Comedian Katrina Davis tells Roz about the time her broken watch was fixed in a mystical way and her connection to the number 13. Plus Roz does some research on a haunted bunk bed!
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What's that bed?
It's spookyoky, I'm pretty sure it's dead.
It's coming this way. Wait a minute, I'm go sing.
I lost that days.
Hey boo, it's me Roz. If you're listening to this on the day that it comes out October twentieth, it's my birthday.
Oh thank you.
Oh stop, It's just it happens every year. It's not that big of a deal. Oh what can you get me for my birthday?
I don't know.
Like you can tell people about this podcast for Halloween time. You could join the Patreon. I mean, there's so I don't. I don't, I don't need anything. It's fine. But thank you guys so much for listening to the show and for all of your birthday messages. I love you all, both living and no. Wait no, there's more to the show because we have Katrina Davis on the show today. Not the Katrina we're used to, Katrina Widman, not this time. Katrina Davis making her first appearance on the show. And she is a comedian that I have done a number of shows with recently, and I'm a fan.
She's real funny. We have a good time.
We talk about unsolved mysteries, and you know, I think they're brand new. They're new to me. Whatever. A new season of Unsolved Mysteries. I started watching it last night. I mean, yeah, sure, a lot of it is like more true crime. I feel like every season that they've been doing of this new reboot of it, they give us like one paranormal episode. I was watching this one about the UFOs in West Michigan, which is where I'm from, and it's good.
You should watch it.
I still think that the season, the first season, the UFO one is like the best UFO story I've ever heard. But I've heard a lot of UFOs over Lake, Michigan and the Great Lakes. And my mom says to her friend that lives over there, has seen some shit with the UFOs. I don't know what it is about Michigan that the UFOs.
Love, but check it out anyway.
So let's do it. Here is me talking to Katrina. Join my Patreon Roz Dresfalas. The link is in the description of the episode for full length episodes by myself and videos every week.
Okay, here we go.
Here's me talking to Katrina Davis on with the show.
Katrina, Hello, how are you really good? How are you.
I'm so good.
It's so excited. I get to see so much this week.
I know we've been doing a lot of stand up together.
Nice and you know, I had a thing that I had a thing happened with you, which happens with most people when I first meet them. I say, tell me our ghost stories, and I feel like this was a couple of weeks ago. You started with like I don't really have any, and then you like kind of were like, Okay, there was this one thing, and then there was this one, like we all got something exactly so we got to hear the goods Katrina.
Okay, well the first one, I don't know what I guess I'll say it and then you can tell me what category this falls on.
When I was little, I was watching Salard Jesse, Raphael one day.
Obsess I watched.
I was a latch key kid. I watched so much Salad Jesse. It was God, those my favorites. I loved her glasses were like cool for sec Oh, like she had the coolest glasses. I was in love with her because I obviously obviously we're glave than too.
There's an episode of her show that I did a thing on Patreon about uh, because she would like a lot of those shows. Every once in a while they would have like these people believe they've been abducted by aliens, or like these people grew up in a haunted house or whatever.
Loved it.
I feel like those could have only gotten better with time, which is like I know that a lot of those shows are gone because they were horribly like detrimental to people's lives, but they could do more of the ghost part because now we could like go to video more like I want. I feel like back then it was people just saying stuff watched you and them tell a story, but now you could like go to the screen like bring it back.
I think all that stuff like when when I do research about different scary things for us to talk about, it's funny how many are not from nowadays, because you used to just be able to be like, yeah, there was blood dripping from my walls and people were like, okay, like that's some crazy shit to say, I guess it's true.
Who else would like why would you make that up?
Something I have for later kind of immediately blends into that where I was just like, yeah, this is the thing, and there was nothing around to discount it, So why wouldn't you believe you could just be like, well that's what I heard, and that's you could just end there and not worry about it and be like you.
Can be scared if you want to.
But like, I think it's kind of true, right, and now I feel like it's way harder to do that.
Well yeah, I mean you got to get footage.
But even if you have like footage of something, it's like people can fully do a Pixar animated film on their iPhone now with that technology, Like I don't believe anything.
Oh and see.
Okay, So on this episode, she had like this supernatural guy, and I don't know, I think it was kind of a like a supernatural popoery. Like I feel like she probably had like a medium on at some point and then you know, different kinds of sex or whatever. But this guy was talking about everyone channeling their energy into like one like concentrated focus. So they told you to go Saturvey. Sally was like, Okay, we're gonna go to commercial break, go get an electronic that doesn't work and.
A spoon, and I was like on it, So I like went.
And got I was probably like nine, Like at the most, I had this Mickey mouse Watch that I was obsessed with that I had worn for like years and then finally broke.
Like I just played and just always I was.
It was a weird child where I was like, Hi, I'm in fifth grade, but also I always know what time it is.
But I was obsessed with this Mickey mouse Watch.
And then it finally broke, but I still hadn't like thrown it away, and I was like, I'm gonna get my Mickey mouse Watch. So I got my Mickey mouse Watch and I put the spoon on top of the TV. And when they came back from commercial break, they had everyone yell work three times simultaneously, like everyone in the audience and everyone at home, and you were supposed to ride in if anything happened to the spoon or if anything happened to your electronic apparently said like the spoon would bend, and like all these different things from channeling energy of everyone in the audience and everyone at home, focusing on everything at the same time using the spoon as a conductor.
