
Butter Pecan vs. Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream

Published Dec 13, 2022, 2:00 PM

Season 3 is winding down but we're going out with a bang and not a whimper. This week friends and podcast co-hosts Busy Philipps (Girls 5Eva, Busy Philipps is Doing Her Best, Cougar Town) and Caissie St. Onge (Busy Philipps is Doing Her Best, Busy Tonight, Watch What Happens) had a hard time coming up with something argue about but then came up with this: butter pecan vs. mint chocolate chip ice cream. Which one of these ice creams is the best of the worst? Full disclosure, my kid loves both and was devastated to learn these two flavors are unpopular but to be fair my kid hasn't found an ice cream flavor she doesn't like yet.  

This episode covers a lot of fun topics including manufactured olives, David Letterman pushing caviar, Martha Stewart judging the craft services table, deviled eggs and what they're all doing their best at this week. 

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Ember & Rye a Richard Blais steakhouse

Four Flamingos a Richard Blais Florida Kitchen 

Creamy, creamy, crunchy food Court, food Court, food Court with Shirt Blase, Argue in the food Court cook with sht Blase, Welcome to food Court, a production of I Heart Radio. This is food Court with Richard Blaze. That's me and I found a way to cut out the cooking part and just judge your thoughts. Who knew back when we launched on March seventeen that that would be an incredible day to sort of launch a brand new podcast where everyone's gonna find themselves home and board. And guess what we we launched back then, and I hope that food Court has been a nice respite from everything else going on in your world. We all know that everyone's got to have a place to get their petty arguments out to distract them from the real things to fight about. Join us in food Court today. We have a podcaster who's also an Emmy nominated writer and producer who has worked with legends like Joan Rivers, Rosie O'Donnell, and David Letterman. It's Casey saintange Hira. That's the first time we've used an actual air horn. Us usually just make the sound effect myself. I'm pretty good at thank you so much for hanging out with of course, it's nice to see you again. Oh my gosh. Going up against Casey. We have her friend and creative partner and amazing actress you've seen on Girls five, have a cougar town, freaks and geeks, and so many more things, including her very own talk show. Welcome, it's Busy Phillips. Oh my gosh, Busy, how are you and good? I'm great, that's perfect. That's usually just that, that's that's the exact sort of energy that we bring to food cart I will. I just have to get this out. We're at the we're at the end of our recording for season three, so you know you're the big talent when you're lined up for the premiere of the finale? Is this true? Yeah? Yeah, I think that's true. I feel I feel very honored too. And Busy, you're not in studio, you're joining us from New York. But Casey, can you can you can you confront literal goose bumps? Goose bumps? I'm so excited, so excited. The enthusiasm is genuine and a stacked court today now listen. You to also co host a podcast called Busy Phillips is doing her best. But if I said that first, who would have sort of taken some of the air in surprise out of the introductions. Now, listen, you must have a really really strong friendship the two of you to to actually come into food courting potentially damage that friendship. Here. It was hard for us. We we really you know, we thought long and hard before agreeing we did. And also I feel like we've I've learned my lesson a little bit with Casey, like and food that I can't be to judge. I'm like, actually more nervous than she is. I'm sure because Richard, I'm going to say something now that you're going to think is it doesn't matter. Casey is a witch and she has accidentally cursed me with a food related thing because years ago, when we first started working together, she said, oh, I can't really eat gluten and wheat like I I'm allergic. I sneeze a million times and I was like, and my nose turns really red. And I was like, Casey, that's not a real thing. That's like, that's just you're one of those people that's just saying that and that's not real. And Richard within six months. Every time I eat wheat, my nose turns bright red. This is not a joke. So I'm telling you, Casey, if I like cross a line, Casey might inadvertently curse me. She feels bad about it. I don't wish you could take it away, don't. If I had the power to reverse it, I'd do it for you, and I would also do it for myself. That's what I think. I'm thinking because of your friendship. It's like an accidental spell. And I'm envisioning this happening, and you're like, oh, it's accidental. Yeah, the hair if bat's wing. Oh and you were standing too close. I don't know what. We don't know exactly. I'm just saying that Casey has very strong food power. I like it, and I also like that, like you know, I like puns. So I feel like there's a spinoff podcast here, but it's sandwich. Oh yeah, maybe maybe something like that. Maybe maybe me and you mean maybe that's will do a project together. Never, Casey, I'll never eat a sandwich. Most turns red and she sneezes. It's a gluten free sandwich Bok podcast. There is Yeah, there we go, there's room for it. Now listen the case you brought to court today. It's pretty divisive. I mean by that, I mean you both, well, you both like things talking about things that are divisive. This is true, but you can't agree on which unpopular ice cream is the best one. I mean I I love this that you've taken sort of like you know, potentially two of the most the least popular ice cream flavors. And that's what we're going to talk about. Are they the least popular? We do this is case? Wait, I'm catching I thought that that's your Your feeling is that they're the best, right casey, Yeah, well you're feeling it is also that it's the that yours is the best, and I think that mine is the best. But apparently we're in the minority. Wait, what we've chosen. I guess our ice creams of choice are for big nerds. I guess. Listen the polls tell us this. This is not my own personal I'm the judges. But there there are they're serious ones. We some of our rest mussin what's the other school that usually like was up in a political play? But usually no, it's like we pull like twelve people from the Rachel Ray studio audience. It's usually I guess it's six Sherris from New Jersey or most no, what's delish or Nutrish exactly. But listen, I mean we've had Okay, we're not spoiling it. You're you're actually both. I mean, you're incredible because you haven't spoiled what we're arguing about. But when you're this is the second ice cream debate we've had. The first one was an epic food Court episode where my two daughters threw down vanilla versus chocolate ice cream. So I'm gonna ask you both real quick to weigh in on this best ice cream flavor Vanilla or chocolate. Casey unpopular opinion. I'm sure, but it's vanilla because it's more versatile. And also people are so rude to vanilla. Oh my gosh, Casey came ready to debate busy vanilla or chocolate. I honestly this is also I don't know if this is going to be controversy. I go vanilla as well. Oh there you go, now, listen, I did. This is the only Food Court episode that I had to recuse myself from because it was my kids and who and we ended up taking it to the streets, and they