You might know Jason Earles from Hannah Montana, but did you ALSO know he was an extra on Gilmore Girls??
Find out how Jason relates to Rory and Dean’s breakup.
Plus, Jason shares a theory about Lorelai’s intentions that has us questioning her feelings for Max.
I Am all in again.
Oh let's.
I am all in again with Scott Patterson and iHeartRadio Podcast. Hey everybody, Scott Patterson, I Am all in Podcast one of Love Productions, iHeartRadio Media, I Heart Podcasts, Season one, Episode seventeen, The Breakup, Part two. We are joined by part of my intrepid crew Susanne French you know where you love her, and the one and only Jason Earls. Okay, basically, we're bringing on a Disney Channel legend who you may not have known was an extra on Gilmore Girls. He's an active director all around town who made us laugh as a hilarious Jackson Stewart on Hannah Montana. If you don't know who I'm talking about, this is the one and only Jason Earls. Jason Welcome, Hello, How are you hello?
Thank you for having me, Scott. I'm so excited to be here. Seriously, I you were my favorite character by far on the show.
I love everybody on the show, but like I just identified with your character Luke.
So much that I'm just I'm beyond stoke to be here.
That's very kind to you. Thank you you were on what you just did? The one episode Season three, episode sixteen, the Big One.
Well, yeah, I was in season three, episode sixteen thirteen, which was when Paris was making the speech about not getting into Harvard. I'm right over Loreleized shoulder in the audience.
We have a photo of it. There you are, Oh yeah, there you are. Shelton By Centennials speech competition. She derails. Paris derails at the plant speech by revealing her Harvard rejection and loss of virginity. As a camera cuts to Richard and Lorelized reactions. Jason appears in the background between them.
What's funny is that people will send me pictures of this all the time on my social media and they're like, dude, why do you look so dead inside? We were probably shooting for like hours and hours. The scene is like, she's talking about losing a virginity, not getting into Harvard.
So I think we, you know, we were all shocked at what she was.
Right, Pleasure, you've been sitting around all day in craft service and you know, yeah, you get that glassy look. That's nice to me too, all right. So so the synopsis of this and it aired March fifteen, two thousand and one. That's a long time ago. That's twenty four years ago ended almost Rory kisses Tristan at a party after fighting with Dean and Laurel, I impulsively shows up at Max's house for a night of love making. Nick Mark directed Amy Sherman Peltino, The one only wrote this gem What do we think? Kids?
I love this episode?
Tell me why.
I just think, like, especially coming off the episode before it, you know, like that whole episode about all these people in love and Laura like sort of going through the.
Town and she's witnessing all this stuff.
And she's like, what the heck? And then and then this is like almost its counterpoint, you know what I mean. It's really just watching that beat he's stripped away from Rory and then ultimately making Laura like question her own stuff, and that's how she ends up going back and like sort of rekindling with Max and seeing if there's anything there. So I just I loved like the way the two episodes mirror each other, and I love the fact that this one starts exactly where the last one ended, Like.
It there's no like, wait a minute, what happened?
Like in that I wanted to see the immediate aftermath of her coming home and we got it, so it was it was a very satisfying episode from top to bottom my phone.
Yeah, yeah, I agree. And you know, the title the break Up Part two kind of like what you were saying, like part one we saw at the end of the last episode, and it just like picked up right where I left off, which I thought was, you know, a great way to start it because there was just no interruption. And I liked this episode too. I thought Alexis really did a good job of nailing that teenage angst of your first love going bad and you're just like your shell shocked, like you don't even know like it it changes your whole world, and I thought she did a really good job of capturing that. And then Laurel I was the great counterpart to that. Like she's in the diner and she sees Rachel and Luke and Rachel are you know, all kind of cute and then she's like it kind of got the wheels turning, and you know, then she's like, well, I might as well, you know, go see what Max is doing because I don't think I'm gonna have anything going on here.
And then what'd you think about the Luke fight with Dean?
I think that.
