
Andrea Jin

Published Jan 5, 2023, 8:00 AM

Comedian Andrea Jin is on the pod telling Roz about the ghost child she saw at a slumber party, a spooky lady at an abandoned house, her friend's experience with a visitor in the night...this episode gives you STORIES!

Want to share YOUR paranormal experience on the podcast? Email your *short* stories to GhostedByRoz@gmail.com and maybe Roz will read it outloud on the show... or even call you!

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What's that as spy?

Hey, Judy, I'm really sure it's dead. It's coming this way.

Wait a minute, I'm ghosted.

Yes, Nandez. Hey boo, it's me Roz. Welcome to Ghosted by Roz Hernandez, hosted by Me Roz Hernandez. I use she her pronouns in case you didn't know. I'm joined today by a hilarious comedian who has got some stories, Darling. I'm talking about Andrea Jin. She recently did a comedy set on James Cordon. It is absolutely hilarious. Go watch for yourself. We're going to get into that in just a moment. I just wanted to say up top, I want your stories. I've been loving so much. I've been reading more on the show with my guests, so please write them out and send them to me or you know, if you want to be in a listener episode, email Ghosted by Roz at gmail dot com. Subject line listener episode with your bullet points of your stories.

Okay, here we go.

Here's my conversation the first of twenty twenty three with Andrea Gin on with the show.

Oh my god, Andrea Gin, Hello, Hi, how are you so good? The last time I saw you.

We did a show together, and you this is how it was in my recollection. You had your arms out to your side and you had two honk asauruses on both arm. You had two male models and you were just like rolling in there.

And I'm like, damn, it's like that with Andrea.

Was that the how it came off? Yes?

I was like, damn, she's got male models, one on each arm.

One of them used to be a model actually, and then the other one is like an actor. He was in the movie Mulan, a live action Mulan. I mean kind of a little bit.

I was just like, who is this.

They loved girl, by the way they did what. They thought you were great, that you were one of their favorites.

Oh my god. Well, I'm so happy you're here.

Thank you for having me.

You're Canadian, you've recently moved here, and you've told me the best thing that a person could tell me, which is that you have ghost stories.

Oh my god, I have so many, but they're all Canadian, like they all happened in Canada.

Is that okay?

Oh that so you didn't tell me that. That's the rule we have here. You can only be American ghost stories.

Oh no, okay, I'm believing.

No, I love, I don't know. I'm not gonna lie. I don't think we've had any Canadian ghost stories.

Really are they?

Are they more polite? Are they? Are they still grabby or like?

I've never been grabbed, so I guess they're polite.

They're probably polite up there. They do their own thing, Okay. They act like normal people, like they don't want to be bothered. They just want to get to work.

I love that.

Yeah, They're like, my job is being a ghost and I just want to, you know.

Get by.

Yeah, don't talk to me, you know. It's kind of like that.

Well, okay, so let's start with what is your belief just general belief of like ghosts.

Oh, like of course, okay, that's my of course, Like I can't believe there are people that don't believe in ghosts and like all the spiritual things. It's like so arrogant because like, who do we think? Who do you think you are? We're people, We're so stupid. How can we know everything? There's obviously other things like why would we be the only thing on earth and in space and everything?

Yeah, I definitely feel that way about UFOs. Yeah, I can see.

I think to a lot of people think that ghosts, like people don't how do you explain this? Like they don't think of us as being like spiritual beings attached like that are for some reason going through this experience with physical bodies.

I think it's all just the same.

So when the physical body dies, the spiritual body dies as well. But like I think that the spiritual body keeps it going.

Yeah, Like it makes no sense that your consciousness would or like the thing behind all your thoughts and whatever, all the things attached to your body would be disappear, like would disappear?

Why though, Like why would that be the case? You know?


Where would it go to? Another life? I believe in like.

Reincarnation Yeah yeah, me too, and not just restricted to Earth, I think, like other dimensions and like other realms of being cool. But were you just so happen to be here right now?

You know?

Were you raised with beliefs on this stuff?


But I never thought about it until I dated someone who was like really into this stuff, and then he got me really into it.

Yeah okay, yeah.

So what's your first experience.

Like personally in my own life? Yeah?

Yeah, Okay, okay, this was like before anything, before I was introduced to anything, So this was like pure you know, I didn't I wasn't looking for.

It or anything. It came to me. This was I was young.

I was like maybe like thirteen fourteen. I was at a sleepover in a basement.

Terrifying, yeah, but it.

Was fun at first.

It was like all girls and we're playing sims, you know, like on our laptops and stuff.

We all brought our own sims to play.

Not a weedi board.

No, it wasn't a spooky night.

Or was it. Well, I'm feeling some foreshadowing.

Made a turn for sure.


We were just like killing people on sims.

Yeah, total innocent stuff. Yeah, killing human beings that they make up.

Yeah, setting them on fire, locking the doors.

