On this month's show, Roz talks with Hez who lived in a terrifying haunted house as a child, Natalie who had loved ones send a message through the TV, and Kyle who encountered a ghostly female presence in their childhood home!
Want to share YOUR paranormal experience on the podcast? Email your *short* stories to GhostedByRoz@gmail.com and maybe Roz will read it outloud on the show... or even call you!
Be sure to follow the show @GhostedByRoz on Instagram.
What's that at the back bed. It's spooky. Hey, I'm pretty sure it's dead. It's coming that way.
Wait a minute, i'stead.
Hiras dress. Hey boo, it's me Roz. Welcome to another listener phone Call Extravaganza. Maybe my favorite week of the entire month. I am so grateful for all of you that listened to this show, and I would love for you to be on an upcoming listener phone Call Extravaganza. So of course, send me an email at ghosted by Roz at gmail dot com and just put in the subject line listener episode and just give me like a brief little thing like, oh, Roz, this is what's going to be, like, I've got this, I got that story, like that kind of thing. You don't have to write the whole thing out, Just you know, give me an idea, and yeah, maybe we can work it out and you can be on a listener episode soon, guys. I h And one thing I wanted to bring up. I feel like it's it's been a while since I've talked about this, and it's sort of a topic that I'm it's very personal, but I'm also just always trying to figure out what's going on. But basically I wanted to address like my pronouns because you know, it's wonderful. We all we all talk about this kind of stuff all the time now and I love that. And sometimes people call me he when they're referring to me on this podcast, and you know, I get it, like you guys don't know me very well other than me just being someone that talks about ghosts. But I actually prefer she her or they them, not so much he, but yeah, I would prefer like she heard they then just say, you know, the more you know. If you are on Patreon, Patreon dot com, slash erosdres false, I have a video this week. It's just me kind of reminiscing telling a story or two about what it was like when I used to do shows at the Cavern Club at Casita del Campo where I used to do live shows, and of course it's a venue that comes up all the time on this podcast because it's my favorite place in Los Angeles, and so I just kind of tell stories about other shows that I've done there and like these campy you know, Golden Girls Live and all those fun shows that I've done there. So I talk about that in a little video, and we've got a bonus clip, of course from this week's episode. I've got Kyle talking about a premonition story that took place in their family, and I also tell a story about kind of a sort of like a premonish. I don't really know what you call this kind of a thing, but an event that happened with me that I don't think I've ever told on this podcast. But it's another personal thing. I'm getting personal over here. It's time for me to get real.
I think.
It's it's a story that happens to me when when a loved one passed. And so I'm sharing that on Patreon this week as well on my second tier, so that is Patreon dot com, slash raz dresplees and uh, it is time to hear some listener stories. It is an action packed episode, so let's kick it off. Here is Natalie on with the show. Hello Natalie and Washington d C. How are you hi, Roz, I'm good. How are you so good? I was looking at the email you sent me. Wait, no, this is true. You had a ghost story that was inspired by this podcast.
Yes, I had a ghost story happened like while I was listening to this podcast.
Okay, I keep hearing that it's so weird. The past like a year or so, I have heard this kind of a thing, and I don't want it to make people scared to stop, want them to stop listening because they're afraid that they're going to get visited by a ghost. But it seems like it happens a lot.
Yeah, I mean it makes sense, you know, when you're like in it. Like I think they can see that, and so they want to say.
Hi, yeah, They're like you're talking about us, what's going on here?
Well, so what happened?
So just for background, like my whole life, I was raised Catholic like you, but just like spiritualism and ghosts, like we're never a big part of my upbringing. I just never really thought about it. So one day I was at work and I was having a conversation with my coworkers about ghosts, and I was kind of like, oh, whatever, like I don't really believe in this. But then they were telling these stories like about being visited in dreams, and like all their stories were so similar that I was like, oh my God, like like this is real. Wow. And then coincidentally, the next day, you had done your interview with the Chatty broad So I listened to that and I was like, oh, my gosh, like Roz is so cool. I'm gonna listen to her podcast. And so I just started binging it and was listening to it. And while I was listening to it, I was at work and I felt somebody walk up behind me. Like my my desk faced a wall, so my back was always to a hallway, so like you know the feeling of somebody walking behind you, and so I feel and I hear somebody walk up behind me, and in my head, I'm like, oh, it's my coworker like coming to say hi, and I'm about to turn around, and then I feel somebody like lean over me and then just go like it did a really loud like blowing right into my ear, and I just like jumped down to my seat, and I was about to like turn around and yell at my coworker because I still thought it was her. I thought she was just messing with me. And I turn around and there's nobody there, and I was just like, oh gosh, like I've never had anything like that happened before. And yeah, so it's very creepy.
Do you think that you work in a haunted place?
You know? I don't know.
