Comedians Micheal Henry and Tim Murray join Roz to talk about vivid dreams, Joy Behar’s relationship with a ghost, a UFO incident in Florida, and much much more!
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What's that at the bed spooky? Hey, joky, I'm prety sure it's dead. It's coming this way.
Wait a minute, I.
Said, esmays, Hey boo, it's me Roz.
Oh my god.
I got to talk to two comedians who I absolutely adore, Michael Henry and Tim Murray, two of them absolutely hilarious. They've been touring around the country together. They'll tell you about where you can find them and go go watch one of their shows live. They're incredible on stage and great internet comedians as well. They're real gay and I think that that is neat. There's also a video version of this episode. You can find the link to that in the description of this episode. We it's this conversation today is all over the place. We talk about UFOs, we talk about having sex with ghosts. I mean, there's just a lot and it gets a little raunchy, so consider yourself warned. But I had a great time and they crack me up, so I hope you enjoy. Here is me talking to Michael Henry and Tim Murray. And with the show, I'm joined by two friends who are honestly they've become a comedy team and I'm very happy about it. Tim Murray and Michael Henry and they can harmonize.
I just realized that you guys have.
Four first names amongst there's Tim Murray, Michael Henry.
I don't know know Murray's.
I don't know Henry's, there's Murray's. True.
Yeah, wow, it's a lot of first names.
Get on board.
Well, I've been on board.
I know like six Hernandez Is, Hernandez Smith, Hernandez Jones.
I recently matched with somebody on Tinder that had the last name Hernandez, and I'm like, there's not a good chance.
I watched Doctor Phil and it was this couple on who were I think they were siblings, and they were romantically inclined.
Romantically inclined.
They were procreating.
They were they were having babies.
And that's why it's illegal.
This is because of Doctor Phil.
Well, because you can't pro create if you're gonna be with.
Your is it illegal to do that your cousin as well? No?
I think substates allowed first cousins.
That's weird.
Well, usually what we do is we talk about ghosts on the show.
It's just typically how it goes.
You could fuck a dead relative's fun.
You can fuck a ghost.
That's what I want.
Yeah, do you guys believe that a human could fuck a ghost.
On Gray's Anatomy? I do.
Did that happen on Gray's Anatomy?
Absolutely? Is he Stevens.
There's a whole season where he's fucking a ghost for real, the whole season, and that I think that was the season that she was like, these writers are not good and then never got mad at her.
I recently talked to a person not on this podcast, just out out in the world that had sex with a ghost, because people love to like come up to me and be like, you want to hear a story about when I had sex with a ghost for three years And I'm like, yeah, tell me and once again, and I'm not going to generalize, but I have noticed from the people that tell me stories it's good.
It's not.
It is because you would think that it's like not very consensual, like you know, it could get a little tricky.
Well, who's taking advantage of who?
Well, I would think since you can't see the other person, it could be kind of a sneak attack.
They're sneaking up on you, up and in on some occasions.
Yeah, So I have talked I talked to other people and they tell me it's great. Billy Lee from vander Pumperule's Famous, they came on this podcast and told a story about having sex with a ghost.
Well, well, I mean I am all for it, and I sometimes have felt like I was because I have incredibly vivid dreams.
Yeah m hm, And sometimes I think that it's real.
Like you know when you're like half awake, half asleep and you think you see currently.
Yes, yes, I have felt that.
And even Joy Behar on the View a couple of weeks ago said she did she had sex.
With a ghost.
Do you believe it?
And Nicole Smith said she had sex with the ghosts. Lots of people are having six with ghosts.
It's the thing.
I just was talking about this on one of my absolute favorite podcasts, Double Threat with Julie Klausser and Tom Sharpling Shout Out, and we were talking about Joey Bayhart having sex with a ghost and one of them said that sounds like a consent problem, and and I was like, oh yeah, and then the person and then one of them said, for the ghost.
But usually the ghosts are the ones that are bored and wanting to inhabit your world.