So it's kind of spooky already.

And then uh, we all went to sleep and I just like in the middle of the night, I just was like wide awake. I just like suddenly was wide awake. It wasn't like gronky or anything. Yeah, exactly, Like its just totally like I just opened my eyes and then I just got up and then not got up, but just like you know, what was it called when you just you sit up. Yeah, sit up, Okay, it's January third, I'm not having trouble.

I sit up.

And then you jolted up.

I jolted up wide awake.

And then all my friends are sleeping next to me, so dead asleep. And then I look out the basement like it's like a semi basement window thing, right, and there's a kid.

There's a child. It's in the middle of the night. There's a child. She's not real, right, It was a girl. Yeah, girls are creepy.

What does she look like?

She looked like, simply put, she looked fucked basically, like she just like I did not want to see that, you know, like waking up. Uh, she was very gray. She was gray, and she had like her expression was very demonic, you know. It was like she was smiling yeah, yeah, and looking.

Like how long do you think she was staring at you?

I don't know, because I maybe because that was what woke me up.

I think room for one more.

She's like, yeah, I want to come kill people on sins to tell she wants to kill real people. Yeah, And I definitely got that vibe, like, you know, and then uh, just like was already staring at me, you know, and smiling, and then like, which is at the window, And I was just like staring at her. I was scared to look away because I was scared like she was going to do something and I looked away.

Was she glowing?

She was kind of.

It was like gray, kind of like foggy, you know, real. Yeah, And I didn't know what to do. I was too scared to wake my friends up. I was too scared to just move.

I was like, it's just.

Like maybe she won't see me if I don't move.


Literally, that was my like train of thought. And and then for some reason, I just like lied back down and I just went back to sleep, Like that felt like the safest thing to do for some reason, wow, because I couldn't just stare at her forever.

Because that scenario, it's like no sudden movements, Like what will happen. Yeah, it's like if you see, I don't know, a bear in the woods or something.

Yeah, That's how I felt like.

Honestly, if if I saw a bear in the ones, I probably would have done the same.

I would have lied down. Yeah. Yeah.

So did you ever ask the girl like do you have a little girl that peeks in your window at night.

I think I asked. I think in the morning. I was just like, I think I was too scared to even talk about it.

You know at this point now you weren't into ghosts and stuff. But did you go that was a ghost or what do you think it was?

I didn't know what to think.

Like as a kid, you're kind of just like living through life, right and like everything. Just I think I forgot about it the next day. No, I didn't, because it stuck with me. I was very scared for a long time. But I was like too scared to say anything. I was scared to snitch, you know, I don't want to.

Tell that little girl. Yeah, yeah, because what would happen. She could find you. I know she might be listening.

Oh my god, she follows me to America, she could.

Do you think that it was sleep paralysis? Are you familiar with that?


But I've never had that like that that that was the only instance. So I feel like it had something to do with the location, like where we were totally, because I didn't I've never had it anywhere else, Like I was scared to see. I never slept over at this girl's house again.

And I think also like being up. Like a lot of times people tell me sleep prolesses stories there they just like open their eyes and they're like they're not up, they don't sit.

Up, like yeah, maybe because I was like wide awake, you know, and I sat up and I saw her and I just stared at her for quite a maybe like three minutes.

Stop, yeah, like for a long time.

Yeah, no, for a long time because I didn't know what to do, and then I just slowly got backed up.

Oh my god.


So okay, Yeah, so there's the first story I know.

And I really do believe like location, like that's where it goes. I think they stay in one place. I don't think they I don't think unless they like are after you, like there's a vendetta, then they follow you. But I think like you just will bump into them if.

They like they stick to a location, right, Yeah, I.

Think I think so too. But most of what I know is from stories that people tell me on the show.

Okay, have you had ever? I'm sure you talk about it.

Yeah, but I just saw quite a few yeah, oh okay, okay, But I just I think it's in interesting when you hear stories about a ghost that isn't associated with like dying in a location, Like how did they get here? Why are they here right now? What is this story?

I mean, I'm sure, I'm sure she died there, Like I always think like these people, I always think it's like either they died there or it's their favorite place, yeah or something.

Yeah, definitely. So that's why I think Disneyland has to be so haunted.

Oh for sure. Oh my god, I'd be so terrified to stay there after hours.

It's so many people's happiest place on earth. Oh god, Like I'm sure they die and they're like, I'm just gonna go to Disneyland.

It's like hack to go there.

Yeah, that's like it's the thing to do.

Yeah, it's like, why don't you go to I don't know, a hospital, No, that's hack too, to go to hospital?

Yeah, or a cemetery that's yeah.

Ok yeah okay. So then what happens in your life with ghosts?

Okay? So I just live my life, you know, I'm I'm I hate horror movies like I hate horror. I love them now. I love them now.

I grew to love them, but as growing up I hated them because I was just so scared of everything.

Well because you lived in one for a night.


