This week writer/actor/comedian Jeffery Self is here to tell us about his time growing up in a haunted house in Georgia, and then moving to a spooky historic home in LA with a silent movie star past! What’s that at the foot of his bed? First an old lady ghost, then a chatty man!
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What's that at the foot of my bed? It's spooky and KOOKI I'm pretty sure it's dead. It's coming this way. Wait a minute, he I ghost said by Ross dresss Hey boo, Ro's dress Fales.
We have a really fun and funny episode today with writer comedian actor Jeffrey self. But before that, I want to share a ghost story that comes to us from Maggie and it was put in our Facebook group Ghosted by Roz Dress Fales. Maggie says, I do not have many ghostly experiences, but the few I do have solidified my belief in ghosts. It was back in two thousand and eight two thousand and nine my first ever job was a barista at a small coffee shop in Solomon's Island, Maryland. I was seventeen to eighteen years old working there and it was a great first time job. The place I was working at is an old house. If I'm remembering correctly, the house was built in the late eighteen hundreds. My boss, rest in Peace, told me stories of the two ghosts that resided in the house. William and Elizabeth were their names. She said that they were both said to be crazy, but that she wasn't sure if they actually lived in the house at the same time, she believed not. During my tenure at the shop, the least scary things would be hearing footsteps, which in hindsight, in hindsight, is not that scary throughout the house and in the attic, and the atom light being on when I would leave, but in the morning it would be off, and vice versa. The floors were og and you took a step and everything would move in whatever room you were in. So here in footsteps when you're the only person in the shop was unnerving. I never went up to the attic, so it wouldn't be me forgetting to turn the light off. Also, it wasn't on a timer. It was a pole light, if that makes sense. My boss would find this small glass coke bottle in the attic all the time. Each time she would throw it away, but the next time she would go back up to the attic it would be in the same spot. I had two very scary situations though. The first I was working with my boss. Her friend came in and they were talking at the end of the counter. I was leaning on my elbows on the same counter. My hair was down that day they were talking. I felt these fingers run over my scalp and through my hair. I legit felt nails. I straightened up, grabbed my hair and looked behind me. The only thing was the back counter with the espresso maker. No one was there. I thought that maybe my hair had been sitting weird on my head, and you know, that's what I really felt. So I tried to recreate that, but I couldn't. I felt fingernails on my scalp. The second situation almost made me quit. I was closing the shop down by myself. Normally, when I did this, I would plug in my iPod, oh my god, this is two thousand and eight and listen to music. That day, I forgot it at home, so it was silent in the shop. I was washing dishes when I hear footsteps above me. I turned off the faucet to hear better. When I heard the footsteps move away towards the front of the house, I stepped out to the coffee area. Confused. I was in front of the hallway when I heard the front porch wind chimes go off. I screamed, because that porch is closed, is a closed one, and I locked all those sliding doors. I ran back to the kitchen and out the back door. Luckily I had my phone in my pocket and I called my mom. When she answered, I told her what was happening, and she didn't believe me. She said I should go around to the front to make sure that the doors were actually all closed and locked. I almost didn't do it because if William and Elizabeth were standing there. Finally, with my mom still on the phone, I walked around to the front. As I walked along the front porch testing the doors, they were all closed and locked. It wasn't a particularly windy day, but the house was right next to the water, so maybe a gust of wind came by and hit the sliding glass doors. Problem is, I've worked during huge summer storms and the chimes would barely even move. They wouldn't go all off like they did that evening. I was too scared to go back in and finish, but my mom made me. I haven't experienced much paranormal activity after leaving that job. I mean, that was, you know, ten eleven years ago. But I have gotten more cynical and finding real life explanations for things. But I still believe just think about all the times you weren't listening to your iPod all the chimes and footsteps. All right, let's talk to Jeffrey south On with the show, Ladies and gentlemen. I am graced by the presence of Jeffrey.
So Hi, how are you?
I'm so good?
How are you? I am well. I love your nails. I'm looking at them from across the story, very strange distance.
Thank you. What do you think about this gown? I'm worried.
I love it's great. I just noticed there's a face on it.
Yes, but is there any any chance you could for the listeners describe this, this flowing ensemble.
I've got sure it's well. There there are beautifully puff puffy sleeves. Yes, and then it goes all the way down to your Doc Martin boots. And then I think the choice of wearing a Doc Martin boot with such a flowing gown.
Is the hat too much?
I mean, is a hat ever enough? Is my question. I think the fact that it's the bells that are on it are a bit much.
