Roz is laughing the hour away with comedians Rachel Scanlon and McKenzie Goodwin as they talk about their synchronicities as best friends, a case known as The South Shields Poltergeist, and they have a look at not one but two "haunted" eBay dolls!
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What's that at the bed. It's spooky. I'm really sure it's dead. It's coming, it's way Wait a minute, I I LOSAs Pa. Hey boo, it's me Raz. I have a very funny episode for you today. I was laughing so hard with these two. These are my friends Rachel and Mackenzie, and we've done a lot of shows together in the past, and I think that I'm going to try my best to have two comedians on at the same time as much as I can, because I feel like every time we do that, it ends up being really really fun and funny, and it just feels a little bit more slim party vibes. You'll see what I'm talking about. So I say we just get into it. Enjoy the episode. There is a video version which you can find in the description of this show. Also my Patreon link where I do weekly episodes and videos and all of that. Okay, here we go. Here is me talking to my friends Rachel Scanlon and Mackenzie Goodwin on with the show. Hello, Mackenzie and Rachel, how are you so but turned on? Hello?
Hello Mackenzie.
You guys crack me up. You have a podcast and a live show. Am I allowed to say what the name of it is.
Actually, you have to you have to go for it.
The show is called two Dykes and a Mic.
Don't I say you weren't our emc in enter years ago saying one of these dikes, he's dumb dikes over here.
Here's the thing I have. I feel like maybe I'm allowed to I did go to second base with a woman in two thousand and nine. Yeah, it in baseball terms for you guys.
Thank You're actually.
Sorry softball terms, because I do know that you dabble and we do. So I don't know if I'm allowed to say, no, anyone listened to this. If you don't like that I said that, I'm sorry. I'm saying a title. Yeah, it's called two.
Dykes, and I mean it's a title. It is us. You're allowed to say it.
Yeah, thank you for having that name. Oh it's easy. I came up with it in twenty and thirteen. It was an open mic and I ran it with my ex girlfriend at the time. That's right, So story with the bar mic and then Mackenzie basically tried to have sex with me.
And I'm just going to stop here. That's false. Well, it feels that's false.
She's slid in my DM No, no, no, they're touching me right now.
There's always a lot of tension, but the two, there's no tension.
McKenzie and I.
I mean, if I may are and I don't want to over whatever. We're cosmically connected, correct, don't you believe that?
I do, and I've never I'm from the Midwest, Okay, Minnesota, goal, through and through. Do you understand the dairy, the drinking. They do not really as into like Crystal's astrology, you know, it's much more like.
Your people of the land.
Yeah, we're like blue collar type of just like whatever. I moved out to LA and then Mackenzie and I have been drawn to each other. So basically we moved to the same block of Los Angeles in the same month, in the same year. Random she's from Arizona, and then we are. Birthdays are just a few days apart.
We have the exact same tattoo on accident.
We got it before, years before.
What is why now they're for different meanings, different meanings, same wrist, same tattoo.
Something. I talk a lot about synchronosities here, and that's something I think. Okay, I think it goes along with the paranormal to say, like everything happens for a reason, and like people come into your lives, like I think that there's it's part of the conversation sometimes, like how do you deny stuff like that?
It's too big of a coincidence.
There's no such thing as to this, right, I say, when I lived in the Midwest, coincidences all day on cod I get out here, three crystals around my wrist, one on one of my fingers, and now there's no more coincidence, right.
I feel like in the Midwest I was raised, it was like, oh Jesus put you here. But I'm like, no, the universe has made this. It's all the same, you know what I'm saying? Right, and now here we are pushed together, Kens and I and we looked up our chart.
We did a full birth chart on both of us. Okay, it's all the exact same, creepy one for one.
What's different it's.
I'm a Capricorn in one of my houses and.
She's a Scorpio, so it makes me sexy in her business.
Oh, which if that ain't us, that ain't right?
Wow, So how how much further does these do these paranormal type beliefs go for the two of you. Are you are you? Are you guys on the same board? You know, on the same page when it comes to constantly.
Yeah, we always have the same thoughts and we're.
Very much We're both pretty intuitive for how type A we are, so we're very like organized type of like you know, beings. However, I think we're both pretty open to the other side. Mackenzie. I think not maybe not you, but definitely your friends identify as like lesbian witches like you kind of have a coven I do.
Yeah, are you a witch? You know? I used to do a.
Lot of taro and we'll get into we'll tell you what happened, okay, But I did surround myself with a lot of witchy lesbians.
