
Listener Phone Call Extravaganza Part XXIII

Published Oct 7, 2021, 7:00 AM

On this listener episode Casey tells the epic tale of working at a haunted lingerie store, Bri currently has a job at a museum filled with friendly spirits, Audrey and her daughter Jolene lived in apartment with a grandma ghost that didn’t want to leave, and Sharissa saw a man walking with no bottom half!

Want to share YOUR paranormal experience on the podcast? Email your *short* stories to GhostedByRoz@gmail.com and maybe Roz will read it outloud on the show... or even call you!

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What's that at the foot of my bed.

It's spooky.

Hey jooky, I'm pretty sure it's dead. It's coming this way. Wait a minute. Hey, I'm go said Hiram's dressed ans pllease hey boo, it's me Roz. I am feeling so HALLOWEENI and I have got a great listener phone call extravaganza for you on this October day. Also, I want to tell you that I do have a couple of tickets left for my October live show in LA that is on October twenty ninth. The ticket link is in the description of this episode, so go snatch it up while they're still there, because I don't want I hear about it in a couple of weeks when you're like, wait a minute, So make sure you go get them now. Also go to patreon dot com slash rosdres Fales for some weekly content. This week, I have a little video talking about my experience as a child clown and why I love clowns. And it's like almost sad at times my story I have to tell, but I've chosen to turn it around and make it a positive thing, and so I hope you enjoy that little story time for me and speaking of story Times, the bonus clip this week, Oh my god, We've got Bree talking more about the place where she works in San Francisco, the Presidio and the ghosts around there. And Sharissa is a scientist and she has got stories about working in a haunted laboratory. I mean that sounds like the monster mashers of them, but those stories are good. So check that out on my second tier Patreon dot com slash Ross Dreds Flees. All Right, we've got a lot coming at you, so let's just get into it. Here is this month's listener Phone Call Extravaganza, the twenty third one ever, on with the show Casey in Portland, Oregon. Hello, how are you?

I'm good, ros even better because I'm talking to you.

Ah, I'm honored. You know. I love Portland and I also I mean I just talked to the Unsettling Toys crew and there's some creepy there's some creepy stuff and there's some weirdos in Portland and that's why I love.

It so much, That's why I came here.

Well, you hit me up about a haunted lingerie store, and I'm obsessed. Can we just hear this story.

Yes, So this happened in San Diego in the early two thousands. I was working in a lingerie store that will not be named, and everything seemed totally normal, as it always does in these stories. And I had been there for a very short period of time. I was one of the managers, so I would come into the store early in the morning to do scheduling or you know, different stuff in the office, and I noticed that while I would be in there, I would always hear the sound of hangers moving, like on the racks, and every time I would wonder, like, oh my gosh, did somebody come into the store. So I'd always go check. The door would be locked. And it got to the point where it was happening so frequently that I was even checking, you know, our the air conditioning vents on? Is the escalator on? Like what is making these hangers make this noise? It bugged me, but you know, I would go check every time and there would be no reason for it, so I would go back to work.

That happened, you know, for like.

A month or so, and then I started hearing the sound of people running through the store when nobody was in it.

I hate a running ghost. I didn't.

There's no need for them to be fast.

Now, first of all, float Okay, that's the whole point of being a ghost, you know, that's one of the perks. Float as fast as you want. Don't be running. I don't want to hear it. I don't want to experience it. Wait, so, at this point, when you're starting to hear these things, was there any chitter chatter with your coworkers about it being haunted?

Not yet.

No, we did get there, but at this point I didn't think it was anything paranormal.

I wasn't, you know, a non believer, but I was. I was skeptical.

And also it's a mall, Like it's the least haunted or atmospheric feeling place I could imagine.

Right, Like, have you ever been in a mall when no one's there?

Oh, plenty of times, and it's it's terrifying.

Yes, But also so the side note, I keep thinking about malls because malls sadly are kind of going away, and what are we going to do with these big abandon There's actually a couple of accounts. I don't know if it's like Instagram accounts I've seen online of like abandoned malls, and it's like so creepy to see, like an old anti Anne's kind of decaying, and there's just gonna be so much more of that. There will be mall goes, for sure.

I hope they don't run like this one did, because I hated it.

Maybe it was a mallwalker, did it? Wait? Was it accompanied by like the of like a track suit or like, you know, one of the like a windbreaker.

No, No, it honestly sounded like like a kid running, like small but heavy footprints. I hate that footsteps, and it would The store was, you know, pretty open, but when it got to the back, there was a big L shaped hallway where the dressing rooms were, and you know, in the middle of the L was the office and it was closed by a keypad door. So I would be in there hearing up and down the fitting room hallway like running, running, running, go and love nobody's there, and I would hear the hangers. So then the next thing that started happening was the light bulbs. So this was a very well lit store, and we had track lighting, and the light bulbs that were up there were supposed to last allegedly like a year or more and everybody started noticing like they were burning out honestly a couple times a week, and we would be up there and changing them. And it got to the point where I actually had six different people come out. I had the property manager, I had the electric company. I had a couple of different repair people just to come out and see if there was damage, because the lights should not have been doing this. And they found no damage. They replaced part of it just to you know, make sure that it was fine. And even after all of that, we just ended up having to order a ton ton of light bulbs because they were constantly burning out. So this was around the time where we were getting ready for holiday, which is a big deal in retail, and at this point had been promoted to the manager. So I was getting together the meeting for pre holiday, you know, all six of us, all the employees are in the store and somebody mentions the ghost and I was like what, and they start talking. I had never seen and throughout the course of my story, I will never see anything. But my employees started talking and they had seen a guy who would be in the store. They would go to greet him and he would be gone, and they jokingly started calling him Harry, and then we all started sort of sharing experiences, and as it turned out, everybody was having them, and this was the point where things really started to escalate. You know, you hear oh, you acknowledge it, you pay attention to it, you feed it energy, and it gets worse. And in my experience at least, I can say that was absolutely true. So we would still have you know, the hangers, the sounds of running, the lights burning out, And then what started to happen was we would hear this disembodied, completely genderless voice say things like hey or ma'am, like things a customer would say to get our attention, and we'd look and there'd be no one there. And it happened, you know, pretty regularly, like enough that we would joke about it that I did hear so that and then the next sort of big escalation that happened was things would start disappearing.

