
No Bad Energy from Kara Klenk and Liza Treyger

Published Aug 14, 2023, 7:01 AM

Roz is charmed to welcome Kara Klenk and Liza Treyger of That’s Messed Up: An SVU Podcast to discuss an alien abduction in 1970’s Mississippi, astral projection, past lives, and so much more.

This episode was recorded before the SAG-AFTRA strike.

Want to share YOUR paranormal experience on the podcast? Email your *short* stories to GhostedByRoz@gmail.com and maybe Roz will read it out loud on the show... or even call you! 

Be sure to follow the show @GhostedByRoz on Instagram.

What's that.

It's spooky.

I'm really sure it's dead. It's coming this way.

Wait a minute, I said, ms nadas.

Please, hey boo, it's me Roz and welcome to Ghosted by Roz Hernandez, the podcast where I talk to people that I like about weird and freaky shit. Today, I'm going to be talking to two of my faves, Oh my god, Kara Klank and Lisa Tragger. You might know them from the podcast here on Exactly Right called That's Messed Up. I love them both. Kara's been on the show before, and now we got Liza. It's gonna be fun to hear the two of them in their perspectives. But before we get into that, let me read you a story from a listener. This one comes from Kelly, who emailed me. Thanks Kelly. Kelly writes, Hi, Raz, here's a short ghost story. I was in my early twenties, living at home, working full time, and going to school at night. One day, at work, all day, I kept feeling like someone was standing behind me at the entrance of my cubicle, like they had a question.


I kept turning around, but no one would be there. I had a coworker who liked to play pranks on people, and standing behind you without saying anything, waiting for you to notice is totally something he would do. But every time I turned around, no one was there. I even got up to go to his desk to yell at him to leave me alone, but he was in his chair, headphones on, deep in the middle of a project. I felt crazy, but the feeling was so strong I couldn't stop turning around all day looking for whoever was behind me. After work, I went straight to school, and I was so tired of feeling watched that I sat in the back row against a cinder black wall, just so I would know that there was no one behind me. But I still had the feeling, to the point where I kept turning around just to look at this wall. My classmates must have thought I was insane. I would have brushed this off as my exhaustion from how busy my schedule was. But when I got home, my mom met me at the door. She said, oh, you're alone. I said, of course, I'm alone. I was at work in school and it's ten pm on a weeknight. Who would be with me? She said, I don't know, but I thought I saw someone walking in behind you. I was shook, but too tired to even process it. I went to bed and never had anything like that happen again. My theory is that a ghost was doing a trial run of haunting me, but decided that watching me go from work to school to bed was too boring to bother. I hope they don't give me a second chance now that I'm done with school and probably more entertaining to haunt. Okay, thank you, Kelly. I guess the lesson here is don't be too exciting or a ghost will want to follow you. Now that's not it. That can't be it. I don't know, but either way terrifying. I'm so glad it only happened to you for one day, because I can't be dealing with that. I don't like that living dead. I don't care. Nobody's going around with me everywhere I go, shadowing me. Now where are we going?


What's this? No?


Now, If you've listened back to the feed of the show, or you've been listening for a while, then you know that we do listener episodes. I love these listener phone call extravaganzas. Basically, the way that it works is I'll talk to I don't know three or four, who knows how many of you per episode, and I want some submissions. I want you to send in your stories so that we can possibly have you on in the future. Send me an email at ghosted by raz at gmail dot com. Put in the subject line listener episode, so that way I'll know that that's what you're doing. Here, here's the criteria I'm looking for. I don't want you to spend way too much time typing out your stories. And also if it's super long, I might not read it. Give me some bullet points with enough information so that I know what kind of stories you have. You know, for example, you could be like, lived in a house for seven years that was haunted. I would see a woman with a blue dress on walking through the hallway, like, just you know, that's sort of a thing. I love a good beginning, middle end. My favorites are definitely people that lived in a haunted house or currently live in one for a long time. Lots and lots of stories there. I also love Have you been abducted by an alien? I'd love to hear that. Have you had sex with a ghost.

Or an alien?

Tell me about it? Have you seen Bigfoot? Ugh, you know, I've never had a Bigfoot on the show. Would you be the first Bigfoot on my show? I'd love that. I get a lot of sleep paralysis stories and Ouiji board stories, so the competition is stiff when it comes to those two. So if you got one of those stories, make sure you send it in if it's just like extraordinary, out of this world, the scariest one you've ever heard. So me and my team we're gonna look through within the next few weeks, and then we'll reach out to you if we want to have you on the show. Guys, I'm going to talk to Kara Klank and Lisa Trager from That's Messed Up and we're gonna get into aliens today. Do you like aliens? Let me know I like it. I think it's all part of the same conversation here, all of this kind of unexplained stuff. I think they could be more connected to ghosts, encryptid creatures, and psychic abilities more than we even know. But who knows. It's fun to talk about.

All right.

Here we go. Time to talk to Kara Klank and Lisa Trager on with the show. Wow, I am beyond thrilled to have some of my exactly right sisters. I can now say I'm now part of the family. So we've got a return customer. We've got Kara Klank. Hello, Kara's brought along a little friend. I see a little friend here, Kara, who's your friend?

This is my co host of That's Messed Up in SVU podcast, The.

Hilarious Lisa Traeger. Hello, thrilled to be here. Hi, Lisa, I love ghosts.

Well, when I saw you recently when we were doing a show, I was admiring your oe gee board planned chet tattoo on your arm. Yes, I said, Lisa, is freaky.