Yeah, a coven of like witchie Dice in the valley, and they're all and if I just may say, hot as fuck, yeah, and scary and witchy, I want to be one.
You actually look like all of them.
Yeah, I'm gonna be honest.
That's one of the nicer things I've ever heard.
It's true.
I look like a lesbian witch in the valley.
Yes, yes, you do.
Are I kind of am. I mean, I don't necessarily, I don't believe in label. Yeah, but I'm definitely like which adjacent?
Sure, yeah, your hair is giving which going to eyeliner? The ghost tattoo?
Thank you?
Oh my god? Okay you guys, okay, so so okay.
So Mackenzie has like a coven and I had never had my tarot read before. McKenzie is the first person to read my tarot. So she used to have like wine nights. She would have her like hot dikes over. They'd all bring their dicks, you know, shake out the tarot decks. Yeah, what did I say, I mean it sounded like dicks.
Well you never known. I don't know what you do.
I mean, who's to say? So you'd bring her like, okay whatever. And at this time in my life, I was in like a few transitional spots. But I also remember thinking that I was like, do you know when you're like twenty four and you're like, I'm it's before you know you're a mess, and you're like, I'm the best. No one has ever done it as good as me. I'm the hottest I'll ever be. I'm fucking the most people that I ever will And you like kind of need to be taken down a peg. I was at that point in my life. Mackenzie read my tarot. First time I ever had my tarot read. Was it you or was it Steph? It was me? And I'm like, okay, let's go do your worst. It's gonna say that I'm gonna be rich and famous and have like fourteen wives. And she drew first, I see like the death card and I was like, okay, I got.
A big deal.
It can mean you know, misleading, right, And then there was like a sword going through a heart and I was like wolf, okay, who knows what that is? Loll not me. And then the last one was like I think like somebody walking out of a door into a dark hallway and I was like, what the F is that? So she gives me like a pretty fine reading. And then basically in the next month, my grandma passed. I was fired from my like talent contract job, and I was dumped for the first time and heartbroken, all which I predicted.
Yeah, and in that order too, on the.
Exact stunth Yeah, and the order that the cards came out in.
That's something.
And I have stopped doing taro.
And I have never I refused to be kind of like near somebody who could possibly be like, tell me what my future will be because it was too much. Was it the cards? Who knows? But it was accurate and it scared me.
That's great. So why did you Why did you stop just because you were too good at it?
I just you know, I stopped because I was like, I got kind of bored of knowing things that were gonna happen.
Does that inclecause you were always right a lot of ways.
I was right, and I was like kind of bored with knowing what was going to happen.
It takes away the missed Yeah.
Do you ever have dreams that come true?
I don't dream. Oh famously, I have said. And I'm afraid that this is that this means that I'm a serial killer or something, which I am not a serial killer.
Yeah, just so that.
That implies that I would do the same thing over and over again and commit to things. I'm not a serial killer.
Okay, good, But but no dreams. You just go to wake up. Nothing happened.
If you're on nik will nothing good.
I don't take Do you drink.
A lot of alcohol?
I'm sober?
Same my dreams came back hard.
I feel like maybe they did when I started being sober, but like, nope, nothing happens fascinating. Yeah, and if it does, it's like low budget productions. L No, literally, I'm not kidding you my dreams. I've talked about this before, Sorry listeners. But people tell me, oh, I had a gym's falling off a cliff me. There's a green screen behind me, and I'm just flailing my arm. We don't have no budget. Yeah, the CGI it is like, not not good.
You would have paid to go see on union, right, I wonder what that says about your life?
Fascint That's what I'm saying. I don't I don't like to talk about it because I feel like people are always.
Like, uh oh, I was just gonna say, because if you kind of are intuitive, and you were good at tarot cards and you kind of get these like type of messages that come through a lot, at some point you're like, I don't actually don't want to know, right, you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, you stopped.
I put them away. They're in the drawer. They're not coming back out.
They're not coming out. They're done.
They're not coming out.
Even if you're like up for a job or something like, you don't want to know. That's the part that drives me fucking crazy about this life that we've chosen, is like when am I going to get the call?
That makes me not feel like I'm gonna not be able to eat food next week.
Yeah, the constant anxiety.
I need to know.
Yeah, but what if you.
Keep knowing that it's not coming? That's what I'm saying, So then I.
Can start getting my real litter license earlier if I knew. I mean, like, I don't need to keep Why am I grinding so hard?
