
Busy Philipps

Published Apr 16, 2020, 5:12 PM

This week Roz calls her friend, TV’s Busy Philipps! Busy tells us about not one but TWO haunted homes where she temporarily resided!

Want to share YOUR paranormal experience on the podcast? Email your *short* stories to GhostedByRoz@gmail.com and maybe Roz will read it outloud on the show... or even call you!

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What's that at the bed?

It's spooky and jooky.

I'm really sure it's dead. It's coming this way.

Wait a minute, Hey, I'm said by Runs Dress.

Hey boo, it's me Ros Dress Fleas. How are you guys doing? Is everybody safe? Does everybody taking good care of yourself? I was just reading about mental health and and I do think that, you know, just even with our lives being impacted the way that they are on an everyday basis, I think that we all are going through a little bit of trauma, whether we think of it or not. So I hope that everyone's just, you know, focusing not just on your physical health, but your mental health as well. And you know, I think it helps to take your mind off of the news and because that certainly is scary. And let me tell you, I know a thing or two about spookin as, so hopefully I can give you guys a little something to divert from all of the scary, scary news that's going on right now. But you know, in many ways things are looking up, so that's good as well. So today I can give you a break and talk about ghosts. And I have also done some many episodes you might have noticed in the feed. I did many episodes Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and tomorrow I'll do one as well, and I'm just talking about all kinds of random stuff. I'm staying a little bit on brand this go around. Of many episodes, I did some well. On Monday, I talk about two of my favorite shows that are new, which is Cursed Films on Shutter, which is a new series about films that have curses allegedly attached to them, and Famously Afraid, which is sort of like celebrity ghost stories, but a really great show that's I mean, it's not brand new, but I finally sat down to watch it and I really enjoy it. And you know, I love celebrities talking about spooky stuff, and you went on today, I've got a celebrity friend, Busy Phillips, that I got to talk to about some of her paranormal experiences. So we'll listen to that in just a little bit. But oh, another mini episode I did that was real random. Was just talking about how terrified of snakes I am. And I do apologize to the snake community, and I hope I have not offended snake owners or snake enthusiasts, but I do find them very scary. Hey, you know, I got an email with a ghost story in it from a listener, and I thought it would be a great one to read for this episode because something kind of similar happened to Busy Phillips that she'll be telling us about. So this email came from Amanda. She says, when I was growing up, my best friend across the street lived in the oldest house in our small town. It was a creepy place and I always felt a little uncomfortable there. One summer day, we were alone in the house playing hide and seek. My friend took off to hide, and a few minutes later I set off to find her. I looked upstairs in her parents' room in the laundry room, no dice, so I headed out to the screened in back porch. There was a glass paned door to my right that led into her brother's room. It was originally the back door to the old farmhouse and had been pained to shut years ago. I clearly saw someone pressed up against the shade over the window. I yelled, I got you, bitch. Actually she didn't say bitch. I added that part, but she said I got you and turned to run back through the house to her brother's room. My friend popped up from behind some boxes on the other side of the porch. Confused at how I could have seen her, I turned back to look at the window, but the screen imprint was no longer there. So then, when I was in high school, my friend's mom sold the house. Somebody bought it, started renovations, and then abandoned the whole project. The house stood empty for over a decade. When my mom moved out of the neighborhood a few years ago, a friend came over to say her goodbyes. We got to talking about the neighborhood and how my best friend's house was still empty. This woman said the the weirdest thing happened a few weeks ago. We were sitting on the porch playing cards, and an old man walked by. He stopped and he said, who lives in the yellow house. I said that someone owned it, but nobody had lived in it for over ten years. The old man said no, and nobody ever will live there again.

That's the most haunted house in town. And then he just walked away. When I tell you, I screamed. Years of being spooped justified by a weird old stranger. Wow, thanks Amanda for sending me that story. Those are I've talked.

About that on the show before, those kinds of stories where it's like here's someone you think, you think it's your friend, and then all of a sudden you find out your friend was not that person, that was a ghost and ooh, and like I said, Busy has a story very similar to that. So you know what, let's just hear from Busy now on with the show Busy, How are you doing in this quarantine?

