Gilmore Girls Gazette: We’re Just like Christiane Amanpour 😉

Published Nov 20, 2024, 5:00 AM

In the news… a Gilmore connection to Friday Night Lights.

The scariest pool we’ve ever seen.

A shirtless calendar you’re going to want to order immediately. 

Plus, the most obvious Team Jess member ever.

I am all in again. Oh that's just you, Ma b. Gilmore Girls Gazette with Amy Sugarman and Danielle Romo, an iHeartRadio podcast. Good morning, good evening. Whatever time of day you're listening to this, Welcome to another edition of Gilmore Girl's Gazette with Yours truly Danielle and Amy Sugarman. We are here for after noon you.

Some people might be listening in the middle of the day.

You're right, good, whatever time of day it is for you.

Is so much to discuss.

I mean, I can I just start off with one little thing before we carry on. Obviously, I'm really really bummed. Oh no, our Dave Rogowski did not get Sexiest Man Alive?

Okay, And I don't want to be mean. I just was not into John Krasinsky being sexiest Man Alive. Here's why I already felt like, wasn't he already sexiest man alive? Like, it just felt like, huh.

And it's not that he's not cute. He's very child and sexy in his own right. But it was definitely a wah wah wah wah wah.

Yeah, and I love John Krasinsky. He's a great dude. He's such a nice guy. That mew. That kid movie he did, it was totally so adorable. Everyone should watch it, even though I can't remember what it was called. I want to say it was called it, but it wasn't. That's a very scary movie. What was his kid's movie? Somebody get made the title of it, but I think he like wrote it directed it.

Quiet Place, Oh, quiet Place.

Oh no, it's certainly not Quiet Place. That's also an excellent movie, but not a children's movie. He literally just did a kid's movie. It's about like kind of the monster in the closet, but really the monster turned out to be like a great dude. It started it was called it if if. Oh, thank you, I knew it wasn't called it. That's that scary scary clown.

Yeah, with the red balloon.

Here's the thing. It should have been Adam Brodie. He's having the biggest moment, sexiest yem.

With the Adam Brody and the Glenn Powells of the world. Oh, Glenn Powell, you gotta give it to one of them. Like I would have been okay with Glenn Powell, and I would have said, you know what, all right, all right, David.

Gasci Glenn Powell next year. But I could have a whole long list. Speaking of sexy, let's talk about Chad Michael Murray. Okay, so now I need somebody to explain this to me because I was reading People magazine and there's basically like a calendar of Chad Michael Murray. Obviously it's promotional for his rom com The Marry Gentleman, which is going to be on Netflix. But my question is is it a calendar I can buy or is it just like he did these photos as a promo shoot because he's like, you know, it's Valentine's Day, he's got bunny years for Easter, fourth of July, American flag jack o lantern and it's super super sexy. But like, can I buy this?

That is a really great question. Let's see if we can buy it. But more importantly, like great promo Netflix.

To eight percent? Right, well done? And The Married Gentleman is November twentieth, so that's like soon, that's like next week right now.

We'll be able to watch it orrow what is the date or today if you're listening in the morning.

Oh my god, So we can watch this, so next news next week, we're gonna be able to watch this. I have recap it.

Yes, I'm excited. I am in the Holiday movie uh season like I am here for I do not wait for December first. I will watch the Holiday this weekend and I will watch The Married Gentleman right up.

I used to be a full like holiday curmution. Buy you can buy the calendar, and you can buy. My god, Emma, order five copies.

Stat sixty dollars.

Ordered two copies right away. We cannot afford five, but we can't afford two. By the way, We've got to get Chad to sign it for Scott and surprise him with it. We need to reach out to Oh my god, Emma, We've got to reach out to Chad, tell them we're buying the calendar. We need him to sign a copy for Scott, because you know, they are co stars totally together, so we need him and we'll we'll wrap it up and give it to Scott at the Gilmore Girls Live event. We're doing it in stars Hollow.

I love that. I do know Scott listens to this episode. So Scott, if you're listening, forget.