Yeah, but I didn't know what it was called.

It's such a hard word for me to keep in my brain plan chat. I always want to call it tabernacle, but I don't even know what that means. It's like Kate Planchat.

Exactly, spooky drag queen.

Oh my god, Kate Planchat is a great name for a spooky drag queen.

Seriously, wait, that's not in existence, No it is now.

You just came up with that, yeah, damn.

But also, Liza and I were just talking yesterday in a separate conversation obviously about our favorite emojis, and she loves the ghost emoji, one of her favorite emojis.

He's just like partying and I love that.


It's like the ghost is up to no good and he's freaky and he's trying to like get fucked like I love the little Gustomers.

Oh my god, that.

Ghost is getting high and horny.

Yeah, so we have to assume that it at one point was someone that died and now this is them in ghost form. So it was probably something like, well, party a boo, Nick and Ni get laid.

It's the disco guy emoji, but dead.

He died at Studio fifty four.

Oh, I do want to say something if that's okay, okay please? So I go on postsecret dot com. I don't know, are you a fan of Postsecret?

I don't even know what that is.

So I found out about it when I was in high school. I bought like a hardcover post Secret book for a friend's birthday, and then what it is? It started as this blog like a suicide prevention thing where people would send in secrets on postcards. And it's the number one visited website with no advertisements. Still to this day, and every Sunday it's uploaded new postcards that people send him with secrets and some are spooky, some are sad, some are silly, and they're all just different people's secrets and they try to theme it out. So Mother's Day it's usually a lot of mother's secrets. There was one once around Halloween that changed everything. Okay, it said I was at the cemetery and I invited all the spirits to come back with me. Biggest mistake of my life.


Is that where it ended?

That was it?

And so it has haunted me forever because I'm always like I want to see a ghost.

I want to see a ghost. And then when I read that, I was like.

Oh, stop asking, I gotta stop wishing for the ghosts.

Well, that's the thing. They have nowhere to be. They're dead. They're just waiting to get invited to an after party. They will be there, right, I mean, then what it's like, Okay, everyone has to go back to the graveyard like it's getting late.

Like I don't want that, I know, because then the ghost turns into like that person at your party at like two am, and you're like everybody's kind of gone home, and the ghost is like, want to hear some more music?

Right? Well, they say three am is when they really come alive, So is that the rule? Three am? I mean they called that the witching hour approximately three am, But I'm always like, did they know when it's a time change?

Are they on daylight savings?

Yeah? Exactly.

Most of my friends that our parents call witching hour the hour before sleep time for kids.

I guess that's when they go the most nuts.

My son had a huge witching hour.

He would just cry uncontrollably from six to seven every night for a while.

Oh god.


The only thing I got to stop him doing it was I started playing like baby Mozart to him and he liked that and would chill out. Oh I would rather a three am ghost than a six pm crying baby.

Yeah, if I had to choose.


So, Kara, I know you're a little skeptical of this stuff.

Yeah, a little bit.

Where are you at on this, Liza?

I believe if you can't prove it wrong, I believe.

Okay, this should be interesting. That's why you guys are such a good duo together.

I believe in ghosts, aliens. What else is out there?

Bigfoot. What about Bigfoot?

No, not bigfoot, bigfoots where I draw the line?

Why Bigfoot to me?

I mean, I like the lore, but I do believe that if we found a Bigfoot, he'd be in a zoo. Like I just I don't believe that there's this bigfoot that's evaded all these you know, poachers.

I just don't buy it.


I liked Harry and the Hendersons.

Yeah, me too.

Oh yeah, classic.

And I love the Abominable Snowman. He's like a cousin I think of Bigfoot.

Oh yeah Yeahti's like, there's so many different bigfoot type creatures that people report seeing, and I believe.

You believe Bigfoot.

I mean, I don't know. But when you say I've never heard someone say poacher like, because now I'm like, I kind of want a bigfoot coat. I don't wear for but there's some video where Bigfoot to hair is gorgeous. It truly is.

I don't know.

I don't know why my association with Bigfoot is so upsetting. It's probably because it seems like a.

Man in costume in a costume. Yeah, yeah, I don't buy it.

Yeah, I know.

Oh, I also believe in mediums, mediums, all of that I believe in that.

Have you been to mediums?

No, there's one I've been dming and I want to go to her. And obviously something is like scaring me a little to not go. But it's I keep just paying for other things, but I want to go to this one medium who I believe in.

Yeah, that's me. Like if I get a check, I usually go right to a damn medium, and a lot of times I regret it. I mean, at the moment, it feels like they're always like hmm, seems like things are going well for you right now. I'm like, yeah, because you cost one hundred dollars and no one would just give you one hundred dollars.

No, this one.

I heard about it on a podcast, So Busy Phillips was on Les Culturista's podcast.

She was also just last week on this podcast.

Get the Fuck Out. Yeah, yeah, did she tell you about the medium? Yes with Shantira. Yes, Oh my god, that's the medium I want to go to.

Okay, that sounds like a pretty good one.

Let's put our cash together and go. I want to meet all My grandparents were dead before I was born, so that's like my goal. I want to like get some messaging from my grandparents.

The thing that was interesting though, and here's why I'm not gonna give any money at this moment, is because Shantira went to the psychic and the psychic had a message for Busy, even though Busy didn't even pay. So maybe if you go, maybe I'll get a little, you know, a little fall off to the side.

Oh and tell raz Yeah yeah.

Yeah, So I'm gonna wait and see how that goes for you. But have you ever encountered a ghost or anything like that?