So we had a cash.

Wrap in the middle of the store, and we would have things on it like pens and you know, our daily log and like things that we didn't move around the store, and we would find them placed in really weird places around the store, like in backstock drawers in a locked fitting room. We would look at our cameras because I would I was like this, somebody has to be moving this, like somebody is fucking with me or you know, customers doing this, and we wouldn't catch it. So one of my employees at this point said, I would like to do a clearing in the store. I would like to burn some sage and just see, like there's a lot of people coming through the mall, maybe there's somebody brought something nasty. And I was like, sure, let's you know, let's go for it. So we did that one night after closing. She we we avoided the smoke detectors as much as possible by having fans blow, and she staged the store and said, you know, whatever.

Is here, we need you to go.

And whatever was there obviously didn't like the stage because it did not leave.

Ah, it got welled.

Hang on. Okay, So this to me sounds like what we call in the biz an intelligent haunting. You know, it certainly seems to have reactions and emotions and can you know, interact with you so this so do we think that there was more than one spirit or is it? Do you think it was all just Harry at this point.

Well, so here's what I think. I think that there were three different I don't know if I want to call them spirits, because I don't know what they were. I will just say like three different feel like presences. One was a very like motion based thing, that's where we would hear the running the hangars, and that one really only happened in the mornings. The second one was also the same spot where I'm pretty sure my employees said Harry appeared. It was this back corner of the store, and it was also absolutely freezing back there.

There was no air conditioning vent.

This is San Diego, it is not a cold place, and this back corner of the store was always freezing. Customers would even comment like can you turn the air off? And there was nothing there, So that to me like that that was where Harry appeared. There was some coldness there. And then the third thing, which is what started to enter at this time. I don't know if it was intelligent. All I know is that it it to this day, I'm now a forty year old woman. Was one of the scariest things I've ever felt.


I know, I feel kind of silly saying this. Because all these stories, you know, have so much similarity. But I just want to express like, at this time, we didn't think it was bad. We just thought like, something just feels kind of stuck here, you know what I mean, Like, yeah, it just felt like there's something repetitive and a.

I don't know, but.

I'm just thinking about like this. The thing that I keep thinking is the Harry, like the customer that's like, excuse me and then disappears Like that's so I want to know more about that. I want to know like what the world is like for that that presence, you know, does it realize that it's in a lingerie's store?


Is he? Just like why are all these women taking their shirts off? What is going on? There's underwearing here. I'm so confused.

Yeah, okay, okay, so it starts getting spooky, let's hear let's hear it.

So after she did the clearing, we started to have a couple of things happen at the same time. We would have these fixtures and I'm not going to bore you by explaining it, but these fixtures lock into the wall in a very specific way so that they don't fall off and like create liability and the laundry company gets sued. They can hold up to like two hundred pounds, and you had to go through a series of motions to get them to lock into the wall. These things started popping off the wall. There was no water damage, the walls weren't flooding again, not a cold place where like the building swells and you know, shrinks like.

There's nothing happening. And then we.

Started to get complaints from customers about feeling watched. And one of the ones that stands out was I was standing at the cash registre with one of my employees and there was a woman shopping with her boyfriend. He was probably like three feet away from her. There's nobody else in the store, and she's browsing. He's standing more back by us, talking about ordering something, and I see her like swing her hand behind her, like to hit somebody, and she goes stop it, and she turns around and she looks very alarmed, and she goes, who was just touching me? And there was nobody touching her. So then the next big thing that happened was I was alone in the store with one other employee. We had just opened and we had received our shipment and I was going into the back room to process it. So in order to get back there, you had to put a code in the door, and it beaped really loudly, like you could hear it all through the store. My employees helping a customer. I go back into the stock room. There are probably twenty boxes. I stopped to use the restroom before I put them away. I go in do my business. When I go to open the door, it won't open. And I'm not talking like it's locked. I'm talking like I can't push the door open, and I'm pushing, pushing, pushing. Finally I push it open and all of the shipment boxes were in front of the door.


Yes, we didn't have a camera in our back room, and that day I ordered one. I was like, listen, I told my manager, you know, I think somebody might be coming back here. I just want to double check. When really I'm like, this shit's haunted and I want to see what's happening. Yeah, so these boxes are in front of the door. The door never beeped. I was terrified. I ran out back onto the floor. My employee is still helping the same guy, and I was like, hey, did anybody come back and she looks at me like, are you dumb? Like no, I go back into the stock room and I said, so, whatever's here, you're here, I'm here. I have to be here. I don't want you to scare me anymore. You know, you want to empower yourself and own the space and do all those things.

And that didn't work.

Everything continued to happen, and at that point my employees were like, can we hire a paranormal to come out here. I'm not going to say their name because they did nothing wrong. They were just kind of ineffective and weird. But we hired a local paranormal group. We told them what was going on, and they came out. They didn't find anything. They you know, I I don't want to I don't want to speak badly of them, because I'm sure that they did some great stuff, but I don't think they believed us.

And I get it.

It's like, you know, six seven women in their early twenties and a laundry store, like it's such a weird story.

But all of us were very sincere.

Our stories to this day like still line up, and they did some EVPs. Nothing really happened, but let me tell you this. If if we had thought that the staging and me talking to whatever was in that store pissed it off, it was nothing compared to how it escalated.

Oh my god, Okay, this is like the.

Last chapter of this story.

I'm sorry, this is truly like a book. This is amazing. What are you kidding me? This is what we live for.