said that vanilla vanilla Vanilla did win. Alright. See part of the reason why is the same thing that Casey said, the versatility. Also, like I love uh magic shell like a death tone or a magic shell moment and so anytime. So really that to me works best with a vanilla. Because this summer weener Schnitzel had like a lemonade magic shell dip and a number of our mutual friends ridiculed me when I suggested getting it. I don't agree with that, and I'm sorry that happened to you. So that now I'm curious. Was the shell the shell like a lemonade flavor, and then you'd get vanilla like vanilla, and I mean you could get chocolate of your girls. Yeah, I was gonna say that's not that doesn't work, and you create some sort of sherbet exactly. I would have gone, I would have gotten lemonade with the magic shell chocolate original magic shell lemon and chocolate. I would have done it. You like, I don't know, I'm just saying I would have done it. I just love magic shell. You're more daring because this is how like you are with fashion as well, like you're so great at like mixing patterns and things like that. The most extreme I can go is chocolate and orange. I don't think I could go all the way it's a lemon, but you know I don't. I don't like chocolate and orange. Oh, but for some reason, a lemon, like I don't know why, the lemon with chocolate sounds kind of good to me. Listen, you know what, Like we know because of the molecules of the ingredients. Sorry to be a total science I want to hear it, but passion fruit and chocolate works incredibly well, and they share some flavor molecules. So I think lemon could be a thing, although it does sound gross to me busy, but I do want to say you should compete on some sort of like celebt. I don't know if you have or if if you would even do it, but that's how you win food competitions. Yeah, so I'm saying, you're like, I'm want to go for it. Lemon and chocolate, let's go. You don't win food competitions by like drizzling olive oil on a peach. I said, you're a good cook, but I've really only ever had one thing that you've cooked, which is lat because and you did injure yourself in the process of making them. So it was a great vodka oil injury of was it a splatter? It was so close to my eye that it was like I was like that was it was a real near miss. I'm um. I pride myself on my lat because I've been making lat cause for thirty five years. I swear I love them and and I don't know I was. I think I had had a little too much wine that night, that part, didn't I I think that's what they were. I don't know if that's what happened. I got sloppy. They were delicious though, And it wasn't just because I felt bad about the burn, like in spite of the you know, I feel bad that you got burned, But were it tonight? I love a good laca. Now I'm just curious at what oil do you or butter? What do you? How do you? What do you cook the laca in? I use like a high heat oil, so grape seed or I think grape seed is what I use. But I'm oh, you are you are too? I love lacus and I only have a few TikTok posts that have gone viral, and one of them is me making a laca. Do you so do you soak the potatoes after you grate them? Do you soak them in like ice cold water? You know this is a this is the controversy right now where it's hash Brown's locket any sort of shredded potato. I don't soak. I don't soak, but I do, and then I add some of the starch back in. I ring. Yeah you r I ring too, but I do like a quick ice bath. No, like that's what. Yeah, you're ready for competition, is what I'm saying. You're doing all the things that a chef would do and do. What I'm making is I don't have time. I'm just trying to make as many as I can. You know what I'm really bad at, Richard, I'm really bad at controlling gas heat. Okay, the I turn it is that true. I just turned it up so high all the time, so like everything is immediately like boiling over. I don't know. I don't think I'm ready for him. I love how like old school chefs would say that the gas burner is sort of like playing the piano. That sounds so much more romantic than actually we're just control it. It's fire in my house. Yeah, and it's also like poisoning us. Just that's like I'm having this moment right now with my fourteen year old who is now like starting to be independent and like cookie making her own launch all these amazing things and like, but she's like the stove is still like a very mysterious, powerful thing for her, and it's like it's it's odd, it's off, and it's like a big it's it's trauma. Yeah, these are three and twenty and they're the same. They're I'm like, do not turn that burner up to fifteen right stop? Or like you turn it all the way on, but there's no flame, but there's just gas. Now, what do you made cereal this morning? Why were you even why was the stove even on? Al Right, listen, we're having too much fun before we get into the actual competition. Getting to know a little bit about your food preferences and things that you love. Casey, I hear that you love deviled eggs. This is love devil daggs. Oh my god, you guys did your homework. That was like my my birthday celebration this year was deviled eggs and crabbering goons. My husband was like, I'm not going to try to do a big thing. I'm just gonna get the two things you love the most. So he made devil diggs, which my husband makes amazing devil eggs. He smokes the yolks before he makes the filling and puts a little pickled onion and bacon bits on it. Delicious, Matt Debenham. Delicious. And then we got crabbering goons from the great type place down the street. That's a way to do it. That's a party right now. And I was like, I'm to get it all for me because these are also divisive foods. So I'm going to get to eat all of the eggs and all of the crab rangoons because I thought my friends would be like turn their nose up at it. But no, is it deviled egg divisive? I think so? Or for people. Some people think it's not great. Yes, no, I love that. No. If she had been there, I know that it would have been like me and her, But really, um, the people that were there ate it all up. So I just love devil egg with a hell of caviar on it, just like just like I don't. I don't love caviar, and I've only had it on a couple of occasions. But I know I'm going to tell another story. When I worked for David Letterman. I was very young and we were going to Los Angeles and the company chartered a whole plane for the staff instead of sending us on individual flights, and Dave was like, give everyone first class service, like so it was like a flying casino. I felt like like people who were playing poker in the back, and it was like a cocktail party in the front. And the flight attendant came by with like little toasts with caviars, and I was standing up talking to Dave like it was a cocktail party, and he took two little toasts, one for himself and handed one to me, and I was like, oh, this is caviar, like I've never had it before. And so I was just holding it and chit chatting, and then like when he turned his head, I tried to just like lick it real quick to see. But then he turned his head back and he was like, did you just like that caviar? And I was like, I never had it before. I don't like it. I don't like it, and so he was like, I'm super annoyed that you won't eat that order your gross I was just like, yeah, it was. You know, he had strong opinions. I loved I love caviar, but it might be the most overrated, like luxury. It might be it is. It