Gilmore Girls Gazette: Bach’s Got Game

Published Mar 19, 2025, 1:23 PM

Sebastian Bach is spilling the TEA! What major star ditched an A-List heartthrob for the rocker?

A real life Gilmore Girls Dragonfly Inn exists! We’ll tell you where. 

Plus, YOU decided which tv show will be our next rewatch after Bunheads, find out the results.

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I Am all in again Yill Moore Girls Gazette with Amy Sugarman and Danielle Romo. Then iHeart Radio Podcast Today is very special because we are.

Together, We're an am person, we're in person.

At the iHeart Radio Musical.

And I get to look at Amy's face while I record this.

Podcast, and we're like wearing black and sequins. We're sort of like, yeah, I brush my teeth, although I just ate two cookies before I came in here. Wait, I forgot. Have we done this in person together before?

We have? Yeah, a few times?

Probably better?

I think so too, So should we?

Yeah? I want to start in the room all Danielle. What Danielle was like secrets and she's not really told, which, oh you mean how everyone can you know how everyone came at us when they came at us but obviously didn't listen because they came at us for what we did correct, Like they were like how dare you? And we're like correct?

So to fill everyone in that is still so weird. We got a lot of hate from our last podcast on the Lauren.

It was a medium amount. It wasn't like huge, Okay, a little.

Bit, but the hate that we received was unwarranted.

Because they didn't listen because we actually said what they said.

We backed up our girl.

So here is what happened on Dak Shepherd's podcast. Lauren revealed the dad of May Whitman's baby. Now the press not us. The press were like, Lauren Graham accidentally revealed the dad, But your girls here said, hey, we know that they tape this show at least a couple hours in advance, so obviously they checked with May Whitman, and then May Whitman's baby daddy or husband, I don't know which he is, even like talk to the press or posted answer, like we exactly said what everyone was mad at us for. That's why I was like.

And we always said Lauren probably reached right out to to May and was like, hey, this happened, are you okay with it?

Or May told Lauren do it exactly and we said all that, and then everyone's like, how dare you? And we're like, but we didn't dare I know?

I know. And here's the thing. We have to read the headlines. So we read the headlines. It's our job about us actually saying how dare Lauren Graham do such a thing?

Shout out to the nice person who said, girls, keep doing what you're doing. We love you, we love because it was like the reason I was befuddled when I read all the comments was like, did you listen to the episode? Because we did exactly what you're saying you wanted us to do.

We're gonna tell you, guys, we are Lauren Graham standing worship her.

Also, at first I thought they were mad because remember when there was that other article where the paparazzi caught her and then the headline was unflattering, and we were like, she looks like us on our best day ever, our truly best day ever. My thing is, we can't do a Gilmore Girl's Gazette if we don't bring all the stories we have Rory Gilmore, and you were a journalist, you would want all the facts, ma'am.

Whether you like it or not.

That's why I'm gonna go back like a decade with this Sebastian Box story. So we have never gotten to report this story, even though it was from something like a hundred years ago. But I sort of love it, and I'm sure at the time everyone talked about this, but Sebastian Bach said Christina Applegate ditched Brad Pitt for him. That's impressive, and that is a story worth reporting, even if it's one hundred years old.

I mean, you got to give it to Sebastian Bach because I don't think many people can say someone ditched Brad Pitt for.

Them, correct, But I feel like there is one other person can Ben Affleck s to Gwyneth Feltrow. See now is when you can judge us, because we're now you're speculating. I feel like, did Gwyneth Paltrow cancel off her engagement to Brad Pitt because she started dating or she was going to date Ben Affleck? I think I have the timeline right, and it's a tough call. I don't know what I would do in that situation, but I think she should look Brad Pitt. She's still friends with Brad Pitt because Brad Pitt was loyal to her. Remember that story. I don't even want to get into it. Look, there's some stories where you're like, Brad Pitt is.

The Yeah, everyone has their vices, right for sure, especially behind closed doors. But I will say my husband had the lucky, uh lucky job of having to deal with Brad Pitt at an event and he said he was the coolest person, which doesn't ever.

He seems like the coolest person.

I know, and my husband does not say that about many people. He said brad Pitt was okay.

