
Butch Patrick

Published May 13, 2021, 7:00 AM

The real Eddie Munster himself Butch Patrick joins Roz to talk about his family’s historic haunted house, going to The Queen Mary, The Villa Montezuma in San Diego, and of course Roz had to ask some questions about “The Munsters”!

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What's that at the bed. It's spooky. I'm pretty sure it's dead. It's coming this way.

Wait a minute, I said, Russ Dress.

Hey boo, it's me ros Dress. False. I am doing pretty well. However, I'm not gonna lie. I don't feel great because I just got the second vaccine. And yeah, people warn me that there's a possibility that you could have some side effects, and I certainly did to say the least. Though, you know, I don't want to get into it too much because I'd hate to discourage anyone from getting it. Oh my god, if you are able to, and when you're able to, please get you a vaccine or two vaccines even. And yeah, I'm just kind of going through it a little bit, but very happy I was able to do that. And it will all be worth it, And before I know it, I'll be ghosts hunting and performing on stages and maybe even back in the studio with guests talking about ghosts. So also another reason to be really excited is because we have got Butch Patrick on the show today. Now this is huge for me. Okay, but Patrick played Eddie Munster on the TV show The Monsters. You better believe he was very excited to talk about the monsters, which I so appreciate. He's just such a nice man and you know, doesn't know me and was kind enough to give me a half hour to talk and so we talked and we had a great time. And so, yeah, the little little bit shorter of a conversation than we usually do. So I'll talk a little bit more than I usually do at the top of the show and then at the end because we talk about a couple of places and I did a little bit more research, and so I'll talk about that on the other side of my conversation with Butch. I also wanted to read a ghost story. I found it in the Facebook group, which of course is called ghosted by raz dres False. And this story right here came from Tabitha Tabitha. Thank you for sharing, Tabitha Wrights. My family was quite large and working class. Our idea of vacation was going en mass to stay with other members of the family. One such holiday saw all of us descending on my aunt and uncle and their four children, who lived in a huge Victorian house in northwestern Missouri. There must have been seventeen of us staying there, so rooms and beds were shared. Oh my god, it's a lot of people in a house. I wound up sharing with my cousin, who was about six I was ten. This aunt's house was dot dot dot weird. Several of the rooms were the only rooms on their floor. Oh interesting. Some were just off the landing. Some were no more than glorified closets. We found ourselves in one of the landing rooms, two little twin beds, really close and no windows. Okay, this is already creepy. We crashed fairly early and nothing strange had happened. Ohkave, I have a feeling there's gonna be more to the story. And then no idea what time it was, as there were no windows and no clocks. All right, my cousin was in my bed. I thought poor kid had a nightmare or some such. Then he started squeezing my leg, pinching really. I rolled over to tell him off, and his eyes were huge. I looked where he was looking, and I wish I hadn't. There was a weirdly misty yet detailed woman floating over the foot of my bed, hair in her face, feet if they were real, barely brushing the bed covers. Her body was swaying slightly, but her head was stationary, as if she were hung by the neck. I hugged my cousin to me and shut my eyes very tight. When I opened my eyes again, the woman was gone. We never spoke about what happened to anyone, but the next night we both fell asleep on the sofa. My aunt moved a few months after that, and her new house was decidedly less creepy. Okay, why do I ask for? The thing that's the most crazy about this is that I literally ask you kind wonderful people to send me this stuff, and then the moment I get it, I'm like, what am I doing to myself?

I don't.

