Gilmore Girls Gazette: Bunheads: Pants Suit Faux Pas

Published Mar 22, 2025, 4:47 AM

It’s episode 16 of the series, which means we only have 2 episodes left! 


Are Danielle and Amy just done with Sutton Foster’s over the top acting in the show?


It’s a switcharoo in the wardrobe department, which two characters made questionable fashion choices?


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I am all in again.

Oh that's just you Gillmore Girls Gazette with Amy Sugarman and Danielle Romo. Then iHeartRadio Podcast.

We're back for another episode of bun Heads, and we are about to wrap out the season, the third to last episode.

Yeah, that's what's gonna say. We do today and then we only have two more.

Yeah, so this is a big day. I mean, this episode of season one, episode sixteen did nothing worse than a pantsuit, which I love a pantsuit on the right person, I hate to be wearing a pants suit.

I love a pantsuit. I'm like the Queen of the pantsuit. I didn't care for her pants suit.

Yeah, no, no, it was not cute.

And also, how about Liza while whatever her character is, wear an address.

I know, I know, she's the queen of the pantsuits, right, I was like, why is.

She wearing a dress and making Sutton Foster wear the pants suit?

I know, I know. Well, this episode is I'll give you a little synopsis. But Michelle and Milly fight town preservation society over the new amphitheater, Sasha and Roman make their relationship public, and Talia shares big news.

Okay, so a couple of little tidbits that I want to bring up with you.

A Broadway, a.

Lot of gill Or. But I read a fun fact that I cannot take credit for our producer, Emma. This was the lowest rated episode of Bunheads of all the episodes.

Weird, poor Jinny the real character, what's her name? I know I would be buntane.

So random that this would be like such a low rated episode. Like I would have thought that Bunheads was starting to do better. But maybe that's that's why they canceled it, because it was losing viewers.

I'm telling you, if I watched the first Dya episodes, I would not come back after winter break. So I'm not.

Surprised it's such a bummer because the back eight are so much better. Wait, is it even pawney episodes? Total? Sixteen? Yeah, the back eight are so much better.

There's eighteen episodes total.

Oh so the back nine sorry front I was like, it's like a golf course, the front nine, the back nine. I don't know if you called the front nine, but you definitely called the back I know the show improves so much, and the bummer is people just weren't watching, so they didn't know it improved and the ratings reflected. You know, I mean little TV trivia is that nine on two and Oho was not a hit in the beginning. It found its legs kind of during that the summer of season one two and became this huge hit. So like sometimes these people need to get shows a little minute to find their way.

Give mean five seconds, Hold on one second, just take your water all over my keyboard.

First of all, take your time, keep it live. People want to know what's happening.

No, you did not want to know that my dog just jumped on top of my desk and knocked a massive I mean my fault.

We actually do. Let Danielle clean up her water is one s eg one.

It's very much my headphones.

You're fine. I'm just gonna talk while she does her thing. So here's another little interesting tidbit. While Danielle cleans up the water, I'm gonna I'm gonna save her and we keep it real. Seinfeld also not a ginormous hit, if ginormous is a word, which I actually don't think it is, but maybe it is. In the beginning, it found its way so poor, butnheads is the victim of a rough start but then finding its way. So also i'll talk about this while Danielle is cleaning up her water. David Paymer directed The Baby You're Fine. I've been vamping and it's been amazing. Like I'm just gonna let you know you miss some real nugs. So David Paymar David Paymer directed this. Now you might not instantly know the name, but if you guys google him, you'll recognize him. Like he's sort of very recognizable actor and uh Paymer, it's got an e in it, I think, and you totally recognize the space like I guess they call that a character actor like where you He's in so many things, but he directed this, which I thought was kind of interesting. Also, what else is he in? Google him, you'll know his face and the idiot, like I mean, he's been in a bajillion shows, like I don't even know how to explain it, and you'll recognize his face. You'll be like, he's that guy. Do you know what I mean? You know how there's like, oh that guy, he's that guy. Like I could rattle off as IMDb everything from The Rookie to Marvelous Missus Maisel to the Morning Show which I love Jennifer Annis so good. I mean, he goes on on this guy's been acting for one hundred years back basically, I'm not one hundred, but he's seventy, so forty years, fifty years Brooklyn the nine nine.

I mean, I'm only he just really aged him.

Poor guy, I know. But here's the thing. I don't mean it like that. It was like just saying, but he's been around forever, The Good Wife, everything, He's done every show, and he directed this. I think it was kind of a nice get for them to get him as a director. I love actors turn directors. You know, Melissa Joan Hart directs, Danielle Fischer directs like so many Oh you know who directs a lot, the mom from Growing Pains, Joanna Kerns. She's totally a director. Now, have I stumped you, Danielle?

