Happy Birthday Lauren Graham

Published Mar 16, 2025, 7:57 PM

A special birthday message to our favorite fast talking, coffee loving, Gilmore Girl Lauren Graham!


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I Am all in Again.

Oh, I guess you are.

Gill Moore Girls Gazette with Amy Sugarman and Danielle Romo, an iHeartRadio podcast.

Today is such a special day. It is arguably the most special.

Day of the year.

And Amy, do you want to tell them just how important today is?

I'm wondering if you might be overselling it just.

A little bit.

I don't think so.

I think today is a very special day and we need to honor it as such.

As a national holiday. It should be a national today.

If you're thinking, if you're thinking it's the day before Saint Patrick's Day, that is true, but it's also that it's also something else.

Should we give them a clue?

Like I think they know. I think they know.

If they are fans of Gilmore Girls, they should know that it is our.

Lauren Graham's birthday.

Lauren Graham's birthday.

It is the day before Saint Patrick's Day, but it is also Lauren Graham's birthday.

So we wanted to do a special celebration this year.

Now that we're doing I Am All In Again, we're surprising you all left and right with special things. So today we gathered up all your birthday wishes for Lauren and your favorite Gilmore Girl moment or memory to share with Lauren, and we hope she's listening so she can enjoy the celebration of her special day with all of us.

Let's start with ours.

What is your favorite Laura I or Lauren Graham memory, slash, scene, slash whatever.

Okay, that is a great question.

What came to my mind first was they're all at the end there, it's all just like, everything's kind of all crazy. I think this is the moment at the bottom of the stairs where we almost get the kiss and Kirk goes running through and then we go out onto the porch of the inn and we get the real kiss. That was what came to me, just like immediately as my favorite memory.

Oh, I love that mine.

I would say, there's there. I was tossing back and forth between a few, but I do think that my favorite is literally the last quote unquote movie whatever you want to call it, Netflix Special, where she calls Emily and just talks to Emily without Emily responding on the other end, and just spills her guts and just the reason being I just felt like it was a full circle moment for Laura and she finally got closure, you know, she was just like she just finally got it out.

It's so funny you say that, because mine is my second favorite that's coming into my mind is fully back to the pilot when we see Laura Liai for the first time and that guy is flirting with her and she has sort of the funny responses, and then he starts flirting with Rory and she comes with the sort of singer again and Rory says, are you my new daddy or whatever?

And it's like that one makes.

Me laugh too, and so I mean, there's a million more.

I also have to give.

A special shout out since it's Lauren's birthday and lot Laura Live's birthday to Parenthood. She was also so amazing in Parenthood that I think that needs to be acknowledged. I would argue in a totally different way that Parenthood is also a phenomenal show that people I think it's like been missed right, like, and I maybe I'm thinking of it because she just was with Dax, but it's like that show. It was an incredible show that made me, like it cry my eyes out every episode. So I think, like in honor of Lauren. Also, I think we should honor Parenthood and also like her. Get let's get people watching Parenthood. That was a great show.

I like it.

I have not seen one episode, but I will.

I can't say I'm loving the z Sweet as much as Gilmore Girls.

And Parenthood.

But it is Lauren's birthday, so we shouldn't say that.

We shouldn't say that, Yeah, only good things, only good things on her birthday?

So should we toss it over to everyone that sent in their questions?

Thanks for calling, and here we go.

I'm Lauren.

This is Susana from New York, wishing you a happy birthday. Gilmore Girls has been such a huge part of my life. I've been watching it since the show first came out. It's my comfort show when I can't sleep at night. I turn it on when I'm having a bad day, a good day, cooking, whatever. I literally watch Filmore Girls every single day. Also, for my birthday over the past few years, every year, my husband would buy me one of your books that you've written. So I've been reading your books over the last few years. Right now, I'm reading your books someday, someday maybe, and I'm loving it so far. And I hope you write more books. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts and talents with us and being the fun and love and comfort that we all need.

Happy birthday, Hey, Lauren, Happy birthday.

I just wanted to say that you are basically my mom growing up, and I always wish that you could actually adopt me.

I hope you have the best day, and I love gilmoregirls, and may it live on forever.

Love you bye.

Hi are you Maria from Thermal Heavy? Birthday, Lauren? I hoped you had a wonderful day. You already had no idea how much of an impact joke had on my life. Okay, I love Sancha and what's blowing my.

Lady because of you?

My Chavory memory it's when the lady show kids with local John's Rosa and I love you.