is salty fish flavored eggs, like salty Little bobas. Yeah, do you like caviar, biss? I like Caviarah? So do I love love? Oh you've been? Have you been to the Baked Potato restaurant in Paris? No, but I'm gonna be in London. But now I think a trip to Paris. Okay, So there's this place. I don't know what it's called, but I have literally only been to Paris one time, well twice in my entire life. But Michelle, my best friend in here, Michelle, who I know from Dawson's creat She used to like be a Louis Vuitton girl, Michelle, Michelle Williams, everyone from Johnson's my best friend, Michelle Williams. You can just edit up that first part where I'm weird and just say my best friend, my best friend Michelle when she worked with Louis Vuitton. They had their big Paris show, and she was like invited to bring a friend, which is so nice, and invited me. So I flew over there and then she was like, oh, I got us a reservation at the Baked Potato restaurant. And I'm like, I don't know what you're talking about. It's like a Russian It's like Russian vodka and capiar and baked potatoes and that's all they have. That's it. I love that. That's it. And it was when I tell you the greatest meal. What a concept it should we see who's at the door think, no, I love this. We're up and moving around. This is what it's like to do our podcast because busies like all about it. I'm gonna ask for a hot take now since we're talking about baked potatoes. You might not have seen this, or maybe you have. So Martha Stewart just opened up a restaurant in Vegas and they do want right. This is like just all my feet, all over my feet yesterday and they do one table side thing and it's a and they smash a baked potato. The chef comes out with a baked potato, smashes it on a cutting board, fluffs it up Stone Creamery, a cold Stone creamery. But for patoes and immediate reactions on this, this is a total side. This is for the and then he mixes in It's like, is it like a is it like a guacamole bar where he's like, you get your butter, your sour cream, your chives, your bacon. I hope, I hope if that's what it is. If that's what it is, yeah, I mean, if that's what it is, then yeah, okay, I'm on board with that. Not let somebody there with like a little condiment far Maybe it's like honestly, like saves some money and is sort of you know, maybe like in terms of waste, is more conscientious just because you know, you ask for baked potato and they're like, do you want butter, sura cream? Chefs, yeah, everything, but some people only like a tiny little bit of one of the things and then the other ingredient is just food waste. Right, So maybe a table side baked potato. She's thinking globally, what an economics you always are? What I love the best boked potato? Do you know the Castaways restaurant and Burbank they used to do a table side baked potato prep and I loved it because I just felt so special, like I never you know, I never had, like baked potato table side is like a thing. It was the thing in the past. It was. Yeah, it was a thing that Castaways in in Burbank. But they don't do it anymore. I went there recently and I was really like excited for the table side baked potato and they were like, Mitch, do your own potato. I'm here for it. It's getting mixed mixed reviews online. Of course. Let listen Martha. I've been on side. She's the queen. She's like queen, and I think maybe Snoop has had a good influence on her in terms of carbs, you know. And if you need a recipe if anyone's just like looking for a recipe for anything, like go to Martha Stewart like that's where like it's going to work. Just to be clear before I before I say what's next. Agree, But here's what I gotta say, Like I'm out here making liquid nitrogen ice cream table side, like right, like someone helped me out, Like I just want to smash a baked potato. That would be a lot easier busies right, like I made the wrong choice. I'm out here like you canna open up a tato cryogenic fluids out here and putting on a helmet to do these things and all right, uh and the last last extra credit here um for both of you, this is we We asked this a lot, a lot, but I'm really curious to know how do you both attack the crafty table? Give me a quick a quick celebrity guide to the crafty table? Do you not even look at it? Or did it depend on the time of day? In pre and post COVID is like a whole thing. It actually like I've really had I wanted to say something. I've really struggled in the last two years on the set of Girls with the lack of a crafty table because of COVID, because you know what they so they're like, but there's the they'll give you whatever you want, you just have to ask for it. And like, I can't ask for it. I want three eminem How are you going to get them to bring me three eminem's? I want like three peanut eminem's and two goldfish from the little like candy dispenser thing set up. And I like, maybe you want to box of cereal, I don't. I can't tell that to you. Also, telling that to another person is deeply embarrassing and I can't like handle it. So what has ended up happening is all four of us on the show. We'll get to like lunchtime and we'll look at each other and I'll be like, have we eaten anything since breakfast? Like not a not a snack, not a candy, not a sip of water, because you can't, you know, you're like wearing masks all the time. So I really, of all the things that covid has done, this is like definite at the least important. However affects me when I'm working a lot has affected you. New York crafty, I think, is so different than Los Angeles crafty, Like it is literally a craft in Los Angeles, and New York is just like to me in my experience, just a bunch of stuff that somebody, like a p A bought at Costco and put in little bowls. But one time we did watch What Happens Live in l A and the crafty guy was making like special pancakes for people in the morning waffles, and he got so sad that I would never take any of the things that he was pressing on me. And he was like, Carl, you never eat my breakfast and I was like, actually, I don't really eat wheat because I have like a weird reaction to it. And he was like, oh my god, I'm so sorry. What do you like? And like, what do you like for a snack? And I said, I like a deviled egg. The next day, Richard, he made me a platter of one thousand deviled eggs that nobody took. Nobody took a devil's egg, and I felt so terrible. I ate like six of them in the morning, but then they were just still there and I was taking them, putting them on plates and stashing them in the little refrigerators in every trailer. So whoever own that trailer company, I'm so sorry because part of the cleanup was like disposing of thirty six eggs in this cabinet, ninety devil deggs. Why does the honeywell have all? I love it? I love it. Um. I've always said, like I love the four PM cucumber soup shooters. Yes that is that? That? Does anyone care for a green smoothie at four p Yes? Yes? I love, like, yes, some of the crafty as a native New Yorker, of course, but like, yeah, it's like it's like South Southwest Airlines. Yes, yes, I don't know. We got some random things at Costco. We're just going to throw them across the aisle here, all right, My gosh. I actually did a show with Martha, yes, and we were behind, so she just like wandered into Crafty and she looked at it and said, this is all trash. I have a brisket at my house because we were shooting next to her house, and she literally walked back