Out. We got you covered on 97.4 FM. Feel Good music. Game on with Masa on radio 2000 Smith. Yeah, you remind me of a video that Sun Know posted of you singing a gospel song. I can't remember which song it was, but I don't know a lot of gospel songs, right? It was a video. And you were saying it's your favorite song and you were singing that song. Actually, I remember it was Way
you want me to sing way Maker, medical worker light in the darkness. My God, that's what you are. That's one I can't. No, it's fine. We're not gonna make you sing as long as you can play football. We are happy here a who has made the World Cup preliminary on 67 PM only on radio 2000.
Ok. It's a very good evening. And thanks for staying with the radio 2000 and for joining us on game on with, with myself. So Madiba is producing the show and she is with us in technical again uh this evening. And uh thanks to the team that came before us on the drive connection.
It is a Wednesday, which means we like to put the spotlight on boxing on a Wednesday and give it the platform that we think it deserves. The sweet science is not being covered as much as it used to be back in the day. And that's why it's not holding its place that it used to hold where people believe that boxing was a top three sport at some stage in this country. So we are trying our best to give some time to boxing. Keep you updated. If you haven't been following, what's happening in the world of boxing, introduce you to
of our boxers. Also. Um Also we've also invited former champions and legends here on the show and also keeping you up to date with what's happening as far as the world of boxing, especially here in South Africa is concerned. And if you were listening last week, you might remember that we touched on the very sad story of South African boxer Lu Malama who was left in a coma in Belfast in Ireland following his fight two weekends ago against Nick Ball, the Englishman who he
challenging for the W BC silver featherweight title. Unfortunately, Luo took a lot of punishment in the fight until his corner threw in the towel in the 12th round. Um And immediately after the fight, then he was rushed back to hospital and he was put in an induced coma for 72 hours for 72 hours. We also found out that, um, there was some surgery done following bleeding on the brain. So, um,
we did manage to speak to his manager, Larry Weinstein last week here on the show. And, um, I think a lot of people are left shocked and surprised by the fact that, um, his manager and the rest of his team had left Luo Lama behind in a hospital in a coma in Belfast. And
they were on the next flight back home, uh with Larry basically telling us that they, they, they had other things to do and they were advised by the doctors um that it doesn't help waiting there in the hospital because they didn't know how long he was gonna be in a coma for, it could have been a week, it could have been a month, it could have been
a year. So they were getting regular updates from Ireland. And uh we also spoke to a British boxing journalist who was shocked actually by the revelations made on the show last week that Lula Mate's team had left him behind and it made big news.
Some guys over in the UK in the boxing community that side. I don't think they were aware of it until we, we, we highlighted it here on the show last night and it really went all over, all over the place and people just couldn't understand um how he was left behind in such a dire situation. And thankfully some good Samaritans then got together in Ireland.
Um, a gentleman called I'm just gonna get his name now, but they got, they, they got together and they actually started a Go Fund Me page for Luma Go Fund Me page. Basically just trying to raise funds. The gentleman's name is Hugh o'halloran. Um, he was touched by Lula Matis story and he started a Go Fund Me page to try and raise funds for Lula and also to try and get um
his family to go over then to Ireland in Belfast to be with him. And the post basically says professional boxer Luma is from South Africa. He fought a 12 round contest on Saturday in Belfast. Belfast. During the last round, he collapsed in the ring. He was rushed to a hospital and sedated to stop swelling in his brain. Luma is currently undergoing treatment in critical care in hospital and um the promotions company, Queens Barry is working hard to bring the family over
as soon as possible to have them by his side as his team had to go home. And we want to start this go fund to help raise funds as luo may never box again and will need financial help in his recovery. We have still no way of knowing the outcome but we know he's getting the best care at the hospital. So please donate what you can. So this was uh somebody in Ireland who went out of his way to start this go Fund me page to try and help, uh, Lula and raise funds for him actually.
