
Rain Phoenix

Published Apr 25, 2019, 7:00 AM

Musician/actor Rain Phoenix stops by to share a purrrfect tale about her experience living in a haunted Florida apartment. As cool as Rain is, of course she came in with one of the spookiest stories we’ve heard yet!

Want to share YOUR paranormal experience on the podcast? Email your *short* stories to GhostedByRoz@gmail.com and maybe Roz will read it outloud on the show... or even call you!

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What's that at the Bed's spooky and poky. I'm pretty sure it's sad. It's coming this way.

Wait a minute, has.

Hi ros dress? Please? Hey boo, this is Tabloid star Roz Dresfelees. You're listening to Ghosted, you guys, our episode last week. I hope you've listened to it. A lot of people have this week. We actually Okay, So I wake up Saturday morning and I find out that we made it to People dot com. That's People magazine, and uh, the story has been shared around all over the place and made it in several different languages. We are international, honey. Canadian News you got it, English News, you better believe it. We're all over the place all because of the fabulous, sexy, sexy interview that we had with Billy Lee of vander Pump Rules talking about her sexual experience with a ghost. So thank you everyone that listened to it and shared it and talked about it. Certainly a conversation starter and certainly been giving me lots of thoughts about having sex with a ghost. Now. I'm not the only one that made it into the tabloids recently. Ghost related Also, Simon Cowell, I found this article on the Daily Mail, it says Simon Cowell's new fifteen million pound mansion is haunted by the ghost of Antinous, the gay lover of Roman Emperor Hadrian. Okay, let's read this. Simon Cowell's most recent real estate investment is said to have come with the soul of a gay Roman yell. According to former owner Christian Levitt, the London property, which Simon purchased for fifteen million pounds to live in with partner Laura Lauren Silverman and their five year old son Eric last October, is haunted by Antonus, not to be confused with Antony from Queeri the Queer II, So Antonus, the lover of Hadrian, the ruler of the Roman Empire from one seventeen to one thirty eight. Wow, that's a that's old queen honey. Levitt claims, as reports the Son, that he himself brought Antonus's spirit into the home when he purchased the statue of him for in twenty fourteen, inadvertently unleashing the spirit onto the property. Okay, and there's also pictures of this statue of Antonas and he is statue esque to say the least. And you know, going in with last week's interview and that experience that Billy Lee had, I I want to move into this place. It was delivered in a crate. The hedge fun billionaire said. When I was locking up, I heard the sound of heavy objects being knocked over from the drawing room, where Antonus was still lying in his box. The same happened the next two nights, but there was nobody there. Simon believes in spirit spirits, and he's been freaked out by this story. I don't think he was aware when he moved in. He might have to call a ghostbuster, they said. Now it turns out, you know, goes on to say that, oh, this this terrible story. Okay, So the story of Antonas, it's a tragic one. He was a favorite of Hadrian and known to be particularly beautiful. Oh my god, I can't take this. The pair were found they were fond of hunting together, so history reports. It was widely presumed that the pair had a sexual relationship, and many were jealous of Antonas. He died in October one thirty, the year one thirty, under mysterious circumstances when on a voyage along the Nile. He never returned, and the cause of his death remains a mystery to this day, with many speculating that he was murdered by other members of the Empire jealous of his bond with Hadrian. Others have speculated that he drowned and fell out on in case. So it goes into you know antonas but so apparently he's haunting Simon calls house. But then it goes on to talk about how Simon actually lived in another haunted house. It says three years ago. He claimed he always had contact with the other side, the dead, just wanted to make contact and say hello. He told the son this assignment. I had a ghost in my house when I was living in Kingston Hill. My mom and dad were staying with me and I heard this banging on the door. I went in their room and said, you were banging on my door and they said it wasn't us. There was a dog in the house that was freaking out too. The following day I heard this crashing noise and all this stuff had fallen in the kitchen. But there was no logical explanation. Girl that was just a confused Paula Abduel that was just stopping by to say hi, okay, So I also, of course, have our Facebook group, which is you can just find it's called Ghosted by ros Dress Fales. And I love what you guys are doing in there, and you're sending me your stories and I got one from Taylor, and this one kind of freaked me out. Taylor says, the house I grew up in is insanely haunted. We would hear footsteps at night, violent banging on the walls, see apparitions. The place was intense. I had two terrifying experiences that come top of mind when I was seventeen. I woke up one night and to the heaviest pressure on my chest, like someone was sitting on me. I could feel breath in my ear. I was terrified. I couldn't move for what felt like minutes. Then I hear what sounded like someone gasping for air right in my ear, and all of a sudden, I'm able to turn my body, and as I do, this black mass of smoke moves away from me and dissipates into the floor. Oh honey, it sucked you right into the floor. I got up immediately and turned on all the lights. Another night, I had returned late from a movie. I drank a coffee milkshake that night. So I was having a difficulty sleeping. I'm lying in bed, fully awake, and then something catches my eye. There's what a appears to be the shape of a head and a knack no floating above me by my bed. It looked like it was comprised of TV static, but you could see the outline of facial features. It's slowly floating parallel to where I'm laying, and as it comes closer to my head, it seems to suddenly realize I'm awake and rushes towards me. I could feel the rush of air on my face as it zoomed towards me. I screamed and woke my boyfriend. At the time. There were many more strange things, such as a woman could be heard singing outside my window at times, names being called out, and the voice of someone who wasn't home, and much more. Wow, Taylor, that's spooky. So today we have got yet another incredible interview. This story. It's just such a perfect ghost story. We got just the It's like it's like a great whole, you know, there's a beginning, middle, and end, and it's so great and I'm so honored to have in the studio Rain Phoenix. Rain is from the legendary iconic Phoenix family of actors and musicians. She actually has some music that she recently released that she did with her brother, the late River Phoenix. It's called a Leikazatic, and I want you to check that out because she is so talented and she doesn't do many interviews, so I was so truly honored that she came here to share this story. So I hope you enjoy here. She is Rain Phoenix. Oh and one thing that I want to say, make sure you listen to this full interview because it's incredible. But in the outro of this episode today, I'm going to reveal who next week's guest is and let me just say it is my number one idol and you guys are going to love it because this is a big deal for us here at Ghosted, So stay tuned for the end of this episode and I'll be revealing who it is. Oh my god, we're recording.

