I Am All In…Again: Coffee, with a shot of Cynicism (Season 1 E16 “Star-Crossed Lovers and Other Strangers”)

Published Mar 10, 2025, 4:00 AM

From The Bachelor, Caelynn Bell, joins Scott to recap episode 16!

As a super fan, she is shocked to hear a fun fact about the series, find out what it is!

Love doesn’t conquer all in Stars Hollow, what does Caelynn have in common with one of the characters in this episode? 

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I am all in again.

I am all in again with Scott Patterson and iHeartRadio Podcast.

Hey everybody, Scott Patterson, I am all in Podcasts one of them productions. iHeartRadio, iHeartMedia, iHeart Podcast. Episode recap. We are going to be discussing season one, episode sixteen, Starcross, Lovers and Other Strangers with none other than Kaylin Bell. And you may know her from The Bachelor and The Bachelor in Paradise, but since then, she's built a strong presence in the lifestyle and travel space, sharing her adventures and insights with fans. But you might want to know that she's also a huge Gilmore Girls fan, So we like that. We like that very much. We're excited to have her here to recap this episode and dive into her love for stars. Tala, Welcome, Kaylin, Thank you.

I'm so excited to be here. I got a text from one of your producers, Emma, while I was at dinner with my husband, and I was like, you have no idea how big of a deal this is. I'm so excited.

Well, we're glad to have you. We're glad you're excited. And what'd you think of the episode? What'd you think of this episode.

Oh, it's such a good episode. And I've seen Gilmore Girls all the way through so many times, so I was rewatching this one, and so much goes on, so I feel like it's a perfect episode to chat about.

All right. Well, here's a little synopsis for you. And the original air date was March eight, twenty twenty one. Ouch, that was a long time ago, Caylen. I imagine you were maybe still in diapers in two thousand and one.

I'm six, all right.

So Dean confesses his love to Rory. And isn't that the remarkable thing about the Gilmore Girls fan base? It just keeps getting younger and younger and younger. Every new generation is discovering your testament to that wonderful to have you on. All right, So Dean confesses his love to Rory, leaving her unsure of how to respond. Quite stunned, was she? Meanwhile, Loralai indorsed and awkward dinner with her parents an unexpected blind date, which was hilarious. Elsewhere in Stars Hollow, Luke is caught off guard when in an old flame maybe the flame resurfaces, stirring up emotions from his past. Leslie Linka Gladder, who directed the pilot, directed this episode and the Teleplane story. John Stevens, Linda Louise Guzik, and Jony binder Weiss wrote it, Uh, what'd you think overall of the episode?

It was it was such a great episode to rewatch because even from the very beginning, before the intro song comes on, I was like, this is why I love this show is because it's so wholesome, and I love the small town feel where pretty much everyone's coming together for every small event, no matter what it is, like Miss Patty telling the story of stars Hollow. But then you've got, you know, drama with Dean, and you've got drama with Laura La and her parents, so you kind of got a little bit of everything.

Well, we open up with Dean waiting at the bust up Rory. Rory alters her Friday night dinner plans for Dean. I mean it's a big discussion with Laura. I's yeah, Laura has to get permission from Emily, of course, and surprisingly Emily agrees to it without any kind of stress and then provides for some nice comedy when more license and Luria's going to need me to know, I'll expect you at seven, thanks by right. And I thought her particularly a strong episode for Lauren Graham in terms of she got a lot of laughs out of me. I mean, I just I just enjoyed watching her try to navigate her childhood home with those two and was so good. Strange guy. It was so good, wasn't it. I Mean, that's like something you would go back and watch and watch again just to get the last from what she was doing. And testament to all those people they're straight lines and playing it straight like that. Just fantastic, just great comedy, great comedy.

The actor who played Chase, he did such a great job at like the weirdo aspect saying what shall we like? He was just so awkward and he's like no, no, Lorelai, no, no.

He was. He was so that breed, he really was. I mean, you talk about privilege, wo wow, yes, dripping in it and Miss Patty smoking her cigarette with cigarette holder during story hour and telling the kids and then finally saying something about being in a cage in nineteen sixty six with Tito Plente. You know, there's always a singer from right from our pop culture expert Amy Sharn Pelatino and her husband that they throw in a singer. So that shows the quirkiness of stars Hollow. Now the steaks are we know what the steaks are. Now the setup, we know what's going to happen here. But do we really as soon as we get into Emily's house? How many funny gags did did Lauren do with the coffee cup? Oh? My gosh, shoving it in the right like just find like she looking for a place to throw it away, and you're like, oh god, if she throws it away outside in one of the planters, Emily's gonna find it and give her hell right, So what she gonna do? So she knows she can't do that, sticks it in her purse.