Man. My closest encounter I think with Brad Pitt. I went to the premiere of The Mexican Do you remember that movie? It's not a good movie. It's Julie Roberts Brad Pitt movie. That's not good. James Gandolphine was in it too. So I took my mom to the premiere and I'm like, we can go to the premiere. We're literally walking in and she goes, I thought you said Brad Pitt was going to be here. And brad Pitt was as close to my mom as you are to me right now. And I'm like, Mom, he's all right. And you know when you're like, don't you know when like in La you say to somebody, don't look over your shoulder now, and Maria you know Shriver is right behind you.

Where where? Yeah?

I don't know why I said Maria Shriver only because that did happen another time. I was like, Mom, don't turn around, but Maria Shriver's behind you.

Where everything comes back to white lotus.

People don't care for US oil and white lotus. I'm behind so. Although I did see the Jason Isaac shot with the robe.

Oh yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, full frontal, I.

Did rewind it once, did you? You didn't? You just let it slide by?

I watched these all with my husband. I cannot rewind.

Is it rewind or rewound?

Rewind? Rewind?

You rewind it, you rewinded it, you rewound.

It, rewound it? I pressed rewind.

Yeah, it's best to screwed around it when you don't know how to do it.

So then, okay, So I have a question for you because I feel like you know Brad Pitt is.

Your age right, like he was your hearst of all? How dare you he's like eight years older than eight years old. I think he's pushing sixty. I know Clooney is pushing sixty is so hot. He's never your.

Heart throb, right person. So I don't know much about Sebastian Bach prior.

To here's what I can say. And in high school, girls loved Sebastian Bach. That's when he was in that band Wait skid Row. People loved him, but like I don't even think you could put Brad Pitt. I don't know, like Brad Pitt is a echelon above anyone, right the right word. I don't know.

It sounded good though.

I mean, Brad Pitt to me has been amazing since Thelma and Luise Ye, and it's like that was like a lot of years ago and he's still as great as ever. Like I just can't that guy. Yeah, but I do need him to do like an Ocean's eleven type movie. He did that weird George Clooney movie that I thought was gonna be good and it wasn't on Apple TV.

I was going to Japan and I watched, literally.

Oh yeah, it wasn't good. It wasn't good. I tried, like, I like it too. Sandra Bullock's like a voiceover in it or something.

I don't remember Sandra Bullock in it, but I remember him.

Well, get another try. You should. Joy King's in it, guys. Yeah, yes, I need to watch that. The other one I could not get into was the George Clooney Julia Roberts Somebody's getting married and they're divorced couple. I tried ten minutes and I was like I'm out. This is not good.

This might be an unpopular opinion. I can't get into anything with George Clooney in it.

How dare you let me tell you what you need to do. Watch the first season of ER and you will know. Danielle, I see your face. I'm telling you. Can you make me this promise that you will watch the first season of R and report back and you will say, I am so in love with George Clooney Because what I have realized in my life is I'm in love with doctor Doug Ross. I'm not sure I love George Clooney, but I love doctor Doug Ross so much, and sometimes just for just on one season he was on like three and then he became like a huge movie star. But he came back for the f nally and he's like married to Juliana Margaley's. It's like, I love him so much. And there's this Don Henley song and the finale and I was like, it still kind of gives me the feels. Oh my god, it's so good. Just do it.

You're not going to do it, Just do it, yeah, plenty of just spared time.

Do it so that you can be you can actually give me one episode. No, no, okay, but Tara's talking even though you can't hear Tara. She said, no, it's not good. It's not Danielle, it's really bad. It's really good. Julia Roberts. No, I love Julia Roberts. Though, okay, okay, can you do this? Watch e er like seven episodes? Trust me. But if you want to watch George Clooney and Brad Pitt, just watch Ocean's eleven. Have you not watched that? That'll make you love George.

It's just n okay, Okay, look at Brad Pitt in Oceans.

Here's a game for you. Look at Brad Pitt. But if you had to make out with George Clooney, Casey Affleck, m oh, Casey Affleck could be listening. That is rude. I like you, okay, Ben Affleck or George Clooney. Who are you picking? Just on like feels like you've been to pick George.

I'm going to pick George just because he's successful.

Watch Autiful a little Brad Pitt, George Clooney, You're just Brad Pitt all the time. I know for sure, he's so good in Oceans. I'm always eating anyway and welcome to what our future show will be. What is our future podcast called Listen to This if you Want. Yeah, we literally trademarked the title listen to this if you want. Okay, So I don't know when Sebastian Bach revealed it. It was on a radio show Elliott in the Morning, and I guess on entertainment tonight, they were asked. She was asked, Christina Applegate, what was the dumbest thing you ever did? One night? I ditched bad pit for this other dude, and then Sebastian Box's like, and that dude was me.