Sadly no, Wow.

I've had like moments from like oh, the universe has my back, or like something's up, or I can't believe this is so perfectly timed. Yeah, but never a third party, like never.

Are you like a fate person? Remind me, Kara where you're at on that.

I'm the same, Like I believe in fate. I think that there's like things that are beyond coincidence a little bit. But I'm a skeptic on the ghost front. Yeah, I've never really had a thing. I've never really seen anything ghosty. But I will say after I did your podcast, the first time I get a text message I'm talking to my friends about how I did your podcast and how I don't I don't really believe in ghosts. And I get this text message from an unknown number, a number I don't have in my phone, and it's a video and it says I was once like you, a realist, afraid of nothing supernatural. And then it's this video, this ten second video that is like a girl in front of her TV, just like partying, and then you can see her friend is taking a video of her.

She's playing a game. It's a game where it's like a wooden surfboard on the wall.

Yes, she's holding like a washer and trying to get it to hit like a hook on the wall.

And when the girl pans around to see the wall, let me look at this.

You see, for like a half a second what looks like a woman in a nightgown walking in the hallway.

Nope, it's terrifying.

It's pretty scary. And I wrote who is this? And they wrote friends of a friend, and then the message says they moved out like a month later. And then my friends that I was with told me that it was our friend Zach who had sent it to me. But then I just asked him if he knew the people from the video.

He doesn't.

So this is like a video that's circulating. Okay, yeah, it gives me chills to watch it. But this actually makes me skeptical, like I believe something like this would happen, but like it could be their friend.

But it gives me chills to watch it. I'm watching it again.

If you're listening to this, I'm going to put it in our Instagram. Ghosted by Roz.

Oh my gosh.

Okay, wait, okay, wait, he just sent me the TikTok. He goes, wow, I found it. This says ghost in NYC apartment on the TikTok. It doesn't have that many faves.

So yes, we pan over and yeah, you do see someone who I don't know if I believe it. I think it's scary. I want to say that they rehearse this, Like the fact that they turned it right at the tail end of when you can see this person walking through, it's suspicious to me.

It's definitely suspicious. But they did a good job because I do get shivers.

Oh, they did a great job.

I get shivers.

I mean they're masters of horror for sure. Yeah, but is it real. I don't know. That's the problem with ghost stuff just in general. In today's day and age, you will never be able to get proof that won't make some asshole like me be like, I don't know, Like there's nothing you can do at this point, right, Like toddlers can straight up make CGI on their parents' iPads at this.

Point exactly, We've seen like the most sophisticated deep fakes. So there's almost like nothing you could do to prove paranormal stuff.

I feel like, I know, you just have to experience it and that's that, and then no one will believe you.

Like Jesus.

Well, this is actually an interesting segue because like.

Jesus, oh, like you know, you can't just see like I'm the son of God. No one buys it to like come back from the dead three days later, you know. Oh right, if Jesus happened today, we wouldn't believe that person.

That's probably true.

And I would say a bunch of us still don't. A bunch of us really don't believe it.

I believe he was a chill dude.

Yeah, But at the time, I mean, he had a lot of witnesses. There were a lot of people that saw it. And he was also like, you know that book you guys have been working on write this and there because I want people to be talking about this for years. Okay, so there's a story I wanted to talk about that is a UFO story.


Now we already know that Lisa's into this kind of a thing. Kara, remind me where are you at on UFOs?

Not really not really believing it, but what are you talking about?

The info was just declassified. I mean, there is absolutely aliens, I guess I've never seen any proof.

There's definitely unidentified objects in the sky. That is like a fact. But are they from another blanner? Are they you know, creatures operating them? Are they human like we? Actually that is still kind of debatable. But this case right here I'm about to tell you about is one that people call one of the most convincing ever. It's known as the Pascagoula UFO incident. So most of the information I got here is from a twenty twenty article by Brian Bloom for the Mississippi Clarion Ledger, and I'm also a twenty twenty one article by Alexandra Kennon in Country Roads magazine. Okay, so we're going to Pascagoula, Mississippi. You guys do any live shows there? Nineteen seventy three, we're talking about nineteen year old Kelvin Parker and forty two year old Charles Hickson. They are co workers together. They work at a shipyard. One night after work, Charles is like, hey, let's go fishing in the Pasca Goola River. They go out there. They start at one location. There's too many bugs, so they moved to this other area, even though there's like signs that say no fishing. Calvin, the younger guy, he's like, I don't want to, like go to jail and get busted, and Charles is like, honey, it's fine. I do this all the time. Shortly after that, as they're fishing in this area, notices a blue light reflecting off of the river. He's like, ah, fuck, it's the cops. I knew it. But it wasn't the cops. It was a big, huge, oval shaped aircraft about eighty feet wide, emitting a bright blue light, hovering approximately two feet from the ground, making just a slight hissing sound. He says, three creatures floated out of it. They had no legs. They had hands that looked like mittens or crab. One of them had no neck with a wrinkled gray skin. One of them had a neck and it was more feminine. They were about five feet tall with one single leg with toe like appendages on the end. So where are we at so far on this believing it?

Here's my problem with like a lot of alien stuff. Why are they always just like creepy versions of us? Like if there are aliens, in my opinion, they are not going to just be like humans with gills or like humans that can stand and walk on two feet and have like toes and have you know what I mean? Like I believe more that it's like these big blobs that can talk to each other or whatever.

Like I mean, this one doesn't have a neck in a crabclaw hand.

I don't know if that's human.

Well one is more feminine.