Do you know how much of that was improv and how much was scripted? I don't Was there a lot of improv in the show or not?

Really? Absolutely none? Oh wow, No, I'm sure that was scripted.

Yeah, yeah, wow, that's impressive.

There's nothing. There's nothing improved. I mean from my experience when I was on set and it was a lot, there was no improv.

It just like speaks to the writing and the quippiness of everything, Like the banter is just so perfectly timed. And perfectly written.

Yeah. It really wasn't often when somebody would stop and say, wouldn't it be better if I said no, it's just it really didn't happen because it was just such you know, you're staring at these pages and it's gold. It's just yeah, you can't wait to get at it right. I mean, there's there's nothing you can do to improve it. You know, you just have to spit the lines out quickly and run into the furniture.

That's fun because as a fan, I kind of thought you guys just had this amazing relationship where you would just banter off each other. But it really is the writing that's amazing.

Yeah, it's the writing. Yeah, it's there, it's on the page.


And you know, you know, we had this dialogue coach and he'd come in your trailer and you'd run lines with him until you were cold on the lines. And you know, everybody was just stone cold knew their stuff. Wow. And it was and it was a great way to work because you know, you get it, you relax, you go on set, you have fun with it. You know, somebody forgets a line here and there, not often, and it's just it's just kind of a fun day going through all these great lines and great scenes, because you know, it's like it's like every single scene you're doing is as good at writing as it gets, and the actors that you're acting with are as good as it gets, and it's just fun. It's fun to be in that kind of environment where you know everybody is a list in terms of their ability.

I was thinking while rewatching, I mean, i've again, I've seen it so many times, but I rewatch like nineties and early two thousands shows, and some of them are so unbelievably cringey, and this show is so timeless in so many ways, Like I don't feel like there's any Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't feel like there's really cringe moments in gil Mar Girls. There are a couple maybe I'm forgetting those.

There are a couple of scenes that don't that that didn't age well, and I think I think, Emma Jackie, if you want to chime in, I don't recall specifically, but there's some there's some stuff in there that doesn't age well, but it's it's so rare, it's so rare. Yeah, I agree, I just think it ages well because it's so smart. Yes, it's just so smart. It's just such good writing. And I don't know that there's any been anything like it on television ever.

Yeah, even like the wholesome aspect, I don't feel like we have anything like that. And that's why I love it. It's just such a feel good show. It's so wholesome. I don't feel I just it's so great. It's like you feel like you're with people that.

You love, right, But it's it's it's but there's this it's melded. It's like this hybrid wholesome small town show, but with this utter sophistication in the writing and in the delivery. And I think it Emily and Richard really helped that out. Like they sort of set a standard of behavior and elocution and diction and vocabulary and and you know, basically just how they speak and what they know, and it all trickles down so they get away with a lot, a lot of pop culture references. Yeah, so we have we have Rory. Right. Have you ever been in a situation like that when you were younger? You know, I think fifteen years and the guys, you know, I've been there. I remember the awkward moment when you say that I love you and it just hangs out there and returned like a big Manza ball, and you're like, oh no, oh.

My gosh, I think I was the dean when I was younger. I was just so eager and he was so eager, just so excited. He's like, I remember our second anniversary, our second month anniversary, I remember our third month. And Rory's like, I had no idea, you know.

Right, So we we go to the junk yard. They sit in the car. He's making her a car. He's building her a car, and that is what a guy, right, But it's just a little too much for r Rory, right. She doesn't know what to make of this. It's like, who builds anybody a car? Who can even build somebody a car? Right? And why is he building me a car? And is it going to be safe? And like what kind of a is it going to be? A junkie car? I mean, what is he building me a Rolls Royce? What is he doing? And then they sit in the thing and when is it a little Corbert? So it's kind of like a Corvet type car, which are kind of cool cars actually, eight great little cars to tute around in a in a small town, that's for sure. And then he just says it, man, and it's like I forgot the scene and I kept saying and I said to myself as I'm watching, and I said, oh no, he's gonna tell her he loves her, and it's going to ruin the whole thing.