So this was this was what led me to quit. So we now had customers noticing things. We had the lights burning out, we had the sound of hangers, we had running all of these things. One night, we're all in the store doing inventory, and for anybody who hasn't worked in retail, inventory is dreaded. You stay until like three in the morning, scanning every single thing in the store, and it sucks. We were in the back of this hallway where the dressing rooms were, and the very back of the hallway was an emergency exit door. None of us had gone through it. We all assumed it went to the parking lot. But it's late at night, so all of the alarms are turned off, and one of my coworkers like bent over or tripped or something and fell into the exit door and opened it. And it was a room It was not included in the blueprint of the store or in our square footage, which I had to know about because as the store manager you have to know those things. And it was full of like fixtures and this really weird smell. Yeah, it was a dark room. It was, you know, not super big, like maybe the size of you know, like an average like public restroom sort of size. It had a closet, had a bunch of old fixtures that nobody had been in this room, and ages was covered in dust.

What kind of smell are we talking?

I have smelled a dead body before, and it's the same smell. At that time, I was like, you know, it's mice. It's probably just a mouse. It's a mouse, right, there's a dead mouse in here. We'll get some It's fine. Look we have all this extra storage space. A couple of days later after we found this room, I was alone in the store first thing in the morning and doing my paperwork. I hear the hangers. I go out to look, nothing's there. As I'm walking back, I notice in the hallway with the fitting rooms, the middle one's light had burnt out. And in these dressing rooms the lights had like these you know, meant to look vintage fancy glass globes over them. So I grab a light bulb, I unscrew the globe and I hear a voice in my ear go like that noise you make when you're worried someone's going to drop something. Oh no, and I start shaking. I change the light bulb, I put the globe back on. As I step out of the fitting room, the door to it slams shut so hard that the hinges broke.


At that same time, there was at the end of the fitting room hallway like a supply closet. I hear things and it crash, and I run out of the store. As I do so, the woman who managed the store next to me runs out of her store and she looks at me and she goes, what happened. I was like, what do you mean, what happened to you? And she goes, I heard this huge crash. I thought there was an earthquake. And I have my back to my store and she's facing me, and I see her face that old cliche like it looked like the blood drained from her face, but she really was just like, oh my god. And she points, which if you're ever facing somebody don't point to what's behind them, Oh I know, do I turn around and one of the bra towers we had their shape like an X, like foe arms, and they have these magnetd signs on top. And in order to get these things on there, it's like an act of God to get them.

On and off.

This sign is going back and forth like a flag in the wind, back and completely back and forth. I sat my ass on that mall bench and I did not move until my next employee came in and I quit the next day.

I was done.

Oh so did you keep in touch with the people that work there?

I did, and all of them quit pretty soon after. I actually ended up going to work in another store in the same mall, and that sort was fine. Nothing nothing ever happened there. I tried to do research. There was no history on the property. It was not like built over graves there, you know, it had been built in the seventies. Like, there's nothing, never found out anything. So it's kind of an unsatisfying conclusion. As far as I know. The activity continued after I left. Know what happened after the people I knew stopped working there. I just I truly wanted to put it out of my mind because I was sort of gaslighting myself, saying, you made all this up, You're crazy, this didn't happen. It's just a store. But you know, the more distance I got from it, it did happen. And I did everything possible to try and find reasonable explanations and solutions for it, and there never there never were any.

Yeah, well, it's like whoever will work in that building after you? It sounds like it's something you can't avoid, like it's it's it seems like there's so much activity that it's like someone would have had to do something about it. You would think, Well.

I hope, I mean, I hope that it that it stopped. I don't want anybody to have to deal with that in their place of business. It it was a nice place to work, it was a nice company to work for. Nobody should have to be harassed by customers living or dead in their place of business. And you know, I hope genuinely that it was just I don't know how any of this works, but if it was just a collection of our energy, we rubbed the other side of the veil the wrong way, you know, whatever it was, I hope it stopped after we left.

Yeah, oh my gosh, this is a great story. Casey. Now I'm trying to think of, like what we need to call this story the there's got to be a good pot.

Put the booze and boobs.

I don't know, boo the booze and boom, Yeah, boob the case of the Case of the Spooky Boobs, the double D demon from the other side. I've been ghosted too. Hello Brae in California. How are you, Hi, Rad, I'm good.

How are you?

I'm so good? I was reading this email. You work at a haunted museum.

Yes, I work at the Walt Disney Family Museum. It's in the Presidio, which is just like Hella haunted. You know. It's the Presidio in San Francisco. So it's like right by the Golden Gate Bridge. It's a national park now, but it used to.

Be like in Civil War times, like old eighteen hundreds. And there's even like some Spanish army stuff that was based there in like.

The seventeen hundred, so it has a lot of history.

Oh wow, Okay, So this museum, the Walt Disney Family Museum, it's not is it haunted by the Disney's.

No, definitely not, there's no you know, Walt Disney's frozen head that's not there.

He was cremated, so and that's out in La So No, that's what people think.

They think it's there.

We get a lot of questions about yeah, about that. There's like some chairs, people like is that is that a coffin? And it's like, no, it's it's just a chair for you to sit down.

Well, because I feel like people also think that at Disneyland, Walt Disney is frozen somewhere in there, and.

Yeah, it's one of those prevailing myths.

But no, no haunted Walt Disney walking around. My vibe is that it's definitely some old like Civil war people who are just really enjoying having a Walt Disney museum, you know where they used to live.

Okay, well, I mean people, I've heard people tell me that Disneyland. I mean, I a thousand percent can see Disneyland being haunted.

But I've heard stories.

Yeah, I've heard so many stories, and it's like, just imagine all the people that it could that could be haunting that place, even if there's like a theory of that was my favorite place and now I'm dead and like now I want to go to my favorite happy place, the happiest place on earth. Maybe that's the thing too. So if that's the if that's a thing that happens, there's probably so many ghosts. But I've also heard people say, like security footage is caught Walt Disney walking around the park at night, Like I don't know, maybe Walt Disney is there, who knows.

Who knows, but I know a lot of people.

They had to create some special technology for the haunted mansion because so many people were pouring ashes in the run and that became like, you know, a huge problem obviously. So yeah, there's probably some ghosts who just love taking a good ride in Disneyland.

Oh I'm sure. Okay, So no Disney goes at the museum, but it is a haunted museum, so what's going on with that.

