Actor/writer Jack Plotnick is on the show this week sharing stories of a haunted home in his college days, a psychic ability that he once had, and seeing a UFO above West Hollywood!
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What's that actor my bed? It's spooky. I'm really sure it's dead. It's coming this way.
Wait a minute.
I ghosted by Rose Dress. Hey boo, it's me Roz. Welcome to Ghosted by Rose Dress Fels. I have got a fun one for you today, as always, this time with Jack plot Neck, who is an actor that stays working. He is always popping up in things. Many people know him from the cult classic film Girls Will Be Girls, which was drag before Reality TV, and I was so obsessed with that movie, which also stars Coco Peru, one of our most celebrated guests to ever be on this show. If you've never seen that movie, you should really check it out because it's the two of them, Barla Jean Merman drag icons and it's hilarious and it's just like Jack being spectacular. But he also I always think of him when I think about this show that was on in like the early mid two thousands called Drawn Together. It was this animated show that was on Comedy Central, and he played this character. The character's name was Xander, and he would always say I'm on a never ending quest to save my girlfriend. That was Jack Plotnik, because he's he's amazing. So he's on the show today. I'm really excited about that. You know another show that he used to be on, Reno nine one one, which is one of my favorite comedies of all time. And I actually recently downloaded Paramount Plus because I wanted to see the new Reno nine one one movie. And as I'm watching the movie, it takes place on a cruise and I was like looking around, and I'm like, wait a minute, that's the Queen Mary, the infamous haunted location the Queen Mary. So yeah, if you, first of all, I highly endorse Reno nine one one always, but if you're looking for something fun to watch, and you can also at the same time see Inside the Queen Mary, which I don't believe is open to the public these days, that's one way you could do it, because it certainly features the Queen Mary a lot in it. But now that I have Paramount Plus, I started poking my head around and I found this documentary about the Paranormal Activity movies, the Blumhouse blockbuster movies made on a dime. And I'm a huge fan of Blumhouse and the Paranormal Activity movies as well. And the documentary is called Unknown Dimension colon the story of paranormal activity. And the reason I was bringing it up is because there's a fun little anecdote concerning Steven Spielberg heard of him. So Steven Spielberg. There's a story about when DreamWorks was acquiring the movie and Steven Spielberg was involved, and he screened the movie at home, and he claims that a door in his house locked itself from the inside and he had to have a locksmith come and and open that door, and he was so freaked out by it that he returned the DVD and he put it in a trash bag and was like, get this out of my house, like it's haunted. I thought that was kind of a fun story, because you know, one of my favorite things is to talk about these horror movies and spookiness happening around them, which again brings into a question a lot of things. But I do think that there's some truth to if you're in a state of fear, now, is it your mind playing drigs on you? Who knows, But it seems to that fear state seems to attract paranormal activity, and so I don't know. Maybe that's why sometimes when people shoot horror movies or surrounding horror movies, weird things happen. I'm not sure. I am not sure, but I did read an article recently and it's the website is sciencefocus dot com. Now again, I always like to you to make it clear. I'm certainly I believe in science. I absolutely believe in science, and I never want to be confused for somebody that doesn't. But also, you know, I like to have fun and I do think there's things that science cannot explain yet preter natural I suppose it's the term for that. But this was an article that came out a couple of weeks back, the end of December, December seventeenth, and it was in relation to the Ghostbusters movie that recently came out, and it's a psychologist explains why we believe in the paranormal. And so, you know, I've read these kinds of articles before, and they've been kind of frustrating because because it makes me go, oh no, oh, now, like, are we all just making this shut up? But I know we're not. But I still wanted to see what this had to say. And I was actually kind of pleased by some of the things in here. So it says. In twenty nineteen, a you gov poll found that forty five percent of Americans believe in ghosts, whereas in twenty sixteen another poll showed that British people are more likely to have faith in spooky spirits than the existence of God. So Richard wise Man, that's his name. He's a professor of the Public Understanding of psychology at the University of Hertzfordshire. He says that it tends to be driven by two things people's believe in this stuff. One is peron experience. Lots of people claim to have had paranormal experience after the loss of a loved one. The other is popular media, maybe like a podcast. I don't know. Most experiences aren't that difficult to rationalize away with photographs. For example, there used to be double exposures, and not so many today. These sorts of ghosts have gone away with the arrival of camera phones, which is true, I suppose, But then there's also like so much ring camera like ring camera ghosts are all the rage these days. He also brings up you know, people have imaginations. He says, we want to imagine a world that doesn't have pain or suffering, where our loved ones are still with us, where pattern searching creatures and the price we pay for seeing patterns that are there is occasionally going into overdrive and seeing patterns that aren't there. Huh. And he links the belief in ghosts to create activity, which could you know, kind of go along with my whole theory of this podcast. Interviewing so many creative people, I've always found that creative people tend to believe in this stuff. But my thing isn't always that. I think it's because creative people, you know, have imaginations and they can create these things in their mind. I don't necessarily I don't know if I necessarily believe that. That's the reason I can. I can understand that maybe being a part of it, but I think I just always have put that on open mindedness and being open to the possibilities of it. Maybe. And then he also brings up when you are told ahead of time, like a place is haunted, and how sometimes you know that makes people start thinking, oh, I experienced something, which I get. I get it. I totally get it. But that's why I especially love this. That's my favorite kind of story. When people go, hey, who was that that man that just walked through the hallway and just disappeared. And then someone goes, Howard, Oh, that's old Howard. Yeah, he's been rooming those holes for years. Like you know, that's the kind of story that we love. But I can admit that I've been guilty of being at a place that I know is haunted, and I'm like, that was something so But then there's also this little optimistic bit here where he says, if you look at the greatest scientific advantages, like putting someone on the moon or coming up with a vaccine for COVID within months, to do that, you have to believe you can do something that's pretty close to impossible. I think that capability to believe in something, even though the evidence is minimal, allows us to do amazing things. And every once in a while ghosts lead us astray, but we can't have one without the It's the price we pay for doing amazing things. I mean, that's gorgeous. I love that. So you could check out that article. I mean I pretty much told you most of it, but it's written by Stephen Kelly science focus dot com. So let's do some amazing things here today on my episode with Jack Platnik and as always, if you want to hear a little extra good patreon dot com slash whiles Drezfalas link in the description of this episode. I'm talking to Jack about some unexplainable phenomenal and you can also see a video this week of me talking about Scream. I just saw the new Scream movie and I loved it, so I give a non spoiler and spoiler review on my Patreon this week. Anyway, here is me talking to Jack Platnick on with the show. I am joined by Jack Plotnick. Hello, Jack, how are you?