Rus I've been better, but I'm healthy and here and everything. You know, it's okay, Like every day is a different process, a different day.

What about you?

Yeah, I'm doing. I mean, I feel so grateful that everything could be way worse, but I'm just I mean, I think it's been like two weeks since I've you know, been anywhere.

Anywhere taking any drives, any drugs, No drives.

No drugs or drugs, I mean drives a little bit. I mean grocery store A few times. There was I went to the grocery store two days ago. There was a straight up bouncer outside, but I stocked.

Up taking people's temperature, no, just like.

Making sure there weren't too many people going in at the same time.

I like keep forgetting that driving makes me feel normal. And also like I grew up in Arizona and then I moved here when I was eighteen for college, Like I have driven forever, you know, I'm just like one of those people that like I've spent so much time in my car makes me feel really comfortable and weirdly and and so yeah, like getting out and driving around the city is kind of imperative.

Although yesterday when.

I did it, I got very very sad, and it was it was kind of overwhelming because it was just so weird.

Is it like ghost town vibes.

It's a little ghost town vibes.

And then like I drove past Moza at the time when people were lining up the restaurant workers who'd been laid off. They're feeding restaurant workers who've been laid off there every evening, and people were like waiting in line like six feet apart, and it just felt like very apocalyptic and weird. And then a lot of businesses have a like on Melro's, like a lot of the stores legit like boarded up, you know, to.

Like oh god, you know, small businesses and so.

Yeah, but I mean, like I think they're just trying to protect themselves. And then and then, like a lot of restaurants had giant signs like we're open for takeout and delivery call this number.

You know, it just made me. I don't know, it just bummed me out.

But wait, I want to talk to you about ghosts.

Sure, that's what this is all about.

Right, So you're in your beautiful home, which I've had the honor of house sitting for you before. And I know because I know me that when I first house that for you, I definitely asked you, is your house haunted? Because it's a beautiful, old, historic Hollywood home. And I recall you saying no. And I stayed there for like a summer and I did not get ghost vibes. There's good vibes.

Now, there's one weird thing that happened in this house once, but that I don't know what that was, Like, I'm unclear what that was, and it could have been nasty. This is like where I get into my weirdness because I'm, you know, a lady who grew up in Arizona and lives in LA But that could have been like a weird energetic thing with Bertie and some sort of past life. My daughter Bertie, who's almost twelve, when she was two years old, she kept talking about the boy behind the curtains, Oh my god, in her in her bedroom. And it wasn't like it wasn't like a creepy like horror movie where she was like constantly talking about it.

She just like mentioned it a few.

Times and it and I was like, very gently, is he a nice little boy that is hid behind the curtage? And she's like, yeah, he's really nice, you know, like he's nice. He's a nice boy, little boy. And I Mark and I kind of talked about it, and I was like, because we had we've had two friends that have had like kind of demonic ghosts, like terrible shit happen and specifically like with.

Kids in their houses.

One of them there was like a kid involved, and then another one it was an adult and it was terrible. But anyway, and and so like, as long as I felt like as long as it was like nice or friendly, I kind of was like, Okay, that's fine, I you know, or because then I then I was like, well, either it's like energetically something that was like kind of attached to her little spirit and it'll just go away, or it's like an imaginary friend, you.

Know what I mean.

I wasn't because I'm very sensitive to that stuff and I've never gotten like a ghosty vibe.

Yeah me, neither at your house, but because I also identify as a kind of sensitive person to that stuff. Have you because of that, had like a bunch of experiences, Like do you have been to places that can you pick up Like you go to an old place and you're like, oh, there's a ghost here, yes, well.

Sure, like certainly, Yeah, I've like the the energy of a place can like I can feel like I can go into a place.

And read the energy, you know, and if something's weird or.

Off, you know, I always listen to myself too, I'm like, get the fuck out of here, you know, there's no reason to stick around.

So what's like your ghost experience? What's what's the first time you experienced what you believe to be a ghost.