I guess that sounds like a drag show where they're like wow, whow.
Well, this is what happened. So I'm in my room by myself.
I'm yelling work, and you're supposed to concentrate and not break your concentration.
I'm like work and.
My mom goes what But I couldn't answer her because I couldn't break my concentration or it wasn't going to work. So I was afraid that I was going to get my ass beat for not answering my mom while I'm counting work, because you had to say it three times. So luckily I made it.
But that's quite the like which one do I and not.
Like horribly abuse it. But I was like my mom would have been like, what's wrong with you? I'm calling you, and like I was like, I had to concentrate on the watch and she's like what. So I did it three times, my watch starts working again.
I'm picturing your mom being like, honey, I'm going I'm going to work, and then you're just.
Like where She's like what what? Okay? It was the saying goodbye, what okay, I'm going.
Just like I've had enough of your attitude. Yeah, So that's what I was afraid was happening in the other room, but also could not break my concentration because I wanted it to work, and it did, and that watch worked for like three more years, and my mom did not believe me, but my dad did.
So how does that happen?
That's what I mean.
It was just I was too little to like fully know what they were talking about. But the guy was basically saying that the power of everyone's thought focus being concentrated at the same time can have like electro magnetic effects.
Maybe what you're talking about. I think this was shit. What is that guy's now?
Because I wish I could picture his face. I cannot all, but I can. I feel like he was like a clean cut, brown haired man.
I know exactly who you're talking about.
I feel like he was, you know, remember John what's his face? That was medium and would yell like I'm looking for a letter.
It was like a skinny version of him Edwards.
Yes, I feel like he was a thinner face version of John Edwards.
In my head. He had like a navy suit on. I just can't. I can picture everything, but this man's face.
Okay, like you're talking about er, he had like a nineties T shirt, blazer combo on Sally Jesse.
Raphael I believe what you're talking about is Uri Geller, who was famous for bending spoons and stuff.
Oh my gosh, here's the thing that could a hundred percent be him.
Like that man looks very familiar.
I'm impressionable, but I feel like that's him.
I'm wondering. Okay.
It says on his biography on his website that he was on the Sally Jesse Rafael show.
Yes Yes, yes, yes, so is this man fixed my watch?
Are there any videos? Because wait, he fixed my watch?
Because my dad would randomly ask me.
He would be like, hey, Trina, that watch till work, and I would go yep, and he would just shake his head like that shit is crazy because he tried to fix it and like couldn't get it to work. So I think that's why he also believed me, because he was like, no, I like saw this watch not working.
And then it's just like one episode of Sally Jesse Raphael and we're good together.
Which I'm sure I sound like a complete lunatic, like running around being like Sally Jesse was.
Right, this mountain, my watch worked, like they're.
Like what I want to find that that Sally Jesse like the footage because I got some I've got some electronics I can't get rid of, but they're not working, and.
I wonder if it would work if you just replayed it back.
And I have one of those, like a dust like the little handheld vacuums.
Oh yeah, like a dustbuster dustbuster.
Yeah, I have one of those that I spent forty five dollars on and it worked one time.
And I refuse to.
Get rid of the techno.
So ury keeler, if you're listening, I got a dusty ass house and I will yell work till the cows come home.
I need you, I need you to do your things. To you, you can bust some dust. Yes, ghost bust, So you can bust dust.
Ghost bust and dust bust.
That's what I was trying to say, but I couldn't.
It was hard tongue twister. Okay, so this is good. This is a good story here.
Yeah. So that was my first like magical thing.
And okay, so does that at such a young age make you believe in like psychic abilities?
And oh I was.
I still sometimes will like positive and negative try to send mental things or like think I'll like stop myself from thinking bad things about people.
Because I feel like, not literally like.
I'm powerful and it works, but I'm like, don't even put that out there that vengefully. I do feel like I try to keep myself from doing it negatively, and I will like think of people I love and just be like I wonder if they can feel this right now, like, oh that's sweet.
But even like if you're not using psychic abilities to make bad things happen to people, it's always like what good comes from thinking bad?
You're right, No, it just makes you feel worse. Yeah, yeah, No.
Recently had something happen to me where I was like having a lot of revenge like fantasies and things like that, and then realizing in those things that like I just reversed roles with that person, and I was like, oh, I would be just as bad if I were to do that. But yeah, no, definitely, like I watched Matilda enough that I will absolutely just like stare at stuff for way too long, thinking maybe it might like wiggle a little.
Every kid in the nineties saw that movie and just stareo And.
I do think that was like a pre goth girl thing to like the weird girl that got made fun of would just stare at you.
And scare people sometimes, Carrie.
I don't think I've ever seen the original one. Remember when they redid it?
Like, oh yeah, no, I've never seen the original one.
I don't think Carrie.
It's like a scary version of Matilda kind of ooh, I'm on board with that. I feel like I've popped blood vessels in my lifetime, like trying to like pick up a remote that I'm like, I don't want to sit up.
I just wanted to come over here.
There were girls when I was like very young, like in elementary school, that were like if you bullied them, you could see them doing stuff like that and it was like, what are you thinking of right now? Like it was almost scarier than if they if I did anything, it was like, oh snap, this girl thinks she's working on another level.
