682. Fearlessly Failing. Lola & Matt Melbourne Update

Published Mar 23, 2025, 11:09 PM

MELBOURNE wrap up with the Bosso (aka Matt Sofo). After 10 days in Melbs running around like headless chickens catching up with family and friends Matt and I take stock in this part of the trip and have made a vow to each other regarding the remainder of this Aussie adventure! We talked about the highs and lows of the trip so far and what we've learnt form out time in Australia so far. As we embark on the final leg of this big Aussie adventure we reflect and realise how lucky we are to in fact be traveling across our beautiful country! We feel very lucky to still be able to call Australia home. 

Big Love

Lola x

p.s Big thank you to The Motley Hotel for giving us a place to stay.

Get a.

I'm Lola Berry, nutritionist, author, actor, TV presenter and professional oversharer. This podcast is all about celebrating failure because I believe it's a chance for us to learn, grow and face our blind spots. Each week, I'll interview a different guest about their highs.

As well as they're lows, all.

In a bid to inspire us to furiously fail. Hello, their beautiful listener, and hello their beautiful guest.


I'm going to call this the Melbs wrap up.

I'm calling this the Melbourne Bed wrap Up.

I know you are in your boxer shorts. Haven't got up? Have you even done a little morning bar bits yet? No morning we Meanwhile, I've got up early, gone downstairs, had a long black and of.

This episode, I feel like I've been a bit ambushed.

Here is absolute b.

You've brought me a coffee, You've won me over.

Now, we did pre discuss this, so we were going to bring out an EP that was recorded in Melbs last week. But we have kind of done so much that we thought let's do a Melbourne wrap up episode Radio. First of all, I want honest, so no filter with any of these answers.

I want you to be real.

Three highlights, three low lights of Melbourne, the Melbourne part.

Of the trip.

That's hard. Three highlights, three low lights. I think definitely the highlight has got to be seeing my nephews and niece.

Oh my goodness, yes, okay, you have a fave or you're not allowed to say no.

They're all they're also like individual and their own little personalities and their own little people. I've got Yeah, I'm sure you do. It's just I mean, yeah, it's been a year since we've seen them, and realistically, you know, I've had a FaceTime relationship with them for the last four years, like I haven't.

Because we lived in Talks and then by.

And Byron and stuff, so you know, I only get to really see them twice a year for the last kind of four years. And yeah, this time was the longest stint I went without going, And yeah it was. It was really really special. And Christian, the oldest, is like where going just stay. I was like, oh, fuck mate, I've got I've got shipped today.

You know, there's just snuck a couple of lunches in.

Yeah we did.

And I reckon you saw them three times, those kiddos.

Yeah, yeah, we did. Yeah, and yesterday it was a little extra bonus bonus lunch. But yeah, so that was definitely a highlight. Second highlight Melbourne coffee just in general, haven't had a bad coffee yet.

Well, I just got you a Almond light a Miss Parker downstairs from the Motley which is linked to the Motley Hotel.

That was yummy. I had a long black down there.

Yeah, it's very, very nice, So I think, Yeah, coffee is I mean, yeah, not a bad coffee here at all, considering the ship we have to drink in America sometimes. Third highlight hard one. I think just being back here with you.

Yeah, that's not be real low lights.

Low lights doing too much. It just I think it's just like done our head in just constantly having to run around and catch up and go this way and that way. And yeah, that's been pretty frustrating, to be honest. Other low lights, I don't think there's that many low lights, to be honest, just besides the fact that I feel like we haven't had time to rest and relax yet.


Yeah, so any other ones, No, no, that's it.

May I share safe space.

Would you would you like to share your top three and your highlights?

End lowlight first highlight.

And this is going to sound so selfish, but I want to say it in the order of how important and how much it helps me. Is I got to see my therapist in real life, and you got to meet him after all these years you've never met him before?

Have you never met him?

So that moment was real special for me because I've been seeing my therapist for nine years now and so highs lows all in between, and like seeing you to meet was so nice. Family, and I would put that broad like your family, my family, definite highlight. And then I'm going to say my third one going to the MCG with dad. That's fine because he was in so my and I said this I think on I think I said on the diary pod. But he's like quite a gentle go with the flow, calmish, yeah, soul, and he turns into like the most passionate, doesn't mind, like he won't curse, he won't swear, like, he won't use rude words, but he'll curse.

Does that make sense?

He just gets oh my godfather, he gets up, get up.

It's like, what are you doing?