That's literally my favorite part of the entire episode. It is so it's so like, it's not even like I think now people might be like that's taw like toxic masculine, but it is so not. It is so like like small town looking out for your people. You wrong the people I love, and I'm coming after you. And literally the funniest moment for me in the whole episode is after the fight takes place and you think it's done and then you're marching about after him and Laura I spins you around. You're like he started.
Like, It's the funniest line in the entire episode.
Yeah, strange, right, a grown man goes after sixteen year old, but not your average sixteen year old. We're talking about a six foot four it's yeah, mature. Who. Yeah, I don't know.
I think it wouldn't fly today, But in that episode it was hilarious, Like it literally was a laugh out loud moment, like when she looks out the window and sees you guys out there, It was funny.
I agree that it might not fly like if you wrote it today, except for I think Luke is the one character that can get away with that. I think that he's so like there's just something so lovable about him, and he's.
So protective of the people that he cares about.
That like I think you just sort of like you put your blinders on for that, Like maybe you shouldn't be man handling.
A sixteen year old, but you don't know a kid. It was really Yeah, moved around.
Nobody was throwing hands. I didn't throw hands at at him. I just tried to prevent him from going in to do more harm to Rory. Yeah, okay, that's how I justify it.
Yeah, Luke was definitely in dad mode that whole scene, like with the pank cakes and I'm going to bring you strawberries like it just I don't know it was. I think you're right it was. He was very protective of Rory and it was it was cute.
Yeah, Susan, do you remember your first breakup?
I do remember. It wasn't my first breakup, but the one that hurt the most actually was I was older. I was twenty three and I was my college boyfriend broke up with me in the tunnels coming out of Logan Airport and nineteen ninety something, and it was I can't even put words to it like it was devastating. It was completely I was blindsided and it was completely unexpected, and it was it was a bad scene for a long time, Jason.
I owe a couple of good ones.
My girl friend in high school, and we broke up like kind of officially at like a New Year's ey like party, and I and I did not I did not handle it well. I was really broken up over it. I was I was so like, I was so submitting with this girl that I actually ended up following her one thousand miles to college to see if I could rekindle it.
And obviously that did not work.
It was a it was a great choice in the grand scheme of things, but it was a really dumb thing that that an eighteen year old would do.
Is just you know, you're gonna you're gonna.
Follow your high school girl friend to college and make it work, and it never works.
It's I guess episode seen out of the graduate. You tried. You gotta try. Only young people of that kind of energy follow somebody a thousand miles.
Yeah, right now, I'd be like, okay, see yah.
Got the stuff to do? Did you throw away stuff? Did you have stuff? Did you throw it away.
You know, I did not throw it away, although I actually don't know where it is now, Like if I had to find out, I don't know where it is. But but now I didn't. I didn't throw I don't really throw things away. Like I'm kind of a sentimental person, so I like to hang on to memories.
How do you think Laurel I felt. Do you think she she didn't really throw the stuff out she put in her closet right and then hit it. So that means, like, does that mean to you guys that she's holding out hope that maybe Royal change your mind, or Dean will apologize in the right way and they'll get back on track.
Or I feel like she just knew that, like eventually it'll come around in some way where she may want that, And so she was just sort of like she was just being prepared for that.
I love them.
The moment later that that she mirrors it herself. She pulls her box down and she finds the thing that reminds her of Max. So like she knew that someday she would want that thing that she herself hid in the closet.
You know.
So that's one of the things that I love about the show is there's so many of these things that Mary Rory and Laurel I together like that just there's such they're so simpatico. It's like it's like if a mother and daughter could be soulmates. Like that's literally like what this thing was. And so it just it just felt like her her natural intuitive instincts was like I would want this. I think someday she want this some day, So I'm going to make sure that I don't rob the future.
I completely agree with that. It's it's like she she realizes that once that initial wave of despair wears off, you might want to go back and look at that stuff someday and there will be happy memories there instead of the painful ones. So keeping that door open.
All right, So we have I think one of the most painful scenes that I've seen is is is Rory forcing her mom out of bed at six am. I really felt for her, Did you not feel for her?