That's ghosty in itself.

You are so cool. I'm just like looking at you and you're so cool. Wow, that's great vibe about you.

I'm a fan.

I'm a fan of yours.

Stop it are we best friends?

We might be new best friends.

Oh it's all fake. The ghost have brought us together exactly.

So you you have experienced lot lots of ghost experiences.

I do.

Where Where are you originally from? Here? No? Yeah, you're from Los Angeles.

If I were to like do the whole thing, my boyfriend always makes fun of me when people go, so, where are you from, and he's like, oh boy, here we go, Oh okay, because it just depends on where you're from, because I'm also from there. I probably lived there too, do you know? So I end up going like, oh, yeah, because I was like born in Texas, raised here in LA, but then moved to the East coast to like Florida, and then moved to New York and then moved back to LA. But then there's like all kinds of places in between that I've traveled and toured and ventured. So Clay, I like to be I like to say I'm from the world, yeah, but I want to be from the universe.

See, you were cool my answers to such a simple question. So I heard that you had.

Some ghostly experiences in Florida. I did, which that creeps me. Out just to begin with.

It's pretty special and I think having okay, so let's start from the beginning. Hi, my name is rayin Phoenix, and I have some creepy stories about.

Like a meeting. There's like a twelve step about.

Coasts in Florida in the south, in the in the north part of Florida, which is closer to Georgia, so it looks more like Louisiana. It's it's also to Louisiana, so it has rolling hills and Spanish moss littered all over, these big oak trees, very romantic but very like deep south Savannah Georgia vibes.

It's crazy how that's so beautiful. But there's something creepy about that to me, I don't know why, Like it's a great setting for.

Like a ghost story.

Yeah, like American horror story or something like that.

You know what's maybe it has something to do with the Spanish moss is actually a parasite that kills the oak tree. So you know, we think of it as this beautiful accouterment, but really we're just and it's suffocating the tree. Oh, the tree is just crying for help, and we're like, oh, pretty, yeah, and they and they kind of multiply and jump to other trees, and that's why they're you know, in the south. See them littered with the Spanish moss, and it is really beautiful. But if you you know, if you know the truth, you know, it's just like sucking the life out of these old ancient oaks.

Oh, those poor things.

Yeah. So, I, for a short time, although longer than maybe most people would, I decided to live in a haunted apartment.

Now, how do I end up in Florida?

And I should say that I was married to a man in Florida. Okay, he was still a very good friend of mine. And when we first divorced, I got my own apartment and I went to this like creepy antique town in north central Florida. And it was I was going between New York and there a lot, so I thought, well, it'll be good to just have all my stuff in some place closer to where I'm used to being. And and I'd always wanted to live in this town. I did not know it was haunted. Let's be clear. I did not try to go and move into a haunted apartment.

What is this town called?

Well, I won't even say what it is. It's too easy, it's more fun, it's more mysterious. It's just a creepy town. I don't want people to go there and ruin it. It's really small, so I don't want everyone renting haunted mansions and then coming in and being on the show. Then my story is like, yes, let's right land anyway. So I moved into this house. I got a divorce. I'd never lived alone, you know, I was basically a child and then married young or was with the person since I was like twenty, and divorced when I was thirty three, so it was like most of my you know, growing up life, and I'd lived with him, and then I thought, you know, I'm going to live alone. I always wanted to live in this town because it was really small and had these two story, beautiful buildings from the eighteen hundreds. I thought, well, wouldn't that be neat? And I drove through it one day and there was a four rent sign. Wildly like the dad decided I really want to get an apartment in this town.

I drove through This is the Horse Story, yes a movie.