Oh man, I recalled the other dude now downgrade.

Okay. So this article I found, but I didn't fully understand it, so I wanted you to explain it to me.

All right, this is.

The title Logan's Twilight Zone inspired gift for Rory in Golmar Girls says more about the relationship than you think. All right, So here's what we're finding out. There's a season five episode titled The Long Moro. Then the premiere of Gilmore Girls season seven uses the same title, and it's intentional. Both feature a direct connection to the Twilight Zone as Rory is given a gift by her boyfriend Logan. The gift is meant as a romantic gesture. Is this the rocket Ship? The Long Morow is a Twilight Zone episode about astronaut Douglas Stansfield, who was set for a forty year journey in suspended animation. Before leaving, he falls in love with his cohort worker to reunite with him, Sandra also undergoes suspended animation, but something goes wrong. Okay, that's the Twilet Zone part. Gilmoregirl's references this story through Logan's gift to Rory. So am I to understand? There are two episodes of Gilmore Girls called The Long Morro. Can someone check that?


I can check that. That is crazy. I've never known that there's two episodes a year apart or two years apart, both called The Long Morrow. I mean I remember the rocket Ship obviously. Okay, so this is when he went to England.

Wow, as the season seven PREMIEREA but was.

It also season five? So maybe this is season.

Five of the Twilight Zone.

Oh yeah, I was misreading this. So there's a Twilight Zone episode called The Long World. There's obviously a Gilmore Girls. So the rocket has to do with the Twilight Zone. Did we know this? Huh hmmmm. Feels like this isn't our best story we've ever done. So here's what we're gonna do. We're gonna turn this over to you guys to see if you guys understand this. Wow.

Interesting. So did you read the last thing?

It's about a year in the life. Yeah, and we actually did our homework this on this one. Guys, don't don't write us and go do your homework.

We did, but we're just still contigused.

Yeah, like I've read this thing four times now and I'm still confused.

Yeah, this is this huh yeah.

So okay, So what I do get is that the rocket ship had to do with the Towilet Zone.

And they're saying that the connection is that many feel Gilmore Girl should stay in the past like Logan's rocket No.

I didn't get that at all from it. That's okay, you guys, So everyone listening needs to help us and try to explain this whole thing to us. Yeah, because we don't know everything. But what we do know is that Kristin Ritter is joining the cast of Dexter. So this okay, good, Just so everybody knows there's the original Dexter. Then there's Dexter Resurrection, which is current time, Michael Sea Hall is in it. Then there's Dexter the prequel, where Michael Sea Hall is like the narrator. Now I am personally into the prequel one, but at the same time, not at the exact same time, but it's on streaming. So who knows Christian Riders joining the one Dexter Resurrection, and so is Neil Patrick Harris. Okay, wait, now Kristin Ritter, who can name her character from Gilmore.

Girl, she played uh Lucy and.

Remember they had that falling out because yes, the neighbor Marty. She wasn't my favorite on Gilma Girls. Everyone knows that listens to the whole podcast, but I like her in general, so I'm actually pretty into this.

Yeah, and also like Neil Patrick Harris. He was referencing Game Girls as well, so it's.

Like a double way.

And let me tell you why. Neil Patrick Harris is perfect. He's perfect. He's just perfect to be because of Gone Girl. M do you see Gone Girl?

I did not.

But bringing us right around to Ben Affleck again, it always has to do with Ben Affleck. Gone Girl is an effik.

Is responsible for everything.

Also, speaking of White Lotus, you can see ben Afflex you know what in Gone Girl? Okay, and you're gonna have to rewind rewound and rewinded.

That I won't watch that one with my husband.

I know we've talked about it before, but Neil Patrick Harris plays such a sort of interesting character in Gone Girl that it makes me realize like he should be kind of like that in Dexter. I love it.

I mean, I love Patrick Harris.

So are you a Dexter fan?

I love Dexter.

I were not seeing any of this quote unquote spin offs, but I loved the original.

Here's what I feel like, I love to do so many too. I feel like you have to go back rewatch the whole original before I watch this resurrection and before I continue the prequel. It's a lot. It's a lot.