to her house and got her own food. And I was like, I'm sure the brisket you made is amazing. No, she's real. She's the real deal. She's just on the phone with someone and you're like, you're kind of like what mother Stuard talking about on the phone with her Asians. She's like, Mark, the chickens got out. You need to go over and close again. Like it's real. All the things you think are like that is it's all. I lived in the same town as her, and one time we saw her at the grocery store wearing Tennis togs a fur coat and she had a shopping cart full to the top with broccoli. That was it just a vision? Is there anything before we start, before I become the judge? Is there anything you wanted to ask a chef about? Like this is a chance, Like I know you know chefs, you know super famous chefs, but like, is there anything that you really just wanted to ask a chef? Yeah? I do want to ask you because I've always wondered. So you do molecular gastronomy sometimes, yeah, that's what they say? What they say, have you ever made those fake olives? I'm very curious about them? Do they taste good? And like what is the point? Why would you just not eat? Yeah? You know, I will say, listen when you say like molecular astronomy once on a reality show and then they just put it just like a voiceover at it, like I'm going to the store as a molecular astronomers and the vo doesn't match, you know, and You're like I just said that once and now I'm like this is my life. I've just always been curious because I've never had the opportunity to eat one of those manufactured olives. Isn't good? But listen to all the things. You're saying. The manufactured olive is not I I have not. I don't think I've ever eaten I don't. I don't know if I ate and manufactured alive. I went to Bizarre. You have, I've been to Bizarre, So you have you've had either manufactured mozzarella or tomatoes. I think it was a mozzarella. I think it was a mozzarella of all. Yeah, and the tomatoes also felt like they were not real and never smoked. There were smoke. You ate a tomato and smoke came out of it? Yeah, like I don't know, I don't know, or or like a basil smoke came out. I haven't. No, I don't remember. I don't think I've ever had you guys, actually, and Dinna say the craziest sentence of all time. Right now, I've only been to Bizarre one time, and it was at a dinner party with David Copperfield. Unreal, and he was like, what's all this? This is child's play. I can make an elephant. No, no, no, he recommended the restaurant. It's like his favorite restaurant. That makes sense, That makes total sense. Yeah, all right, all right, So the manufacturing question question, what's with chefs who like refuse to cook steak more? Or what? I love these questions. First of all, when you were like what's with and there was like the big dramatic pause, I thought, for sure you're going to say the hair, and I know what you're talking about. But for one, the manufactured stuff in the hands of like Jose Andres and bizarre and the right people, incredible, right, InCred incredible stuff. But does it blur the lines of like delicious food versus are all of that sort of stuff? So yes, it's a lot of trouble, right it is. Some of it can be a lot of trouble and all of its delicious. So like the tough thing is like if you're gonna make a fake olive, it has to be more delicious than alive. So there's my take on moleculars. And it's a horrible word to say. I don't know. Have you ever like been going to a dinner party and you're like, where do you want to go tonight? You want Mexican, Chinese, Italian? How about molecules? You want? Like, no, unless you're unless you're doing coppel, No one says that chefs, you don't want to take care of their customers. Great question. I could care less as a chef, Like if you want a well done steak, I want it. I'm we're gonna care for it, just like a mid rare steak. That's your prey. We just want to make people happy. That's what I mean. Goofy. You'll think the person's goofy inside, right, No, No, we were early on. So like if you're working for the wrong people, have you you got bad bosses early on? And then you're like, someone orders well done steak and this is what business talking about. The trope is like, go get them to tell of the filet that's been in the fridge for two weeks. They don't know what they're talking about. Throat in the fryar. You know this is this is blasphemy, right, not in a good restaurant. It well done all I want to do the most chefs myself, we're just I love children who want to make people happy. And you're like actors. It's like they're all the same. Whatever you want, Like, yeah, sure you want to well done? Are you gonna are you gonna pay the same for Yeah, So here you go. As a business person, we just want to take care of I like that. Sorry, we're gonna make you cry richer. That's what we do on our podcast. Actually, yeah, it really does bump the out though. When I go to a place and they're like absolutely no, oh, chef won't chef won't do it. I'm sorry, chef won't do it. I'm like, I am allergic to cilandro whatever, like like even like I had, and they're like, well, then we suggest something else, like they just won't make any exceptions, which is like, I don't know a little bit, like I just roll my eyes. I feel like you're a little bit the same, like I roll my eyes at anyone who's too precious about anything. Yes, So again, going back to I'm gonna it's tied together the molecular astronomy, It's like, I'm very serious about my craft, not myself. Molecular astronomy is hilarious. It's a fake, all of this hilarious. It's also really cool and fascinating, but you have to we're into this. Crystal just be chills, all right. Speaking of chill, it's kind of got into down. We're avoiding fighting. Can't believe. I don't believe that my flavor is is is a dislikely flavor. I don't believe that. I actually don't. We'll see what the will say. Let's get into a Casey, what is the argument that you brought to the food court today? Okay, So my favorite ice cream, again I've suffered ridicule for it, is butter pecan ice cream, which I think people think it's very old fashioned and very old lady ish. It's even hard to get sometimes, and and Busy has her favorite ice cream is also I think kind of old lady ish. All right, so it's butter pecan, pecan, pecan. Yeah, I'm from the Northeast. Yeah, I only say pecan when butters in front of it. I see pecan and all other I just realized this this morning, which is okay, okay, Busy. That means that you are going to be debating on behalf of what flavor the best ice cream flavor that exists outside of vanilla, miss chocolate chip obviously, mint chocolate chip versus butter pecans. There's no good there's no question. Obviously, Casey and I grew up weirdly because these are we're just at thirty one favors, guys, that's what we're we're just at If my sister was here, she would take team Rocky Road. We'd be fine. That there it is I mean three, I mean this is this is a hot hot it's a cold take, but super hot take. Very these are divisive flavors. They are I think like probably like that we have to find a friend that likes rum raisin. I would feel about to say that it's so weird Casey. I was about to say probably the least favorite. I would say rum raising is like so although that like, you know what you need to do open up a restaurant in Paris that just does rum raising. Ice cream. Oh my gosh, the age old debate too. Ice creams people love to