Like I take the little ringy thing out I see hearing them.
Yeah, podcast, but I think that that's a bit much just because they're like they clearly are getting on your nerves because they keep hitting you in the eye. And I know, but I mean, I love, you know, I I love a little bit of Christmas in what month is this? September? I love? I mean, I think it works, but you know, it's just I appreciate the effort.
Yeah, well, I will be going to Office Max after this isn't too much.
It's just to pick up a couple of just now some printer back to school clear inside them?
Yes, why not? You never know when you'll need them.
I love an office Max or any kind of Max Max, really really any Max. But also anything that sells office supplies.
There's something weird about that that I do. I love journals and I don't always use them. I just love a journal.
Buy so many journals. I love to just buy pins. I feel like a lot of people do that, but you're a writer. I never use fucking pins though. Yeah, but I I like I like to, you know, buy, I like to buy things.
What have you been working on? I feel like you're traveling, and.
I travel a lot. I what have I been working on? I don't fucking know. I mean, I it always feels like I'm not doing anything. And then all of a sudden, I'll have something to do. I am, well, I'm shooting a presentation of a scripted pilot that I wrote that like a production company's producing, like like a team minute version of it.
Hopefully try to sell, but you know, who fucking knows? Great, that would be great if that happened. But you know, I love this.
I have everything you do.
That's nice.
I love your killing me.
Oh thank you. The horror gay slash our movie I wrote and co wrote with my dear friend Jim Hansen, and he directed it. And we know basically everybody in the cast. You know, we have Drew Drogie Sampa podcast guest Brian Sophie, Edie Patterson, who's so good on that new show The Righteous Jim Stones. Have you seen that? It's so good? I have not known who else is in that movie. Rachel Shuker, brilliant, brilliant. Jis Serny Cone of Life.
Also she did a Celebrity ghost story.
Oh does she Carolyn Hennessy.
Carolyn Hennessy.
Oh, I didn't know. Is that a podcast or a TV show?
Oh my god, I don't know. Celebrity ghost Stories is my favorite TV show.
Okay, that's what I'm thinking of. I've seen Celebrity ghos Stories. I wasn't sure if that was a new podcast. No, I've definitely seen it because Brett Butler, who I'm obsessed with, the ninety sitcom star and comedian, has been on it quite a bit and her episodes on or on YouTube and they're fantastic. That's a great show.
That's who I need to make it. Well, I heard that it's coming back. They like stop for a while, and it came back.
But I was like, why would that ever need to stop? That should just be in well.
Rotat insert me. That's why I'm like, absolutely, I want to have everybody that's ever been on Celebrity ghost Stories on here.
I think that's a great idea.
Because my thing is like, okay, if you're watching somebody telling, like doing a monologue basically, yeah, sometimes you got questions. Absolutely, So I've had a few people that have done Celebrity ghost Stories come in here and I'm like.
What hey, yeah, let's elaborate on some of these moments.
It's also really fun to hear people's takes on being re enacted because.
Oh yeah, oh I forgot they do reenactments on that. Oh that's fun. Yeah, I need everyone, I need to watch some our celebrity ghost story.
It's good if you were ever wondering, like has Lisa Rinna had a ghost in her kitchen?
Guess what folks, cancers are out there? Yeah? I get that. I do get that.
So what's your history with ghosts?
So my history with ghosts? I am one? No, I my history would go, So I grew up in a haunted well, I grew up in a house that was very very much charged with some sort of very normal entity. I don't I don't think it was a full haunted house in the way that other places I've lived have been haunted. When we moved into the house, it had only been owned by one family before us, who built this This is in Rome, Georgia, and so the people it was built in the twenties, and then husband and wife, they had kids, and then the son grew when he grew up, raised his kids in that house, the parents moved into like a smaller house or whatever down the road. Blah blah blah. Then that guy I was my dad's friend, he sold my dad that house in like nineteen ninety two or one I want to say. And we moved in, and my parents still live there. And when we moved in the day we moved in, or a couple days after we moved in, the old lady of the couple who originally built the house right, let's forget her name, let's call her Charlotte. Charlotte died and my mom felt like something into the house like coming. My mom's very very intuitive, and she felt something. And then the next morning was getting up to like get us ready for school, and there was just like a woman standing in our kitchen and she had like a full conversation with her and was like, look, I'm like we're not here to like walk on your shit, Like we live here now, and like we love this house and we're going to raise a family here and you look after us, We'll look after you. And then never really had another weird experience with it, except anytime I years later I would like, well, also years later, my mom explained to me that there had been other things, but like they just never told me because I was terrified of it. And then also anytime I would like bring a guy home for like a holiday, they would wake up u middle of the night to the same old woman looking at them, so like I think, yeah, so I feel like there was like some sort of like protection to the house. And then I think eventually, you know, twenty years later, when I'm you know, an adult and coming back home, I think there's a bit more of like a protecting of our family. Maybe, but yause we've been there for so long and like really looked after the house. But that and I always you can feel something in that house, but it's not that intense, whereas I lived in a house here in La when I first moved to La.