And as we speak now this go fund me has raised about 100,000 rand. 100,000 rand has been raised in less than a week by strangers. Well, we're not gonna call them strangers. Now, they're gonna be family after this. Uh, but people in Ireland have raised 100,000 rand already for Lula. So basically tonight on the show, we are going to give you an update on the condition of Lula mate because when we left
last Wednesday, he was in a coma and unfortunately, his trainer was very emotional. So there were some things we couldn't get out, out of him. Um, but we will speak to somebody who was there in Ireland with Lula mate who was assisting his team at the time. Um And he's gonna give us an update on the condition of Lula mati right now and I do understand, I do believe, but we'll get confirmation later on on the show that um
his mother is on her way to Ireland, his mother is on her way to Ireland to be uh with. So, uh we hope everything goes well and um
she can, we hope everything goes well and she can leave as soon as possible because you remember last week, we were told that there were issues with the visas and the passports, but it looks like everything has been sorted out or it is almost sorted out. I do understand that the mother is in Joburg already waiting to go to Ireland. So we're gonna get confirmation from somebody who was there in Ireland uh with um just to give
um an update on his condition because I know a lot of people were touched by what happened. Actually, people, even people in um in Ireland, South Africans that are living in Ireland got in touch with us and they wanted to help and they wanted to assist and go to the, to the hospital to go and be with. But we did say
to the people I know Niki sent us a voice note last week, we did say to the people that got in touch with us last week that we wanna um get permission from the family first before we can allow you to go there. So thank you to Nadi who's been very invested in this story. Nadi is a poet in Ireland that checked her page out actually doing some great work um from,
from the Eastern Cape and she's doing some great work there in Ireland. So, um we did say we'll put them in touch with the family because uh we just needed to respect the family first. So we're gonna give you an update. And then later on in the show, we're going to speak to one of the oldest active champions in South African boxing Bogan Mahlangu, who is still going strong at the age of four
43. He's been nominated at the S A boxing awards for KO of the year. I think he should have been up there for boxer of the year too. Bongani Mahlangu, we're gonna introduce you a little bit to him as we continue introducing you to some of our champions. And Bongani Mahlangu has an incredible story because his son be ma is also a boxer
and then one in one tournament, they were actually fighting on the same bill, same bill father and they both won by the way. Um So we're gonna just find out more about Bogan Mahlangu and hopefully some other time, we'll invite his son also and even his trainer, his brother, Sandile Mahlangu. So before we get an update on the condition of Mola mate, let's just take you back to the interview that we did with him. We did speak to Lula Mati before he left for Ireland. I think on the Thursday before he left for Ireland ahead of this fight.
Stay in the know with radio 2000 podcast game on, on radio. We are about to speak to a man who's off to Ireland tomorrow going to fight for the W BC silver belt. Um It is Lula, they call him nine millimeter because his punches are like a nine millimeter still unbeaten and he joins us on the line nine millimeter. Good evening. Thanks for
speaking to us on radio 2000 even. Thanks for the environment. I appreciate it. Great, man. How are you feeling ahead of this fight against Nick Ball? I'm excited and I'm happy, you know, getting this opportunity. I've been waiting for such an opportunity, so I'm excited, you know, and I'm feeling great and ready. Yes. And what do you think this, this, this fight can do for you? I mean, you're fighting for
W BC, uh Silver belt here. But are you hoping to get into the ratings with this one? Yeah, I'm hoping, I'm hoping, I'm hoping to get a shot for the world title. And if you fight for such a title like that, you know, it puts you in a good position, you know, to fight for a world title, uh, belt, especially the W BC. You know, because now there's only an interim champion
and the champion who was Ray as he went up and then he lost. I don't know if he's gonna come back and, and, and fight for the title again, but now there is an interim champion. So winning here, I'm hoping to get a chance to get a shot. Ok, great. And, and you, you, I thought you were leaving too late, but you've lived that side in the United Kingdom. So you feel you'll be familiar with the environment in northern Ireland?
Oh, yeah, I lived there for like two years. I've been there over so I understand the environment especially now I was checking the weather because now they're approaching farm. So we have a team that side. Um, we've been speaking to so we're checking the stuff like climate and everything. Um, they've been saying they're getting out of
winter sort of, so it's cold a little bit as we are approaching cold also this side. So the weather is, is, is, is, is similar. So it's not gonna be a problem and, and I think experience will be a big factor also because you've got more, a bit more experience than nick ball. But how much do you know about him? What have you seen of him?
I've seen it go. The only thing that I've seen and, and I need to pay attention it, his work great and, you know, his explosiveness of which I've seen and, and, and, and such a style and I've been dealing with such a style because of, I've been tall in my weight division. So every guy fights me comes in and trying to get quick,
you know, inside and work. But I've been dealing with that. I don't know if he's been dealing with the guys like me also because he's short. So he's used to. So it's a great fight. It's a great fight. He seems very aggressive also.