At the time, I had kind of considered that maybe it was haunted. It was at Michigan State, so like places on campus are haunted, so I was kind of like, oh, maybe, like where I work, there's a ghost, but I had tried looking it up and didn't find anything. I think now, looking back on it, I almost kind of think because I was like really getting into your podcast and kind of all this stuff that like came with that, like spirits and psychics and all that, I sort of think it was like a spirit or an ancestor guide or someone just being like, hey, this is like really important and like it's gonna be a big part of your life. Like we're just telling you that, like listen up, like listen to this. And so I don't know, I kind of think it was just somebody reaching out to me and saying, hey, I don't think it was anybody anybody mean or anything like that.
So interesting, because yeah, I mean, if you're like not open to that kind of thing and then you start flooding your brain with all of these ideas, maybe that is opening you up to stuff like this. I don't know, but it definitely goes along with my The scariest theory to me about ghosts witch is that they don't always have to be in a haunted place. They could just kind they'll find Yeah, yeah.
They'll find you. Yeah it was.
It was.
It's crazy too because, like I said in my email, like a couple days later, I was at work again, and it was on the weekend, so I had my office and at the time, I was still in school, so sometime i'd come in on the weekend and just like shut the door and get homework done. So I was there doing that and no one was there and my door is closed, and then all of a sudden, I hear three knocks on my door, and I was like, oh, that's weird, like a with the door closed, like nobody would know that I was really in here, and be like, nobody's here, Why is somebody knocking? So I go up to the door, I open it, I look down the hallway super long, and there's nobody there, and so yeah, very scary at the time, but now looking back, I think it was somebody nice.
Yeah, well that's like see you watch these ghost hunting TV shows and they love this idea that I've heard for years now when I watch these shows where they're like three knocks, that means it's the devil and it's making fun of the Holy Trinity. Like it's like this theory, and maybe that is true. I don't know, but I imagine that there's like also like ghosts of dead people or just regular old nice ghosts that are like I'm just gonna knock. I'm gonna be nice, and then they're like, oh shit, I did the three knocks. Damn it, I think I'm think I'm evil, Like that was in the handbook. I should have known better. But I imagine that there's there's probably ghosts that knock three times that aren't the devil.
Yeah, they just want to say hi. You know, you can't see them, so they have to announce their presence somehow.
Exactly. Wait, what now this story that you were telling me about the Christmas story? Can you tell that one?
Yeah? Okay, oh my gosh, this is such an awesome story, Like I get chills. So yeah, so this was last Christmas. And so in my family, I have my maternal grandmother and then my papa, my maternal grandfather, and my great aunt Dori, and I think last Christmas was the first time where they were all passed. Uh, So my great aunt Dory was the last pass I think last year. And so my uncle he was just like working in his garage and he had just like random Christmas music compilations playing on his TV while he worked. And something you should know is that my grandpa, my grandma, and my great aunt like all had very distinct looks, like you could always pick him out of a crowd. My Grandpa, he was always wearing like one of those flat brimmed caps and like a little like checkered coat. And my Grandma, she was a very like bright, bubbly person, so she always had right red hair. It was always wearing red clothes all that. And my great aunt Dory was like very fashionable, very chic, so she always had black clothes on with like something leopard like a leopard star or hat just whatever, and she always had dark black hair. So anyway, he's having these compilations just like play in the background, and he happens to look up at this compilation of Christmas music that happens to be featuring V roll of just a random like like Christmas market in Poland and my family, uh, on my mom's side is all very very Polish, so it's a very big part of our family. So he's looking, he looks up at this video and he sees my grandpa, my grandma, and my great aunt all in a group like walking around this market and like it wasn't them. You know, they weren't. They weren't in Poland to when this was filmed, but it was sure enough. It was a guy in the flat broom cap, and it was a lady with like an older lady with bright red hair, and another older lady with black hair and with the cheetah scarfun and so I mean, it just was the spinning image of all three of them, and so oh gosh, yeah, So it was just kind of like even though they couldn't all be with us for the holidays, it was just like saying hi and saying, you know, even if we can't be here, uh, we can still say hi in our own way. So even though they.
Were so cool, So wait, did they look like like I don't know, like the age that you remember them.
Or like.
Identical like spinning image like even for a while we were considering like did they ever go to Poland, Like, is it possib that it's like actually them in this video, Like, yeah, it was. It was very weird, and I mean literally it was just it was so random too, like you just had it playing on the background and just happened to look up at the precise moment where like they're on screen. Yeah, it was very crazy.
That's like, honestly one of the most beautiful kinds of like these types of stories I've ever heard. I just think it's so cool. It makes me like really smile, it makes me like emotional, and I just think it's that's so cool.
M Yeah, it was. It was nice, And I think that's what's what's great about like your show and everything you talk about. It's like, you know, ghosts can be spooky, but they can also be be friendly, and they can be people that you love just telling you that everything's okay and telling you that they're still around. So I think, yeah, there's a really beautiful ass.
And it's also such a like Christmas Like I feel like that's a scene from some kind of Christmas movie or something. It's just like so the fact that it was at Christmas time. I love that. Hey, do you want to listen to some EVPs with me.