I'm actually really spooped out just doing this. I'm thrilled to be here, though, I'm nervous and excited.
I'm so excited you're doing this, Jack. I've been a fan of yours for a very long time.
And it's very kind of you. I adore you. I've known you for quite a while.
I've been watching, I mean, through the pandemic. Your Instagram has really given me life. As the kids say.
Oh well it was how you know, it was a coping mechanism for me, so I guess it gave me life too.
How are you okay? So, for anyone that doesn't know, you've got to follow Jack Plotic because you do these videos with I mean, I'm assuming a green screen and the wig budget is high, and you put yourself in h Like my favorite ones are these Disney ones that you do, which are from what is that from? From?
Like Wonderful World of Disney in the City he was, I'm only realizing now as an adult. They were basically a commercial for Disneyland.
Park totally, which I love to I love that kind of old Disneyland stuff. But and I've seen those TV shows before and they're very like staged and it makes it feel like, oh, this is what it was like. But I'm sure I'm sure everyone of the ard.
I wanted to be an imagineer when I was a kid, so I just literally made myself an imagineer in these videos because he goes around introducing them but barely lets them talk, and so I just played the imagineers and I keep the camera on them, and you kind of start to get an idea of what life was like for them, I guess. And my second one was all about the Haunted Mansions. So for your show, your followers might enjoy that. I also people who listen to this might be as obsessed with The Shining as I am, and I did a video called Deconstructing Bill Watson where I play Bill Watson. Who is this weird character that is in like a major section of the beginning of the movie but has like one line.
Wait, is this the guy that like he meets with at the very beginning of the movie.
Yes, but it's the guy who is also in the office who doesn't talk. Anyway, your listeners know what I'm talking about too, and you guys, so if you want to see what was really going on between Bill Watson and his boss, you can watch that video.
And you will never watch The Shining or any of these things the same way. Again, you now, we're here to talk about the paranormal.
And I am so ready for this.
Okay, Now, how do you feel about all this stuff?
Well, I've I always used to say, with aliens and ghost I'm eighty percent a believer, but I think it's gone way up, especially aliens, especially aliens. Well, yeah, I'm just you know what TikTok.
And also just the older I get, the more I kind of think that this shit's real. And I've also had some interesting experiences and I'm fascinated by it, But I also I don't want to see one. And I'm always kind of like when I'm in a new place, if I feel spooky at all, I kind of will just say like hey, mentally I say this, I'm not that, but I say, like, don't show yourself GHEs to me because I would die.
So you think that they can like telecommunicat.
Or whatever telecommunications like with Verizon and AT and T.
Now or what's the word I'm looking for? They can read minds?
I have no idea. I have no idea. I think if they exist, they could certainly kind of read my mind, I guess. I mean, look, once you take one step down the magical thinking road, it's fun to just keep running.
Down it totally.
Why stop with it? You know? But I will say my I was terrified of my childhood home. My parents had the nerve when I was like fucking seven years old to move us into like the oldest home in this town. It was literally a log cabin before they turn it was turned into an actual home, and my parents were kind enough to tell us that the woman who lived there before us told them that she would speak with Satan in the backyard. In the garden.
Oh, that's a nice thing to tell a family.
Nice thing to tell a seven year old. Yeah, and the boy that was her son. He was obsessed with the movie Jaws so much so that if you recall the movie poster of Jaws, that kind of shape of the Jaws coming out of the water. He would paint it all over the basement that shape. And so the basement, by the way, I'm told was maybe one of the stops on the what was that called the underground railroad. It was a very creepy little basement. And and they told us that's your playroom now, Oh, fine, it was. And they also, because I was the youngest in my family, basically just let me watch any movie everyone else was watching, like It's Alive, about the Killer Baby or Psycho. And I couldn't shower alone from the first year of the house. Now, I didn't make them go in the shower with me, but I would my mom. I had to be able to see her through the frost glass sitting on her bed.