Hell yeah, yeah, okay, tell me another story.
So my other thing is, because you said synchronousities, I think your list was very helpful.
Yeah, And if.
People listening don't know, I do send a list that I because.
For I guess if you don't know, I'm sure there are people that are like, I know exactly what I'm going to do.
Yeah, but I like read and I was like, oh, yes, this thing, this thing.
Yeah, I like to just like send out a list that just just examples of the kind of things that we talk about, and I think it inspires like.
Oh yeah, yes, it did like one hundred percent things that I would never have thought of for whatever reason when I read what because.
It unless you're being asked to be on a podcast about gohoes, Like it's just like, oh that do you happen?
Like you asked me? And I was like, hmm, I don't know. And then I thought of so many more. But this next one is my synchronicity with the number thirteen. It's my lucky number. I love it so much. And the first time was in elementary school and we were all lining up. I'd like won my class spelling bee, so I was doing the one for the whole grade, like in front of or the one I won the one for the grades. So I was doing the one for the whole school in front of everyone. Wow, And they were numbering everyone off, and the teacher that was handing out the numbers went huh, number thirteen, that's.
Unlucky, and then stuck it on my chest.
And I remember being like I'm in fifth grade, and I know that's something shitty to say, Like why would you tell someone that before they got spell competitive?
Yeah, but then I won. I'd be all the sixth graders.
What was the word that you won?
I wish I could remember. I only remember the one I fuck.
I'll to swear.
I can only remember when I fucked up The next year when I was in sixth grade, I had clarity and I spelled it as clarity like an idiot and got out so early. I can still remember that. Do not remember the word I won on at all. I just remember my friend jumping up. I remember I said the last letter and they said I was right, and my friends all jumped up for me.
Like it was the super Bowl and it was literally a spelling me. But I won.
I'd bet all the sixth graders, and I was like, this is my lucky number. And it's just always kind of and I know it's like, oh, you start looking for stuff. But even since I've moved to LA, I've like parked in the number thirteen parking spot and then like got pulled for some huge mic or and like gotten on you know, a podcast or whatever. I lost my wallet on the Santa Monica promenade running to a show at West Side, which I love so much.
I would say, you would never see that.
Right, Okay, I lost it, had a great set realized that my wallet wasn't in my bag, and like had to leave, like would have had such a great night like drinking with my friends, being like I had a good set in and had to be like, hey, love you, I have to go back because I think I left my wallet. Stayed up till four am on the promenade looking for my wallet, just me and the rats and everyone sleeping. I was like peeking in homeless people's bags, like because it was bright yellow. So it's like, if I see my wallet, I'll just like take the wallet and let them keep whatever they took, Like I don't care. I just like need my wallet, just like all my license and everything. Yet that's all I was looking for. Of course, there's nothing out there.
It is like a ghost town.
And the next day Triple A called me and this adorable African couple that lived like forty minutes outside of LA had found it on the ground, probably right after it dropped out of my bag, and the guy I'll never forget he goes, we look at the ID and we see it as a black woman.
Look around and then no black.
People, and it was my favorite joke I've ever heard about Santa Monica promenade then and then they wouldn't take like I was like, let me give you, like a gift card or something, and they wouldn't take anything. And so I was like, I'm gonna look at their apartment number when I leave and just mail them something because they had given me their address to get there and they were in an apartment number thirteen okay, And I was just like, this is like my shit, dude, Like it always comes up in weird ways, Like my best friend is also it's her looking number and I'll tell her a story and be like, oh and guess what number it was.
And she'll just be like get out of here. And it's like every time, man, oh my god.
Yeah, yeah, I think it to me, like paying attention to that stuff, it's it's fun, Like it's fun, and.
It's to me like uh confirmation. Okay.
I haven't told this story, but I just had a synchronousity happen. And basically what I'm trying to say is when synchronousy things like that happen. You could either choose to be like, oh, that was crazy whatever, or you can view it the way I do, which is like, oh, that is confirmation that this is what's supposed to happen, Like I don't even have to doubt this, because the fact that that happened.
It takes you out of the equation a little bit. You're like, oh, yeah, that clearly.
I just had a thing happened where I took a nap went to bad.
Maybe I did tell the story in this podcast.
I can't remember I took a nap two pm, because that's where we're at zero.
I'm not batting an eye at that nap time.
I know I in my dream or I didn't dream, but I just I woke up thinking about this person that I've never met before, but I just know of them. I instantly log onto Instagram. They sent me a message about a thing to do, like right at that moment when I say, I'm not saying that they they messaged me when I was sleeping. I opened Instagram and a message came through instantly like Hi, we've never met, but oh wow, it was really strange. So then I was like thinking about like any doubt I'd had about the thing that they wanted to do together. I was like, oh, no, like because I feel like this was meant to happen.
That's so awesome.
No, I do like that because I was just gonna say I like it when there's another person involved. Oh yeah, because I've had that happen with like past relationships and stuff like before I got with people like we would just keep running into each other, and I'm far more like, oh it was. It was in college a guy that I'd known for years and and always kind of like had a crush on, and I was like, I feel like we're just going to end up together. And I was like, ah, maybe maybe, And we would run into each other in different cities. I was like driving across a highway once and he's like had gotten like stationed out of town at a job and was staying in a hotel and walks across the street in front of me, and we just stop and look at each other like how could this possibly have happened?