Oh my god.
Really yeah, well, let's listen to one EVP. I have one here, and let's just do it. I think it'd be fun.
Okay, EVP.
Or ev please? This one is from Ecto Vision Paranormal on YouTube and it's at the nicker Bocker Hotel in Lynnsville, Pennsylvania. And I will say that they this YouTube post, they were kind of like, this is what we think it says, which, to be fair, I should include that in there because a lot of times they're like, this is what it says, which is always like more fun to be But so I think they're open to different things. But tell me what you think you might hear. Okay, I mean there's a lot of background noise and it's a quick, like deep voice. You're playing again?
All I heard was boogers.
I seriously, okay, wait, let's do it again. It's like, yeah, it's definitely like something boogers.
Okay, here's some options. Do they think it says A? WHOA, you're hot? B what are you doing? See warriors? Or D pink toilet?
Oh it sounds like warriors, but it also could be like what are you doing? Like really quickly.
Yeah, well that one makes way more sense than warriors. But I honestly hear pink toilet, which I would love a pink toilet. That's amazing. Wait one more time. They believe it says warriors, which I'm like, why would there be? Okay, I don't know, maybe.
But are union they're creating a spirit army and they're gonna.
Exactly that, or they're just going boggers.
And then.
There's a ghost in my house?
Hello, hes, how are you so good? I met you from stereo. You've been tuning in to the shows and contributing with some truly amazing stories. And you told me a story about living in a home that was haunted by a clown, which hopefully at one point we will get to, but well we will say, I want to talk about the haunted house you grew up in. What is the story there?
Okay, Well, firstly, thanks for having me. Hey, this is so much well fun. I don't know if it is fun to recount, but I know that people really enjoy these stories.
I is taking me a long time to actually speak of this stuff.
Seems that ghosts and dealing with the spirit has followed me. My whole life, and so I'm cool with it now, you know. Okay, So my mom we used to lit my grandmother owned second hand stores two in our city. I'm in Vancouver, BC, Canada.
So so you know how things have energy, right.
I was just thinking about this this morning and the telling of this story because we lived in the back of one of her stores, in an old Victorian house, of course, complete with tourette and so forth. So for any child, that's all that's kind of scary to vision with.
Up in the door.
We just had like an old school desk. Everything we had was secondhand and old. And I don't know if it was indeed the house that was haunted or the things we brought into the house.
Right, I'm sure you've heard those stories, yes, And.
It's what I think about constantly having a home with everything secondhand.
Okay, right, So I kind of like stop that in my life. I'm now minimalist with everything brand new because I don't mess around. And I missed my vintage spens.
But anyway, okay, let's get to the house. We moved from that house. Scary enough, there's stories there, but.
My mom was not enjoying being in that space. Anymore. So we moved to a house, thinking it would be so fantastic.
To move over by the water in this old house. It wasn't as old as the prior one, but maybe nineteen thirties nineteen twenties and still with peaked roofs and things like that. So as you entered the house, the front staircase would go up to the attic, and that is what my mother chose to be my bedroom. I was six years old at the time. And so this narrow, narrow staircase kind of you know, you know, those really old almost like the ones you see in the backs of kitchens and old buildings that go up. It was just narrow enough for one person at a time.
So that, yeah, so I loved it at first.
It was a it was a slanted roof, It was the attic, and there was one window at the back that looked out into the back alley in backyard. And I had a little dog, and you're going to laugh, but his name was Spooky. I got him when we moved into that house. I know it all.
I've took it. Really, I'm anything.
I tell you that sounds like it's crazy, it is because it is so we moved to that, we got spooky. It was a little jack Russell terrier and he slept up in that room with me and it was really great protection. I had no closet in that room. It was just an attic straight and so from my grandmother's store, we took a clothing rack and put it in the corner to put my clothes on and the shoes underneath. And every night, you know, good night, mom, get me a glass of water. This is started immediately when we moved in, and everybody felt strange in the house, I should say, you know, it's hard to describe the feelings of things right. And there was one this is the worst part of memories. There was one tungsten bulb hanging from the ceiling, casting shadow on everything. Yeah, now, a tungsten bult like just the bulb right, like hanging from from a wire from the ceiling.
There was no state over it. There was just I stared at that thing a lot.
So I feel like the only time I've ever seen anything like that is like an interrogation room.
And there you go.
You've got the vibe. Absolutely it was. It was not cool, and we had access to shades. I don't know what my mom was thinking, so right, but she really and here's the other thing. Everything was haywire and there. My mom was a very nurturing and beautiful person, but when we moved to that house, she became very cold. We've talked about this before briefly, ros is there is something that people don't talk about about possession. And when you're living with entities or ghosts or in this case, geist, that happens like it happens like. It doesn't mean you're totally taken over, but everybody changes who lives in these places. But anyway, so tell us the ball hanging from the ceiling. Very first night, I'm up there, I have one mattress against the wall.