Yeah, So there's definitely like all of the employees there who've been there for like, you know, ten years or so, everyone kind of has a story. But most recently we just have a lot of interactives and we get a lot of activity, like weird activity and.

And all that.

But most recently with one of our one of our employees. Was walking through our galleries and there's this thing called a movieola, and it's an interactive it's not super technical. There's just like a screen and there's like a little wheel and you can spin the wheel and it slips through the different phases of animation for snow white. And so if you get the wheel spinning really quickly, it'll just like keep going and kind of do that slow role. But it's not like mechanical, so there's not like a you know, something mechanics on the inside that will like stop it or make it go or anything like that. And so one of my coworkers was walking through the galleries and was in this gallery and saw the wheel just like spinning out of control and there's nobody around, and so he got his phone out. We actually had a video and he started video taping it and the wheel is just going crazy and then he walks up to it and without touching it, the wheel just stops like somebody just like held it. And like in the video, it totally looks like like somebody really just stopped it, and having played with it, it's like it doesn't just stuff like that on its own.

So he just was like, well, this is kind of weird, but I'm just assuming this is a prank. Like someone came, you know, and spanned.

The wheel and like ran off like a coworker. And so he actually went down to our security office and because they have the videotapes and all of that, and he was like, let's let's play this back, like I really just want to know, like what what happened here? And sure enough you could see on the security footage exactly that that it just started spinning just out of nowhere and then it just stopped, so kind of had everyone a little creeked out, but it's like, Okay, it's not it's a fun got someone who like really enjoys animation, So.

Well, that's good. At least it's the fun goes. But when you say an elevator like well, speak of dizzy, it makes me think of the Tower of Terror. Oh yeah, it is one of the scariest things that are done in my entire life. But uh, that's the thought of being trapped in an elevator with a ghost is I can't think of a scarier thing. So what what are you talking about? What happens in an elevator?

So we have this one elevator and this like we've had elevator technicians come. They can't figure out what is going on here, and like our facilities team, no one can figure out what's happening.

So this is a little unexplained. But in one of our elevators, it only goes up one floor. It's like a guest elevator for the museum, and.

Like right after the museum closes, it would always be like laid after like five o'clock, it would start having these weird things happen. So it was a conscientious goss that's what I'm I'm calling it didn't want to run the guest experience. But the you would press the button and the doors would start like open really slowly, as like it kind of looks like they're being like pulled apart on us, and then they'd slam shut do some sort of like like it would kind of do a variation of that and over.

And then the shaking would begin.

And I have like multiple videos of this because it's just like so bizarre. But the doors start making this like clamoring sound like.

But it's they're being pushed.

So in the videos, like you can see and the people who were standing by were like the doors are being pushed forward and backwards, and there's not a there's not a thing in the elevator functions to do that. Like they go, you know, back and forth. They shouldn't, you know, one way, like how a regular elevator goes, like they shouldn't be going the opposite way. So it definitely like and it's not a rhythmic. It just wasn't a rhythmic sound like it was catching like a machine, you know, like it would be like you know, in a cycle, and so it would be like.

Boom boom boom boom boom. You know, it just wasn't it wasn't consistent.

So it really sounded like someone is like pushing on the doors and just having a fun time. And this happens all the time and they just cannot figure out it's always different times, but always in the evening and it's yeah, it's always just like pushing back and forth. It sounds kind of violent, but it's like someone's just like kind of having a good time in there.

So are all the ghosts like nice?

Yeah? I think all the ghosts are nice.

We do have like a prankster ghost that it is consistently tripping people. So in our like on our top floor where only staff is allowed, there's just this one spot where almost every single person that's worked at the museum has gotten tripped in this particular spot. And it feels like like I've gotten tripped there and it just feels like there's a brick in front of my foot, like I didn't trip over my feet.

There's like in the buildings made of bricks.

So I don't know if maybe that's a tie in, but but yeah, it's like I'm tripping over a brick. And it's in front conference room that has like a glass wall so you can see when people trip, and we always.

Like to like, so, uh, did you trip over your own feet? It's all a little clumsy.

Today, and they're like, I don't know what happened, And usually we're like, okay, So here's a downlow, like there's a ghost that really likes to trip people in this particular spot, Like there's nothing wrong with the ground. I don't I don't know how to explain that.

That is so weird.

Yeah, so it's just one of those things where I mean, at least they're friendly, nothing nothing too crazy. We have a ghost that will like to likes to turn on our theater in the middle of the night and scare poor security guards and and that that one is like again, it's like the theater will just randomly turn on. There's not one button to like turn on a movie like our theater is like you know, the curtains come out and you.

Have to press the button to get the screen to go down.

I've talked to our av people about this a lot because I was like, so, what's the deal here, Like why how could this feasibly happen like with technology, Like, you know, is it really you know, I don't always want it. Them to the conclusion that it's a ghost, you know, try to find you know, find a reasonable thing, and they, you know, they couldn't figure it out either, how movies were getting played in the middle of the night.

Yeah, So has anybody ever seen anybody? Or is it more this kind of prankster poltageisty kind of stuff.

Yeah, no one has ever seen like a figure or anything like that. And you know that's yeah, they're apparently in the persidio.

There is a kind of a famous figure.

It's like a woman in a black like Spanish dress that has been seen a lot walking around. They actually had a Ghost Hunters episode all about her a while back. But so I've heard people who see her around just a presidio in general, but nobody in the museum.

Has actually seen kind of a figure or anything like that.

There's a ghost in my house, Audrey in Kresno area. How are you.

I'm good, really good.

It's actually a beautiful fall day today, so I'm much better now.

Oh. I know, it's starting to feel like a Halloween time and I absolutely love it. I was reading the story you sent me which involved your daughter, and your daughter is with us as well. Hi Hi, Hi, So okay, let's hear the story because I found it pretty.

Spooky, crazy, right, Okay, So this was back in twenty twelve.

I had just had a baby.

I think he was about six months old at this time, so so it's probably anywhere between October November twenty twelve and the way I had it set up in my apartment.

We had a very small apartment.