It's like the story is like, well, there was a man one and a girl one, you know, Like I don't know, it's.

Well, let me make this story a little bit more interesting because Calvin, he's nineteen years old, but it's in nineteen seventy three, nineteen jiha, Can you throw up the picture of the two of them. That's a maon. Okay, Calvin could abduct me, honey, I'll yeah, I got some crab claws right here.

Oh yeah, he's got a nice mutton chop happening there.

I'm not yeah, I'm not into the sideburns. But Calvin is fine.

Calvin's sexy.

And that other man he's lived for four hundred years, like I have seen him in history books and in present day.

Well it's nineteen seventy three.

I mean that man has lived forever I could tell. But the hot one looks like he saw something dark. Yeah, he's definitely going through it. That's sorrow in his eyes and like confusion.

That is a photo of them after well, we'll get to that part. So the creatures that are floating out grab them by their arms and float them over to the UFO. A lot of the accounts that have more recently been featured in like these articles that I've read, are from Calvin, because he's still alive, and so he says they kind of like went along with it because they were injected with something that calmed them down and they were just like there for it. He was taken down a long hallway and into an examination room on a table that was made of glass glass love that a square shaped object about the size of a deck of cards came out from the ceiling of this room and it circled around him, almost like an mri. Then a beautiful, more human looking creature entered the room and she had a real long middle finger. At this point, he can't move. She opens his mouth and she runs her hand down his throat, causing him to gag so much that he's even like bleeding. It's like aggressive Charles. The other guy says that he's put into a room where a machine examines him that looked like what he can only describe is like a big eye, and it was looking all over him, and then it laughed, and then he was kind of in the room alone. And then they were taken back right where they were found, where they were fishing. They go back their car. The window is smashed and they had a little bit of trouble starting and they get in the car. They're like, what was that. We cannot tell anyone. No one's gonna believe us. And then the older guy was kind of like, let's call the air force. They call, They're like, we don't deal with this kind of thing called the cops, which the cops don't deal with us either, but whatever.

So, yeah, where's the X files, baby, that's who we need exactly.

Now keep in mind this is nineteen seventy three, like this is still like some pretty out there shit.

Yeah, they don't even know about the X Files yet exactly.

So they go to the police station, they go downtown and their question and this is when it starts to get like maybe more convincing for someone like Cara over here. So they actually recorded them secretly, like they like left the room and kept the recorder going. They they maintain their story in the recording. You can listen to online and I have listened to it, and I'm gonna be honest, I don't know if this because it was fifty years ago. They do have very thick Mississippi accents. This is some of the quotes that they say in there. Jesus Christ, God have mercy. I thought I had been through hell enough on this earth, and now I've got to go through something like this, said Hickson. But they could have you know, I guess, well, they could have harmed us son. And then the younger guy's like, yeah, they had us. They could have done anything to us, but they didn't hurt me. And then he says, I just want to cry right now. What's so damn bad about it is? No one's going to believe us. And then the older guy says, I gotta get home and get to bed and take some nervous pills or something, see a doctor or something. I can't stand this. I'm about to go to pieces. I can't sleep like this. I'm damn near crazy, So I don't know. To me, I get a little bit more convinced. The next day, film cruise. You know, the press, everyone is like obsessed with this story. There's UFO experts come in to their work. Nearly fifty people in the area had called the police that night, reporting something strange in the sky. A lot of people later went on to say that they saw things, but at the time they were like, no one's gonna believe us. This is so crazy. Kelvin the younger guy. He ended up losing his job because reporters kept showing up constantly. He couldn't get his work done, and they only continued like every job he went to, so he ended up changing his name to Randy. They passed polygraph tests, a voice stress test, They were hypnotized three times and asked about their experience. They maintained the story the whole time. Charles died in twenty eleven. The older guy and Kelvini still gives interviews. He wrote a book about it in twenty eighteen. In twenty nineteen, a historic plaque was placed at that site, and more than two dozen people have come forward as witnesses. There was a couple that said that they saw blue lights and they actually saw one of the creatures in the water, but yeah, they didn't tell anyone. Okay, So are you any bit more convinced? Yeah, because I can keep going. I got something else.

I'm just gonna say, it is like interesting that they passed a polygraph because I do think people can beat polygraphs.

But I don't know if like.

These two random like Mississippi men could pass polygraphs. In my mind, it sounds to me like they were tripping on drugs together or something.

But what about all the other people?

What there were other people witnessed.

The fifty people that called saying that they saw something weird in the sky. CTV on their YouTube page that actually have a news report from two years after this, interviewing some of the cops, some of the specialists and the older man. Sometimes to me, like actually hearing the people talk affects how convincing it is to me, because sometimes you're like, Okay, I just don't I just don't buy it, you know, like sometimes I just need to hear people talk about it. Okay, let's watch this clip. Geehi, could you play just that little excerpt from that please?

But it seen to me when he came out that doorway, that opening or whatever it was. Then just almost instantly they were right there on us, and their arms they had range and I saw the arms moving here and in the shoulders, but they had welled I mean their their fingers were well and then they had something like a thumb and they were like this.

We questioned at link and that we left the room.

And recorder that was that was the cop.

All the conversation they had recorder.

There's a picture of a guy in the Calvin and.

What I've kept on to pray, he said, After all I went through on this earth, he said, why should I have to say something like this? Calvin Park I was questioned a cop and at one time.

So high I shook up.

He was. They had me, well one on this arm like this and on the other one, you know, they had my other or one like that, and they just I just seemed to lift up to the same height they were off the ground and and we just moved in the inside.

