering. I kept like scanning the background to see if there was like any familiar faces, and I did.
There wasn't, but.
Yeah, it it they there were definitely some you know, maybe teenager.
Was yeah, of reach.
Our producer Jackie just asked us, did you notice that this party location is used several times in the series.
I did not where what else was he used for.
I The only one I know of is it's also Logan's parents' house.
Mmmm, okay, we're jumping.
Yeah, we'll see, well, it'll we'll mention it again for five seasons. That's the only one I know of. I don't know if Jackie has something else up per sleeve, but that was the only one. There was also the outside of the Gilmour realm. It was the ballroom in Princess Diaries.
I think, Oh my gosh, yes.
Yeah, it's the Johiny mansion in.
La Oh God.
I love Princess Diaries, which, by the way, brings us back to we've mentioned before that the Chiltern uniform is very like the uniform in Princess Diaries.
I like that tie together. Yeah, but I did. I was really proud of Rory for actually, you know what.
I was proud of Rory, and I was proud of Laurai in the sense of, like Laura I really just was trying to make her daughter happy and feel better in this episode, and she's like, let's go do this list, and they bought god knows what crap, you know, like throughout the town to make her feel better.
And then Rory was like, I'm going to get.
Out of the house, and it just I was it was a they were more grown up than they've been acting that we've seen lately.
So I really liked it.
Yeah, and and you can see that. I thought I felt like Loralai was maybe a little more like to your point, she's a little more motherly motherly, yeah, you know, because she's she's trying to kind of nudge Rory in the direction of you know, wallowing is part of the process. You have to do it, and you know, I she was trying to support Rory but also like trying to prevent her from you know having a you know, derailment. But yeah, so I thought it was a good Uh, it was a good episode from that aspect, and then it all kind of came full circle at the end when Rory's like got that giant tub.
Of ice, the biggest tub of Ben and Jerry's I have.
I don't does that even exist?
Like did they like make that, Like.
I I don't know. I've never seen it here and maybe that's like a Vermont thing.
But is it like when you go to Ben and Jerry's, like you know, like in the like freezer when they scoop out, like is it one of those.
Yeah, I don't know, but I would I would take some chunky Monkey if it came.
In that sun. Right, Oh, Chucky ice cream sounds good right now. I know, by the way, it's freezing in LA when we're recording, but.
Yeah, I haven't had ice cream in a while. It sounds good.
I went to you know what I really like, Sorry, off topic. I love a good thrifties ice cream. Yeah, and I love chocolate malted crunch, and I went to CVS.
Uh no, sorry.
I went to Ride Aid the other day because I needed to pick up medication, and I was like, you know what, I'm gonna.
Get some chocolate malted crunch.
My favorite was minschip. That was always my.
Oh I do like a good minschip too, but I feel like minschip by like on a cone. I can't just like scoop it out. I feel like I need the full experience.
And I'm old enough to remember getting thrifty ice cream at thrifty When Thrifty.
There was a Thristy store. Oh no, I'm just sorry.
Thrift was a drug store chain and they eventually got bought out by a CVS. But but yeah, it was. It was a drug store chain.
It was. I didn't wait, but was it? There were there a lot in Los Angeles?
Oh okay.
In LA we had we had Thrifty and we had save On were the two big save on.
I do remember save On, yeah, because I lived right by a Savon. And then now it's ride Aid and CVS. Is't Friday going bankrupt?
Right in?
Yeah? They went They sold a bunch of stores to Walgreens. And then I think they're eventually closing the rest.
I can't keep track of it, and someone is screaming at their podcast episode right now, like, you guys are just going off the rails. I know.
By the way, Jackie said, there's.
A whole Reddit thread about the tub of ice cream from this episode, so we're not alone and talking about this.
So one thing I noticed. We've talked before about how time just seems to operate in a different dimension in Stars Hall, But one thing I noticed. There was a whole scene about it being six am when Larela I was in bed and Rory's waking her up. But did you notice that when they were when right after Luke and Dean were fighting outside the diner, the clock on the street said it was like six twenty five, Like, how did all of that happen in twenty five minutes?
But see, I was going to call out that when they walked into the diner and it was like filled to the brim, they were like, oh, it's the six am crowd.
I'm like, but you woke up at six.
Yeah, So somehow they woke up, got dressed, had the whole conversation in the kitchen, climbed.
Through the twenty five minutes.
Stirs sat down, talk to Rachel, talked to Luke, talked to Miss Patty, talked to Kirk. Had the fight in the street all that happened in twenty.
You know, I really give credit to like the props Department, because it is hard to keep track of all that, like it's bound to happen, you know.
But like, it's just so funny because you know, by the way.