Yeah, no, you know, I'm just dealing with the little, a little little thing.

She's still doing it.

I was trying to David Paymer p a y.

I mean that I told you he's that guy. He's that guy. Also, Danielle, I can't remember if we talked about this. I think we talked about this in the Gazette. This week. Uh, my friend Lisa is fully also watching Er from the beginning, so I feel like you should be watching it.

Oh you know, I'm just gonna politely pass on that I really am I watch it. I don't need to. I need to, It's not it's not something that's gonna take up my free time. I'm sorry, Danielle, really really sorry here.

I'm like, I'm actually hurt.

There's negative, zero interests any just negative?

Do you not like medical shows? You know?

Never watched Gray's Anatomy.

Never Chicago Med one of my favorites.

Never never have seen a single drop of an episode.

There's a new medical show coming to Netflix, which I'm totally gonna watch. I think it's called The Pulse, but I might have the title wrong. I don't know why.

Just you know, it doesn't doesn't do it for me, but you know, give.

Me you see you like reality where I like medical and sci fi. Like, I'm like, oh there's aliens.

I'm in Yeah, weird, so weird.

But you watch every do you watch every episode of the Housewives?

Every every episode of the Housewives? Like even like what notice is a little reality?

I wish you could see my face right now. Because my face is like no, like.

Certain certain members come back season to season.

There's nothing reality about it. That's called acting. Like what part of reality is reality for you?

Like there's like murder and mayhem, and it's a real place, that world, not a set, like it is a real hotel in a real country, like in a real place.

Yeah, the characters are fake, but so it's kind of reality TV.

By the way, shout out to the person who messaged us, please stop talking about white Lotus because now we're back doing it again. We're doing it. We're gearing up for listen if you want, our new show coming soon to theaters near you, called Listen if you want. But okay, so back on buttonheads. I did it. I was like, get it. I'm just being being so funny. So back on bunheads. Let's first talk about overall, what did you think of the episode? Just like your vibe, your vibe on it?

Okay, Well, I hate to say this. It did fall asleep halfway through it, so I had it.

Oh yeah, because it was late or because you were.

Bored a little both.

Oh painful review.

But in the second half when I picked back up, I enjoyed it. However, it was very Broadway and very set in Foster just shining a light on her Broadway chops and just.

Is that when she took over for Ginny's Yeah, like audition. Okay, well you're gonna talk all about that. Overall, Here's why I like this ship the girls like I literally I'm into the girls. I'm like, Sasha is so cool. I love the whole thing. I love Boo and the boyfriend, I love I love everything with the girls. I feel like it's sort of a comedy comedy version of like a gossip Girl or something like that. It's just a funny version of young people.

You're gonna take it once for a friend's day. Even the boys because I loved Hubble Carl, I like sal I like.

Who's Sasha's boyfriend? Because oh good dooe is the best?

I love Roman Like all the guys. I agree, I actually enjoy.

Here's my issues. It's a little over the top, right, Setton Foster's over the top. Even Liza Wilds playing it over the top. I mean, Kelly Bishops not even in this episode?

Is she again? Can She's not in last because she's.

Not like she's just doing what they did on Gilmore Girls. Remember they weren't in every episode. They still got credit on the you know, opening credits, but it was like special appearance.

But you know what's weird is you do not watch in Gilmore Girl's episode and and like and like, uh, what's the word I'm trying to say, Like, no matter what, Emily is the huge part of that show, even if she's not even in it.

I'll agree with that. I'll agree with that. That being said, I'm not bothered by an episode of Gilmore Girls she's not in, and I'm not bothered by her not being in every episode of by Nets, Like I'm okay with.

It fine, but like, does she even exist right now?

It's not like a Superman movie without Superman, Like that would be like, oh, where's Superman this one? I'm like, there's enough people, I'm interested. Let's go back to the storylines. So I'm totally in. Do you want to go through? Go through it and we'll kind of give our comments because I'm super into Sasha, I'm super into Ginny. I'm just kind of not into the town meeting, the fake town meeting, you know what I mean.

I know, I know it's trying to be a Gilmore Girls when it's not. So we started at the studio and Sam and say I'll show up early for their top class, and so I doesn't want to take the class, and Sale tells Michelle that they have a schedule.

That's Rose Abdu right correct.

Yeah, I freaking.

Love her, by the way. She's amazing and she should have her own show, because you guys, she's the funniest person. Like she does a lot of work, like she's in Hacks and all these shows, but like she is funny in real life. Like and if you have missed her guest hosting with Scott, you guys gotta go listen to it because I'm telling you, like she is so funny and has such great takes on Gilmour Girls. Anyway, I digress.