Because well, maybe it's coming in two years. I was upset because I kept telling people that it's not coming and it's not happening, And then I felt bad because they were very upset.
Right, Yeah, you have too much power.
I Yeah, I don't want to tell people that it's not happening or that they're gonna get dumped.
Yeah that sucked.
And then that messages with people because then they think, oh, well it's not gonna work anyway, so I might as well not try, or.
And what if I'm full of shit?
Also a possibility, and you know it's like like when you're doing any type of like readings, there's like the filter of your own mind. Right, you're kind of like putting on like Mackenzie's interpretation of the cards or whatever.
Right, because I could have been fully about that person because I had already known what was going on.
You know, you knew her.
I knew her very well.
That is the thing. See, I want to pretend that I'm a psychic and just tell people like so that they'll listen to me.
Yeah, you know what I mean.
Like if I didn't like your girlfriend just being like she's cheating. Yeah, I'm getting a feeling that you really need to break up.
I like your way of breaking the news like she's cheating strong.
I'm seeing her holding hands with a different woman.
Yeah yeah. Wait, So do you guys believe in ghosts or where are you at with ghosts?
I believe in spirits, not ghosts. I don't know. Okay, I think it's all marketing, branding.
Yeah, sheets with holes and none of that. Yeah, okay, I get it.
Yeah, you're not thinking about like a Halloween ghost king of like a an entity of somebody who has passed from the physical world.
Yeah, I don't think you can see them physically, but I think that they're there. Does that make sense?
Like theirs?
Yeah? Yeah.
I don't believe in ghosts because I feel like ghosts are portrayed as something that you can physically see.
And you don't believe that people can physically see a ghost?
No, I wonder if. Okay, but I also I don't know enough about it.
Do you have you ever? Do you believe in mediums?
People? So you think that there are certain people who can connect with the spirits? Yes, yes, when they're connecting. Do you think that they see like a face and like a human body.
Yeah, but I don't know if it comes to them. Does that make sense? I don't think it shows up right in front of them. I think it's like more in their minds.
Okay, all right, but again I don't know enough about it.
Well, let me tell you.
I want to hear everything.
What about you, Rachel?
Well, I so like sadly because obviously you've been a fan of this podcast for a long time, haven't. I've never seen a ghost in my eyeballs?
How did you get in here?
Oh my gosh, you guys can't see her? Right? But like, okay, thank god. But I I'm a huge fan specifically of the medium Teresa Computo allah the Long Island Medium icon, and I was essentially raised on Long Island Medium.
Oh my god.
So for me, all of my kind of like beliefs about the spirit spirit world are from my like obsession and love for Teresa Computo. So do I think that there are people out there that are scamming grieving families. Yes, and I think they're very bad people. But I also think that there's a really good place when if you can like maybe not exactly see like a a actual like be the word aberration. What am I trying to say? What is it?
What am I saying? An APERCN apparition application?
Got it?
You know what? I'm not going to get it, but you if we all know what I'm talking, move forward. Okay, thank god? My ask just flies off. Okay, they're here. I don't know if they necessarily they're seeing them, But I do think that there are people typically like people that can connect with their own instincts and intuition, that can get vibes like from people that have passed, and then that that can be interpreted to like comfort or send messages to the physical world.
What about like a haunted house, this idea that, oh, this house has a woman in white that roams around at night.
I want to believe that. I think that's so cool.
Well, I think there are certain places that are fucked up because of trauma. So like there's this like glave yards, like graveyards maybe, but I like love graveyards. And we just talked about this, yeah, because I would fucking a graveyard and.
I would never write.
So like that's something that separates us, Okay.
But like it feels disrespectful.
It's not disrespectful. Love making is just like bringing life into a place where they don't get to bone any.
Okay, you didn't say love making, you said fuck.
But we all know what I mean, and I mean it with no disrespect please, But like, I don't know. I think there's like, okay, the there's a college in Minnesota, and like the Bluffs, there's literally a third floor that exists. There is a dorm. Okay, floors one and two students. Third floor roped off with a chain, no students because of whatever. We don't really talk about it. They're like, oh, used to be hospital whatever, we don't know. And then you can hear I slept there. You can hear footsteps on the third floor, but it's closed off.
You don't think it's college students breaking in.
Who's the skeptic?
Now, I'm very skeptical of this stuff. My thing with the paranormal is weigh out all the options, and if you can't find an option, then that's what we got. We got the real stuff.