You know what I mean?
But it's like so inexcusable, Like you can't shrug it off anymore.
That's why my belief with things like dating you could be on Tender all day long and swipe and swap and swiping. But if that when that person that you're supposed to meet, they're gonna find you.
Yeah wherever. Yes, if it's.
Tender or in the line at Panda Express, they're gonna find you.
Yuf i another whatever.
I'm about to just sound like wild to college whatever on this podcast, but I don't care because they're just like romantically related. But like I once was going up the stairs of a bar, locked eyes with someone and was like, I'm gonna fuck that dude. I like saw him sitting down at a bar and I was like, I have no idea who that is, but I will sleep with that person. And my friend was like, what are you talking about? Like we were like going up the stairs and he just happened to be looking over and I was like, oh, I don't know who that is at all, but.
That's going down.
And like four days later, was at another bar walking around by myself.
I feel someone tug on my arm. I look back at.
Him and he went you and I went you, and we like did not leave each other's side for like years.
Oh my god, it's meant to happen.
Yeah, like you whenever that issues like aligned and you know it's supposed to happen, it's like, yep, that's it, and it does kind of like you said, it's the it's a confirmation that to me, like kind of eases me because I'll always like wonder if you're not always but certain things, especially bigger things, You're like, oh, I wonder if this is the right decision, and then certain things happen. You're like, this isn't even about. This is bigger than me obviously, Like whatever is happening around me is happening. So I don't even have to worry about it because clearly I'm meant to be with this person.
Yes, totally, No, tell me more, tell me more.
So my last one is actually the most ghost related, Okay, And it's because I grew up in Jacksonville, Florida. Jacksonville, Florida, and we when I was younger used to go to school four It was this old, abandoned school that kids just used to dare each other to go to all the time. And it's from it was built in eighteen ninety one. Terrifying, right, it's so old and then it burned down. It's like burned down a bunch of times. People kept trying to renovate it. They like in the nineteen sixties they were supposed to turn it into senior citizen homes, but then they never did, and then in ninety five there was a fire. So by the time I got there, it was like gnarly, it's just like all graffiti burned down. But people would always dare each other to go down into the boiler room.
But was it underground.
It's like it's Florida, so you can't really go underground. But this actually was, I guess kind of underground.
That's because you got We.
Were like lowering each other into it. It was like a hole.
And I remember I did not lower down my body like feet on the ground, but I did let my friend hold on to like the back half of my body and hang the top hop half of my fid. I don't know which ones more horrifying, But I just didn't want to get stuck in the boiler room. But I wanted to look in the boiler room.
But what if like a little eighteen hundreds little student grab the.
Top half of my body exactly?
It would have been up to my stoner friends to help grab my body out, and they definitely wouldn't have, which is why I didn't want them lowering me down to begin with, because I was like, I don't trust you to get me out. You're gonna like think this is too funny and like go run away or something, and I just don't have time for that tonight. So but we would always go down there in high school and like trespass and just go because we heard it was haunted. But I had never even looked into what kind of haunting. I was just like old haunting. But there is an urban legend that is completely uncorroborated apparently, which bumped me out that the janitor used to kill kids in the boiler room, and that was I guess why we were like dared to go down there.
But when I went down there.
Was just like piles of old deaths and things like that, which still were pretty creepy butsk yes.
But it wasn't.
It was too full to it looked so like, Okay, someone at one point at least shut everything down and put these down here, Like if they would have been lined up, I would have lost my shit exactly like it looked like whatever, this was just storage at one point now, but they were like just a pile of super old desks like tossed down there. But everything it was more also because it's so abandoned and it had been burned at this point.
It was like dangerous to get to.
We were like one foot in the othering over beams, like in the sky, like one story up, trying to get to this boat. Like it's technically unsafe to get there was more the scarier part I remember. But also like the roof Cavenan at one point, so it's technically romantic, Like you go inside and then it's just this big open night sky inside this beautiful building.
Yeah, that's what do they call urban exploring or something like. That's a whole thing that people do. They love going to these abandoned buildings and trying not to fall through the ground. About that not something that appeals to me at all.
Here's the thing.
I feel like that is something that you would do if you just haven't been anywhere. Because everything you just described just sounds like what it's like if you let someone rent out your house in Baltimore. Like everything you do subscribe to just me cleaning up with my parents when I was five because someone like destroyed our sublet. But yeah, I guess that could be fun. I like looking at old buildings, but not from the inside. I guess that's what my heart.
I'm too afraid someone is gonna fallow me and then I'm gonna end up being a ghost in there.
That's what I mean. It's scary. But look, here's what it looks like.
That's terrifying.
Like that's kind of what it looked like like. It kind of just was super griff out right.
Hold on, there's one from the outside.
I think, Oh, I'm just picturing little children running through the hallways.
Oh yeah, you saying that. I just heard like a.
No, I heard a giggle, like ha, like a running yes. Oh, And here this is what I wanted to show you because it used to be like this beautiful school that like overlooked Riverside Park.
But then this right here is just an overpass. It's just right in front of ninety five.
Now, so what would people say about it being haunted?