I thought it was unusually bright for six a m. Like the sun was out and it.
Was like, how are you sleeping through that? Anyway? It's so bright?
Yeah, But when she rips the covers off of her and She's like, that.
Was funny that prest and and then she comes downstairs and she finds that Rory has rear arranged the furniture in the living room. How did that hit you?
Huh Well, immediately, the first thing I thought was like, she woke her mom up at six am, which I means she rearranged the furniture at Like, I'm like, what, that's insanity to me.
That's a little strange. But you know, she's got that energy she doesn't know what to do with, you know.
I mean, everybody deals with it her own way and won't wallow, but she'll rearrange all the furniture.
And that leads me to the next segment is the wallowing. That's what Laura I advises her daughter to, You gotta wallow, but Rory she doesn't really want to wallow. So so Laura I kind of gives into this list that Rory made of things that she wants to get done, and getting a garden hose to go to the recycling center. Man, what a kid? What a kid? All right, So Rory won't even walk by dosies, and she won't cut across because you know, the school, because you know, Dean plays football there once in a while, so they can't go to Luke's. They have to get to Luke's and how to what are security is?
We're gonna go through the tresure, Yeah, right.
And once they get there, it's it's it's a it's a packed six a m crowd.
Her reaction so funny. It would be who were all these people? What is going on? It's so funny.
And and you know, we see Rachel come down in a flant, you know, flannel, and she's serving food and greets them and pours coffee for them. Where's Luke and the whole thing? So you know, now Laura la is again her her mind is is turning a little bit about still from the previous episode, like where's mind? She can't seem to like all these other people around me are having this drama. They're they're hooking up, they're breaking up, and like me, it's like I can't even yeah, get the first.
Base I have.
I have like released unusually strong feelings about this scene. And then also like when she ends up like with Max because again and Luke being my favorite character in the show from like the.
Pilot, I am so all in on Luke and Loreli. It's not even funny.
So any diversion from that just feels so like frustrating to me. So like Rachel was immediately she's a lovely woman, wonderful actress.
She doesn't but like the every little like pained look.
On Laura's face like hurts me when she's when she's thinking about Rachel every time, Like you know, you say the sweet thing to Laura I, but it's but you're missing the connection. Like I Just'm like, but this is endgame, this has to be like so I so I love Rachel, great character, but I was just like, this is not didn't have.
A chance she really yeah, but delightful actress, and she did a great job. She just did such a great job being a rival without trying to be a rival, just being herself. Really great performance. And you know, Rory a little paranoid. You think she thinks everybody's looking at her, she thinks everybody's away. I liked them as Patty scene. It was pretty funny. And then she cops to it, yes we've heard, we just want to help out. And then Kirk's APOLOGI into Laura for not warning her about Dan.
So funny and it really showed like how quick the gossip mill in Stars Hollow works because it's only been like eight hours and it was overnight. Like how does the whole town already know by them in.
The next.
Yeah, it's one of the most for me, the most charming parts of the show is just like whenever you get these like these little slices of small town, like how that that whole community works and the way I mean, in some ways, it's like it's overwhelming how much everybody knows about each other and how many fingers are in the pie. But like it's I just have always found that part of it so so charming and like it's almost like a little it's like a warm blanket that just like wraps you up in their combined love. So those moments I love them so much in the show, right, just.
Another reason to love the show. Yeah, you think Laurel is feeling any jealousy toward Rachel because I can't I can't really read her. What do you think, Because Laurence, it's really great. It just sort of covering stuff up and letting it sort of come through the eyes a little bit. You know, what do you think?
I think there was some jealousy there. I think she was a little taken aback to see Rachel serving coffee and you know, when she was saying, you know, oh, we we had a late night, so I made him take some time on all PM or what you know, whatever she said, Laurela I was kind of like, hmm, so I kind of like that Rachel Luke Loreli dynamic, like that tension, and it's it's kind of fun to see Luke thrown off his axis a little bit, because Luke seems to be confused by it too. So yeah, I think Laurel I was there was some jealousy there.