And then I was seventeen and I got my first job at this at dairy Queen.

I don't know if that's the thing here in America.

Of course it's the thing here the blizzards. Did you do the thing where they put it upside down?

Of course I dropped it many times.

Yeah, I'm not good at the job.

But what is that thing called?

What is the It's a blizter, that's a blizzard and then they hold it upside down to show how thick it is.

You had to be like, look, it's not falling.

But how would you not? How would it fall?

I've done it once where I did two cups because I poked through the first cup and I forgot there were two.

Cups, and then I fell out and then the cup.

Yeah, but it wasn't the actual blizzard that felt like.

It was the cup.

It was the cup that fell. Yeah, So that was my fault design. I forgot there were two cubs. But the ice cream has never fallen. I think they put some weird stuff in the ice cream. Yeah, so it's just thick. Yeah, they're like, oh, it's it's full proof, won't fall yeah yeah, but oh yeah.

So I worked at Dairy Queen and one day it was during the.

Day haunted Dairy Queen.

I wish that would have been really cool, but it was on my way back from Dery Queane to back to my home.

I busted. I took the bus. I got off. It was like.

Maybe like three pm, you know, and it was like super bright, and I was walking down my street and there was the house that I think someone died like and for and no one was accounted for, Like no one knew until like basically all the weeds.

Grew up really high, so someone was just in there.

Yeah, it was like that.

We were really like it was like up to your head basically, it was like overgrown and the windows were like it was just an abandoned house, you know, and everyone I think was wondering what was happening. And now it's like knocked down, But at the time it was like everything was overgrown and I passed by all the time.

But that day I passed by and there.

Was an old woman sitting in the front yard and she was again already staring at me. I don't know how these ghosts are all just always I don't know if it's like me or they're just like that that's your style.

What if you're a psychic or like a medium.

I'm getting to that.

Okay, it says I am psychic on this list, right because I am.

And so they can see that, yeah, they.

Can sense it.

And so, so I was she was already staring at me, and she she was just like staring at me.

She was again gray, very.

Gray, had like clothes on it was like gray and tattered, tattered clothes. And she had like long, splotchy hair, you know. And she she was just like shaking her head. Yeah, she's shaking her.

Head at me. And and I don't know.

And she was just because she knew you spilled the blizzard. She's like, you should know. And there was a cup and.

So and I was like, what the like what this isn't like her eyes were so bulgy too, you know, they were so bolgie. She looked hollow, you know. And she and and she did this thing. She was like like she don't tell or whatever, like she didn't say it, but I heard it, you know what I mean, Like I heard it in my head.

Yeah, And then.

I was like so stiff I was, but I was kept walking because I was to stop and I kept making my eye contact did not break the whole time, and I walked home. I lived at the end of the block. And then I walked home and I just got in the house and I just was just freaked out for like the whole day. And I avoided that block for maybe a year, like I would like go around because I was too scared.

Yeah, yeah, we're knocked it down.

Did you ever tell like your parents or anything.

I told a lot of people. I didn't.

I don't communicate with my family that much. I'm like very independent.

We don't. It's a weird thing. It's a whole thing.

But I told like people I worked with, I Derek, and I told my friends at school, and they were like, it was probably just some you know, like a homeless person, and I was like, no, that was not you know, and.

Yeah, whoa.

They were trying to rationalize it. But yeah, I knew what I saw, you know.

But at this point, did it make you go maybe I'm a psychic?

No, I didn't know that. I didn't think of that. I just thought like, why me, Why do they pick me? Why am I seeing these things?


I realized I was a psychic way later, maybe, like when I started to do readings for people.

What, yeah, okay, here we go.

What's this all about.

I just do like angel card readings for my friends and really yeah yeah, and they're all very accurate, like, and I do them for myself too, and I get readings done from other people and then I'm like skeptical.

I'm like, oh, I'm more psychic than you.

Actually, I'm just like I wouldn't have said that actually, wow.


So do you feel that you still see dead people?

I think I see them, but I'm less sensitive to it because I'm more accepting of it. I think I see them, but I think they're just going about doing their thing like like, and so I just assume they're real people, you know what I mean.

So you think that maybe you see them all the time, you just wouldn't know.

I think so.

I really do think so, because like sometimes I'll get a vibe, you know, where they're kind of looking at me, and then I'm looking at them back, and I'm getting a feeling, you know, yeah, but then I'm just.

Not freaked out. I think the difference is like I used to.

Be freaked out by it. Okay, yeah, but why aren't you freaked out? That's terrifying.

I think better like friendly or ghosts are coming to me now, you know, Okay, I don't. I think those were a bit the first ones were a bit threatening, Like it felt a bit threatening.

You know.

Okay, Okay, so tell me another story.