Hi, Lauren, Happy birthday. You're incredible. Happy birthday to the amazing Lauren Graham. It was so awesome getting to meet you last year. It was definitely something on my bucket list. You were so nice, so hight, and so beautiful, and I wish you the best birthday ever.

Hey, Lauren Graham, It's bright and potter. I love you so much, and I have a song for you. Happy birthday, Worrying Grand Happy birthday, loring Gen, Happy birthday from all of your faty youth.

Happy birthday, oh oh oh, Happy birthday, Loring Grad. Happy birthday, lawn Grad, Happy birthday.

We love you, Happy birthday, love and.

Green love y'all.

Hi, Warren, Happy birthday.

I know it's sat on the Instagram post to leave a voice smashes, so this is sirah.

I love you and your girls.

Have a great birthday.

I love you, Warren By.

I'd like to say happy birthday, Lauren. I never spent for a ticket to see an actor, but I did see you at your San Diego book tour. Aside from loving his iconic lordla Gilmore, your books are so wonderful too. You are naturally beautiful, full clean cap and smart personality, which is so rare in actors. And my favorite episodes of you and Gilmour is you and Luke at the Starlight Festival, sitting at the bench, you of course and Kelly Bishop at the modeling Ramp, and of course the Wild and the First Kiss. May God bless you and maybe see more of you on TV, on film and more books, more poverty. Happy birthday.

Hi, I am All In Podcast. My name is Athlon Fisher and I'm from Los Angeles, California, and I'm sending a voice message to Lauren Graham for her birthday. I see is my absolute favorite actress ever. I love her so so much. I have two favorite memories that I would love to share that I have with her. The first one is with during the first time that I met her.

It was at one of her book.

Tours, and I got her to sign my book of hers and she drew a little heart and I ended up getting that tattooed on my arm, and so that was a very special moment. And then my second favorite memory with her was the second time I met her at another one of her book tours, when she recognized my mom and I because I made her a gift the first time, and she recognized us and she said, you were are a little bit only girls that are taller than my shoes, because she was wearing heels and she's already five nine, so with heels she might have been like five eleven and I'm six to one and my mom is five eleven, so we are quite tall. And that was just such a cute moment I was so it was just so cute. Anyways, I don't know if Lauren personally will hear this, but Lauren, I wish you the happiest of birthdays. You deserve literally the entire world. I love you so much, and thank you Scott Patterson for setting this up. I think this is a really sweet idea.

Thank you and bye.

Hello. My name is Naomi Ladriguez. I'm twenty two years old and I'm from El Pasa, Texas. I'd like to give a big, special happy birthday message to miss Lauren Graham aka Lorli Gilmore. Happy Birthday, Lauren Graham. I hope you have a really great, amazing day filled with love, laughter, friends, family, and coffee.

Just kidding.

And here are my couple favorite moments episodes from the show. My first one is when Lorli and Luke go on their first date and where Luke says to Laurai it literally touched her husband and said it to her when he said to her, lorelight this thing we're doing me and you. I just want you to know I'm in. I am all in. I'm like I love the really touched for her and maybe may cheer up a little bit and the next one. Third one is when Lourai and Rory Alexis Bleado and Lauren Graham when they're always out together being with one daughter, best friends run saying a lot more of me and.

My mom in Nady chachen Apo.

And also when Rory gave Laurai a very special birthday he where she asked Mario I think is the characters names we got Pizza Place and Joe who also works at Pizza Place, where she asked him to help make the world's margins pizza for Laura's birthday. And yeah, there were very moments of the show I have a lot more, which was a few that I would be able to tell for its recording. Anyway, have your birthday, Lauren Graham. I hope you are a great, wonderful day again. My name is Naomi rod Uguez. I'm twenty two years old and I'm from all Cathola, Texas. Bye her a great day.

Hi good my name is to me and I'm one of your bikets fans. Also, I love Gilmore ghats so much, expectly Luke and la Life. I love you guys together this hoping I can meet you guys someday in put In, and I just wanted to with a happy happy birthday to Lingham. I'm hoping I'm with them good the bed. It's boothsday as a and I hope you have a great day.



This is a message for Lauren Graham's birthday. It's more of a thank you for bringing Laura like Gilmore to life and creating a character that is so special and one that I tap into. And I always try to find my inner Laura like Gilmore when I need grace and quick wit and strengthen and the solution, and she's constantly an inspiration. So happy birthday, Lauren Graham.

We love you. My favorite memory of Lauren Graham is probably watching her for the first time on Filmore Girls and falling in love with the character and her From there. I've watched almost all of her filmography because she's just such a wonderful actress and I want to watch, read, and listen to anything that she's done. I really hope that she has the best birthday because she is amazing and I just love her so much.