It's okay.
My mom's a hippie, so please picture that right. So, mattress on the floor. This is not a nice little girl's bedroom.
But my clothes are.
Hung on this rack and the rat I can fee, I can hear the coat hangers, metal coat hangers, Lien.
We're talking late seventies here. I forgot to say that scraping along the metal clothing rock.
And they're scraping like what do you like?
Like they're moving along the clothing rack.
Does it seem like there's like so I feel like there would have to be like a weight pulling it and dragging away.
Right, I mean think about moving those No wind is moving like you can clothing can. My voice goes telling clothing can move in the wind.
But the scraping of the yeah, okay, so that starts to happen.
This is the very first memory I have of that, other than creeping creep out in general. And then and I'm please know that this happened every night, and.
It got worse and worse.
But this will start here is I could see eyes through the clothes. And now every time this happens to children, people are like, it's your imagination. But things escalated in this hume. But I'll just say, like glowing eyes through the clothes.
And not one many many, god like way how many? Uh?
Sometimes for sometimes eight? Sometimes it felt legion and I'm not joking to you, like it felt like the room my legs are not my legs are not like just goosebump right now, they're vibrating.
It felt like the entire.
Attic was filled with eyes and faces. Oh and so I would go yeah, and I would go catatonic and I actually would sometimes think I was screaming, right, but I wasn't. And I was extremely traumatizing, but I that was my room, right, There was no these older houses with the peaks, they're weird because they have really small rooms. So my mom's little brother was living with us. He was nineteen at the time, and he had a bedroom downstairs. My mom had a bedroom, and I had the attic.
That was it.
I would wait, let me jump, and then go back.
Because this is how it actually happened for my mother is I would come downstairs and I'd be covered in bruises, legs on my arms, and she thought I was and this is way before I talk of self harm or anything, and I wasn't that kid.
I was actually having a good old time. I was rambunctious. But so she would be like, what is going like, what is going on?
And I would say, it's the people in my room, and you know, I'm six, I'm not, you know, a baby.
I was kind of you know, imagine Jodie Foster, okay, six, So I was like, it's the people in my room.
I was screaming for you to come, and you didn't come. And so then I was like.
Always really upset with my mom because she wasn't protecting me. I asked her if I could sleep down on the couch.
She's like, what are you talking about? You know what her solution was.
And we're talking a young woman here who was not quite sure that I wasn't, you know, being strange. She put up, I told you my grandmother owned a couple of stores. She got a bunch of mattresses from my grandmother's stores and covered.
The floor of the.
Of the attic with mattresses because she thought I was rolling off my bed and like dreaming and rolling around on the floor. But I don't know, I don't know what she was trying her rest and it became like a romper room. I did have friends over in the day and after school, you know, and we had you think about it's kind of joyous for a kid, right matt.
All over the original Bounce House, the.
Original Bence House, except for at night.
As soon as I would walk up the stairs, this tiny staircase and imagine.
This is an all woodhouse.
You got all the creeks, all of that good stuff that freaks you the heck out, and I'd go up and there's the light bulb. It would always be on. Oh and here's the other thing. The switch for that light bulb was at the bottom of the stairs.
I have a good so you would have to turn off the light and then go all the way up the side. Dark.
Now, but eventually, like only a few days in I would sleep with that light on. Then it started that faces. The start every night was that the faces would swirl around that light and then land right in front of me, actual apparitions of people in front of me. So when people say do you believe in ghosts, I say yes, because I've seen them right in front of me.
Because they were eyeballs. Now what's attached to them?
Yeah, no, eyeballs. For quite a long time, I guess I didn't. I'm sorry. I make the speaker. We were only in this house.
It feels like ten years, but we were only in this house for eight months I believe six to eight months something like that, because it was horrendous. So the apparitions every night would sit They would like a little girl would sit cross legged right by my head, and I would Okay, this gets and please feel sorry for me, because you should would sit right by my head. She seemed to have family standing behind her, like standing, so she would sit cross legged and they would stand. I couldn't really make out if it was a man and a woman, right, It was just like they were so straight faced.
Do you know how in.
Photos like you almost can't tell gener back in the day because they were so plain and I don't know, it was like that.
And we're not talking color.
Either, definite kind of gray apparition looking.
See through.
I've seen uh ghosts since and this is kind of a theme maybe the way I see them. I don't know how others see.
But but you mean like like sort of black and white photos almost yeah.
Yeah, yeah, exactly almost the CPA okay, yeah, because they weren't like black and white. It was just they were dimmed, you know all. And then I would crawl over to the window to get any light I could different light from that light bulb. There was something, you know how, you can't describe it. There was something about it. I needed it on, but I also wanted it off because it would maybe I wouldn't see the shadows and the and the At the same time of this landing by my bed, there would still be movement by the rack as well. Every single night, so I wasn't sleeping. Most likely, I certainly didn't feel like it was. I would wake up in the morning sleeping. It took to I would. I took from my grandmother's store a bunch of glass old fashioned. I know it sounds funny, but it was the late seventies, so everything was kind of old looking glass baby bottles, and I would put them on the windowsill in the back. Remember I'm six years old and kind of savvy, and I would suck on those baby bottles to help me.