Oh I couldn't because of Norman Bates.
I get well that and Satan, Yeah, definitely Norman Bates inspired. And then for years I would get home from school and I was a last key kid. I was the first one to arrive. I would go right, and I wonder if more people have this experience. But I'd go right for the knife drawer and I would walk through my house with the knife.
I like to do that now.
Oh oh no, I may or may not sometimes take a little sweep around with a knife, just to make sure everything's.
Fine and you're feeling me, you know what I mean?
And exactly what you mean is this was this an Ohio? Is that is Google correct that you grew up in a.
Yeah, I'm from Columbus, Ohio.
Yes, okay, because Google told me Worthington, Ohio? Is that accurate?
Now do you know it?
I don't know it.
But it's a great city. It's a progressive little haven in the middle of the Midwest.
Yeah, I have to hear that. I did do some a little bit of research here and I found I was like, I wonder if there's haunted places in Worthington, Ohio, because you know, there's places everywhere.
Is said to be the most one of the most haunted places in the state. And it's right down the street from my house. And a friend of mine told me the story. A friend of her stayed there and saw just this black blob that just felt like pure evil floating above their bed. And it's known for that the whole Now it's just been I think it's now no longer a hotel. But yeah, that's a pretty scary place. I didn't have an experience there, but my brother and I had a terrifying experience when I was only about eleven. We were babysitting at someone's home and we were watching a film and uh in the in the TV room, and we started hearing noises in the kitchen, like a drawer opening and slamming shut. And we'd go in there and there was nothing there, and then we'd go back to the room and we'd hear it again, and the dog was just in the doorway with us, but but scaring at the doorway into the kitchen and just barking. Oh no, that was pretty scary.
Oh wow, do you know what the story was of that house?
No? No, I mean I had killed that family just a week prior. That was far too young to gil. I could only dream of killing that time. Because now I have You know what, you can make your dreams come true when you're an adult.
No, I'm just well, okay. So when I was doing my research, luckily a lot of the work has already been done by Worthingtonmemory dot Org, and they were telling me here. It says most of the city's ghost stories originate from buildings right in the middle of town. A story in the Worthington Suburbian News that was published in nineteen ninety two tells of the hauntings of the former Worthington Inn I told you yes, and the Old Rectory, which I hate that word. I'm sorry, I hate the word rectory.
It's a little director.
It's very close, dangerously close to rectum. But the Old Rectory, which is now home to the Worthington Historical Society. According to some who have worked or stayed in the former, a mischievous ghost, often considered to be a previous owner named George Snyder, likes to turn on faucets and slam doors. He also leaves behind the scent of sig smoke.
Those might be just like farts from somebody who smoked a lot of cigars.
I know these ghosts and their cigars and their cigarettes. As always, they always leave it behind. But I guess that was well.
I mean, you know, you get home from a bar and you smell it in your clothes for weeks, So I guess it's the same when you die on a smoke a lot in your clothes and they don't have washing machines in the nether realm?
Right? Or how many times do you think it was someone that was sneaking a cigarette and then they're like you, guys, I think there's a ghost in here. It smells like cigarettes in here. Actually, it turns out worthy toon. There's a lot of different sneaky places on here. I was, I mean the the Kilborn commercial building.
I went to Kilbourne School. I did not know that that was. I mean, it certainly felt scary going to ninth grade there, but I think that was more about puberty.
Yeah. Well, there's a historical society in town that does ghost tours every October if anyone ever happens to be in town. It looks like there's a whole list of things here. The Saint John's Episcopal Church and Cemetery, which the wife of the church first deacon, Philander Chase. That's a great name. Mary's uh, the wife of the church's first Deacon Philander Chase Mary. Her life was difficult and unhappy. She died from tuberculosis soon after moving to Worthington from Connecticut. During an expansion of the church. Her remains were removed from the burial site and placed under the altar in the sanctuary. Now she makes herself known by filling the space with unexplained lights and sounds. Some refused to be in the church after dark because of the eerie presence.
Well, what were they doing digging up her bones and throwing them under the altar?
I mean, everyone knows you don't double Yeah, exactly, Come on, Wow, that's a very great So you never had Satan?
And the same thing was I moved right right when I went to college. I moved into a haunted house, and I'm pretty sure of it.
Wait a minute, okay, wait before we get out of there. So, did you ever encounter Satan in the garden or anything like that.
No, but my dad was pretty pretty hard at times, so maybe he was inflicted by this, by the spirit of the house. He was a very loud, yeller. Okay, No, I never I never felt any presence in the house. I was just generally scared of it.
Okay maybe yeah, okay, so this ghost you said in college?
Oh yeah, okay, oh yeah, gat what happened?