Yeah. I mean, I don't know if like a house would have like I don't think a house has a spirit, do you know what I mean? But I think that there might be spirits in a house that would be there to kind of like cause ruckus if there was enough bad shit that happened in there. I don't think if a house was so good.
But what about good stuff I hear about? Okay, I grew up in a haunted house. My grandmother didn't die bad. She was like a nice.
Ghost, and she knew that she was there frequently.
No, she would come and go.
She would come and go.
She wasn't always there.
That's fascinating. What would she do?
These listeners are so sick of they already heard this story. But like she appeared to me one time, she like moved a couple of things a couple of times, just stuff like that.
I like that, like a friendly ghost that would be there in order just to say, like, let you know that they're around. Yeah, that's that's sweet. You would want that, so Grandma.
Yeah, yeah, Well let me tell you about a ghost that was not so friendly.
I got a story for you, guys. Okay, so strap in.
I'm strapped, but not in.
We are going to go back to a time known as two thousand and five. The year's two thousand and five. Tom Cruise is jumping on Oprah's couch, Gwen Stefani let us know that she is indeed not a holliback girl, just the stuff. And there's a couple in northeastern England that is being terrorized by a poultry geist. Oh, this is the story of the South Shields poulter geist.
And a polter geist is a ghost sort of it.
Goes along with it. It's typically physical, not so much attached to like a human spirit. A lot of times it's centered around one person. A lot of beliefs are that it's more of like a telekinesis, like moving things with your mind from the spirit world.
Are they evil? Are poultry guys always evil?
They can be. Sometimes they're not intelligent, they're just moving shit around. Oh wow, gin a gin? I mean that's something different, But I think that a gin can have those capabilities. It's one of those things where it could just be a characteristic like, like it's just one of the things I do. Is I like, I am a Poulter guyst like, I'm.
Just like, I'm just so silly.
I am a demon. But I also just like throw shit sometimes. But then there's other people who are like, no, I am a Poulter guys, like this is actually my life and it's offensive that you sort of do this.
Sometimes it's fascinating, kind of like open micros versus full blown stand up coming to like.
This is not a hobby, this is a life.
Stright right, Okay, this was a Poulter guy, got it?
And the year was two thousand and five.
From the top, Oh my god.
So uh So this couple that lived in this house, they never went public with their name, but they had a son's give them let's give him some names.
So a man and a.
Wife, straight couple, Roger and Kathy.
Roger and Kathy sure fast and they had a son, Rachel, I'll let you okay, So Rachel Katy wait no sorry, Oh hi Kathy, I'm bad with names. Roger Roger Kathy and Gregory Gregory Roger Kathy Gregory. Okay. So they're living in this house in England. One night in December, they come home and there are two chairs that are stacked on top of a table and they're like, what what is this all about? They're like, either somebody broke in or we have a Poulter guys or something. So they start noticing that things are disappearing in their house and then they reappear. They have a chest of drawers that moved out of a bedroom and into a landing. They just found it that way. So one night they're slipping into bed, slipping. They slipped, They slipped right in. They take off their clothes.
Right you know, they're probably like that they're nude.
Some sources say. And they have this three year old kid, you know, so.
Oh Gregory's young.
The kids sleep in bed. Let's just like, come on, let's go in, you know. So they go into the bed and all of a sudden, what's her name again? Who's the wife? That's Kat Kathy. Kathy's just laying there. Wham, something hits her in the face. It's a it's a toy. Some say it's a dog toy. Some say it's a little kid's toy. Hits her in the face. She gets up, She's like, what was that? Turns on the lights. Wham, another one hits her in the face. Turns out everywhere, No, there are toys being thrown at this. They get under the covers and they're like, what the hell is going on here? And that all of a sudden, the sheets start getting pulled. Now they're doing a full on tug of war. And then the husband screams in pain. His back is feels like it's on fire. What he looks at his back? Thirteen claw marks on his back?
Where's the baby, Gregory?
Yeah, a baby sleeper gas. I don't know. He's like, are they doing in there?
They're over here screaming. Shit's getting this ghost is a freak Okay, So they've got thirteen he's got thirteen scratches. And then he wakes up the next day they're gone, you know, like that, it's already gone. So a bunch of shit keeps happening. This story feels too good to be true. I did find this on the internet. There is a book written about it, but it's like, this is a crazy story. Yeah, and it's like not highly publicized. I sure hope this isn't a fake story that I'm falling for right now. But it's a good story. So anyway, one day, the wife Kathy finds her son's rocking horse hanging from a ceiling fan. No, the son, Roger, Robert, Roger Roger. He says that he's seeing people in the house. Doors are slamming. They find one of Roger's stepped animals sitting on a landing with a box cutter on it.