Like you've got a seven year contract, what are you doing with that contract like he'll fall and he knows all the weirdest facts. He befriended this person sitting next to him that didn't even bar it for the Bombers. Goes to Richmond and they're like literally dissecting last week's match Richmond versus Carlton or something, and I'm like, he just knows. He's like Bruce mcaveany, he just knows all this and yeah, yeah, but he It was. That was really fun. And then Uncle Peter also works at the MCG, so it was really cool to like say goodbye it because I I left and rushed last time we saw him. So I would say, yeah, therapy and new meeting my incredible therapist Terry. Then I would say fambam in general. And then the third one was being at the MCG with Dad, which I didn't think would be a highlight. I kind of thought this would be a cool memory. We hadn't been for nine years. Yeah, but that was actually with it and he's like smashes the jam donuts before he even gets in there.


Yeah, so funny, so funny, okay, and then three low lights. I would say, I have a lot of guilt if I don't have the time to catch up with people, and that guilt will like riddle me, like I'll find it hard to sleep and dah da dah, and it's like this is now hometown anymore, Like we don't have like I need to get better at getting people to come to us and be like, hey, I'll meet you at the hotel at this time, and I've just got to.

Keep it more like that.

That said, I was able to make some hangs come, like some hangs happen, like Tim and Bill and all of that. But I feel like there are a few people that I missed out in and seeing and the guilt that came with that has a bit unsettling. And I am gonna be really honest as amazing as family is for me. Also, it's quite triggering sometimes nothing major, just like that stuff where someone will say one thing and you just feel like it unravels you a little bit and you're like, I've done years of mental health work, how did that one person say that one thing? And and then I'm hamster wheeling it. Boss, I am on that hamster with Even though I've done so much flipping mental health work, it takes still at.

Least twenty four hours for me to process at least.

And then the third low light, I think it's that feeling of running out of time. And no, my third low light is I just said this to you before we hit record again, as I want it. Next time we come back to Australia, I want to be a little bit more financially set up because it is hard to be in like let's hang mode, let's do dinners, let's do venos, and be like in the back of your mind, oh shit, like I'm aware of how much this, Like we're just booked an airbnb, like that is a cost. So I think, like it's this trip has really inspired me that when we go back to America, I don't know, we've got great things and exciting things on the horizon, but to like hustle times a million, because I know I let my stress get in the way sometimes.

Yeah, yeah, I mean it is we're technically on holidays. It's always so expensive, I know. But you know the problem is that, yeah, we do have you know, mortgage in Australia and rent in LA and all those things, and we do have to be financially responsible, you know.

Yeah, And I think we have been pretty good with this trip, and obviously it will take a little bit to kind of like build the kiddie back up, but I don't think we've gone mental.

So they would be the.

Three highlights and the three low lights for me, I guess I want to know Melbourne has.

Been a bit of a wild ride and a lot of like.

It doesn't feel like we've been here for ten days. We've been here for ten days, doesn't feel like it now that we're moving into another chunk of a stay Byron, what have you learned from this trip that you want to, like now take for the next part.

Of the trip.

Definitely just slowing down. Yeah, yeah, And obviously we have a lot of friends in Byron and just really focusing on the good ones and not, you know, not just doing a heap of ship for the sake of it. Slowing down, relaxing, looking after ourselves and getting back to home schedule.

Yeah, I'm a girl that loves a bit of ritual. And also I think like, yes, it has great coffee, but also has such fun food, like such indulgent food but so yummy, but so great, so many gluten free options, and so I'm kind of excited to do a little Byron this Airbnb I've booked, and we actually have influencers stays is as well lined up. But I do want to kind of click into health retreat mode. Like, of course we're staying in one of our favorite towns when we first get there. We're staying with friends with the boys, so we'll be in Bangers at the start. For those playing at home, it's Bangalos where we first live when we moved to Byron, And it's this beautiful Hindland town. Great food, great coffee, and I'm sure like first hour or two will do a few meals out and have fun and all of that and have a drink of the boys and whatnot. But then like the moment you and I check into that airbnb, Yeah, relaxed.

Time, relax read, write.

Storm. Do you know how annoying that is?

Yeah, finish on storm. I've got I've actually got two pods in Byron Bay, and I want to like be really nice and prepared for them.

Okay, good, Yeah, definitely relaxed time, beach, sand nature.

Yeah, and we're going to do some swims boot when you get some like beach hangs. So give me your little wish list of things we're going to do in Barron Bay because last time we were there we were here with the cyclone.