This is so scary. I mean, Tabitha, that's a great story. Thank you. I just have to I have to sleep in a bed after hearing this. But I'm very happy to hear that shutting your eyes very tightly and then opening them worked and she was indeed gone. Okay, Tabitha, thank you for sending that. And if you have a ghost star you'd like me to read on the show, please send it, you know in the Facebook. Ghosted by razdrez veles Or on a five star review on Apple podcasts. That's that's a good place to Another thing that caught my attention was I saw this article that was actually originally posted by Fox seventeen, which is the Fox affiliate in West Michigan where I'm from, of All Blazes, and it's an article that's about UFO sightings in twenty twenty and why they were up so much. And one thing that I was like, Okay, I don't even know that I thought about this, but it does. It opens an article by talking about, like, you know, maybe it's because people had more time during the pandemic so they were looking up into the sky. But then it said maybe I had to do with the fact that there's less pollution in the sky because of last year and so there's more visibility. So basically, maybe there's UFOs all the time. It's just people can't see it because there's pollution. I mean, I live in Los Angeles with there's smog everywhere, so there could just be UFOs up there in the smog this whole time. I don't like that, it says. According to the National UFO Reporting Center, sightings increased by one thousand this year nationally, with seven two hundred total calls about UFOs. Calls to the hotline in New York State alone doubled in twenty twenty. And then they talked to a man named Bill and Michigan who works for the mutual UFO network Movefon and Bill says that about a third of the calls to their branch turned out to be SpaceX Star satellites, which launched into near orbit to improve Internet connection worldwide. The satellites take on eerie formations when visible own there's a video of it too. Says they look real spooky when you see them, so that's interesting. So that's one of the reasons those have been debunked. They're not UFOs. It's just some Elon muskery in the sky, okay. And then of course it talks about how the Pentagon investigation, which was announced last summer. The Department of Defense also recently commented on a series of declassified videos. Yes, of course, the Navy pilot videos, and so that kind of raised the interest a bit. And it says that the Pentagon report is reportedly do out sometime next month, so we'll look out for that. Which another thing about UFO is actually that I heard about, is that Demi Levado is apparently going to be doing a show where she's going to be looking for UFOs, which we've already talked about on the show. Demie Levado is She's a paranormal queen and truly a dream guest. I would love to talk to one day about all of her experiences, and so look out for that, all you UFO heads, and Demi stands. Okay, So let's get into this conversation that I had with Butch Patrick from The Monsters, and again at the end of the episode, I'll talk about some more historical stuff, and as always on Patreon you can find bonus clips and from this week, we do that thing where I ask about unexplained phenomena. And one of the things I asked Butch about is this internet rumor that I may have talked about on this podcast, or maybe it was when I was doing Stereo. I can't remember, but I've definitely talked about it because it's something that's been on my mind, which is that there's rumors of a Monster's movie coming out that's directed by Rob Zombie and I guess maybe Cassandra Peterson might be involved. I mean, it sounds like a rumor, doesn't seem like it's been confirmed from what I read, but then I asked Butch about it, and so Butch clears that up. So that's part of a little bit of a clip that you can find on Patreon Patreon dot com slash rosdres Fales. And then also this week I did a video where I went to Pasadena and looked at some allegedly famous haunted locations and even a very iconic horror location from the movie Halloween. So go check that out Patreon dot com, slash ros dresvalel. Yeah, and just a reminder if you didn't hear, Like a couple of weeks ago, I got to meet Butch Patrick. That's how this all started. I went to this place called the Valley Relics Museum. I made a video. I put it on paground as well, and I got to meet but Patrick. He was signing autographs. He had his amazing monster coach with him, which he drives to these events and it's so cool, and he was a very nice person, and he was nice enough to do this. So you'll hear so here it is okay, okay, I'll stop talking. Here is my conversation with Butch Patrick and with the show. I am so honored today I am joined by a true Hollywood legend, Butch Patrick. Hello, how are you?

I am wonderful. Thanks for having me on your show.

Oh my god, thank you so much for doing it, and thanks for fitting me in. I mean, you're on the road. What have you got going on right now?

Well, I'm out scouting theaters to host my Munsters and Merlin Magic Show. We have a feature Munster Go Home, of course from the old days that's been blu ray mixed, where Rob Zombie and myself did the commentary for it last year, but unfortunately it never came out because of COVID. So now I decided to help theater owners around the country and bring people back out by having a Munsters in Magic evening.

And I was out looking at a.

Theater here on Root sixty six, a beautiful old worlds or Organ theater, one of the twenty two in the country. Beautiful property. And I'm also doing a car show here in Tulsa, Darryl Starboard and the old legendary car builder, old friend of mine because I grew up with George Barrows who did the Monster Coach in the Dragula So Country, I always have a good time seeing interesting pieces of Americana and going out and meeting some fans like yourself.

Yes, I was so excited to meet you. I've been a Monster fan my whole life. I was raised on the monsters, and you know, it's like it's crazy because there they still are like hip. You know, it's like I go to so many horror conventions and so many spooky stores and there's still so much monster merge and the fandom is still very much alive. Why do you think, why do you think they've stood the test of time.

Well, there's a couple of reasons, and it's an interesting things. It was almost like a perfect storm situation that had to occur because because it's very, very unusual for a show of only two years fifty five years ago to be as popular as it is today when you consider how many thousands and thousands and thousands of shows have been made and fall by the wayside. But to answer your question, two things. Number One, it was the sixties and the period. People remember the sixties very fondly, and they all have. If you weren't born in the sixties, you remember them because people have been listening to the music and watching the reruns of this and that. But if you are old enough like myself to be having lived through the sixties, it brings back childhood memories that can never be replaced, and unfortunately kids today will never know what it was like. So you have a lot of the family values of olden days back in the sixties that resonates today, and you have multi generational like for instance. For instance, my book that called Munster Memories is based upon people coming to the table and sharing their fond memories that they had with someone their family that they shared watching the show with. And it could be their grandparents or their uncle or whatever, but they always have a fond memory of the Munsters being part of their family.