We've seen Luke on the receiving end of this, now now Laurel I is receiving it a little bit.
I think the thing that's what's so interesting about it is like if it was almost like even like the jealousy part of it, sort of feeling it came from the fact that she was able to.
Knock you out of your routine, like lu Luke is so Luke, and.
The fact that she somehow managed to get you to sleep in a little bit is like WHOA. That's different than just like hooking up with the hot girl. That's like that's something else and comfortable.
It's like being comfortable and settled almost. Yeah, you know something unnerving about that for laurl I maybe all right, so the list, she comes home with a finished list. Babette comes over now here. Here we have a perfect example, yet again of Sally Strauser's stealing a scene, uh and just having one scene an episode and you just don't forget her. She's so memorable, she's so good, she's so funny. What if she was her dialers She said she got I got thrown out of.
A moving car, pushed me into a moving car, wants or something like that.
It was so funny, but you know, a terrible thing, but she just turns it into gold woman. So Rory overhears this conversation with Babbett. She any think it made her sad, made her angry? What how does Rory feel this moment? She goes back into her She goes back into her room, closed the door. She thinks maybe she wants a little more anonymity. She's this small town thing is really getting to her. Everybody knows my business, this even this embarrassing business.
Yeah, I think the I think she feels like the town doesn't really know what happened, right, And so she probably kind of feels like everybody's getting in her business and they're making assumptions that aren't necessarily true, and we're gonna we're gonna see this again with Jess. After the car accident, the whole town was blaming Jess, and she's like, it's not his fault, it's not his fault. So I think she kind of just feels like, you know, this is my thing, just.
Let me deal with it.
All these expressions of love and support, you know, from Luke with a fight and be Bet with a coming over to comfort. Everybody wants to comfort her, but it's like, leave me alone, right, And it's really again part of the charm of this small town. It's like she doesn't know how lucky she has it until she leaves that place and missus. Ever, that's why she's gonna miss everybody's because they care that much.
So for second, it felt like the wheels might come off, Like when she lays on the bed, you like, oh, maybe this is where she finally feels her feelings. And then you almost see You're like get a little mad at the fact that the wheels almost came off. And then makes that decision to leave that small.
Town and go do the party.
So yeah, I thought she did a really great Joba job of playing like there's like three or four like really kind of important things going on inside her that she was able to sort of get across without like much dialogue.
And I think it was just.
Then she finds the flyer for Madeline's party, and oh what what a party that will be. So she doesn't really want to she doesn't want to dwell on the breakup, and she kind of uses that party as a distraction. And wouldn't you say everyone in town, as we see, wants to comfort How would you handle this as a sixteen year old? How's a sixteen year old supposed to handle something like this?
You know, I feel I would be self conscious, like if all these people were coming up to me, like I wouldn't want all that attention.
Yeah, Yeah, her going to the party makes a lot of sense, Like go someplace where you can like it's a good distraction. It's people that don't necessarily know all of your business. I totally get, like why that would be the go to thing to try to like get pack those.
Yeah, Soulaine comes over, they get ready for the party. LAURAAI gives Rory some money and a phone just because she needs it. And then Rory finds the corn starts Dean gave her to give the course. I found that very funny for some reason. And then Laura l I finds her box what was in her Max her own box, right, the Max box or she goes through the Max box all right, So she's thinking her thoughts. She's in the middle of this, uh, this this tornado of emotions from her daughter. And then she settles down and she realizes that, well, maybe she needs to get a life herself a little bit. She misses all the drama of life. I guess instead of tending to it, she wants to experience it. I like that Laane took Rory out to the party good good chaperone or good friend to be with her best friend.
I don't know how they got missus Kim to be on board with that though, Right, how did Lane get out for the evening?
That's a very good question, because that's you know, it's like out after nine pm or ten or something. Yeah, because Paris left at ten thirty. That was her, that was her witching hour. And they were still there.