I went to college in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and we moved into a very old home that was called the dramat Frat because it kept getting passed down from people in the theater because I majored in theater. And uh this was Carnie Mellen in Picture of Pennsylvania. And I spent the summer there by myself before everyone else arrived, and I felt it felt creepy and like like I remember one time I may or may not have been looking at a pornographic image, but my shade is when they just opened, you know the old kind of shades you'd pull down and would stick. Uh huh yeah, they didn't stick. That was pretty scary. But then when everybody joined me, a bunch of really weird stuff happened. Let me see. My friend was lying on the couch one night and I'm in my bed and this is everyone's gone to sleep. It's like midnight, and I hear somebody clunk clunk clunking up the stairs. Uh, into the house. Because to enter the house you had to go upstairs and then you'd hit front the door of the entrance, and I remember thinking, like, who is coming in this late and why is it? But I just fell asleep. I didn't think much of it. So later my friend, who was in the living room, he says, did here's somebody coming up the stairs us? And I said yes, he said I did too, and I looked to the front door. And then after you opened the front door, you have to open another door to liver room. Oh wait, no, after you open the front door, that leads right into the living room, he said. I waited to see if somebody was going to come into the front door. No one did. But then on the other side of the living room, the door from the living room to the rest of the house. He saw it open and no one was there. So that was wild. Another time, I was walking home from school and I was just sort of singing to myself, just very quietly, singing that song from Charlie Brown, Happiness is finding a cord or you know that song, huh okay. And I get home and there's a whole group of people in the living room watching TV. And as I'm walking through, just one of the people the room just starts singing that song and I freak out. I'm like, why did you just sing that song? And they were like, I don't know. I just felt like it was anyway, that just seemed really weird. By the way, these are gonna build an intensity.
Okay, no, these are good.
The next one, we had the laundering room in the basement of this house, and there was this bottle of beer left open from a party or something, and it was just sitting there. No one wanted to throw it away, you know how college kids are, And literally like weeks and weeks past and we would all just walk by this bottle of beer and no one would throw it away, And that one day it was just totally right right. And then one day I noticed it was gone. I was a good somebody somebody bent over and got rid of it. And then a few weeks later it was right back where it was same. But I mean I it was the same amount of beer just sitting there. Again. I thought that was so creepy.
Where do you think it went? Did they just like hit it in a closet or something or.
I don't know. I'm just saying that that that gave me the chills. But everybody kind of in the house kind of felt a weirdness so much so we did a Wiji board one night and we were talking to this spirit on the Wigi board and it said that it was a relative of someone in the house, and then we figured out that it was a relative of mine, and then it said it was in heaven looking down on me and that its name was David. And I didn't know who that was, but I remember thinking maybe it was. This is going to sound crazy, but I'm Jewish, so I decided, by the way I guess all of these stories need to be filtered through. A sophomore in college's brain, which isn't quite together yet, decided it was David, King of the Jews, and we finished playing with it. It was wild because we really felt that thing moving on that Wiji board. I went into my room and saw something so terrifying I nearly screamed, but I was just stood there in fright. And I'm going to tell you what that is right now. Earlier that day, I was in a I had been in a thirst store and I found these three dimensional pictures with lights behind them, and I thought that was the coolest thing ever. They happened to be lights of Jesus, like one of them is like knocking on a door. Do you remember these three dimensional pictures with a light and you could like if you move. It seems that the pictures three dimensional.
Oh yeah.
Anyway, So I had hung them earlier that day and they were a little heavy. So I remember, I like really made sure they would stay out because I put nails, I put tape. So I go in my room and both of the Jesus pictures that I hung on my wall were lying on the floor. And then those were ripped out of the wall. Whoa wow, So David Kane, the Jews didn't like that I was hanging pictures of Jesus. Now here, here's the kapper. This is the big ending. We had a girl living with us in that house who claimed she was a little psychic. But she said that she was lying in bed one day and she opened her eyes and there was an old man sitting on the furnace next her bed in her bedroom, and that he was looking at her, and she she was wide awake now and he didn't disappear. He was right there. He stood up and just walked slowly out the window and.
Was gone out the window through the window he.
Just sort of disappeared through the window. So but no, everyone who lived in that house was like, yeah, this is it was a freaky place to live. Wow, but I did I never saw anything, but I heard those footsteps. Definitely heard that.
And well, anyway, so the thing with weija boards is that, like sometimes I think people do them in a location thinking that they're talking to whoever the ghost is there, but like you could be talking to somebody else too. You know, you could be talking to like who knows what, just some whoever wants whoever's down to talk. So it could have been, like, you know, more than one experience happening at the same time. Maybe it wasn't the same person as that person that was in her room, or I mean, who knows. There's a lot of possibilities.
But oh absolutely. And also they don't have to tell the truth. So yeah, spirit comes to the board, it's just fucking with you. I mean, I have to figure once you return to the almighty all knowing, you're you kind of know everything and you can just fuck around, especially with like some college kids that like leave beer bottles around, like let's just have a little fun here. But well, I hope it's fun being a ghost, because I don't I don't think I want to be one, because it seems like maybe you're stuck.
Yeah, it seems sad to me. It seems. I always compare it to somebody that's like stuck in a trend from like a long time ago that won't move out of it.
When it's like still wearing skinny jeans.