You also have to be in the right headspace. I get like this hands Mad Tale too. I had to stop watching because I just like cannot sleep and cannot be alone while watching it and do.

The Handmaid sale again. Yeah, Walking Dead, I've gotten so into that I can just like literally watch it and just go to sleep, all right, to sleep, But there's no new show called Zero Day with no not no, not not with Walking Dead, but this new show called Zero Day. I watched the first episode, which was really really good. I'm not gonna lie. It kind of peters out as you get to episode two three four some limited series on Netflix. I think there's only like six episodes. The first one wrigged me out, and I had to watch something funny like Sex and the City before I went to bed. I was like, oh, I'm uncomfortable. Yeah yeah, yeah, yeah, that's not great. And I have I like horror movies, but I don't watch them atnight. I watch them only during the day.

Not good at horror movies.

Do you want to know the movie that wigged me out the most? What I am legend Will Smith.

Oh that's not even scary.

It terrified me, but it's not scary.

It's it's not a horror film.

It's like it is you don't there was zombies werewolve zombies or it's not remember.

But it's like not believable.

Do you get what I'm saying, Like there's a difference on something like Dexter's believable, where like those people exist.

The world right now?

You know what movie Also, you're.

More afraid of zombies than a serial killer.

Maybe really the end of the world.

But like it's not a reality at the at this exact moment.

The one that freaks me out if I really think about it, I think about it a lot. Castaway, Yeah, I think about like if I'm alone on an island.

How did he get cast away? To begin with? Remind me was he was on a boat?

And then on a boat. Remember he worked for FedEx and crash and he's all alone. And first of all, I think about his toothache. Remember he had the toothache and he had to bop his tooth out with the ice skate. And then he's just alone on this island, and you're going, what do I do?

Yeah, it's like lost except each other.

A lot of people. I think people had babies right cast away, he only had that Wi Wilson. Oh boy, that one gives me a lot of stress. Let me tell you what doesn't give me, streuss, You.

Would be okay being stranded on the island with other people?

No, But if you said would I rather be stranded on an island alone or with other people? I'm going to take other people. I get to be on an island alone. I don't want to be on an island at all. Yeah, what I want to do is ask you if you knew that Nick Offerman was the voice of the Oscars. I did not. I did not know.

That. Is that cool? Yes?

I think it's cool to be like, coming up, we've got Brad Pitt think George presenting the Oscar for Best Director.

One of our best friends.

I know is the voice is the Rammys the Oscars, So you know.

You no, no, you go. And she's just so good at it that like.

I'm always like. It was David Allen Greer, which he added some comedy and I quite liked it, but other people didn't. I can't remember who the host was. Who was the host last year? Not Conan? This year?

I thought they didn't have a host lost wasn't supposed to be Kevin Hart and then they twelve.

Years ago Daniill tied Daniel just time war she was I think it was Pohler. No, who can you google Tara who was the host of the As in twenty twenty four? Now we can say that Conan will be back. Uh Kimmel Jimmy Kimmel hosted the Oscars in twenty twenty four and David Allen Greer was the voice, but this year Conan hosted and Nick Offerman was the voice.

Connin did a good job. Yeah, I like that he's back.

It was kind of safe. Yeah, it was, you know whatever. I didn't watch any of it really, I mean I watched the clips and bits and bops. But I'm over award shows. If anyone cares, I don't need award shows, I agree with you. I'm other. I'm not. I'm done. We're in fact, we're out one right now. I know an award show which is just says it all. There's too many. Although if you're gonna watch any award show, go back to yesterday and watch the I heard Radio Music Awards on Fox. But in general, too many, too many ways.

I agree, too many award shows.

And like as a younger person, kind of like a teen or like young adult, I would get so excited.

I would have Oscar pries, Oh my god, the VMA.

Grammy Party were life. And then they clogged the feed. They clogged the feed like we did in this feed for I am all in again.

But that's okay, we are the clog.

We dropped content every day. But guess what that's okay, Okay, So the.

Nice thing is you can just skip it.

Well, here's here's what I do with the word shows. I just let it happen, and then I go back and watch all the highlights exactly. I can do the whole thing in twenty minutes instead of three hours exactly. But like I said, if you want to watch something amazing, go stream on Hulu right now the iHeart Radio Music Awards.

Do it?

Fox? Uh, do we have any more stories? We have a lot? Oh yeah, this is a good one.