Move out.
What are they still doing there?
Well, so they contact these paranormal investigators named Darren w Ritzon and Mike Hollowell. Now by the time, so that was December of two thousand and five. Now we're in two thousand and six.
Ross, damn, you straight to hill.
It is now summer of two thousand and six. Yes, right, Pirates of the Caribbean. Oh yeah, dead man's chest is now sweeping the box off. Land's bass has come out of the closet.
Oh God bless him.
Also coming out of the closet toys flying. It's continuing. So they've got the paranormal investigators. They've come to town. And day one they get there, one of the Sun's toys flying. There's a ball that appears on the bed from the little boys. It's hot to the touch. There's a nightlife that pulls itself out of the wall. Months go by, it's getting more and more violent. It starts throwing knives at people. It's really focusing in on the husband and on one occasion he feels pain again. And luckily they were able to call the paranormal people. They show up and they actually took pictures. Actually have pictures here. He had a bunch of scratches on him.
You have photos, I do.
Yeah, this is more chest. Now. We don't know what these who these people are because they didn't come out with their name, but.
We know, wow, we do have a nipplebell.
There's another picture that they took of just like a bottle what just.
Like on its side sideways.
You'll have to watch the YouTube version of this to see what we're talking about. So then they start receiving phone calls from their landline because back in two thousand and six, in two thousand and six, you could text message like a landline and it would be like a robot voice that would like translate it, I guess. And so Darren w Ritson, one of the paranorm investigators, he wrote the book on this, and he also wrote this article on Spooky Aisles dot com. And one of the things that he's saying this is directly something that he wrote. He said, the phone from which the message was sent belonged to the husband. What was the husband's name, Roger? No, that was the sun. So all this time I was saying that the husband's toys. I don't think it was like that.
It wasn't those toys.
Different toys, right, Okay? So the message were sent from the husband whose name was Gregory.
No, Roger, Oh right, Roger, you doo take your back.
The year was two thousand and five.
From the top.
I can't get these damn names, right, okay? So the husband, the wife, and the kid. Yeah, So he writes the message was coming from the phone that the message was coming from was the husband's and it was right in front of us, sitting on the dining table at the time. So when we decided that all everyone present should remove their phones from their pockets and along with the cordless home phone, and we placed them on the table in front of us. The husbands, as mentioned, was already on the table. We were all sitting and chatting when the landline rang again. On this occasion, the message simply said hello Hello. It was like kind of like hello hello, like this is like a real body kind of thing.
Was it still British? Do you think? So?
Another message comes through a couple of moments later and then it says Saul Ray. So we're like, oh, this is a nice ghost whatever. Remember, all the phones were on the table in front of us, and by now we had even removed the sim card and battery from the husband's phone, yet the messages still came. Then the Poultrygeist began to send messages to the wife's mobile phone, and this time the first one said the bitch will die today, no and then going to die today, going to get you. I asked the wife to sit down and reassured her that by now, but now she was petrified, as you can imagine, I promised her that these text messages, this intimidation were nothing more than empty threats from the poultergeist. In an attempt to generate fear to either feed upon it, or worse still, because it enjoyed having the control over them. The texts, I said were nothing more than that. Later in the day and after our departure, the poltergeist had become so active in the house that we decided to flee and go and stay at her mother's for a while in hopes that she might get some resp I never know that word respite, respite, respite.
I think it's.
Respite, respite, respite, I don't I barely speak English. But on her way there she gets more texts. She telephones the husband immediately in a state of distress to explain to us what was happening. While speaking on the phone expressing her concerns about the poulter geist following her to her mother's, she received text message that said, please don't go. I will come with you, bitch, but it's spelled bitch wrong b ic h. Hysterical now frantic, she yelled down the phone to Mike, oh my god, I'm going to be frightened to go to sleep tonight, to which the poulter guys then immediately sent another text message saying I can get you when you awake and I'll come for you when you're asleep. B ic H didn't know how to spell that word.
It is a hard one.
It was as though the poultry guyst was listening to the conversation, so that.
Was all like responding in real time.
I don't like that. Yeah. So after they had been investigating this for months, it intensified one final week, just all of this stuff that was happening in the house, and then it just ended. It like got exhausted and was like it was over, which is a lot of times what happens with these poultry guys. They kind of they fade.