Yeah, like we all decided we're not doing that anymore, and you're like, no, no, it's still cool, and you're like, come on, like go to the right right.
Yeah, totally.
Yeah. But the fact that it ripped nails out of your wall, that is so scary. Yeah.
Well, either that or I was trying to hang very heavy pictures on nails that can't hold them. But the point is, at that moment, I was sure it was King of the Jews angry with me. Point is, I bought it.
So did you hang them back up?
No? I did not. I know I didn't, and I really loved them, but I was like, okay, done with.
Those because even though maybe those were a haunted object from a thrip store, you never know what these thrip stores.
Yeah, I do find that very interesting that because I like thrit Star shopping. I like things that have been other places use things, articles, lamps, same, you know, but that is kind of creepy to think they're usually person the energy.
Like nine times out of ten, I feel that there they belong to dead people. I go to a lot of estate sales and sometimes, you know, sometimes it's just people moved or they're downsizing or whatever. But then other times it's like the person just died, and it's like, it's kind of eerie. What's also disturbing to see people.
I like, speaking of someone just just dying. I missed out on the greatest opportunity of my life because of this exact thing, which but I have to trust I was meant not to give this apartment, but I was in. I thought I was going to live in Manhattan, and I was looking for a place I could afford. And the luckiest thing that could ever happen to somebody in that situation happened to me, which was I walk up to a building and this person's walking in there, like, oh, there's an apartment out there that just got freed up. You can come in with me to look at it. So I go in and literally the person there had just left this apartment like that early that the night before, because all her stuff was there. And I'm in there, going like, how did like just that never happens. Normally a person finds an apartment and they end up raising the rent by one thousand dollars, right, So anyway, they say, I say, what happened to the woman? They go, oh, she died last night?
And they're ready, just like come on in check it out.
Yes, and the price was crazy good, And I go, how did she die? They said, she threw herself out that window.
Oh my god.
And then I turn around and in the corner of this apartment is an altar two cats, not the musical, sorry, just kittens, an altar with candles, an entire wall covered in little like cutout magazine kit like one hundred and two hundred cats.
Oh, no cat.
And I backed out of that apartment so fast. Oh kicked myself for a decade after. I thought, Jack, that was the only way you were going to ever afford an apartment in New York is if the person literally just died.
Yeah, but with the ghost of a cat lady as.
A right, Well, I don't know, maybe maybe if I kept the altar up, she would leave me alone.
It could be you never know any but yeah. I went to in Estatesyll a couple weeks ago and the friend that I was with opened the refrigerator like a nosy person, and it was like all the food is still in there, Like it was like all the cupboards filled with food, and it was just like, oh my god, this person just died.
Yeah, sometimes I think about that, and I pushed the thought away very quickly. But I'll purchase something and I'll go, I wonder if I'll live long enough to use this. It's just a morbid thought. We all morbid thought. You know, when you walk up to a balcon and you go, I want to throw myself off. It's just a weird morbid thing humans have. Am I the only one?
No, you're not alone? So what about Have you had experiences with psychics or anything like that?
I paid quite of money to talk to one, and then I had mixed feelings. Certainly she got a lot right that no one could ever know. Oh, and that really gave me chills. My grandma's name is nowhere to be found on the internet, and she knew her name. She knew that my family loved going the Disney World. She knew my dad's girlfriend's things that aren't available anywhere. She knew.
I'm starting to think that there's a psychic grandma database, because I hear this kind of thing all the time from people that are public figures or whatever, that they go to a psychic and the psychic knows their grandma or their grandpa or whatever, and they say, there's no way you could know this is It's nowhere on the internet. I feel like they have their own little thing, these psychics going on.
Absolutely. Can I tell you my favorite psychic story please? A friend of mine named Jessica Bendinger. She wrote the movie Oh shit, what's the movie about cheerleaders?
Bring it On?
Oh yeah yeah.
So before bring was Bring it On, it was just a script that she had and then she was working on right and the script at the time was called cheer Fever instead of Bringing On, So that was the working title cheer Fever. And Jessica goes to a psychic and to sort of ask him, like, you know, just to help point her in the direction she should go. And this was one of cheer Fever was one of the many projects she was looking at, so Anyway, this psychic. The way he works is as he's talking to you, he's writing things down on a tablet, And after he chats with her for a few minutes, he looks down at the tablet where he had written these words, and he says, what's cheer virus? And she goes cheer fever. He goes, yeah, what is that? She goes to the movie. He goes, keep working on that. That's going to be big.
WHOA interesting.
Yeah, that's a pretty cool story. I used to feel that I was psychic because when I would go to out to a club, and in my thirties, I would after i'd have a drink or two. I loved seeing if I could guess people, guess things about people, and I was often right with me, like guessing their last name, guessing I would say, like I'm feeling an airplane. They'd go, my dad is a pilot. And my experience of it at the time was that it was almost like it was as if someone was whispering these things in my ear, but I couldn't hear it in the way normal way and ear or hears it.
Really Does that make sense?
Yeah, anyway, I'm not saying I was psychic, but I did constantly sort of surprise myself in how many times i'd get things right.
Do you have that happen when you don't have a cocktail or two?