Who was Nick Offerman on Gimmer Girls were always supposed.

To say them?

He was Bo Belleville Jackson's older brother. He was in season four, episode seven, The Festival of Living Art, a great episode, and season six episode four, always a Godmother, Never a god?

Um Ricky linn Holm is that how he's saying?


Yeah, married Fred Armandsen two years ago, and she welcomed to son two weeks after the first date.

So this is an old headline.

Also, wait, she welcomed from a different person.

Okay, I think so it's kind of a interesting story. I'm pretty sure she had a donor. She got pregnant and then she fell in love with Fred Armison and they got married and it's all good, but uh wow, it's an interesting.

Story, buddy. And then they're like, I'm nine months pregnant. I'm about to have a baby. Oh, I guess I.

Don't know if it was a surrogate, if she was pregnant.

Well, I'm about to have a baby.

Correct, Yeah, it was a surrogate, so she didn't look pregnant, but this was a lot.

She's about to well, her life is about to change.

And I and Fred Ormerson's like, Brint, I love that. It's kind of like that movie Jennifer Lopez. Isn't a movie that's this exact story. Yep. And you know how I know every since she had the most fabulous purse in it. I think it was a Diane von Furstenberg purse. And I actually bought the purse because it was so good. This is this is you guy that was on Hawaii five? Is it coming back to you?

This is coming back to me, Tara? I see IMDb.

Yeah. It was called like the the I'm Having a Baby movie or whatever. Yeah, Jennifer Lopez and the guy from Hawaii five. Oh, did a movie he's very cute. Cannot think of his name. No, none of those keep going, not Shotgun, Wedding, not marry Me. Scroll down. It's about five years ago. Mm hmmm. The backup Plan, the backup Plan, Thank you, Danielle. Yeah, I'm the backup plan. And the movie's not great, but the purse is fabulous and I literally bought the purse and then I ended up giving the purse away because it was too heavy.

Can you tell me do you love Jennifer Lopez movies or are you like.

I love a couple of them. I love all really, I just only love the Wedding Plan.

I even love that scary one with Ryan Gooseman.

Oh yeah that was you know that was before that was ahead of its time. Yeah, that was ahead of its time, and that was how I discovered Ryan Gooseman, who I love on nine to one one. But uh, I love the Wedding Plan. I could watch The Wedding Planner over and over and over again. I never got into that one.

With a Little Boy in Manhattan.

I never got in that. Sorry. I know people love it. I know people love it.

Yeah, I am down when I'm like I just want to watch a movie or just have time. You know.

It came into my head when you said when I am down, when you are down in trouble. Isn't that a song? Hello?

Yes, like Gobridge.

Isn't that the one? I feel like it is?

Okay? So next up the Z Suites, Lauren and Nico break it down actor to actor.

Oh, was that like some sort of thing on Instagram or something? Yeah?

I think they kind of just so.

They're kind of best friends on the show. And yes, like pressed together.


Oh. They're asked who would she have a dinner party with, and she said Bridget.

Jones or anyone from Thursday Murder Club.

And he said Professor X from X Men and Gandal from Lord of the Rings. I kind of feel like he's like more in line with me. I was Gonnai.

I was gonna say a little bit of a nerd.

But yeah, a nerd like yeah like me. I love my star Trek and X Men. I watch for Scotsman is good. I have googled what is the best order to watch X Men? Well, because you can watch them in the timeline or you can watch them in the order they were made. And trust me, I've seen him do it all andtimes I do it in the timeline. Sometimes I do it in the order they were made.

One day I'll appreciate your love for Star Trek, and one day you appreciate my love for Harry Potter.

Well, and yeah, I happened to take a flight this past weekend and I watched a Harry Potter movie on.

Each lego though I put me out like a lot.

And I was just my hands were still sweaty.

Do you happens You still got nervous.

I still get stressed. I still get nervous.

Do you do Lord of the Rings?

No, I watch. I watched them, but I do not go back X men.

Though, yes, now when you're done watching er, the only Star Trek I really want you to watch is Star Trek four, which I know if you listen. I've reiterated this many times, and I told Adam Nimoy, Oh, Star Trek four, it's so good.


The Voyage Home?

Is that?

The voyage Home? I think? Anyway?

So next next thing, say good night to stars Hollow and New Gilmore Girls Kids Book.

Oh yeah, I bought it. I bought it, you damn it. I don't have it with me because I'm in LA. But I bought it. It's at home. It's so cute. I need it.