Oh, I have questions.
Yeah, first, yeah, let's do some questions.
So, wait, she died the day you guys moved in.
Maybe not just the maybe, I don't think it was the exact day. I think it was a few I think it was a few days after we had like they bought the house. They had it all repainted, and like we were kind of I mean, they're kind of not living there. And then I think it was like once we started living there full time in the woman but when she died, she lived like a few blocks away.
Oh okay, okay, yeah, so.
She's like they had like moved her into Like I don't know, like a house that wasn't like because this house he'd do like go up steps and stuff. But uh I I never I mean like I always felt like weird stuff in that house, but never never in a way that I felt like was traditionally haunted, like the place I want to like that I moved into in LA, which was in Chevy At Hills.
Wait, okay, but here's another question. Yeah, of course, so you would bring a guy over.
I mean like not like it wasn't like I was like bringing home like trade like the first like my first boyfriend, when I brought him home, he woke up to somebody like to like feeling like an old lady was watching him, like he was like when he fa woke up thinking someone was watching him. And then when I brought my now husband home for the first time, he woke up and aw an old woman. And I had never told him that story.
He just saw her standing there.
Yeah, in the room, and that said we had had a three way that night with an old woman. But did she had laughed? She was long gone when I went to bed.
Did he know that there was an old lady goes.
Somewhere in the house. No, we not talked about it, so was he like he brought it up the next morning and my mom was like, well, here's the story.
Yeah, is that how your mom?
Yeah, that's how my mom told. She's a family guy character. But was he like my mom is Seth MacFarlane.
She was was your husband like like, oh your grandmother came over or like did like.
How do you know? I mean he was like is this hows haunted? Like there was something weird? And my mom was like, oh, yeah, we have had experiences with that. But like my and my sister had experiences with that too growing up, but like it was never I don't know, like for example, we watched Culture guyst yesterday, my husband and I and it was never like that.
You were like sliding on the kitchen floor.
No sliding on the floor, nothing with chairs, no clowns, none of that. It was not that exciting a ghost. I will say that our childhood ghost.
You guy should have had Zelda Rubinstein come in there.
One time. I when I visiting New York City when we were kids, went to see a play I forget what play on Broadway and she was in the audience in our row. Isn't that fun?
She is one of my first celebrities, but told me one time that he knew he used to know her.
That makes perfect sense. Absolutely, I'm sure they did something together.
I love Zelda Rubinstein. Rest in peace. Great. So okay, So then you moved to Cheviat Hill, So.
Then I moved, well, when I moved it, when I moved to LA, I moved. So. A friend of mine owns a house in chevy At.
Hills, which is like Culver City is.
Yeah, it's a very strange area. It's yeah, it's like sort of a tween Culver City and Century City, and then like Palms is also sort of right there, all the Rancho Park, like all of these random terms that no one in LA has ever heard of. In LA. It's technically Los Angeles, like mail comes to Los Angeles, California, as opposed to Culver City. It's a beautiful area, old neighborhood built on a golf course. I want to say, similar time as the house I grew up in twenties. Uh, And it was at one point like a mean, I guess it's still well to do neighborhood, but at one point it was like a lot of movie stars lived there because that's where the Fox lot was over there where Fox is, and then that's also where the MGM lot was. And the house was built on the golf course by Buster Keaton, the Silent movie star.
And he is he related to Buster Rhymes.
Yes, and Diane Keaton. It's their son and they so basically the house built by Buster Keaton. The story I've heard is that he built the house for his new wife, I don't know if it was a second wife or third wife, I don't know, bought it. She didn't want to live in it because it was quite small and like modest, and like was expecting a mansion. And then he moved his They lived in it for like a hot second, and then he moved his parents into it, where his parents I think lived until they died. I'm not entirely one hundred percent sure about that. I haven't really been able to figure that out, Slash, I haven't done that much research, but from what I've heard, that's what we think. So the house was built, then it's never been renovated, like truly, the same wiring, the same plumbing, like the oven you have to light with a match, like straight up. It's really really cool and old and beautiful let me have a we found a picture. We finally one day found a picture of Buster Keaton in the front yard of the house. In no way.