Everything Christmas gift from us. Oh my gosh, I'm an order to stat also, I was today years old, really yesterday's years old. Marla Sockeloff wrote this, I did not realize. So for people that don't know Marla, I know her the best from the practice, right, she was on this really cool lawyer show with Dylan McDermott and a bunch of amazing people. But she goes way back to like full House, Like, wasn't she on Full House?

Yeah, she was on Full House, So she's amazing.

I can't believe she wrote it. And then it stars Brit Robertson, which I know we talked about that show that I just love so much with Christopher Paulah and Britt Robertson that was on the CW that again, I always forget what it was called, but I love that show. So she's a darling girl. I feel like.

This is the new holiday movie of this season. Like last year was the Holida eight, remember that?

Yeah, the holiday of course?

Yeah, And I feel like this one is this year. It's just I see everywhere I scroll, everywhere I go, everywhere I watch.

And we're not even being piggy by like talking about Chad Michael Murray's shirtless, because like the whole thing is him sureless, like it's allowed to be stoked about that.

By the way, John Michael Murray stoked about it.

Wow wow wow wow. He is like in such good shape.

Now you go to Michael Murray and I know.

We talk about this all the time. But for people that don't know, Scott played Sarah Romer's father in the show he was in called The Event, and he's obviously was in Gilmore Girls with Chad. He's back with Chad in the show they do now for the CW. So they like the connection. It's all one big, happy family.

I love it.

Okay. So my favorite, one of my favorite directors of Gilmore Girl's episodes is Kenny Ortega, which people totally know because of high school musical right. So the other day I was like, huh, I wonder what Kenny Ortega is doing. Well, he is working on a new Phantom of the Opera, which kind of like blew my mind, and it's going to be on Disney.

Plus, I've never seen the Phantom of the Opera.

I've seen it. I think I went to it once.

You know, when I hear the Phantom of the Opera, I immediately go left. I'm like, he's not my cup of tea.

I'm not gonna get it's not my cup of tea being said Kenny or Tega. It's for Disney, right, So we maybe get in a high school musical hocus pocus type of vibe a Gilmore Girls, like, not the Gilmore Girls, you know where it's Amy's writing. But the bigness of those episodes, the.

Dance, the dance of the choreography, the liveliness.

Yeah, the showmanship exactly. So I will I will give it a shot, just so people know. Here are the episodes that Kenny directed of Gilma Girls. Emily says hello, season five, episode nine, let me hear your vocalaws ringing out. Season six, episode eight, He's slipping the bread digs. Season six episode ten, Friday Night's all right for Fighting? Season six episode thirteen, Knit People Knit. Season seven, episode nine.

Was Knit People Knit? The dance marathon, Yes, I think so?

Oh is it?

I feel like he did more because you did that dance marathon one right?

Yeah, for sure, he maybe did more. This is what we have right now. But you know, often an error neverned out. That's us. I'm gonna go out of order, So I'm gonna throw the people behind the scenes a curve.

I feel like we need I feel like we need to figure this out because I don't want people to get mad at us.

No, we won't. So while while we continue Jackie and the episodes, yeah, twelve episodes, so we are short, so we are we are seven short in fact, so we won't rattle them all off for you right now. That's probably boring. But maybe we'll make a social clip. That being said, Friday Nights all right, for fighting has inspired me to do a story on Friday Night Lights. So look, this is a little bit of a stretch to tie it to the Gilmore Girls, but it can be done. Matt Zukrie, this is a little Kevin Bacony. Matt Zukrie was in the not the movie, but the TV drama series Friday Night Lights that starred Kyle Chandler, that hotty tailor, Kitch, Minka Kelly, a bunch of others, right, Connie Britton, And so was Stacy Orstano, who really is a major character in bun Heads, but she played truly yeah, in Bunheads, but she was in the movies I think for Gilmore Girls.

She was. She was in The Wild Excursion. She was one of the Hikers.

Yes, exactly, So this is how we're tying this to Friday Night Lights. But I was pretty pumped that Friday Night Lights is kind of getting a reboot, so I think it's the same sort of behind the scenes people, Peter Bird, Brian Grazer, Like people know Brian Grazer because he works with Ron Howard so much, and they're saying it's gonna come back, but it hasn't been picked up. It's not official, and it'll be like a new sort of incarnation. But I was like, you know what, that deserves a story.