I'm leaving this message for Lauren Graham. I hope you have a happy birthday. My name is Andrea from New Jersey. I hope you have the best day ever with friends and family and cof coffee, coffee, coffee, a lot of coffee. Have a bit with Lauren.

Happy birthday, Lauren Graham.

I love you so much.

I grew up watching your show with my sister and I.

Still rewatch it all of the time.

You're like a huge inspiration to me, and you're the one of the funniest people I know. And I love you, and I love you, and d suite I love you, and goodmore girls, I love you. In the Christmas Pageant movie, I watched it with my family and it made me cry. Anyway, but my name's Alexis and I'm a really big fan. I love you.

Happy birthday and hope it's a good one.

Hope you hear this.


I love you, Hi.

I'm calling all the way from Iceland. I love this podcast. My favorite lot in moments is probably while she was playing Laura Lai Gilmore and the moment she says to her mother, Mom, please hear me. If I want your input in any way, shape or form, I will ask for it. Until then, do us all a favor and shut up. I was so sad while Luke and Laura Lai broke up and that moment felt deserved. Happy personal, Lauren, you are so important.

Ye I want to say happy birthday to Lauren.

He's a wonderful actress, but she's a wonderful person as well.

We love you.

Happy, happy, happy birthday.


My name is Julie Wiss and I live in Samamish, Washington. I was kind of a late comer to Gilmour Girls when it was first airing. I didn't start until season five. But then I went back and I got all of the Netflix Stevie D's and I watched it from the beginning and fell in love with it. In fact, a couple of years ago I was able to go to stars Hollow, which was amazing. But anyway, I just wanted to say happy birthday to Lauren. She's an icon. It's so fun to watch her and I can't believe that she knows, oh how to say all of those words oh so fast. Anyway, I love the show and I'm just glad that I can say happy birthday.

Thanks, Happy birthday day.

From Brittany Harris.

Lauren freaking Graham. Happy birthday. You know, I always like to say that it's my one claim to fame that I share a birthday with the icon, the legend that is Lauren Graham. So from one Pisces queen to another, just wanted to say thank you for everything that you've given us an entertainment. I was just five years old when the show started, but it has I used to ask for all of the DVDs growing up for birthdays and still watch it on Netflix. It has been one of those classic timeless comfort shows. So we love you, we love to see your new stuff, and happy birthday. I hope you have a great day. Hye.

My name is Caammy. I'm from Sacramento, California, and I called in to say hello to Scott and to say happy birthday to Lauren Graham. You're amazing. You will forever be Laura. I am my heart and you still look amazing and I know you have many many years ahead of you. Keep it up, girl.

Hey, I just want to say happy birthday to my girly.

I love you anyways, Mark.

Hi, guys, I'm calling into wish Lauren grandma happy birthday. I'm calling from Ontario, Canada. I am not a super long time no more girls fan. I my mom and I started watching OH a couple of years ago now and we watch it all through and then we watched it. We've got my brother and my dad to watch it, and now it's like our family favorite show.


We also just love watching Lauren and everything now, so every time she pops up, it's a happy moment for all four of us, and we love being able to celebrate this way with Lauren and all the all, all of the I'm all in podcast family. So have an amazing day, Lauren. I hope it's full of love and uh, lots of laughs and just lots of joy and happiness, and I hope you have a great day. Bye.

Happy birthday, Lauren. I'm so happy that I don't know you're aging. I don't really know what to say. You've been an inspiration to me, like my whole life. I've been watching Till More Girls my whole life. You know, the Mighty Dogs. Anyways, I love you, I love what you do. I love a good one.

Hi, I'm calling Lauren Graham's birthday. I wish her the happiest birthday ever.

And I'm one of her biggest fans.

She's my role model.

I love her so much.

I need to scot Powers.


Happy birthday, Lauren. We love good More Girls. Happy birthday.

We love.

Hey, Morlai. This is Andrea, your neighbor calling. I'm just checking in to see what you want to do for your birthday. I know we had chatted about getting out Pancake World, or maybe we're doing pizza, maybe chiny.

You know what, forget it.

I'm going to buy all of it. I'm going to come over at six pm and I'll see you then.


Happy birthday, Lauren, Thank you so much for all you do.

Happy birthday, Laurlai, I love you, or Lauren Graham, You're the best Lura I ever.