Have you seen that documentary that came out about him, like a millear or two ago.
Yeah, just I feel like even more recent.
That I saw it on a plane.
I haven't watched it. No, I mean it's good. I read a biography about him that was really good. I forget which one it was. But unfortunately, I'm embarrassing. I don't know an incredible amount about him, even though I lived in that house for eight years. I just at first I was always like nervous to read stuff about him or watch stuff about him in the house because I was like really scared when I first moved in.
Did you know it was haunted when you moved Yes?
So my friend Eric, who owns the house, bought it in like nineteen the eighties, and when he moved in, basically somebody was like they basically told him ahead of time it was haunted.
Really that that's actually really rare, I feel, because I mean, well, it's rare that the person actually buys it after sure, is he one of those people that is a skeptic?
Well, I think no, I didn't say, you just really loved the house and like had it didn't like feel scary or anything. And he so, over the course of the many years he's owned it, a lot of he lived, He goes back and forth to New York, so he's a lot a lot of friends have lived in the house, and so I mean the stories are crazy. There are people who have been asleep and the bed moved like across the room not that long ago when we were there and Eric was visiting and staying in his bedroom. The bed This happens a lot. The bed moves like like we'll be out of the bedroom and then you come back in the bedroom and the bed has like moved like not like all the way across the room, but probably like three feet. Yeah, so very weird.
You move in, you know that this?
So I moved in?
What did he tell you?
So I move in? He basically like I've always heard about his haunted house over the years, and like I'd gone to it once before, and it has the feeling of a haunted house, Like it's straight up classic haunted house feeling. It's very because it's very old, it's very wooden, it's very dark, it's very it feels like a cabin and just you know, it smells old. It just you know, it's a very fucking old house, very creaky, all of that. And so when I first moved in, I was. I was with a former boyfriend and he was like, do you want to live in my house? It was like absolutely, we moved into the house. But I was like, truly like do I want to live in this house? Because it's haunted. And when we first got there, like it was, it felt, you know, felt very very haunted. And for the first I would say six months, I was terrified to be there alone.
But what do you mean it felt very haunted.
It just felt like you weren't alone. There was like a thick presence in the air that was not the person like you.
But you don't seem to be the kind of person that's like scared of that.
I mean I was pretty freaked out by it. Yeah, I was pretty I was really really nervous by it. And my first six months there I was, I was really freaked out by it. I would I would like not be there at night alone at all, and during the day I had a hard time being there alone. And then what fucking happened. Is then my the guy I moved into it with and I broke up and he moved out, and then I was like, fuck, I'm stuck in this haunted fucking house alone. And I honestly had to like get over my shit about it because it was I was genuinely terrified. And I when we when I'd gone through this broke up, I was in New York and then I got back and he had like moved out, and I that first night there, I had like three friends come over and sleep over because I was like truly terrified. Also, I was like an emotional wreck, but also a large part of that was like, oh my god, I'm gonna have to live in this haunted house all bout myself.
But you at this point had only had that feeling. You hadn't had beds moving, or.
We hadn't had beds moving, but shit had happened. Like nothing crazy had happened at that point. But just you know, the traditional thing of like feeling like some like seeing something out of the corner of your eye passing by rather quickly was very, very very common, and it was normally in the same like two spots in the house there was a study off of the living room that I assume would have been his office or whoever, you know, whoever was living there at the Times office, and it was. But the room was like on the very back of the house. It was this very small, dark, cozy little room with like just like a big bookcase, a fireplace, and I mean then there was a piano in there as well, but that was kind of in a pinball machine, but like it was all like really packed in there, right, And so it had these two big like double doors that opened up into the living room, and like I would keep them absolutely closed because if you were sitting on the couch, you could, like if something moved in that room, you saw it in the corner of your eye, and it happened a lot. And so I started closing the doors. And then the first big thing that started happening with us when it was still me and this guy living there was the doors would just like we'd close the doors and keep that. We always kept them closed, and then we'd wake up morning and they'd be wide open, or you know, we'd leave the house, we would have closed them and we'd open up and they'd be wide open. Fine, that's easy, whatever, maybe the wind. Then that guy moved out. It was terrifying. I literally sat down on the living room floor and said, like just like had a conversation out loud with the ghost and was like, look, I'm living here alone now I'm going through it. I'm young, I've never been through a breakup before. I've also never lived on my own before, and certainly never with a haunted in a haunted house alone. Please be on my team. And I was pretty I felt pretty secure after that. I really did, like I continue to see like things out of the corner of my eye and would hear things, but not it was I felt pretty chill about it and pretty and pretty calm, like I never felt. What was weird is I never felt alone when I was there, Like I just kind of had to get used to the fact that, like I always felt like there was like another presence in the room, but like the creepiness of it wore away. Whether that was me getting just more comfortable or whether that was some sort of like the ghost to me or whatever, I don't know. So then my husband who is now my husband, when we first started dating, he was going over there quite a bit, and the first I had told him, like, you know about it being haunted. The first day there, someone pulled his hair in the shower. He felt like he was in the shower and he felt like from the back of his head something just like pull at the back of his hair and just sort of like jerk his head a little bit, and it was it was really intense, and he came out and it was like tail as a ghost and just like, what the fuck just happened? And that was kind of one of the more aggressive things that had happened while I was living there. Obviously the beds moving and stuff like that that I'd heard all these wild stories about I had heard and those were bigger deals, but this was the first things that had happened like where I was living there. I'm like, oh, that's fucking weird. And I'd been living there for like five years at that point.