And like the living room, dining room, and kitchen all were in the same room, and then on the opposite side of the apartment was like a Jack and Jill bathroom with bedrooms on each side, and my kids shared a room Joelane and my baby Limb, and then we were in obviously the opposite bedroom, and I had baby monitors in both rooms. And Jolene had been telling us for a while that she has this little blue boy friend and that he was really nice and they would play together, and.

I would hear her talking in her room and be like, who are you talking to? Oh, it's a little blue boy.

Or she'll be looking at the closet two and a half years old talking.

And I'm like, who are you talking to? And it's a little blue boy.

And so me and my family just summed it up as she's excited for having a little brother, or you know, kids are a little.

Imaginative, So I thought maybe that's all that was. Well. This particular night we were in bed.

I had just gotten my son to really start sleeping throughout the nights. So I don't know if you've ever been around little babies, but if you wake them longs, we'll just kill you, like, don't wake the baby, whatever you do. So it was like eight thirty at night, We're all laying down and I can hear on the baby monitor the crib like rocking like I hear like, and I'm listening, getting ready to go get on to my daughter, thinking she's messing with the baby.

But I keep listening and.

I hear drilling over the monitor like ohoh, sleepy, stop it the heck who's she talking to?

And so I wake my EGX and I'm.

Like, listen to this.

Listen, she's like talking to somebody.

And then you hear the cribs start shaking aga he's going on, and you hear jelling like, seriously, stop it, leave them alone, Like it's like, leave them alone. And so we're listening and we're listening, and it keeps happening. This crib keeps like shaking, and then she's telling it to stop keep shaking.

And I'm getting nervous now, like, oh my god, is there somebody else in the room, or you know, what the heck is it? I just really didn't know what to think. And then really, really faintly, you hear, my god, no hell is that? So then I jump up, like literally the hair on the back of my neck was standing up. I run in the room. I flicked the light on.

At this point, my son is still perfectly sleeping, and Joline looks at me, really startled because she thinks she's getting in trouble and I'm like.

Who are you talking to?

What? Who was that? And she's like, oh, it's a little blue.

Boy and like like jesturing towards the closet, and I'm like a little little blue boy, like he's in here now, and she's like gesturing towards the closet.

So my ex goes and looks through the closet and I'm like talking to her, like, who who's this little blue blue, little blue boy And.

She's like, you know, like the same little blue boy that I've been playing with her now it's this kid.

So then at that point, because my ex is always like, oh, you guys are being dramatic.

Or whatever whatever, but there was just something how descriptive she was about this little.

Blue boy or how much she was playing.

With this little blue boy, that I just knew something about her story. There was some authenticity to it that I just knew something was real.

It wasn't more than just being imagined too well.

And hearing that voice, yeah, like it was so quiet, but my god, just like that.

That is from a horror movie. I'm sorry, but like over a baby monitor hearing like somebody in your child's room.

Yes, and not to mention, it's like Jack and Jill like I should be able to hear obviously I have the monitors, but I should be able to hear someone's coming in or whatever because they're right there.

We were right next to the front door.

To right, so that is another thing too.

It just sounded like, oh my god, either someone's coming in or I don't know. I just didn't go straight to ghost. That really wasn't my first thought until we got in the room and.

Nobody was there. They re sting in the closet. She just looked at me like, hey, sorry, sorry, we woke you. Me and my friend playing.

Do you have any any recollection or like do you remember the Blue Boy?

Not really, not really at all.

No, No, yeah, we have a lot more stories too, like, okay, so in the four years that we lived there, this was probably within the that was the first year we lived there, within that first year, and after that happened, it was like it was like they knew, we knew, and everything just kind of started getting more crazier and like I had friends that would come over and get their hair pulled while we're sitting on the couch, and it wasn't like they would get a pull and pull your head back. It was like it was like they'd pinch with just their fingers and just slightly pooled, so it was almost like you touched the back of your head kind of turn around, look around like that did that just really happen?

And then over time it just kept.

Happening, just so many people that were coming over that people were going did you.

Hear your hair pool too? Or did you hear that? Or did you see this?

Or I would have some friends that would just know, like if anything happens, like oh, this is Audrey's apartment.

This is just how it happened. And then I'd have some friends who are like.

Hell, no, we'll come over for a barbecue, but as soon as it hits nighttime, we're out, Like we're.

Not sleeping in your apartment anymore.

Another thing that would happen is the doors in my kitchen. The kitchen cabinets would open, and it would start it with just like the salt and pepper shaker door was left open, or just the cups cabinet door was left open. So I thought maybe it was my ex you did it? You know, just getting something to dream and not closing it. And I would con instantly be yelling at him. And then the next morning like how hard is it to close the cabinet door?

Like just keep the doors closed. And then one morning.

I knew for sure I had closed all these damn cabinet doors. I oh, yeah, anyways, so I closed all the cabinet doors. I knew they were closed because I did it. And then the next morning, all of the stinking cabinet doors are open. No, not one, not two, not three, every stinking cabin down. Even so we had like the bottom cabinets a bar area and then around about cabinet on top for like cups and sware or i'm sorry, tubleware.

And things like that. Every cabinet in the kitchen was open. And I remember standing there like, oh, oh okay, I see this isn't it was not human, this is something else. This is way different.

Yeah. The kids wouldn't be able to do like way up high or anything like that.

Yeah, they were.

My son was an infant, and Joline she was a toddler, just running around.

At my hit side.

But no, they't yeah no. And I remember standing there looking at it. Like especially that morning, like, oh, okay, so this is definitely different.

It's definitely haunted.

And we lived in the way these apartments were set up. There were more like townhouses, so it was like a two bedroom, a three bedroom, and a four bedroom townhouses.

They were all like smushed together, if that makes sense.

There were like blocks of different townhouse apartments, and I had a couple different neighbors tell me that they were having weird, suspicious things going on at their place. I had one of my best best friends, I've known her since I was thirteen. She lived across the apartments in her own little townhouse, and she was telling me about one night her she she was like pushed down, like quietly, like started to explain. It's called sleep sleep paralysis, where you're like pushed down even though there's not someone physically there pushing you down. You don't see anybody, but you can't move, you can't talk. You're trying to scream. She said she was trying to wake up her her husband who was there, her ex husband, and she couldn't move and she was like.