I had a one thing though that I've always uh wanted to see, was like an Asian ghost. Oh yeah, I've talked about this with friends, like I don't think I've ever seen an age or maybe I have, but I just maybe didn't acknowledge them super well. But one of my friends, I was talking about ghosts with him and he was saying that he was because Vancouver, like Canada itself, like we had the Trans Canada Railway right built, and there were a lot of Japanese Chinese workers that died on the Trans Canada Railway and also Japanese internment camps because like war, because of World War Two, there were Japanese people that were forced out of their homes in Vancouver and to live in the mountains because they were threatening, you know, because of the war. And so there's a lot of you know, unfinished business there, I think. And so my friend he stayed at this like mansion. He was trying to he's a filmmaker and he was trying to get financing from this like rich guy, a friend that he had, and so he was staying at this guy's mansion and in the middle of the night he woke up and saw like a Japanese ghost, like and this Japanese ghost was speaking Japanese to him.

Does he speak Japanese?

No, And so that's why he was kind of like, you know, what the fuck, like I can't, I'm sorry, I can't, I don't understand. But I think the guy because he's Filipino, and so maybe he would he's half Filipino half Chinese or no, he's half white half Filipino. Wait, there's some Chinese in there, I believe, or maybe not.

He's part Asian, and.

So he appeared Asian, and maybe this Japanese ghost was like, all right, I'm gonna start, I'm going to speak Japanese to this guy, right, and my friend was kind of like, I'm sorry, I don't know, and then he just like went back to sleep. But I know he had one Asian guy come I should go to that house.

I don't speak Japanese. I'll bring a Japanese person.

I'll bring like a translation app right, yeah, like sorry, can you speak into that? Let me download it? Sorry it's loading. Sorry, I just got it. I've run out of storage. One second, I have to delete something. Okay, can you speak into that?


Yeah, And but he believes it's like because like, uh, this family. He looked into the history of the house, and this house was taken from a Japanese family, like the property, the mansion, it was remodeled, but like originally it was owned by a Japanese family and they were relocated to further inland because yeah, they didn't want Japanese people on the coast of Wow, Vancouver or Canada.

Yeah, oh my god.

Yeah, so that like kind of confirmed like what the intention was, you know.

Interesting. Oh I feel bad for that ghost.

I know they took his home. Yeah, live in the mountains.

And he just wanted someone to talk to him, probably.

M maybe to tell them to leave the house.

Right, Yeah, where would you want to haunt?

Oh that's a good question, going back.

To this idea. Your favorite place, I.

Mean, as comics, would you say comedy club? I feel like it would be a sad place to like haunt.

You know, I don't know if i'd want to do a comedy, right, I wouldn't either.

Maybe a theater.

Oh, I always say, like, actually.

Dairy queen, that would be cool express. I love, I love Panda Express.

I would do Panda Express.

I think like a cool bar with like cute.

Lighting, yeah, so that you can like always look cute.

Yeah, and like cute girls like looking in the mirror, and I could be like I just like have girls time in the bathroom.

Bathroom, right, and then every time you appear, they scream and run.

Or it's like a club situation where I'm just one of the girls. You know, the people are doing drugs in the bathroom, putting, reapplying makeup, like I love like the girls at a nightclub in the bathroom vibe.

I actually do love that.

Yeah, Okay, it's.

One of the like my favorite things about going out is like going to the bathroom and like everybody's doing their own thing.

It feels like a dressing room.

Totally, right, So oh that would be fun. I would like to be in a dressing room for each other. I love dressing room, like I love everyone getting ready.

The dressing room.

Vibe a little bit of gossip.

Yeah, it's fun, like everyone's like getting pretty right and like yeah, you know, feeling good, excited.

For the night, you know. So yeah, that's my answer.

Tell me another ghost story.

Let me go down the list.

Okay Japanese, Okay, so famously Okay, I don't have any more stories, but I have like the Vancouver Like do you know any Okay, there's a haunted spots in in uh Vancouver. There's like a whole list, oh, tell us that people want to go to. But one of the spots I wanted to go and check out really like to find them, is the this Like it's kind of like the Vancouver Union Station. Like for like it's like the Central train station.

Those are always haunted, right.

Why is that?

I don't get Because people get hit by trains.

People jump in front of the people.

Jump in front of it.

Yeah, there's something about high traffic areas where there's a lot of people that energy fuels the ghosts.

Yeah yeah, but that it's called Waterfront Station and it's like everyone has a story there. Everybody has like a story of like someone dressed in like Victorian you know, like very just like old dresses and hats and like they're all dressed up.

That's so long to be a ghost.

Right, what are you doing to the other thing?

Go to the next party right that?

What was that like a hundred years ago?



Parties over.

Yeah, it's time to go. Stop haunting this train station.


No, they're losers. They're in come for me.

I mean I love it, trust me. It keeps me in business. But like when you think of it that way, it's like that is so long, right, You had to see people through all the different decades, all the different fashions, all the different technologies everything, and you're just still over here in a corset.

In a big balloon thing.