He, he's aggressive, he's strong, you know, he pushes forward. Uh but when it comes to the level of it and IQ like his, his IQ I don't think he's, he's, he fought guys, like, with a good IQ and, and, you know, guys with experience, like I have, I've seen it all, I've seen all type of styles. I don't think he's seen it all. Yeah. And, and how, and how has it been in the featherweights? Is this your third fight in the featherweight? It's very comfortable. It's very,
you know, it's, I mean, I was in weights since February. I've been sparring in, in very lightweight. I've been, I've been practicing to spy at the lower weight so that I can, I can get used and adapt and it, it's good. I was two kgs over my weight when I was sparring doing everything. So officially when I'm fighting, I'm like to the limit, I'm like 468 kgs over which I work also comfortable when I'm there. But now I was pushing at a lower weight which is
make me feel good and, and, and, and positive that look, it's, it's, it's great to be in this weight because I was training myself at a feather weight. Ok. Good, good to hear. And do you feel you need to make up for lost time here? Because, because I know a lot of people with your boxing skills and your boxing, I too feel you should have been very, very far. But we know boxing also is a tricky road also. Do you feel you need to make up for this time? No, I think every delay
and everything was maturing me because if I look at myself 23 years back mentally, if was I going to be a champion? Was I fit uh mentally? Was I fit physically? I think I'm getting stronger
at this age and, and, and I, I don't think I was ready then, but because when I was there, I, I thought I was ready. But when I look at now at the back, I think now actually the delays and everything was making me stronger and grow. It was a, it was a, it was a process to grow for me. So I think this, this is a, it was a very good thing, the timing, it was great. And I didn't
learn the hard way. You know, there's people learn the hard way when you get no fights and you just take fights desperately and you lose and it mess up your record. No, I was very lucky. I would say I was blessed not to learn the hard way. And now when I think I'm matured physically and mentally and ready for the big stage and everything now works to get works
right? And I think it was, it, it, it, it was for the best. Ok, wonderful. And we wish you all the best in northern Ireland this weekend, Lu Malama nine millimeters still unbeaten, still protecting that record. But most importantly, trying to get into the W BC rankings all the best. And uh thanks, it's next weekend. Right.
Yes. Next, next, next Saturday, next Saturday on the 20/7 on the 27. Ok, great stuff. Thanks for speaking to us. Maybe we'll catch up with you when you are that side again. Ok, thank you so much. I appreciate it, man. Thank you.
Catch the Radio 2000 podcast on radio 2000 dot co dot Z A.
Yeah, that's where you can find our podcast um of every single show. actually, even last night's show with Talia Smith. Um The podcast is available there. We spoke to the Banana banana midfielder who's now on loan tugs from sundowns um until the end of the season and she's found her form again and she's broken back. Well, she went back into the Banana Banana squad, but we've just played an interview with Lula mate before
we went over to Belfast to fight against Nick Ball. And we did mention what has happened since then. Um And now we're gonna get an update on, on Luo's condition and basically what's happened over the past um seven days or so. I know a lot of you have been touched by his story. He was actually 22 and oh, before that fight in Belfast, it was his first defeat in professional boxing.
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year 2000. Our music, your memories game on with radio city press reporter. Also under way. But the big question is who is representing the Western Cape? But this is the same young Bafana that was found guilty of using two
improperly registered players. So how did we get to the point now where they are back representing the Western Cape? Because at one stage, it was Zi United. Indeed, they were they continue as normal. They continue to prepare both of the messages that are going to the playoff while the administrators take care of this controversy in the game on weekday 67 PM, only on radio 2000
even I think he is 30 to hear the news regarding this boxer. And I think it is high time that the promoters and trainers and managers or anyone who is involved in boxing to be careful when it comes to this fight. Because I remember some years ago Malcolmson
was once taken to the lion's den to fight against one of the greatest boxers box boxers in the, in the, in the, in the weight. But I, I can't remember what we was that and I can't remember the boxer party. He was beaten so terrible. So I think this matter regarding this boy, he is not going to be like another Malcolm where money was put ahead of the life of the
box up because I think the director should have seen something, the trainer should have seen something and done something before this thing happened. Thank you. This is good. Evening. Good evening. So this is Jonathan Ra Malema in Roda. I just want to say speedy recovery to and uh we are praying for him. Um since I've heard um from you last week on um on Wednesday, I just want to say we are with him,
we praying for him and also for his family and uh please South Africans, let's rally behind the family and let's support their family in these difficult times. And I just want to say to the in, in um in Ireland, I just want to thank them for, for their contribution. Also, thank you Jonathan in Rada.
Good evening, good evening. The truck driver, Alex. This is so sad and yeah, we put him in our prayers and yeah, you know what,
22 fights, no lose. And he lost one game
and the promoter.
It's gone just like that.
This is a life lesson that we have learned from this
people who use people when it's beneficial
and when there's nothing for them, they run for the hills. I
just wanna uh wish him a, a quick recovery and uh put him in our prayers and the family.
So I
uh my man,
a KZN,
you did a great job
and then
er Ireland,
he did a great job. My man. I thank you. I thank you.
I thank you a lot. I think a lot.
I love you so much. My man
evening, Thabiso even to radio 2000 listeners Um Thabiso. Um uh let's just thank the people in Ireland who, who are helping us, um raising money for the guy. I wish South Africans can come together and do the same thing. Thabiso.
Um And to his mother, just be strong, uh, to the family, they must just be strong. Uh, South Africa is praying for the guy and the guy will come back home. I just wish he come back very soon home because I, I know the family misses him. So thank you as well to you, Dabi. So for updating us and thanks to the people in Ireland as well.
Um Thabiso, uh a lot of people listen to you every time I listen to you interviewing someone the following day, the headlines. Uh I'm like that this is Thabiso interview yesterday. So it shows that most of the people listen to you, but they won't show. Thank you.
You can't say my legs are gone. It's time for the main events. It's time for boxing Wednesdays only on game on with me.