I also think that there's there's this thing, and I've talked about this with Alvira about people that feel like an outsider really really connecting to those characters, and I think that that's a huge part of it as well. Have you noticed that from meeting fans?

Yes? Well.

Another thing is also when you look at the hit shows from the mid sixties, it was a very interesting time for TV riders and comedians and stuff because anything could go. Very popular shows Bewitched about which is I Dream a genie about genies, my favorite Martian. There was just shows that were very, very popular that had nothing to do with reality, that were just fun entertainment for entertainment's.

Sake, right, right, And you know, when you think about like the culture climate of that time, there's that clip that still goes around, the one where Herman's talking to you and he talks about I think it's from the one where you grow a beard, and he says, yeah, it's more about the size of your heart and the strength of your character. And I mean that clip still goes around, you know, and it's it's a very relevant conversation. That's just his nature.

The lesson I want you to learn is it doesn't matter what you look like. You can be tall or short, or fat or thin, ugly or handsome like your father. You can be black or yellow or white. It doesn't matter. What does matter is the size of your heart and the strength of your character.


I had someone reach out to me about that clip and it's you know, it is timeless, but it was funny because it had like ninety million views recently because of all the you know, stuff going on in the real world around us.

And someone had just pulled it out and the like.

To them it was new, and they found out that it wasn't new at all, had been around for so long.

And yes, it resonates very well today. And that's why, and that's one of the reasons why the show does so well too.

It's got basic family values, and it's always entertaining, and it's it's old traditional stuff. But because it's the monsters and Grandpa's magic and his the things that they could write into the scripts because of you know, him being a mad scientist and.

Herman and stuff made it funny. What would have normally been an everyday occurrence becomes suddenly becomes very entertaining.

And spooky, which I love so much. Well, wait, I have one more question about the monthsteries, because when you talk about Munster Go Home, which I definitely have seen. I love that movie, and it's it's in technical and the TV shows in black and white. I guess what I'm wondering is the way it looked in the movie and color, is that how it looked in person or was it changed for color?

They they up the anti a tad for the movie.

They did make the colors a little more brighter on everybody's faces. You know, it was like if you were a five, they made it you a seven. And you know, in intensity of color, my suit used to be gray in the TV show, they made it prepple. For the movie, we went with a redhead Maryland as opposed to the traditional blonde because they wanted to bring Debbie Watson into the mix because she had a new TV show at Universal they were promoting.

So yeah, across the board, it was a little bit more.

Intense color for the for the release, but the series, the show itself was a very gray set. I mean we had the couch was a very you know, sort of a olive draft gray. The walls were dark and gray, and the cobwebs and everything. So yes, they definitely kicked it up a gear for color.

Well, can we talk about ghosts?


So when I got when I got to meet you, I think it came up because I had a ghost on and who was who was that with you? Was that your your sister? Oh okay, yeah, yeah, she had brought up my ghost. And then we started talking about ghosts and then uh and uh, and then you happened to have all these videos of ghosts. I want to know what the story is with that.

I'll tell you the story. My grandmother, my sister Michelle, and myself.

We were very close to our grandmother, and my grandmother bought a house and making Missouri, a little town in north central Missouri.

For all her antiques, and I was doing the monsters.

I was living with her in Illinois. When I went to California to do the monsters. She had moved from her little place in Illinois to a big place in Missouri, so Michelle was with her.

So I always kept an eye on the house over the years.

And I found out it was going to be demolished and it had been vacant for eight years. A friend of mine from making because I lived there in the eighth grade in that house. So I had always kept an eye on it. And when I found out I was going to be demolished, I took it upon myself to buy it, to save it from the wrecking ball and Grandma's memory. Well, as I was leaving to take ownership of the house, my sister says, say hi to the Miss Ruby. I go, who the hell's Miss Ruby? And he goes, she goes, that's the ghost. That's that's the resident ghost. You didn't know the house was haunted? And I go no, She goes, how could you know the ghosts? The ghosts were everywhere. I was always talking to the ghost did grandma? Didn't you notice how Grandma wouldn't let us go in the basement?

I go no.

I was always out with Grandpa, you know, fishing or riding my bike with my friends.