To calm myself.
It isn't that bad, I know.
And I would sit under the window, on the mattress that was under the window and just stare.
Into the room, sucking on these baby bottles. I know.
That was why my cards, I know, I know, child, Yeah, it was yeah.
And I would tell my mom and she would be like, you know, oh, you and your imagination, which I did become an actor later, but you know, uh, it was not my imagination. And they found out that it was not my imagination. Nobody wanted to go. And now the bruises continued.
I was.
I would go to sleep at one end of the room, I'd be wake I'd wake up at the other end. Now, that could be me rolling on all of those mattresses.
That's what would happen.
But that's what would happen. Prior to the mattresses. I would be on the other side of the room. So when you're that young, I you know, I don't wish I was older, but it would have been cooler to have more to say about that. It was just every night my dog would.
Know that it was happening. Ears up.
It was of Jack Russell. He was really bright, ears up. He would run to the window first, often to say it's time now to go to the window. There was a safe spot at that window. Somehow, I don't know this, at least that's how it felt. I did this strange thing with a friend of mine from school. I brought her home one day and I wanted to impress her. Lots of psychological problems with this little girl at the time and myself, I mean, and I didn't like that clothing rack as you can imagine it, and I gave her all of my clothes. Now, in the late seventies, kids didn't have a million pieces of clothing. I think I had, like, you know, ten things hanging on that rack, and I gave her everything because I didn't want them to have any place to hide. And my mom had to trounce over to your house and get all my things back. That's another interesting way out of that. But anyway, okay, so back down the stairs, let's just go on.
Oh wait, did that change anything? Like when there was no clothes hanging up? Did it?
My mom got the clothes back, like, oh okay, right, well, she was like she was really mad at me, right, Like, it was like trounce me over to her house and it was a very neighborhoody thing where it just walked like you know, five doors down and or whatever it was two blocks down.
To her house and got everything back. So I was thwarted in my.
Saving because you know, no place to hide. And the interesting thing about why do like the people that they were almost protecting me, the one the little girl coming beside my bed, definitely a protection feeling. I always felt a bit better, although freaked out, didn't like it right, but definitely what it was going on, the many and the eyes and the rustling and the squeaking, that didn't feel good, you know. So I really felt that there was so much going on in this house and I don't know. Yeah, I'll tell you more about the area maybe one another time.
But anyway, I been to jump.
A little bit because this house escalated. Cupboards opening and closing in our kitchen, the TV coming off and on with fuzz only just our what is that called static only?
Just like Poultergeist in the movie?
Did you luck at you didn't get sucked in there?
Girl, I'm telling you, like, just on and on and on, And here's here's why it's called the house of death in my family. By six months in I developed scarlet fever, which.
No foregot at that time. I had by the time I left, we left, I had boils on my I was in the.
My mom moved a mattress down into the living room, and I didn't know if I manifested.
This just to get out of the right like thinking in hindsight, I mean, but it wasn't.
My uncle Joe, who was nineteen twenty at the time, as I said, developed had not traveled, developed malaria. What at the same time as I had scarlet fever, and.
He he had his liver failed.
He was my god.
Yeah, he was brought to an emergency like this is a culmination of the Poultergeist things. You know when I say things smashing, like I remember being at the kitchen table eating cereal one morning and a jug being pushed off of the counter and smashing on the floor, like just like the movies.
Ross, I'm not kidding you.
You're the rest of your family, you know, your your mom and your uncle. Did they how long until they discovered that this stuff was happening?
Oh right away? It's yeah, like because six months.
Okay, So the bedroom stuff with me, what it would I imagine now because I was six at the time, is things were happening with them downstairs, but they weren't they We had no reck course, we you know, couldn't move anywhere. You know, there was financial problems with my mom. All of this, like it just went to Mayhem levels, like there was my mom's bedroom was actually kind of between living room and kitchen and had French doors with glass inlay inside, and those like open and smashed in on her and just a couple of the frames cracked, but she was sleeping at the time and crash.
We all heard it, right, And you know, it's funny. Why I stayed up in my room.
I do remember, and this is just memory stuff because I don't remember too well. But my mom would actually I would come down. Of course, I'm a kid, right, it would come down.
Please can I sleep with you and stuff? And she would be like, no, get back to your room. And I don't know why. That'll never have answered because my kid would have slept with me every.
Minute of that experience, right, So I don't know why. Yeah, that's a and she never was able to answer me. I think guilt or whatever. So anyway, back to the House of Death. It's the only house with the grass grown up. There's cardboard in the windows still today.
There go my legs again, and the front staircase is ripped off the house. It has no nose.