make fun of. And by the way, when I do say people, I want to be clear it's producer Crystal Perdressor. Crystal is the one who's setting this up as like the worst two ice cream flavors in the world. It has nothing to do with me. I think ice cream is actually and this is this is debated. You know how people say there's no bad pizza. Yes, I don't agree. There's lots of bad pizza for sure. I agree. I agree with that. I will say this, I don't think there's bad ice cream. Okay, ranch dressing made into an ice cream with chicken fried chicken cone. Surprisingly good. All right, here we go before he is not saying anything, but her face is saying I was really thinking about that because I love I love Hidden Valley Ranch, I love Ranch dressing, and I was really thinking if I would get down for a ranch ice cream, and I'm not I actually I'm not sure I would. Well, we're going to make that happen because the next time the lock is are are are, We're gonna make a Latka cone. We're gonna cook in sall. Now, I'm in there. It is there. It is so like we've been mine forces were collaborating, and that's an episode of something coming down that we're gonna make that before we get into the big argument here. Like all courts, we start our court with a trivia around, trivier around to see who's going to present their case. First busies in New York. We're here in l A. So we need a sound effect to chime into buzzing. I have, of course, my little airhorn here, Casey, you have one of our prompts in studio classic game show Buzzer. Yeah, what do you have and Busy, you can do whatever sound you want. Whatever you got close by, you can make a sound. I literally have nothing near me. Yeah, you can use your you can use your voice. You can what's you could? Yes verse classic game show buzzer. By the way, um, I will reveal this. Busy does have a little bit of an advantage here because she just has to say something. Casey has to physically touch something. This is this is coordinated. Here we go. Question one, this is Prices Right rules closest without going over. The question is how many pounds, yes, pounds of ice cream does the average American eat in a year? Busy thirty five, So that means Casey you get to answer as well. In Prices Right Rules sixteen closest without going over, the answer is twenty two pounds. No, it's all right, and that's okay. We just gotta put the But what you two pounds? I feel like it's but I guess you eat at sixteen ounces at a time, right, and those little I eat I don't know about that. Like we're just getting in each other. But you said you only eat three m and m's at a shot. But that's might work. That's that's for other people. I mean, that's in front of mixed I do. That's not what I do. Yeah, No, there's thirty three pounds of ice cream going into this person in the last two years, for sure. I listen. I think two pounds is low. I'm surprised. I'm surprised at that. All right, So that means Casey, you're up one zero. Heading into question two. Carvel a place very close and dear to my heart, and ice cream parlor chain. Is it a parlor crystal And at one point probably it was Carvel and ice cream parlor chain, mostly located in the northeast, has made already unfair. This is already unfair to me because I'm from a place that Carvel did not exist. I'm from Arizona. But you're there now, Yeah, you're that's true. Let's just say, let's continue. But I'm already I already have lost I don't know where you're up, but there's a Carvel within four miles of you. I know because that's the distance of the whole stretch of Manhattan. So like you're there, all right. Carvel and ice people are chain, mostly located in the northeast, has made two iconic ice cream cakes since the seventies. Casey came in first with the buzzer there Fuggie the Whale and Cookie Puss. One is Fudgi the Whale. What is the name of the other one? The answer was Cookie Puss And we're gonna give Casey credit for that. Yeah. By the way, I have never we have done I don't know, forty episodes forty five episodes of this court. No, that's the most enthusiastic time and we've ever had from both of you. I I was just excited. I was just excited because I knew what it was because Ali Wentworth wrote a book called Ali's Well That Ends Well, and to promote the book, like she sent influencer Well, she sent me a Fudgie the Whale. And then I was like, what the what the fudge? What the fudge is Fudgie the Whale? And then my kids dad, Mark, who grew up on the East Coast, was like, you don't know Fudgie the Whale and Cookie Puss, and I was like, what are you talking about? Has everyone lost their minds? So I was just excited because I don't know anything about Carvel except in the last like seven months, I learned amazing well fashioned with a clown face that uses cookies for eyes and an ice cream cone for the nose. According to Carvel's backstory for the character, Cookie Puss is a base alien who was born on a planet called Birthday, and the cake has two layers of chocolate and vanilla separated by crunches. You knew he was an alien because when I was a kid, they had a commercial with him in space. I'm gonna need I'm gonna need them to calm down. I'm gonna need them to take it down. And also, we can't we can't forget cookies cousin cookie Opus for St. Patrick's Day? Is that true? Yeah, that's amazing, which probably has men chocolate. If you have something to look forward to March, that's gonna be. We're sending on one of those to your door right now. Business. I wouldn't mind it. I'm not gonna lie. Can I just say, I know this is controversial, but I prefer Baskin Robbin's ice cream cake to Fudge the Whale because I actually like the ice cold cake. Oh, it has actually it and it's so yeah specific, it's not a way to say it. It's like not maybe great, but like if you grew since I grew up eating it, it's like, I really love it. It touches a place, and really I love this. I mean, based off of the argument we're about to have. Texture is a big part, a big part of the debate. Alright, listen. That means, Casey, you're up to zero with only one question left. But the good thing on food Court is question three, depending on the score after two questions, is worth two and a half points. I hope it's about CPK. This one's worth two and a half points, so you can win the round with with this one question, Casey, Sorry, I make the rules. According to NASA, ice cream is one of the three things astronauts miss most when they're on a mission. Guess one of the two other items missed most food. Oh, I was going to say something out astronauts. Alright, busy, catch up, catchup? Ketchup is not correct. Busy. That means that Casey, you can win this if you steal it, you can deal it. Catch up was a good guy. That is a guess, that's honestly I was, Yeah, yeah, I think they're lying. I think astronauts are lying. You a guess here, I think that uh steak steak is incorrect as well. The correct answer was pizza and soda, which I guess makes sense. That means by default, Casey, I've seen pictures of astronauts like corn coca cola and then getting you know, with zero gravity and then like you know, fishing it with their mouth or whatever, like getting up you know what I mean? Were they in the satellite with a polar bear? I think that's a commercial? Okay? Maybe alright that Casey, you win. Do you want to present your argument first or second? I think Busy should go first? All right. That means Busy is going to go first arguing for mint