And I was like, oh my gosh, and the place I immediately called and I said, yeah, I can come see it and a problem. And I went, and it is this gorgeous like probably two thousand square feet with vaulted seeing it like huge twelve foot ceilings apartment, top floor of this apartment which was above an antique store, and it was gorgeous, like beautiful light came in, you know, it wasn't dark and creepy at all, and I was like, that's it done deal, I'm doing it. I'm renting this place. This is too strange. Apparently the person that had lived there had been there thirteen years before and just left when I when. That's why it was for rent, which wildly was the exact amount of time I'd been with my husband was thirteen years so and all the time that I had spent with him, this person lived in this apartment. So I thought, well, that's kind of interesting too. Am I boring you yet? No, okay, this is the beginning.

Did you know anything about this person that? Did they tell you?

No? More on that later, Okay, okay.

Okay, this is the time. You didn't know.

I didn't know. I think they told me. You know, she used to work in the antique store below. It was an older woman and she would like, you know, I guess work part time or something. So see this is why I'm not sharing the town to protect the innocent.

Sure anyway.

Anyway, So moved in, so stoked, really painstakingly pasted all the I love to take photos from airplanes outside where you see the landscape, you know, when you're landing. So I like painstakingly pasted like eight by ten photos that I had taken across the entire border of the apartment. Like I was really obsessed with this place and decided like this is my new life. I'm gonna be an individual, not with someone. Yeah, and moved in. Loved it, definitely had this It's a massive place, and the bathroom was all the way across from the bedroom, so you had to like if I had to get up in the middle of the night to use the loo, I would have to walk the entire length of the apartment, which was rather long. And I noticed that like a few of those nights, I was definitely like, I'm not alone in here. This is an interesting feeling I'm having, And I would just talk out loud and say like, whoever's here, you know, for all of you who are here with me, Look I'm here alone, so it's nice to have the company, but I wish you no harm, Please do none to me. Like I would talk like that because I knew I could feel the energy, but I didn't really at that point. I hadn't seen anything yet, but I just.

Knew a believer in that stuff obviously, Like, so you must have had experiences.

Kindn't really that I can recall. Actually, no, it wasn't like I was, you know, one of those kids who's touched and sees people that you know throughout their childhood and then you know, I definitely was open to it. I understood that it was possible. I don't have a that doesn't.

So you would just wake up in the middle of the night and you're like, oh, this is what they talk about.

Yeah, it feels like something's here.

Yeah, And there would be cold patches or things like that, you know, And I had it was a great space. So when my friends would come to visit me from New York or wherever, you know, I would put them up there and I would stay somewhere else if so they could. Like I had a friend a couple that would stay there and they and I had one girlfriend come down who stayed with me for like the weekend, and I woke up in the middle of the night and she was gripped to me like some kind of like and I was like, what are you doing? Are you on? You know, because we weren't romantically involved is why I said that if we had, it would have been no big deal. But but she was like, there is someone. She's South African. She was like, there's a woman with a petticoat standing at the foot of your bed. And she talks like that really hot. And I was like, what are you talking about. She's I can't go pee because there's a woman. So I was like, okay, and I just kind of like, it's fine, go to sleep. When my other friends came and stayed. They the next day, I saw them after their first night, and the gentleman named Rob was like, Hey, by the way, there's a woman with a petticoat in your house. You know about it, right, And he did see. He's always seen other like ghosty, you know, throughout his life. He's one of those people. So he's very dry about it. He's like, you know, there's this woman that she has the full petticoat, like the eighteen hundreds and I was like, huh interesting and and one night, but.

You get that information and you literally are able to just go okay.

Well, I was just like, yeah, that's what my other friend said. Well, you know, I don't harm them, they don't. I had this really like I don't know where the courage came from, because when I think back to it now, it makes me shiver. I'm like, why was I so brave about it? But I think at the time, because I was the first time really living alone and all of that, even that, I wasn't gonna let that ruin that, you know what I mean, in my new house, and I was. I decided they were friendly. I just decided there was no malice, you know what I mean. I was like this, It was still.

Creepy the thought of like, all that sounds great and theory like for me to be like, oh, yeah, they're not harming me. But if I knew that there was a lady with a petticoat in my house, I would be getting sage up in there, I would.

Well, And that's what we led too, because basically after that, there was one then I was sleeping alone one night and I had to pee and I and that what woke me up beside to pee. But when I woke up, the first thing I saw, so I was like, okay, I got in the other room was a man at the foot of my bed with a Now there's a man. Now there's a man at the foot of my bed with a hat on, like old timey eighteen hundred's kind of it is impossible.

It was a drag queen and it was the same person, because that that would be me if I was.

If I was, you would have done both the petticoat and the hat.

However, I feel on that night, you know, if there's like some fact in a South African lady there, I'm like she might enjoy the petticoat, I'm gonna pull that out and then like maybe another night.

Like those cutout dolls, are they had the cutout outfits.

I'm a paper doll.

No, maybe, but I don't think so, because it was very much a thin dark man, like dark as in like I couldn't see a face. It was just this hat figure, no shadow. It was like, shut up, oh my god, you couldn't see it.

Now I have chills, and I don't think I could you see like clothes no.