Well, because what's the ghost doing all this time?
Like beaten off?
Now once they see they got a willing person, they're like, Okay, the ghost doesn't have to flick its bean anymore.
It could get into Jordan.
You know that we don't know that the ghosts aren't fucking each other. M They're not necessarily all ghost coffee, ghost book hockey booooo cocky.
Okay, well okay, so these vivid dreams that you have, what makes you think that maybe they could be more than just a dream.
I always think that they're more than dreams, and I have to convince myself that they're not because I don't want them again.
Okay, I heard.
If you say to ghosts, I don't believe in you and I don't want you around, they'll leave you alone. But I still have these dreams sometimes.
What are the dreams like to be a star?
Well, that's reality.
Sure, I don't want you to have those dreams anymore either. Yeah, girl, this isn't gonna make me a star. Yeah, it's night will.
In the paranormal community.
Okay, good, great, the paranormal are listening.
There's I think that there's ghosts that listen.
People tell me all the time that they listen to this podcast and then shit goes down in their house.
Oh really, okay, that is my goal for this pod. That is what I want, because he wants you to go down. Yes, ghosts, I think, because I believe ghosts do not come to me for the most part. I have one story about Yeah, you're right. They can tell I walk in the room and they're like, oh, he wants it too bad.
Yeah exactly.
It's like yeaheah, it's like trying to be a star. They're gonna go you want it too much exactly. Yeah, that's why ghost wall fuck me.
So what what's your experience with that?
Similar to Michael, I've had like really really vivid dreams my whole life. I was a bedwetter until I was sixteen years old, so my brain was like trying to wake me up, and like horrible, horrible, horrific things happen in my dreams to like and you know, like you don't die in your dreams, but because whatever.
I do, you die in your dream all the time.
That's it's the most jar feeling, like I got pushed off a cliff.
A couple of weeks ago in a dream by Joey Bayhart.
He's my going off, my man lay off, my afterlife. No, I jumped off, I was pushed or whatever off a cliff. And when you hit the pavement, you wake up and your heart is racing everything.
You didn't wake up.
You woke up. What happens to me is I my body's trying to wake me up. My brain's trying to wake me up, and I don't wake up. So I hit the pavement.
Save more from.
I would hit the pavement and still be alive, and then I have to navigate that. And I do sometimes wonder if that's like a paranormal something trying to it's not just my brain, if it's like something trying to communicate with me.
Okay, now I've done this podcast for so many years that I can just retell old stories that people have told. You guys know Oscar Montoya, right, love love Oscar So. Oscar told this story about having this reoccurring dream over his whole life of falling off of a cliff and he could feel his bones snapping and for some I can't remember the exact details, go back and listen. When he was on it was probably like three or four years ago, he kept he would. He had some for some reason, he had this belief that he was going to die before like his twenty seventh or twenty eighth, I can't remember what the birthday was, but he could feel like his bones crunching and whatever.
He had the stream all the time. And then one.
Day, right before whatever year birthday it was, he does this commercial and in it he's supposed to bungee jump. He did kind of like one of those like sure I could do it, why not and never did it or whatever. So he's shooting it. As soon as he's about to do the first take, somebody comes in.
They're like, stop, stop, stop.
The cord was too long for the cliff. It was like longer than the cliff, and he almost just jumped off.
Oh oh my god, my god.
It's one of the most wild stories I've ever heard that just truly sent a chill down my spine. Listen to him tell it, because it's obviously way better.
But one time I was at a Cedar Point Amusement Park, famously a very safe place, and we were watching those like you know, those bungee things. We like sit in the bungee and it kind of launches you. Yeah, and there's four like bunge cores on each side because they're in like a like a basket.
This family and this girl's like freaking out. She's so scared. She's like, I don't want to do it. I don't want to do it. And the family's like it's gonna be great. It's gonna be great.
And then other people can kind of stand around and watch them get launched. And they were like ten nine. At eight, one of the chords snapped off, no, I swear to God, Final Destination literally and they didn't launch her like it was okay, they got them off the.