Well, there's time that I had like a proper, proper ghost as opposed to just having like prickles on the back of your neck or like feeling weird or feeling like someone's watching you or you know whatever.

Those things are in different places.

Hotel rooms are you know, different whatever wherever you have happened to come upon those those things was when I was in college, so twenty three years ago. Twenty years ago, I did a summer program.

With wed you a pepper Dyne no.

But close other way. I went to Loyola Marymount University here in lie Okay.

I knew that, and the summer after my freshman year, I went to the Oxford School of Drama summer program for American university students, and.

I was staying.

The Oxford School of Drama used in the summertime, used the dorms that Stanford University used during the year for their student who were studying abroad. So it was, Oh, my god, are you ready for this? This is my photographic memory. It was sixty five High Street in Oxford, England.


It was this huge kind of like dormitory ish building but kind of maybe more like I don't know, like kind of like an apartment building that had been configured into I literally don't.

Know the history of the place.

But when you went in there was there was a kitchen, and there was like a living room space and then there was a kitchen, and most of the students were To the left, there was like a stairway, and then there were a bunch of there were like two or three floors of rooms to the left, but to the right there was like a small little stairway off of the kitchen, a spiral staircase that went up, and on one floor was a bedroom with a bathroom, and on the second floor was just another bedroom like up up above.

And I was.

Assigned to that top floor with my roommate, a girl that I met there named Vanessa, And then there were two girls below us, and we shared that little bathroom and we kind of were like, oh, this is amazing, Like we got the suite, you know, like we're all by ourselves, you know. Clearly it was some sort of I guess in an old, tiny building, like maybe it was.

Like a maid's quarters or the service thing whatever. I mean. I was real jet lagged.

I'm not gonna lie when I first got there, and I was a college student and I was super excited to just be there.

And I can't remember.

Specifically if I had any initial vibes or or reservations about it, like instantly, if I was like huh, that's weird.

I can't remember.

But what then ended up happening over the like four week program was just a progressive series of ghostings to me, the girl of Vanessa and then the two girls that live directly below us. So it started off like just weird. I would say, like weird stuff, you know, like things would be moved that you wouldn't. You know, you could have sworn. I left my notebook and my pencil right here, you know, and then it's like gone, and then it's weirdly under the bed. Why would it be under the bed? Okay, whatever, Fine, maybe I was drunk.

You know.

We were hitting the pubs hard, is all I'm gonna say. We're eighteen and we were in.

You know, England, and then.

There we had Okay, so you have to Rozie have to understand too, this was like what ninety summer of ninety eight.

Yeah, it was like the summer of ninety eight. So just sorry to take you that far back. You weren't even born now.

But when were you on Dawson's Creek? I thought that was like.

Two thousand one, two thousand and two, two thousand and three.

Oh okay, okay.

It ended in two.

Thousand and three, I was on the like the last two years. I did the pilot of Freaks and Geeks.

Yeah too, Yeah, I did.

Yeah, I did the pilot of Freaks and Geeks in the spring of ninety nine and it aired.

It started airing in the fall of ninety nine, So yeah, right, are we no, Yeah.

Spring of ninety nine and then it aired ninety nine, right right right, So anyway, so back to the Ghost So then, oh, so we had a tape recorder. We were doing like all these weird voice exercises, and we were trying to learn chaucer and like a bunch of you know, theater shit, like theater bullshit beyond.

So we would do you use any of that stuff these days?

I use all of it, all of it now.

But it was super fun and like, uh, you know, like a real fun summer.

And I wasn't a kid, like I wasn't a rich kid who got to go to Sleepway camp or anything when growing up, So this was the only experience I ever had.

That was like that. And it was real fun. You know.

We had a time, and the classes were weird, and yeah, most of them just felt like bullshit. I mean, we were doing like Shakespeare and Chaucer and yeah, breathing stuff and Alexander technique and all that stuff that's like it's also those four weeks is basically the beginning, middle, and end of any formal training that I really had as an actor.

So so so I just I hold on to it.

I hold on.