I didn't hang around the house that much.

So anyway, as I was leaving, she told me about the ghost situation. So as I arrived in Missouri, the people that were helping me, you know, clean the house and move stuff out of the house, they all had ghost stories. It was common knowledge in town that everybody knew the house. They'd seen the ghosts of the windows, they heard them, laughter, foot steps. It was all common knowledge that the house was very haunted, unbeknownst to me.

So I had a paranormal team in Saint Louis. A friend of.

Mine's named Vicky Maine and Michael Lynch, who have a company called Paravision out of Saint Louis, that I had met at a paranormal convention.

I asked them, could.

You please come over to make it and let me know what's going on with my house.

They agreed.

Of course, I was thinking about doing the TV show because I thought if I could prove the house was haunted, a friend of mine in Hollywood said, you've got a gold show because it was the elevator pitch was Eddie Munster meets Andy of Maybury in the Twilight Zone, which is the town being Mayberry, me being Eddie Munster, and the.

House with the ghost being the Twilight Zone.

So they came and did a sweep in the house and we found like twenty or thirty different entities living in the house and we had to clear them all out because it had it had been blocked up for eight years and it hadn't been lived in for eight years, and a lot of the residency there because it was built on a board texts. So after we opened the doors and they all went running up into the basement, I mean they were in the basement. They all went running up into the attict. I think I showed you that video of all the orbs, didn't I?

Yes, yes, yes, Okay.

So anyway, she.

Says, was this house built on a cemetery? I said, no, I doubt that there's a cemetery room close by. But one thing, I lied to another and we figured out that it was in a vortex, and there was always going to be a lot of people coming through and a lot of a lot of spirits, and there'll be a lot of activity. So on that note, it didn't bother me, but it bothered the heck out of my ex wife.

She didn't like living there, and we spent a lot of time staying at hotels.

Even though I own this home, I would be in a hotel at night because she wouldn't stay in the house. So I said, well, there's this is not going to work out. Something's got to have to happen here. So I'd only spent fifty one days a year in the house when I was already on the road.

I spent the money on the room.

I re roofed it, did the electric work, did the HVAC and all the things that needed to be done to make it livable and sellable. And then my wife and I separated, went our separate ways. So I decided to sell the house to someone that was going to continue the restoration and finish it off. But that was the history of the house and how it came to be and Elizabeth Wardell was the resident ghost and her dad was murdered. He was a coal baron, built this beautiful home, spared no expense. It was like the best nicest house in town. He then built sister houses for his other kids when they got married. So there was a big history of the Wardale mansion, the Wardale money. And he was killed during a labor dispute, and she took over the house and she married a.

Guy named Ruby. And that's how my little sister knew her.

As a kid, she knew her as miss Ruby, not miss not Elizabeth or not miss Wardell.

That's how that's the story in a nutshell.

So you're did she come to your sister and say, like, tell her my name is miss Ruby.

Yes, she's That's how Michelle knew her as miss Ruby, call me miss Ruby.

And Michelle had many many conversations with her.

Now again, I remember my sister was only about eight to nine years old at this time. But the woman always was seen at the stairway where she would like host parties.

She was always in.

A like a white frock with her long hair braided like she was getting ready for bed.

She was always very calming.

She was. Michelle never felt threatened by her, but when I was. When I got married with Michelle, came back for my wedding. She stayed in the adjacent room that I guess Grandma used to stay in, and I turned off my phone at night.

But the next morning, Michelle goes, why didn't you answer your phone? I go what? I turned my phone off?

She was I couldn't get out of bitch, and she had texted me that please get in here. There's a horrible, horrible entity in this room and I'm scared to death.

And Michelle was never scared of the ghosts.

But apparently we picked up a very bad hitchhiking, you know, a hitchhiker that was hanging around. Causing problem was that I had to have removed by my medium, Vicky Maine.

So you, why do you think the ghosts don't visit you?

I don't know. Good question.

I was living in this house by myself a lot, and I would walk around at night and I say, hey, guys out here, anytime you know, whatever you want to do, let me let it be known. And nothing zilch.

You would think they would be comfortable around you. Maybe they just think that they couldn't scare you because.

I'm here to save the house.

You're welcome to stay. I know you're there. Maybe you remember me as a kid back when I was visiting my grandma. You know, I don't know.

I would walk around the house by myself, talking to myself and to the ghost, and nothing ever happened.

What was so that video that you showed me where you can see somebody walking, I mean, that was I've seen a lot of ghost videos. That was a good one. What was that?

That was my security camera that we founded.