Ok? Thanks everybody for those voice notes. I know that this, I can see this story touched a lot, a lot of people, whether you're a boxing person or not. But I think um you cannot be touched by the story and the situation of Ulama we've got in studio with us now. Uh Colin Nathan, who's a renowned boxing manager and trainer and uh, he was
actually in Ireland, um for this fight of Lula and Nick Ball two Saturdays ago. And he's gonna give us an update on basically where we are right now. Uh Thanks for being here, firstly Collin and for joining us in the studio. Yeah, thanks Tobia. It's been a rough time for South African boxing and particularly for boxing five. And obviously our present thoughts go out to and I, uh the reason why I wanted to come into the studio and talk to you about this was I wanted to clear the air. Uh, just to been
a lot of false accusations and I know emotions are running high last week with you and Larry and uh II, I have to say that I, and I, again, I, I just don't think was in the right state of frame and mind to, to be giving an interview last week. But all the stuff that we left, Leo
is just a lot of, it's just absolute bias and I, and I'll tell you why. So we were obviously he got rushed to hospital and we were there
and, uh, we were there till like quarter to four in the morning and the surgeon, the neurosurgeon actually had a chat with Zilei Ria and Larry and it was suggested to them that the team come home, but we were always gonna send someone back to be with Leo and, and the person is Joyce, who's Leo's mother who now was flown up last night by boxing five.
Um And now we're in the process of waiting for her visa with Ria and Larry and the mom actually flying over to Belfast. Now this go fund me uh fund that's been set up. Also, I want to clear that that money has not been raised for the family to be sent over.
So Queensbury have given us the assurance that they're flying someone over, which is gonna be Leo Duo's mom
and, and Larry out of boxing five zone pockets are flying with the mom to get the mom settled to, to make her comfortable. Once Le Duo is out of IC U, he's still currently in IC U.
He is alert, he is very responsive, he's eating, he's talking. So I just want to clear that up. You know, last week, I was almost depicted like Larry being a typical boxing promoter, which is really not the case. Larry loves Lea like a son. He's gone out of his way, not just for Lea but for all the athletes he promotes in boxing five, there was a situation recently where a fighter fractured his jaw and we had to stop the fight in one of the development shows. Uh he was taken to a government hospital.
Uh Larry and Rios actually shifted the fighter from a government hospital, took him to a private hospital where he got operated on boxing five and particularly Larry has a very soft spot for fighters in human life. And what people need to understand is that
accidents unfortunately happen in boxing. We, we understand the brutality of what we do in the sports. And obviously the last outcome anyone would have expected was le dua ending up in hospital fighting for his life. And, and, and, and I want to be sensitive about this situation.
We shouldn't be defending anyone here. What we should be doing though is really praying for a good recovery, which it seems that Leo is on his way to a good recovery and that's the main focus, not the negativity and not all the rumor circulating. Oh, you know, we don't care. That's not the case. I can assure you that's not the case tubs.
Ok? Thanks for clarifying a few issues. I'm gonna go back to some of the issues. But firstly, what was your involvement here with, what's your involvement with boxing fight? Because we know you to have your own gym and all of that and your own boxes. But you were in the corner that Saturday night. Yes. So it's obviously it's been well documented that I'm a partner for boxing five. Obviously, I put all the boxing stuff together for them. But I also advise Luma along with his manager, excuse me, promoter with, with and he and his trainer manager Puz Mahia.
So this fight and opportunity came about. I sat Larry and Zilei down with Leo and I said, look, this is the possibility of this contest and they were like Colin, we want this fight put it together. So I put the fight together. I dealt with Colin promotions, Queensbury and top rank and, and got the fight underway and obviously Chief second was Puz and, and I put the fight together for boxing five and Lea and Puli to make that fight and contest happen.
OK? And then let's just clarify Luo's condition right now. You said he's still in IC U? Is he out of the induced coma? Um to a point, but the doctors are incredibly happy the way he's respon responded. So he's very responsive. His limbs are moving. Um He's talking, he's also eating
and, and now like I'm saying to you now, with regards to his mom, Joyce, it's just simply a waiting game on to get this visa. So she can actually fly out and be with her son along with Rias and, and Larry from boxing five actually assisting and taking her there. So right now, the doctors are incredibly happy and, and, and I've spoken to one or two people who are involved in neuro uh who, who are neuro neurology here in South Africa.
And, and they, you know, and there was obviously that video which I'm sure you, you saw that went viral with, with Lea being so responsive to his mom. So those are really, really good signs and, and we confidence please God and we've been praying for Leo that he makes a good solid recovery after his contest against Nick Ball.
Ok. So, and then with his mom or going there now you're waiting for a visa. You a visa, correct? How soon do you think she can be, man? The boxing five guys, obviously, I couldn't, I couldn't go over because I've got so much work coming up now. But we were hoping to fly the guys out with Joyce's mom tonight.