So we would bring these tape recorders to class to record either the proper pronunciation of the chaus or things, or I can't even remember why we had to bring them, or if it was some technique thing we would take notes on. And one night Vanessa and I were listening back to one of the recordings on like a.

Little yeah, like a little tape deck.

Thing in our room, and it started doing like I mean, like from a movie, like a wow, like slowed down the tape and it just kept getting like slower and slower or like what the I'm like, well, it just needs the it needs batteries. It obviously just needs batteries. And then we looked and it was plugged into the wall like it didn't need batteries. There was no reason for it to do it, so we stopped it started it again totally normal, and then it just would like start progressively getting like it was just so fucking creepy.

It was your voices, right, yes.

And we were getting like progressively creeped out and like, oh, this is something is doing this. Like it was just very clear something was doing it. Yeah, and then we got like very scared and we.

Like ran out of the room. Okay.

One night I was in my bed and Vanessa's bed was like over across the room and we were going to sleep and I heard her saying something and I was like what, Like, Vanessa, are you talking to me?


And she was like yeah, what what do you want? And she's like busy and I was like what's happening? And she's like wait, where are you. I'm like I'm on my bed.

And she's like what, who's on my bed?


I was next to the light and I like got up and like put the light on.

And she was freaking the fuck out.

Because she basically felt someone come sit down on her bed and she was like talking to me like she thought.

It was me. That's the worst.

Yeah, and then she says she like moved her knees up and like hit something, you know, and that's and she was like what, Like that's when she kind of was louder and when I was like louder and said Vanessa, what are you do? You know whatever, and turned the light on and there was no one there. So that was very very creepy.

Did she say like what did like did it sound like you? I mean, was it a woman?

No, she didn't. She didn't say that they were talking. I don't know.

She didn't say that they were talking back. No, the energy was very male. I'm telling you, No, it was a dude. It was definitely a man. But it was mostly like mostly it was just like that was scary, and the taper carder is kind of scary. Mostly it was like moving a lot of stuff around. Then after that night.

We freaked out. We like slept with the light on. Whatever. The next day we went down and we talked.

We're talking to the girls in front of the bathroom, the girls that were living below us, and we're like, this is gonna sound weird.

It had been we'd been there like two weeks.

We had we'd probably like two weeks left to go or something. This didn't sound weird. Have things been going missing? Have you been losing things or things?

What's happened?

You know?

We've been experiencing all this weird stuff. And they're like, oh my god, thank good. Yes, we thought we were losing our fucking minds. Like yes, and they list they have like a whole list of things that had happened to that no one else in the house had like experienced anything, right, but just in that little corridor and we were all talking about it, I was like, who the fuck is this goes?

They need to get the fuck out of here. And just then.

They had those kinds of pull down blinds, you know, the like a Roman shade kind of blind thing. Yeah, every single one in the girl's bedroom flipped up at the exact same time and.

Started like around on the on the like curtain rod.

Oh my god, that's such a horror movie scene.

Yes, but like four of them and we all screamed and we ran down the stairs and we ran out into the courtyard.

We're like boys, we're smoking or whatever, and we're.

Like and and I think that I did some thing, like I think I tried to talk to the ghost and was like, we're just theater students.

I'm from LA Like, just please be chill. I can't deal with this. I'm already a bad sleeper, and Vanessa had one more scary thing happened that that was like a sleep paralysis type thing again and where she felt like the ghost was like holding her down.

And that's when I was like.

All right, ghosts, like you really need to leave us the fuck alone, Like this isn't funny and you freaked.

Her out whatever?

So were you pretty like tough with that kind of stuff? Like are you brave when it comes to a ghost, because that's not where I come from, Like, yeah, I would be like you when I'm out of here.

Well we had no choice a but also be you know, I felt like the ghost seemed fairly reasonable and seemed mostly like he was just fucking with us, and the stuff with Vanessa was the only stuff that was like like out of line, you know. And I didn't know what her I didn't know what his thing was with her.

You never know.