I thought there was a really cute sort of interaction in that, Like, normally, if you're going there with your friend and be supportive, the last thing you do is sort of like hook up with or like spend time with a boy, because that would be triggering. But she ends up like spending you know, doing all those dances and keeps going back. And I love that Rory wasn't like affected by that. She was just she was happy that somebody was there and she was out, and she was sort of happy for her friend having a good time, and I kind of I love the fact that that didn't evolve into like a pity party or a wedge between them. It just ended up being like this really fun way of going through it.
She just pulls a book out of her bag and sits down to read.
She was like, so we'll get into that in a little bit, but let's let's go to Suki's. Larela heads over to visit Suki in what was a bizarre and wonderful scene of perfectionism and control over your mate. He's Jackson's making her dinner, and she cannot contain herself as as the perfectionist chef that she is and Jackson kicks Suki out of the kitchen. What do we think of this? This was a true well, this is one of the funniest scenes. This is really trufic. What do we think of this?
It was a little tense for me. I wasn't a huge fan of this scene Suki. I love Melissa McCarthy and I love Suki and Jackson as characters together. I just felt like she was a little all over the top on the controlling.
Piece of it.
Yeah, I mean, she's so ocd about that stuff that, like, I like I sort of got where she was coming from. I actually had like a I don't I don't mind uncomfortable comedy. And I actually thought this scene was a really good example of like how Gilmore Girls is really like a comedy with like a ton of heart, but like it doesn't it's not afraid to get a little silly and and.
Sort of push the boundaries a little bit.
And I mean, for the like when when they're fighting and Jackson's yelling at her saying this is supposed to be romantic, she yells back, it is like there's just some I thought that was just so like I think two people have to really be in love for that to be funny, to be able to watch that and think that the exchange is funny. So I I thought it was a really charming and a very again sort of Gilmore Girls sort of scene.
I know. I know what you mean about.
It being like a little uncomfortable, because it's like it's a it's a pretty intense reaction of what's going on. But I for whatever reason that it's supposed to be romantic, it is like saved it for me in a week.
Yeah, yeah, I think it's so it's it's uncomfortable because it's real and it just happened. Yeah, I mean I've been in those situations. It's been in those situations. I know. You know, it's like you get into like the silliest stuff with your with your better half, and that is I.
Also THINKI does a great job of being like the barometer for the audience. She doesn't seem particularly concerned about the fight, so as an audience member, I wasn't concerned about the fight either.
Yeah, that's she's sitting in the background eating The orders just are.
Like fine, right, right, So she borrows Suki's car. Did you know exactly where she was going. I thought she was going to Christopher's.
Yeah, I didn't know.
I didn't know. I didn't know.
I didn't know either.
I thought it was one of the two.
I mean, I suppose I could have connected the dots because she goes, she gets the box down, and she's looking at that book, and then she needs to borrow Suki's car, Like I should have put the dots together the bed. Yeah, I didn't the first time I saw it.
I'm going to recuse myself from analyzing this scene, so you too take it away. What do you think of the Max Medina scene.
I love the monolog at the door, like, I think that that's so classical Lorelai, just the stream of conscious and I love how like so much of that was related. My daughter's going through this thing, she's feeling this thing. She won't acknowledge it. I realized I cannot give her proper advice because I went through this thing and I did not process it.
And now I need to. I need to do the.
Big girl thing and figure out my feelings, partially so I can be a better mom. But also she's probably a little like ready to go in the moment. But but you know, I just I love the way that that whole sequence started. That monologue is so good.
Yeah, I agree, And I mean I think in retrospect, you know, they end up in bed together and she's like, well, I didn't know that was gonna happen. I think she did, though, because she specifically she had to go, like she went and borrowed Suki's car to do this, Like she couldn't have waited until the next day if it was just going to be a conversation. I don't know, but I agree that the monologue was funny. It was just the two of them together I thought were funny with the table and he's putting the table in between them like it was. I thought it was.
I thought it was a funny scene.