Yeah, it was like the full It was almost like one of those Westerns where some but he is in just like you know, full guy outfit like whatever that is a big coat over it and a hat. But I just couldn't see the face. And I immediately, uh turned my head to the right and my heart, I can you know when you can hear your heart like outside your chest. It was like and I just was terrified because there was a man at the foot of my bed and I'm a woman alone and this day got it. I'm sleeping. I woke up from from sleep and I so my head's to the right, my heart's in my chest, and finally I just go I had a pee, and I turned back and.

He's gone, and you vocalize that.

I was like, basically like listen, dude, get out of my house. I got a pick and so then I went and used there.

He just disappeared. Yes, he was like my bad.

So I had to do a little research at that point because I was really beginning to have a mild plus disturbance. It hadn't even worked up to medium plus yet. Because I was just sure that at least no one had, you know, nothing bad had happened. It was more like, oh, here's a little view of somebody from the other side. Yeah, well, let's not get I swear retelling it all the time. I get more for clemps, you know what I mean. Yeah, it's pretty intense.

Did you go to like the library and the machine and or like, no, No, here's the thing.

This little town has its own little library that's like, there is no machine, but you can research like what it was back in the day. And and so I go through and I'm like, I'm going to check out this building. I don't know what if it was, like let's let's say it's called the Smith Building or something, right, So I start to do my research whatever. And as soon as I find the building, it says coffins, caskets and and blah blah, sales for the small town of Da Da Da and and I literally went kind of white at that point because I realized. First of all, I was like, wow, they don't tell you that, and you rent the place? Cool. And then I go and just walk to it because it's literally so small you can walk through the whole town. And I walk and I walk outside the building like I'm on the street looking at the building and you can see faint lettering that if you're far enough back in squint that still says coffins caskets and who knows, like if it was like a burial or embalming. I don't, oh my god swear. And I literally just was ashen. And then I noticed it even said in the library because there were these double doors down below on the antique store side, big double doors, and so in the information they would drop the caskets, they would embalm people, I guess, and then they drop them into a horse drawn carriage and it had to come down through those double doors to get on the horse drawn carriage.

Oh my, yeah, that is so sweet.

So I started, there's a beautiful graveyard in the town. So you know, I kind of went down the rabbit hole. My sister and my friend, the South African, who was really freaked.

Out about it. It's so freaked out, you didn't know that.

They were like, we have to go, we have to Wigi, we have to and I don't like Gi, I don't like Tuigi. They did Wiji, which it was kind of weird because they were trying to get names of actual people that were in there, and match them to the graveyard because the graveyard is from the eighteen hundred. It's like, so you know, there was a moment where that that happened to me. That's even the least exciting part of you know, in terms of or the least like wow, mesmerizing, magical, ghosty part was when human beings try to figure it out. Yeah, you know what I mean, it was like it was creepy, but I and I don't really like I actually, thinking back, would wish I would have said, do not Wiji in this place, like, because that just brought out.

More because that's what they say.

You got to close the door, and a lot of times people don't think just ouiji and then they're like, oh, that was fun, but then that can open it up to more. Did you at any point talk to the people that lived otherwise in the building or the antique store or anything.

So the landlord? You know, I actually didn't. It was still I know, it doesn't seem mild at all, but it was mild enough that I and maybe it was just like I didn't really want to get that detailed and create more. Do you know how sometimes when you talk about things and you share it with too many people, or you start to see it more. It's like you buy a red car and then all the cars are red, right. And so I didn't want to encourage the freaked out because I had rented this place as my new beginning, and the last thing I wanted to do was make it a creepy new beginning after so much toil to get there.

You that's the opposite of me.

I know, But I mean there were things that over time, you know, got really untenable. And I'll explain if you want, I'll keep it.

Please, Okay, Oh, I'm fascinated.

So in regard to I'm just trying to think, I don't want to do one thing. I guess the best way In regard to your question, Yes, the woman who did live there before, her name was I'll have to make up a different name to protect the innocent, but let's say her name was Sarah.

That's the name that I was thinking. No, I swear, I almost just said it.

Oh, maybe that's her real name. She was an older woman, and from what I somehow to do, so maybe she her son died like she lost a son maybe during living there. I don't know, but I think that was because one day, so I never met her. She was there the entire time that I was married with my husband, as I like to call them. And one day I was walking in the neighborhood and I was just about to go inside, and she was. She this woman pulls up at a long time me and goes, hi, I'm Sarah. I used to live in your where you're living. I hear you're living there now. It's like, yeah, that's great. She was like, have you seen the children?

And children?

This is when I was like, this is not gonna be fun anymore. Why does she have to bring up the children? Why are kid goes so scary?

I talk about that all the time.

I don't know, but what I have said on this podcast is that their children and you just give them fruit snacks or something.

And I go away.

They love Welch's gummy fruits.

Yeah, a go gurt, you know, and if it has to be a go it has to be converted into ghost food go. Then you eat it and and you'd give them the rapper.

Or you know, you burp and then it's like it's the spirit of food just came out. I don't know. Give them a snack, they'll go away.

I like that. That's good.

I think things.