Out, they come in, they love bomb you, ye, and then they're like onto the.
Next Seriously, it's like it sounds like exhausting. Yeah, it's quite the commitment.
Well you can't just yeah, exactly, everyone's tired. Yeah, the phone bill, the text message face alone.
Huge, Right, Well back then, are you kidding?
In two thousand and six you got charged per text?
Are you kidding?
One time I use my mom's cell phone, and this was more like two thousand she was so mad at me. I don't remember how much, but in my mind it was like seventy three dollars because I one time I was sitting in the car. She was inside of her friend's house getting Mary Kay incredible. Of course, she had the phone for emergencies in the glove box, and I was like, I am ready to go. So I pick up the phone and I call her and that bill came. There was a polter guys of our own. So anyway back to this, they ended up moving out. They never reported any of it happening. Again, they never said their name. They didn't want to be involved in all the media and all that stuff. So that it leads you to believe it's pretty real. Yeah. And then Darren w Ritzen he wrote the book called The South Shields poulter Geist where he goes way more in depth on all of this. And I think it's a good story.
It's a really good one. And we got to see the picture of that nipple, which is Yeah.
It's interesting though that it starts a lot with like the children's toys. Yeah, you know, I'm wondering why it revolved around.
A lot of the children's toys.
The toys were hanging being stabbed, thrown the seahorse.
Well, they're probably not that heavy, you know, So as it was building up its strength. It was bulken up.
You start with the toissil milk, Yeah, you know.
It started out with the lightweights.
I also feel like kids are way more intuitive to being kind of like talked to by the other side or have the experiences of like the hauntings, because they don't have as much of the like filter that like adults do to be like it's not that right. I feel like they always have it. So they like kids drawing demons. There I said it, because we're all thinking it. Kids drawing demons and the spirits.
No one's thinking this.
They're kind of like condo. It's for the other side because they're not judgmental. And then this is what you get because I feel like polter geist always happens to like this new couple with their like young three year old. It's never like, I don't know, like a group of elderly people that are just peacefully hanging out. I feel like it's always like the families get it, which is why I'm never gonna.
Have kids because of this.
Specifically, I don't want to get poster geisted. No't know what you heard it.
I think sorry. The audio cutout for a second, it must have been a ghost. We have another segment that I like to do sometimes. I don't know. I'm calling it the Dolls are Living because I like to go to eBay and look at haunted dolls.
Why would you do that?
For sale? And they come with biographies and I want to see what you guys think. Yeah, now, I I actually found two today.
Yeah they're not here right.
No, no, I'm not at all.
I'm not doing that, okay.
But I have too. I would like to see if you guys which one you like more dolls? This is all. This is just all at random. I just choose these dolls at random.
Okay, do they look like us?
Does it looks just like mackenziecause she looks so much like a haunted doll? And everyone says that.
I actually do I mean yeah, mostly behind my back.
Well I've seen a lot of haunted dolls. They can look like anything. Yeah, these haunted dolls do? This was random?
They were lesbians?
Oh my god, how do you know what haunted doll is said?
Okay, these haunted dolls are for sale for sixty nine ninety nine.
Forty nine dollars. Is how much Bonnie is?
We got to start doing this as a side business, to start selling.
I know, I know.
Okay, So this is Bonnie.
Okay, what am I looking at?
Just like Rachel? That is okay, it's Rachel. You intend it to be me.
This is a mirror.
This is my Tinder profile. Oh my god, she's holding Okay, so she's holding which I'm assuming like either a Phillips or a flathead screwdriver. That is the size of her Torso goals. We got a flannel button up that I legitimately have in my trunk right now, and then basically my haircut in two thousand and six play the song.
Okay, so that looks too much.
Like a person because I was expecting adult like a cabbage patch doll. This is like the hook.
Why does it bring luck to the hole?
We're going to find out in a second. But see, here's like that.
To scale, I think she's like the size of a three feet tall ish.
I'm really trying to get the scale. Does it say?
I mean that's is that a sledgehammer? Next?
Is this a sex doll?
Okay? Here we go, Bonnie meat Bonnie.
All right.
She has a helpful handyman and who loves to oversee home repairs and renovations and put her expertise to good use. Bonnie loves architecture, woodworking, and weldness, as well as home brewing, hard cider and beer.
Okay, this is homophobic.
This charming porcelain and cloth doll can help you out of any home improvement jam and still make it on time to her date at the lesbian dive bar. Oh Man, any this offensive?
This is amazing.