How did they how did they lay you out?

Do you remember how it happened?


Uh, they I didn't see any tables or chairs or anything in there. I'm I'm not saying it wasn't in there because the light was almost blinding, but I didn't see any. And when they when they carried me inside, they seemed to they just leaned me back, you know, and uh, this this eye well I keep referring to it as an eye, and it moved up to in front of me, about this close, and it started right in my eyes, looking at me abody in the eye uh huh. And it seemed that it hesitated there for a uh a few seconds, and it just started moving over my entire body. When they they brought me, uh uh from the craft that could long to say it here, and they seemed to they didn't drop me, you know, they just released me back to the ground. And I know, I fail. I don't know why my legs were weak. I don't know why it was the fright or what it was, but I fell on with the round. And that's when I've seen Calvin. He's standing right over here in this area, and he was bending facing the river with his arms outstretched like that, just like he was staring at something.

I feel more convinced these aliens came down to get the sperm of that younger guy. They were like, he's hot, we need we need this genetic material.

I mean, he's got like a little cleft in the chin and like a chisel.

Jaw, Like, yeah, he's like a prince charming.

Yeah, But with Grant, I think they were like coming down for the best of us, still coming down for the best specimens they can gather.

Because I wonder if we're like little cheetahs to them. You know sometimes the zoo keeper poacher. They'll go out, you know, yeah, put a little tag on a shark shirtle tiger. I think that's what they're doing to all of Oh.

I do think that they tracked people. I mean, at least some of them. I don't know. I've never heard where planet these ones are from. This is like it's its own specific thing, because a lot of times they look like you know, typical aliens, big eyes, big heads, whatever. So I don't know if they were looking for his sperm, they looked down his throat, they didn't look in the right place.

We so you think. So there's multiple planets. Oh that it didn't hit.

Me obviously, if you believe these stories. There's a lot of different things flying those UFOs around. But I don't know watching that video, to me, that man is not lying about anything. Why would he say something so outrageous.

This is the seventies too. It's not like I'm gonna get on TMZ and let's do this. I'm gonna this is embarrassing for this man. This is like a country man. Yeah, I just feel being like I was shipped up and deep throated. I don't think he would lie about that.

I don't certainly don't think he's like a con man. I'm not getting that vibe from him. But I'm just wondering if it's like it could have been a hallucination of some kind. But it is weird that it would happen with the younger. Are they father and son?


Co workers?

I love when you have a job, like when I used to work at the mall at the time, Like my best friends were fifty year old women. Like that's sort of what this dynamic seems like. They worked together, like a forty two year old and a nineteen year old and it's like, let's blow out some steam. We can talk shit about weird Larry that works with us at the shipyard, or you know what I mean. Like it's probably a cute little hang and it turned into this. Now it could have been let's trip or whatever, and then they freaked out and called the police. But there was a lot of people tripping that night, if that's the case, because there was other people witnessing this.

Yeah, they don't look like LSD fans.

Other people saw the blue light, but only these two saw the detailed.

And had the interaction with the aliens.

Right, they're the only two that reported going actually on the spaceship the vessel. The vessel. But I mean, I've never been at Pasca Goola, but I just suspicion that that guy at the time was the hottest guy in Pascagoula. So they were probably scanning around and they're like that one and they're like Okay, he's with like his older friend. They're like, he can come to It's fine, we want that one.

Roz. Can I ask you a question, please?

Are most alien sightings reported in the United States or are there many? Many reported everywhere? Like did you get them out in Africa? They see him in Australia?

Oh my god, yes, oh yes. Some of the best stories are from those places. They're I know, it's so American for us to be like they only care about us.

Yeah, like this is where they're coming. They're coming to get us because we're the best, you know.

But it's always like the most random places too, like Pasca Goula, Mississippi.

Right, Well, they can't just go to New York City.

We would all see, that's true.

Roswell, New Mexico. You know that's like in the middle of nowhere.

I get that, yeah, because that's what used to discredit people. I think too, where it's like why is it always in the middle of nowhere?

And it's like for safety from.

The aliens, Like why would they want to go in the middle of a busy intersection. That's when it's time for war, you know, that's when they're here to let us know.

They're here.

Yeah, they probably don't want to get like shot at or whatever by a bunch of different people. I mean a lot of people report seeing them in LA but particularly they see them in like Malibu area a lot obviously, like Joshua Tree, like whatever surrounding areas. But the smog is why we can't see them so much here in Los Angeles.

And what are your views on the aliens going into the oceans and that they are doing stuff in the bottom of the sea and stuff like that.

I'm not fully convinced that they don't live in the ocean.

Okay, So you're a believer of the ocean alien vibe.

I'm open to all of it.

Me too.

You ever see an octopus? Yes, okay, I believe it. I believe it. They're so smart, They're so fucking smart.

You guys want to see a haunted doll?

Sure, I'm scared, but yeah.

Well it's time for a segment I called the Dolls are Living.


So this is what I do. I go to eBay or wherever, and I look at postings of dolls that people allege are haunted, and a lot of times they come with their own biographies. So we're going to do that right now.

I'm so excited.

Okay, gieha give us Kelly.

Oh. I feel like I had a doll that looked like that.

She is wearing a classic Haunted doll ensemble, very lacy, kind of a almost turtled neck to the dress. I want to say she has a parasol. I don't know. There's so much lace that it's all just blending together and just one tier dripping down her face. Because who doesn't want that in a doll?

