Although the show is firing on all cylinders, we could use more dancing in this episode.
Is there a recurring theme that is getting boring? Plus, what moment made us want to hide under a rock?
But, one thing is for sure, we are loving a certain Gilmore Girls character, fully being her Gilmore self in this series!
Bunheads is now available through Hulu!
I am all in again. Oh let's you y'll more Girls Gazette with Amy Sugarman and Danielle Romo, an iHeartRadio podcast.
It's time for your weekly dose of Bunheads.
How are you feeling about it?
I really liked the last year, so this one it was good. It was good, way better than the beginning ten. Yeah, just not as good as the last three were.
Really seeah, I disagree. I actually I actually think we're like firing on all cylinders, as they say, all right, but I have a question for you. I think, Okay, am I dumb and just not artistic? Is there more to the dances at the end? Because they kind of keep putting that in these sort of performances. Then like I'm getting like, I understand, okay, Sasha's dealing with like a tough situation, so that's why she's doing the dance. But I'm like, is there am I supposed to be getting like deep meaning from this?
Well? I think the meaning was paired with the music of that last and Jackie and Emma please pull up the lyric it was it was the song was about it being in tough times. I just I can't get the exact words of it in my head right now and recall it. But I think the music is depicting the time or what Sasha is feeling, because we don't always get that from her words. So I think it's like her way, or rather Amy Sherman Palladino's way. Oh she didn't write this one.
Well their way, yeah, sure, sure that the writers are still writing in.
Her Yeah, their way of communicating what Sasha's feeling inside. I like that.
Okay, that's the I can get that out of it. It's there's a lot to those dances that I'm like, is this over my head? Like I am, I just not savvy enough to fully get it.
Yeah, I understand that. I think the reason why I like it is what I just said. But also it is bun heads and this this episode didn't really have that much dance in it.
Do you sort of like get up though? When the dancing starts, You're like.
I definitely am not like I need to watch this. I'm like, okay, I could kind of maybe look at an email during this.
Right, I'm like, okay, I get up and brush my teeth now, Okay, so little tidbit. This is directed by Jackson Douglas which is our jackson from Gilmore Girls.
This episode that we're talking about, season one, episode thirteen, I'll be Your Meyer Lanski, Michelle and Fanny struggle with financial troubles while the girls remain activated by the new students. Meanwhile, Sasha's move continues to affect.
Her two pop culture questions that they may need to look up for us. Who is Meyer Lansky? And number two? There's a moment when the uh accountant calls them who'sy and Doozy?
Yes, and then she says, I don't really appreciate the appreciate the who'sy and Doozy? Reference? Who were those two people? And who were those two people?
Darn, You're like, I know exactly what you're talking about, what I'm talking about, but you're trying to see if it's in my notes.
I do not think Jackie says meyer Lansky is a mob boss account my boss? What accountant?
Accountant? Accountant?
Okay, okay, sure, sure, sure, sure, but those two you know, Chip and Dale. But it wasn't that.
No, it's not like Thelma Louis.
See if somebody can look it up. While we talk about the rest of the episode, Also, where was Boo I know Boo.
Okay, you're you stand Boo so hard.
I was okay to have her break. Here's the thing I prefer Ginny. I really like it.
I really like Ginny.
How about Melanie just being so violent just one teking when she pulled that girl's ponytail. I was like, what, I have loved it.
I know I'm not trying to condone violence here, but I thought it was.
It made me get it too. And then she just knocks the door right out of his chairs, like what is happening? That was aggressive?
Oh my god, it was so aggressive and so unexpected, like and.
I do love that those two people are so popular and the girls are like how did this happen?
And yeah, And the thing is is those they don't even talk.
Which is like the most.
Ironic part, Like they don't even say any words.
That girl is super cool though. That plays with coset. I feel like I know her from something and I'm like, why do I know her? Also, I actually felt bad for Charlie getting dumped, even though Charlie's kind of a pain in the ass. Yeah, I felt bad for him.
Everyone needs a taste of their own medicine sometimes.
I mean, I guess so the same we've got this. We're back with the same financial advisor that we were with before, and they're just trying to figure out how to make money. Yeah, which seems to be like a recurring thing. I don't know why we're not just like selling part of the land.
I know, I'm like, why are.
We not just selling part of it?
I completely agree with you. You don't even know half the land you have.
Crazy. I also love that they're going into business with Paris. I do too, Like that makes my whole too, because she's pretty pretty legit in this. She looks cool. It's like she's cool. I like that she's truly sister. That whole thing the trivia night that was funny, Rose was great. I like Thatly and her sister have so much animosity.
They couldn't be the exact opposite. And I did like the it's kind of people are gonna be mad at me for saying this, but I do kind of like the payoff that Sparkles was named after her cat that she put down.
Oh my gosh, and that like truly just keeps setting up Sparkles like everywhere.