It's pretty cliche.
Any gracious host or hostess will be sure to leave her peanuts and beer hysterical as tokens of appreciation for her hard work. If you're in over your hat with a home project, anit a woman who knows her way around a toolbox, invite Bonnie to get the job done today.
Note this listing includes eighteen inch doll with an adjustable stand. Tools and accessories not included. All information on this page is provided courtesy of my partner, a self proclaimed medium, and is meant for entertainment purposes only. No paranormal activity is guaranteed, and we only hope any future buyer is satisfied with their experience. Purchased at your own discretion.
Incredible, Incredible, Okay, so this was made by a lesbian couple.
I was going to say it's two like it's either hateful, yes, or an inside job.
One is an inside job.
So these are like two lesbians wants a medium and they're like, let's sell this doll to like other like it's a desbian to like paranormal activity.
But this doll's a little bit big, yeah, a little bit realistic, eighteen inches.
And I'm starting to worry that people are going to fuck with this doll.
I hope not.
Well, I have another one for you, this one right here. She is a little bit more pricey. How much much? Sixty five dollars?
I got it?
Yeah, that's nothing done.
This is Lisa.
Okay, so it's me.
Okay, see this is what I was expecting. Blue eyes, blonde hair, the same frills. Yeah, that is.
A gown I actually own.
I want you both to this is what you're gonna get married in.
Yeah, percent frills.
Hi, haunted doll needs frill.
This doll is a lot less scary than Bonnie.
I agree.
Bonnie frightened me.
But Bonnie looked like a masker.
Do you know what, skert Bonnie? These are people who wear like full body suits with faces on them.
Oh I saw a documentary.
Yeah yeah, that's Bonnie looked like oh interesting.
Finished each other's sandwiches.
This is perfect, Okay, here we go. This is Lisa sixty five dollars. Lisa was a late blooming lesbian who had been married for twenty two years. She had dearly loved children before falling in love for the first time at forty with a woman. She met the love of her life while visiting a spiritual retreat in Costa Rica. While there, Lisa met Joanne and the two instantly fell in love. They had exhilarating, intoxicating, intense stuff, sexual chemistry.
Ros don't look can me when you say sexual? I'm sorry.
Within a year, Lisa had packed her bags and moved in with joe Anne, and the ten years between meeting and Lisa's passing from sad news breast cancer, the two were inseparable. Lisa is looking for a female keeper who is ready for more love and intimacy. Lisa communicates well with the pendulum, the WIJA, and EVP slash EMF devices. She has sixteen inches tall, a little bit more petite, smoke free. I am required as per eBay's policy and on the paranormal to indicate that eBay forbids the sale of intangible objects, and this listening is for only the tangible doll and no promise of the spirit attached.
So because I'm just like listening to the description here, the person who has this doll is like, this is interesting in adamant object spirit in here, So I want it's right, of course, of course. And so she's like trying to it feels like she feels guilty, like trying to be like I would need a good home, smoke free, you know, take care of her for a keeper. She's not just like because now I'm like, if it was a scam, you'd spend you would charge more than sixty dollars.
I don't know if you would, I don't know. I really think that the three of us right now could go on down to Goodwill get a couple of these dollars, right we have really fun fun and we could say seventy five dollars.
Yeah, I think the karma bs because tell me, Lisa met Joanna and it took over a year to move in with her, and that's how I'm like, that's bullshit.
It would be sooner her whole life.
Yeah, but once you know that first one think oh yeah, so we so that's why this is worth Yes, were these people real? And now the spirit of that person is in the doll?
God, do they know Lisa's last name? Like I would if I were these people, I would track down the actual family and give them the doll.
Seriously, Lisa is way better. They talked to her through the Ouiji board and stuff. Say Lisa, what is your family's name?
Don't sell her on eBay.
Maybe she doesn't want to be with her family, but she's looking for a female.
Keeper, which is funny because that was how I got my girlfriend.
Kenzie's looking tender for a female keeper. So who doesn't smoke? Who can handle about sixteen inches? I shouldn't be on this podcast. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry you have to deal with this.
It's fine.
It's almost so early in the day as well.
Let me do another thing with you guys. Do you want to hear some ghost voices?
Oh my god?
Okay, it's kind.
For ev.
Or ev plice. Do you know what EVP is? No, it is.
It's when they record a ghost sound like actual sounds of a ghost really?
Yeah, Okay, I want to hear this.
Yeah, it's basically an audio recording of a ghost.
And what was the ev please?