Yeah, I'm here for it.

Into it.

Did you watch Friday Night Lights?

No? Not really.

Oh, you should give it a go. I don't think I finished it, but I watched it like a lot. I don't want to say religiously because I don't know for some reason that seemed like you're not supposed to say I watch it religiously, but maybe just widow anyway, Oh my god, oh my god. This is me totally blowing it last week hard. And thank you to everybody that called this to my attention. I did see all your comments and then I dug deep into it. Rachel Brosnahan who I love in Marvelous Missus Masel, which is Amy Sherman Palladino's show, which connects it all to Gilmore Girls. Is Lois Lane in the New Superman with Sean Gunn.

Interesting and I can't.

First of all, I don't know how this like whole thing passed me by without me having any knowledge on it, but I'm so glad to be getting the information. So we talked about this last week. You know, Easton was the expert on the new Clark Kent Superman and Rachel brassnahand is Lowis Lane, which I have to say, I'm in. I'm here for that. Yeah, pretty great.

Yeah, somebody's interesting to see who the the new the New Superman is and who the new lover this Lane is and yeah, look for it.

And I don't know if it's my age, but for me it's Christopher Reeve, which I mentioned. So then last week, after talking about it, I went and watched the documentary, the Christopher Reeve documentary. It's called Super slash Man. Oh cool, Oh my gosh, Danielle.

It's good. First of all, And where do you watch this?

You can watch it on Amazon Prime. I think, I think I bought it for like five dollars or something like. It was so good. I cried. I cried like a baby. I cried sad tears, happy tears. I was inspired. I'm inspired by the children. I'm inspired by Christopher Reeves's wife, Dana Reeve. Listen to this if you don't know the story. So Will Reeve, who looks so much like his dad. He's so hunky. You see him on Good Morning America. But anyway, he did this documentary with his siblings. His father when he's three years old, gets in the You know, most people know about it that Christopher Reeve was paralyzed in a horse riding accident. You know, he goes on lives for nine more years. He's so inspiring. He raises so much money, so much awareness for spinal cord injuries, all these things. Dana Reeve, his wife, Will Reeve's mother, is just the ultimate caregiver, ultimate supporter, ultimate fundraiser. Christopher Reeve dies one year later, eighteen months, Dana Reeve dies of lung cancer. Never smoked. This boy is has no parents. It's so devastating. He cried. You got to watch the story. His siblings basically raise him along with the neighbors, Like so unbelievable. But you learn so much about Christopher Reeve. You like, you learn about the friendship between Robin Williams and Christopher Reeve, which I've always been like just fascinating.

His story is very batman ironically.

Yes, and when, yes, when he comes out at the oscars, I remember it because I'm like a little bit older, so I remember it happening. I remember being devastated by it. Oh my god, they showed the letters people write. I ordered. I found this book that Dana Reeve wrote after I watch it. She made a book of all the letters that regular people wrote and celebrities. It's not here yet. I found one copy of it, like I had to find it, Like I think it was basically like a used copy of this book. These people are so inspiring, and Christopher Reeve is so stunningly handsome, Like it's just unbelievable. But it's how he became like a better man after the accident.

I know.

I'm sorry I've told you he.

Became a superlash man. Yeah. Oh, like I'm gonna watch it.

Oh and you will not be disappointed. Okay, back to Gilmore, girls, do you want to do the Rommy Malick story. You want me to start it?

Sure, the amateur trailer Rommy Mallick is a CIA agent seeking revenge after his wife is a murderer, and the trailer is so good. Yeah, it is good. I mean, I'm a I'm a fan of just Rommy in general, like I ever since he did that Prince Dock. What was it called the Prince the one?

It wasn't Prince it's Freddie Mercury, sorry, Preddy Mercury.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, the Queen one.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I never watched what was called dang Well, we'll get the name. He also was. People really loved him and mister Robot. I never watched that, but I know people loved it.


No, I'm a huge fan of his.

So I'm going to get us the name of the Queen movie.


Bohemian Rhapsody, Bohemian.

Rhapsody, Bohemian rhaps City.