chocolate chip ice cream. And before our arguments us take a quick break and we are back to recap today in the food court. Busy Phillips is here defending the honor of mint chocolate chip ice cream. Well, Casey sat Honge hates it and loves butter pecan. All right. The way this works is that each of you will have three minutes to state your case. During this three minutes you need to lay out your case and not focus on your opponents. This isn't your time to go negative. That comes later, does everyone understand the rules? Understand all? Right? After you both state your case, you'll get two minute rebuttal to go as negative as you want to go. I forget who need Casey, You're gonna go first, Busy, You're gonna go first. And your three minute argument for why mint chocolate chip ice cream rules starts now. Okay, Well, first of all, it's a classic. Everybody knows that. And and here's the great thing. Mint and chocolate a great combination. It's why Franko mints from the old Marshall Fields in Chicago are incredible. Everybody loves Andy's mints. People like the combo. And then when you make it iced cream, it just takes into a whole new level. Because the other thing I'm gonna say about min chocolate chip ice cream, you can go high and you can go low. Everybody's got some fancy ice cream place that's moved into the neighborhood in the last five ten years. A mint of fresh mint and like cacao, is gonna give you as much flavor and delightfulness as you know the Baskin Robbins version or the Costco version. If we're being honest, Listen, I feel like it's refreshing and rich, and you get just enough richness, but it doesn't feel like too overwhelming because you're already hot and summer, and everybody knows that ice cream dehydrates c you. You don't need to be like having something that's like cloying lee sweet, because mint chocolate ice cream is not coining lee sweet. And you can do big chunks of chocolate or you can do little shavings of chocolate. I'll get down with both. I'm telling you, it's the perfect ice cream flavor. Period. That's it. I don't even need three minutes. All right, there we go making the case for the refreshing part of mint chocolate. That is certainly I think that's the thing about it, right, it's refreshing, not too sweet. I love that, is that true? I think that's a mental thing that it doesn't seem sweet because the mint sort of gives you the sense that it's that it's also sweet when it's not. But it is a good way to keep something, you know, low sugar by using like something like mint thing, it gives you the feels that it's sweet. Vanilla does this, Cinnamon does this. People don't realize vanilla and cinnamon are not sweet. But when you taste him in something, you feel like that thing is sweet. So does are the same thing. So that's a great point right there. Texture We might have to get deeper into that small small chunks or large chunks or are they Are they just like the chocolate glass in there? I don't know. I don't know. I'm not giving Casey any tips for the rebuttal but Casey, you have three minutes now to let us know why butter pecan deserves to come, maybe out of Grandma's purse or wherever it's been for the last couple of years. Three three minutes starts now. Okay, butter, it's the first word in the name of butter pecan. We know that all things are better with butter. We know that butter is the basis of all great desserts. And so who's the genius that finally figured out the way to make ice cream perfect was to put the taste of butter in it? So butter pecan butter for me? Like it could be any nut, to be honest, Like, I'm not particularly enthusiastic about pecans or pecans depending on where you're from, But it could be any nut. But I think the pecan is nice in there because as far as nuts go, it has like a little chrispness, it can have a little Christmas but it's also soft, so you get something like I love ice cream with chunks in it. I am not one to just want a completely smooth and creamy ice cream. I like a little something extra extra to give it texture. And a pecan is like a nice texture in there because it's not it's not chaotic, you know, it's not like interrupting the ice cream flow. Also, butter pecan is generally white or like cream colored, so if you spill it on yourself, it's like not that big a deal. It's not gonna stain your white summer outfit, uh normally, And yeah, I like it. I like that it's neutral e colored. What else about it? I mean, I kind of feel like busy, feels like I feel like butter is the star there. You put butter on everything. Butter tastes great and it's butter, like is the star of most desserts that we You know, you think it's chocolate, you think it's whatever, but it's not. It's really butter, Like your fave dessert doesn't exist without butter. So let's get it in some ice cream. All right, Okay, there we go. I mean I was not expecting, you know, the argument of buttercreat because it's neutraally colored, that one. That one came in. But but but I but I love the spillage take like yes, like no one wants to I don't know, do you want to nuclear green ice cream spilling all over your white shirts? And an argument for butter, which I don't think we've had. Well, we had that debate because it was butter versus hating butter. Remember it was that guy who hated butter, s hated butter prop that's right from behind the bastards. It doesn't believe best butter should be in food. Feel bad. It's sad for that guy. Man. There we go. Well, that is a tough first round there. I have to say, it's it's dead even here. It's refreshing versus usually colored and h and soft, and which I think is interesting when you talk about the texture, which is something maybe we have to get into in the rebuttle here the textures of both of them have texture, and like, I don't know if if I'm the only one that at the end of that sixteen ounces of ice cream. Is it just like a little puddle of like soft pecan sometimes you're end, I don't know. Okay, here we go. The rebuttle starts. Now, you've got two minutes. You're two minute, rebuttal starts now. Okay. First of all, neutral color as a plus. It's not like Kim Kardashian launching skims, you know what I mean. It's ice cream like it's fun. It should be fun. And I don't know, I'm I'm not down with the newral. Also, like maybe for a child, but you good luck to you trying to get a kid to eat butter pecan ice cream, which is why they would go for the obviously superior vanilla for a child. I tend to be able to eat my ice cream both in cup and cone form, my mint chocolate chip and and in fact, I actually think men chocolate chip is best in cone form, and I've I have yet to deal with drips all over me because I'm actually not a toddler. Also, I just would like to say, on the note of texture, there is nothing more chaotic than a soft nut like what at the end of a cup of ice cream? If you're left with a puddle of chocolate chips or a puddle of soft nuts. Like the first time IVE ever heard about soft nuts was when I worked in North Carolina for the first time shooting Dawson's Creek, and guys would put um boiled peanuts in to their mountain dews so they're already and drink them and then eat the boiled peanut. It is not something that I ever want it I actually would get, so a soft nut to me is not the pro. And finally, butter, I'm a I'm all about butter. I like butter. Butter is fine, but I don't need it all up in my ice cream. Ice Cream is already sweet. I don't need to like have