Oh? Geez, the tear. Yeah, I just zoomed in and saw that. That's like a human trapped in a doll's body. That's like some witchcraft shit someone got put into the doll. They're crying because they know they're stuck, and that's fucked up.

Lisa. I like the way you think you are right on track, because that is what we're looking at here. So let me read you a little bit about Kelly on eBay dot com. So currently she has zero bids. Uh why she's crying. It's starting at thirty eight dollars or you could do for ninety dollars. You could buy her now. So here's what they wrote about Kelly. It says Kelly is a sad young lady who dreamed of becoming an actor and being famous. She moved to California after she graduated to enroll in acting classes and to be closer to Hollywood. Kelly says that she was excellent in high school drama class and her teacher had high hopes for her. Kelly, Waitress, had a small diner to pay her rent, but was running low on cash and couldn't keep up. She answered an online ad for an acting gig that was a commercial based project. Unfortunately, the ad was a lie and Kelly was lured to her death. She is still dreaming of being famous and needs someone who understands her drive and wants the same thing. She can't get over her death and is very sad and depressed. She says she needs someone to help and maybe that will ease her pain. If you feel that you are what Kelly is looking for and you can help, please place a bid or use the buy now option. And so she taps on my walls throughout the day and sometimes she turns my TV off. Yeah it sounds like a bitter actress. That's like I went, I was up for this, Yeah, turn it off.

I went to acting school with Olivia to have a land.

Yes, well, but she's more contemporary because it was an online ad. Oh so she's probably mad at whoever's on.

You know, Emma Stone, She's like we were child actors together.

Fuck her? Yeah.

Would you like to add this to your collection? Either of you?

No, that's a note for me.

That would be a start of a collection, and that's going to be a no for me. I don't really collect much.

Karen doesn't like clutter. No, I don't want this bitch in my life.

Yeah. I know a lot of Kelly's in life.

And failed actresses.


I mean we live in LA there's Kelly's everywhere we turn.

I just feel like my Bratstoll and my McDonald's Malibu Barbie would be pissed.

Yeah, I get that.

I have to respect their wishes.

That's great. Okay, do you guys want to hear some ghost voices?

Yeah, it's time for EVP.

Or ev plase. Okay, here's what I do. I play some electronic voice phenomena, also known as EVPs. This is anytime a person believes that they have captured a ghost speaking on a recording device. I have gone to TikTok, and I've found a page that has two EVPs for us. I'm going to play them for you, and I want you to tell me what you hear. Then we're gonna guess some options, the correct answer being what they believe it says. So this first one, actually both of these come from a TikTok called at orb Underscore and Underscore Spirit Underscore Experience. All right, this is an unknown location. It does not say here we go. What is this ghost saying?


That was the noise?

Oh, that was the go speaking.

Okay, go again, you gotta do it again, you gotta do it again. That's not a metal band. That sounded like a busy subway station. I don't I can't do it again.

Do it again? I'm yeah, this is where you lose me.

I've been gung ho, I've been aliens, ghosts, living dolls here.

That's nothing.

It does sound like a piece of come on feel the noise like that song?

Yes, a little hair metally, Maybe it's an angry dad.

Okay, Well, let me give you some options. Okay, fine, Okay, here's some options. Is it a please get off my nuts? Is it b Lisa? What the fuck is it c these are for a buck. Maybe they're selling something or d Please, girl, you need to pluck, you know, like when someone has like one hair between their eyebrows and it's.

Like girl, yeah, you would think in the afterlife you wouldn't have to do as much hair removal though.

Well, but the ghost is telling maybe a living person.

Like yeah, girl hears together.

Yeah, I think it's see the buck. But I want it to be be Lisa because that sounds like my name.

I think it's be Lisa. What the fuck?

That is what they believe it says because the person that recorded its name is Lisa, so they believe that it's saying Lisa, what the fuck.

Let's hear it again. Okay, Nah, I don't hear it.

I definitely hear what the fuck.

You can hear it.

You can hear anything you want. I mean, where is she recording this from?

Where do we?

I don't know. I don't know where this one was.

I think it's special ghost tools.


I think she is using some type of like spirit box or some type of device that would give it more of that robotic sound. But this one, okay, here's another one. This one is definitely more of like a clear human voice. In my opinion, they recorded this one at a haunted hotel in their room. What is it saying?

Let the body's hit the floor.

I didn't hear anything.

I know it's a real faint whisper.

I'm gonna need the options quicker on this one. I really have nothing.

I honestly heard. I heard nothing but static. Oh I heard a whisper.

I'm sucking.

I heard a little whisper, but I can't make anything out.

Okay, is it A, it's okay?

I'm by?

Is it B? I'm getting by like the other spelling of bye. Is it C it's getting hot? Or D this gig is bad? Which I could hear a ghost saying like this gig is bad.

I gotta get out of this gig.

I think C it's getting hot.

Yeah, I think it's that.

My instinct was B.

B, I'm getting bye. Okay, they believe it is SEA it's getting hot? All right now that you know that, just wait, like one little beat, there's like just some background noise, and then you can hear it. Go it's getting hot. Okay, here we go.

I heard it. Yeah, I can hear it when you put it in my mind yeah, you can hear it.

I'm not gonna lie. I kind of hear it's okay.

I'm bye ha ha.

Yeah, I hear that too. I could hear it both ways, like a bye person. This is like the dress. Are you seeing purple? Are you seeing gold?

Or blue? Or gold?

The dress? Exactly.

I'm also a fool because I kept going closer to my microphone to hear better.

But it's not where the noise comes out of.