It is a sheer face so that no one can enter that house. Somebody did that. I can even send you a picture, Oz if you'd like one day. Yes, then quickly, quickly we walk. My daughter can feel the energy as well.
We walk around.
She's just fascinated, right, and I'm like, don't be too fascinated. We walk around the alley to look. I want to show her where my bedroom was, right for the story. We look up and we see an old man with a beard in the attic room.
A real old man or a creepy ghost old man.
It looked creepy ghost, but I'm thinking it was real, like some sort of shut in in there.
But let's go with ghosts. Yeah, he was a little CPF And I told it too fast.
I was going to build to that.
But I'm telling you my daughter's side. There was somebody in that.
Attic, and of course we know there were probably hundreds of people in that attic.
So what's the story? What is that house?
I haven't been able to find any history in the back. There was tons of stuff in the backyard, some old hermit, like that's what.
It looked like.
It looked like an old hermit, dude, But why was he in the attic right at the time of what's going to look at it?
If you were really pretty This is a.
Kind of decent area in Vancouver, right, and albeit families and you know whatever, But like, that house looks like an old what do you call it?
Horder lives there now?
But with no staircase in the front. Staircase in the back was still on.
But the moment we turned around the corner, there's a face in the attic.
Window and it's a little triangle window too.
Pretty good.
I feel like anytime I've heard a story like this with like a house that has just so much activity and so many, so many different ghosts, I feel like the history usually ends up being that it was like a mortuary or some kind of place where there was a lot of.
Exactly and maybe even if that area was built up from logging camps and stuff. As I said, it was near the water and it's on the east side of Vancouver, which is.
Built up. Now, who knows what that house was.
Built on even right, it could have been that there was some sort of boarding like shot round shackled boarding place before.
Yeah, I've tried to look. I didn't look that.
Deeply, just looked into the history of the house, and basically it hasn't been sold or because my mom rented that house and it hasn't been sold since that time, so whoever owned it still owns it, although it just has one.
Of those numbers like a title number, no person listed.
So it's there. My god, this is a good one. I've been ghosted too. I'll ride Hello Kyle, Hello, I know that you have like a bajillion ghost stories. You have contributed quite a few to some lives, and what should we get into. Which one should we talk about.
I feel like we should talk about the one that I briefly mentioned in the email, about something that happened when I was a little bitty baby and it kind of scared but interested in my mom. I don't know how to explain the story, like, but I'll just say it. So, okay, what I was the firstborn in the family, and my family has been living in the house, and they still lived to the same house to this day since like nineteen eighty three. So my parents bought it when they were really young, back when you know, you could afford to buy houses. And this was I guess this is a late nineties now or not late in the early nineties. I was just I was only a couple of months old, and my dad was gone away working in Ohio and he was in a couple other states. He's traveling around a lot, so my mom was home alone with me. I had a rough kind of and this is context of a story. I had a rough kind of couple months of my life. I was born like really premature, had some how stuff going on. So when I finally came back home. My mom said that like, as soon as I was brought into the home, like the air or something felt kind of different. And it didn't feel like bad or in like a negative way, but she just felt like it wasn't just her always like hanging around the house, if that makes sense. So she's at home one afternoon with me. She put me down to sleep, and she thought, well, I'm going to take a nap too. You know, I'm really tired and there's no one else to watch, so I'll just I'll take a quick nap and then I'll wake up and continue the day. So she goes to sleep, and she said she had the strangest dream, and it was very vivid, and it was like something that you'd almost have like during the middle of the night, but this is like just during a nap. And in the dream, she saw a little girl kind of just standing in another room, but the room didn't look like anything that she knew, and she was there as well, and the girl just kept on looking at her, and she wasn't really sure to take his dream. She's like, oh, like there's a weird fever dream, what's going on kind of thing? And then suddenly everything went white and she just kind of felt like she was in this sort of like white kind of void. And then she started he caring mommy, mommy, the baby, the baby, and it kept on repeating and repeating, and she started just getting this feeling that like she had to wake up and she had to go check on me, and she the noises kept on kind of repeating, and she was finally able to wake up, and when she did, she instantly just had that kind of mother's instinct was like, I have to go check on Kyle. So she ran into the my room and I ended up somehow flipping over and like face down and like my face right into the mattress of the crib. And at that point she kind of quickly flipped me over. And she was still word to this day that she thought if she didn't have that dream or she wasn't like notified that she was wording, something bad was going to happen to me, because you know, infants of that age, once they somehow flip over, you know, they don't have the strength to like roll themselves back mm hm. So that was that was spooky for her. And then from then on she had a bunch of other things happen, and it was always usually when she was home along with me, So like there was certain times where toys would randomly turn on themselves. There was like a little cat toy that you would wind up that one day it just randomly turned on by itself and ended up from the top shelf of the closet down onto the floor of the closet and it was just spinning around in circles, going around and around. So that was kind of spooky, and that was Yeah, that was that kind of story. And I have a bunch more too, But.
So what do you think you does anybody have a theory on what was going on?