Question, is Laurla exhibiting post break gup energy or you think she actually misses him?
See, I don't know for sure.
If it wasn't seeing Luke with Rachel, that is ultimately like messed her up. Like if if he's doing that and he's got Rachel and he had a late night, you know, and I have these weird, unresolved feelings and I may I don't know, Like I feel like there's a lot there's a lot going on there.
Yeah, I feel like she probably thought that they still had something because when they when they left it off, they were at that coffee shop and they were basically like, you know, let's just give it a break and see what happens. Like they didn't definitively break up, you know, not to get too far into friends.
We were on a break.
But yeah, like the the door was basically still open, so she may have been like trying to test the waters and kind of you know, see how he felt about it.
Do you guys feel that the energy between them, the chemistry between them, makes the likelihood of them ending up in bed together somewhat inevitable or do you feel it was forced?
I mean, the thing is is like once they start going after it, you know what I mean, like before they stop and put the table between them, I mean, it feels like this was always going to happen, like that there is some like chemistry there and there is like a need on both of their parts to like have this happen.
Yeah, I.
Feel like there was like in that moment, the chemistry was a little inevitable.
Yeah, what did you think it was?
Yeah, I agree with that. I mean It was just a few episodes ago that we saw Lorelei and Christopher on the balcony, like, so clearly, once that ball starts rolling down that hill, well it's just picking up speed. So you know, Laurlay is not the type that she's gonna pump the brakes and be like, wait, you know, let's not do this. So I think it it was. I think it was definitely heading in that direct.
Laurela I says she didn't give the idea of being together with Max much thought, she contradicting her own advice that she gave to Rory.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, do you.
Believe laurel And when she says that she didn't think about him at all because she didn't want to get stirred up, what you're buying that, Well, it kind.
Of goes back to everybody handles a breakup in their own way, Like Laurelai's way of handling that clearly was just to suppress it and not deal with it, which was working okay for her until then Rory kind of threw it back back in her face. It was like, well, how long did it take you to get over Max? And that's when she had to realize, well, wait, I never really did get over him, So I mean it just that's just how she, yeah handled it.
And I also feel like she's she has enough stuff going on in her life, whether it's like with work or she's so attentive and so focused on Rory that like I could see her potentially compartmentalizing that and like pushing it aside and like do just doing the other thing, you know, dealing with her mom, dealing with her daughter, dealing with work, and like and for for a certain amount of time, being successful at like pushing it away. But but yeah, I think I think if anything was going to break through that it would be Rory's distress, which you know, would trigger her having to deal without herself.
What do you think do you think that she she's sort of fooling herself a little bit, Scott.
I've recrused. I've recused myself in this conversation. I cannot be a proper jurist by offering an opinion. Uh, okay, let's get to the party. This was fun. I love this party scene, great party, seeing, great house. Yeah, just altogether fun. Fun fun. So Rory Lane start gushing over how big Madeline's house is. We find out, it's the stepfather. He's in Japan. Matdeal. Glenn and Louise present themselves and wonder where Dean is. Paris is left with Rory and Lane. Lane meets Paris for the first time. What do we think of that?
So funny? She's just so curmudgeony. It's just so funny to me.
Yeah, Lane held her all though she wasn't intimidated by these.
No, she was not. Well, She's got to deal with it. It's Paris chopped deliver. It's like, you know, she's she's got the A player Paris. Paris is the C list compared to her mother. Tristan gets into an argument with his girlfriend Summer. What do we what do we think about these scenes?
That's the one I think.
I think the I think the Summer stuff is like, it's a little tough for me. She's like after the previous episode, like where they're making out so like frantically at the lockers, for her to be so like directly callously mean to him in front of people, I had a hard time like figuring out like where that was coming from. Even if she was like getting tired of the all your my girlfriend's stuff, and if he was a little controlling or whatever. It just it was so aggressive from the beginning. I was a little like I was a little thrown off by by the dynamic.
Yeah, I agree with that. I was like, kind of wait, where is this coming from all of a sudden, Like why, Yeah.