The word biopic or biopic, biopick? Biopic? Okay? Was it? It was a bio pick.

That was great, And that's your homework assignment. Watch Bohemian Rhapsody.

That was a very really excited about that. I like the story, but I just don't know why. I'm like, but okay, you gave me an assignment, I'll do it. So what was in Sorry? Rommy was in season four, episode eleven, in the Clamor and the Clanger. Do you remember him?

I do?

What was he?

I cann't. I just remember seeing him and being like, that is Rommy Malick.

He was in Lane's Bible Groove.

Yes, yes, whoa, Oh gosh, we.

Gotta like pull that up maybe on Instagram. Can you give us a shot of that? But okay, this trailer for the Amateur Danielle the pool. All I'll tell you guys is watch the trailer because the pool scene is don't give it away.

Just watch it.

I'm not going to It's really good. It actually stayed with me. I was like, oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, if that happened, Oh my god.

I guess there's a really interesting story about how his role in Gilmore Girls. I feel like we should talk about it. He said he was surprised that he booked the job without a SAG card, which usually, when you know, when you're an actor, most shows both people in SAgs, so you know, oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. So I guess he didn't have a SAG card, and usually if the show is in the Union, and most are, our casting directors like to cast actors in the Union as well, and the chance that they aren't, or getting their first start, like Rommy was, they then they have to pay a fee to gain an entry. And Rommy says, I think Warner Brothers had to pay the fine for me, and then yeah, the rest is history. It was like two thousand dollars willing to.

Do that when it was such a small part. Like I understand if you're like, this person's amazing and they're going to be the lead in this episode, but like it's a pretty small part. Maybe they just saw talent in him. Yeah, I mean obviously Golden Globes and Emmys and all kinds of stuff, didn't he When did he win the Oscar?

No, he definitely won a Golden Globe. I remember because I went to that show.

I went to the Golden Gun.

I was working at that carpet when I used to work press. Well, I was there and I Ryan was talking to Rommy and I just remember that night he won the Golden Globe.

I got at first, I thought like I was outside celebrity, are you I pictured you at the table with Brad Pitt. I don't know why, like eating that weird?

Like, oh he did win the Oscar Okay.

Way to go. Rommy a twin too, if I remember. I think he's like a twin. I don't know if I made that up. Fact check it. Okay. So there's a little bit old news. But Christiane Amanpour, who obviously we had to talk about because she was Rory's idol and in the finale one the National Press Foundation Tyshoff Award. I'm not gonna go into more detail on that because Frankly, who cares? But I'm proud of her and great, she's like a world renowned journalist.

It's like, Frankly, who cares?

You know, It's like it's a Randa Award. But we want to bring you all the news. We want to bring you the news. Uh yeah. I wish I could watch her more. I feel like she's only on CNN like from time to time. Here. I think if you are in if you watch CNN International, she's on a lot more. But like, I quite like her. Danny Strong, you know who that is?

I don't, but I do know it's Doyle dude. Oh, Danny Strong.

Is Doyle and he's gone on to be this like big time producer and we just found out he's signed a new overall deal with twentieth Century Fox and he's got new things in the works.

Wait time out. Danny Strong created Empire. Yeah, I am beyond myself. Yeah, I here's one I did watch. I did watch Empire, and I loved that show. I cannot believe Doyle created that show.

I would have never Yeah, it was some Taraji Henson show. Yeah. Oh she was good.

She played a character and the cookie and she was just she was the coolest. I it was a good chowater.

I kind of like lost it after a minute.

But I would say, I think it was like five seasons of it or something, And I did you watch it all? I watched I think four and a.

Half and then don't you want to go watch the finale?

Just say I should? I should? It was really really good series.

I love that. Yeah, so we have more from Doyle Danny Strong coming at you soon. Kathleen Wilhoy Liz was just at like a Gilmore girls fest and she's team Jess, which can she not be? Thank you? She is his mother? Like please? She yes, used to be.

That'd be so weird. Imagine if if Kathleen will it was like I Team Jess, I mean team Dean or Logan Logan.