Don't do it.

Don't do it. Keep your mouth showed, buddy. Uh But he you know, he's he's a lovely guy, right, he's turned into uh, you know that they knocked the the Chicago out of him a little bit. Now that he's in Star's Hall, he's kind of getting into the flow of the place and he just like, he just says it, and she doesn't know what to do. What is Have you ever been in that situation?

No? Again, I think I was just so eager for love that I was on the opposite end where I'm just like you.

Were the dean.

I was the dean, you were the dean. Yeah. But so speaking from experience, it's not a good feeling, right, But I do think in that scene, Alexis is so good. You can see every emotion. She's so young. But the camera work in it too. Where they just hold it on Rory's face for a bit to see every emotion, because it's like, we don't really need to see Dean's face in this. We know what he's feeling, and they just hold it for I noticed for like an extended period of time, which is I thought, a great, great tactic by the camera people.

Yeah, Alexis really is just like she's like water, isn't she. Every little vibration ripples through her face. You can see it.


And it's also you know, nothing's forced about it. It's all just kind of gentle. Yeah, she's easy to watch. She's very very easy to watch, very very easy. Okay, Laura, let's get into some cooking aspects. You have a lifestyle, a brand happening that you're building up. Laurla really wants to cook. She chooses Hamburger helper, which which tells us at what level she is in the cooking ladder. Have you ever used hamburger helper?

Oh, it's funny you say that, because I remember being in the third grade and visiting a friend and her mom made it and I went home and I was like, mom, she's so good. She's such a good cook. And my mom would never. My mom's very healthy, so she never touched that stuff. And it was so funny to Laura lies like I want to be a chef and arguably one of the easier meals in the world, and she's like, I can't make this.

You know, well I have had it, and I always found it to be quite delicious, but it is. I didn't repeat the experience too often because you know, my mom was quite a health nut to we. We liver once a week. It was good. It tastes actually pretty good. Yeah, so once a week we had them. Yeah, we weren't looking for those nights. But I try to pretend like I didn't like it. But I liked it because my siblings were like, oh no, god, liver, he really mom, you know, so see.

How to go along with them?

Absolutely all right. So Laurel is kind of missing Max. She goes in the diner, she sees Luke. They have their banter. You know, we think something might be happening. They're really coming together. They're united in their hate of things. You know, he does a little she's on a rant. You know, they're both kind of tense and and they're sort of relieved to be in one another's presence and they you know, they get the fent. You know, Laura I is just not in the mood for all the love and the la la laws and all this stuff, and she's like, you know, kind of in a crabby boat, goes in the diner. She's met she's met her her match and Luke, who has an equal amount of of hatred inside him, maybe even more. And you know, here we go again, here the writers again throwing these two together, and right at the moment when they're getting together, boom, they drop a bombshell on us in the form of Rachel. What'd you think of Rachel? What did you think of that whole scene?

I was just picturing myself as Laura Lai and being like crushed because I mean, as a viewer, you're just like when will they be together? You know it's only season one, but you just it's like the timing is never right between the two of them, and the way that Luke is able to bring her out of this mood or like intensified in the best way. And then you're just like hit with this shock. This Rachel, who she's heard about because of the sweater, but she doesn't know, you know, she's never seen her face to face.

But she's not showing that. She's not showing any kind of devastation or shock. She's not playing that. She's playing like, oh, you know, like she doesn't care. She's throwing it all away, like, eh, you know whatever. Luke's a friend And what's your opinion on that? You think she's interested in this guy or do you think she just doesn't care and really does miss like she likes the friendship aspect of it now. I mean because it heats up every once in a while in the first season and people keep telling her friends like Luke, Luke, Luke, and I think you'll like him, what do you think? And she's like, no, you know. But so in your opinion as a fan, is she even considering this now or is it just like this passing thing and she doesn't take it really seriously and it's like, nah, she's not feeling it.

What's your From my view, I think she never really considered it. She likes the their friendship, the little bit of flirtation, but the more people egg her on, the more she's open to its kind of how I'm viewing it right, because then she comes back and she's like, why did I say that I'm so stupid? You know about the coffee pots.