Yeah, a big balloon dress and a corset and a giant hat. And then everyone else like one of those big ass like those dresses with a big ass in the back, and you're just kind of bouncing through and then everybody else is like trying out different fashions and stuff, and you're just stuck in that one outfit looks so uncomfortable.

I know, is it the I mean it's like very dramatic.

It's very like drama for sure, Like to do that, but also yeah, one hundred percent, like do the next thing?

Why don't you do the next thing?

Go to the next one.

But some people have a lot of unfinished business.

I find how many decades does it take to finish the business? Though? What's your business?

I mean?

Don't you ever meet people that like are so stubborn and like you feel like they'll never change. I feel like it's those types of people that never leave, you know. Yeah, because I've met people because I'm really into like reading about spirituality and like religion, different religious beliefs and like what happens after death, Like I read this book, the Tibetan Book of the Dead, Yeah, and it's like basically teaching you to accept death as a natural part of life.

It's not the end of life.

It's a cycle and it's the it Basically, the attitude we have around death as a.

Species is very.

Bad, Like we see it as very negative and yeah, and it's like horrible and it's like the worst thing ever and everyone's scared of it, you know when like Tibetan people they don't believe that like or like or religiously they don't and they see it as rebirth, you know, totally the beginning of rebirth right and if you could die peacefully, that would help your you know, it just would make it easier.

And the book is basically about that.

But I feel like a lot of people won't accept death, you know, totally, and I think that's what makes them stay for a long time.

It's like these people that still think Trump won, like that's kind of what it is.

I think, so yeah, that they won't move on. They're just like, that's still our president. Yeah, he's gonna come.

Back, and like all signs pointed, girl, no, oh my god, and they still keep it going.

There's gonna be so many like Trump supporting, like supporter ghosts in like ten, fifteen, twenty years.

Oh, I don't like that. Don't come to me.

No, Yeah, can I play some ghost voices?


Okay, it's time for EVP or ev please. Have you ever heard the term EVP? No, it stands for Electronic voice Phenomenal.

Wow. I love that.


It's anytime like a ghost hunter catches a ghost speaking on like a camera or any kind of recording device, they call that an e VP and people put them on YouTube and I just go on there and I rip them off YouTube and I use it as my own content.

So I've got two of them for you.

This first one is from a YouTube person named the Lady Regret.

The Lady Regrets, I love that name.

This was recorded in their bedroom when no one was home.

What is it saying? I turn it down? Okay.

There's definitely some like staticky noise, and there's a little voice that's like listen.

Sounds like a chicken. Regret sounds like a cock in the morning.

Oh, a cock in the morning. A cocka doodle do?

Yeah, cocka doodle do.


They believe it's saying something. Do you have any guesses? I can give you some options.

Wait, can you play it again? It sounds like a yelp. You know, I can't make out a word.

It's creepy. Yeah, okay. Is it a get loud? It's like j Lo.

Let's get loud? I like that one. Yeah.

Is it B get out? Oh Jordan peel fan? Is it C get a towel? Or D gay power?


Queer queer? Ally?

Those last two very a bit of a Okay, let's hear it again.

I can't hear gay power, gay power.

They believe it's get out.

I think it's get out. Yeah, oh that's scary, that's horrific.

Yeah, that person's like, get out of my bedroom.

If that's like that passionately, someone like, is that passionately saying get out?

I mean that happened, or they're just like this is my bedroom, right, get out.

They're very territorial. It could just be not that serious. It's like just please just get out. Yeah, yeah, quit recording me.

The lady regret. Okay.

This next one is from the Brantford Paranormal Society and it was recorded at Sanderson Center in Brantford, Ontario. MM Canadian, Oh I know Branford. Yeah, okay, what is this ghost saying?

Yeah, fried chicken? I heard I heard fried chicken.

I heard something similar.

Okay, fried chicken. A male voice saying fried chicken.

Fried chicken. I love that to be a ghost and just be like hungry. Do you have one thing to say to us? Fried chicken? Okay, all right, I love him. Is it a horseshit?


B push it, C poor kid or d orange chicken.

I'll go with orange chicken because it's closest to fried chicken.

I hear orange chicken, right, which would be me as a ghost at Panda Express.

So good, it's so good.

You have to beyond orange chicken. No, because I don't eat chicken. So I quit Panda Express for once. It became vegan no, and I finally got back.

Baby do they have.

They have beyond orange chicken, and I have had it at least twice a.

Week for since they got unlaunched.

Yum, it's orange chicken.

They believe it's horseshit. Now let me tell you the full story here.

Yeah, i'd love to know.

So one of the ghost hunters in the video goes, my hand is cold or something like that. I'll play it for you in a second, so that they're they're kind of being like, there's a ghost over here, and then the ghost goes, horseshit.

Oh I'm over here. I'm not over there, horseshit.

I love that.

So this ghost is trying to call out that ghost hunter.