Like trying to scream and it just wouldn't come out.

And she just got through telling me this story, and I'm We're like going back and forth telling.

Each other our own growth stories in our apartment.

Like maybe a couple weeks after that hurts telling me this story. I wake up one night to the so my bed was up, like it was along with my closet, so like if I was laying down and I was staring at the.

Wall, the wall was my closet. That makes sense, Okay.

So I was sleeping and I heard my hangers like dangling, as if somebody had just ran their hand along ran their hand along it, and it was like clink clinkling, think. And so when I opened my eyes, and I don't know, like something like that really you think would not wake you up, but for whatever reason, it did, and I saw the hanger swing. And when you're asleep like that and you just wake up, it takes you a couple of minutes.

To realize what you're looking at.

So I was laying there staring at the hangers, like is this is this real? And it was definitely real, And out of the corner of my eye, I could see this old lady Okay.

Side though I used to tell my mom all the time about my blue Boy's grundandmother. She was very mean, like I remember telling her all the time, like he doesn't she doesn't let us play together all the time anymore, and stuff like that.

Yeah, it's like.

A grumpy old grandma.


Yeah, So she was standing at the end of my bed and out of the corner of my eye, like I could see her as if I'm staring at my daughter right now, like I could. She wasn't mystical or see through or she looked gray and scraggly, like there was like black.

Pieces in her hair, but it was mostly gray.

And she had really deep, sunken dead eyes like you could and not deadlight because she's a ghost.

It was dead like. She just looked miserable. She didn't look happy at all. She looked very angry.

And I yeah at that point, and I'm not the kind of person who just will scream when I get scared. I get really quiet, and I almost freeze, like I don't.

Know what to do.

I just I can't believe this is even happening. And I remember doing the same thing.

That my friend had just told me about.

About wanting to turn over and grab my my ex husband at the time, like.

Oh my god, like, do youse say this lady?

And I couldn't move, So I'm just staring at her like tears are rolling down my face.

I'm trying to scream.

My whole buddy's hot, and I'm like sweating because I'm terrified, and I'm looking at the bottom of my bed at this psychle lady staring at me like I won't want to kill.

You, knowing damn well, she's not really there.

And finally, like it's like it spews out of me and I start screaming, and my ex jumped up tremble light on and my dude, we always said good the night light on always, so it wasn't.

The room wasn't extremely dark, like there was a nightlight on. I know what I saw. I know it was there.

And the minute featured the overhead light on to the bedroom, she was gone, absolutely gone.

Was she going through your closet looking for outfits or what was she doing?

I have not She's like one hundred and fifty years old.

Yeah, oh my gosh. So did your ex believe this at any points?


So he had his own little teeny tiny experience. He did not believe anything we told him. He's so AMPI ghostly crazy. There was nothing there. Yeah, he's obviously still because we've been we can relate to some of these ghost stories and we're super into paranormal and haunted shows and things like this. Yeah, but he did have an experience, whether he wants to admit it or not. In the same room Joelane and Liam's room. My son was sleeping in there and I think me and Joelane were shopping there. We weren't home, and his dad had come over and the door was shut to the bedroom and he was sitting on the couch and his dad came in and they were sitting in the living room talking and you can hear the door knock, jiggle, google and his dad.

Says, oh, do you hear that? What is that?

And my ex I'm pretty sure is having his own experiences. He's just choosing to ignore them. So he might hear something, see something and he's like, oh, that's the wind, like I don't, I don't know what that was. But this time he couldn't do.

That because his dad is going, oh, did you did you hear that?

And so of course he's like, yeah, I did, And so his dad gets up and goes towards the door and he can see the door knob jiggling, and he was.

Just like, oh, yeah, that that happened, like that was crazy.

But he still to this day will be like, oh, you girls are nuts.

You're so dramatic.

Yeah, crazy, And we might be a little dramatic, but it's real.

I can relate. So you guys ended up leaving.

He ended up coming up to the mountains.

And so what did you so the conclusion as there was an old lady and a little boy maybe, oh, oh, the little boy.

I saw the little boy too.

I saw the old lady that night and she was like crazy, hell she was doing to me that night, but it was really scary. But the little boy, blue boy, that one was a little more interesting because he didn't attack me at all. But I have been sleeping, obviously away from the closet, and now I'm sleeping by the bedroom door. And the weird thing too with spirits, and you've probably heard this before, is literally nothing could be happening, and for whatever.

Reason, you'd just wake up.

It'll be two thirty in the morning, for whatever reason, you can feel something staring at you when you wake up. And so I woke up. I have no idea what time it is. It's really late. And I in the corner of my bedroom, I had a window and like a ledge and then in the corner there was nothing in that corner, and then my dress around some on the opposite side. So the dresser almost did a shadow at night in that corner because of the night light.

I was using.

Was it was an old antique dresser and they had the lights already built into the dresser.

So that was our nightlight. And in the corner.

You could just see that there was more masks to the corner than just a shadow, like you could see that it was dark. And I remember looking that way and it was like you could see that there was an extra mass. It was just they had more to it. And as I'm staring at it, the little he was hunched down with his head on his knees, and as I'm staring at him, he lifted his head up.

No, this is all horror movie stuff right here.

That's why we liked horror movies and things because people don't believe it.

But most of these movies.

And shows and podcasts that people are so interested in, people who actually have dealt with these hauntings totally relate to that.

They were like, oh, yeah, totally know what that feels like.

Well, yeah, it's all based on something.

Yeah, like it's and people think like, oh, I don't like that scary stuff because it's just scary, Like no, yeah, some of these scary things are actually. But anyway, so when I was looking at I was I saw the little boy. He looked up at me, and he was almost startled that I saw him that I was.

Looking at him.

So we both kind of looked at each other like I can't believe I'm looking at you, and he's looking at me like I can't believe.

You see me. And we just got like that for a minute. And because at this point, I'm really tired.