Well, it doesn't happen anymore, and I'll tell you why. So my thought at the time was that it was an and I don't know why. I just believed it was an indigenous, a Native American girl whispering in my ear. That's that was just this feeling I had. And then I turned thirty. Yes, I guess this was like leading up to when I was turning thirty, and I just sort of my career stalled and I got into a bit of a depression. And that was the first time I saw a therapist, which I'm so glad. I think it's a great thing to see a therapist at each time in your life. You know, every ten years you sort of go through a change, and it's a good thing to have just have someone to bounce things off of. But anyway, so I had this depression, lasted a year, and the gift went away. If it was a gift, I'm not saying it was. But I no longer really have much. I'm not I don't hear any thing anymore.
And my feeling is that I just became boring to whatever that presence was. I was no longer very fun to be around for that year and they went away.
So did you? Were there attempts? Were you like out and about and be like, I'm going to guess your last name is Johnson?
Like now it's I probably did, probably did a few times.
That happened, and I lost it. I do love the idea of like the drunk psychic, like that being like the Long Island medium or something. We have the drunk I.
Love the drunk psychic. Oh right, it up, we'll pitch it together exactly.
Wow. Okay, So it turns out you've got a lot of great stories here. What else? What else can we get from you? Yeah? Uf story?
Oh yeah, I saw you?
Oh my god, here we go. All right, give it to us.
Well, now, mind you. A UFO to me simply means unidentified. And I saw something one night in Los Angeles that as it was happening, I knew I was seeing something that to me was completely unexplainable. And it happened right over West Hollywood.
So I've seen a unexplainable things to be fair.
Usually floating in the sky, but I hear you. I hear you. So anyway, this was I was young, I was probably like thirty, and I love wind. I love wind windy nights, and you don't often get wind in LA and this was a lot of way. It was like a crazy windy night. And I went outside and stood on the roof of my building just so I could enjoy it. And it was clear night, so there was just a sky full of stars. It's probably midnight, and I see some lights pretty far away and they're flying in's it called in tandem. I don't know how to put it, but it was like eight lights flying together. And the first thing my mind thought was, well, those are helicopters, because they were kind of in a circle and flying together and very far away and very slowly. And then I noticed something that really freaked me out, which was, as I said, they were sort of flying in a circle together slowly across the sky, very slowly across the sky, and the stars in the middle of that circle you couldn't see. So in other words, it hit me, that's a large shape outlined by lights.
Oh wow.
And so they were kind of the perimeter of.
Yes, And the thing you have to understand this. So my first thought was is it a hot air balloon? But this was the windy, this was crazy wind and it just kept slowly chugging across the sky, very far away. So it's not like a huge shape right above me, but far away. And my heart's racing now because it was no it was This was a long time ago too, and it was no shape of any plane I've ever seen. It couldn't have been a plane, and it could have been a balloon, and yet it was big. And I watched it go across the sky and uh.
Yeah, did you see it as it like disappeared or how did that end?
Yeah, just kind of got too far away to see. I guess I can't remember. I mean when I say slowly, maybe it wasn't it that slow. I feel like I watched it for about seven minutes.
Wow, you saw a UFO.
Yeah, I'm fascinated by them. I have a terrible, terrible fear, though, of a giant shape floating in the air above me. Even as a child, I had this concept of a giant shape above a very small like pin. Anyway, it's always been a scary thing and I have just I just really don't ever want to see that really.
See Okay, I've talked about this a thousand times at this point on this podcast, But I saw unexplained phenomenal up in the sky in uh Sedna a couple months ago on purpose, I went on a UFO like tour thing and like things, I saw things, and I thought it was like just I thought it was like whale watching. I thought it was like majestic, gorgeous. Thought it was so cool what.
The thing you saw was majestic.
Yeah, just the way that they would fly around it was like so different than an airplane or a helicopter or anything like that. I got like, I also am convinced that they're not bad and that it's all good, because I just think that they have so much power, like they're above us, Like if they wanted to do some bad stuff, they would do it, but they seem to be I don't know. I think they come in peace.
Do you do you believe that they might be picking people up and experimenting on them.
Ah, that's what people say. I mean, who am I to say that it's not real? But the woman that gave my tour claims to have been abducted many times.
Oh my god, did she have any marks or anything?
I don't know. I did not.
I've heard it sometimes they take a little divot of skin out of your back.
Ooh yeah, I mean I don't really know if I want that, but I'm good with my back divots and everything.
Divot less, I think they call it. So I have a friend who's pretty sure he was abducted, and can I tell you that story?
Okay? So I asked him, I said, can I tell the story if I don't say your name? He said, just tell my name. I don't care. So he's one of my closest friends. His name is Jim Hansen, and he works in Hollywood as a costumer. And anyway, so here's the story. Tells that he could tell better, but I'm your guest today and he isn't. So anyway, him and his friend were driving I think, from Seattle to a Los Angeles and it was a high turn and they were going up a very big hill, like a mountain, and so as he recalls it, he was quite young. But at the top of the mountain, they decided to put in into the cassette player that tells you how longer. This happened a book on tape, and so they stuck it in and they start heading now down the mountain and it's a pretty long way to go. Now they begin driving down the mountain and suddenly they're at the bottom of the mountain and the book on tape is done. It's you know, it played out and is ejected and he turns his friend and he goes, what happened? What happened? Because he has no memory of driving down the mountain. He just was suddenly on the down at the bottom of it. He turns his friend to say what happened, And his friend kind of like stirs awake and goes, oh, my god, I just had the most terrified nightmare. And he's like, huh what. And his friend says, we were in the car and I saw like a hand, like an alien nish type hand reaching in to unlock the door.