When we would watch this and it's like first airing, we couldn't unless you were recording it back on your VHS. There was no way to go back, so it didn't really matter. You were looking at the clock. We're sitting here watching it for like the twelfth time round, and like, it's so funny. But yeah, I also noticed say it was very bright for six am when she woke up.
Yes, yes it was. It was a lot. I don't know if it was like daylight Savings or I don't know, but yeah, it was full.
Daylight, full daylight, full daylight.
I didn't like the scene though, the one scene I really did not like this episode, and it kind of irked me because I'm like, it's so out of character. Was Luke like having a fight with Dean, like he's a grown man and he and like, I was so funny because I forgot or all I says.
He's sixteen, because it was like is it all sixteen? Like you're fighting with a sixteen year old?
And I'm glad that line was in there, but I kind of was like, why would you push a kid to not come into your story? You know what I mean?
It just was a lot of character, I thought that scene.
So there's two ways to look at that scene. You can you can look at it the way we are looking at it now in twenty twenty five, and you can look at it the way that it would have been in two thousand and one when it was I thought it was a funny scene. Although like that would not like if I were to see that in a show today, I'd be like, dude, what is wrong with that guy? But in that context, I thought it was funny. It was Luke.
To me, it was Luke defend.
Being protective, right, being protective of Rory. He's already you know, making her the special pancakes, and so he's you know, he just automatically takes Rory's side, and so I just kind of saw it through that lens, like you know, he's going to protect her. But I mean it is kind of with our with our modern, you know, way of looking at it, it is kind of not acceptable.
Well not only that, I just thought like Luke wouldn't do that.
I mean he got like riled up when Orli first told him, and then he calmed down, and then it was like got riled up again when he saw him, which I guess Luke has a bit of a temper. So I'm not that shocked now, I now that I talk about it out loud, but you know what I mean, it just was like, yeah, yeah, maybe as the time, maybe it is anyway, Yeah.
One other thing and it's not it's not really like a blooper or anything. But there was the kitchen scene. There was a there was a part where Rory walked over to the kitchen sink and picked up a glass and she had like a scrubber thing with a handle. But she wasn't like washing the glass.
She just was He was.
Just like, I don't know, she was messing with it.
Yeah, like what did she do? I had to rewind it? And she she has the glass and she picks up some dish soap and then you just see her with this brush thing, but she's not like actually washing the glass. It just looked I don't know, it looked weird.
It probably just it was like nervous energy. They needed her to do something.
Yeah, and her notebook paper. She was writing in a spiral notebook. But when but the loose page didn't have like you know when you pull something out of the spiral note It didn't have a yeah paper on the edge, it didn't have that. It was like this perfectly neat.
They were like, we're just gonna save a step, like skip a step, you know.
And and it also the paper was also blank, which I noticed.
That's funny.
So much for the list, but yeah, I wish that listed more of what was on the list, because they came back with a bunch of random stuff.
But I'm like, what was on there? What did she They.
Clearly went to like home depot or something, because they came back with all like sprinklers and garden weasels and a garden hose.
But then the first thing on the list that she read was like a soap holder, right.
Yeah, and then they mentioned the recycling center or something.
Yeah, it was I don't know, but they really got a lot done that day.
I guess it was they just wanted to emphasize. It was really to distract Rory. So it was like something completely off the wall.
How does she even come up with that stuff? Like if I'm sad, I just leave the house. I don't like sit there at you know what I mean, Like I'm like, I'm just gonna go.
For a walk, or i'd go like by makeup or something.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, clothes, make up, retail therapy. She has a different version of retail therapy housewares.
Anyway, was there anything else we had?
The only thing I had in the diner when Laura I. When Luke first comes down and Laura I is talking to him, did you notice there was a guy sitting at the counter. Yes, and she's like she pushed him over, like she's literally leaning over his shoulder to talk to Luke. And then in the next shot he's like a barstool over.
I totally noticed that because I'm like, she's like groping this year.
The directory probably like dude, you're too clothes, move over.
You way too much came. I noticed that too.
I actually forgot to mention it because it went away so quickly that I like also was like, no whatever, but she literally was like all on his shoulder, and then it switched to show Luke and then it went back to Laura and then she has like full counterspace.
It was so awkward.
Yeah, I think it was just.
I also just think it was to show how crowded it was at that time. But it was just funny because then I would have liked if she kind of like maneuvered around him, like you know, like kind of like like.
Pushed him over. But yeah, it's funny.
It was funny. Oh man, all right, Well I think that's it for this episode, right, yep, I think that's it, all right. So the next episode is season one, episode eighteen, the third Laura I and Meeting adjourny. Hey everybody, and don't forget Follow us on Instagram at I Am All In podcast and email us at Gilmore at iHeartRadio dot com