Ride, but it was like they launched her anyway.
Joy Bayhart came and pulled the lever.
That's pretty good. That is Final Destination.
Oh. I love those movies.
I love those movies so good.
I love being scared. I love to be scared because I don't know, it takes us out of your like out of your head, out of your like I'm always overthinking everything, So I love. That's why I want ghosts.
See, Okay, I am more into like real life murders and real life stuff like not horror films. Like I like true crime, Like, where's the DNA? That's my vibe?
No, No, that scares me too much.
I'm desensitized to it.
You just said that like a murderer.
I guess we'll see.
Well, can I tell you guys a little bit about a UFO case?
How do you guys feel about UFOs?
I think real?
Mmm, I think I neutralta not real? Why I'm just kind of like, why haven't we seen more of that? I believe you mean they're popping up everywhere UFO. I believe in alien posting, but I don't believe in UFOs.
I believe like that there are getting here. I don't think they are getting here.
I think they're like in other planets, like wherever Xenon is from.
But I don't think, oh Xenon.
But I don't think there's not an alien. No, No, she was.
She was a girl, a girl in the twenty first century, which we now live in.
So where it's so, why aren't we on the moon?
Exactly? Zoom zoom zoom. We've been on zoom, we have zoom. Now remember she had the song zoom zoom zoom, Maha.
Go and my body goes boom boom, boom.
Now, yes, so she really predicted the phot things happened. Okay, so maybe this will convince you of UFOs, though I have a feeling it's not. This is a story that somebody told me, recommended to me a listener show.
I'm so sorry forget what it was. Thank you, though.
The Golf Breeze UFO incident. This took place in Golf Breeze, Florida.
Already a lot of.
Well, let me tell you this story. The year was nineteen eighty.
Seven, the year that's twenty years before I was born.
I'm set in the town. It's nineteen eighty seven.
Fatal attraction was tearing up the box office. Gloria Stefan sang that the rhythm is going to get you, and a man named Ed Walters and Golf Breeze, Florida didn't believe that it was a rhythm that was going to get you. He believed it was aliens. This is the story submitted for your approval by the Midnight Society. I call this story the Golf Breeze Florida golf, I mean incidents golfin Satchy.
Before you say, Gloria Estephon, I was literally going to say the words Gloria estephon.
So that's a little doo doo do do do do do doo.
Already, when you said southern Florida, that's literally the words I was gonna say.
Okay, so okay, Ed Walters. This man, he nineteen eighty seven. He's a local building contractor in Florida. He's just mine in his own business, in his house, and all of a sudden he feels immobilized by a blue beam up in the sky.
He grabs his Polaroid camera. He gets out there.
He snaps photos of a UFO that is hovering about two hundred feet up.
I actually have a photo.
He snapped, Mama, he snapped out there, and he's snapped.
He took a lot of different photos, but basically this is like the most famous one.
Okay, that's actually freaking me.
Oh and in nineteen eighty seven for good quality, for that Wow, that actually really.
Ok I believe this is from the polaroid, but it's definitely one of the photos. Because here's the deal. He's not the only one that experienced this.
Okay, honey, you're not the only one.
You think you're the only one, sis, she is not the.
Only lad, you are not the one, honey.
So he says, this was like something right out of a Steven Spielberg movie.
It was threw three mile.
The Flintstones. He did produce that one. So this was from November of nineteen eighty seven to May of nineteen eighty eight, and he took thirty two photographs of it and video. He claims that he saw it land and quote deposit five aliens on the road. He says that they stared into his windows and they spoke to him both in Spanish and in English.
They were bilingual, so.
They apparently telepathically showed him a book that had a bunch of dogs in it, and it like said what each dog was.
This is just what he reported.
He then was lifted three feet in the air through a blue light by them. He said that a humming in his head would let him know it's about to be aliens.
This is the inspiration for defying gravity.
He said that the UFO leaked a liquid that could actually boil for nineteen days.