Okay, definitely just feed on the sand, sitting on the beach, getting in the water. Uh and yeah, that's pretty much it. Oh, I love that coffee date.

Are you going to do a top Shop?

Oh? Yeah, I'm doing a top Shop.

You're going to do a Woods.

I'm going to Woods.

You know.

I'm going to convince you let me have one more banana. They do the best banana bed in the entire freaking world. It is vegan and gluten free.


But I've got to say I've had some food highlights here in Melbourne. Do you want to unpack them?

Tear a twilight?

I have been, We've been there twice.

So I got the Paleo pancakes, the sweet hat of pancakes. And I'm going to convince you to try and go to their sister's daugh today. Okay it's called Convoy. They have the same over there, but different flavorcha. But I would also say where we went with Bill the other night, love letter love Letter?


Did you love that?

Yeah? It was really really cute.

Matt did this thing that he always does after a couple of Venos, befriends the people, all tries to befriend the people.

Next night, no, no, you didn't let me. Unfortunately, there was two girls and they were sitting very very close to us, and they were one hundred percent on a first date. And I got to witness their first kiss. That is yeah, no, I'm telling you one. I witnessed their first kiss and I felt the energy between them, and I think it was so cute.

And so Boss was tipsy.

I was a little bit tipsy, yeah, And I was like, I want to talk to these two girls. And You're like, don't annoy the girls.

Yeah, he gets all. And also you're a chitty chatter on their first date.

I wanted to.

So as we're.

Walking away back to the hotel, he turns around yells, are you on a date?

Do you remember you did that?

Yeah? I did so that.

But that food was really lovely. What cuisine would you call it? I don't know, because we had like buttered scallops at the start that we had kingfish.

He has that beet root thing that's.

A little frenchy kind of twist.

It was really good.

Yeah, it was.

Pino was young.

Yeah, you got a martini yeah, boss got a martini, Pinos and b you had a bit of everything.

Oh that's why I probably woke up with a bit of a head.

He goes, I've got anxiety yesterday, so.

I would say, yeah, food highlights.

I haven't drank for two weeks.

Yeah, we actually haven't drank much this trip. I've drank there. I had two gin Ton's with mum. Yeah, and I feel like we had a red wine somewhere early on Boys the Boys when we went to tuck Shop, which we should probably do too.

Yeah. Yeah, Well for the last two weeks, I haven't had a single drink and then I just had that one night and then I'm back off.

You're done, now done now, Yeah, you're in full health.

I want to be in buying in health mode, detox mode.

Yeah, I want to start detoxing to treat it like a little retreat. We also went to Daysford when we were here, so we went to the farm saw mom saw sheep for a walk.

How crazy is that? Can you explain that experience of what she Yeah, well.

The sheep follow her around like pets. They're like little puppies. Yeah, and they giant, giant, hundred puppies. But yeah, they they act like puppies with your mum, and she's trained them to literally go on walks with with a lead. So she takes them like puts a lead on them, takes them for a little walk and then let some off lead and they just follow her like the whole walk, isn't it? Why it's so funny, and like they don't go off on their own. They if you go too far and they stop to eat something, they quickly run and catch up and they want to be next to you.

So it's even the chickens, Like she's like, oh, Marma, lady'll let you pick her up.

Yeah, we both picked Marma.

The chickens very very docile and they.

Lead out of your hand.

And we had fresh eggos straight from there, and we got our Dalesford water.

Oh what was that? A pocket theory? We loved akik.

So we went to this apocket theory in which is kind of like where there's herbal tonics essentially and like medicinal dreams called.

I've got it right in front of me and really really good.

You got like a mushroom coffee and I got a blue Lotus heart opening Frankencense latte. Yeah, that was great. Yeah, I feel like we did good on the like food front. We ate a lot at home in Dalsford, didn't we.

Yeah, yeah, stuck in a little sausage roll, didn't I. Yeah, that's pretty good.

Was it did get a vanilla sloe?

I did get a mill slice very Australian, Yeah, no, it was. It was very good. And yeah the sheep sheep were very very funny, the little pets.

What are you missing about l A.

I don't know. I just like I do well as like also in back in my schedule and working and writing and doing my thing. So yeah, I'm super keen to to get back and just get back into my routine, you know. Yeah, so yeah I am. So I do miss about.

It, and I think like the energy of like opportunity. Yeah, even though it's like also a hard I would say it's a hard city as well.

Yeah, it's massively a hard city.

Yeah, it's like that, like opportunities all around us kind of yeah, g vibe. So I think I'm going to treat Byron the same as like a little retreat.