Well. She then went on to say, because my son would talk to them, I guess her son, who was a kid at the time. You know, they would all convert. They would. And this was just like she was acting as normal as I had been acting about having multiple ghost things happened to me there, almost as if the whole town was like, yeah, we live in a ghost town, deal with it. You know. For some reason, that was one of the creepier things. Again, all the human based things creeped me out more because that's in this realm. And for some reason, yeah, it is you know, super magical to think of other realms and them coming to this one, and the fact that, you know, but I believe in that. I you know, now there's probably other realms we just can't see what's going on, but they're here with us, right. So that's almost somehow more comforting than when humans get involved, because then.

Yeah, humans can be way creepy. I've read the news about crazy humans in Florida.

Yeah, exactly, some of those people.

I would rather have a petticoat lady over my bed at night.

Exactly. Ooh, speaking of which, so let's get onto that story. Not necessarily, I'm going to finish with what with my run in with Ms Petticoat, but I will share a quote unquote dream I had. I arrived from New York, I had a show to play, and I took a day nap in my haunted mansion. And I always put pillows over my eyes because I can't deal with light when I sleep, whether it's not dark or light, I like to have like a heavy thing on my head. And I had this crazy dream of wrestling this blonde like stringy blonde, like really curly but like almost like Afroba blonde, but huge like, and this woman was kind of terrifying, and we just wrestled in the bed like And I don't think it was actually a dream like in my nap time, it was quote unquote a dream, but it felt absolutely real, like I was fighting this ghost during a nap. Right. We've talked about the children, but.

Didn't seem like you guys were like out to get each other, like you were really like fighting or you're just.

Like kind of it was. It was like, yeah, it was a wrestle to the something, somebody's gonna win, and luckily I think I woke.

Up out of that.

But I also then had this so I have the pillow over my eye, and this was one of the I would say, probably one of the final straws. I had the pill over my eye and I was sleeping, and I had this sense, this presence that was there, so like, you know, I just knew, and in my dream or in my you know, I started talking to it and saying, hey, you know, I'm here alone. You know, I appreciate the company, like I'm not against the fact that there's multiple people that keep showing up in my place, but let's be friends, Like, you know, let's at least be friends. I don't want to be creeped out by it. It was what I was saying in the dream, and so I reached my hand out. I said, I really don't want to be afraid, so let's be friends. I reached my hand out to shake hands with whomever. Like I was completely blinded by this pillow and a satin glove, a woman satin glove shook my hand. Oh my, and it freaked me out so much that I quote unquote woke up right and I looked like I woke up, pushed the pillo off and looked, and a cat ran out of my room.

A cat.

Yeah, I have no cats, I have no pets. I had nothing like that. Like it was as if like that that was the quickest exit for like outside of just I don't know. It was almost like you know how they say like witches have familiars or whatever, Like she turned into a cat, and like that was what woke Like that's cool, right, It was really cool that one was like whoa, And so this was like, as you know, now, that's like what five or six different things because of all my friends.

Do you think the cat was real? Or do you think the cat was a ghost?

I think it was ghosty too. I just think somehow because of how quickly I like pulled my hand back and ripped the thing off, like that was maybe the quickest thing she came up with. I don't know. She didn't want me, Yeah, she didn't want me to see her in the whole thing, the petticoat, because I think that was the petty my guess is with the satin gloves.

Oh, she was fabulous.

I know, I kind of wish i'd ever seen her so one more kind of creepy, just natural disaster. Are you ready for this one?

Or should I just stop all of it?

Okay? So I wildly for a second, I was you know, you have rebound relationships and you'm like, you make a mistake and you date some fashion photographers a dick. I had that after the marriage. I was like, saw somebody for a short amount of time, and weirdly, there was this one weekend and I just knew, you know, I knew he was rotten, and I knew he was a liar, like at a certain point, but he very charming, right, So I was like, and you know, you're like lonely and like, all right, he's really cute, So I'll just deal with that to you know, hang out, and he like insisted i'd come visit him on the West Coast, and when I did, I just I decided kind of painstakingly. I'd had a show and I was like should I go? Should I not? And I just left. I was in Tampa and I just went. And when I came back my apartment there had been like this is strange because I had never heard about it. There's something called heat lightning that creates like a ball of energy that's so ferocious that it can tear through matter like actual like your home, and.

Like this is like an actual sciencey thing that happens in Coldia.

Heat lightning. Yeah, there was a terrible storm while I was gone, and my landlord basically said, so I got back to like part of my closet looked like it had had a like meteor had gone through what And I was like, wow, that's freaking weird, like that huge like rip in the I mean, this is an old building that's obviously weathered all kinds of storms. Yet there's this thing that looked like it tore through my like the roof into the closet, just strange, which had my things in it. And she said, thank god you were out of town this weekend because that particular lightning that would have killed any human being because it would find the warmth, it would find the living heat, Like if I hadn't left to see this jackass, thank god. This is why I think he's a wonderful human now, just ostensibly in a far away kind of way. But if he hadn't gon convinced me to go, chances are I would have been killed in that apartment because of this heat lightning.

It's joined the party yes.

They were like maybe trying to bring me in because they're like, well, you want to be friends, come to our side.