Michael has that problem too.
I'm let honey, every time, I'm always like a goat to the clinic.
Girl, you are leaking a boiling calculating.
Right now, parklating, Okay, Mary Jay.
This dancery.
So at one point he was at a park and they visited him and then he just lost consciousness for an hour. Overall, he had nineteen encounters. He used a couple of aliases out of fear of ridicule, but he gave his photos to the Gulf Breeze Sentinel in nineteen eighty seven. He even volunteered to take a lie detector test. They had some you know, experts looking at these tests and they concluded that he believed it.
So I don't know if that means that it's real or not.
But you know, no other witnesses, just him.
Well, funny you say that.
She was playing the Gulf Breeze improv that wet. So there was a lot of credible people that reviewed the photos and they concluded this is some bullshit, but a lot of credible people believe it too. The director of the of Moufon, which is the Mutual UFO network, his name at the time, Walter Andris. He said that it was quote the best case we've ever seen.
According to the photos, this.
UFO would have had to be ten times the diameter of the sun or the moon, so obviously they're like, why didn't more people report this? The nearest air Force base said that there were no blips in their radar. After the article came out, dozens of people in the area claimed that they had sightings. So was it massa was a people being like, Oh, it happened to me too. I don't know, but there were reports of UFOs in the area since nineteen the nineteen fifties, a woman around this time was awoken at two am and she found one hovering over her yard. In nineteen eighty eight, a couple named Fanner and Shirley McConnell. They said that they saw a disc shaped aircraft glowing over a local pier. A golf Breeze councilwoman named Brenda Pollock was a friend of Ed and she said that he is not the type to make up such a thing, and she also witnessed it in nineteen eighty eight. She was crossing the Pensacola Bay Bridge and she saw a bright orange light that was flying overhead.
So how do we feel about this so far?
I feel like this is Shenanigan's and Tomfoolery.
I know people from Florida and they are desperate for attention. I once went to the Prices right, everybody there was from Florida, and they were like, we want to get on TV, we want to get on TV. I think these people really wanted a news story.
I believe it.
But he used aliases.
Jennifer Gardner, Wait, but what do you so he what do you mean? He like said he said he was different people reporting him.
Originally he was like, it's not really me, Like he used like fake names.
What what is that prove?
Just because he.
Wanted to share it. But he didn't want.
The fa.
For cloud.
I don't really buy that. I think that was like a smart plan to try to get Floridians are planners, honey?
Ever heard of hurricanes? You got to have the shutters up. You gotta have they plan.
You ever heard of Disney World? You got a plan. That's a big place.
That's true. You got four different parks to get to. Well, you can skip UPco because it's boring.
But I love whether you said the own de generous exhibit.
Oh god God, I would just yell at you.
You go in a box and I would yells on her show.
Okay, so this is where the story gets real good let's cut to nineteen ninety. Now Ed Walters has moved out of his house and the man or person I don't know who the person, moves into his house. They're rifling around their new house. They go into the attic and they find a UFO model and it is some.
Hobby lobby.
This thing was done with draft It was wrapped in drafting paper. It was made out of foam, pie plates, paper and cardboard.
And here is what it looked like.
No, girl, that is giving, hoppy lobby. It's giving, not supporting reproductive rights.
It's giving. It's giving that thing at l a.
X, Yes, the the UFO restaurant in the middle. It's not even that. It's giving like.
Like look at the little guard syrophone plates.
Yeah, two Dixie plates.
Two Dixie plates. Also, it's giving.
Poor aliens are like Beverly Hill billy. Okay, well, now here's what do you think?
He said?
He said, I saw the UFO and then I made a replica of it because I was inspired.
And he guesses from you, he said, Sis, you.
Don't know me.
I only had one day in the workroom to make this, and I had to use unconventional materials.
It was the Dollar Store challenge. Yes, no, he says it was planted.
Oh, this guy is stupid.
I read something online that said that he was like, Come to think of it, there was a time when a car with they didn't have plates drove into my garage.