A ghost is weird. You don't know what a ghost backstory is. Maybe Vanessa looked like his long lost love. I don't know, and he wasn't interested in me, which you know I could take personally, I guess, did you, but.

But you know, yeah, it's just whatever.

It seemed fine, okay, there's a coda to the story, which is wild. Many years later, I want to say four years later, my then roommate Emily Babe, who's been my friend since we were children, was dating this guy here in LA and at one point we started talking and he went to Stanford and I.

Was like, oh, that's funny.

I don't I don't even know if I know anyone who really went. One summer, I went to the Oxford School of Drama and I stayed in the dorooms. You're no, obviously, and he's like, I studied abroad at Oxford. I was there one year. I'm like, oh my god, that's crazy. Where did you s sixty five High Street? Yeah, yeah, yeah, so where did you live? And he's like, well, if you walk in, you know how there was like the living room in the kitchen, and then there were like these two weird rooms above. Did anyone live in those rooms? And I was like, no, you're fucking with me. I lived in that room. And he's like, how is the ghost? I was like, are you fucking kidding me?

And he's like, yeah, the ghost is famous, Like that's the ghost. The ghost lives there. And he had stories of like the ghost taking.

The ghost was obsessed with his Doc Martins and like would take his shoes always and like move his shoes and like hide them. And one time he found them literally like basically like in the ceiling like inside, you know, like he had like moved just like totally insane things. And yeah, that was like that was when I truly was like.

Full body shivers. I was like, I can't believe. But also, what are the chances that you know, five years.

What was the address again?

I think it was sixty five High Streets. When I'm almost look, oh.

My god, I wonder if there's anything on the Internet about who that ghost is.

Oh my god, ros I've never even thought to google. Sometimes there were things that happened pre proliferation of Internet and Google search. Then it becomes just like a thing that you talk about or whatever, and you don't ever think to like look the person up on the Internet or Facebook or you know what I mean.

Like, yeah, sure, I mean I think the longer the longer you spent in a world where that wasn't a thing, it probably doesn't come like you know, like that's most like my entire adult life. You just google things.

Hey, by the way, your girl has the best memory of all time. Sixty five High Street, Oxford, England is the Stanford House.

Boom, oh my god. Yeah, and I'm looking there's like a you can look at it on Google Maps. It looks cool.

It is cool.

Okay, wait tell me another.

So then a couple of years later, I was cast on Dawson's Creek, which films in Wilmington, North Carolina. And you know, if you've ever spent any time in the South, I mean the South and the North East are just very haunted, you know what I mean, Like most people, I grew up in Arizona, where everything's brand new, you know, nothing was built before like nineteen eighty and like yeah, and like this house. I've been lucky in La. My houses have all had really good energy and luck. You know, not too many sad actresses haunting my houses, I guess.

But to anyway, I.

Wilmington has a lot of ghosts, feel like you know, as the South does. I couldn't sleep in Wilmington like ever. It was really really uh there was something about it, like downtown Wilmington was just energetically really bad for me.

And when I first went there.

They put us up in this old hotel, and yeah, I just had a lot of just feelings like it just was just bad stuff and I couldn't quite place it. Then it became clear that I was like definitely staying as a regular, like new character, and so I had to get an apartment because they weren't going to pay to put me in this hotel forever. So I found a house that was near downtown. I everybody else in the cast lived out at the beach, but I was like, I mean, to be totally honest, it was just too expensive for me at the time.

You know, I was.

Like like a struggling actress. You know, this is like post freaks and yeeks. But I just wasn't making a ton of money. So I was looking for something like a little bit cheaper, and I wanted to be able to walk downtown where I could get food and go out drinking and not have to drive. I mean, this is pretty uber pre taxis I don't know, anyway, it seemed to make sense. So I found this big, old, like kind of Victorian house that had been split up into four apartments, two downstairs and two upstairs, and a couple owned it, and they seemed really lovely and someone that somebody knew on the production crew.

I think.

Knew one of the other tenants, if I remember correctly, I think. So it seemed like a good I don't know, it seems like a good choice.

It was also just like it was available.