So I that was a real like whoa wake up call, like what I've never you know, I'm an old lady. I've had a lot of experiences and even like natural disaster weather things. This was really weird that this massive ball of lightning found its way into, of all places, my haunted place. And I was told you would have been killed if you were in there.

Wait, were there other people that lived in this building? No, it was just one big apartment above an antique store.

And the antique store, let's be clear, was full of a lot of you know, ghosts belongings. I'm sure I am the only other half of like the upstairs which which was behind this door that was the laundry room, and who knows what was there? I don't they you know, I didn't go in there. It was just all story antique. So like I lived just with a bunch of dead people's things and them, I really And it was the coffins and cask It was like where they embalmed people and trees.

That are slowly dying around you. Oh, it's pretty rare.

Everywhere, and I felt like, you know, I believe that sometimes when the body is disturbed after death too quickly, that like this, like it takes a while for the spirit to leave. And it's better to leave a body for as long as it, like for eight hours on dry ice, than it is to go like, ah, they're dead and start doing stuff to it. And so to me, that whole process, it's so I know that it's necessary, but I'm sure there were plenty of cases, especially back then, where it was like, ah, this kid was run over by a horse, let's go and balm him and throw it, you know, like and that that disturbs the spirit and that's often why give a minute, Yeah, exactly.

It's like going swimming after eating a meal. It's like, give me a minute. I'm quite ready for this.

Yet, exactly.


So yeah, I mean, I'm trying to think if there's anything more ghosty.

But so you still hadn't talked to the landlord about the ghosts the.

One time I talked to the landlord. And this is kind of going to finish up my ghost story.

It's okay, I mean it's a good one. You're really given the children what they wanted to hear today.

So, right, we know it's coffins and casket sales. We know you've seen multiple ghosts now, friends have seen multiple ghosts. It's just it's out of the bag. The cat's out of the bag. Excuse the pun with the cat that ran away from the satin glove. I mean I do now. Of course, I'm more curious now that I don't live there, in terms of talking to the woman who lived there for thirteen years in her children's stories, I mean, maybe I could put you in touch with them, and you guys could go on like a trip to Florida or something if you ever feel.

Like ooh, because I'm not brave when it comes to that kind of stuff. Yeah, it's pretty like hearing about it.

Okay, Well, so I had all those experience they were pretty rough, and I will admit that it had gotten to where I obviously preferred to be there when like my boyfriend was like I ended up starting dates in one and he when he was around, and then otherwise, you know, I'd spend a lot of time in New York, so I'd be back and forth to the place, and when I was alone, I was like, oh, it's kind of getting Like, finally, after I don't know, it was like two years, I decided it was kind of getting scary to live there because of just just getting up to his restaurant night was always like, Okay, oh am I God, who's gonna trip me on my way to the bad now? So?

Uh, but did you have like friends and people you knew in this little town or was it just sort of your home base and not in.

The actual town. No, Like my sister lived in the in like a town twenty minutes from there. Okay, so I mean I could always stay at her, but you know, and I had friends and the landlord I really liked, and she was a neighbor. So I always felt kind of like, Okay, worst case scenario, run out screaming in the middle of the night and go to her house and go, what the F's up at this place? But I thought, you know, I'm supposed to be an adult woman, so I'm supposed to be able to handle this shit.

That's not what I would think, like.

And so the final thing that like I was already experiencing, maybe I don't want maybe this is a little creepy, and I had h I was woken in the middle of the night, I had a landline by the phone ringing three am, never good, never good, and it was the creepiest male voice saying that he would do horrible things to me.

What yeah, like clear as day, like this is a human yeap. What did he say?

It was just very gnarly, you know, like Florida h like that dark kind of I just like southern grab sexual violence.

Oh my god, did you have caller ID or did you start sixty nine?

I don't know. I didn't. I don't think it had caller ID, and that would have been a good thing. What I did immediately. This was when I finally reached out to my landlord and said I got the most disturbing phone call at three am. That that officially scared me because that's a human being that I can you know, in my estimation, like maybe it wasn't. Maybe again, it was like some the guy with the hat being like, I'm gonna do a human thing. I don't know. I'm kind of always open to you never know. Sometimes they can command actual physical things and do harm right. So to me, no matter what, it was an absolute warning like that was the first time that I felt even though I know most people and you included when you were like why didn't you leave? For why weren't you scared? This for me was the final straw, because this was, you know, a promise of some kind of like horrible violence on my person. And I lived alone in a house that had a joke for a lock on the door, and you know what I mean, it was easy to break it, like you could get on the roof. And that was too much. That was too much mental gymnastics for me, Like that was too much to spend my nights wondering if this scary person that sounded really terrifying was going to show up. So I asked her about it. I said, do you know that someone? She said, you know, there was someone in prison this prison. This prisoner kept doing that on my answering machine, would just leave really gnarly, and I'm like, what do you mean, just a random prisoners, Like, let's preak call with my one call a day. Yeah, I'm going to preak call this woman and say horrible things on her message. So that it was a little mysterious too, because I'm not sure what that meant, like maybe maybe it was someone that didn't like her that you like, who just randomly picks numbers? Right, But this is the other thing. I didn't have her number, Like, I got my own phone line and my own number. It wasn't like, I don't think I I'm trying to remember. But no, when I I had to get my name on it and all of that, so I don't It wasn't like I just grandfathered in her phone line. H So because she was talking about her separate house across the street, that that would happen to her.