That's great. I love when they're like cheeky, like that.

Cheeky you know, Okay, I'm taking these off. Yeah, So tell me about tarot cards.

So do you get readings ever constantly? Yeah? How often?

I love them? I do to myself.

I don't know what any of it means really. I mean I look it all up right.

You know.

What I do is I look at the cards and I go, what does this make me think? Just by looking at it? And then I do like a google it, and then I confirm.

Yeah, I think there's a you should bridge it right, like how you feel when you look at it. And then also like the standard I guess meaning because.

I believe in Taro. I think Taro's like the real deal.

Yeah, But I think it depends who does it for you.

I do think that well. I think that people can interpret it wrong or right. But I think that the cards are like telling you what needs to be told. It's up to how you figure it out if you have a good intuition or if the person reading it is connected in that way.

I totally agree.

I think like the cards are solid, like they are what they are, but it could be I got one recently that was done by someone I did not trust too like she was I don't know from the jump. I didn't get a vibe from her, you know. And then when she did it, I went with a group of friends and then.

They or was this like at a psychic place?

Yeah, it was at a psychic place in LA. I don't remember where exactly.

I think was there a neon sign that's a psychic.

Yes, okay, and it was her home. Yeah, I love that it was her home. We were all waiting in her living room, one by one.

Going, okay, I have a question about this.

Yeah, because when you live in La, every block there's a psychic.

How much it costs.

It's so expensive.

It's so but no, I mean like the real estate to have those places, Yeah.

So expensive.

It's how many poems are these bitches read in every day?

Well, she's making a killing, like is she? Okay, the five of us went and it was like one hundred per person.


Yeah, so she made five hundred from like that's a lot. She spent maybe like ten to twenty minutes on each of us for a hundred Sorry, no twenty, I'm gonna say twenty twenty twenty minutes. Yeah, yeah, I think it just felt short because I was I didn't trust her, I know, I just wanted to because I've never done psychic in LA before.

Actually, no, that's a lie. I did.

I had a pet psychic. I did a psychic reading for my dog.

Okay, I'm gonna need to know about that.

It was very cute, but but I had this terror god reading she got to me last week. She said she didn't have time for me at first, and then I was like, all right, because I tagged along last minute.

Did you say, but what if mister Benjamin Franklin held out.

One hundred dollars bill exactly, that's what time for him.

She's like, I'm getting a feeling.

Oh, come to think of it.

And so she squeezed me in last minute, and then she was a little kurt.

You know.

I was kind of like she was kind of rushing through it a bit. I think she was sleepy.

I don't know.

But she did them, and she basically pulled this thing where she was like, oh, you're in trouble. Like you are, You're a very troubled person. And like, unless I help you, I meditate for you for the next seven days for four hundred dollars stop sorry, not four hundred seven hundred, she said, seven hundred dollars. That's how she affords a house in law.

That makes sense.

Yeah, She's like, unless I do this, you're just gonna have a lot of trouble this year. And I was like, okay, you don't even know who you're talking to. I've I've had many I'm a psychic, right, And I was kind of like, all right, I won't even tell her because she doesn't know. She couldn't read it herself, and so I was like, I'm not going to give her the courtesy.

To know that I am one and it's fine. I can fix myself.

But I did see it as like there was some truth to it where I think I was getting distracted in my life. I needed to go back on my course. I was going through a breakup. But that's everyone going through a breakup. I think it's like you're a little scattered, and I think that's what she was referring to.

But you know, I'm working on it myself, so.

I can help you too.

It's six hundred dollars. I will meditate wow for six minutes.

Okay, it was like lower priced and then shot right back.

But it does the job.

Okay, well I'll think about it.

Zelle v moo.

Any of it works, cash cash just we love that, okay, yeah, yeah, but the pet.

Psychic, Oh my god, the pet psychic.

Yeah, I've never I didn't know about, Like, did you know about pet psychics.

Oh, of course I do. Yeah, I've never been to one, though.

I'm I think I'm afraid that my dog's gonna really let me have it.

Really, Yeah, why is that?

Do they behave like a certain way that makes you he's seen some things?

Oh okay, you.

Know he's judgmental. He click clacks into the room like he has. I have hardwood floors, and he's got little nails, and I just hear like like he clicks me, like I hear him coming, and he like comes into the room whenever I'm doing something embarrassing and he just like looks at me, looks up and down, and then just like he rolls his eyes and keeps going.

So I think that he's I think he's a little bit gy.

They're judgmental, performative clicks on the floor.

Yeah, he knows exactly what he's doing.

I see.

