Introducing... Money Faith & Finance - When Money Overshadowed Faith
Want more of Money: Faith & Finance? Click here Welcome to Money: Faith & Finance where we explore the profound and practical of everyday finances. In every episode, we explore the real-life impact of everything from superannuation to stewardship, the World Bank to your wallet – and what does God …
Scriptural Showdowns: Prophets, Pharisees, and Jesus (The Chosen Season 4: Episode 8)
Join Ben McEachen and Laura Bennett as they discuss differing views on the Season Four finale of The Chosen. Ben praises its convergence of storylines and Laura critiques its ending. They delve into significant scenes, including Mary’s profound gesture with expensive perfume and the ongoing debate …
The Secret Problem with 'The Last Sign' (The Chosen Season 4: Episode 7)
Join Ben McEachen and Laura Bennett as they dive into episode seven of The Chosen’s season four. Our predictions that the raising of Lazarus would be the season finale were shattered! Instead, we see Jesus's sadness with new eyes by witnessing the pain and grief experienced by his dear friends and …
Mary and Martha (The Chosen Season 4: Episode 5&6)
Join Ben McEachen and Laura Bennett as they dive into episodes five and six of The Chosen’s season four. Explore the nuanced portrayal of Mary and Martha, Jesus' teachings on service, the tension with Roman soldiers, and the evolving dynamics among the disciples. The discussion includes the deepeni…
The Same Jesus (The Chosen Season 4: Episode 4)
In this riveting episode of "Following the Chosen," Ben and Laura dive into the complexities and emotional depths of Season 4, Episode 4 of "The Chosen." The episode, described by Ben as one laden with internal conflict, especially raises poignant questions about faith, healing, and the seemingly c…
The Most Shocking Episode Yet! (The Chosen Season 4: Episode 3)
With already quite a lot of discussion and controversy around this Episode, Ben and Laura have plenty to chat about. After the long-awaited return to Season 4, the episode contains a bombshell that will be sure to cause ripples for the rest of the series. Healing of the blind man and the actions of…
When Is the Rest of The Chosen: Season 4 Being Released?
What has happened to the rest of The Chosen Season 4? Where are the episodes? A few days ago, Dallas Jenkins' gave us an update about "legal issues" which have held back the streaming release. Laura and Ben share what can be gleaned from Dallas' behind-the-scenes revelations and how it sparks admir…
YOUR Comments from Ep1 and Ep2!
While waiting for Episode 3 of The Chosen Season 4 to hit Australia, we loved checking out your comments on what's been happening so far. Laura and Ben discuss them here, covering everything from Simon Peter being called The Rock, to the death of John the Baptist and more! Fancy commenting? We wou…
Please Forgive Me (The Chosen Season 4: Episode 2)
Blown away by The Best Opening Shot Ever in The Chosen, Ben and Laura enjoyed all of Season 4 Episode 2's threads converging into a poignant depiction of the power and cost of forgiveness. Matthew and Simon Peter demonstrating that "forgiveness is the gift the other person gives to you" will get yo…
They Actually DID IT! (The Chosen Season 4: Episode 1)
#FollowingTheChosen is your podcast about every Chosen episode in Season 4. By fans, for fans, we explore the Bible bits, added bits and "what's that about?" bits. Laura Bennett hosts Hope Afternoons in Sydney, Australia, and UNDISTRACTED podcast. Laura has reviewed TV and movies for Hope 1032 for…