I was getting irritated with all the ghost things that were happening with the keminic doors and door knobs and waking up my kids and pulling my friend's.

Bears and nobody wants to hang out of my house and it's on.

So I'm looking at it and I go, no, I'm not We're not doing this.

I'm tired, leave me alone. I'm not doing this.

And I just went back to like I was just I'm not doing it sleeping. I never seen him again, he never I never seen anything after.

That for him, with him, with him being surprised by you. It could even be one of those situations where he thinks you're the ghost. Like it could be I've heard I hear these stories sometimes and there's a famous.

Movie, like a individual haunting.

Thing well where it's they're still living in their world and they're like, who is that lady that sleeps in the you know, grandma's bedroom. Yes exactly, yes, exactly. I never want to say the movie because it's a spoiler, even though it's twenty years old. But yeah, there's a famous movie like that. So I don't know, that's.

A really good.

Good I never thought of it like that too.

So Risa and North Carolina, Hello, how are you?

I'm good? Ross?

How are you so good? I feel like you've got a lot of stories I have.

I have a little bit.

Well where do we start?

We can start, I guess from when I was a kid in Hawaii. Okay, okay, So in Hawaii, my mom and my stepdad, So my stepdad was military and we lived on like Hawahu in a military base, and so I distinctly remember I guess when you're military, sometimes you're on duty and stuff, and the duty you have to like work twenty four hours.

And I remember being in my room one night, and we.

Lived in like these older, like military houses, and I remember hearing the door open downstairs.

When he I guess, I guess he had come home.

And I figured out figured it was him because I heard like the military boots, like it has like a distinct sound of like walking, and it.

Sounded like him.

And I heard it go from like the front door to like the kitchen, and I heard like rattling, and then I heard it come up the stairs slowly and then yes, and then when you got to the top of the stairs, like directly across from the stairs was like my appearents, you know, my mom and my stepdad's room, and immediately to the right was my little sister's room, and her room would face like there's a window that would face out to like outside of the house. You could see like the carboard and stuff down there. And down the hall was my room and my little brother's room. And I heard him come up the stairs and I heard him walking towards my room, and then I heard it just like it stopped, and then it sounded like he kind of did like a right face or whatever direction he went, I don't know, and go into I guess his room.

And I thought that was weird.

And I don't know why I decided to do this, but I went out and I kind of like tiptoed over to my little sister's room, which faces outside, and I looked down and he has this really distinct purple truck.

It's like a shabby purple truck. And it wasn't there.

Okay, how old are you?

I am thirty?

No, I'm sorry in the story, oh in this story.

Oh my god.

I was probably like, oh, it was probably eight, eight or nine.

Hey, you decided to tiptoe and investigate. I feel like that when you watch a horror movie and you're like, who, no one would go out there if they heard so much.

I'm probably that person. If you hear a noise, I'm like, hello, who's there?

Wow? You are so much braver at eight than I am currently.

Well, when I figured out that it wasn't his truck, I was like, oh no, and I tried to quickly quietly run back to my room hide under the covers. I don't know who that.

I don't know if it was like a ghost or if my mom might have been doing something as she wanted post to be done. But I'm asting it as a ghost.

What were there other things happening there?

There were there were a few things that happened. And see, I think what made it more significant is earlier that week. I remember we went to Pro Harbor to like, I guess, do a visit and tour, I guess. And it's a very like ominous place, kind of like when you go to Ground zero in New York. It's very ominous. And I don't know, like maybe something followed as home or what. But you know, we've had that. I've had experiences where people have knocked on the door and nobody was there, and then, you know, I'm like nine years old, I answered it.

I don't know who it is, so I don't know who I let in.

Oh no, yes, And then you know, I've had experiences here in North Carolina, you know, at you know, when I was in college, I went to UNC Pembroke, and I used to work at like the little Starbucks they have there, and oh my god, I remember it was like labor new weekend or something and we had to work overnight or overnight it was midward night, and like we closed at ten.

I don't understand why because nobody was there.

And I remember we had to bring all their stuff back to like the main cafeteria and it was dark and there were some lights on, and we were in the back of the cafeteria and there was like a little window that kind of you could see out into the dining room. And I saw a man walking into the formal dining room where like the chancellors and stuff eat. And it didn't register me until he left that he didn't have a bottom half.

Oh no, yes, where was the bottom half?

I have no light? Probably in the chancellor's dining room.

He's like, I don't need this.

He's like yeah, He's like, I just need the lap half to eat.

Oh my god.


But was did he love see through and ghosty from the top half up?

Kind of? Yeah?

He looked kind of like this pale guy. And I didn't And I guess because it was dark, it didn't really register.

With me that it was a ghost until I realized.

Like that nobody should be there right now?

Oh no, yes, had.

Other people seen things like that around there, yes.

And it's insane.

And it's like, so Pembroke is like in a town where the majority of the people there are lumby Indians, so's.

There's like a lot of like ghosty stuff that happens there.

And I mean, I've that's the only thing I've experienced in Pembroke as far as I can remember, but you know, I've had a lot of other like experiences as well, like all around.

I don't know why.

I feel like I'm kind of like I want to see it, but though when I see it, I don't believe it until after the fact.

So, okay, tell me about these premonitions.

Oh my god, Okay.

So my mom she's just like four foot eleven Filipino firecracker of a lady, and she would always tell me growing.

Up, I'm psychic. I am psychic, blah blah blah, I can do this second and pict blah blah blah.

Okay, So like she you know, she would always like she predicted that one of my friends, uh would get pregnant and then have a baby at like this, like sometime when we were in high school and it happened, and so.

She was like, yeah, you have been gift.

You haven't.

You just need to consent threat. And I'm like, you know whatever, Mom's I don't. I don't know. I don't really believe you.

And I've just noticed a lot here in the last like couple of years that I have seen, like I can predict things and I chalk it up. Is like when it happens when I think it, I'm like, no, that's stupid. Why would I think that? And then it happened. So like an example is a I was at of work one day and I came back the next day and uh, I saw the elevator had.