And I didn't know how to really do anything at that point, Like I just wasn't a human really yet, you know, like I was a kid basically, And and so I rented the bottom floor apartment. It had two bedrooms and a really big kitchen and then a living room. And the thing that was like a little bit weird was that it had two entrances, Like so they had split the house into four apartments, but you could go in the big beautiful front door of the house, and then and there was like a stairway up you know, and there were like the two doors up there that you could enter into the apartments there, or there were two doors downstairs, and mine was to the left and then to the right there was another one. Okay, And you know, I have to say like when I moved when I moved in, I don't I don't know, like I don't remember if I felt anything weird. I just remember the whole experience for me was very isolating and lonely and kind of sad.

So I felt like this is as good as it gets. Like, I don't know, I just felt like it was.

Just it was what it was, and I was just gonna suck it up and it was gonna be fine, you know what I mean.

Yeah, And were you like shooting every day or what was your life like? Were you spend a lot of time in there?

I was shooting a fair amount, I would say, but I was no, But I had a lot of time off, but not enough time to fly back to Los Angeles, where like my boyfriend and my friends and you know, everybody that I knew and loved was you know, So there was a lot of time that I feel like I was just kind of on my own and yeah, and it was just really it was.

It was kind of lonely.

Like Michelle and I became really good friends there, but you know, she at a certain point had got a boyfriend.

And then at some point I could never sleep. I don't I don't even know what to tell you. It was like something was bad.

It was just bad, and and shit started happening, and then it was like I had to just get I had to get real drunk in order to fall asleep, like I couldn't. I couldn't be I could not be sober like I was.

Just it was. It was like a dark time.

And you definitely think it was because of the place you were living.

Yeah, well so, so I would hear walking in the hallway in that shared hallway, like a heavy walk, like someone is being weighed down, you know what I mean. And it would happen really late at night, like three in the morning, like three or four in the morning. So even if I had fallen asleep, I would be woken up A lot of times. I called the police, like multiple times, like yeah, thinking that there was somebody like in the hallway. Oh, because this is what I had forgotten to explain to you. So there was We had the like those that front entrance, but the owners of the place like preferred not to use it, and they preferred for people to use the back from Like there was like a parking lot out back that would have been like a backyard or something, but they just turned it into like a parking area for the tenants. And and uh, they preferred people to just use their back entrances.

Which is what everybody did. So everybody just kept the.

Front entrance door like locked the big one, and then nobody used those like front doors.

Am I making sense?

Yeah? Okay, but how many people would you say, we're living there?

Well, that's the thing.

It's like, I think that it was supposed to be, like, you know, there were four apartments, and when I when I rented agreed to rent the place, I the people that were like the owners were living upstairs, and then there was someone living next door to me, and I think there was one empty. But then if that person next door to me like moved out, and then it felt like I think the people that owned the house like had a beach house, and so they would be out at the beach house.

A lot, you know. Okay, So then I was like essentially.

On my own, and those people never said to you, like just say you know those place is haunted, yeah, which I think is an asshole move. I mean, I get it, you're trying to look for tenants to pay the rent, but like, come on, you gotta say something.

Hey, I think I just found it.

So anyway, so I would hear this like walking and then it sounded this is gonna be crazy so I would like sneak out of my bedroom like as quietly as I could and go to where that door was, not the door that went out back, but like the door that went to the shared hallway, and I would listen for obviously like whatever it was, you know, if it was the grave, I'm not fucking around. I want to know what I was up against, you know what I mean. So, so a couple of nights this happened where it sounded like, Okay, I'm just gonna do it. I'm wearing I wonder if you can hear me. It sounded like someone wearing.

Like yeah, fully, guys, fully, artist, listen, we all have to explore a new career, careers right now.

So it sounded like to me it was a woman, and it sounded like she was wearing like a heeled boot or something like that.

And then I started hearing the crying.

Oh, and it was just like a soft cry, like someone who was like crying distantly, and it was real fucking creepy.

It was terrifying actually.

And and at one point I remember thinking that I had heard like sort of like.

Chains, did you open the door?

