Jo Wagstaff had it all. Or so she thought. At 32 she was an executive at a leading wealth management company. She had the career, the fancy car, a beautiful home, husband and baby. Until it all began to unravel. That year her marriage ended and her dad died of cancer. To numb the grief Jo worked harder, drank more, used drugs for the first time and found the most dysfunctional relationship she could – all while giving the perception to the outside world that she was thriving. While it all seemed very dark, it was also the beginning of her journey out of the darkness towards a more authentic way of life. Today she coaches men and women about their power and how to find the inner confidence to choose their best lives.
Jo’s Book: Lead Like You: How Authenticity Transforms the Way Women Live, Love, and Succeed
Jo on Instagram; Jo on Facebook; Jo on LinkedIn
Jo’s website:
Host: Kate de Brito
Kate on Instagram
How2behappypodcast on Instagram
Editor: Stephanie Cannavo