Were you listed?

No, it was a ghost, I think so because I wasn't listed, why would I listen? You know, that would be really silly in a small town. If I'd listed myself, I would have been stupid. Yeah, that's that's a ghost, I think so. So for me, that was it. I was like, yeah, done, un dusted. That was fun. And here's what's interesting is I actually my husband took the place over to do he had music, you like, he set up a recording in it because it's a beautiful apartment right with high ceilings, really good for He made a couple of records there, but he would only work there in the day time and I very rarely if he was tired crash. But there were always a lot of bugs in like his sound equipped, Like he would be recording and a huge hum would come throughout the whole, you know, and he'd have to and I don't think he ever equated it. But when he would tell me, I was like, oh, it's a ghost is They were like seriously like making his recording, but it was daytime, so they were always less active. It was always the night that they'd come out, kind of.

Which, why is it?

Why do they have to be extra scary? Know, except for the petticoat lady, but she was like, quick, I'm a cat.

Yeah, that's so cool, the thought of that being a familiar like right, oh, I hope that's what that was.

I don't see how it couldn't have been. It wasn't like I hopped up and looked around and the cat was like me, oh, let me out. It was gone. There was no pet.

What do you mean? Like, where did it run to?

Out of my So my bedroom faced like windows that way, but the door was to my left, headed towards the rest of the apartment. So I shook a hand and the cat ran like when I went what and looked? Then there was a cat that just through the door.

But it but it made its way outside of the entire apartment, right.

No, it went through the door into the main part of the apartment, but didn't exist when I went to it was not a real cat.

Oh my god.

Okay, yeah, I mean either way, it's really crazy. If it was a real cat, then it was like, oh, this is a real familiar situation. But also it turns into a ghost familiar like that's that's.

What I mean. It was not. It was like a whole It was a party between her and her cat, and they were both messing with me.

Oh I love that. It's so cool. But my worst nightmare. Yeah, so that's the end of the story.

I mean, that's pretty well. I think after that, yeah, after the phone call, and so I kept just just to contextualize it even more. This was I think between the years two thousand and six and just so two thousand and six, I rented the house, the apartment, and then my husband took it over. After I was like that's it, which I think was around two thousand and eight or nine, I was like, I can't do anymore. All my things stayed in there.

I kept it.

It was almost like a mausoleum, but I'm still alive of all my like you know, it was like out like clothes, but like personal photos, like more family photos and more personal items than anywhere else in my whole life. I kept in this like ghost place. For some reason, somehow that felt safe and smart to do. I don't know why, but I felt like that was And then just last is it Thanksgiving? Where are we now? New Year's Christmas? Thanksgiving? I think it was Thanksgiving. I went home, or I say it's home, because that's where it was, right. I went to visit my husband and my sister, and I landed, and I got an email from my landlord, even though he was the one who had taken over, but basically I was still technically she knew he was like renting, but it was like that kind of thing saying, I've the bank is foreclosed on me. I need to like everyone's being kicked at all tenants, like the antique store, you the other building I have, like I can't keep the mortgage up and I need you to move out effective immediately, like basically all my stuff would have been, you know. But weirdly this happened the minute I landed, I get this email from her.

She didn't have this coming, No, not at all.

And this is two thousand. Where are we in now? Nineteen? It was eight the end of last year, twenty eighteen. So from two thousand and six to eighteen, I maintained that, like, technically I lived in there this whole time, right, So that's what twelve years or something.

Uh huh.

And happened to land there for a week, So most of that week my husband and I were in there, like getting his music out, getting all my personal things out, and officially like really closed shop twelve years after renting like something. So and in reality, if I probably do the math, it's probably closer to thirteen, which is the exact time that the other woman lived there, in the exact time that my husband and I lived there, because we just had our anniversary March third, which was thirteen years divorced, same amount that we were together.

Oh my god.

So something about that space and my you know, trajectory or life and my was there was like all this stuff was part of that. And so I always think of things as blessings even when they seem cursed and vice versa, because my main philosophy is everything is a maybe. You think you'd got something that's so good and you're so excited about it, and it turns to shit, you're terrified, bummed about something. It's the worst thing that could ever happen to you, and it becomes the best lesson or teaching of your life. So this apartment equally was like that for me.

This is a good story. Okay, we're gonna play a game. It's my favorite game.

In the entire world that isn't called you know, it is called EVP or ev plicse. Do you know what EVP is?

Oh God, I feel like I know you have to remind me because I did hear it on your show, But it's okay.

In EVP electronic voice phenomena, it is when ghost hunters believe they've recorded a ghost and usually they do record something, but then they take it into their own hands as to saying what they believe it said. So I like to find EVPs from innocent people on YouTube and they say what they believe they heard, and I'm gonna make you guess.