Okay, let's do one last thing. I'm just going to throw out some different things that are unexplained, phenomenal and all. And I'm curious if you have anything to say. I did do this with Kara, So if I say one that you've already answered, I'm wondering if maybe I don't know, a random text message from a stranger has changed your views of this. Okay, astral projection? Do you know about this phenomena?

I've heard the word. What does it mean?

Basically the idea that your body is, you know, a physical body and a spiritual body, and the spiritual body is leaving the physical to go do something I don't know. See above, you go, you know, wander around town when you're sleeping people report this happening a lot.

Oh, it's kind of like, oh that show with Gene Smart and Legion Hacks Legion, Yeah, Hacks's being astraline projected.


I think in Legion there's like an astral plane and people have different projections of their Yeah.

And people say that like this is like a practice that people, you know, almost like a meditation type thing that you can learn how to do.

I don't know why this for me is I think you're connected to your spirit being until your human body is dead.

Oh and that's when.

Okay, I don't think your inner spirit can go take a trip without you. I really that's too far for me, okay, because then what happens if I wake up I'm dead on the inside.

No fucking way, no way.

Yeah, I don't know if I buy this.

The scary thing is sometimes people report they can't get back in their body.

Then who's talking?

They get locked out?

Yeah, exactly, they forget the key. What about past lives?

One hundred percent?

I kind of believe in those. Yeah.

I saw a TikTok where this little baby was shimmying and then they showed who she was named after, and it was an old woman shimmying in the same way.

So I believe it.

So the grandma came back as a baby.

Correct to shimmy an important message from the other side.

Come on, everybody, but do that ganga.

I just believe that Erica Jane from the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills was a young boy who was.

Saved in a shipwreck. I don't know if you ever watched that.

Oh, I think a madam.

Wait, why do you say that?

She did an episode where she was like, you know, I had a medium tell me in a past life, I was a young billy saved from a shipwreck or.

Something like that.

Oh my god, in.

The eighteen hundreds, and I was like, okay, Erica, now you're married to a criminal.

I also think I have my grandma in me, my mom's mom.

Go on, I'm listening.

There's nothing else.

That's why I want to go to this medium and dig deeper into it. But I just feel like I don't know much about her because my parents are Soviet and silent. But like she read cards really yeah, everyone from the neighborhood would come in. She wouldn't take money, people would just bring food and she would read cards for people and she just had some little mystic energy. She passed young, but a part of me thinks that I have her in me.

Oh wow, But I don't know.

Do you think that you also have that ability like her?

Not like focused?

But and I make fun of this one girl I used to live with because she thought she was a witch because she got deja vu, and I was always like, you're an idiot. So it's tough to not think I sound like her. But there are moments in my life where I think, like, fuck, I think I'm onto something.

Yeah, dejavoo I think is paranormal?

Yeah, so did this girl I lived with?

Yeah? I mean, to me, it's like confirmation that you're on the right path or something, because it's so weird when you go someplace and you're like, I was already here, Like that's not something weird to you guys that we don't understand, Like we understand that it happens, but do we really know what that means. It's so strange.

Maybe paranormal isn't a special gift because it seems like Dejeavou's very common. Yeah, in humanity, so maybe we're all experiencing it.

See that's why I think I think we're all psychic to different levels, and I think that there's ghosts around us all the time, and it's just like a matter of those little tiny little blips of when things cross over. I think that's possible. It's just the theory.

I'm for it.

I'm happy to be wrong about being skeptical. I'm just like skeptical about all this stuff.

No, I am too happy to be wrong.

I'm with you, Like I'm always like, I'm not going to jump to something as paranormal. I need like a bunch of let's try a bunch of things. That's why the Pasca Goula thing is so convincing to me, because if it was just two guys that were like, we's all alien, I'd be like, Okay, cool, good for you. Yeah, But the fact that there were so many other details, I don't know. I don't know, Okay, witchcraft just in general, are you guys into that? I mean, I feel like it's kind of become a part of culture so much more in ways, like whether people realize it or not. I feel like witchcraft practices have traded just culture at this point, and I'm all for it. But are you guys into manifesting, or do you have any belief in clearing energies of a place or lighting candles for a specific reason or any of that.

Honey, you know, I have a house of intuition candle right in front of me.

Those I love those, Those are so beautiful.

I was a junior high child who lied about having witch powers.

So I do believe people are lying.

You know.

Did I buy little books from Barnes and Noble and try to do spells and bullshit?


So I think a lot of people are lying. But I definitely think some people have either evil little energy or positive.


I believe people have something that others don't and that can do witch stuff. But as a former lying witch, I think people might be lying.

You know.

That is like believing that the person has the abilities, which I think can go along with this kind of thing. But a lot of times, like with a book that you could buy of spells in different you know, explaining the practices, it's teaching you how you can do it, like anyone can do it. It's not like a secret thing that you have to be born to be able to do. So it's almost like you could learn a language or something. It's the power that you harness from these practices.

Yeah, I mean I believe in like there's definitely people with dark energies.

I believe in energies for sure.

Like someone can walk into a room with like a bad energy and you can like feel it immediately, But I don't know that they're then doing voodoo on someone, you know what I mean, like or have the power to, like, you know, make something bad happen to someone.

My mom always says some people don't have that, like they don't even know it and they can't help it, like vampires, like emotional vampires and stuff like that. Like my mom sometimes says, like you need to feel bad for those people. Like some people can't control the bad energy.

They emit.