Right, right, Yeah, I kind of agree with you because she's just kind of playing it off and it's not a big deal Rachel and all stuff. I think she's she's curious. I think, yeah, I think she's curious as a as a lifelong friend like that, she cares on that level. I don't know that it's I mean, but they had a couple of moments, didn't they. Yeah, like behind the counter when they were looking at what his dad wrote on the on the side of the counter so many years ago when they were painting the place, you know, in the previous episode or two, and they had that moment where they locked eyes, right and yeah, and it was like are they well there, won't they?

For me, it was always like Luke was ready ish or more open to it, and then Laura Lai was slowly opening up to the idea.

Yeah, she's not there. Yeah, she goes home.

She calls Max, right, which is and it's the timing thing.

She talks about Max.

Yeah, right, Well she calls yeah at the end, at the end she calls but then hangs up because of Rory. But I think every time. It's like Laura lies in a relationship. So then Luke finds something or accept something. Is kind of the pattern we see throughout and vice versa.

Right, we see him pining and suffering when she has a new guy, but when you know, a significant Rachel and she's described by Suki as like it's like Elle Macpherson with a camera, you know, this kind of thing, right, right, it doesn't seem to face her. She doesn't really doesn't really, she doesn't really seem to care. So she's not invested in him in that way at this point, which is probably a smart way to play it because if you're all gaga, where do you go from there? So she's thinking about Max, you know, she talk to Ry about Max. You know, she's she's very open about it. Well, it seems that laurla I is in a love triangle. All right, here's the question. Does Laura I forgetting about Max means she is over him or is just distracted by Luke and Christopher? Does that make any sense to you?

So do we think she's fully over Max?

She's obviously not, yeah, right, but her attempt at forgetting about him, right, Obviously she's not over him.

Yeah, I do think there's confusing and conflicting feelings because you have Christopher saying I'm ready you know what was that the episode before ready to be in your life and then saying I want to marry you. But she also is getting attention from Luke, so maybe she is kind of using that as a distraction or she's just distracted. I don't know.

Here's a question for you. Do you think Emily enjoys making laurel I uncomfortable?

Oh? Yes, and I love it. I love Emily so much, and she just she's so good, not only as an actress, but like she's such a good like gets under Lorelei's skin in the best way.

Oh she's cold blood, isn't she. Yes, she's toys with her daughter.

Oh my gosh. It's amazing.

It's so cruel. Yet it's very fun to watch, isn't it.

Yes. I was watching this episode and I was like, I just am sad about their relationship where she walks in and she's not really sure how to approach her dad, you know. But I did love that moment of bonding that they had at the end over the weirdo guy.

Yeah. Yeah, when she was climbing out the window. Yeah, he let her go, but then there was that look he had of sadness, like, that's my daughter. Yeah, now she's in this predicament again, and she's running away again. He got triggered, poor guy.

Anytime, like, I love their banter in the way that they interact, But anytime there's a moment of bonding between the parents and lor Lai, I love it.

Yeah, but there's always that feeling of loss. There's always that what could have been? That look in either Emily's or Richard's eyes, you know, that expression, it's like, what could have been? What could have been? Yeah, there's always a sense of loss and tragedy in that in unforgiveness, they just like can't get over what she did. Yeah. Yeah, they're having a hard time still accepting how their lives turned out as parents of an only child because they had so much hope. But what a great jumping off point for storytelling, isn't it? Oh yeah, just so powerful peeling back the layers all right. One of the most stomach churning scenes I think I've ever seen in my life is watching Tristan make out with that girlfriend on Paris's I had to turn it off. I mean I didn't turn it off. I had to turn away. I could watch it. Yeah, I I turned into such a prude at that moment. But it was just like I think it was who rather than the what, so there we are And Paris didn't say much or have to say much in order to steal the scene. It was just the look she gave. It was like, somebody is going to die. That's steal. He gazed.

Another phenomenal actress. Oh my gosh, she is so funny.

You know, isn't it amazing about this show? And I said this last week too, It's like when you try to decide who's the best actor or in the whole thing, it's like, is anybody better better in their role than anybody else? Right, It's like it's like it's like Liza's as good in her role as Emily is in her role as Sean Gunn is in his role as Miss Patty, and Sally Struthers are in their roles as Ed Herman is in his roles as Jannique Trusdale and his roles and Keiko and just on down the list, right, I mean, it's like a murderer's row of greatness there.

And I think that's another reason it's so great to watch and you never get sick of it, is because it's very rare that you find something that's perfectly cast, and this was to a tee. Everything is perfectly cast.