I see my dog does that a little bit too. But I had a I don't know why I did. Oh yeah, because my friend so she used one for her cat, and then I thought it was really interesting. And then she sent me the session because she recorded it, and then I listened to it and I thought there was it was cool and so I tried it out. And it was before I moved. So I was deciding before I moved to America. So we were in Vancouver, and I was deciding between LA and New York to move to. And I wanted to tell my dog too, my dog Pingua. I wanted to tell her that we were moving as well, and so I was like, all right, let's let's try it out. And she's a psycond in La. So it was over the phone and then she basically connected with her and was like, Oh, she's so cute. She became a middleman for for my dog and me. She did not speak like like her, but she just was interpreting.

Oh, I wish she would have done a voice.

I know, I know it would have been a better recording. I did record it.

But did she say that your dog said so?

Basically, she said she prefers La because it's imagine I've moved fully based on that session.

It was other factors too, you might have maybe I might have had something to do with it, right.

It was five percent. I'm sure, Yeah, I'm sure. But she didn't like the hustle and bustle of New York. She's not a city girl. She's more of a I mean, this is still city, but she's more of a like I want my own I want a bigger apartment kind of girl, you know. And she wanted me to know. I asked, I was like, is there anything she wants me to know? And she said that my dog wanted me to know that she's very fast and that she's very sneaky.

Like she's very she's very fast, and she wants me to acknowledge that.

Who would let someone know I'm sneak? I want you to know I'm sneaky. That's like the complete opposite of being sneaky.

I know.

I think, like, I don't think she used the word sneaky. I think that's what I took out of it. I think the word was more like I'm good at the hunt, you know. Okay, Yeah, I think because like she's she likes to steal food, like she likes to like, if there's like food on the table and I'm not looking for a second, she likes to steal it, okay.

And honestly, she is very fast.

Yeah, she is very fast, because she'll I'll like turn around and then I'll turn back around, and then she's at the same spot, there's no movement. That was like I caught you know, she's already there with like a cookie in her mouth. Wow, she's chewing discreetly. Yeah, you know, and she knows she's good. But I think she wanted me to know that. I think she wanted validation for it. Wow, you know, which is interesting. But I thought that was really cute. That made me laugh. And then she also wanted me to know. Oh, and I had to explain like locks to her, like that door's lock and when I leave, because she has like separation anxiety, and I wanted to kind of tell her that it's gonna be fine and I'll be back when I leave. And so we, me and the psychic we had to explain to her that doors lock and people can't come in, so it's okay, like she's safe and she's been better, she's been bad.

Was it the kind of thing where the psychic was like, so that you guys tell her that, and then is she like and your dog says thank you very much?

Like was she like that like interpreting.

No, my dog the dog?

My dog was like, okay, we'll see I kind of like I believe you, but I'm still gonna make my like, you still have to make me feel better. It's kind of like there was no thank yous given, there were no there was no gratitude in that session.

I love your dog.

Yeah, my dog is very and she hates other dogs and he then the psychic pulled that out from I didn't tell her that, and she knew that my dog is all friendly and so.

So basically, the psychic was like, so, your dog likes to go behind people's bags and steal things from them, doesn't like other people that look like them, doesn't ever say thank you.

Go to La. La is where she belongs.

She knew she's an LA girl. The psychic is an LA girl too, so she knew. She was like, that's La.

For you, She's you only hear the most La thing I've ever heard. Yes, a friend of mine recently told me that she she was going to a plastic sir, but she wanted She was going to several plastic surgeons and she wanted.


She went to a psychic to ask which plastic surgeon was the right one.

To go to.

That's the that is the most most thing ever. Wow, that took a turn.

I thought it was gonna be something I've heard of our I've never heard of that.

That's and I bet you it happens way more than we know.

Interesting, Like we're mixing science with yeah wow, or.

Yeah, medical with spiritual. I love that.

That is so la, so la. Okay, let's do one last thing. We're gonna do like a rapid fire. I'm just gonna kind of list. I'm gonna throw some paranormal things at you. Tell me what you think, if you believe in them, if it inspires a story, whatever, yes, big.


No, I don't think so. I don't believe in creatures really, I don't know why. I just or actually they could be alien. So I do actually because I believe in aliens and UFOs and stuff. Well it was confirmed as we know. But so actually, maybe I should change my mind about that. Yes, well I changed my mind within like those impressives.

Yeah, what about I've never had a sighting though haunted dolls?

Oh my god, I love haunted dolls.

What do you mean?

Like I love haunted doll movies.

Yeah, and I've never But to me, that's the like pinnacle of scary, like a haunted doll. I don't ever want to see a haunted doll, but they intrigue me.

I think they're so funny.

I often do a segment on the show where I feature a haunted doll.

For sale on eBay. Oh my god, we don't have time today.

That would freak me out to see one.

What do you think of like this is my favorite one? Synchronosities or like everything happens for the reason. Are you the kind of person that's like that thing happened at that point and that means something greater than our knowledge.

I'm all about that. Yeah, Like I got chills.

Like when you said that, I was like, I'm that's the if I believe in anything. It's that, yeah, you know, like strip away everything, and it's like I believe in everything happens for a reason because too many things happen in my life that were so you know, coincidental or like you could argue that coincident, but it's not, you know, like it's it was too perfect and it lined up too well that.