They went into my attic and then they drove.
Offy you, this is what I was just acting.
That was really really good acting.
So the Pensacola News Journal had some photographers take the model and they staged.
Like reshoots remakes.
Of the Pensacola model. That's what they called me, the model of.
Honey's Barberzan Pensacola Model tray.
So you know, they they tried to do these photos over and they're like, looks a lot like that.
Also, he was known as being prankster.
Allegedly he'll pan to anybody.
And now what our girl Brenda was like, he's not a person who would lie about it, doesn't do that. But he's a prankster, famous prankster.
Now, this was a huge story, I think, particularly in the area.
A lot of books have been written about this.
He actually wrote a book about this, and so there's been a lot of.
Debate about this. This whole story and.
There's people that really believe it's real because there were other sightings.
Okay, but don't you think like power of suggestion, like when somebody says they see something and then everyone's like, I saw it.
Too, you know what I mean?
Yeah, I don't know why, but I fully believe in ghosts, and I'm just like not sold on aliens.
I well, you have to be ok for me, daddy, Oh my god. I mean, the planet's been around for what thousands of.
Years at least since nineteen eighty seven at least, and there's multiple universes, so I think that even if there's there's life in other.
Okay, Okay, I'm sorry, You're right, that's that's what I mean. I think there's life in other universes. I don't know about them.
You want to come here, Well, it's not popping off here.
Well where do you think that they live that?
I don't know, But to get here, I think.
Because you're from the Midwest, just like me, and you know that people from the Midwest love Florida for spring break and stuff. Maybe these are aliens from the Midwest.
And going to spring break.
They were doing spring break.
Carson Daly's MTV spring break exactly in Florida. Okay, I could see that for them, because why would you you land in a cornfield in Ohio.
You're like out of here? Yeah, not what's going on here? Let me go down to spring break.
Yeah, but they could they could make some crop circles in the cornfield.
They make the crop circles, and then they're tired from that. They got to party it off for one week only in South Beach golf breeze, golf breeze.
Okay, but can I ask you another question?
Please do?
Why are they always like circular? Round? Like? What is that about UFOs? Why is you know what I mean? Like, if if I were to be like I saw UFO, why we made that up right?
That they would be circular and round? So like, couldn't they just look like a regular airplane or like a spaceship or something.
Well, honestly, you know, I very much believe that they're real and that there was so much smarter than us. Those things very rarely crash. They're way faster, way more accurate than what we have.
Okay, I think it's creepy, but I think that they're here right now and they probably look just like us.
Oh, I kind of love that. Yeah, I think that's kind of scary.
I think that they are light years ahead of us, like they're so advanced that they have.
We come here and they're like, let's just fuck a rip.
Can we curse at this point at some of the things I've come out of your mouth, and now you're asking if we can curse.
Wait to see the things that come in heng now.
Oh, I'm coming for your bad.
No, they're coming here looking like us in our bodies just to have fun.
They don't look like me.
You could be one.
We don't know.
What do you know? Oh?
Now, we're gonna do a little segment where I go to eBay and I look for haunted dolls and I got one for you that is for sale for a lucky winner sixty five dollars.
I want you right now to meet sarch.
Oh. I actually I'm actually living for the color scheme, if I'm being honest.
Surge is like, what do you call those kinds of clowns? Like an old timey clown?
Yeah, but with like kind of listener. It's like pink and green with like some gold trimmed. It's giving a gesture, but I'm gonna say, like, it's kind of giving fashion and I'm kind of living for like almost like a Smoky Eye situation.
I kind of like this doll. It's like a condom on a head. It does look like a condom on.
A head, a green condom.
I guess I thought that was going to be scarier. I think Surge is kind of serving. So what makes it haunted?
Well, I'll tell you, Oh, Surge. So these dolls come with spirits inside of them, and the people that sell these somehow get these backstories from doing seances or using paranormal equipment whatever. They gather these back stories from the spirit inside of the dolls. So you're not just buying a doll, you're buying a spirit.