It really truly is. You know, Amy really knows or new what she still does, and her current shows what she wants. I love it, and she doesn't compromise. It's like, that's what I want. That's it, no need to see anybody else. Let's go and she moves on. It's it's uncanny. It's just uncanny, all right. How do we feel about this moment? You know, I thought one of the most interesting moments in the whole thing, and I think it happened in the beginning, was when Laurel I was was almost injured by a falling star, you know, that very heavy plaster of Paris or a heavy cardboard star that found I mean it really crashed down. That would have hurt her. I mean it could have killed her if it hit her in the head, right, It would have hit her in her head, and it was that's a heavy thing. Why do you think they did that? Why do you think the writers did that? Because that was a scary moment, right, And do we in this show do we want to feel like that? I mean that this isn't a show that deals with death. I mean every once in a while, you know, we got a little Richard in the hospital thing. So they deal with it in a human way, but in an accidental way like that, right, And.

Was it like because it's an episode about love and Laura Lai is just surrounded by people in love. Everywhere she turns, everyone's in love. And then her mom puts her on this blind date without her knowing, and she's having these potential feelings about Luke. She's having these questioning about Max. So is it just like kind of struck her like I don't want to die alone? Or is that too deep?

I don't know, I don't maybe, But what kind of a mood was she was? She was in a Luke mood, right, She wanted it, she was she was in her mood to go to the diner and just rant.

A little bit because she just saw Suky, right, and then she just it's.

Like it's like love, love, love, let me get out of this. And then boom almost hit by that star, that falling star. Well, that was an interesting moment for me. Yeah, you don't. You don't normally see that on this show. But all right, let's talk about Rachel a little bit. What do you think of this? You like them together? You think this is a do you hate this? As a fan? Is this like?

Is this is this.

April level April Nardini level cringe for the fans?

Rachel April for me was just like, come on, we're so close. We're still in the beginning stages. And what I do appreciate about the writers and this show is they didn't give us what we wanted, Like we really have to work for it. We really have to wait a while for what we want. But I think with every relationship, we're just proven. We're shown, like Laura Lai and Luke are meant to be together. So you have Rachel and Luke talking, they have some banter, it's fine, and then the second Rachel walks away, Laura LII sits down and it's just so comfortable and it exudes happiness, like they bring out the best in each other. So it's you're working for it, you're working towards it, and you're aware the show.

These episodes I like a baseball game on a Saturday afternoon, it's ninety degrees and in the old days before all these rules and timers and clocks that were applied to the sport, where it just unfolds and it's going to unfold the way it unfolds and nobody's in a rush. I like that even it really just feels like and I think that's one of the reasons fans love it so much, is because they know they can relax inside this world, that there ain't no rush get into anything, even though you know, Laura I seems to be rushing around all over the place. The pace, the overall pace of this show contradicts her personality, which is it creates a wonderful tension, and it's really a relaxing, very pleasant sit you know, like if you just want to go watch a baseball game, because man, sometimes that stuff takes forever. And it's okay because it's a Saturday afternoon and you're watching a baseball game, right and you don't know what's going to happen, and anything can happen, all right. Have you ever seen Luke so flustered?

No? And I loved it. It's the best totally caught off guard.

Well, they must have. He must have really gone through something there.

Huh yeah, and we got we got little teasers of it with Laura II wearing that sweater earlier in the season.

But right, exactly right, right right. Do you think there's any type of tension between Rachel and Laura I did you sense anything?

No? Not really, And even Rachel asks Luke up front and she's she's like, well, let me know, like is this is there something happening here or is there something happening there? And Luke's honest with her, He's like, I think maybe sometimes, but I don't know. And another thing I love about this show is we're not really pitting women against women, which we often see, especially in this time. You know, it's like, do I really really appreciated that?