No? I was never that brave. I looked through the little people. I had a little people. I didn't see anything, but you knew it was a ghost, like in your heart. Yes, yes, I knew it was a ghost. I knew it was haunted.

I was like I always felt like I was being watched, like I was always being watched, and I became like I mean truly, it was a descent into madness for me.

That like living in.

That house, like I was getting so drunk just to fall asleep, and I just was like terrified, like a like one hundred percent of the time terrified. And I tried to find somebody to live with me and no one couple of like no one. I didn't have anybody, don't really know anybody. And then my roommate from college, Diana, came out and stayed with me, and she was going to stay with me till the end of the year, like the end of the shooting season, and then she there was like she had a personal tragedy and she had to leave.

It was just like a very bad vibe.

And it was this thing like whatever it was, and I always thought, like I tried at the time. I remember trying to look into it, like I'm going to solve this mystery of this house and who this like weeping woman who would be walking the halls between three and four in the morning is But I never could figure it out and I couldn't really like and I didn't. I mean, I remember trying to commune with that ghosts as well and just say to her like I'm sorry you're in so much pain, but like that's not my journey, you know.

But like but it weirdly did become my journey, like I was it like it was.

It was not a good It was not a fun loving Oxford, England like prankster.

It was was it like every single night.

No, I mean the feeling it.

Depended like if I could, if I could get if I could drink enough to pass the fuck out, if I could.

I tried moving bedrooms. I tried like sleeping in the other bedroom. It didn't work.

I didn't know what to do. And again I was like a kid. That was like, I mean, I wasn't a kid, but I was twenty one, twenty two, and I just sort of was like didn't really know how to do anything kind of in a weird way. Twenty one, you know what I mean, you're just learning, Like if I were now. I mean one hundred percent. If I like showed up on location like night one, I would be like, Oh, this isn't going to work for me. Sorry, bye, like you know, and I would have gotten out of it and moved. But I had signed a lease agreement, like I and I was I was like lucky to be on that show, and I didn't want to have any problems, you know. I didn't want to be a problem and cause the production to like have to try to get me out of the lease. I don't know, I just I just was like, I'm just going to suck it up. I'm just going to take it. And you know, I probably it would do things differently now, but like as a twenty one, twenty two year twenty three year old, I sort of was just like I don't know, I just went with it. I just went with the depression of it and yeah, and it was really it really pulled me into this like crazy dark depression and weird space and it was just not health it was not good. And toward the end of the season, so after Diana had to leave and move back to La or San Diego. Actually, weirdly, a person did like a couple did move in downstairs, and then it got a little bit better. But I feel like whatever it was was alone and was a woman and was really really sad and had a connection to me, like like some sort of something with me and wanted me to either like know the pain, feel the pain, be aware of the pain, which I did, I fully, fully, fully did.

Yeah it sounds like it sucked.

Yeah, it was parable and so then and so then obviously I never I did not rent that house the next season the following year, and it was just a wholly different experience, Like it was so much better not living in that house.

To hear more about this time, I should be, uh right now on Amazon ordering your book.

Actually, but you know what, I was just going to say, I don't think I put the ghost story in the book because I felt like that would just it was just going to conflate things.

Yeah, I think I did cut it out because you know.

A little bit sometimes then you get into a ghostory and people are like, oh, all right, roll, you know hi, roll not.

On this podcast, not here, But it did.

It was definitely like it was a part of the thing that was like driving me like slowly crazy there, you know, I was I was so lonely. Maybe that was it too, Like you know, you think about energy, right, like maybe there are some spirits that just like they fucking sense the energy of the person and they show up accordingly. And and I think, like I was just giving off just.

A real.

Sad, lonely girl energy, and then this ghost was like, have I got something for you?

I'm the drag girls together, drag some chains and weep softly and.

Like walks turn of the century high heels, and like, yeah, I know, it felt to me like in my head, she was a woman wronged.

And maybe murdered. I don't know.

Oh my god, Well, do you want to hear some ghost voices?

Sure? And then I gotta go get my kids dinner?