Okay, okay, so I'm gonna play. These are special Florida edition. Yeah. So this one was posted by David Pierce Rodriguez. Uh, he says prism Paranormal Research, Florida at Gold Coast Railroad Museum in Miami is where they're at. Okay, and this was recorded in a dining car at the museum.

All right, here it is, that's it.


So the investigator asked, are you in the back of the car?

And this is what they get. I'll play it again, right, So what do you think they said? Was it a So she says, are you in the back of the car, and then the ghost says, is it a bitch? Please be cratzy. Maybe it was Italian ce back seat or d not really.

Ce back seat?

Yeah you hear it?

Wait, I mean, how do we.

Know this is the thing? What?

Well? I mean, it's so.

Easy just to we're guessing what an investigator said.

Right, So this is an actual investigator, an investigator have their license number and all that. Okay, here we go.


This one was from Tina Marie Weber. Tina Marie Weber, and it's from Gold Gulf Coast Paranormal Research. This is in Crestview, Florida. And I don't know what the location is, but here's what we hear. It's more of a whispery one.

Oh god, that's creepy. Let's hear it again.

Is it a your purse is okay, just like your person? That's okay. B, we're not joking. See, you're first milking. I don't know. Maybe it was a farmer ghost talking to like a cow and it was like relieving, reliving that. I don't know, or d I want a personal pam pizza? What was B? We're not joking.

Let me hear it. Please, personal plant pizza.

That's what it sounds like to me, but it's supposed to be we're not joking, which is ironic.

That might be.


Yeah, I think so, that's so sure? Please?

Well, hey, I guess that's about it.

Oh my gosh, what fun. Thank you for letting me expound and explore that story.

I'm not kidding.

Very fine.

So tell everybody about your music and what's going on with that and where we can find you and everything that's going on.

Oh my goodness. Yeah, well I have a single out. I put my first ever single out under my name, congrats. So if you go search Spotify for Rain Phoenix you'll find it. And I'm making a record right now. So that's where you'll find my record when it's out as well, and some shows coming up I think in June, but who knows. You can find me in all those silly social things. I'm rain Jay Phoenix on Instagram and Twitter. Oh and you can also find me at Launch Left on Instagram, where we launch emerging left of center artists. We have iconics, iconics and music. I Liketical icons of music launch emerging bands. Check us out there. Love that, but thank you because this was like good to re live it with people in the daytime that I trust in light and it was actually strangely, parts of it were more creepy talking about it so far away from the location than at the time, which you know, I don't know if that just points to the fact that I'm incredibly dissociative, or if I genuinely at the time I genuinely felt like if I have the courage to live through this ghosty situation, I can do anything.

Oh my yeah, there you go.

You know what I mean.

It's weird how when you look back at thinks like I think about things like in my early twenties, to situations I put myself in where like.

Looking back, I'm like, oh my god. By the time you're just like whatever, like this is crazy, Yes, I get it.

Yeah, Well, thank you for letting me share my story.

Of course, thanks for being here.

You're awesome.

Thank you so much to Rain. Oh my god, with that the cat story, I can't get over that. Guys, thank you so much for listening. This is just everything's going great and I love it. Please keep telling your friends about the show so we can continue to grow. And I'm just I love hearing from you guys. And there's so many ways that you can get a hold of me. If you've got a ghost story now, of course I love it when you do it on Apple podcasts. If you give me five stars, I'm telling you it really really helps out the show. So if you can give me five stars, that'd be great. Write a review. You can include the ghost story there, or you could send it to me at ghosted by Roz at gmail dot com, or you could follow us on Facebook. You can like us on Facebook and follow us there. There's a page called Ghosted by Roz dress fALS. Then there's the group where you can share your stories and if you hear any ghost news, you can share it there. That's ghosted by Razor No sorry, ghosted by Roz dress fALS is the name of the group as well. I am on Instagram. Help my childhood dream come true of being an insta celebrity by following me at raz Fallese and I have a Facebook page for myself as well, and you can see me live. I'll be at the world famous Hollywood improv for my comedy game show, The Once Over, which is on the eleventh of May at nine pm, So I hope to see you there. Okay, I'm gonna reveal that next week. My seriously, one of my biggest dreams in the world came true. I got to sit down and talk to Cassandra Peterson, also known as Alvira, Mistress of the Dark.


It was serious. Oh, It's the biggest deal in the world for me. And it's just such a perfect interview because not only is she just a horror icon, she is a comedic icon. She is so great to hear on a podcast, but she's also got an incredible ghost story. It is a ghost story. It reminds me so much of like American horror story Murder House, where she lived in this old, gorgeous house in the Hills that decade after decade had crazy incidents happen, and the ghost experiences that she had when she lived there, she saw full body apparitions. I won't give away too much, but I hope you can tune in next week because it is going to be huge. Jah all right, well that's it for this week. Thank you all so much for listening. Thank you to rain Phoenix, and thank you to everyone that shared and read our articles in the tabloids last week. I love you guys. I'm Ro's dressful ass and as always, I love you both living people and dead people. But if I didn't ask you to haunt me, don't haunt me. Came Back

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Ghosted! by Roz Hernandez

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