Mm hmm. Yeah, that's a good point. Excellent point. All right, So, you know, I know we're jumping around a little bit, but there's some important tidbits. You know. We see we see Laurel I missus Max. We see Lane coming over to see Rory before her date with Dean, before that whole thing blows up. And I really thought that that was a great use of Lane's character as a supportive friend, as funny, as bubbly as you know, harangued by her mother to go on another blind date with somebody who's a chiropractor and not a doctor because she really doesn't maybe she lowered her expectations for her own daughter. At this point, she's a lost cause. So it'll just like it was funny. It didn't lean on on the you know, having sympathy for poor Lane. They didn't play into that. It was just more of the comedic aspects of it, which is really the soul of comedy, right because it has to be so real and it is with her and the relentless matchmaking style and missus Kim is wont to do all right, now we're let's let's let's and we're in the spirit of jumping around. We meet Chase Bradford at at the dinner, Lorelai comes in. Uh, Richard isn't terribly interested in talking to her. He's reading the paper. She gets a drink. She's extremely funny through this entire I mean, I don't think anybody plays discomfort better. I mean that whole spiel about the the glass little miniature class figurine bunnies, yes, and that of course she dropped them in the perfect way. And I mean it just hysterical. She's hysterical.

She's so funny, and I almost think like her and Roy are so good together. But it's funny to see her away from Rory in that setting because it's even funnier somehow.

It kind of is, oh my gosh. And one of my favorite episodes so far is the episode where she smells snow yeah, and because she's alone, she's pretty much by herself through going through that episode with no conflict and she and it's not that it's funny per se, right, but it's it's just it's just like going through this episode with Laurel I and it's just such a treat anyway. Uh, Then we get the big surprise that Emily has, unbeknownst to anyone, set laurelay up on a blind date and here comes Chase Bradford. He shows up and he adores children.

Away, little kids.

They're right away.

And Laura just gives a look to Emily like come on, And you know, Chase is the kind of guy who just sort of drones on and on about his job and he's he's.

Just extremely boring and condescending and snooty and richistic very much. So yeah right, I mean you can just tell yeah, man, imagine life with that Laurelize Like wow, it's like and this really shows, I mean, if there isn't, if there isn't this chasm between you know, Laurlized perspective on life and how she wants to live her life in Emily's now we really see it between Chase and laurel I can because I mean you can kind of imagine them as mother and daughter and they you know, there's some similarities there, but there are no similarities between laurel I and Chase. I mean there's just not even a chance these two.

Are getting together, right, no chance.

And she just handles these dinner table scene was hysterical and she gets up and she says, Mom, can I talk to you in the conversation in the kitchen and it's like, what are you crazy? What are you thinking about?

My favorite is Richard Like, are you crazy? I'm not having more than one drink? And then he's like give me a drink, right, I'm going to need to.

Just hilarious, great stuff. It really is just sort of like a really good film. The writing, the acting, This is really like top of the line Hollywood film acting. You know, it's just so good. Obviously, Emily has eight out outdated ideas of what should look like for laural I and her good old dad helps her escape the house, and that's a good dad. So the question is from the producers, would I do that for my daughter? Well, I don't have a daughter. I have a son, and life gets you know, life can get complicated as your children get older. But I would like to say no, I would never be that out of tune with my own child that I would even be in a situation like that. But you know, you never know, right, Yeah, you never know. But yeah, I would definitely do what Richard did I for my son, or if I had a daughter, Yeah, I'd help her escape a situation like that, Like what else can you do? Force her downstairs?


I'm trying to imagine anyway that that could happen with your son. Maybe he goes on a meet someone on a dating app and then needs an escape, so he's like, Dad, help me.

But I really think that's the point of the entire scene. I mean, we get all this wonderful stuff, all of this disconnection and comedy and tension between everybody and that scene Chase and the parents and Laura. I I think the whole point of the scene was to set up that moment between mother and daughter, father and daughter where he allows her to escape, doesn't write her out, and then has that moment of regret.

What could which is it?

Maybe I could have been a better dad, Yeah, you know, right, maybe back then I should have been more like I am now and defend my.

Daughter more understanding, Yeah, you know. And the way that it arcd from him not even paying attention to her being in the newspaper to then, you know, showing a little bit of love to her was special.

That was a beautiful That was a really really rich moment in the entire storytelling so far. It was just beautiful. Yeah, God writing.

I think we needed that, like, we needed that empathy from one of the parents, you know, because Rory gets all the love from the grandparents, and we just needed Loralai to have a little bit of love.

Right. But it's such a just a brief moment, and it was so fraught with meaning. It was so filled with a lifetime of disappointment and what could have been and and regret. He was even questioning his own choices back then and how he could why wasn't he a better father? It was just such a moment. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know a lot of actors that could pull that off. That's why he was so special. They gave him. He made that moment full man.