That's what I mean. I looking this up. Just learn the story about the janitor. It was just oh, School four is haunted, and I dare you to go in there at night?
And I dare you to go in the boiler room. But no, we were so ignorant.
No one even asked any like, no one even built a good story around.
You didn't even need the story.
By the time, it was yeah, like it got burned, it got set on fire in ninety five by trespassers. And then by the time what two thousand and three, two thousand and four, world around, it was just like loose, like it's haunted whatever. I'm too busy texting on my mom's brick, no kiaphone to worry about the details. Oh my, I never heard the real story, but yeah, apparently was that the janitor killed kids. But then I had this quote that was like, there's no proof that a janitor ever killed kids.
It is totally unco corroborated.
Have you ever heard about cropsy?
Yes, because that's like an urban legend like that shit's that was like proven to be real.
I know. But also it's Florida. They did never tell you it was real anyway, because there's a bunch of like horrible like boys schools in the South and like places that are abandoned that like a hundred percent are haunted by like torture children.
So oh god.
Yeah, so maybe I thought Top School four was like racist, but I don't know it didn't because I was hoping even it would see like what kind of school it was.
But they just kept changing the name. They didn't do anything cool, which just like we named it after our principal.
They didn't say anything about it being like a girls school or anything. I didn't say anything like particularly interesting other than it was like the four School and Douval count but the janitor killed people allegedly allegedly. Yeah, but yeah, so that was my most ghostly thing.
Okay, thank you.
Can I tell you a ghost story? Yes? Okay, oh god.
This is a story that I recently learned about. Oh god, and I'll do a whole presentation for you.
All right.
This is the story of the tall Man bunk beds. Okay, the year was nineteen eighty seven. The average gallon of gas is eighty nine cents. Full House premiered on television and in a horror con Wisconsin. Alan and Debbie Tallman were building a dream together. They were standing strong forever, but something did stop them. Now a haunted bunk bed. What Okay, here's the.
Story, also eighty nine cents eighty nine cents. That really shocked.
But do you know what the price for a haunted bunk bed was? What would you guess in nineteen eighty seven.
And eighty Here's the thing. If gas is eighty nine, I'm gonna say fifty bucks one hundred. Okay, that's good, that's fair.
So basically Alan and Debbie they're these young parents. They go to a second hand store and they find this bunk bed for one hundred dollars. They get a home almost immediately, shit is going down. The children they've got, I believe two younger children. They are constantly getting sick, which they're like, okay, just because of the bunk bed or what the radio in their house would switch stations, like the dial would actually like they would see the dial. Oh again, none of this happened to they at the bunk beds. The dad one night and he's painting and he's got his brush. He leaves inside like a yeah, they and when he comes back, it's with the bristle up and like the handle is in the paint and he's like, I didn't do that.
I mean, you definitely remember if you had.
Yeah, that's kind of a silly mistake. If you would have done that. Okay, So the doors are banging open and closed all the time. They've got a rocking chair that's just rocking away on its own. There's a disembodied voice that they hear that's calling out from empty rooms. So like they're hearing this voice and they're like, mom, like they think it's like one of each other.
And then it's like.
Because when you say they the entire family, like the children aren't even making gas lit.
Everyone is on the same.
Pod, all of them.
Because this is even scarier.
I believe this was for the children unless they're a different kind of family and the parents.
That's the one fifty set up for a couple I haven't seen, is right, because they.
Always have the two my grandparents had that My grandparents when I was growing up, had two beads.
No, that's adorable. I know you know they pushed them things together.
I know they did. I don't want to think about you nasty.
Okay, So this one, I mean, if that's what was going down, it got to a point where it could have become a three way because they're saying that this creepy old woman starts appearing she's got long black hair, and she's seen in the room with the bunk beds.
Oh gosh, she's like a room for one more.
It's like the second I see anything and someone else can also see it, I feel like, what are we even arguing about?
Well, if only you see it, then it's.
That's what I meant about it, Like if it was just the boys and you're kind of like they're little. But it's like if you were also seeing knobs turn, Like the second I physically see anything move, I'm vapor like I am not staying anywhere where things are moving on their.
Own, or a woman with long black hair showing up. Okay, So they call their pastor and the pastor just comes in and he looks at the bunk beds.
He's like, those are evil bunk beds.
Oh wow.
Yeah, he says that he can feel it. Those are evil. They're like, but they were a good deal. He's like, nope, Like but the savings, yeah, think about it, like it's two beds technically for the brace of one. See you were thinking fifty because you're thinking one bed, I think it's two.
So he blesses the house.
Okay, doesn't take Oh god, yeah, he doesn't do he doesn't do it right or something.
Well, he was a pastor, not a priest, so yeah, I mean, no offense the pastors out there.
Right, but yeah those priests they got their holy water. Yeah yeah, So it keeps happening. The sun is just over it, and he's like, I'm not sleeping in this.
Okay, yes, that probably would have been one of my moves totally.
So the dad Alan tall Man, he's like, one night or what day or whatever, he's like, pick on me, you mother fuck, oh shit, bunk, badass bitch, you know, like he's like, leave my kids alone.
Like he goes full on take me yes.