We have the two cameras and one in the kitchen and then one in the shooting at the front door from the base of the stairway the main stairway. We have a butler stairway as well, and that was basically at three in the morning, UH pitch black infrared camera activated from movement from a ghost that stepped across them. You can see the first entity goes in front of the lens and walks away from it, and then as it becomes uh, as it moves a few feet from the lens, you see it shooting at the front door, and that's where you see the little I think it was a kid goes to a very small ghost goes shuffling by off to the side.

Now now now those are just that one's worn.

But I also have another one of a a blue blinking entity that's that peeks out from the side of the wall, and his face looks a lot like the uh the actor that was in the Plan nine from Outer Space, Oh, the vault George Johnson to Tours. Yeah, who looks a lot like Tours. And I got a picture of him and it looks a lot like him.

Man, it was.

That's amazing. Wait, so you said that you sold the house.

Yes, I sold the house a few years ago.

Did you tell the people that it was haunted when you sold it?

No, but I wanted to sell it, and yeah, I know.

I don't blame you.

I told them, I said, look at the to the realtor, I said, if they asked, tell them the truth. But if they don't ask, I'm not telling it. It's like a hotel, you know. I just said, look at if they did their research. Anybody that did any research on this house, it's got a history of ghost activity.

So uh.

I never really spoke to the buyer personally, I but directly through the realtor. The realtor found him. I don't know if the realtor told him or not. And it wasn't a deal breaker if they had me. If they were going to tell them, fine, I don't even know. If they may have known that, they may not have known. Honestly, I don't know.

Yeah, I mean, I I understand because you for some people, that's that's a selling point. For some people, that's a big deal. A lot of people don't care, Like I'm so used to talking to people about ghosts that I think about this constantly. But a lot of people don't believe in that. They don't really like they would probably figure out a way to deny it anyway. You know a lot of people, So you know, it's not it's not that big of a deal. I don't think.

No, it was that I would have I didn't have a problem with it. Literally, I asked my realtor. She says, if they asked, they asked, they don't, they don't.

I go, okay, yeah, I'm yeah, So.

Do you think is the big thing is? I had to be honest about it.

So it wasn't a matter of somebody got murdered in the house or there was like horrible, you know, entities running around. So I just said myself. I told them the realtor, I go, what do you want to do with it? And she says, it's for sale. They asked, I'll tell them whatever they want to ask, I will answer the question. And if they don't ask questions, I'm not going to, you know, share stuff that they don't they don't ask, And that was comfortable.

And if it's a big concern for somebody, if you're going to buy an old house, you would probably ask, you know, I absolutely would. So you've never personally seen a ghost or experience a ghost.

But it's funny. I've been around so many. I used to have a show called a cop Theater. Well it's still on the air, but I used to do the ghost thing. And what I would do with form a cop theater. I would go out with this woman named Bonnie Vint who was out of San Diego with paranormal and we would go to Villamonta Zuma, we'd go to the Waley House, we'd go to the Queen Mary and the Roosevelt Hotel, all these high profile haunted addresses and locations. And she kind of explained to me that you know, this is how it works, and I'm kind of like a radio transmitter from the other side, and people contact me and then I try to put them in touch with stuff.

So apparently a lot of people were reaching out to me. But I guess I'm not a I guess I'm not wired to receive their signals for some reason.

Well, a lot of people would say you can make the decision to be open to it, and I don't know if that's true or not. But would you say that you are.

I tried, Yeah, I mean I do believe in them, yes, I also, you know, there's just been so so much activity, and there's so many Like they say, like if you ever, like out of the corner of your eye, if you ever look over, there's nothing there, and then you could swarm them with something there that's usually a ghost, you know, that's usually someone thing that was there that they're just a little faster than you are as far as picking up on them. But and then I've seen all kinds of them. When I take pictures and I'm doing my videos, I see the orbs on my screen, but I haven't seen one without a device helping.

Right, Well, that's the spooky thing is like, yeah, they could be there the whole time, it's just when you take a picture you see them exactly. That's so interesting that you went to all those places and nothing happened. But the funny thing about that is, like all those places that you named, I've also been to and also have not had anything paranormal happen.

Let me tell you the story that you've been to. The Villa Montazuma.

I've never been inside, but I love that place. And not enough people know about that place, but I've talked about it a bit on this podcast Villamana Zuma.

The story behind Jesse Shepherd. This is amazing.

It's amazing Bondi Vant.

Who we went down to do the Villa monta Zuma thing.

Now, this is when I'm just getting ready to stop drinking and partying. You know, I'm getting I've dropped the rock and I'm deciding that I'm going to go the rest of my life without the party mode.