And then uh, he you know, eventually was living there and he kind of had to do the same thing of like had the conversation of like I live here now, I'm not treading on your shit, like embrace me except me.
And you know, I'll respect you if you respect me kind of thing. And then just like once he was there. He started picking up on behavior I was doing in my sleep that I probably was doing the entire time I was living there and not aware of I was sitting up in bed and having full conversations. Now yeah, and like on like he filmed it multiple times like on a on like a like not even like multiple times a week usually. And I've always talked in my sleep. I've never really been someone who sat up in my sleep, I don't think, but I have always talked to my sleep. And I also have like well like sometimes like stop breathing in my sleep and like wake up, you know, like thing I probably have like sleep at me. I need to get that checked out and wear one of those things or just stop smoking, but one of the or what all three? But it was but he basically started noticing this and was like, Okay, this is weird. And then he started asking me questions while I would.
Be talking, Yeah, what were you saying?
And I would say, I'm talking to the man at the end of the bed, No, you weren't, Yes, I'm talking to the man.
This is a fear of mine because I've been single for quite a few years now and I don't have anyone there to tell me what I do in my sleep, so I if I do end up sleeping at somebody's house. Nowadays, I'm like, I don't know what I'm doing in the middle of my sleep. I don't know a weird habits I've got now, but I don't usually think about that.
Not knowing what you do in your sleep is such a weird thing to think about. Like, for like that long a day, you just are basically like blackout drunk.
Yeah, but I used to wake up when I was in high school. I wake up in the shower, like full on taking a shower with like shampoo in my hair. Oh that's my parents would knock on the door and be like, what are you doing? It's four am.
I've never been like a sleepwalker person.
I don't know if I am anymore. I have no clue.
Oh that's so scary.
Okay, So back to the man at the end of your bed, So that I started saying that, and that is very terrifying, right, And with that, like a kind of would start noticing things, just like an energy in the room, and like if he was awake and I would all this, like he would feel the energy and notice that, like the energy would then be preceded by or followed by me talking.
So it would be like he would feel something and be like, oh, there's something in this room, and then like I'd start talking to you.
Now, is he somebody that before meeting you had had ghost experiences?
I think he's definitely someone who has always been open to it. I don't, uh. I don't think he'd had like any like we never like lived somewhere that was haunted or anything like that.
Because you, like, I thought, the ghosts in the middle of the night for this poor guys.
But he was very someone he very someone who was very much open to it and intrigued by it.
Okay, because so all this he already had experienced you talking at night by the time he met the old lady at your parents' house.
That's correct, we were we ah had he I don't no, because he came home with me for Christmas that first year quite quickly before he moved in. I think so maybe he hadn't. That's a good question. I don't think he had.
But still that's a lot for one relationship.
That's a lot of supernatural, definitely and good for him.
But the weirdest thing that ever happened. This was this is the weirdest thing that ever happened to me. Weird things that have happened to everybody in that house. But the weirdest thing that ever, ever ever happened to me was the day after Trump got elected. I was so obviously obviously depressed, and I was laying on the couch and it was like sort of like taking sort of in and out of taking a nap, and I woke up and heard a music box and I was like, what the fuck? And it was like just straight up cliche horror movie like tinkle tinkle, Little Star, Twinkle twinkle tinkle tinkle. What am I? That's a different that's just a piece, that's a pepy tail.
Heard this fucking sound like kid's toy.