It's like a bogo exactly.
By one, get one? Why pay more when exactly? So here's Serge sixty five dollars. It says Surge was a male escort. So Surge is the dollar, the spirit, the spirit, but the dolls called the spirit's name, the dolls. It's all they're one insane, gotcha, they're both okay.
So Surge was a male escort.
The majority of his clients were single men, but he also worked with couples.
The men he had been with.
Were sometimes gay, but more commonly they were by or they were by curious. Surge sometimes went out to dinner with his clients, to shows, casinos, even on their private yachts or jets, but usually they just came to his apartment or his hotel. All of his gigs involved having sex. Say, Sarge is super sexually forward. He will throw himself at you when you are not expecting it. He can be excessive at times, and he needs someone who loves sex as much as he does. Surge needs to find someone who can keep up with his desires. He enjoys watching the view to see joy Beyharten the vessel that's in It's in a music box doll, it's nine inches tall.
And yeah, so now how do we feel about Serge?
Well, here's the thing. Am I gonna buy this doll and get hustled by the doll? Like?
Is it gonna will always want me to pay for the boyfriend experience?
Well, but it does, say, and I quote. All his gigs involve having sex.
Yeah huh yeah, but yeah, but do you is it a one time payment of sixty five dollars and then go sex for the rest of your life. Like Michael is saying, is it like you pay sixty five dollars for your initial entry to the doll and then every time you hook up it's like another fee.
Yeah yeah, he might give you a discount, maybe like a punch card.
I think i'd really just do mussour finder. Yeah, then then get served.
But I will say the eradica of the like written word was pretty well done.
That's pretty good.
That's worth the sixty five.
Your photo of the person that posted this.
I wish why would they want to get ridistered? Maybe search took all their money?
Yeah, well, okay, you want to hear some ghost voices?
Hell yeah, it's time for EVP.
Or ev plicse.
Do you know the term EVP no extra virgin pe.
Electronic voice phenomenon close.
So it's when ghost hunters believe they've captured a ghost speaking. Okay, So what I do is I go to YouTube, I look for EVPs, and I want you to guess what this ghost hunter believes this ghost is thing.
Okay, I can't wait.
Okay. This first one was posted by Kimberly Simpson.
Come on, Kim, no relation to Ashley or Jessica, I wonder.
On a Monday, my friend babysat for her. The other day, I was hanging out with my friend for like three hours the other day hour three.
She was like, oh yeah the.
Other day when I was babysitting for Ashley Simpson, and I was like, you just bury the lead. Why Why wasn't that the first thing you said when I walked in the door.
Why does he actually need a sitter because.
She got killed?
Oh, like what was she? What was she doing? You mean she's got ad sir.
So Kimberly Simpson found this at a place in North Carolina called Booger Hollow. Sorry, Booger Holler.
That's Michael's drag name, Booger Holler.
This is a real place. I looked it up. Also in my research of Booger Holler. I found a place in West Virginia. Sorry, yes, West Virginia. It's a haunted town. It's called Booger Hole.
That's your drag name.
Okay, so this is that Booger Holler.
What did Kimberly Simpson believe? This ghost is saying?
I gotta hear it again? Sorry? Can you.
Did you film me?
Can you nail me, can you email me?
This is an Okay, that's not what Kimberly Simpson heard.
Is it a are you serving?
Is it B?
Is that a Wells drink?
That's a shady thing to say to someone because you know it is. You know it's a Wells drink?
Is it c are you my daddy? Or d yes? Mama, sleave queen.
I got to say e all of the above.
Or E on a Monday. I am waiting.
I'm waiting for sure.
I wanted to be the well drink one.
She believes it is c are you my daddy? Okay, let me play it again now that we know that. I don't know.
Why would this is kost be saying that to Stephanie Kimberly my dad?
I don't know.
So okay, here's the next one. This is from mud Vein five one three.
That's hot, screamed.