But now the hold up is not the passport because we organize a passport in a matter of 48 hours. It's just the situation on now waiting for this visa for, for the mother to fly. Remember Ria and Larry applied for the visa previously to go over to Belfast. So they've got their visas. It's just the situation now of us waiting for the visa to be appro
moved. So, so Lea's mom can fly over with him. So Lee is still on his own, correct? Even though now he's responsive, he's eating and he's talking but he's still on his own. Correct? But also we also need to remember that Larry's son, Mark's best friends in Belfast who was, he was visiting Leo Daily. The other thing that you need to remember is when we were actually when we were actually waiting outside, they wouldn't allow us in. They wanted the next of kin and they are quite strict on that
they weren't allowing anyone into to, to IC U. Um
The problem was is that it had to be the next of kin. And that's why it was crucial for us. And also the other thing you need to remember is one of the reasons why we decided to come back as well is we knew Leo's mom needed a visa and we knew we had to assist administratively with all of these things. And that's one of the reasons why Larry came back. It's not because we wanted to leave the fighter there. Uh That's not the situation at all. We needed to obviously make, put steps in place for, for them to go back because
between Riri and myself and, and, and we were always gonna go back, we were always gonna go back, ok? But ultimately, you left him behind and I don't want to dwell too much on this, but it seems like you've come here and you are defending the position of leaving him behind. How many of you were there in the team with Luu?
There were four of us. So are you saying not even one person could have stayed behind, you needed all of you to come back and sort out the papers. And the reason I'm asking Colin is because we were told by Larry that he was in a 72 hour induced coma. Nobody expects you maybe to stay there for, for, for for eternity. You don't know how long he's gonna be in a coma for,
but at least for that 72 hours where he's in a, in an induced coma. Should one of you not have been there with him? It's three days. It turned out longer than 72 hours. But I'm saying at least for the 72 hours because you left there knowing that he's in, in, I don't mean to repeat myself. But remember what I said to you at the top of the show and I said to you, the neurosurgeon suggested that we go back, it would be pointless us staying because of him being an induced induced coma state
and, and, and forget the doctor's advice. What about you? Now, as somebody who went to a, to a foreign country with a boxer, you took him to a fight and the fight left him in a coma at that stage when we were already thinking about staying. So why, why, why did one of you not stay? At least because, because again, like we needed to, well, for me personally, I couldn't stay as, you know, you know, my situation. Ok. But the thing was is that we weren't also,
you know, emotions are running high at Tobia at that stage. But basically, we followed what the surgeon wanted us to do. And also the other thing is we could have stayed there, but we weren't allowed in because we weren't next of kin. In fact, to get information out of the neurosurgeon. Basically, they wanted to speak to Zileli first
and then we had to basically hustle, um, r and Larry in, they wouldn't allow anyone in and even now it's been very tricky, you know, Larry's phoned the hospital twice a day for the last, since he's been in and even then they're not letting out information. It's only Lea's mom who's getting information, who's passing it on to us.
I don't know. I find that hard to understand because then you might as well travel with the next of kin to every single tournament that you go outside. The not everyone's gonna end up in hospital. Yeah, but I'm saying in, in a worst case scenario, if your boxer is going to be in hospital, you might as well travel with the next of kin. If you know that once you do, you know an accident like that's gonna happen, you don't know when you don't know. But I'm saying that it doesn't justify for me, it doesn't justify you leaving him behind even though you are not the next of kin. Hold on. Can I just hold on just to go back?
I just said to you, we were always gonna go back. So it was a situation we left, we left in a situation when he was in, in due state. So for us staying there and he wouldn't have known the difference that we just again, I'm gonna tell you again, we followed the medical advice of the neurosurgeon who advised us to leave
and I said, put the doctor's advice aside, what about you as a human being? There's two scenarios, there's two scenarios here that we have to listen to, right? Or that we are in the hands of. One is God, whether you believe in God or not. I'm not questioning your belief and the other is the UK British medical system and the British UK medical system suggested to us that we go and then,
and then obviously make arrangements to come back before, before this, the same way, it's clear. And in hindsight, you still think you made the right decision for all of you to come back. In hindsight. In hindsight, everyone's a genius. I mean, if, if I knew what would have transpired, Tobi, so,
you know, we would have stopped the fight earlier, you know, in hindsight, but we don't know, but at the end of the 10th round and we talk about the fight now when I said to Leo Zileli and I are close to stopping it cognitively. He was so good. It was like two more rounds. His legs were good. He was making at that point, we didn't know what was going on. So in hindsight, you ask me, in hindsight, everyone's a genius
and everyone knows better in hindsight. So in hindsight, you think you one of somebody should have stayed behind you? No, I'm not, I'm not suggesting that I'm suggesting again, maybe we should have, but again, maybe we should have stopped the fight earlier. Maybe I think a lot of people will have said last week that you should have stopped the fight earlier. A lot of people that watched the fighting, ok? You need to let me finish here. It's an interview. I also need to talk. I think
a lot of people think that the fight could have been stopped earlier and I didn't want to get into the fight, but now that you wanna get into the fight and we can get into the fight and talk about some of the decisions that were made then. But I just want to understand one thing, Zile Mail is his trainer. Did he want to stay or not? At the time?