And with this show, there's just so many small moments. If you like, turn your head away, you'll miss it. And I love that.

This is why, this is why people keep rewatching it, because every single frame is filled with all of these details.

Mm hmm.

It's just just an amazing show. Okay, so Dean again, we're jumping around. I really enjoyed the dinner scene. Yes, it was a great setup, you know, everything so hard. Oh, he was just man spending a lot of dough on that.

Yes, I know where did he get that money?

He's a working man, right, It's true.

He must have been saving up.

Doesn't he He works, right, he works at those yeah, you know, and he's being you know, very charmingly awkward, and you know it's just really really something. Then he takes her to the salvage yard and the whole thing blows up with the with the ill advised I love you. Yes, one in doubt, shut up right right, that's my dad's its son. One in doubt. Don't say anything.

That's great advice.

Okay, so let's hop over to the bonfire. H looks like Suki and Jackson are are enjoying each other. That's that's very sweet stuff.

I really loved this scene where no one's speaking. It's just the Troubadour playing, which I wish he lasted longer, honestly, but they set it up so perfectly where nobody's speaking. Laura Lai walks by, she looks at Suki and Jackson, and then I feel after that there's like a quick combo with Suki and Jackson. Then we moved to Rachel taking photos of them, and then you see Lane somberly walking by with her date and the parents following. It was it flowed perfectly, like you got everything you needed.

It's just so good. Rachel's taking pictures of the bonfire. She sits next to Luke. They have their little conversation, pretty heavy conversation right away, so we see that this is a deep and meaningful relationship for both of them. It went awry for some unknown reason. While she just laughed he's heartbroken, but he seems pretty open about giving it another shot. So that's the feeling I'm getting, and I think she is too. That's why she came back, just to sort of take the temperature of the room. So anyway, she goes off to get some Founder's Day punch, right, Isn't that what she was getting? Founder's Day punch? The ever popular Founder's Day punch?

Is that Miss Patty's punch that made everyone drunk when Rory was in college.

I believe it was, Yeah, I believe it was. I could be wrong, but I believe it was, yes. And you know, she was asking Luke what's the deal with Laurelai this kind of thing. So now we see Luke getting a little attention and we haven't seen him like this really before, and he doesn't really know if he wants her to stay, but I think he kind of does, yeah, which further ratches up the tension between Luke and Laureli because I think the audience is going, hey, you know, I want to get back on that train. Let's let's see where that goes. But we're gonna we're gonna take a little detour here.

But I wonder how Luke would have been if Laura Lai showed him that attention he needed, or like leaned in a little bit more, if he would have still picked Rachel, or if he would have been like, oh, I want to explore this instead.

That's an interesting point. I don't know what would have.

Done, because I mean to the audience where like he loves her, he loves Laura Lai, but Rachel was the great love of his life. So it's kind of tricky.

M all right. So Laura I calls Max Medina we're at home now, But before she leaves a message, Rory walks in and says, with that look on her face, right, you can read you can read the expression pretty pretty accurately. It says they they broke up, Dean and Dean and Rory broke up, and Mom just hugs her and uh, let me let me let me ask you this. Why do you think Laurel is calling Max? Do you see it as a step forward for her or a step back?

I see it as a response to Luke, Like she knows that Luke is pursuing Rachel, and she doesn't want to keep feeling alone, so she's calling Max. But also in that same sense she's been thinking about them all episode, so it could be viewed as a step forward.

Well, all in all, wonderful episode, so good, really really wonderful. Tell us a little bit about before we go. We got a couple of minutes here about what you're doing now, your lifestyle and travel brands. You're building up this sort of lifestyle situation for yourself. Tell us about it.

Yeah, Well, my husband, my husband's name is Dean, which I love. Ties in with the show. We moved to Colorado. We're outside of Aspen and just it's the best being a achel that's my magic place. Oh my gosh, it is so magical. We wake up to like thirty elk in our yard, yes, deer and oh it's it's the best. So still traveling a bit, but we're also trying to have kids, so we're cutting back a little bit and trying to focus on that. But life is fun in Colorado. I love it.

You big skier.

This is my fourth season. My husband has been skiing since he was two, so he's trying to teach me, but it's it's hard.

As he does he where does he take it? Does he take you to Ajax or buttermilk? I hope buttermilk.

I love buttermilk. Buttermilk or snow Mass. He says, I'm not good enough for Ajax or Aspen Mountain yet, so we'll see.