So what do I do?

I get a letter that was supposedly written by Jesse Shepherd to me to be delivered to me and my job. He is requesting me, and it was handed to me by body Vent through her connections on the other side, and he was asking me to please bring down celebrities and friends and make Villa monta Zuma the house that it was designed to be. It was built into designed to be like a lightning rod for entities and paranormal activity. It was designed that way, and the house never achieved. I mean, he was over in Europe entertaining czars and kings and stuff, but the house that he built in San Diego never became the go to place that he wanted it to be for paranormal activity. And he wanted me to help put it on the map by throwing parties down there with celebrities.

Can you believe that? Well?

And I and from what I know about that place, I think it was also a place of entertainment. And he would he was like a world renowned pianist, right or yeah yeah.

Yeah vocally he died playing the piano.

Yeah, And so he would have these like incredible parties and apparently people say that they can still hear him play the piano.

I wanted it to continue, and he died.

The story behind his death is he was having a party and he was playing and he we hit the last vote and he took a bow and everybody thought he was taking a bow and they were plotting.

They're potting their plot and he never came out of his bow.

He is dead.

So he sends you a letter. So what did you do?

I basically told Bonnie. I said, I'm not comfortable doing this. This is I'm getting ready to stop partying. I go, isn't it ironic that basically a guy from the other side. I'm trying to quit partying and I have a guy from the side encouraging me to continue.

Oh my god, that's hilarious.

And not just anybody Jesse Shephard at Billa Montezuma. I mean, that's world fast stuff.

That's really cool. And the pictures I've seen of him, he looks like a cool guy.

Very interesting place, very interesting.

But what about the Queen Mary. The Queen Mary Queen Mary Ann Whaley House living in southern California. I bent to both of them a few times, and those are both places that people are like, the most haunted place in the world, NonStop activity, and I've never had anything happen. Same with the thing.

The only thing I had happened in the Queen Mary was I felt that somebody had pushed me and shoved.

Me a little bit.

You know. It was like, you know, the boats moored, so it's not moving, and so it was a feeling as if somebody had motioned you and pushed you side to side a little bit, like like that. The ship was at sea was about as much of it. But I'll tell you there's another place called the Paramount Theater that is famous for being the place next to Asbury Park, the Convention Center on the boardwalk. It had a looked this one up too, because it had a bad fire and a bunch of people burned up in the theater, in the dressing.

Room and the makeup area.

And I had the keys to this place because I did a haunted attraction there for a month, and I used to go in the place in the middle of the night to just get away from people. And it was just so spooky and cool. But you could smell, oh my god, the smells of the death, of the of the burning. You wouldn't smell it when you know, when you're when the place was open and there's other people around, but if you're by yourself. For some reason, that place was extremely uh had a it had a memory for me of the smells of this burnt flesh from a fire.

Oh god, where was that.

Paramount Theater in Asbury Park?

Oh okay, I feel like I saw that on like a paranormal show or something.

Yeah, it's very famous for Springstein doing his concerts at the Convention Hall and it's on the boardwalk and Asbury Park. I lit the place up. We call it as Scary Park for halloweens.

What about at Universal Studios? Never had anything happen there?

No, no, And I used to.

It's funny too, because I used to when I had three were time to go mosey around by myself.

I would go to the Phantom of the Opera stage.

That's where they used to say was so hot, I.

Know, And I would climb and I would climb the ladders on the side and go all the way up to the fifth story catwalks and wander all around and go into the boxes, the opera theater boxes. That was my go to place because it was such a cool, spooky, giant soundstage.

Oh my god, that is so cool. What in those days did people talk about that being haunted?


Yeah, because you know the story with that is that it's it was, you know, from the Phantom of the Opera, and it was still standing up until a couple of years ago they took down the set, which I think the sound stage was built around that set, and so it just remained there for years, this old theater. And they say that lawn Cheney haunted it, and they say that I believe an electrician fell from those rafters and haunted as well. Spooky, it wouldn't surprise me.

It was a very It was a very It was very interesting as a kid to be able to go you know, I always enjoyed going in the big giant rooms and just being the only person in there anyway. It's just kind of an interesting way of going about it. But with that particular soundstage, being able to go in there by myself and just wander around and climb and do this and do that, you know, on the untethered, so to speak, it was really neat. I was very lucky to be able to go around studio interesting studio stuff alone.

And it is funny.