And I was coming from that fucking weird room the study that I keep the doors closed, and the doors were closed, but I get it. It was right there and I hear it. I was like fucking and I turned on I was like, this is terrifying. So I turned on my phone camera and I walked into the room and on top of this fireplace in there, there's like two sort of hearth shelf things and there's a lot of knickknacks, old antique knickknacks in there, already creepy. One of them is this I've never fucking even like. I mean, I've noticed it before, but never paid any attention. It's this like thing that's like almost like a snow globe, but without the glass on it, circular that looks like an ice skating rink, and it's like two skiers and it says on the ground like greetings from Aspen or something, and it's old and you crank it up and then the skiers like skate, you know, around the little rink. And I'd never heard it before, and they're like, at this point, six seven years I'd lived in this house, and it was fully cranked up, fully on, and the people were ice skating around on the thing, and I was like, what the fuck? And I was the first time in a long time of living there that I it freaked me out so much and I felt something like it felt almost sinister. It felt like somebody was trying to like freak me out, and I like left him, didn't come back until I got home because I was truly terrified.
Okay, so this is something that does not come from a place of judgment a place. Yeah, but like say the guy that lived there and your experience, you lived there for so many years and you're clearly like at times unsettled by this goes. Do you ever consider like moving Well, no, are like getting a Zelda Rubinstein up in there.
We did talk about that. Like when I first moved into the house, I saged it in a big way, and like I I had a friend over who like not isn't like an actual medium or anything, but has had a lot of experience with that and like sort of fancies himself someone who knows things like that. When I first moved in, and he like tried to like feel it out, and he insisted he didn't feel anything. But then like two years later he was there and like was like, oh wait, I was wrong. I never talked. I never thought about like doing the idea of like having someone come and like you know, clean the house or whatever kind of I don't know. It felt sort of weird to me because A, it's not my house, and be I don't know, it's been there. It feels like it's been there for a really long time.
Because your friend, I mean, he must just be.
Totally Yeah, yeah, and it doesn't really fuck with him. I mean, interestingly, he'll have like something weird happen on, Like if he hasn't been there for a year and he's back for like a week, something weird will happen, but nothing crazy like faucets would turn on. I mean, I guess that's somewhere crazy, but like nothing like you could explain everything that it happened. Yeah, but uh, yeah, I don't think. I don't know. I feel weird about that, Like I feel like you shouldn't do something like that unless it's dangerous. But I mean, I guess that's everybody's different, you know. Yeah, I guess like I moved into a house like that, and like it was that level of haunted and that kind of energy, and I had kids. I would maybe do that because it would be like for them, But like, I don't know, I never felt genuinely threatened in a way that I felt like it needed to be like exercised or anything.
Yeah, Okay, did you think that it's definitely buster Keaton?
No, I don't. I like that in theory, And my friend who owns the house really likes that in that idea, and he like so and says that it is, but I think he knows it's not either because a it's not like a place that like Buster Keaton, he didn't die there, he didn't. It was he was there at a very dark period of his life. It was like in the chapter of his life where like talkies had started to happen and he wasn't working and he was like like I think at the bottom of just rock bottom of his booze and gambling and just sort of his life was in shambles. I think he was like choreographing like comedy bits and MGM at the time, Like it was not a great time to be Buster Keaton. So like maybe there was like a sadness that was still in the house. But I think it could be one of his parents though I think it could be his dad maybe.
Well, or like what.
Also when he owned it, because he owned it for a long time. I think a lot is similar to when now how my friend who owns it. It was a very transient place. I think a lot of people lived there when they were shooting a movie at MGM maybe and like had a great experience or a bad experience. Lots of parties. I think that like people had big moments in that house career wise or personally. And I think they also had big lows in that house career wise and personally. Certainly I did, and certainly my friend who owns it, and many other people that have stayed there over the years. But I think that goes all the way back to it being like built as the sort of like showbiz house that like no one was ever really there full time, but everything's sort of like it's almost like maybe it's some kind of like portal or something like people are passing through it because that's kind of always what it was when you living there.
Interesting, it kind of reminds me of we had my number one idole, Cassandra Peterson.
Up in here.
Oh wow, she lived in another I picture the house being very similar to this and an old house. Hers was more in the hills, but decades of different things happening. But I want to say that one of the spirits was the result of a party situations.
It makes sense.
Somebody died at a party. I mean they were getting crazy back in those days.
I mean I think Fatty Arbuckle was hanging out. He was like a full gang star was like hanging out of that house. With Buster Keatons. So like, who fucking.