And that's the story, and he swears by it, and he never doesn't know anything else. There's nothing else he can share about it.
Whoa an alien unlocking the door?
Said he saw a hand like going to open the door.
That is so freaky, because yeah, I mean, that's what a lot of people you know, report missing time is like probably the most common thing that you hear. Oh my god, that is so scary.
And I may, I may. You know, I make comedy videos all the time. And my friend Klinton Loup, who is Miss Cocoa Peru.
Yeah, one of our favorite guests of the show. She she gave us the alien tea.
Okay, so then therefore she's already told the story about how the alien that her sister saw moved its head. Right, wait, what was the hep she Well, I don't want to tell it because I haven't asked her for her if I'm allowed to, But I'll just say her sister's saw an alien and it moved its head in a very specific way that you'll see if you watch one of my comedy videos. Because Miss Coco Peru knows that story scares the hell out of me. And I was about a two years ago. I made a comedy video about a woman who gets subducted by aliens and you can see it.
What is it called.
It's called Carol, and it's on It's in my comedy shorts on my YouTube playlist. And I love this video because it's it's kind of the creepiest it's actually kind of scary how it came out and was so I love that because I love horror films. But anyway, I basically play a bunch of aliens as well as the woman, and I moved my head exactly how she describes it, how Miss Coco describes it in her story, and he got a real kick out of that.
Yeah, Coco's one of these people that, you know, I reach out to people that I like and I'm just like, yeah, you have a story, just like I did with you. And Coco came with like twenty story, Like so many stories of ghosts, I would.
Aliens go to that episode and listen to me listen to her alien story. It is terrifying.
I think that there's just some people that, you know, I think there's some people that ghosts like, and I think that there's it seems that aliens sometimes are drawn to certain people and and sometimes people talk about like their family after generation and generation have had experiences with UFO sightings or abductions or whatever. I don't know. Again, like you said at the beginning of this conversation, as time goes on, it seems like this stuff is I mean, it's still obviously so much unknown, but it kind of it's kind of cool to talk about it now because there's so much evidence and so much validity, you know, all of the all of these things that have come out just the past, you know, two years or so that it feels I don't feel as insane talking about it.
Well you shouldn't, because yeah, I definitely agree that it's been made pretty valid.
Yeah. Well, do you want to hear some ghost voices?
Oh? My god, Okay, what are you talking about? I love it and I'm terrified.
Okay, well it's time for EVP or ev pase. Have you ever heard the term EVP?
Yeah, and that's about the sounds that you record, right.
Yes, electronic voice phenomena. So it's you know, whenever a person captures what they believe to be a ghost speaking on some kind of recording device. And I go to YouTube, where there are thousands and thousands of EVPs, though some are also in ev police, and I have my guests tell me what they hear, and I'll give you some options, and the correct answer will be what the person on YouTube leaves they heard.
Okay, okay, So we don't know if these are real or if they were created to get followers. But we do know that the ghosts, the person who's sharing them believes they've figured out what they're saying.
I mean, let's be honest, that's all of this stuff. Nobody knows that, Like you know, who knows.
Well, I personally love. I am happy to watch a fake a really good fake UFO video or really good fake ghost Like I don't care if it's fake, but because because it's really exciting when people can do a good job of convincing you. But then the ones where they where they say like this is actually absolutely true that that does that is a little more exciting.
I definitely, Well, here's.
Kind of decide these are all actually real.
Something about this world of EVPs on YouTube that I've gotten into. These are not videos that are viral, Like I really dig deep in there and I find stuff that was posted ten years ago and it has fifteen views on it, Like it's These are just videos that people just here's my findings, And I don't know a lot of times I think they seem to be legit. I don't know either way. It's fun.
No, absolutely, especially things like this because it's not someone trying to have a paranormal channel, right, you know, and is saying yeah, every night I hear some it's like, come on, man, it's much more believable, like when it's somebody saying, look, this happened to me and I had to share it.
Well, well a lot of times. But also it's like paranormal teams and stuff that are sharing their findings. For example, this first one is from a channel called Sam's Paranormal, that's what it's called. And this is at the Ohio State Reformatory. Do you know about that place?
No, but the reformatories were like, you punish children, and we all know that back to the day when things weren't there, weren't cameras and stuff that kids would quote unquote pair like die from. Anyway, they were pretty horrible places. I'm sure.
Well, this is an old prison and it's in Mansfield, Ohio, and it is actually it's a it's a famous haunted place that's been on a lot of these paranormal shows, and it is where they did.
Should record the sounds with a regular recording device or these recorded with some kind of like measuring energy, like how does it work.