Do you have an example?

Yes, yeah, I think the most recent one was my breakup.

Actually it was if I.

Didn't if that didn't happen, The breakup happened really out of nowhere. It caught me by surprise. I was on my way to move to New York. I was like, if I stayed in that relationship, but because it would, the breakup made me still want I was kind of like scattered, and I was like, I guess I'll move to New York. And I had a rebound that made me move to La you know.

And this was because I was considered.

I was like, oh, you know, my dog has to compromise for New York. But you know, this is this was our this was my decision.

You're still my dog.

But a lot of different little things happened where it just steered me here and I was like, oh, that it lined up. You know, meeting people too, Like don't you ever meet someone and it's like, I'm so glad I know you, but it's crazy we met, you know, like the way we met.

It would be like so delicate, like like.

If someone was late for like five minutes, I would have missed that totally, you know, but then they have such a big impact on your life now, yeah, and you think like, well, it could have just been like passed by. It could have totally you could have just never met this person.

But you know what, my belief is if those those people in your life, if it for some reason didn't happen that day, it would have happened some other time.

True, maybe, but because it happened so perfectly, Like don't you think I don't know like that it was meant to be, you know.

Yeah, whatever reason it was meant to be at that time on that day.

But I agree, like maybe, And don't you ever get like held up sometimes, like when you're like going out the door, you can't find anything, and you get held up for like five or ten minutes, and then you think, oh, maybe I was being pulled back by something bad, like some if I had left ten minutes ago or fifteen minutes ago, something bad would have happened.

Yes, I totally believe that, right. So, but you know, I always say, like.

If people when you're like on a dating app looking for the right person, I think that you could find a lot of different things. There's a million scenarios how that could go. But I also think if there's somebody that you're supposed to meet in that way, like in a dating way, if you deleted the app, you'll find them somewhere. You'll find them at dairy Queen you'll find them somewhere, like somewhere love a dairy queen, because I think that you're meant to find each other.

I agree.

And also like, don't you ever feel like sometimes you make decisions, like you think back to your like things you do and you're like, why did I do that?

And it seemed not like you to do certain things? Right?

Don't you ever feel like that it's something pulling you to set you up to go one way or the other or the way that you're supposed to do.

You feel that way when you do stand up, Like sometimes in some scenarios it's like, whoa, I just like went to another place.

Yeah for sure, Like I feel like I jumped like a timeline sometimes.

Is there anything like that when you did? James Corden, I think, so that's scary. That is so scary to.

Me, right, Like what do you mean be like.

I know there's a lot of pressure.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what I mean. Like if it went poorly, I would have jumped to a different timeline. And if it because it went really really well, I jumped to I don't know, maybe I stayed in one timeline or I believe in like multiple timelines and each decision you make like ends up, you end up somewhere else, Like you're always just like surfing through timelines based on like what happens, and this is that you make interesting?


Yeah, I think so too, Yeah, because like we're always making split second decisions, and I think it just splits you into something else because there's a there's someone there's one of us out there, you know that's made a completely different turn. There's one of me out there that you know, moved to New York, right, So yeah, I totally.

So could that be like a ghost?

A ghost?

Like no, but I mean if there's a version of you that went to New York and someone's like I just saw Andrea, I think so it's.

It's not like really you.

It's like I think if I moved to New York, I'd be dead. New York is demonic. I love it, but I.


I don't know what I was thinking, like thinking I was gonna move to New York?

Are you kidding me?

Like moving to LA was hard enough, moving to a different country was hard enough. I couldn't imagine doing it in New York.

Yeah, I'm too chill.

Me too, I can tell I get that, like, since we're both very chill. Yeah, and New York would have probably'd both be dead in New York if we live there and we're funding dressing rooms.

Yes, wow, great dressing rooms in New York.

Andrea, I'm so happy that I met you at the exact split second that I met you.

Me too.

Tell people where to find you and all that.

Yeah, I'm on Instagram at Andrea gin I'm on TikTok at Andrew gen One. I'm everywhere else at Andrea gen One.

Thank you so much to Andrea jin Oh. I love her. Make sure you follow her. Check out her comedy and follow me too at.

Ra'z Hernandez on Instagram. Are you subscribed to the show? Are you following the show? Wherever you listen? Please rate it five stars, tell your friends about it.

Give me a nice five.

Star review with either a ghost story or just something nice to say about me. I also am on TikTok and Twitter at its raz Hernandez and I don't know. I guess that's about it. Happy New Year to you. Thank you so much for listening. I love you all, both living and dead.

But if I didn't ask you to haunt me, don't haunt me. Hey Back Star, a podcast network,

Ghosted! by Roz Hernandez

Light a candle and pop some popcorn because things are going to get freaky. On Ghosted! by Roz Herna 
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