Okay, okay, okay, all right, it's kind for EVP or ev plice. Have you ever heard of an EVP? No? Okay, it's electronic voice phenomenon. It's when ghost hunters capture the voice of a ghost speaking.

Okay, sure, sure, yeah.

I go to YouTube and I find EVPs and then I have my guests guess what they think the ghost is saying, or what they think the ghost hunter thinks the ghost of saying.

Got it?

So this one is from Arizona. It was posted on YouTube by someone named dell Cha two thousand and five, and it's in a remote mining community ghost town in central Arizona. They did not specifically say where.

Oh wait, wait, which one?

What is it? What is it?

Where is it?



I don't know. It doesn't say specifically. It says a remote mining community that's in a ghost town in central Arizona.

Oh my god, we what have you been that place?

There is this like ghost town that's like a mining town in central a z that I that has the cree be as fucking hotel that's super haunted.

Not cool. This appears to be some like old looking house. Okay, anyway, let's try to figure out what this ghost is saying. So they're trying to figure out what the ghost name is, and then this is what it says. Could you hear it?

I mean no, it sounded like it was like rama.

Wait, let's hear it again.

What that just sounds like somebody in a restaurant. I don't I mean what, I don't understand.

I know it's kind of hard over the phone here. I'll give you some options. Is it a regardless regardless. Is it B, it's Jarvis, It's Jarvis. Is it C. I'm harmless to you guys. Or D it's Arles in charge?

Oh yeah, Jarvis, it's Jarvis.

That's what they say. It's Jarvis. Okay, wait, here's one more. This one's quick and it's really scary sounding, so be warned. Okay, so this person, their name on YouTube is Muttley Crew. I don't know if it's a dog thing Muttley Crew, Okay, they said. I went to the top of Mount Eldin in Flagstaff, Arizona, to overlook the city and check out the haze from the huge Wallow wildfire. I took several video clips and still shots looking down at her flagstaff and out to the east where the fire is burning out of control. I was really surprised to hear this particular clip, which was only less than two seconds long. I did not edit the length of the original clip. Okay, what is this scare demon sounding boys saying? Did you hear that?

Yeah? I don't like it.

I don't like it either, only I want to.

Shut the what shut the man? Ah?

Sure, sure A. My shoes are big, b stupid bitch. See shoot the rabbit or d Susie the pig. I don't know. Maybe there was a pig named Susie. I don't know.

Shoot the man.

I think it's they think it's shoot the rabbit.

No, it's you know, it's shoot the man. If it's anything to shoot the man.

Yes, is that an option? No, but I think that actually does some more like it.


Yeah, I think that's an evy police. Okay, Busy, thank you so much for taking the time to do this with me.

Yes, I love you. And also and quarantined. What else have I got to do?

I know, well, hey, at least you're not in the haunted house.

I know that's good. We can look at the bright side.

That's one thing.

Oh my god.

Yeah, like, yes, that's terrifying now that I'm thinking about it.

Oh no, no ghost ladies with high heels walking through your hallways. No, oh thank god.

All right, honey, just me, just me late at night, crying softly wearing heels.

That's actually yeah, same. Oh.

I just love Busy Phil, and I'm very honored that she was able to take the time to record this with me. So that was fun. And don't you guys worry. I am continuing to record interviews with people, and thanks to Starburns Audio and everyone there that is working so hard to make sure that we're still getting podcasts out to you guys, and thank you to you guys for still listening. I really appreciate it. So yeah, like always, you can find me on Instagram Roz dress Fuls. I'm on Venmo Queen Roz. You can find our Facebook page ghosted by Ro's dressful As. If you happen to have the ghost story, that's a great place to leave it. Or you could leave it in a five star review. You know, it really helps if you leave five star review or just rate the podcast five stars, or just you know, if you don't have a ghost story, just write something nice. And guys, I love you all, both living and dead. But if I didn't ask you to haunt me, don't haunt me. Okay bye.

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Ghosted! by Roz Hernandez

Light a candle and pop some popcorn because things are going to get freaky. On Ghosted! by Roz Herna 
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