It was never, it was never discussed. It was just collectively decided as a team that we were gonna go. So you decided on his behalf?
No, I mean, he was, he asked if he wants to stay behind.
No, but he's a man, he could have made the decision
and, and financially who's got the pass to make sure people stay and who comes back, there was never an option. The money take the money completely out of the. I'm glad you've cleared that up because some people called last week and said maybe the reason you guys came back was because it was too expensive to
because of the money. You just didn't see the need to stay with somebody who was in a coma or wasn't that the situation is again and I'm gonna repeat myself is that we had to come back from may have stayed. Ok. He may have stayed. Let's just say you want to stay or not.
Did you give him the option to stay? It's not my option to give him. He's a grown man. He can make that decision for himself. So he should have said to you that he wanted to stay. He didn't say anything. No, we listen. Thabiso you also got to understand during that moment of, of shock trauma
that we, we weren't all thinking clearly
because well, you did think about coming home.
No, no, no, we didn't. Not at that stage until the until the neurosurgeon said he advises us to go home.
Ok. That's fine. Uh We clearly don't see things the same way here and I don't want to dwell on this. We all on it a lot last week, but I still stand by the fact that I think if you take a boxer to a foreign land, you don't leave him in a foreign land in a coma, in a hospital. At least if you were given a time frame of 72 hours, the least you could have done is just wait for 72 hours. See if there's an update or not even wait 72 hours, wait for the family to to somebody stays behind the rest of you comes back, you get the family over, wait at least for a family member to be there just to give comfort to the family, just to give, reassured
the to the boxing community that he's with somebody there now. He's, he's showing progress, he's talking, but there's nobody there. And I'm not sure how he feels about that, but like I said, I don't want to dwell on this. I wanna talk about the way forward now and also about these funds that have been raised uh for Lula Madi um for for, for, for what ever eventual eventuality happens. But there have been some good Samaritans in northern Ireland that have raised money on his behalf because they were also shocked by the fact that his team had left him behind and they were basically saying he was abandoned in northern Ireland
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a very good evening to you. Thabiso and your team.
You know the fact that
was left all by himself
at Belfast.
Really boggles my mind.
He, by his teammates, business manager, all of the people who were supposed to be with him in that dire situation. They left him there,
went back home with their return flights ticket.
What kind of people are those?
We've been conveying messages throughout various social platforms for a speedy recovery for lu
I tell you this is from East London.
Good evening. And already 2000 listeners, I just need to wish a speedy recovery and uh with our prayers,
I know that he will recover very soon and go back to boxing again, it's Moses of. Thank you. Because question until the,
if you've fallen,
they will not care anymore about you. Sharp. OK. Thanks for the voice notes, folks, for those who are just joining us. We're in conversation with Colin Nathan and he was part of the team that was in Ireland two weekends ago for Lula mate's fight that left him in a coma and he's been giving us an update and just explaining how some of the steps and the decisions that were taken. And we can go on and on about whether they should have stayed or not. But I think it's clear where both sides stand here. It looks like the boxer
as a boxer. It looks like you're on your own. Then if you're in a foreign, then your team can leave you behind in a hospital in a coma. I don't understand that. Um Colin, how do you feel about the strangers? You've mentioned that the Go Fund Me is not to raise funds because clearly money is not the problem here. So you guys can afford to send his family to Ireland. But strangers have come together to raise funds for Lula and 100,000 rand has been, has been raised so far. It's public knowledge. I can see it here. How do you feel about that as Luo's team? Well, I think obviously it's a touching, touching gesture.
Uh We weren't involved in the Go Fund Me because uh steps have already been put into place on Leo when he comes back, please God with, with a good recovery and how we, we obviously gonna progress with Leo's future going forward. Uh But right now, I think what we need to focus on Tobi. So, and I think it's important now forget about what
opinions people have. I think the most important thing now is for all of us to unite as South Africans, as the South African boxing public to unite and, and pray for Malema who, and, and every fighter does this. When they step through the ring through those ropes, they put their lives on the line and it's a very hard subject to talk about and
it's like people kind of shy away from the,
the risks involved, but when it's faced upon you, it's a major, major shock. And I think right now the focus shouldn't be on your opinion, my opinion and, and arguing about it, I think the main focus should now be
understanding that fighters do put their lives on the line and, and, uh, a situation happened where
a fighter got critically injured and now we got to just pray and hope that he makes a good recovery which all things being equal. Now, he's on his way to be, he's on his way to, to have, have been done now to, to, to be done. Yeah. And I agree with you. The focus should be on Lua and his recovery. But also as his team, there should be some responsibility that is taken. You can't just say a fighter goes out there and he knows any eventuality, responsibility was taken. Responsibility was taken when the towel was thrown in.