Yeah, a little reset. Yeah, and then yeah we can just crush it the rest of the arm ah. So okay, next two weeks. It's proper holiday mode. No stress and no stress and no stressing. That's for you, no stress.

And for you.

Yeah, well I'll be fine.

What do you mean you'll be fine?

I'm fine, I can I'll be stress.

What's your advice for somebody that might live somewhere else and then when they come home to see family, Now that you've done these ten.

Days, don't stay too long, really keep it quick.

Yeah, I mean it's hard because you do want to see everyone, but it just it does not feel like a holiday coming to another country and seeing everyone six seven days a week unless you get in like you really get energy from that. It's not a holiday. It's really just like a visiting where you have to see everyone.

Well then is that a boundary piece?

Yeah, but it's hard to have boundaries because like, yeah, it is a boundary piece, but also like you know, I've got a big family just like a lot of people to see, So yeah.

Have the favor would you say?

Of course, I am have boundaries for sure. Say no. If you can't do it, don't feel guilty, drop the guilt. But yeah, no, like if I think you got to do it the way that we're doing it, which is which I think it's a bit too long anyway, but to your family for a week and then fuck off somewhere else on your own, away from people and actually have a holiday.

Which is what we just pulled a trigger. Like literally last night we were like, no, we're gonna but.

Even Byron, we know a lot of people, so that that.

While we're at that airbnb, I'm going to be in full lowdown like just rain, hail or shine.

I'm like, I just need to like also some big pods in that time too.

Totally, totally, yeah, So that would be okay, love that, boss, I love you.

Love you anything you want to ask me?

How much do you love me? Out of ten six and seventy two, whell, it's a big number.

Like it just came to you, didn't have to think. Also, you've had two psychic greetings this.

Trip you have.

How do you feel about that?

Interesting? Interesting? Felt like I felt like it just really solidified some things that's been going on behind the scenes, you know, Yeah, which was kind of nice.

No, No, I would agree. I think it's like I think we're on the right path. I think this trip has been unreal. But I also think we've spread ourselves too thin. And I think the lesson in that is because obviously we'll come back at Crimbo.


I think it's just like stay with fam for a bit and then stay on out. Like even being here at the Motley Hotel has been a little reset from it.

Yeah, no, it has, especially last night we just stayed in bed.

Oh my goodness, quickly your favorite show we just finished it.

Zero Day Hero, fucking great show.

How Goods is acting?

Yeah, he's amazing, but I haven't really like loved a show that much for a while.

Now we'll be back to Reacher.

Yeah, we'll go back to Reach, which is a great show too.

If that's more popcorn versus this is like makes you it's like cryptic thinking almost and it's very would you call that geo political? What do you call it? Or espionage? What is what is the genre? He's looking at me like I've just said something real dumb.

No, I don't. I don't know. You're like being like, yeah, espionage, I would say, because there rosm and treason. Treason, Yeah, don't. Well, we can't give it.

Away, No, someone obviously does.

It's a it's a drama, it's.

A high stake political thriller drama and It's got your.

Faith Jesse Plemons. Yeah, he's very good in it. Yeah, he's very very good. Yeah, Zero Day, great show. Daniro was an executive producer as well.

Was he. Yeah, Well, he's so fun to watch because he there's something about actors that are more in that like forties, fifties, sixties, seventies age Griven I think his mid sixties zero Fox given and the quality of their acting is just like as a result of I think, being just so like in the moment he talks a lot about with acting being simple. Yeah, and you can kind of feel that he just says it how it feels like his character kind of says it how it is. But I loved him in Backdraft back in the day when he would have been like in his thirties.


Anyway, very good. Highly recommend. Let's get ready, I've got a meeting. We're going to go head to the airport. One last Melbourne feed and then head to the airport. Kuwait, Love you boo boob, Love you boob.

Leg of the Adventure.

Thank you to the listener for tuning in to all of our adventures and of course, long form pods on Mondays still come back, but I do like this little.

Yeah checking while we're traveling around the globe.

Globetrotting, globe trotting Yeah, love you, love you bye byye. That's a wrap on another episode of Fearlessly Failing. As always, thank you to our guests and let's continue the conversation on Instagram. I'm at Yamo Lollerberry. This potty my work for podcast is available on all streaming platforms. I'd love it if you could subscribe, rate and comment and of course spread the love.

Fearlessly Failing with Lola Berry

This is a podcast about failure with author, nutritionist and yoga teacher, Lola Berry. Here we will 
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