She's just like it kind of attacks him, and he's so shocked by it. He doesn't really know how to respond other than sort of whining, you know. Yeah.
Yeah, for a dude that's usually so self assured, it was kind of an unusual reaction to harsher than I would have expected treatment.
But yeah, I wanted to know more as to want Hey, this was happening, but he was I don't know, she was dancing with another guy or something like that.
Was she like locked in a room with somebody for.
Right rights?
Like of course he's going to be frustrated, like want some more information.
Yeah, he was back on his heels. He didn't know how to deal with that, and he certainly, uh did not make a good showing in front of the entire party. And then a boy asked Lane to dance. Lane likes him and he's Korean and he's going to be a doctor, and he's cool and you know, it's how to dance. It's like, what the heck is going on?
The perfect guy for her and it completely freaks her.
Out and it can't so it can't work.
It's so so funny because I I, uh, like, my my wife has like a funny relationship with her mom where sometimes like like you just have to be sort of contrary just because and so the idea that Lane's mom would have liked it was is like the deal breaker for her is just it's funny dynamic with daughters and their moms.
Yeah, there wasn't a great scene Lane enjoying herself and liking somebody, and it was so refreshing. Yes, she's always so thwarted and frustrated.
It it was nice to see her getting something that she wanted.
Like, yes, it really was. And then we get to the point where Rory Paris has to leave, right, but parents just biding her time. They do the whole French thing, the French water, the Frenches, very funny, and Rory sits down in a back room, a side room and starts reading her book. Uh and then lo and behold here come you know the you know, the two little Einstein's coming in to the to the room and breaking up, and uh, Tristan is publicly shamed and embarrassed, and he notices Rory but scampers out to seek refuge with one of the best grand pianos I've ever seen. Wasn't that a gorgeous piano?
The wood on that to finish on that, Yeah, that's the only thing I could look at during the scene, is like, I just wanted everybody to get out of the way of the piano. Stop talking, let me see this. So Rory goes into the room and you know, they start talking about they start talking about the breakup. What you guys think of this?
I thought it was cool. It was it was interesting.
I I think the one of the nicest grounded moments was you know after you know, Tristan's sort of a jerk in the beginning, like what are you doing here? He doesn't want to talk about stuff. But when he apologized is for being sort of so mean to her whatever, it didn't feel false or forced or it just felt like a I understood how the kiss could happen after that, you know what I mean, Like they actually seem to connect a bit and like and like genuinely feel like, oh, you're the person who just broke up with you as an idiot. Like none of that felt like contrived to me. It felt like you two people hurting, there's some common ground. He apologizes for something and they have a moment.
Like it worked for me.
Yeah, I I'm semi on board with that. I agree. It was like two people that both had, you know, were experiencing a cute pain and they kind of turned to each other. I could totally see how that kiss happened. But to me, Tristan is such a dirt bag that I don't feel sorry for him at all, Like I have zero sympathy for him, and so when he's trying to you know, when he apologies, it seems like it was nice. But then when we see, knowing what happens in the next episode, like he doesn't like a leopard, doesn't change his spots, so he goes back to, you know, being his dirt bag self. So I can, like, I totally get how the kids happened, but I just wish she had not been so nice to him.
Yeah, let's talk a little bit about why Rory is talking to Tristan so closely about her breakup.
And that she actually seems to be relating to Tristan or is she just lost? What do you think? I know we've talked about it a little bit, but do you think that she's just so lost that she's stucked into this this vortex, this Tristan vortex? Because you know, you're right, he's he's abominable, right, He's just hard to hard to like?
Is there something This is a stupid middle aged dude making it, making a guess about a teenage girl, But isn't there something too, Like when you're you go through a breakup or something like that, and you you can't help but be drawn to the bad boy, the guy that's like, the guy that's a problem, the guy that, like your mom wouldn't approved it. Not that she was like looking to to hurt her mom, orny that sort of stuff, but just like you kind of do these self destructive things sometimes, especially if you're not processing your feelings right. So, so the idea of like there's this guy who's really good looking, he might be a we seem to be connecting. I'll snatch a kiss off this dude, Like I don't I don't know if there's some some self medicating that she thought.