Else I know, I know, but I love how this character is so like Paris but different at the same time.
Yes, but there's definitely.
Paris in this. Yeah, so much Paris.
How could you not? I mean, how could you not? I know she does, does she?
I don't really know much about Licen's career.
She's in How to get Away with Murder? Was a Shonda Rhymes m soft. I I wouldn't call her soft in How to get Away with Murder. She's edgy, but I don't mean edgy like fashion forward edgy. She's gotten edge to her. You know, she played in Scandal, So I don't know if you remember this, but in the very first couple episodes of Scandal, there is a young woman I think it's sort of a La Monica Lewinsky that has a relationship with the president, and that is played by Liza While and she's a bit softer in that, but still with sort of a sharp edge. And she's murdered murdered, oh wow, murdered by if I'm remembering, not by the chief of staff. But he gets somebody to murder her, which ends up being sort of this kind of hired bad guy, and they end up working with him quite a bit. And another character, actually even I think Mary's him or has a baby with him. But anyway, Liza Whyles in the first few episodes. She's very important in the first like season of Scandal.
I never really I no, I watched a few episodes of Scandal, but I think it was too young at the time.
You like it. I'm rewatching it, and I think you would like it. She's a bit of a tough cookie, but with a real softer side a little bit.
I want to see her be like a hippie and like a I.
Just don't know that I can see it. I keep seeing Paris.
I want to see her do something just so different.
And then she was a major character in How to Get Away with Murder? If I remember with Viola Davis another Shonda Rhymes, she kind of only works with Shonda Rhymes or Amy Sherman Palladino.
Not a bad sandwich to be in the middle of.
Good Shonda Rhymes has a new show coming that I'm excited about that I can't think of what it's called right now, but we'll save that for our Gilmore Girls headlines. Any Way, the candle shop that's randomly on their land, and then she steals the candles that whole thing was just so far fetched and crazy.
Yeah, and also like who's profiting, Like who who's selling or not selling that land but renting out that land that isn't theirs.
And also it's an obscure piece of property and the guy's selling enough candles to make a profit.
No, that's a.
Bun heads he crazy but.
Okay in a small small town where there's like five people. Oh, the new Shonda Rhymes show is called The Residents. I think we covered that in the last in the last headlines.
Remember that one. I'm excited about that one. Lots of sort of a young girl stuff. You know, they're kind of obsessed with Cosette, blah blah blah whatever. There's kind of bits with Michelle and Fanny trying to fig out there money and Michelle going back to the loane guy. There's not a lot of meat here. It's basically the no money stuff, Sasha stuff, Cosette, the new girl stuff, and then Liza Wiles's character doing stuff with truly, and I feel like there's one more storyline.
Well, we need to talk about Michelle and Gadoh and that whole minor change that literally made me want to hide under it a rock.
It made me just so secondhand embarrassment, cringe tastic, whatever the word is. So basically, you guys, if you haven't been watching she er, she's gonna do like a toast with Goodo and because she finds out she didn't graduate high school, which is also so stupid, but whatever, and she does a toast and she says to us, both.
Being dumb and you do not say that and hope for the other person to take it lightly, what is wrong with her?
Let a load on your interest? So crazy? And then he's like immediately like okay, Michelle, Like he basically was just like yeah. He throws the drink behind his arm, and he's like got a PhD or masters. He's obviously like so smart. She should be lucky to be with GOODO.
Come on, that was Michelle. You really really really just put that relationship potential relationship in the oyster bar garbage.
I try to have a little understanding for people that say dumb stuff, because haven't you ever been in a situation where somebody just says something so dumb but you're like, I know you didn't mean it, so I'm just gonna move on from it. Yeah, people say dumb stuff all the time, and I'm sure so do we. I mean, trust we say dumb stuff on this.
Thing all the time.
So but that was it was pretty next level dumb. It was a pretty dumb.
Yeah. But the payoff is Michelle sits down with Milly and she wants to sell Milly some of the land, and she that amazing, amazing idea of wanting to build an amphitheater so that they can do their dance performances out there. And yeah, the YadA YadA, and Milly jumps on the amphitheater idea and wants to partner even though Michelle.
Which I think she's smart, I think Milly's smart because I do think the amphitheater is actually a good idea.
Well, it's one of those things in a small town like that, you everyone wants something to do, right, and so this is like another place that there can have they can have all those small town festivities at.
Tons of use for it. And I actually liked the interchange between Michelle and Truly talking about friendship. You know, I thought, Okay, I'm into that, Like that was good. Yeah, and then we get to the craziest part of the whole thing. Sasha at a house. I'm sorry, what mother? Excuse me? What? Mother? First of all, I understand if you have a teenager, that's like basically they're probably juniors or seniors or whatever they are. You say you want to live with your mom or your dad. That's fine. The kid can totally choose. I have no problem. Nobody just abandons their kid. Okay, fine, here's the keys. You got two weeks till the house is gone.