You know what? I feel like my family has just kind of concluded that this is just some sort of female spirit that for whatever reason, is attached to the house or attached to the land, because you know, I would say maybe it's the house, because you you know, usually go spirits might attach themselves to a house if it's older. But this is in like a quieter subdivision that was built in like the seventies, so not even really fifteen years before they moved in. But if you look into the history of that part of Canada and stuff. There's lots of history, and that whole area was very big for like farmers back in the eighteen hundred. Side established himself there and bought land, So we wondered, is that something to do with it. There's no really history of anything kind of weird going on in the house. There's only one person that lived there prior, and I was a mid aged woman that was single and she just ended up moving. I think it's just some sort of spirit of a girl that's attached herself to the family and maybe more specifically to me, because my mom is convinced that it's the whole thing that like I was the first born. I was the first child that kind of showed up in the house. So for whatever he is in the spirit showed interest in me and was like, oh, there's like, you know, there's a here. I don't know, but I feel like that's what it is. It's never been harmful.
So she was like, how long did you guys live there?
I lived there all my life, so like I lived there from like the time I was born, and then I moved out in my early twenties and my parents are still there, and my parents could tell you there's still stuff that goes on, or they still kind of feel at set of presence.
Really, so like, yeah, what are some more stories about this house.
I can tell one of my ones about seeing who I think is Tara. So she got this name apparently from me when I was like three to four years old, because I'd be playing in my room and it's this very typical story that you hear a lot, but I was playing in my room and I'd always be talking to someone that wasn't there and just having hood of a time, having fun, and my mom would be like, Oky, who you talking to? And I'd say, Oh, you're not Tara's here. We're playing this, so we're doing that, and you know, typical parents like, oh, it's just an imaginary friend or whatever. But my mom like sort of believe that. But also because from that one experience when I was a baby and then some of the other things moving around, she thought, well, maybe he does actually see something I can't.
But where would you get that name from? Were you a Tara Reid fan?
Oh? I don't. I don't think so. I ain't a Tara Reed fan now, so I don't think that's a translation. I don't know, right, And That's that's the strange thing. It's like, how does a kid just like come up with this name and be so confident and saying, oh, this is Tara. It's like I would think it's because she told me, right, or that's.
What I would think.
She said, my name is Tara. Needed to let everyone know that. Yeah, but yeah, going back to a couple of times I've seen her, and it's always it's always that night.
So how old was I? Oh, gosh, I'd maybe be like this is a very very first time. I'd probably be like ten eleven. I remember going to bed, and I remember like nothing was out of the ordinary, and I woke up because I'm a light sleeper, literally like the door could open and I'd be like wide away, be like what's going on. I suddenly woke up and I felt like someone was in the room with me, and I was kind of facing like out towards her. Like I had a really really long dresser and then I really tall dressers, almost like a whole section of the bedroom. Anyways, I kind of like looked up at the dresser and there's a little girl just sitting there on the dresser, and again it was tall enough where like her feet were kind of like dangling. She didn't look that old, and she was just like looking at me, and I was obviously so scared, but I was like, oh, maybe I'm just dreaming. It's like I closed my eyes and opened my eyes again and she was still there.
So that's supposed to work.
It was supposed to work. So I instantly just kind of like did the typical like I'm going to turn and face the other way now. And the weirdest thing was is again, this would just continue to happen like this. That was the first time, and I thought, oh yeah, I wasn't convinced obviously. At first. I was like, this is just a dream, I'm seeing things whatever, And I'm gonna happened second time not too much long after that, and it's literally basically the same thing. But that time, the second time I saw her is I saw her in a bean bag chair in the corner in my bedroom and she was just like sitting in the bean bag chair and my eyes. I was like, I'm gonna close my eyes and like open them. She's gonna be gone, right, No, she's still there. Wait a minute.
So when somebody's it's in a bean bag chair. It kind of like morphs around them. Did it like do that or was she like floating on it?
It looked like she was like sitting in it, like like morphed in like just I wait to her. Yeah, And that was spooky still too. I was like, well, how does she do that? Right? Because you think of a ghost like, oh, you know, they're not going to actually take form like a human or whatever. And you know, like I it sounds kind of contradicting where you like, I think it's good to question yourself sometimes. So like I think for the most part, that probably was her. Do I do I think every single time you know, I saw her? Because I've probably had that sort of same situation multi like at least five six times. Do I think every single time you know it was actually her? Where was? I kind of tricky myself. I don't know right, like it's possible, but I think it was actually her?
You know?