She's always a good time when whenever she does our events, I chat with her for I know.

And we went on the tour. I went on the tour with her, the Warner Brothers Tour. I'm like, I couldn't have been happier to go.

She's gamed, like have a good times. She's a friend that when you have game Man at your house that you invite, you know, like she just shows up she cracks jokes, she has a good time.

I immediately loved her when she went to Gypsy's to make sure to take photos right in the same position as Gypsy, Like I was just like, that's the coolest thing ever, Like she's so cool.

Anyway, so the big thing. Michelle gets a call from her friend Talia and she's visiting for a few days, and she says, oh yeah.

And I knew what the news was. I literally knew it from the minute she called that she was marrying that old guy.

I know, I know, I mean, come on, writing was on the wall there.

But here's my question about that old guy. Though he's all rich, so why was he staying at her kind of crappy apartment, Like why didn't doesn't he have a big, old place or like a penthouse suite in Vegas? Why is he sleeping at her apartment? But anyway, that's just a touche, thank you, thank you.

And then we go to the Oyster Bar and Boo Ginny, Sasha and Melanie are getting dinner.

Funny, it was like a special night. They couldn't get fries and someone's speaking of fries. I like your boyfriend. I'm into the whole thing I did. I wasn't even bothered by their kissing. I'm like, you know what, they're cute.

Yeah, you guys mac on each other, just do it. I love Carl carl Is I think, I don't know, he's just funny. I enjoy it anytime he comes up. Ginny is obviously feeling alone, uh and left out as it.

Yes, but it was right because it's almost like the other girls got cosette. I don't know what's going on, but their best friends. And then I love that Sasha is texting her dude in the corner.

I know, they're so cute. I like how cute they are. I feel like Sasha needs a little happiness and she's finally, you know, showing that side of her, which I love. So then they go to the studio and Milie is there. Michelle arrives to talk about the Amphitheater meeting, and then they kind of, I guess, get into a little bit of a tiff, and Millie suggested they schedule a meeting before the original want to throw a cell and see him off their game.

And then suddenly it was the New York Times like there was but there was people buzzing and typing and doing this and doing that. Who are all those people? I know you don't know about the meeting before the meeting, but try answer, And who's paying all those people? I was like, I'm just happying.

I know, I know.

Honestly, it was so sort of random. I don't even remember where we net it out if they get the amphitheater or not they do, Okay, I couldn't even recall.

Yeah, Michelle later on with Talia says and got it, so whatever. This is probably my favorite of the episode. So whereat Sasha's beautiful, gorgeous apartment, which I loved, very unrealistic, and Rowman shows up the door and he goes like, all right, we're gonna take this to the next level and I'm gonna drive you to school, and she was like uh uh, like all nervous.

It was so cute and funny.

I love him, he's so cute and her so funny. I love them together, and I love how he's just like, all right, so we're gonna do this together.

He's a great character. He's great for her. The fact that she likes him is amazing, like that she's actually like, yes, you consider at the table and that he's sort of controlling the situation but without being a weirdo. And then they're like puts his arm rounder. Everything about them is totally cool. She's cool.

I agree, he's cool. I would love if he can lay off the eyeliner or just a tack.

I agree. I agree, I'm gonna give that to you. And they're like, he's better when he was sort of the basketball version. I don't mind him being kind of the emo guy whatever he is, but I agree it's a little heavy, yeah, because he's sort of just a cool dude.

I feel like everyone can relate to this when you have your your your lunch table at school, your lunch table with your friends, and there is that one day where one of your friends gets a boyfriend and then that boyfriend ruins the table. I mean not ruins, but what you're saying.

But yes, throws off the chemistry. I loved when she goes over to talk to the artsy guy, you know, Cosette's brother, and just flubs it. He just did not look at her and she's just her and I'm just like okay, Like it was like so good. She's great. I'm telling you, the girls are great, Like so Okay, let's because we're running out of time. Let's go to the sort of Broadway moment where Ginny's auditioning for some drama show at school and she wants help from Michelle. All making sense, and obviously Michelle's now grappling.

The show's bells are ringing.

I'd never heard of it. That's why I was like, I don't know what this song is, but obviously we're getting it. We get it. Michelle is now grappling because the pants suit and because her random friend got an audition that she's questioning her life choices, but like they pushed it too hard. I think. Now, let me ask you this Jenny's performance versus Sutton Foster's in that play musical? Was she that much better?

I mean, look, obviously, if Jinny whatever her real real name is that I mentioned earlier, she obviously was instructed to hold back, right, But I still thought her voice was great, and.

That girl kids saying yeah, she can sing.