An out of order sign.

And immediately in my head, I was like, Diana was in there and she got stuck and it fell.

And I was like, that's horrible. Why would I think that about her? It's so mean.

And so then I got to my desk and I'm like type of la da da da da. And Diana comes in and she's like, Terrissa, you missed it yesterday. I got I was in the elevator. Did you see how to order sign?

I was like yeah, She's like I got in there and I got stuck and it fell.


Yes, it was so weird. And then this other time, this really significant time.

I remember I was in my living room and I was just like I was kind of just chilling on the couch.

You know.

It was a long day, and the kids are like doing their own thing, and I'm just sitting there and I'm like just like whatever, and I feel like a finger or a cockroach or something.

More terrifying.

I don't know either, but like it was significant enough where I could feel my hair moved and like it like it honestly, it just felt like it's like you had that child come over you, and like it felt like legit. Somebody touched me with their finger and like right under my ear, like on my neck.

And I jumped up like think in my neck like who was that? Oh my god? And my phone fell out of my lap.

And as soon as my phone fell I got a message from my auntie and she was like trying to text me.

She's like, Aisha, something happened with your mom. You need prom up to the hospital.

So I go to the hospital and apparently my mom and my other auntie fell a little tipsy and they got into a little argument, and the other auntie kind of went like I ray her that my mom feels like a demon myself over her and the and like my auntie like bit my mom's finger. What yes, And she needed to get stitches and stuff, but like there was a lot of blood and they had to give her.

Anything like a shot for something.

But yeah, like they got into it, like my mom was trying to like fight her off and then she like bit her finger like super hard.

Whoa. So, how do you explain your you know, premonition or whatever that is? Like what do you what do you think? I mean?

I feel like so like my mom's always like, yeah, you're psychic or psychic, and I'm like I just like I'm like I don't think so. And I've had like psychic readings done, and I've had like tarot card reading, and every one of those people have told me that they can tell I'm as sensitive.

And I'm like, is this like a gimmick that y'all tell everybody?

Like that's what they always tell me too. It's like, yeah, I don't know if they tell everyone. But I'm also like I think they can tell that I'm not, that I'm not as good as them, because then they'd be afraid I would take all their business. So I feel like they're just like, you got some skills, but you're not that good at it.

Absolutely, Like they're like, oh yeah, you're you know, you're sensitive and it's you know, you allow me to work with you.

We can probably stand into it more. And I'm like, god, I've got time for that.

Yeah, what I know. I've got, like I have Rosetta Stone over here. I'm trying to learn work on my Spanish. I've got I've got guitars in this house that I don't know how to play. Like, I got other things to worry about right now that I'm not I'm not trying to figure out how to predict the future right now.

Yes, like I just I don't have I got too much going on.

Yeah wow, well hey can I uh play you a ghost voice?

Yes? Please?

Yes, you know it.

I'm so excited.

It's time for EVP or e vase. Yes, I hear I feel like I hear an EVP behind you.

It's my son.

He's three and he has we Actually he just actually got buying us with auxism. But he loves shouting and watching things on repeat.

I'm telling you I have he watches Hamilton. Oh he loves him.

See he loves the girls and handled the Skyler sisters like he'll watch uh Eliza, she He'll watch her over and over again.

I'm like, okay, ladies, man, oh cute. Well, hopefully you'll be able to hear this. Uh the EVP I found Okay, I went to YouTube. I found this one. It was posted by p I T of CT, which I believe is Connecticut, and it just says that it's at a client's house. So I'm assuming this is a paranormal investigation team in Connecticut. They're at a client's house. I will say that they did say in the description that this is what they think. You know, they said it sounds like it's saying this, so they're not like super set in Stone. But what they think it sounds like will be the correct answer. So all right, tell me what you think this sounds like. All right, here we go.


I know it's pretty quiet. Let me try it again.

Something about my family?

I don't know.

Yeah, okay, wait, that's okay, hang on one second, let me play it again. It's so weird because I heard something like that, and then I didn't, and then I played it again a couple of times and I heard something completely different, and now I hear it again. Okay, so here's some options. Is that A please don't record me? Is it b feast or famine? Is it C? Is that your family? Or D? This is real corny? All right, let me play it again.

Okay, is this your family?


That's what I think? Well, they said they think it sounds like is that your family? But I think it sounds like is this your family? Let me play it one more? Okay, I mean I hear that.

She sounds really like she's like, is this your family? Like so rude.

I know she's like, this is your family? Really?

Okay, it's probably talking about my kids right now? Is this your family? Seriously?

Oh, it's just like a really bitchy Connecticut lady.

Just so stuck up.

It's like, oh my god, well Charissa, Yes, this is great. Thank you so much us.

I'm so happy I got to do this.

Yes, thank you so much to Casey, Brie, Audrey, Jolene, and Sarissa. And it is always If you want to hear a little bit more, you can hear some from Brianharissa at patreon dot com, slash rozdresfales on my second tier. Guys, it's Halloween time, so please tell everyone you know, please post about the show. I want this show to be all over people's ears this Halloween season. So I love an Instagram story, I love a tweet. I love just you know, telling your coworker, your friend. I appreciate it so much when you guys tell people about this little old show I work on all year round. So thank you, guys. You're always so supportive. If you want to see me live in La you can see me October twenty ninth at Casita del Campo. There's tickets in the description of this episode. Also follow me on Instagram at roz Hernandez. I am on Cameo at Rozdres Falles. I have the Facebook group called Ghosted by Rozdres And if you would please rate the show five stars on Apple Podcasts or wherever you rate a show five stars and wade a nice little review, or you could leave a ghost story there and a five star review. Maybe I'll even read it on the show. Guys, We're back next week with one of my favorite people, Michelle Belle and Jay. We have got a two part conversation coming up with her and Michelle is. I mean, go back and listen to the first time Michelle was on a couple months ago if you haven't heard it. But Michelle is just a wealth of knowledge and we really get into the occult and its relationship to the paranormal. So look out for that. I love you all, both living and dead. But if I didn't ask you to haunt me, don't haunt me.

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