Usually it's either someone's video some type of video camera, or some type of audio recording. Just it's yeah, just pretty basic stuff. But this place right here, this is where they shot Shawshank Redemption It. It was in business until nineteen ninety.
Did any crew members of that movie say that they've had eerie feelings?
Oh, I'm sure there has to be. We gotta get somebody on. Okay, So here it is. Here's this first one. It's kind of whispery. What do you hear? Okay, it's pretty quick. It's just it's a voice going like that. Okay, let me play it again.
Oh I'm hearing Oh call o cow.
Okell okell stop it.
So I have to figure that it's talking to someone named Kelly, and but it's using her cute nickname.
It's like, oh, kel, you're crazy. Wait, let me play it again. Okay, okay, I totally pick.
Up that time I heard.
Oh hell, oh okay, that's scary. Well, here's some options. Is it A, don't go there? Is it B I don't care? Is it C Are you scared? Or D I'm a Karen? Oh remember the term Karen. I feel like that's kind of gone out. Maybe it was a ghost from twenty twenty.
Oh my god, why would it.
Why would Karen die?
I don't know.
These are the options. He's Jack.
Say option two again to me, Dear, I don't care, okay, now let me hear it. Gay, Well, I mean, if I had to choose, I would choose. I don't care. I hope it's I'm a Karen though, because I don't mind. I wouldn't mind it.
I'm a ghost and I'm a Karen and I'm gonna speak to the manager of this paranormal team. Uh it is, yes, I don't care. Now. Here's the funny thing about this. What they said in the little description of the video is that it says we were discussing using phones and tablets while using the bathroom, and the ghost said, I don't care. Okay, let me play it again. Now let me know that I hear it.
Yeah, yeah, I mean. The thing is he can see you piss and poop anyway, What does he care whether you're you know, he's already forced to see all of it.
It's like, I want do whatever you want. Okay. Here's one more. This one is from Rags Design, rygg Apostrophe as design and on YouTube, and it is from Southeastern Idaho Paranormal society, and it does not say the location. But this one is also kind of a whisper voice. What is it saying?
We heard again?
This one I think is harder, but it's a little bit longer. Okay, here we go.
Well, I mean I'm hearing you're a dear heart, You're it goes, You're dear. That's what I'm hearing here.
I get what you're picking up on. Here. Here's some options. Is it a don't you tease me? Is it be I'm a sweetie? Is it C you don't see me? Or d too sexy? I do think these whisper goes. I'm sorry, but sometimes it gets late at night and I'm listening to this and I'm like, oh, whispering in my ear.
The little as mr.
Yeah, it's kind of sexy. Okay, so what is it saying? One of those options? Here we go.
Well, It's the thing is, I can't remember the options, but I heard. I'm I'm scary.
They believe it's a don't you tease me?
Oh, well, let's hear it again. Well, I have to disagree with you. That is not what I'm hearing. But nonetheless, that's really creepy.
To be fair, it is hard to do this over zoom, and it sounds best with like earphones and blah blah blah. But I kind of hear it. I kind of hear it. I don't know what they were teasing the ghost about, but the ghost was not having the teasing.
Uh. Yeah, there's a cool TikTok series where a woman has a guy uh asked the ghost questions and what is it?
What is it?
She wears a sound device? Oh right, ship, I'll forget it. The point is there's so many good, good supernatural people to follow on TikTok. Sorry, really continue ignore me.
I guess that's it. I guess.
So this has been so spooky and wonderful.
You really brought it with these stories. Thank you, Jack, Oh, thank you youn Tell people you know where to find you find your videos and everything else going on.
Oh sure, I'd be honored. Well, my YouTube channel has a playlist called Jack's Comedy Shorts, and you know, check them out. They will make you laugh larf. My name is Jack Plotnix, So if you just type that into YouTube, everything will come up. There's not that many plotinicks. That's p plot ni c K. And you can also find me on Instagram at at Jack Plotnik. And lastly, your listeners may enjoy sci fi. I made a dark sci fi comedy movie called Space Station seventy six a few years ago that you can watch on any of the streaming outlets. It stars Patrick Wilson and Liv Tyler and Matt Boehmer and Jerry O'Connell. It takes place in the future as we had imagined it in the nineteen seventies. And your friend and my friend Sam Pig he can help me write it, and he's in it, and I'm very proud of it. So if you're I think it's showing on Stars for free as well.
Oh cool, it is such a cool movie.
Oh thank you, thank.
You, thank you, Jack Plotnik. And of course, if you want to hear a little bit more us talking about other paranormal phenomenal go to patreon dot com slash Rozdressfales on my second tier. How you subscribe to the show, make sure you are tell your friends about it. Rate at five stars on Apple Podcasts. If you have a ghost story, you can leave it there, or you could put it in our Facebook group called Ghosted by Roz dres Fales. You can email me at ghosted by ros at gmail dot com. If you want to be in a listener episode, you can put the subject line listener episode and give me some bullet points of your stories. I'm on Instagram at roz Hernandez. I am now on TikTok at. It's Rozhernandez and I love you all, both living and dead. But if I didn't ask you to haunt me, don't haunt me.
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