Arbuckle was that fat, silent film star that wasn't he crushed a lady? He he laid on a lady crush?
But was he I don't know, But wasn't he somehow involved in the mob? I think he was. I don't know who wasn't who was? It was a wild time god the twenties man that was wild. We were crazy.
We were crazy. Okay, So so your friend still lives in this house though he does?
Yes, yes, and and uh does and fine, you know, fine with it.
But I wonder what the timeline like, I'm trying to remember what you said, who did he buy it from? See somebody that warned?
Basically, I think after Buster Keaton's parents died. I believe it was like only owned by like two or three families.
Because it could be one of those people.
It could be post that, yeah.
That's not fun.
Maybe yeah it's like fun. But I think the people who he bought it from had owned it for like a decade, and probably another person for like a decade or fifteen years before that, and then you kind of back up to like I think he bought it in like eighty five, So that would kind of like kind of three generations owning it before him would make sense.
That's a long time to live with a ghost.
It's a long time to have to have a ghost talking to you in your sleep that way.
What did you say that you were saying to.
The It was just kind of gibberish. Oh yeah, which is even more terrifying.
I know.
Yeah, But that's what I'm wondering, is like I lived there for eight years, Like how many conversations still?
What you did?
Who fucking knows? Did I fuck that ghost? It's possible, I hope. So am I a ghost? What's going on? I don't know anymore?
Welcome to ghost?
But now I live in a very non haunted apartment, and it's I will say, it's it's a relief.
Yeah. Is it a weird adjustment or it.
Kind of was at first? Like it definitely felt like when I was alone, Like I definitely felt more alone because you really interesting.
Like once you know what that feels like to have somebody in the room with you that you can't see, Like that's that I really, I.
Really I'm for it. I recommend it. Living in a non haunted house. Oh yeah, It's not something that I would never live in a haunted house again, but I would I don't. I think I would try to avoid.
It, especially going from like your childhood.
Yeah and not how still, I think also living in the haunted house in LA has made when I go home to visit my family and being back in that house makes those feelings in that house a little more heightened. I don't think I ever. I never really see anything, hear things, but more just feel things in that place that I don't think. I don't think I was quite as sensitive too when I was like living in New York in like a non haunted apartment.
That makes sense. Does your husband, So what's he like when he goes back to your family house?
Just a just bitch?
But is he like you guys go to bed and or do you guys still sleep there?
You go yeah, yeah, oh yeah, y yeah, we go to bed and I mean, yeah, what do you what do you want to know? No?
But I no, I mean, like, okay, if I know that I've the first time I stayed there, there was a woman in the middle.
Of the night. Yeah, I guess he's kind of gotten over it. I mean it has been like that was probably for Christmas.
Gay, here's an me and him. I would never go back there.
Yeah, I think he was. He was freaked out by it at first, but I think by the next time he went he wasn't. But also at that point though, by the next time he went, he'd been living in that fucking haunted house in LA for over a year. So like God, you know.
Am I mean to tell you the story of a couple of weeks ago, months ago whenever when our mutual friend Johnny and I went to we stayed in a haunted bed and breakfast where they haunted room where tel me in California? Are you told down here?
I'll tell you. Okay. Oh that sounds scary. Yeah, oh that's really scary.
Okay. You want to hear some ghost voices?
I do. It is time for EVP or ev pase. Ah what so here's what I do. I I go to YouTube. Do you know what EVP is?
I don't.
It's when somebody has caught a ghost talking. Oh?
Interesting? What does that stand for?
Electronic voice phenomena?
Now, Sometimes it's like, okay, you caught something great.
EV please. Sometimes it's it's a EV please. Okay, I got it.
This one was captured in Houston, Texas. What do you think it's saying?
Can I hear omer time? What? It really sounds like it's just like TikTok TikTok, but like it sounds like sort of like something maybe something about it's four syllables. Whatever they say.
Something got school, something about going back to school, back to school, office Max, it's back to school.
Okay, here's some options. Is it A they thought they hurt me, b oh, I thought you were flirting? C? What is love?
Don't hurt me? Or d it's just the sound of two drag queens having like a tongue pop.
That's really what it sounds like. I like that idea the best. But I think it's you. What was the first one?
They thought they hurt me?
Now that's what I think.
That's what they think too.
Let's listen. I mean it does sound like it doesn't well you could. I mean, like just they thought they hurt me, They thought they hurt me. Yeah, I think that those South Georgia people are are very just sort of South Georgia.
Let's try another one is from the same people. Still no context, but here's a ghost.