And then one night he comes home from work and he hears a howling in the garage and he hears a voice say come here, and he then looks at the garage and it's on fire. So he runs into the house, he drops off his lunch pale, he goes back out. There's no fire, so he's like, you guys are messing with my brain over here. So then he's like, okay, that was weird, goes back inside, picks up his lunch pale, and it loop flies across the room right out of his hands. So at this point, they're all in one bedroom sleeping together because everyone's so terrified.
Yes, or you could just get rid of the bunk bed, Like if something starts throwing my lunch around, that's another thing. Don't fuck with my food, Like something starts messing with my lunch.
I always say that about sleep. Oh so much of the ghosts.
Ghosts usually care about food, but like sleep, I don't want any of that business. But you know, I imagine because I did one time on a haunted object that I bought at a second hand store. It's a weird situation when you don't have a podcast and you don't talk to people constantly about all this stuff, when you're just like a normal person, and you're like, what do I do?
Do I burn it?
Yeah, you don't want someone else to take it? That's fair.
I was thinking about him hatcheting it up for some reason. It would baby, you're right.
Oh, I really don't know. If you don't do you have to.
Like drive it out to a pasture somewhere.
And people will tell you a million different things.
And then it comes back and it's back in the room.
I'm just picturing a bunk bed, like skidding down on like four legs.
I was imagining like galloping.
Yes, coming back on like the freeway. So now they're all sleeping in the same bad I don't know if it's like Willy Wonka Grandparents' style or what, but I think they're like all I think, oh, no, okay, he's sleeping on the ground and the kids are just like terrified. Oh oh, he's a sweet dad. They one night see a fog rise out of the ground. It turns into flames and it has green eyes.
That is the first Molificent snow White, isn't it? Isn't she green flames in the first Disney one.
I don't know if this is green flames, which she's got green eyes.
Green eyes in the flame.
I gotta got outkay, which is reminded me of do you know how hard it is to get colored contacts?
Yes, it's really hard.
Really? Did you want something for HALLOWEENA for something else?
I did two halloweens ago. But a friend just called me today and was like, what do you call it?
Contacts? And I'm like, yeah, you got a nose. You gotta at this point.
You gotta like be friends with Wesborland to get.
Yeah, you gotta have some kind of connection.
So anyway, they going back to this story with the green color contact fog. It says you're dead and then it disappears. Oh shit, which would have been like me, feel my pulse for quick. No you're dead, bitch, Well I'm dead. No, you're a literally fog. You don't even have a body.
Running your mind.
I thought it was a threat, like you will be dead.
You will be that. Yeah, like, yeah.
That's what I thought.
The flames were for something, But apparently they're just still trying to scare them.
Just yeah, it's not real.
Yeah, I don't think so.
Then a relative is staying with them one night and he sees a terrifying figure in the bedroom. Now I should say that in nineteen eighty eight Unsolved Mysteries, Yes, they rolled up and they filmed an episode in that house, in the actual house. Okay, and I love it because they do the re enactments, which is so fun. And so here is from Unsolved Mysteries. This is the relative his experience.
His fear and terror in what he had seen was very similar to what I had seen. For a few days later, Ellen was working late. He asked a relative of his to watch over the two girls until they fell asleep. Ellen's relative was a complete skeptic. That night, he changed his mind. The same specter appeared.
H that's pretty much.
I wanted them to show that parition, but show what did he say? Did he say? It was the woman?
They do have a reenactment of the the the garage on fire. Oh that's pretty good, and the paint can okay, wait, I just love Robert's stack.
The host he heard.
An eerie howling sound. He went to investigate.
It started out real soft, and then it got real loud. It was a real strong howling wind, but it was quiet outside, and a voice came out of the howling and says, to come here. I ran around the slaves of a house looking to see if anybody was there, and I couldn't see it.
Scared Canadian, and the.
Vacuum of the winds started up again and started out real soft, and it got real loud, and the voice said come here, and.
It kept us. It just kept on saying come here, come here.
And I focused onto the garage door and I seen.
A glow.
That graphic.
In the door, and I set my lunch pail on the floor.
I locked the door, and.
A couple of seconds and I says, oh my god, my garage is on fire. And I ran back out out on the porch and I looked towards the garage and there was nothing.
The garage was.
Just as normal as once I came.
Home from work.
So I quick went back in the house and I closed the door and dead bolted the door.
And locked the door.
After I had the door locked, I reached down to pick up my lunch pail and this thing turtled right through the living room.
So now you believe me, but you didn't. Okay, So back to this story.
I can't believe they've stayed there a whole year, not in the house like it's so easy to move, but with the bed.
I know.
So they eventually just all ran out of the house in the dead of winter. They sold the house, they moved out of town. It was nineteen eighty eight, so I guess, just like the next year that they had already moved out, a new family moved in. Unsolved mysteries rolls up. I believe that the new family didn't report anything. They took the bed to a landfill and got it destroyed there, Okay, And this whole ordeal lasted nine months?
Was that?
And they never I want to antiques road show that bunk bed? I know where it came from?
Exactly is this old lady? Exactly where did those beds come from? Like is that somebody's mom? What's going on?
What's with the fire?
Yeah? Like where were the bunk beds not fire damaged? Like? Is that necessary?
Was the paint can like mischievous dead kids like trying to have fun and the old lady was like somebody that was chasing them?