a butter flavor coming through. I need a refreshing taste on a hot summer day. It's so humid and hot, and I just want like something cold and minty with a little bit of chocolate so that I feel like I'm getting a little bit of the like sweet sweet sweetness that I need. But I don't need too much. The other thing is, I will say texture wise, really with mint cholk, that chip, like I had said before, it runs the gamut, so you can get big chunks. You can get mini chocolate chips. Mint chocolate chip I has been made with many chocolate chips. You can get shavings, you can get those weird chunks like you talked about. But that choice is yours to make. You can't get butter peak without a soft nut, because yeah, no worries to get a little extra time there from the first round. We just have to do like, how many times has soft nut been seen from the last five minutes? No, listen, I think that's an argument to be made the soft nut. But my I gotta say, like the first bite of mint chocolate chip, that first chip is inedible. It's so cold and so hard and so sharp. Do I prefer a soft nut? I don't know. I'm confused. I might for I don't know. All right, case, you've got two minutes of a rebuttal now your two minutes starts now, busy, I agree with you. I will say that I agree with Richard. I think the first bite of the chocolate and mint chocolate chip is too sharp. But what I do like about mint chocolate chip is if you get the right mint chocolate chip, the texture of the chocolate changes throughout, so you get like a pleasant, nice temperature chocolate somewhere near the middle, and then you get a little bit sometimes of melty chocolate near the end. But it's not always your choice what kind of chocolate you get. You get the mint chocolate chip that is at the place that your friends have made you go to or the restaurant that you're visiting. You don't get to choose if it's like some fancy colorless like made with mint tea and carib or whatever the heck in Los Angeles, they'll try to give you, or you might get like some neon green with what I like to call chocolate is that from Seinfeld. It's not really chocolate. It's like simulated chocolate wax bits and you know, and it's just it doesn't really have enough mint in it, so you just you don't. You never know what you're getting. I feel like with mint chocolate chip because there are so many very bowls. I will also say that I enjoy mint dessert. I like like a York peppermint patty. I would never give those to my parents after trick or treating. I would keep them for myself, and those are covered I feel like with chocolate. But I'm a grown person now. But the thing with mint and chocolate, which I is a flavor combination that I do like, is that I like to eat these things in a quantity, and I feel like there always comes a time where I'm like, this tastes like toothpaste, and it tastes like I'm eating chocolate after just brushing my teeth, and then it actually starts to feel like physical toothpaste, Like I'm like, I'm actually chewing and swallowing actual toothpaste, and then then it doesn't become enjoyable to me. It like freaks me out a little, because, like, you know, who wants to eat um a cone of toothpaste? Not this girl, especially not with chocolate chips in it. So that's why I feel like butter pecan is superior. Wow hot rebuttal round. I once just sidebar here. I once in a competition, I forget what it was made Sazeki flavored toothpaste for actual people to eat. I did not win. I did not win, surprisingly in surprising, Yeah, I was like, what do you want you want? Do you want your toothpaste to sort of like remind you of a euro? Was this a toothpaste compaty? No, one wants it. No, it was just like astle thing, and I was like, I'm gonna go crazy. I'm gonna make it right. Although what it looks like doesn't it look like toothpaste? I served it one It was like my Andy Warhol stage. But was it was? But was it zeke or was it toothpaste? You could eat it like I'm swallow you know you don't usually swallow toothpaste. But it didn't, you know, like I served it on the toothbrush, and then you know, you could brush it on your piece of roasted lamb. Okay, but wait, by the way, I just honestly I think that sounds really good. Don't try to butter him up. I really like to I really liked to Zeke a lot, and I feel like I imagine that consistency brushed on my lamb chop is like exactly the right consistency brushed on my lamb chops. I think that probably getting people the imagery that you made it toothplay to toothpaste textured. Maybe was that that might have been the misstep. Yeah, no one wants a little cucumbers in their toothpaste. Well that that going back to the conversation, about psychology, like how much it plays into even if something's delicious or not delicious. Sometimes you can convince yourself otherwise. Okay, well, listen, you too have given me a lot to think about. I'm gonna go retire to my chambers and we'll be back after this quick break. Okay, we are back. I have, I think, come to a verdict and I'm ready to read my decision. But before you do that, Casey, what would you like me to know before I that Actually it was really hard for Busy and I to come up with anything that we disagree on, because I think that we love each other and and we let it. We let each other live, you know. So I don't really hate mint chocolate chip ice cream, and in fact, I love it because it makes her happy. And she's my friend. So when I see her happy, then I'm happy. And so you know, we're playing around here, we're splitting hairs. But I would be just as happy for her if she won, as if I won with butter pecan ice cream. All right, Busy sixty seconds, Casey almost conceding in our final comment, Busy, what do you want to leave the court with? Listen, I think, like all things and like my question to you before we started. Yeah, Casey and I are very much into like listen, it's not for her, but if it makes you happy, go for it. I don't want a soft nut in my mouth, you know, I just don't, but I do. I do think that I will always return to mint chocolate chip again and again and again for the rest of my life. I imagine myself to be a lady of a hundred and five and having someone spoon feed me some Meltie chocolate mint puddle. I love it with your choice of size chocolate chips, which, as I get ready to read my verdie, that's one thing I have to say. You do not get to choose your chocolate chips. You buy whatever you buy and then it's in there. And I don't think I've never or maybe we'll should try this after this, Crystal, can we call every ice cream parlor within two miles and be like, what kind of chips are you serving? Cane the large ones? Can you make them small? Busy? I do that. I actually like, Hey, I will say you would do that. I would. I would like I think that the shaved chocolate like chocolate shavings like they do in the Baskin Robbins. I really like shaved chocolate, like a less chip like chocolate, so I try to go for um smaller chips. I'm I'm a smaller chip person myself, so I will ask about the chip size, and I will also ask if it's dark chocolate or milk. I prefer dark. So I listen, get what you want, what you want, and that's what I'm saying. I will say. I, knowing her as well as I do, I feel like she would call around to find the type of chick Madrid person. And like I said, chefs, we just want to make people happy, and unfortunately I am not going to be able to make everyone happy with my decision here. Butter