Ok. If you want to go back to the fight, we can discuss the fight, but we just want some clarity. So now that he's in hospital who pays his medical bills. So that's a good question. And that's a question that a lot of journalists have been asking boxing five at this stage, we don't know, we don't know, we haven't been asked for a cent to buy the promotions company. Correct. Correct. So obviously this insurance, I just also want to say besides obviously boxing five, really, really, we all feel terrible for what's happened to luo
but Queensbury uh promotions, obviously everyone's kind of stayed in touch and they want to know what's going on and, and, but with regards to, to the, the medical bills, uh as far as I understand from what I, what I know
not, we haven't been asked to pay one cent so far. So at the moment, it seems like the promotions company that put the correct. And also remember NHC is a government funded hospital. So, so yeah. Yes. And then boxers do, they have insurance themselves in a situation? The question. Yeah, that's something that not only, yeah, it's something that South African boxing needs to look at like having some sort of hospital plan and stuff.
My, my, my general answer to that would be no, don't have insurance.
No, very rarely will a fight to have medical aid. And it's,
and it's hard for medical insurance companies to, to invest in fighters from that perspective, given the nature of the sport. But that's something that surely someone in this country may be listening to this interview who, who's in the game could come forward and maybe come up with a solution for fighters putting their lives on the line when they step through the ropes. And as the promoters and the managers, what's your responsibility when it comes to this side of things?
When it comes to life insurance? When it, when it comes to boxing insurance and cover and medical aid and all of that look, it's always a tricky thing, you know, it's, it's always a tricky thing but II, I do, II, I see your point and I think it's important that funny enough, Larry was actually discussing it the other day and maybe it's something boxing in South Africa should also look into, uh, types is where there should be a small contribution or whatever it is, or maybe even sponsored or funded where fighters have some sort of cover.
And, and obviously, I mean, I think, I think every person in this country should have medical aid, not everyone can afford medical aid. And I, and I accept that, but surely with the,
the risks involved in, in, in boxing. Surely there can be some sort of solution where there can be some sort of cover. God forbid a fight that does face a situation like Lea fought against a, faced against nick ball where, where obviously he got seriously injured at the moment. Are your boxers covered? Are you in a position to take cover for your boxers as a manager and a trainer yourself? No, that's always, that's always tricky because again, not, not and again, like
some, some medical aids will, you know, like I, I remember speaking to a promoter years ago with regards to insurance for events and he had to get insurance from overseas. He couldn't,
every person he spoke to here locally refused to get involved in the sport because it's a hurt sport. So eventually this promoter and I don't want to mention names had to actually go overseas and it was a UK company that ended up ensuring his, his events. So your boxes are not covered.
Ok? We're speaking to boxing trainer and manager Colin Nathan, who's giving us an update on Lula Mati and what has happened over the seven days um since we last spoke and over the 10 days that since he has been in a coma, we're gonna wrap up after this break. We do still welcome your action on 0605842250. If you think you can not afford a lawyer, think again, client ill legal has made professional legal services affordable for you, whether it
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Even you are speaking to Buddha, Bogan, Abi. You know this guy that you are interviewing there. Yeah, this guy, I don't understand what he's saying because why did they left him alone? No, no, no, no, no. These people are not good at all. They can't leave a person in a, on an IC U
in a coma. No, no, they should have waited at least one person, his trainer or someone just wait until the family comes. No, no, no, that's brutal. That's very rude. No, no, no, no, no. This guy are not good. That mean all they care about is, uh, his strength only
whenever he's alive, they are, they, they want him to go and do the fights and do everything. But if now he's sick, he's in the IC U. They don't want to hear anything. They just leave all of them. This guy is just talking nonsense. Thank you. Uh Tho
uh keep up the good work.
Ok. Thanks for those voice notes. We are wrapping up our conversation with uh Colin Nathan. And so now Colin with the, with the medical reports that you're receiving and the updates, what are they expecting or foreseeing happening over the next few days? We can't predict. Uh we can't predict but the, the doctors and the neurosurgeon, they're incredibly happy with his responsiveness and the way he's responded to, to obviously the, the contest
and I'm just looking forward to him being he's got fully recovered and obviously making a good return home. And then, um, obviously, I want him to see his mom. Obviously, he comes out of total uh sedation
and, and obviously his mom being ok, you, you asked me this afternoon if his mom was willing to speak and, and she's not because she wants to see her son and she wants to know that her son is ok before she speaks to any people from the media. And I think that's fair
again, like I'm saying to you, we just wanted to give us support but understandable. It's very understandable. So, um I was actually with Joyce this morning and, and obviously, it's, it's, it's not an easy situation for anyone. And um, you said there was a video that Luma to his mother,
just tell us more about that. So, so there was a, there was, there was a video that went viral that uh his mom was asking him to do certain motions with his hand which he was doing and he was very responsive. So that was a really, so they did a video call, correct? They did a video call and he could recognize the mother's voice. Yes. Yes. And I think that's what I would guess from, from the UK, also touched on last week the fact that he was shocked that there was nobody there because sometimes if there's somebody there and there's a familiar voice, um, people can react to it,
familiar voice or they can even react to a touch from somebody. Maybe his trainer knows which areas to rub um on and you could have reacted. But thank goodness for technology then that he was able, we were able to get a reaction after being in a video call with his mother. We've got another voice note
right on the playing. Ok. 0605842250. Ok, we'll play it when it's, it's, it's, it's, it's ready. Um Michelle, thanks for that.