You know what I mean?
Like is it just bring all the ghosts with it? Because also I would think that the ghost would be from that for that degree, I guess I can't believe it was the object and not the house, you know what I mean?
Right well, it was a powerful object.
I know.
I mean, I guess a lot can a lot of bad juju can fit in a bunk bed.
I would also want to know, like the secondhand store, like did they have some old lady looking.
Through that If this was a goosebump, she would go back to that store and learn that everything there is haunted?
Oh right, So now I'm just like picturing this old woman with long black hair that she was with some house. Now she's in like a good will and she's just like enjoying all the savings, like trying on different clothes every day. And then she's pissed that this family has taken her out of this good will and now she's like, I'm going to ruin.
These people's life.
Oh, like there the ghost is mad. They moved her house.
Yeah, they moved her out, and she had every day new clothes are coming in.
It's like NonStop.
She was hearing all kinds of work gossip. Yes, like now I'm just hanging out with these dumb, boring kids exactly.
She had like all the drive.
I was someone that lived in the bed.
It just resents being relocated totally.
That's what it is.
A lot like they were just trying to get returned.
Yes, she's like, just take me back to the.
Thing I was thinking at one point was the good will never having issues Like it must have been them. I don't know, because I feel because now I'm also imagining a good will or like they have one bad night and they're like you know what, uh huh, and they just throw something out and it just says haunted. Like it's like home goods, housewares.
And then just like it.
Free take it.
Yeah, there's probably some freaky person that would love that. Okay, all right, Speaking of haunted objects, I'm obsessed with haunted dolls. Particularly on eBay, people put up haunted dolls that they say are haunted. Now, the idea with this, similar to the bunk bed, is that there's like a spirit connected to the doll.
So it's like different dolls. One thing, sir, it's another thing.
So currently on eBay for thirty five dollars plus nine dollars shipping.
Darlene Okay, is she a little Viking Nordic woman?
Yeah, she's like kind of or Dutch.
Yeah, because is this a horn or is that hat? Oh no, that's hair, got it Okay, I didn't know if it was like one of those hats, you know what I'm talking about.
Right, Yeah, a Viking hat. Now she has got a stain on her dress. Her hair is a mass I relate, honestly.
The face is pretty good depending on how old she is though, Sorry, I watched so much antique road show.
Yea to a lot of dolls, but.
It's like her the faith that like her eyes still have their color all her pain still on. That's a pretty Yeah, it looks like a good conditioned doll.
I mean, depending on how old it is.
That's somewhere and terror.
Yeah, but that's what I mean. Is it super old?
She's got some brinkles on the face.
Yeah, like the fact that it's all one piece. If it's super old, that's still good. Because is it porcelain?
Oh it might be. I don't know.
Let's read about her, because this is more so about the spirit that's with them.
Because that's what I was just about to ask.
So these people are selling them knowing that they're haunted, and they're telling you more about what That is the creepiest thing you've said all day.
We'll just wait.
So this is Darlene. Darlene. She's an elderly spirit. Her vessel akaa. The doll is fourteen inches tall. Her vessel that's kind of.
Wait, so that's like over.
Her vessel is vintage, as you can see from the photos, and she does have holes and tears on her vessel. Darlene won't be a good fit for everyone because she can be moody. She's very to the point and gets annoyed easily. Darlene was found at an antique star. The lady that found her said that she would hear footsteps through the house at night. She also told me that her cigarettes would come up missing or misplaces.
Stop. That's so funny.
Darlene was just like taking a couple puffs. Yeah, let me just bum sleep.
So they were also there were also a few times that there was some cigarettes missing out of the box. Darlene is definitely an older woman. She hinted around that she was a heavy smoker and just didn't want to stop. She loves watching Golden Girls and she's just fine as long as I don't bother her. She doesn't bother her. Just don't don't turn off Golden Girls.
I guess keep it on rotation.
She doesn't like her vessel moved or messed with either. She gets along great with other spirits, but she likes her space too.
She works great with.
Pendulums and dowsing rods different you know, to talk to them. Anything antique would be great for her as a gift when you get her, don't forget to give her a gift and light a white candle with some incense to welcome her.
So what so these are also people who are just buying these to have someone to talk to.
Were you gonna say breeding them? No?
No, no, I was thinking when they say get along with other spirits, it's like, okay. So also you're just inviting like multiple like these dealers.
Yeah, this is wild.
Yeah, so thirty five dollars.
And that's a great price.
I have thirty five dollars.
Do you smoke?
I don't.
Cigarettes are so much more expensive than when Darlene bought them last No idea, yea, what she doesn't understand. Here's the pendulum to be like thirteen dollars a pack, Darlene.
Yeah, here's my venmo, Darlene, I don't know if that is. I'm from the eighties.
How would you feel if I bought this for you? Would you accept Darlene as a gift?
I'd be terrified, and I am I'm asthmatic. I can't be around a smoker. She's gonna hate it.
This might not be a match. I mean, are you with Golden Girls?
I like the Golden Girls because you could get her.
A nicotine patch. Just slap one of those on.
Can you imagine if patches went up missing? That would be very Yeah, that'd be extra scary because that means she has somewhere to put it. If she's using patches, that's super scary. Or you put the patch on the doll because also the fact that's all about the dot and the doll is, like you said, so insignificant.
