Welcome back to the Hot Seat!
Big Love
Lola x
Welcome to Fearlessly Failing hot Seat. In this app, I fire rapid questions at one of our fearlessly failing guests. PS. I'm gonna be honest with you. I'm not so good at the rapid part. I get too intrigued by the awesome answers. Now a new app is going to drop every Wednesday, so enjoy this shortest style episode of Fearlessly Failing Hot Seat. Welcome to the hot Seat. What is your full name?
My friend, Andrea Rabin Benderwald?
Beautiful? Are you sweet or savory? As in, what do you prefer sweet? Do you have a favor meal like a last meal?
Ooh, a last meal? And a Mexican food? Anything Mexican food. I could eat it every day. You're a bit of guak.
Love it? Ah, sign me up. Favorite city? I think I know the answer, New York. Yeah, yeah, born and raised. Ah. Do you have a favorite nature spot?
I love going to the beach, But I would say, let me think about that for a second. So many of us, many of us here in Los Angeles. We've lived up in the Hollywood Hills and yeah, Laurel Canyon originally, and then Coldwater Canyon. Ben and a Canyon, and I have friends that live up high and there's something about being above the city and overlooking the city. So there's one spot that comes to mind where we're calling it the portal, and it's off Mulhall and it's above one of my friend's homes and it's an empty lot and we go up there every full moon, and I do this process where I'm opening up a portal where I'm calling in light and angels and guides. I'm opening up the portal so they have easier access to us and of easier access to them. And the spot overlooks the whole valley, So we're up high, so as the moon is rising, we're on our spot and the lights are coming on in the city. Some of some of the images are on my Instagram.
I think I'm saying this so.
That right now, that's my that's my favorite nature spot.
What's one of your favorite things about yourself.
I've learned this recently from doing my human design, and that is I am a perfect This is what was described to me, and I agree, so I'm going to do it. Is that I am a perfect mirror for people.
What does that mean? Your human design is so.
Human design is a is a way of understanding your what you came into this lifetime to work on, so your soul's journey and also then your personality. So it's astrology plus that's right, and look it up human design. There's a million people.
What is your offer time?
I'm a manifestor generator, Okay, So we like to facilitate other people's passion and passion and also help. Really we really like supporting other people to living their best lives. So I learned that because of my human design, and there's all these different channels in your human makeup that are that are I'm describing it poorly because I'm doing I'm not an expert, but there there's something about the way I was designed that I am a really good mirror for people, which is a blessing and can be tricky. Is that I will mirror back to you your your brightest light, your greatest self, and I will also mirror back to your shadow. So if you're if you need something to work on, and you spend enough time around me, I will mirror whatever it is you want you want to access. So if you want your light reflected back to you, I'm your gal. If you want to work on your shadow. I will bring up your shadow as well, so people get triggered around me a lot. Really it's fascinating. But now that I know it about myself gift, I don't take it personally. So for instance, I, you know, lead a lot of circles, and every once in a while they'll be there'll be a woman in a circle who will really want to challenge me. She'll want to come after me, she'll want to take me down a little bit, She'll want to question my authority. Fine, whatever, that's what she came in to work on. I know it about myself, and I know that I'm just I am just reflecting something that she needs to look at. So I let her challenge me. I let her challenge me. I don't take it personally. And then I get to a point where I say, okay, don't. I don't know if we're meant to journey together much anymore because I bring too much up for you. But that's that's what I love about myself. I love that I'm a mirror for people.
That is so cool. Yeah, I would love that too. Oh do you have a pet?
Peve? Hold on? I know I do. Hold on. Let me think of a good one.
Hold on, Literally, Dray is sitting, he looks like she's meditating.
Right, here's a pet peeve. When people lie to themselves like they know better, they're just being full of shit, like I can't tall, I just have no patience for it. And when people play small yeah, or they put themselves down, yeah, just like stop already enough, already.
Just so you know, one thing about Australians and it's done in comedy usually like as in we do it in jest is we self deprecate, but we usually do it but like.
You're totally kidding because you don't believe in it.
But also when you first when a Nasi first comes to America, they're like, oh no, no, I can't eat. Americans can take our comedy quite literally. And so we've got to be like, I'm making a joke. I'm making a joke about myself, like and so it takes it takes you a couple of weeks to like figure out as an I love that about Australians, that's right, Yeah, Aussies totally take the mickey out of themselves. Do you have a non negotiable.
M hold on, I'm going to think of a good one too. I've come up with a new non negotiable, and that is it is giving and receiving are one and the same, and if you want to be in alignment with me, then we have to be in alignment with giving and receiving. So I can't just be giving and you receive or vice versa. That's my non negotiable, that giving and receiving are in balance and that they're one and the scene.
Oh, I like that. A friend of mine came over to our apartment and she were in the car, I was dropping her hotel and she goes, you would matters so at such a good couple. And I go why, and she's like, you're both She's like, you're both givers naturally, and said when you give her and a taker end up together, it usually is out of balance because you both love giving and that's like part of your I guess love language, and also as a result, receiving because we give to one another.