It's so cute.

It's so cute. It's those little pop characters or whatever they're called. Yeah, this is the one. Oh my gosh, pardon me, that's a different one. I bought one. This is a new one. Can we order this one? Yeah?

And order it to my hosband.

Okay, I'm sorry. People has an exclude. People Magazine has an exclusive sneak peek of the fourthcoming children's book, which means it isn't out yet, not un till July. I bought the Funko one. You know, darling, you know what I need it.

I'm gonna take a picture of my son and it. Once it comes out.

We need to order this one lot.

So this brand called posh pe knife you if you have a kids like but it is they have a guilt.

Why is it not showing?

Was that not it?

I know? Here it is it is Onesie. We need to order that a meeting you see that. But then this is the best part.

It's like the blanket I have.

They have it for the mom to what I.

Bought it already is that Onesie Gilmore Girls one. It's just like for the pips and bottom.

Yeah, we need it. We all need it.

Can you want it for everybody?


Expensive, it's like eighty bucks not cheap. But let's order it for everybody. Ye'll buy it for everybody, isn't that? Yeah?

I mean immediate, and you can match your your like kid or your niece or whatever. And then the little baby's blanket, the baby blanket.

We need to order all this. Can you just send me the link?

Is that so cute?

Can somebody just order a bunch of this stuff? We need it. We need Posh Peanut, Way to go, Posh Peanut. I was going to distract myself with the latest updates on Gene Hackman's situation. I can't get enough of it. I had a fool did you do door.

Conversation in a pool in Mexico this past weekend.

With several people about this.

It's the everyone just disagrees. Well, and now the timeline's off. So they said they thought that the wife died on February eleventh, but yet she called the doctor on February twelfth. So there's there's so much fishy fish fish I don't know that. It's like, I'm going to go with it's actually not fishy. It's just a hot mess of sad. I don't it's just sad and tragic and befuddling, and you can't. It's like that eighty million dollars. Why didn't they have more help? But then maybe they didn't want help. My hair dresser and I were talking about it this morning. Do people still say a hairdresser, hairstylist, my hairstylist, my hair dress either dresser feels so nineteen fifty they are stylist. A say stylist, Yeah, hairstylist. Nobody can get enough of it.

Yeah, I don't know.

I mean, we've talked about this a lot because my grandfather passed away from Alzheimer's and.

There was the last three years of his life.

He was not able to be by himself. Well, here's my question for you. Pretend he was by himself. Could he have fed himself? No? Could he have gone to the bathroom no? Could he get water? Because somehow she happened was not.

He had to be in like twenty four hour living facility like he cannot.

So that's why.

But maybe he wasn't that far.

But if Alzheimer's is what killed him, he had to have been in the final stages of having Alzheimer's.

It was contributing factor Alzheimer's. We're talking so out of school because we don't totally I know, we're not a doctor armchair cordering backing this, but I actually think what the results were probably pretty accurate that she died of hunt a virus or whatever that one.

Can I tell you? Can I tell you?

Also, my biggest fear now is hantavirus.

I know, no one get mad at me for saying this. This is just my theory. I don't know allegedly.

I don't know any allegedly.

I based off of what I have discovered in the facts I have.

It was miss Scarlett in the in the library with the candlesticks. I know.

I feel like the haunted virus came after the fact that she was already died, that she was already dead, and like.

Virus when dead, what if a mouse bit her or something like that.

I can catch something when you're dead.

But it was in her body they found. They didn't do the autopsy of the day she died. Mouse bitter, you don't, We're messed up.

I believe that the corner. I believe the experts of the timeline is buzzy.

I don't know, it's this one stresses me out, you guys, and I feel.

Like I need to know everything, but yet we're not gonna know because like, don't you wish they had cameras everywhere so you could yes really going on.

And that's another thing. There's not one camera anywhere.

Also, I'll check on you every day when you're ninety to make.

Sure it seems likewise it's it's rough.

But also why don't these people have Apple watches so that like if they fell. There's there's so much and it looks like a mansion. I think we've talked about this that it does look like such a mansion that maybe maybe the house was so manchiony that it was like one person could be way on one side. I don't know. You know, I'm gonna let's switch because I can't end on this.

We cannot.

We have to have a happy story. Some sisters bought a bed and breakfast to make a real life Gilmore.

Girls that is so cute in Canada.