What I want to cool off, just you know, with some nice I want to cool off some what's the southern drink?
Mit mint? A nice tea, nice tea, A sweet tea.
Sweet tea.
Oh, I want to cool off. Do you hear that? Yeah?
Wait, wait cool?
I want some.
Cool lots well, or some kool aid.
Okay, here's some options. Is A I live here, B I love Sea, see I'll look you up, or d Sharon, Mama Mia.
I really wanted to be sharing mama miya. What was the first option? I live here?
Second? Basically, the listeners of the show not by now. It's just the one that's not that funny.
It's is it I live here?
I live here?
Well, what was the second? When you said though.
I love Sea, I mean, it's understanding.
It sort of sounds like I live here, but frankly it sounds more like, I like see, I love Sea more. I know I love Sea. Look, the guy knows what he likes. I know.
I can't let him be. I mean, there's like, there's so many ghosts.
We're gonna say, I can't wait to be a ghost.
Kind of I can't. There's just so many ghosts of like older generations that like I can't wait to see what like our generations.
And it's like, do we are we communicating with these? Are am I going to be like with the old ghosts? Or is it is it? Are we going to be sort of all on our own plane? I'm very I will say also, like living in a haunted house always gave me like a sense of like, well, maybe we don't just die, Like there was a feeling of that. I found kind of comforting about that. And oh, yeah, I guess that's what I maybe what I like about ghosts.
Yeah, what kind of ghost would you be?
Though? I guess it depends on my mood when I died.
But do you think that you would be stuck in that mood?
Oh? God? And I hope I wouldn't be stuck in one place.
Did you notice that that ghost was like it had moods, like, yeah, some moments were different than well, I mean clearly it yanked at one point.
Yeah. I think it was more like it didn't like certain people, and like I think it was, Yeah, I think it. I think it was more about like the person. I don't know if like I feel like the ghost had moods, but I feel like the ghost like was either in like playful mode, there was like playful mode protection mode. I feel like it was kind of always back and forth between playful and protection. Like. I don't think it was like I'm in a bad mood today and I haven't had my coffee. Like, I don't think it had that happen. But I think maybe some ghosts do.
I mean, I think that, Like, I think some ghosts know that their ghosts, and I think some are just very confused.
Yeah, I think there's a lot of like what the hell is going on energy in the world of the afterlife, definitely, because it does seem confusing.
I hope that I wear this hat that I'm currently wearing.
I think a ghost and hat is one of the scariest things I could picture.
Especially hanging off of it, especially full hello Dolly hat.
No, thank you, get out of my house please. All right.
That's it, so thanks, thanks for being on where people find you and all that kind of stuff.
I'm on Instagram at Jeffrey self. I got rid of the Twitter and the Facebook. Good who needs them. I'm kind of thinking about getting rid of the Instagram too. I know it's all accessible, I know, but follow me, that's one thing you don't have to do in your a ghost is social media.
Well maybe you do. We don't know.
God, if I die and as a ghost, I have to like look at somebody's fucking Instagram grid. I'm gonna come back to life and dial over again. I hope that doesn't hastag. Now, thank you people find you.
Oh well, I'm at roz Josephila's fabulous.
I feel like you're also like doing a show every fucking day. Yeah, she hustle, she hustles me, Sarna, honey, she loves she hustles and hustles. That's right, all right, Well, thanks for having me.
Well that was Jeffrey self. Thank you guys so much for listening. Hey, it's Halloween time, and you know, people love ghost stories. I mean all of us, we the people that listen to the show and myself, we love ghost stories all year long. But you might have some friends that are like, hey, I want to I want to get spooky. So please tell your friends all about the show. I love it so much when people post in their Instagram stories or a tweet, or you know, just word of mouth. I love that so much and I so appreciate it. So keep helping me get the word out. It's a fun little podcast we're doing here. We also are on Facebook with a Facebook group called Ghosted by Roz Dress Falas. I have a Facebook page for myself called Roz Dress Faless and have Facebook page for the show called Ghosted by Roz Dress Faless. I want to be famous on Instagram, so follow me at Roz Dress fALS and please give the show a five star rating on Apple Podcasts. And if you have a ghost story or you want to say something nice, you could leave it there on Apple Podcasts as well well. This has been another episode of Ghosted by Roz Dress Vals. You guys, it is like officially fall time. It is officially our time to get spookate. So I will talk to you next week. We got another good one coming.
At you.
As always. I love you all, both living and dead. But if I didn't ask you to haunt me, don't haunt me.
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