Yes, and right, because if you weren't good at receiving, then it blocks the flow, right, Yeah.
And I was like, I know, I definitely feel like I know the answer. Part of the answer to this, I was, someone's at your door.
Maybe no, I think it's just a It's okay, Bonnie, they're just working.
On Bonnie has been the best guard dog ebar.
It's okay, it's okay, Gully down. You're fine, Thank you, You're fine.
She's like, I got your back. Do you have a favorite play? Because I know you and I are obsessed with Tennessee Williams.
Obsessed with Tennessee Williams. Do I have a favorite play? Again? Let me think about this, because it's been a while.
You and I were both going back and forth of a cat on a hot tin, roof Sweet, bit of Youth, You in Sweet, but.
I was last Menagerie in college. But a favorite play to see? I mean that that was the favorite one that I was in. I know, I know I have one, but I'm feeling like it's not it's not coming to me. So let's just pause for a second when I think.
About the next question is going to be movie, So.
Oh you've got I've got I've got my my top my top movies for sure. But play I really have to think about because I know, oh, I know, I mean, I've seen so many plays, but now being in New Yorker as well, yeah, I mean, there were ones that I saw as a kid that were life changing. There were ones that I was in, there were ones that I've seen. There wasn't allan a play that Alan Alda was in that I'm gonna have to look it up, but I just remember like weeping uncontrollably because it was so moving. But we'll have to look it up. Let me let me think about that. The short answer here, Ask me that again and I'll just give you the short answer.
Yeah, do you have a favorite ply.
Favorite play would have to be Glass Menagerie by Tennessee Williams, who you and I both love, We both love, and I did the play in college, and I read the memoir in college and to the state it's my one of my favorite books, and named my daughter Tennessee.
Which that night is ten out of ten out of ten.
And never And maybe it's because of Tennessee Williams because he was so bodacious and creative and brave and wild and march to the beat of his own drum. And he named himself Tennessee.
What was his real name?
I think it was John John Williams.
Oh I love, Okay, well, we could do a whole pot just on Tennessee Williams, because I know how you and I feel about that incredible human. What about movies? Do you have a top list.
For me here? Maybe top three? Yeah, give me Shawshank, Redemption, Real, Braveheart, Rell.
On Golden Pond, Haven't sane, haven't say.
Well, Yeah, it's it's it's it's daughter father story. It's like, there's a lot of it's there's a lot of beauty in there, and it's a love story, and it's it's one of the greatest I loved. And it's Jane Fonda at Her, at Her, you know, at one of her many heights. You know, she's been. She's a legend, such a legend.
She got on it at the Yeah, all of your recommendations, I take that thanks to you, the telepathy tape.
Are you upset?
Yeah, that was all thanks to you.
Till season two. I know behind this sharing behind the scenes about season two, you're gonna freaking.
Sign me up. My final question for you is, and I love this. This is a new addition to the hot seats. So the first person that's going to have this one, who's the first person you call when you get good news?
Oh? Oh gosh, I have a very supportive circle of women in my life, and so it's someone in that in that circle, there's about there's a good ten of us that are, you know, on a chain group change, yeah and so and so it's it's really that circle of old friends that we've journeyed through a lot together and we have the permission to really celebrate everything together. So I would say it's one of the women in that circle.
And I love that that comes full circle back to what you're so passionate about, which is these spaces and this energy for women's circles. How cool.
And I want to add one more thing that I didn't say earlier is that I experienced it. This women's retreat in Mexico is one of the false narratives that I heard in circles over and over again, not even in circles, just in like meeting new women. It's like, it's so hard to meet new women and make new friends. And I'm like, no, it's not. Actually, it's not. Like you and I are new friends, like I love you, we're connected. It's actually easy. We just haven't been given the tools or permission to do it. And that's one of the things circles does. And that's one of the things I love to do, is to allow women to fall in love with themselves, to fall in love with each other, to fall in love with the world around them, to fall in love with their art, their passion. Their purpose is just to give them permission. And I experienced it this week in Mexico, women that had never met each other. By the end of the retreat, we were in love with each other.
As you say that, it feels like that's just how it's meant to be, right, it feels like totally natural.
Yes, yes, thank you, You're welcome. Thank you.
That was such a joy, my friend, It really was. And I cannot wait to see what's next for you and celebrate you because you are flipping unreal.
Thanks, thanks mate.
Thanks, I pick.
I'm picking up all the Aussie terms. What was the one I learned? Has taught me? Jog on susan?
Yeah, so many, There's so many funny ones. It is like it is so I say to my friends, but I'm leaving when I teach yoga here, and when I'm leaving the studio, I'm like, all right, I'm off like a bride's ninety And they're like, what a fun one.
I'm off like a bride's nadi.
Yeah yeah, I'm musing on fast all right. Big love my friend.
I love