But Setton Foster, I mean obviously, I mean, look, there's we can see what we want on acting because we were watching this show. But Don Foster is a Broadway star, right like she?

And I'm gonna say when she's saying it. I did get a little bit more of the fields. Right, I'm not even saying her voice is better. I think that Jenny Girl's voice might even be better. But I definitely got the feels like I was like, oh, okay.

It felt big, you know, it felt like, Okay, this is a big, big thing. So yeah, I did sun faster better, sure, but also her character was instructed to be better. So it's one one of those things. Yeah, I love Jinny.

I liked the whole thing. My thing is, I look, I'm gonna give a ten out of ten to the girls and their storylines and their performances. You know, the amphitheater thing comes a little over the top for me. The Broadway sort of moment where it's like she's the tutor helping the young student and then gets so jealous has to perform herself. Eh. Yeah, you know, like I feel like Michelle has come so far that she really is more of a teacher to these girls now, and she really thrives off that. So I'm a little disappointed. I would say that we're kind of having this like I think we've already done this storyline, do you know what I mean? Yeah, like I think we've already we've already played this out and now we're playing it again, and we already came off the Nutcracker and her disappearance and then she's back. I don't know that I need this. It's gonna be some cliffhanger. I can't remember, probably, And I'm like, eh, I sort of like her more in that mother role and sort of the actual like guidance teacher. Yeah, so ballet dance aficionado.

The cliffhanger in this episode is that Michelle gives her pantsuit back. He's like, what I'm going to be doing, It's not going to be wearing a pantsuit, right, And it was.

Sort of a mic drop moment and I was kind of.

Like that, and it wasn't a mic drop moment.

It was just a pantsuit. It's like, we get it, we get it. It's pushing it too hard for me to understand that she's grappling with this, Like I got it. I got it the whole time. I got it from the phone call. It was almost like I don't know how to explain it. They're just trying hashtag trying too hard for me to get it. When it's like oh I get it.

Yeah, no, totally, but I mean, look whatever it makes me. It makes me feel like, uh, obviously the amphitheater is gonna happen. We got that payoff. Michelle doesn't want to be a business woman with like her creative.

Heart, right, she wants to go back and get it. She wants to go back and be on stage. Is the is the big cliffhanger we're coming to, right, Like, oh no, Michelle's gonna leave. No, you know, some drama like that, And I just feel like it's so obvious that I'm not into it. I agree. I actually wish she was falling in love with good. I wish we would have more of her like falling in love with Gato. You know, it's so weird that I just thought about, remember when she goes up that long, long, long, long long driveway. We never saw that guy again.

And like, if you really think about that episode, what was it for? Why were they setting up that guy with the long long driveway.

That's the best I'm totally making this up, but I'm wondering if on some level they wanted that guy to be the love interest and they were and then he wasn't available, like he got another show or something. It's like that guy's kind of famous too, He's like a hint famous well.

And also he was too big of a part in that episode Sea he ran never coming back.

I'm I'm convinced that he was going to be the love interest, but then he got a show and couldn't do it. So they pivoted to Godo like it was sort of like they were going to have the push pull and he was gonna she was gonna bump into him again, you know whatever. Anyway, I don't know.

But that's that's the episode. And so we have two more left, seventeen and eighteen.

Breaking news for those that did not listen to the breaking news this week, which look, I'm not gonna say we're perfect, but I find our Gilmore girls get said interesting. We take a lot of heat for it, but we're okay with that. But I'm gonna say ten thousand people voted on our pole and which is shocking. Thank you to the one person just clicking it, clicking it, cooking.

It person clicking it.

Emma, our producer, Emma just being like, I gotta make them feel good. I gotta make them feel good.

I mean, too are too our cried it. I guess I think you can only vote once on Instagram last time I love Emma just created ten thousand brandom accounts.

I don't think she did. But here's what I'm gonna say. Parenthood is the winner. I've been thinking about a lot. I even called Scott to say, dude, we're doing Parenthood. Like, I'm excited, but it it's a serious emotional rollercoaster we're all going to be on together. So I'm really hoping everybody buckles up because in three weeks we're gonna be watching Parenthood.

I'm here for a baby, let's go.

Please do me a favor. Like, like, I'm watching.

All Amy is breaking out and I heard her say please watch and then I heard an R, which I think she meant to say, please watch e R. And we all know on this podcast that we are going to be watching er anytime soon. So with that, we will go ahead and end this beautiful episode with Funheads up, hey, everybody, and don't forget Follow us on Instagram at I Am all In podcast and email us at Gilmore at iHeartRadio dot com

I Am All In with Scott Patterson

Twenty years ago, you met Luke Danes...backward cap, plaid flannel, pouring the coffee. For the VERY 
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