Hi, my name is Denny. I am a longtime watcher of Lauren Graham. I almost said Lorli Gilmore and longtime listener of I'm all in Podca podcast, and I just wanted to wish Lauren Graham a happy birthday and say thank you for the years of entertainment and laugh and just getting me through a lot of really hard times. I've been sick since I was a young teenager, which is read about the time when Gilmore Girls started sadly, which tells how old I am and Sadly, I'm still struggling with those same health issues, and the one like constant thing in my life is Gilmore Girls and anything Lauren Graham does. So I just wanted to thank her for everything that she's done for all of her fans and for always making us all smile. No matter what's going on in our real lives, we can escape. So anyways, thank you all. Thanks for the podcast. It's my favorite thing to do each day. I hope you guys all have a great day.

Okay, all right, my name.

Is Gabby and I saw this opportunity to wish Lauren Graham Happy birthday, so I just wanted to share my favorite thing about Lauren Graham was her and Gilmore Girls. I kind of came late into the start of watching Gilmore Girls, as I really just watched it a couple months ago. But the biggest thing that I loved about her character is she kind of she kind of taught you that you don't really need anybody to depend on you, you can depend on yourself, and she she just really taught me that things don't always have to happen right there, right now, if you if you take your time, and you're not always failing, you're not who, You're not falling behind. Some things just happen at a little bit of the slower pace. And and that's okay. Living in a working in a very stressful job as a first responder. She when you need that comfort show, it's really nice to have a character like that. And I think that's a very kind of a special thing to have, is that you're somebody's comfort. So I just think she's an amazing woman and I'm just wishing her the happiest of birthdays. And again, I thought this was just a very interesting opportunity to do that for somebody.

Thank you.

And here are some comments that we got on Instagram wishing our beloved Lauren Graham a happy birthday. At Loralai, XGen writes, my favorite memory of Lauren is the day she received the letter I wrote to her during her book tour in twenty twenty four, and her reaction made me sob I will always be grateful for that. At Loralai, dot Luke says, my favorite memory of Lauren is the day I got to meet her hard eyes emoji, a moment I will treasure forever. Now let's get to at Annie the nick Kid who writes my favorite memory is when Lauren played Loralai on Gilmore Girls and she acts all goofy around Luke because she knows that she is in love with him, and when they first kiss, I'm like, oh my God, about damn time. Happy birthday, Lauren. I hope that you'll have the best birthday ever on Friday. Also, I really hope that I get to meet you and Scott in person someday. At arn l DL writes Happy birthday, Lauren, Heartheart, your presence in this world makes everything brighter. We deeply appreciate your incredible talent and the authenticity you bring to every role. One of my favorite moments is from Gilmore Girls when Laura lies, wit and warmth brought so much life to the screen, creating a moment that felt both real and unforgettable. Wishing you a year filled with love, joy, and everything your heart desires. All the love for you. Here's a message from atav dot Music nineteen seventy six, who writes, Happy Birthday, Lauren. Hope the year ahead is filled with success and happiness. One of my favorite memories is the episode where Rory graduated from Chilton. The way her characters celebrated her daughter's achievement. Was poignant to watch again as one son graduated a few years ago and one son graduates in May. Here's a message from at SG Princess four one five. My favorite memory of Lauren is going to her book tour in Boston and seeing her live. Sadly I didn't get to meet her, but it was still amazing seeing and hearing her in person. Laura I will always be iconic. My mom says she is like LAURAAI and I am like Rory. Happy birthday, Lauren Graham. I hope my mom and I get to meet you in person one day. At Love Underscore Laughter sixteen writes, my favorite Lauren moment on Gilmore Girls was when she teased Rory to add sugar on her toes for Paul ain't got a warm up to her. Wishing pre birthday wishes to Lauren Graham and hoping all of your birthday wishes come true. As a single mom, I truly enjoyed watching Gilmore Girls because after my daughter left for college, I had a tough time without her. But somehow watching Gilmore Girls ease my heartache. So thank you Gilmore Girls for helping this mom through separation anxiety from her adult daughter.


We're now both doing just fine. Now let's get to Atchell J. Kincaid, who writes way ahead of you. I'm blessing her with birthday love. My favorite memory of her has got to be meeting her not once but twice for her book tours. So fun and she's so genuine happiest to birthdays, Lauren Graham, we all love you so and at Frenzy, Marie writes, great idea, Lauren deserves the happiest birthday. She is utterly stunning

Everybody, And don't forget follow us on Instagram at I Am All In podcast and email us at Gilmore at iHeartRadio dot com

I Am All In with Scott Patterson

Twenty years ago, you met Luke Danes...backward cap, plaid flannel, pouring the coffee. For the VERY 
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