So did anyone else ever see her? My mom's seen her a few times, and that was usually when again she'd be home alone or have the kids, because you know, a year and a half after I was born, my one brother was born, so like even then she would still a lot of times she would see the typical like just kind of like a shadow or like movement, either like in the corner of her eye or a lot of times she would go downstairs where all the kids toys were. She told me this actually a couple of days ago. There was one time she went down to the basement and there's a bunch of toys, that's where all the kids hung out whatever. And as she went down the stairs, like when you kind of go eye level, there'd be all the toys and stuff, and then there we had a big, huge, like sectional. She saw like a movement and it looked like this like kind of an apparition of a small kid kind of like run behind because we had all these like big like car toy sets and we had like a it's like that sounds so stupid, like a ball pit thing with all these like balls and stuff, you know, for like two year olds, and like it was shaped like a Teddy bear, and she I saw like something like run from behind, like that kind of floating ball set thing, and like run and kind of go towards like get a bar. But like in order to see where this you know, shadow wherever went, you would have to kind of turn your body quickly and like really kind of look to the right. But by the time she had to look there, there's nothing there. So lots of things like that, right, So a lot of things like just seeing like little literally little apparitions just kind of running here, going here, doing that. And I mentioned in an email my family's super strong believers of all this stuff. So he would ask her and be like, well, were you scared, And eventually she's like no, She's like, I just knew she was here. I didn't bug her, she didn't bug me, so we just left it at the So you think.
It's just one spirit, there's not multiple.
I personally think there's multiple because I've seen more like the apparition of like a like a an older woman I guess not older, but like mid aged someone who's grown up. So I think it's multiple because I've seen her one time.
Or it could be that thing that I was talking to Amy Bruney about, like it could be like a woman that also lives as like a child at times, like she manifests in that oh ye, in that headspace or something. You know, it could it could all be the same, but who knows.
That's a good point. It very well could be. Maybe for some reason she had strong ties and memories to being a child in that times in our you know, in order to interact with the kids, she would take that form. That's a really good point. I never thought of that because I mentioned it on stereo before. But I did see her like two years ago when I came back to visit my parents. And that's a whole thing too, right, because a lot of times when I go back to my parents' house, I always feel that sort of presence, and that's when I usually always see something. I don't really see things as much like where I live now or whatever. It's it's always when I go back to that location, do I like feel different and see different things.
What was it like when you saw her when you went back.
Yeah, like two years ago, she I was doing dishes and there's a window like right in front of like the saint and if you look at it, there's like reflections of the wrestle of the house, so like you can see the one like hallway to the front door, like you can see like parts of like other spaces. Anyways, like I do this silly thing where sometimes when I'm home alone or I go back and visit, I'll sort of like talk out into the open and if something wants to respond or whatever, you know, I'm open to letting it do that. So I said something down the lines of, you know, I haven't visited for like a while. I had I had a time whe I didn't really go back to see my parents for like almost a year. So and this was then, and I said, you know, I haven't visited in a while, but I'm happy to be back and I hope things are okay in the house. Basically, as soon as I said that, I felt like a woman's hand kind of brushed the back of my neck and kind of run along my left shoulder. And I could tell it was a woman because she had like it felt like nails, right, that sort of feeling if someone kind of like brushed at the top of their you know, freshly done nails on the top, like on the back of neck. So I felt that, and I looked back and I saw like the apparition of a woman standing kind of in the hallway, and that was interesting. It did definitely see a different woman. Yeah, well, I'm honestly that one theory you mentioned about maybe it's just one spear that kind of manifests itself in different forms because it wasn't a clear enough apparition where I could see facial features and stuff, right, Like, it was more that kind of typical like why people say like like a shadow person or like I couldn't really make much details out, but I could tell that it was probably a woman and maybe her like twenties thirties, not overly tall, but you could tell there was a shape of an adult woman.
Could you see clothes?
You know, it was more kind of drogynous. It didn't really I couldn't tell like if she was wearing a dress or whatever. I assumed like that they were wearing pants. Again, it was just very like almost like an outline like a silhouette. Like there wasn't really too much actual features just besides that, I don't know, I could tell, like there's a little more curvature like in the hip and stuff, so it looked more like a female.
Body because that gorgeous nails with.
Gorgeous nails, yeah, because I definitely felt those and that was like, honestly, the cut, like the nails thing was more freaking than actually like seeing the apparition, right like I'm not ready for someone to just suddenly like touch the back of my neck. I don't want people touching the back of my neck with or without a good nail set on.
So right.
Thank you so much to Natalie Hez and Kyle. I had so much fun talking to them. And if you want to hear me talk more with Kyle about a little premonition story that happened in their family, go to Patreon dot com slash Roz dress Flees and that is on my second tier, and you can also find a video of me talking about back when I used to do shows on the first tier of my Patreon as well. I will see you guys on stereo this week or at list you'll be able to hear me on stereo this week, So check that out link in this description of this episode and join our Facebook group Ghosted by Roz Dress Fales and you can share a ghost story there, or you can put it in a five star review on Apple Podcasts and send me an email if you'd like to be on a listener episode by sending it to ghosted by Roz at gmail dot com with the subject line listener episode. Again, thank you so much to the listeners. That have been on this episode, and I appreciate you all for listening. So I love you all, both living and dead. But if I didn't ask you to haunt me, don't haunt me came back. A podcast network