And, um, we were told that there was bleeding to the brain at the moment. Is it too early to even talk about his boxing future? I'm not prepared to talk about that or comments because again, I don't have that information.
Yeah, you see, and that's the other reason we were saying that um, I understand people get updates from the doctors and all of that, but maybe if you were, if there was somebody there, we'd be able to get first hand um information about the situation of Lua, not maybe one or two updates
again. Sorry to interrupt. And it seems like you and I are fighting this whole show, which we not because, you know, we're friends, but the only person who, who was able to get that information was his mom. Ok. And she didn't share it with you guys. No. Ok. No, fair enough also.
And as we move forward now, so who's accompanying his mother and Larry? Ok. They are both, they're both going back, correct? Ok. Fair enough. And while, um and we definitely wish Luma a speedy recovery of full recovery, our thoughts and the reason we're having this conversation is also to have it's, it's for Lu's best interest and how to, like I said, if you miss that
the beginning of the show, we had a lot of uh people in Ireland, South Africans in Ireland. OK. Maybe not a lot but two that got in touch with us and they also want to go um and see, but we thought let's give respect to the family and let the family first go and see. And if the family is willing for others to go and visit, then we'll be able to put them in touch. So at the moment, Lu Lu is responding and he's eating, he's eating by himself that I don't know,
but he's talking. But again, if you looked at the video that went viral
he, uh, he's moving, which is great, which is good. Ok. Ok. And we, we hope by the time we come back next Wednesday or, or not, even before Wednesday, there will be an update just while we have you here, Colin. Um, there's a big title fight. Your boxer. Uh, the champion is supposed to be defending his title here at home. Not supposed to, I mean, sorry. Ok. Well, he's supposed to be defending on the 16th of July. I believe that the date has changed. Can you confirm that and give us reasons, correct? And, um, from what I understand it's due to broadcast,
broadcast, correct? So what TV told you to move the date, uh, they could not accommodate the 16th because of the nature of the public holiday. It's, that's, that's National Youth Day. But yes, the fight is still happening and I'm looking very forward to defending his championship successfully. Ok. So just confirm. Second of July, you said correct, still happening in East London, correct? Ok. Defending his IBF junior flyweight title. Then he wanted to
Mexico, um, last year. Incredible, incredible, incredible fighting. And it's so good. How good is it to have this defense at home? Because we don't see these big title fights at home. Well, you know, like is just such a special fighter, you know, and he packs it out in East London. So with him fighting it, it's just, it's just gonna be incredible. It just, you know, like, I think every, every South Africa fighter dreams of defending his world championship at home.
You know, we haven't had a legitimate world South African fighting for and defending his championships since 2016 in March. Um, so it's a long, long time and it's just great that rumble Africa promotions are putting this event together and, um, I'm just ecstatic for the kid and obviously we're training really, really hard. It's all systems go. He's looking in good shape. We obviously now putting on the final touches. We've got a couple of extra weeks now, but you know, I'm just very excited and obviously,
you know, knowing that Leo is making a good recovery,
you know, a lot of people in, in the boxing world can, can, can breathe easy now. Ok, we've got that voice note that we couldn't play as we wrap up. Oh, ok.
Alright. So, uh you know, so there's something that I want to quickly quickly dwell on. Uh II I don't, I don't think
how, how can you leave a boxer in a foreign country all by himself? And then, and then say, say says, uh, ok, the whole team is gonna go and, and, and make a plan for, for his mom to fly. Uh go there. Uh ok, spiritually how, how was he going to, to uh uh to, to,
to connect to somebody who is, who is, who is close knowing they coming from the very same country knowing he's a teammate. Uh the spiritual, spiritual, I would call it as a spiritual, spiritual aliment. I know he was in a coma. But then come on.
OK, guys, we're gonna have to leave it there because of time. But um a lot of you are touched by uh this story here and it's, it's clear, I mean, we are on our own here guys and think about that statement also, we're gonna have to leave it here. Thanks Collin, uh, for coming to studio and trying to clarify a few pointers. Our focus will be on,
on, uh, on, on, on, on, on going forward and please continue to update us. Ok. That's where we live. It, life live and all with Maka Mole is up next. Always. Remember to catch the Tko boxing show on S ABC two on Fridays at 10 30 every Friday, every Friday night.