I know, that would be so weird. But yeah, so that was, you know good. The thing that I liked when I was doing research about Kathleen was that she was on cop Rock, which look cop Rock I think got a couple of shout outs in Gilmore Girls. Cop Rock was this show like imagine like SVU but singing, singing all musical numbers, and it's kind of like didn't work, but it lives in infamy in the zeitgeist of pop culture because people love to be like referencing it. I think it's losing its time too, because it was like in the nineties, so really it's like I'm the last cop Rock generation. But I'm pretty sure it got a shout out as pop culture in Gilmore Girls, and Kathleen was in it, which I kind of remember. I remember Kathleen from Er. She had like I think she was Anthony Edward's sort of like drug addicted sister. I might have that wrong, but do yourself a favor. If you want to go watch a show that's great, go watch er great old show Family Guy. Do you watch Family Guy?

You know, obviously like the snippets that you see on I don't know in the world. I've seen snippets, but I've never sat down to watch a full Family Guy.

Well, they've got a new holiday special coming, and Family Guy is tied to the Gilmour universe in two ways.

Alex Borstein Bunheads with Gary.

Wait, who's from Bunheads?


No? Gary Jeannetti in Bunheads is he on Family Guy? No, he like wrote for a Family Guy might get on that, so interrect.

I bet your totally Gary.

He on.

Seth MacFarland is obviously the creator of Family Guy, who appears.

He wrote Gary Jannetti wrote Family Guy.

Oh my god.

Well, then it's got three connections because Seth MacFarlane created Family Guy, and he is in Gilmore Girls as Zach in season two episode twenty one. I think he's at her graduation. Laurea lies from night School Business. She's getting her like college degree whatever. He's definitely there, also Little Trivia. He is the voice of Emily's lawyer who calls Laurlai in season three episode eleven, I Solemnly Swear, which is like, kind of that's some great trivia there. That's some really good trivia, which we did talk about when we did round one of the show. So Alex Borstein, Seth MacFarlane, Gary Jeannetti all tied to Gilmore Girls and Family Guy. So I'll have to check that out. I've never I've never watched it. And also, fun little fact is that Seth Macfarland's favorite movie is the Sound of Music.

Who Knew Random Everything. I feel like we've covered all the news Seth MacFarlane. Every time I hear about him, I think think of, unfortunately, how he was supposed to be on the plane for nine to eleven. Oh my god, his story.

Oh he sort of downplays it because he says he was late and misflights a lot, but like it's very oh.

I know, not to pivot gears.

Danielle, thank you so much for the ending.

Is that we need trivia, We'll do trivia. But still that was a bit of a I know I won't. I might do a couple today. It does seem to see what class does Lorali take at the local college. We just said it business, so that will not be our one.

Okay, Oh oh no, so good how does Loralai put out the fire during the Chiltern bake sale and Jackie and Emma please join?

She grabbed punch from the other table.

Okay, Jackie, really really good. You are correct it was lemonade on this card. But punch lemonade. I think we're going to give.

That to you.

We just watched for Scott because he's recapping that one. So is.

What you so you get an un very advantage.

What did Emily refuse to buy Rory for her birthday? This is hard?

The bracelets?

Oh no, she bought those ding ding? What was it? A hand guitar shaped handbag?

Yeah, handbag shaped.

Like a guitar.

My goodness, one more? One more?

Okay, maybe two? What is the name of Luke's daughter? So easy?

Oh, April?

Where is Chiltern? What's like? Where is Chilton's school base?


What town? Hartford? Yep? You want one more? Hard?



What gift does this is? This is good because we just watched this. This is in the Adam Nimoy directed episode that I just watched. What gift does Emily give to Rory before she plays golf with Richard?

Oh? Go ahead, Jackie?

The hat? The yeah, the strike that looks kind of Rastafarian frankly.

Yeah, these are all from the beginning episodes.

I mean, maybe I need to shuffle the cards, but maybe not. How do we end this?

And that's the news, and that's the news. Hey, everybody forget Follow us on Instagram at I Am All In podcast and email us at Gilmour at iHeartRadio dot com.

I Am All In with Scott Patterson

Twenty years ago, you met Luke Danes...backward cap, plaid flannel, pouring the coffee. For the VERY 
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