pecan or pecan versus mint chocolate chip ice cream, it came down to a lot of great argument. It's it's sort of like it's refreshing versus the warm hug of butter. Right, it's like toasted pecans. And and then it's the texture. It's kind of well, it's it's kind of a crunchy thing that then becomes soft and hydrated with the flavor of butter and brown sugar. But then you have mint chocolate chip and it's refreshing and like you want another bite, and it's perfect on a summer day. Your peppermint patties, I think are perfect for someone who also likes butter pecon ice cream. Just to be clear, like, I think that's a perfect combination an old person, a person who has an inner old person, which I love. It was not an easy, buttery refreshing decision to make, but this court will judge in favor of mint chocolate chip ice cream. Really didn't see it coming. I really thought you were gonna go butter pecan. You know, you're a chef, and it's like the argument is great, butter I think and I listen. I I I hate to say this, but Casey, I think there was just you love Busy so much. You were just so kind in some of the arguments that I kind of like mint chocolate chip too, and you know, like that was really what it can And then let's be honest that it came down to the soft nut. Yeah, yeah, I can see that. I can see that. But also I do want to just say this. If you went to a place and like you had to get ice cream and the two flavors were mint chocolate chip and butter pecan. Nine eight percent of people would get mint chocolate chip. Yeah. Yeah, Well I'm special. That's true. That's true. I'm a unique person, and you are unique. Kathy, you are, you are, You're inner. Old Lady is just she's there. She's got her likes and her gluten intolerances spells. We honor her. Peppermin patty and a poppy seed bagel. I'll fudge the whale and there it is. Thank you so much, both of you for coming. I hope you had a great time. For more, Busy Phillips find her across social media at Busy Phillips and every week on her podcast, Busy Phillips is doing her best Girls five Ever is on Peacock and So Funny, So check that out if you haven't, and you can find Casey and you can also find her on Busy Phillips is doing her best every week and also on Instagram at insta case and on Twitter at Casey. So listen, what are we all doing our best at? Right now? What would you say? What are we doing our best at? Oh? I'm trying not to cry because I said that I would be happy for Busy if she won, but I was completely lying. Now, I'm just kidding. When Busy wins, I win. Casey Richard doesn't know us well enough yet, I think you really get him feel bad for a second second a second, Oh my gosh, there's tears coming. But what we did we do like to try to make people cry. So, I mean, you know, I wouldn't have been upset if he really didn't know. I think that goose were probably That's like probably good enough. That that's it. That's the Yeah, we can't have a wild swing from goosebumps to do. That's yeah, that's It's well. I will be all over the podcast. I'm gonna go for a big run right after this and I'm gonna listen to I'm gonna be what are you doing me? I'm okay, I'm doing my best at getting my kids ready to go back to school by cleaning out their closets for them while they're not here and getting rid of stuff that they don't know. I'm getting rid of. Speaking of evil genius, my wife is doing that same thing, just did that same thing, just like cleared out both of these funny could say like I do. I'm a I'm a bit of a hoarder. And I love clothes too, Like I will hold on to special things that like have nostalgia vibes for me with with the kids, like even clothes and things that I think maybe when they're adults they'll want to like, oh I love that dress when I was for you know, or whatever. But I save like one thing and then everything else gotta be ruthless. I feel like there's a therapy session I'm going to have with both of you soon. I feel like, I don't know, there's a comfort level here that so give me a little contact, just like something I'm working on personally or something just anything that I'm doing right now. Okay, here's what you can both. You're you can really help me with this. So this is the true this is this is a little therapy here. So I'm trying to do my best at not like I'm getting ready to film a second season on a big network show. It's a big deal to me. But I can't get out of my head whether it will get to a season three or whether I will be a part of it in season three? Does that make any sense? I can't get something way out of line. Wait, wait, in the future. Yeah, it's almost impossible. That you wouldn't feel about really okay, that's how anyone would feel in your position. But also, you don't have any control over either of those things. All you can control is how you're gonna do in this upcoming season, and you're gonna be great because you're one of the most memorable chefs on television of all time. I was say yeah, and so like yeah, and also, like what Casey just said, First of all, this is like that, this is that trick of It is so out of your control, so completely out of your control that the only thing you have control of is the time you have and how great or memorable or amazing you make it. Like to spend the filming of the second season concerned about season three will be a bummer to you because then you'll miss out on season two. Yeah, No, you're absolutely right. And I guess what I'm saying is I can't escape it because it was did I get the part? Did they watch the first episode? Is it getting picked up for season two? Am I going to be a part of? So, like, whatever it is, I just keep creating this. Do you remember when they told Conan O'Brien that he was losing the tonight show that he would they were going to go back to Jay Leno. Those were the best shows from that moment on because he was a man with nothing to lose. And I just wish And Casey, do you want to say something about me? Do you remember how when we knew that Busy Tonight was being canceled? How well I think all the shows were great, I honestly do. It's I'm It's one of the things I'm most proud that we worked on. But I almost wish that they told everyone that this this is probably going to be the last hurrah for this, Like I almost wish that because I feel like, when you have nothing to lose, you just really are yourself. Because here's the thing. If they don't decide to have you back for a third season, or if they don't decide to do the show for a third season, that's on them. That's that's a bad decision maybe on their part, and probably a decision they haven't even made yet. But all you can do is like go out there and kill it. Richard Blaze is meant to do cooking things on television and will always watch it. So unbelievable, Thank you so, and you just you just really unlock something from you. Okay, we'll look at that. I win today. I think I win today. Thank you so much both of you for being a part of this. It means a lot to us. Food Court is a production of I Heart Radio. I'm Richard Blaze. My producer is Crystal Bamahi. Food Court was created by our executive producer, Christopher Hasciotas. The rest of My food Court clerks are David Washerman and Jasmine Blaze. The Thinks theme songs by Jason N. Smith. For more podcasts from I Heart Radio, visit the I Heart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.

Food Court with Richard Blais

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