That's the pun.
It's just sort of like a fun thing because it kind of sounds.
I like you, I like you.
So it sends for electronic voice phenomena or electronic voice holy please. So I go to YouTube where there's thousands of EVPs incredible, and I have two of them for you. I want you to listen. I want you to tell me what you hear. Then I'm going to give you some options, the correct answer being what these ghost hunters believe that it's saying. This first one is from Delaware Paranormal Research Group and it is in Long Neck, Delaware. I don't know where in Long Neck, but it's somewhere along the Long Neck of Delaware. Okay, what is it said? It's so hard to hear without headphones.
I got it, I got it, got it. I heard it. It scared me because I feel like it was talking to me.
What did you hear it say?
You can leave? Now?
I heard something totally. I heard leave, but I thought she at first said I think you know who I am.
I think you know who I am.
That is what I heard you.
That's scary.
Yeah, that's scary. Okay, well here's some options. Is it A look, I don't want to do this either. Is it B? You can leave now?
Is it C?
Who believes I'm real? Or D? I don't know, just nothing?
Well I think we have to go with I mean.
That's me when I forgot to write a d H. I don't know. I don't know. Okay, here we go.
It scares me because the whisper but I mean I think, yeah, I crushed it.
It is you can leave now, dude, good job, right, you can leave now?
Like very sexy.
Okay, well this next one is creepy before really here So this one is in Arkansas. I don't know where. Also, sorry but it's Arkansas ghost Hunters. They're the ones that posted this on YouTube. Get ready? What is it saying? Oh?
I got it right away and because I'm whispery.
Because I'm gay? Gay's way?
So what do you think that the person said because I'm gay? But they were probably like the ghost hunter was like.
Why are you so mad because I'm gay?
Oh my god? What are some other things I could have said? Why? Why are you busy all June, leave me alone?
Are there nail clippers all over this place?
Is that a gay thing? I don't know. I'm learning so much about your community. Okay, is it?
Does that what you think? Rachel McKenzie said, because I'm gay?
I heard because I can, But now I do believe it's because Okay, there's nothing worse than a gay go's just running around me in a bitch?
Okay? Is it a pick up my maid? Which I don't know what that scenario would be, my man? When you can't you don't have a car, but you're really bossy and you want your mad over now pick up?
Listen, Okay, it's possible.
Is it b a big ghost?
I A?
So she speaks like Yoda?
Is it C because I can? Which was your until you got influenced? Or is it d become us staying.
It's a good one too.
Okay, here we go.
It's because I can, but it should be because it's.
Okay, that's really impressive, Rachel.
I think I'm like tuned in.
You have looked over at my computer a couple of times.
I would never come up on here in disrespect? Do you like that?
But that was good. You pretty much got two for two and.
Like on the first feel two for two. Yea, over here, two Dikes know what they're doing with ghosts. We're changing, we're rebranding. We're going full ghosts.
Podcast my career.
You guys, that's about it.
I feel like I'm really good at listening to ghosts.
Well, that's great.
We should do this again.
This is awesome.
I would love to have you guys back. Please do tell everyone where they can find you and listen to you and all of that.
Oh you ra oh, We're at two Dikes and a mic everywhere all over social media. I'm Rachel Safety and you can find my Instagram and TikTok and everything across the board. See me, do stand up, listen to our show, come see us live.
Yeah, we're so much fun and I'm a mick. It's really easy. It's mc k goodwin. Yeah, yeah, it really flows easy.
And you can also buy a version of us in a lesbian doll on eBay as well. It seems like you want to check that out, just like forty or sixty bucks.
Yeah for the ball.
That bad.
That's a deal.
That's not bad, not bad at all. I know a lot about what the going raids around there, and that's good.
Yeah, two sixteen inches.
Well, I just have one last thing to say. You can leave now.
Oh, thank you so much, so much for having us. This is the best. I love you.
Then, thank you. Rachel and Mackenzie, Oh my god, they're so funny. Listen to their podcasts, see their live shows. I highly recommend also go to patreon dot com slash Rosdressfales link in the description. You could find a weekly podcast and a weekly video there from me. Are you subscribed to the show. Please follow it, like it, tell your friends about it. Rate it five stars. You could leave a ghost story in a five star review, or you could send me one at ghosted by Roz at gmail dot com. I am on Instagram at roz Hernandez TikTok and Twitter at It's raz Hernandez. I love you all, but living in dead. But if I didn't ask you to haunt me, don't haunt me. Hey bye.
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