Like they're cursed and everywhere they go. Oh, they're just it's not good. There's nothing they can do about it. Your family's from the former Soviet Union. Yeah, so it's on the Black Sea, Odessa.

So is there any cultural beliefs that you were raised with on any of this kind of stuff.

We're evil eye people.

So if I'm walking around and I see my neighbor someone giving me an eye, I don't like or complimenting me on something where I'm like, oh, you want to you want to ruin it for me?

I do this in my pocket.

It's called adula, explain it to us, Doulia.

I do this and she's putting her thumb between her pointer and her middle finger.

Oh thank you. I was like, I don't know what's that, and I hide it in my pocket. You don't want the person to see it. But if someone's even saying something extra kind but I don't trust, I think it's militia or like, wow, it's backwards, or I just don't like it, or they're looking at me in a way that I'm not into. I do that in my pocket like all the time, or hidden. And then we also used to clip safety pins on the inside of our clothing when we went to visit family. And now they're surprised why I don't trust our family, and it's like you made me put safety pins in my clothes to ward away their evil, and now you want me to like hang out with them like never. I don't know if it's communism and war stuff, but my parents are very much like, don't tell anyone anything. You don't know what people are thinking. And I tell everyone everything, and that really bothers them because they don't think people are really safe at all, and it's about keeping things secret. And like one time a girl was complimenting my hair, but I was like insecure and I like kind of flipped out at her. I don't know, I just felt something weird with her compliment and maybe it was going to backfire. I think that's where we stand in terms of that. But now my dad's in his eighties, so he's going to synagogue, He's gripping to whatever he can.

There's a lot of Latin cultures that you know, also have similar ways of warding off that energy. Like there's so much of this stuff. There's parallels around the world.

Evil eye is like rice. Every culture has it and its own little spin. Yes, but it all comes from like lack of control, you know, or dire circumstances like the Norwegian country, like Sweden, they don't fuck around with this. I don't think they're just matter of fact whatever. It's like, it comes from like struggle in weird ways.

Kara, what do you think everything I know about Evil Eye I learned from Lisa. Do you believe that I didn't know anything about that? I will say I went to Greece in twenty twelve, and I got a little pin that had like the little evil eye that like wards off the evil Yeah, yeah, the blue thing because I just thought it was cute and I read a little blurb, oh this keeps away evil or whatever. But like I really didn't know anything about it until Lisa told me more about like what her family does and everything.

Okay, well, because I was curious. I was curious.

She's a wasp.

No if I'm giving you, I'm a white Anglo Saxon Protestant who's also Jewish. I yeah, I'm from Connecticut. We haven't culture we I mean, I like I'm Jewish. My mom is Italian and my dad is like Hungarian. But like no one ever told me like any are you giving me the evil iron.

I'm not crying. I'm just saying, if it would scare you, oh, I'm not supposed to show it with your hand.

I saw I ruined that I'm your mom's also a doctor, which I think, like doctors are so literal at times.

You know, yes, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah, and I can be very little oral, but like, yeah, I don't know, I just never I definitely like had superstitions growing up and stuff like I remember, you know, being superstitious about little silly things, but like I.

Don't do you guys have anything like that before you go on stage?

Oh, I will say that.

I one time read an article about Jennifer Aniston that she touches the outside of the plane before she gets on it.

And now I always do it. I've done it for like twenty years.

Oh, I just touched the outside of the plane before I get on it.

So where do you want people to find?


I have a feeling in my be YEA podcast That's Messed Up.


We just announced a big fall tour, so we're going to be at a bunch of cities on the Midwest, East coast, South.


Our podcast is That's Messed Up and s podcasts on this very network, our live show and a lot of information about our podcast. You can find out That's Messed Up live dot Com and Insta our Instagram too. Yeah, but that goes to our called Yeah That's Messed Up pod.


Well, as you go to places across the country, keep an eye out for ghosts because I'm always looking for correspondents out there. You know, most comedy clubs and theaters and whatever they say they're haunted.

Well we're We're really lucky and excited.

We're doing the Wilbur in Boston this upcoming time, and that seems kind of historic, and well I think that's the most likely chance.

Okay, you heard it, Boston, be there and my turn into a seance. Thank you so much to Kara and Lisa. What a good time that was, guys. I've been having so much fun talking to you every single week. I am just overwhelmed with love. Thank you guys so much for sending me your stories and all of your encouraging comments and reviews. And I'm just I'm filled with love and I so appreciate you all. I will be back talking to you next week. I love you all, both living and dead. But if I didn't ask you to haunt me, don't haunt me came back. This has been an exactly right production. Want to share your paranormal experience on the podcast. I read stories out loud and sometimes I'll even call you, so email me at ghosted by Roz at gmail dot com. You can send a DM or voice message to the show's Instagram at ghosted by Roz. Give us a follow while you're there and follow me Roz on Instagram at roz Hernandez and on TikTok and Twitter at it's Roz Hernandez. My senior producer is the startling Jiha Lee. Associate producer is the alarming Alex Cheen. This episode was mixed and sound designed by the eerie Edson Choi. My guest booker is the petrifying Patrick Kuttner. Additional production support from the hair raising Hannah Kyle Brighton. My theme music is by the spine chilling Brendan Lynch Salomon. Artwork by the Spooky Vanessa Lilac. Photography by the terrifying Elizabeth Karen. Executive produced by the chilling Karen Kilgareff, the Spookky Georgia hard Stark, and the frightening Danielle Kramer,

Ghosted! by Roz Hernandez

Light a candle and pop some popcorn because things are going to get freaky. On Ghosted! by Roz Herna 
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