Yeah, Ajax is steep and it's too.

Much of a party scene too. I just I like buttermilk, but well.

Yeah, buttermilk is yeah.

Uh, it's just I actually ran into j Lo there two weeks ago and I was like, you're at our local mountain.

That's surprising, right, Well, everybody puts their kids in ski school there.

Yeah, that's what she was. She was putting her son in everybody.

Yeah. Yeah, such a great place. Four Mountain take your pick. Yeah, you know, high Lands and Snowmouths. It's just such a great place.

And we're just twenty minutes so we can like pop in for lunch and come out. It's great.

Yeah, perfect, it's perfect. Yeah. We've been going out there for twenty five years. Yeah. Oh wow. We go every winter. We spend as much time out there as we possibly can go in summer too. They say, you know, the winners will get you there, but the summers will keep you there. Right.

Yes, we got married in the fall and we had been out in the summer, and so after our wedding, I was like, we're moving. I can't, I can't live anywhere else.

Oh? Really, were you in La?

We were in La for a bit and then we moved to Vegas to save money in taxes, right, and then we moved here. Good, it's good for you, best place in the world.

Good for you. And you don't have any issues like with mud season or or anything like that.

No, we're kind of high up the mountain, but not in a scary way, right, so we feel pretty protected the only air of fires.

All right, yeah, yeah, yeah, all right. Well but anyway, so tell us tell us a little bit more about your your lifestyle, Bran, How are you building that up through social media? You're traveling a lot, You're doing the videos, You're doing sponsorships, all that kind of thing.

A lot of social media. A lot of time is spent behind my laptop even when we are traveling, just editing. And we used to have a podcast with iHeart that is no longer but hopefully starting a new one soon with just my husband and I.

Okay, but yeah, just.

Just fun random things here and there. But right now our main focus is on children, so figuring out it's it's taken a long time. We've been trying for six months, so just uh.

Hanging to your kids, hang in there, It'll happen. Yeah. It's weird when you have that intent, you know, sometimes take a while. And it's also interesting that you know when you're not thinking about all of.

A sudden bo that's what Web says. So I'm like, let's take the pressure.

Off, right right, right, it'll happen. Yeah, Well, where can people find you? What's your Instagram handle? So people go go check out your your Instagram page.

Yeah, people can find me on at Kailan Bell just my first name and last name. I love to read. I pretty much post a lot about books and shows that I love, like Gilmore Girls. So yeah, Kaalan Bell on all platforms.

Live in the Dream out in Colorado out one of the most beautiful spots on the planet. Yeah, I mean that is that is such a beautiful place out there. The people that originally discovered that it was an old silver mining town, you know, they really knew what they were doing when they when they said let's turn this into a ski resort. I mean, you get to the top. Have you been to the top of HX and seeing maroon bells in a sunny day. Oh yes, take your breath away.

It's amazing.

It is. It is an amazing place. It never gets old, it doesn't, it doesn't.


I want to I want to get there. I'm gonna come there tomorrow.

Oh when do you come? Let us know. I feel like you and my husband would hit it off.

Oh man, he can ski his ass off. Huh yes, good, then he can hang with us. Yeah, because I ski with locals and I'm like, okay, here we go.

Oh he'll take you back country?

Yeah, yeah, no, I know these are serious dudes. Man. It's like these are serious backcountry people.

Oh that's awesome.

I My entire workout is geared toward keeping up with these guys when I get out there.

Just a lot of ski conditioning. That's awesome.

It's like the pressure's on because man, they'll leave you behind. It's like, you know, you better keep up. Oh yeah, and they go man, And it's scary. Yes, it's really scary. But anyway, lovely chatting with you, Good luck with everything. Thank you, and uh yeah, let's hope you get another I hope you get a podcast. You know that'd be fair you know.

Yeah, fun job you have.

It's not bad. It's not bad, Kaylin Bell. Thank you so much for your time and for breaking it down with us. Okay, take care of everybody out there. Thanks for download and remember where you lead, we will follow.

Stay safe everyone

Everybody, and again follow us on Instagram at I Am All In podcast and email us at Gilmore at iHeart rate yo dot com

I Am All In with Scott Patterson

Twenty years ago, you met Luke Danes...backward cap, plaid flannel, pouring the coffee. For the VERY 
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