I never really is. This was taken at mud Vain's house. What is it saying?
Okay, there's some kind of I don't know what's in the background, but it's the obvious whisper voice.
Let me turn it up a little bit.
One more time. I heard it.
What's on it?
Yeah, I definitely heard you at the beginning.
Really, oh, it's not the one in the background. It's the one that's Oh okay, that's what we're going for.
Give that again. Then one more time, Carol Caine.
Carrol, Okay, I love that.
I'm just here.
Well, that's not what mud Vain heard.
Okay girl?
Five one three?
Is it a you're gay? B are you okay? C f you then or d hey girl?
Mud Vein five one three believes that it's saying you're okay?
I heard are you okay?
I heard that. I don't know.
I mean the end.
There's no photo of mud Vein, not that I.
But mud Vein apparently I believe this video said that he and another girl that lives in the house.
He was asking are you watching us in the shower? And then it says you're okay?
Final segment of the show.
I'm just gonna list off some like paranormally type stuff, and I want you to tell me if you believe in it, if you've got a story for it, any of that.
Where are we at on witchcraft?
I am obsessed with witchcraft too. Yeah, I love witchcraft. I absolutely believe in it. Yeah, I think witches are real.
I believe in wickan. I watched the fourth season of Beverly Carlton she is what did she call herself? Phone white?
Did she see there's a black witchcraft and white witchcraft or some.
Black magic black? And I believe in dark magic, dark magic and maybe light magic or something like that.
But whatever, Carlton, I'll bring Carlton on here.
You should get Carlton on here.
She was big for the witch community.
I mean like that there was never there's never been witches in the real house, no world, and it was really.
Different for a lesbian housewife.
Yeah for her, for hers right, But yeah, I.
Believe in witch is witchcraft. I think it's all real. It's dangerous, It's very dangerous.
I'm really obsessed with with witches. I have a whole like Witch's comedy show that I do. I'm like, deeply, deeply into it. And I do think there's, like, whether you believe in paranormal stuff or not, there's absolutely something to like people sitting around and actively putting their brain power and verbalizing stuff about the world and people that comes to fruition, like they were all afraid of Carlton on Beverly Hills because she was like, I'll, you know, jokingly, like I'll put a spell on your husband, and then the guy got really sick. And it's like, okay, whether you believe in like spells or not, she did put that out into the universe.
And that's that's the big thing at those and housewives like, now it's out there.
Now it's out there.
Now you put it out there?
Did you call the papers Radar online line? Okay, do you believe in like demons?
Yeah, I'm sitting right next to one. Come touches demons skin, Yeah, honey, I believe in demons. I believe in demons like I mean, I believe in.
Demons because I believe that, like there's witchcraft, you can mess with all sorts of different things, and witches can mess with demons. I think, you know, people die, and I think that they can become a demon.
So you think a human can die and then turn into a demon, I think so interesting. Okay, that's not the way it works, right, nobody knows. Let's be honest.
I do please. I think demons are like from hell.
Yeah that's where do you think?
Were you guys raised with religion?
Yeah? I was raised super Catholic.
That's why you believe in that.
But I was in Catholic, so we don't believe in like hell, hell, we we're obsessed with Lutheran.
It's like Catholic light.
My poppy, my grandpa from Long Island, was Lutheran and he had to go to the Lutheran church every day when we would go to the Catholic church, and he was like so shunned for it. And Lutherans don't give it two shits about Mary because you're what misogynist anyway, And Catholic Church famously nothing wrong with that.
Nothing flawless, flawless, no notes none. Okay, so what about psychics?
Unfortunately for me, it's a chop. It's a no for me, dog, But what are you talking?
It's a major For now, you're sitting next to someone from the town that went to college in the town of maybe the most iconic.
Teresa Caputo, the Long Island medium.
I know about her.
She's from an area called Hicksville, which is a real town name on Long Island, and.
I've actually never come across.
Her, but I believe I don't want to cross her, no.