What I know. But also the one thing that irked me even more than that is when Sasha was saying, I was gone at Godford for three weeks and you didn't even notice when I came back, and the mom was like, you didn't tell me you came back, So that's on you. No, no, no, no, no.
That mom is crazy crazy.
The fact that you don't know where your kid is is a problem.
No, it's like Michelle and then I do. I do like the scene of Michelle sort of saying, we're gonna figure this out, obviously, like Michelle needs to. I mean, Sasha's gonna move in with Michelle or move in with Fanny or something. But what mother just goes, okay, bye, peace out?
What mom? That I don't know?
That was so weird.
That was that was so weird. But also, where's the dad? Why is the dad not even saying anything? Like I don't like any of it. You have two parents and they both that's why Sasha is the way she is totally, so I don't even care totally.
Here it's a little bit far fetched too.
Yeah, well, I mean this could happen.
This probably does. Yes, yeah, I mean maybe yes, but it don't happen. It's just it's it's interesting. It's interesting. So then we get sort of the dramatic dance, and it was like, Okay, there's a lot to this dance that is going over my head, but I'm good with it. Also, I'm not sure I love the dancing. It's sort of messy dancing.
But oh it's I don't what do they call that alternative dance.
Modern ballet or something. Oh yeah, it does have a name.
It's called they do it Dancing with the Stars.
They do do it on Dancing with Stars.
I said, do do interpretive dancing?
Interpretive? Modern? It is? They do do it on Dancing with the Stars.
Yeah, they do. And I always don't like it because I want to see the ballroom feels messo or the via Need's Waltz.
Like. I don't like it either because it feels like I could do it. It's like I don't know that I should be able to do the dancing. Yeah, it feels like I could do that. I'm just saying, right, it's a lot of that. Danielle and I are doing it, if you guys want to know.
And we are so happy we do not post video looks from mess way.
I'm still into button heads and I'm glad we're doing it, but I'm getting looking forward to Maisel and then also, I think we should do etto all.
Yeah, I'm down. I think we should treat yeah like we did the Z Suite. Watch an episode and see if we want to continue.
Yeah, I agree, I agree, but I'm going to give it a lot of effort. Have you watched another Z Suite? You have not? Nope, I know you haven't because it's not that good.
I liked it.
I liked it.
Don't see another episode I liked it.
I liked it.
I don't know what else to say. I thought it was funny and kichi and whatever, and no, I'll get to it.
It is a no for me.
Dog, I'll get to it.
But Bunheads, I would watch the whole other season, and I'm excited about Atoalle and Maisel and more Gilmour girls if that ever happens.
It's a twenty big year, Like, please, please do something.
Come on. I loved lawrence idea about a prequel that she narrates a Lah Kristen Bell Dexter, et cetera.
And that would be iconic.
That would be totally great, except there's there.
Will be no Luke, and there'll be no Rory or Jess or Logan.
There actually could be a young Luke because you could see this is when she go but it's kind of like maybe when they're young, there could be a Luke. Fair would be played by Luke because the person has to be like twenty five or something.
The only red flag I would have on this, which is gonna make me really really sad, But I can't have Richard voiced by someone else.
Oh you know, you make such a good point, but he would be because it's if we're going eighteen years reverse, because say it's like Begins, maybe when they show up at the inn, somebody else would maybe have to play them. You gotta watch Dexter the way they've done it on Dexter is so amazing because they have these young actors that literally look exactly like the people that play them on Dexter. It's almost like trips me out. It's like a glitch. It's so crazy how accurately they.
Saw that though, right, the flashback with the youngs.
Were not those I was not. Those were not nearly as good as the way they've done it on Dexter. All right, get just look, you'd have to have watched Dexter and then you watch the prequel and you're like, oh my god, like this is crazy crazy. So I think it's doable. I don't think those young people that I don't think those were good enough. Frankly, sorry to.
Judge, No no judgment. Lauren Graham make it happen.
Yeah, it's really Amy, Sherman, Palladino.
Both of you. Make it happen, because I do think I think Lauren Graham is going to have to have a very heavy part in it.
A thousand per yeah, thousand percent.
And if there's anyone that can swindle Amy Shum and Paladin you know, to doing it, it's Lauren Graham.
I think you're right.
You know what Lauren Graham. The ball is in your court.
So yeah, call Lauren Graham. Make it happen.
All right, guys, that's Bunheads.
Are we supposed to rate it? Do we do that?
Why can you say that in every episode we do?
Do we rate it?
We domm seven? Yeah, I was gonna say seven too. You liked it more than me, though.
I enjoy it the last six here I know, I like fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen five more.
One of our producers, Emma said, do you think they'll announce anything at paiy Fest?
Maybe no, I don't, but maybe. God. I love you guys, talk to you already.
Drich Bunheads out.
August Data everybody to forget.
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