It's just the vessel that's crazy.
Yeah, give her a nicotine patch and golden girls.
Is the whole thing?
Is Your gift is nicotine patches and a gift and a light of candle. But she said she didn't want to stop. She'd probably get mad if you gave her patches. Be like, don't tell me what to do.
What about if someone vapes around you?
Oh, vaping doesn't bother me. I'll get her a vape.
Okay, let's do one last thing. You want to hear some ghost voices?
Yes, okay, it's trying.
For EVP.
Or ev please, so what I do?
I'm sorry, I wasn't ready for that.
I go to you too, and I find evp's electronic voice phenomena. So these are ghost voices that people believe they have captured. And I'm gonna play you too. I want you to tell me what you hear, and I'll give you some options. Okay, okay, don't look, don't peaking.
I keep accidentally peaking. I'm just exciting.
Yeah, you're cheating.
They watch unsolved mysteries and now I'm just like, is there something other for me?
This first one is from ghost net Paranormal on YouTube, and it is at the historic Paxton Hotel in Paxton, Illinois. White what is it saying? It's definitely breathy.
Yeah, do it again?
Not oh god, oh hold on, o y It sounds like oh yin or oh yeah or something.
The last part sounds like not English. If I actually.
It sounds like oh jen or something like that, like if you were saying someone's name.
Or yen or yeah.
So I was trying to make it oh yeah, but it's not an A. It's like an N.
Well, okay, here's some options.
The first one, oh yeah, yeah, that was my first thing.
It could be the ghost of the kool Aid Man.
It was that Cadence.
Oh yeah, it could be b who's that?
Ooh almost almost not that that, but the Who's I'm gonna that's a good option.
Too, see what or d hey girl?
Of those, I would say, oh yeah.
They believe it's Who's that maybe.
Yeah, I mean I think that's more of a stretch.
It's just like it's too it's the same amount of I.
Feel like teas are such a hard consonant that you would hear if it would come through clearer.
Yeah, but see, they don't have tongue.
Sounds like, oh yeah, it goes to stop, don't. I'm scared. Okay, scares me for some reason when you said they don't have tongues, because I'm thinking of like zombies.
Oh god, okay, here's another one.
This is from Soul Searching and this is at the Ashmore Estates Asylum, Ashmore, Illinois.
What is it saying?
Oh, this one's way scared.
That sounds like a spooky witch.
It sounds like an cat like not like a cap but it's somebody like hissing, so somebody is pissed.
It is a hiss.
It sounds like fuck this ship or something like this ship.
It sounds like it's like ship, which is absolutely something someone would yell into an asylum.
Yeah, or as a ghost where you're just like, guys, I'm over here, I'm over here, and they're just like, I don't know where's the ghost.
And then you're just like, fuck this ship.
You know what.
I tried to be on your YouTube channel.
So they sound way angrier. That's a scary one.
Okay, is it a not with you, b George Washing ten.
C get out of here? Or d I want some ship?
Oh? I mean they think it's I want some ship. It's too short for all of those.
It's like, uh uh uh, well they believe it's not with you.
There's no oh at the end of that.
Let's play it.
I see you, hear you? Maybe no, No, I tried. I tried to make myself here at that time.
It's such a hard it like I'm going hard phonetics on these, like any spelling champion.
Reverse engineering words.
Well, because it's the clarity.
I think it's fun this ship. I think because she's so mad whoever that is is and that's like an empty room somewhere like is that asylum like abandoned of course, because Reagan, what that's scary? No, that is somebody, but also not with you.
That's pretty like.
That's enough syllables to do it.
And it would maybe the not with absolutely I'm on board with not with but still some uh.
Not with you is also so like not with you.
That's so like, what is she quoting clue lose or something like not with you? Yeah?
Yeah, well Katrina, we did it.
That was really fun.
Yes, I'll listen to I was gonna say ekg's but that's for your heart. I'll listen to ev evpizza. I was gonna say, e b K what is that? That's like a kind of kindergarten. Thank you so much, PK California Pizza. I love those, so tell people where they can find you. People can find me on Katrina Savad everywhere it's just Davis backwards because there's a billion of us. But my website, my Instagram, my Twitter, everything's the same, and that's where all my comedy shows and things like.
That are a special. Right.
Yeah, I did a special called Figuring It Out that you can watch on like Prime or Apple Plus or that. On my website, I have a link to like all of the bajillion random place that you can watch it.
Yeah, Well thanks for doing this, Thank you so much for having me.
I'm so glad this finally worked out and it was freaking so much fun.
Yeah, I love it. It was the best.
Well, you're welcome back. Anytime, I'll think of more stuff.
Okay, thanks, thank you so much to Katrina. Hey, you subscribe to the show, you're following it? Give it five stars. Oh that's a good birthday gift for me. Give the show five stars. Write a nice review about the show. If you have a ghost story, you could leave it in a five star review. You could email me at ghosted by Roz at gmail dot com. We have a Facebook group it's just called ghosted by Roz Hernandez. And you know I'm on Instagram trying my darndas to get Instagram famous at Roz Hernandez, TikTok and Twitter at It's Raz Hernandez.
I love you you all, both living and dead. But if I didn't ask you to haunt me, don't haunt me.
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