Because I'm she'll talk to whoever's crossed over from my life, and I don't.
Know if I want that. Michael, You're in danger girl. Well.
I believe in psychics, but I feel like the real ones are very far and few between. I think there's a lot of con artists, and I think a lot of people that want to go to a psychic that I want to talk to. People that have crossover are kind of like sad and vulnerable. Remember John Edwards is that his name?
He used to have a show at like three pm every day, a syndicated show.
There's someone over here. The name starts with a A. Yeah, B exactly a D.
We got a D.
But yeah, But no, I don't I don't know if I believe in those types of psychics, but I believe in psychics.
Wait, so a psychic is that's different than a medium, right? Or the same thing psychic medium?
Yeah, I mean psychic sort of a broader term.
I believe that there are people who can talk to ghosts. I don't believe that there are people who can tell you your future. Okay, that's so you don't believe in taro readings.
I believe in.
Tarot readings to an extent, but I don't believe in like crystal Ball psychics. What about Tara reading, Honey, I believe in Tara reading all day law watch.
Her read Doctor Seuss Cat in the hat.
She comes in and just reads you to fucking filth.
She's like, honey, the urban legend here is that fucking face with those shoulders.
Those shoulders seed.
Urban legends. Hey, do you guys have urban legends from where you're from?
Oh, what a good question.
There's a murder in my hometown unsolved.
You get so serious.
It really does for real.
This grocery store that the way that you said that was they haven't found me.
I haven't got I was a brag.
I'm telling you, well, it's because I have a close connection. This woman went missing at the grocery.
Store that I worked at.
This was before you were working.
I was a David, I.
Was a friend was a different grocery store that night. But no, she was murdered.
Well, we don't know she went missing, but her husband said she went to go by stuff to make Christmas cookies at eleven PM night the night before Christmas at Pathmark, this grocery store that I used to work at on Long Island.
Never was seen again.
Her car was found there, but nobody knows what happened to her, but people suspect he killed her and.
Buried her behind his.
Business does What does Teresa have to say about this?
No comment?
What do you guys think of like synchronicities, Like do you read into things in life?
Do you go, oh, that was supposed to happen, that was meant to be.
That's like the movie Sarah Tipity Okay, Oh, nothing good word.
I fully believe that.
That's a good drag name Sarah Dippitity, Sarah Dippity.
I like that. I really believe in that stuff. I do too.
There's been a lot of times where I'm like I was in the right spot at the right moment. I saved someone's life.
Once tell us a friend of mine.
I was.
I was at Vine and Sunset. We just came from Chipotle.
We had our drinks. We were crossing the street heading over to the Chase Bank. My friend was about to cross the street. A bus was coming. I yanked her by the back of her bra and yanked her back.
She would have been.
Squashed if it weren't for me.
Did you break her bra?
But she dropped her big gulp.
Oh, God, what a bummer. What a bummer?
Wear bras around me.
It might save your life.
I believe in being at the right spot at the right time.
I really believe in that something like that happened to me recently. My brain is blinking.
But the main one I can think of is my parents were in Amsterdam and they were like sitting at a cafe and my cousin Mark walked by and I was like, that looks like my uncle John. And they had no idea that they were both there at the same time, and he was like, that is my uncle John. They were like in Amsterdam at the same time and they just ran bumped into each other.
So when they enemies, Hey, guess what, that's the end. Wow. Thank you guys. You want to tell people where to find you and know that.
You don't worry about him.
You can follow me at t Murray zero six, on Instagram and TikTok and YouTube.
And me.
You can find me on Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Michael Henry nine one five and on YouTube just search Michael Henry Gay.
Thank you to Michael and Tim again watch the video version of that episode. The link is in the description of this episode. There You can also find the link to my Patreon. I have got my email in there too, which is ghosted by Raz at gmail dot com. Send me your stories.
You know how it works. I want to hear your stories.
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I love you all, both living and dead. But if I didn't ask you to haunt me, don't haunt me. Came back Star a podcast network