It's like when I used to walk around my house, which was built in eighteen seventy five in Missouri, in the middle of the night, trying to get the ghost to come out. I wondered about how many thousands and thousands of parties these people had and all this stuff that went on in this house over the last you know, one hundred and fifty years.

So it was pretty crazy.

Well, especially a place like Universal Studios, which has been there since nineteen fifteen, It's like, can you just even imagine all of the people that I've walked on that soil? And do you know about that the famous ghost story from the day that Universal Studios opened. No, there was a plane crash. They were doing a big grand opening and they had this stunt aerial list or whatever you know, he would did I think he did, I'm sorry, like a wingwalker. He did something I don't know what. It was, some kind of stunt with an involving an airplane, and it went horribly wrong, and this man fell in front of a lot of people, and they say that he people see a man dressed in you know that the pilot you know, nineteen fifties kind of uniform, just walking around the back law. That's what they say. Over by kind of by like where the Bates Motel set is, is what I've heard.

Wow, spooky, it is spooky.

Yeah, there's a lot of you know, I mean, there's just now that I actually know that I had a lot of paranormal teams could spend the night in my house because they wanted to check out the activity. And I'd go, I'd say, okay, good, I guy, locked the door when you leave, because they would plan on leaving it, you know, two or three in the morning, and I'd go upstairs, and I'd come down the next day and they're still there because they're getting so much activity that they couldn't leave. They go, this is just there's so much active, active stuff going on in this house that we just kept the the tape rolling and the and the and the sensors going and okay, no problem.

Did they ever capture EVPs or like ghost voices? Yeah, well, okay, I do a little thing on here. Would you be cool to do a little segment where I play ghost voices?


Yeah, sure, I've heard the I've heard the voice side of the Whaley House.

Bonnie said.

I think she's like one of the only people actually record an actual voice out of there.

I don't know. Maybe she was just bragging, but h.

Okay, it's tough for EVP or ev plicse. I go to YouTube and I I find EVPs Electronic Voice Phenomena, and then I have my guests guess what the voice is saying, or what the paranormal investigator thinks that the voice is saying. It's kind of hard to do over zoom, but we'll try our best. Okay. These are both from Missouri. There's two of them here. This first one is from the Missouri State Penitentiary. Tell me if you hear anything or what you hear. It's there's a lot of background noise, but there's a whisper. No, I'll play it again, and he guesses.

No, I don't.

I'll give you some options. It's one of these. Is it a dumb cat? B stop that? See it's all good?

Or deep?

Just nothing here? I'll play it again. Nothing They believe it says stop that, which I can kind of okay. Knowing that let's hear it again, I can kind of.


Here's one more. This one's from Right Paranormal Group on YouTube and it's at the Quitman Cemetery in Notaway County, Missouri. And tell me what you hear here. It's kind of a whisper.

Yeah, there it again? What are my options?

Okay? Is it a yep, yep? B shut up? C mom you're up? Or D I'm so so cute? Okay, am I playing.

Momb You're up?

That's what they think. Yeah, they said they think it says mom, you're up your old plate again. I don't know what that's I guess well, I guess that's about it. Thank you so much for doing this. Can you, you know, tell people where to find you and if you have any appearances coming up or anything.

This is pretty everybody, get a pen and a paper and you're need to write this down. You can find me at monsters dot com.

That was easy enough, that's the joke.

And are you doing you know, appearances and meet and greets and.

Stuff monsters dot com?


Yeah, yes, I know the answer your question. Yes I am.

I'm going to be doing the movies and the magic and the meet and greets and it's all. If you go to Munster dot com you'll see my schedule and and all my appearances.

I love it. Well. I so appreciate you doing this. This is so kind of you, and I hope you have a great trip and keep in touch.

Thank you, Thank you so much. You take care.