She would do.
And then but that's the thing that unlocked the Oh my god, I'm broken and I need to go feel my feelings now, you know.
But again, middle aged, middle aged dude taking a while.
Yes, but that's good, that's a good analogy. She probably felt like she's really scraping the bottom of the barrel. Now what is she doing? Wow? Yeah, you know, I've just I've just ended something that was genuine, that was truly loving and supportive, you know, And now here I am with this dipstick, you know.
Right, Yeah, I think self medicating is a good way to put it. It's like she figures at this point like she's got nothing else to she's got nothing to lose, like, you know, why not?
Yeah, all right, now we're home and this I remember this scene. I knew how this was going to end because it was such a perfect ending and it had to go here and it is heartbreaking. And she comes home and sees Laura Rory eating ice cream and she's ready to wallow. Rory cries on the couch, Laura Leo orders the pizza. I mean they're boom boom boom. So we love these two really, at least see them they really got each other's back. So what do you think of this thing? Guys?
It was the classic mother daughter like it always comes full circle, you know, back to the two of them. I thought it was a great ending and Laura La I knew exactly what she needed as soon as as soon as she saw her.
Yeah, it was I thought it was perfect. I really did. And again even as like a you know, I'm I'm I've been divorced, I'm happily remarried. All that is good, but like it just immediately like hits you with the feels like you just remember what that felt like when something that you cared so much about was taken away, and then once you were finally ready to like feel it, like it just it hits you so hard and then there's nothing you can do.
You just have to wollow. Like eventually you just have to get to the point where you have the cry. If you've got somebody there there to hold you, you know that's better. You know that's perfect.
But but I just I just thought it was like the perfect ending for these two episodes to wrap up this way.
It was.
It was perfect all right overall, let's uh one to ten, what do you what are you giving.
It, Susan, I'm gonna give the it is an eight point seventy five.
I thought it was good eight point seven five?
What oh eight point seventy five? Books in Rory's book?
Bang, Jason, what do you think?
I would give it a solid nine? This this the episode works for me for a jillion reasons. The only reason I wouldn't give it a perfect tennis because, like I said, I'm so invested in in Luke and Lorelai that like, I don't want to see I don't want to see Luke with Rachel, and I don't want to see Lorlai with Max. And also the breakup being a little odd for me with Tristan and Summer at the party. But other than that, it is I think it's just it's a beautiful episode.
Well, I agree. It was uh not as full of laughs as a normal episode is because there was so much high school drama and adult drama. But it was really well thought out, well written, very entertaining episode. It moved, it really moved, and that party scene was just great, wasn't it. I think I'm gonna get I'm gonna put it up there. I think about an eight seven eight seven five. I'm right there. I'm up there with you guys. I'm gonna give it eight point seventy five French waters in strange looking bottles.
I would give it. I would give it nine perfect cups of coffee at loose.
Okay, nice, All right, Jason, it's been really great catching up with you. Please come back. We appreciate your time and your insights to Saint France. It's always a pleasure. I missed the old crew, Like you have no idea. I love what I'm doing now, but you guys are out there having so much fun. You're like superstar. You're all superstars now. Anyway, I just wanted to let everybody know that's listening. A weekend in the Life Decade Days con April twelf through thirteen. That's a Saturday and a Sunday in New Milford, Connecticut. I'm gonna be there with Matt Zukri and I think Janik's going to be there and maybe some others. So coume join us to celebrate the show. It's gonna be a really fun convention. I think Suzanne you'll be there as well. Terrra's coming along, and we're gonna get captured some exciting footage and we're gonna have some great stories for you all. So anyway, thanks for downloading, everybody, best fans on the planet, and remember where you lead, we will follow. Stay safe, hey, everybody, and don't forget follow us on Instagram at I Am all In podcast and email us at Gilmore at iHeartRadio dot com.