So this says Kristen and Catherine Groom Perfect Name bought a Ontario bed and breakfast in twenty twenty two, despite having no experience like us, we do the news and we have we actually do have experience. We went to school for this, which I know you don't believe. There's a TikTok video that they wanted to live the Gilmore Girl's life. There lor Lion Suki and they consider themselves low Lion Suki.

That's so cute.

The bed and Breakfast opened, they host weddings. No way do we do?

We need to go to Canada? Can you drive to Canada?

Is that close? Depends if Ontario is on the West coast or the east coast, and I have no idea Ontario is on the I might try and drive to Washington State, and I think it's just a be bop over.

It's the west coast, right, Yeah?

Does Canada like us?

Not sure?

They're oh it's too far to drive, too far to drive.

It's real far too far to drive.

Oh yeah, wait, we don't. We don't have the results of our pool yet. Oh my gosh, you guys, I'm sorry.

Then we do have the results. We do have the results.

Okay, Ooh I don't you guys, I do not know, so I'm going to find out right now.

The winner, and this is over ten thousand votes, ten thousand over.

Thank you guys so much. Oh my god, that makes me so happy.

So you have chosen, fifty nine percent of you don't have chosen.

I don't know.

I don't know Parenthood. Oh my god, I'm kind of excited about it.

Get your advilla and your tissues ready because so we're going.

To reach parent bring it baby.

Wait, I'm excited. I'm here for so how many total episodes of Parenthood? I think we're going to be here for a while. I think there's like a hundred.

Tara says it's six seasons.

Oh, six seasons, one hundred and three episode can take us two years?

Two years.

Wow, I'm here.

I'm here for it.


Like I've heard so many amazing things about Parenthood.

No, it's amazing. I'm that's great. Okay, great, So look we can't. We have to do what they said that people voted. So we're gonna watch. It's in two weeks I think we begin, or three weeks we have a few more, butN heads, yeah, we got I'm excited. I'm excited.

Oh my gosh, I'm so excited. This makes me excited. Okay, Mazel was on on my list, get to.

Masl or maybe we'll have so much success that we'll have two rewatches going in the same time. Guys, why not if you guys could just listen, it would help us so much.

I know you do you do listen?

We appreciate its five stars.

We don't have trivia.

Oh my god, I'm so sorry. This is so bad. This is like the sixth week in a row. But last week we did trivia. Just give us one trivia question, just so everybody knows. My trivia cards are in my desk in my house. But I have not done this show from my house in a week. I'm so sorry to say. I'm just a gal on the road. Okay, tar is gonna read it to us, all right. Special guest appearance by Town Meeting host Tara. These are too easy. Hold on. What is the name of Paris Geller's life coach? Oh boy, this is so dumb that I don't know this because I'm embarrassed for myself. I can see the actor as we speak. What is it? We don't know? Terrence?

Uh uh, I know, but we have so much knowledge in our brains right now. Sometimes it's you guys, know.

That I went viral because of parenthood. You did when I had a viral moment.

Something like I was gonna say on the Secret Show.

Yeah, I won't even say it now, but it's just coming back to me because because I can't tell you it's about the finale. I went viral for the finale. But when we get there in two years, I'll tell you guys all about it.

That is a great tea.

I think so too. I think so too. I'm excited, actually really excited. I hope that Dax and Lauren find out we're doing it. Can I name all the actors? May Lemon Max is her co host? I know nothing, co star co star. Sorry, that's Mauren Graham, Peter Krauser, Craig te Nelson, Bonnie Badelia, May Whitman, the guy who was on Karate Kid.

But that's crazy.

I didn't know that Darling guy. He's so cute from Handmaid's Tale, which one remember we had a meeting with them. Oh and that nice girl from swim Fan. I feel like we need to let them know we're doing this. Oh, Joy Bryant, she's great in it. Erica Christensen, Oh, Jason Ritter, my absolute favorite. I love him so much. Craig tie Nelson Yes. And Ray Romano, Oh.

Ray Romano.

Whoa, It's gonna be good. Okay. Well that's the news.

That's the news. See you next time. Hey, everybody, and don't forget Follow us on Instagram at i Am all In podcast and email us at Gilmore at iHeartRadio dot com

I Am All In with Scott Patterson

Twenty years ago, you met Luke Danes...backward cap, plaid flannel, pouring the coffee. For the VERY 
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