Okay, So I did, indeed go to Monsters dot com and you should as well. There's a lot of great stuff on there if you're a Monsters fan. And some of these upcoming events happening. An event called Horrorville, which is a horror pop up shop, which is happening in Southgate, California, on the fifteenth. Butch will be there, Oh and the sixteenth, that's exciting, but you will also be On the twenty first, he is at the Music City Toys and Collectibles events, which is in water Town, Tennessee. Oh my gosh, he's everywhere. On the twenty second, there's something called Bo's Extravaganza, which is in some place. Oh my gosh, there's so many things. He is all over the place. Days of the Dead Indianapolis. This looks like fun. That's in July. Yeah, so look at Butch out there meeting the people, making the fans happy, giving them what they want. Oh and in August he's going to be at the Michigan Paranormal Convention. Fun. Ah, what a cool person. So again, thank you to Butch for coming on the show. And yeah, we always have a little bit extra on Patreon, So Patreon dot com slash ros Drezfeles. You can also see that video of me in Pasadena, California at some spooky places. And anyway, as I told you at the top of the show, I wanted to talk about a little bit of history that we mentioned in this episode. So the one place, the first place I wanted to talk about, is the Villa Montezuma, which conveniently I also went to the exterior of in a Patreon video a couple months back. It's in San Diego. It is a place I've absolutely fallen in love with because I did spend a good chunk of my pandemic not far from there, so I would spend time just looking at it. It's just such an amazing building. Google image it right now you'll see what I'm talking about. It's a Queen Anne style guest mansion. And I mean it's not like gigantic, but it's just like it's like a little funky cool castle. I mean we're talking like gargoyles and stained glass and it's just like so extravagant and cool. And yeah, there's this guy named Jesse Shepherd and he lived there. The house was built in eighteen eighty seven, and he was a British musician and singer and spiritualists and he performed all over the world, and the Cizar of Russia's personal medium taught him seances, and so he began doing that, and he would claim to channel spirits when he was doing his musical performances, and people allegedly when he would perform, they would say it sounded like a full orchestra was coming out of only his mouth and piano, which I don't know how I did that, but that's pretty amazing. And then he ended up in San Diego after the first spiritual Society began there. He didn't live there for a super long time, and he died in nineteen twenty seven, literally while he was doing a concert. And so I guess the haunted history is that he haunts it. You should google image what he looks like to he was like, he had some style, honey, and he apparently haunts it. You can hear piano music playing in the middle of the night allegedly, and another man who's believed to be his butler apparently also died there, and people see his body in the front of the window peering out at night, and there's a stained glass window that has a man with a beard, and people believe that it's turning more gray, that the beard turns more gray as time goes on.

I love it.

I love everything about it. It's just so it's like whimsical haunted, like so haunted mansion at Disneyland. It's very that I feel. And then also there's this corner of the yard where apparently plants just like refuse to grow and gardeners don't understand what's going on, and the plants are like, now, we're just not going to do it. Sorry, And so that might be a paranormal thing as well. And when it's not COVID time, the Historical Society that they've restored it and it is open for tours quarterly. And I was supposed to go right before COVID, but then COVID happened, or I think it was supposed to go like in May or something like that or mart I can't remember when, but then COVID happened and then I didn't get to go. But maybe one day I'll get to go inside. And if you're ever in San Diego, you should totally check it out, or at least like look it up on the internet or on my Patreon, whatever you want, and just see what it looks like because it's so cool. And then the other place that we talked about is to my voice, just crack. It's very possible. You can tell my voices a little weak. But another place we talked about was the Paramount Theater in Asbury, Part, New Jersey. Now I did look it up and I was like, yes, that's where I saw it. Kindred Spirits one of my faves. They went there, and that place is amazing. You know. I love an old theater, and particularly a haunted old theater, and this place has an insane history. There's this famous story of this ocean liner that caught fire and ran aground in nineteen thirty four, just like a few yards outside of the theater, which the theater is like connected to an arcade and convention center. I believe it's all kind of connected. And this shipwreck happened yards away from there, and one hundred and thirty people, both crew and passengers, died, and they actually used the theater as like a makeshift morgue after that disaster. And then in the fifties there was a fire and these two girls died and so maybe that's what Butch was referencing. Maybe one of those things that were horrific fire accidents also in the sixties of projectionist died there, and so like, there's just so much activity apparently that goes on there everything you want to happen in a haunted place, like odd noises and lights, flickering and apparitions and shadows and all that stuff. And apparently you know the smell of fire as well, according to Butch, so very spooky place. And check out that episode of Kindred Spirits because I love that show so much. Anyway, Okay, I think that's about an out of me for today. Thank you guys for listening. Next week, I am so excited I got to talk to the Haunted Historian. His name is Connor Gossel. You might follow that Instagram page. It's a very popular Insta page. It is the Haunted Historian and Connor is a paranormal investigator and historian, and he gives me some of the scariest stories I have heard on this show. And you can look forward to that next week. So make sure you're subscribed. As always, please rate the show five stars and it's always patron dot com suchals dress for us We're a little more and join the Facebook group ghosted by Roz at gmail dot com. I'm on Instagram at roz Hernandez. If you'd like to be on a listener episode, please send me an email at ghosted by Roz at gmail dot com with the subject line listener episode. I think that's it. I think I did it. I love you all, both living and dead. But if I didn't ask you to haunt me, don't haunt me.

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Ghosted! by Roz Hernandez

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